Delivery Return: Material Warranty

I would like to know how to solve in SAP this case:
Imagine I have bought one material (me21n) and have registered the GR in unrestricted stock. Then, I realize this material is not working properly so the vendor sends me another material and once I have received the new material I do the return delivery for the old one (even if i still hadn't received the invoice). 
As this material has a warranty (we would pay the first material but not the second one), I should be able to receive this new material at price 0 and It shouldn't change the moving average price. 
How does SAP solve this problem?
Thanks in advance,
Luis Álvarez.

> Hi,
> I would like to know how to solve in SAP this case:
> Imagine I have bought one material (me21n) and have registered the GR in unrestricted stock. Then, I realize this material is not working properly so the vendor sends me another material and once I have received the new material I do the return delivery for the old one (even if i still hadn't received the invoice). 
> As this material has a warranty (we would pay the first material but not the second one), I should be able to receive this new material at price 0 and It shouldn't change the moving average price. 
> How does SAP solve this problem?
> Thanks in advance,
> Luis Álvarez.
To fulfill your requirement can be handled this way:
You can make return of the material through return PO, with 0 value,
then the second material is received in migo as goods receipt against other with movement 511,
which is free of charge delivery, this way no cost of material gets hit and you receive and return the material.

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    Hi Nithin,
    Check FM  <b>BAPI_GOODSMVT_CREATE</b> documentation. In that check this
    6. GM_Code 06: Reversal of goods movements.

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    Please do the following things in the system:
    That's right, you should create a customer master data with the supplier's name and address in the system, just like the normal customers;
    Assign the customer number to the vendor master data, go to "Control" view in the general data, you can find the field named "Customer", input the number you created;
    In addition, because the delivery note belongs to shipping process, you have to extend the material master data to sales views.
    After these, you can start your operation of return delivery note now.
    Good luck

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    If the vendor is picking the return goods than you can retrurn agianst the materal document but if you are liable to return the goods than you can use return Po so the same qty will get opend in the main po and you can use the shipping functionality also.
    e.g. if you have to pick, pack and ship.

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    shivmm wrote:
    > Dear all ,
    > what is flow  ?
    > create po with 100 quantity send to vender then vender send to us ,then we do migo and miro
    > after we got 10 materials faulty
    > then how to send vender ?
    > after repair form vender how to in our system ?
    > means
    > create po 100 quantity me21n -
    > migo 100 quantity of material  mov 101
    > get faulty 10 material
    > return to vender 10 materials
    > then vender send 10 material to us
    > Regards
    > shiv
    PO created for 100, GR done for 100, then return delivery done against PO for 10 pieces, with movement 122, then when vendor sends the 10 pieces again, do subsequent delivery against material document of return delivery.

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                                                             with regards,

    You're on good way while using FM SERNR_ADD_TO_LS and SERIAL_LISTE_POST_LS .
    In the second function module you don't need to pass anything.
    Don't forget to make a commit work to avoid database error during synchronisation.
    I had also one case of updating the serial to the document. It was the Sales order. I have worked with the function module SERNR_ADD_TO_AU which is internally using the function module SERNR_ADD_TO_DOCUMENT. The following is the sample code for it:
          sernr                 = w_sernr
          profile               = c_zd01
          material              = w_matnr
          quantity              = '1'
          document              = w_vbeln
          item                  = '00010'
          debitor               = fs_header-sap_ship_to
          vbtyp                 = 'C'
          sd_auart              = w_doc_type
          sd_postyp             = w_item_cat
          anzsn                 = w_anzsn
          zeilen_id             = w_zeile
          serial_commit         = w_serial_commit
          konfigurations_error  = 1
          serialnumber_errors   = 2
          serialnumber_warnings = 3
          no_profile_operation  = 4
          OTHERS                = 5.
      IF sy-subrc eq 0.
        COMMIT WORK.
    And one more thing, don't forget to have the call to the function module 'SERIAL_LISTE_POST_AU' amd commit work if the return code is 0. This is also mandatory.

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    Dear Suhas,
    Yes,you can make returnable flow of packigigng material in SAP-SD.for that purpose you have to update sales area of VERP material as per normal but in Item category group you have to update - LEIH. after that in delivery of our regular sales orderyou can direct put your returnable material code.
    for taking revese of said material create new sales order - type LA10 & Post goods receipt.
    I think your problem will be solve by this.
    Santosh G.

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    Following is the correct process
    Return PO, Tick return material option
    MIGO with Mvt type 161
    Then Go to J1IS transaction and put this material document number. against trans MATD.No need to do j1iex
    follow thios process.
    Kedar Kulkarni

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    1) According to SAP when inbound deliveries are used and your delivery item category is set up for mvt type 101, these should be received with transaction VL32N. If you use MIGO/MB0A instead the GR status in the delivery will not be updated. If you then report on open deliveries you'll notice that nothing is received in the course of time. Amazing. Now if you set up the delivery item category without the movement type your inbound will not even be GR relevant. Just one of these things that's nice to be aware of.
    Check note 199703.
    may b it helps...

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    Edited by: Sunil Kalia on Sep 15, 2010 9:19 AM
    Edited by: Sunil Kalia on Sep 15, 2010 9:20 AM

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    Is there is some process to link the original STO with Return STO as discount issue does not match the prices.

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    Hi everyone,
    My question:  Suppose, I have transferred a returnable material to the customer through a movement type 452. Now I want to check if the material has gone to the customer. Though with Tcode MMBE gives us an overview of the stock situation of the returnable material, it does not clarify whether the material is in the hands of the customer.
    Is there any Tcode by which we can see the material that is returned to the customer?

    Like..SQL> select s.owner s_owner,s.synonym_name,o.object_type,o.object_name,o.owner
      2  from dba_synonyms s,dba_objects o
      3  where s.table_name = o.object_name
      4  and s.table_owner = o.owner
      5  and synonym_name='COUNTRIES';
    OE         COUNTRIES            TABLE      COUNTRIES            HR
    BI         COUNTRIES            TABLE      COUNTRIES            SHEdited by: jeneesh on Sep 22, 2012 3:11 PM
    Forgot to refresh..

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