Demos of Fonetic search

A want to know if somebody did make sql stament about of fonetic search(with soundex for example)... I want that somebody borrow me this demos, because i have to present one Demo for this function.
It is like a search in Internet by Yahoo for example
Thanks for all

DEMO program generally uses the data form the FLIGHT data table (Data model - BC_TRAVEL). DEMO_DROPDOWN_LIST_BOX uses data from SCARR. If you don't have data in these table, your Dropdown would be empty.
You can use program SAPBC_DATA_GENERATOR to generate demo data for these tables.
Naimesh Patel

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    Thanks for all

    the search base should the same on your master and all replicas. So having "serverA" in there is ok, even if that server no longer exists. Changing the search base is not very straightforward; you would have to export your LDAP directory to an ldif file, change all old search bases to new ones, and reimport that ldif into a blank OD with the right search base. And then you have to take care of the password server...
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    "pass the buck and all that!! "
    Yes.  you are certainly passing the buck.
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    If you download application you can see source.
    I have not write any instructions, sorry.
    If you are on Apex 4 you can just load jQuery UI autocomplete library and take ideas from my app.
    If you download my sample in zip there is uncompressed htmldbQuery library.
    You can see that and take only function htmldbAutocomplete.
    Then check jQuery UI document
    There is method search that you can use open list just by click of input.
    I hope this helps at start.

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    @javax.jws.WebService(name="testserve", serviceName="testserve", portName="testservePort", targetNamespace="", wsdlLocation="META-INF/wsdl/testserve.wsdl")
    @javax.ejb.Stateless(name = "")
    @javax.ejb.Local(value = { })
    @javax.interceptor.Interceptors(value = { })
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                    //these two lines are used to inject an EJB which is packaged in the EAR
         @javax.ejb.EJB (beanName="")
                   private theTestBean; = "serviceTest1")
         @javax.jws.WebMethod(exclude=false, operationName="serviceTest1")
         public java.lang.Integer serviceTest1() {
                                   //test1() just writes to console, simple test to test EJB connectivity
              return 1;
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    The service works fine when the 3 lines relating to  TestbeanBean are removed.

    Abbreviated error trace
    #1#javax.ejb.EJBException: Exception in getMethodReady() for stateless bean
    : Injection on field theTestBean of instance failed. Could not get a value to be injected from the factory.
    Caused by: javax.ejb.EJBException: Cannot perform injection over bean instance
    Caused by: Injection on field theTestBean of instance failed. Could not get a value to be injected from the factory.
    Caused by: javax.naming.NamingException: Error occurs while the EJB Object Factory trying to resolve JNDI reference Reference Class Name:
    Type: clientAppName
    Type: interfaceType
    Content: undetermined
    Type: undetermined
    Type: ejb-link
    javax.ejb.EJBException: Cannot find EJB matching the criterions defined by JNDI reference: 'Reference Class Name:
    Type: clientAppName
    Type: interfaceType
    Content: undetermined
    Type: undetermined
    Type: ejb-link
    '].  Searched applications order is USED_CLASS_LOADER[

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    type = customer
    command name = ZENC
    Operation system = unix
    externl program     = sh
    parameter for external program = /usr/tmp/ eft.txt eftdc eftdo
    enc is unix script and eft.txt is imput text file eftdo eftdc are encripted  files.
    I am us the function module SXPG_CALL_SYSTEM'
    it is ending with  following messege
    1      5     hello
    2     19     eft.txt eftdo eftdc
    3     40     The jar file is not found: Encryptor.jar
    4     44     External program terminated with exit code 1
    and  do not give any output.
    please  help.
    Thanks & regards

    report zsrchsap.
    *-This is a demo report for Search Sap
    *-Author : Sandeep Kulkarni
    *-Date : 09/20/2001
    parameters : p_sfile(60) lower case
              "File to be moved
              "Eg : /home/in/SFILE1.txt
                p_dfile(60) lower case.
              "File's Destination
              "Eg: /home/archive/SFILE1.txt
    data : t_btcxpm
           like btcxpm occurs 0,
           like sxpgcolist-parameters.
      into p_addparam separated by space.
      refresh t_btcxpm. clear t_btcxpm.
      call function 'SXPG_CALL_SYSTEM'
          commandname = 'ZSHELL'
          additional_parameters = p_addparam
          exec_protocol = t_btcxpm
          no_permission              = 1
          command_not_found          = 2
          parameters_too_long        = 3
          security_risk              = 4
          wrong_check_call_interface = 5
          program_start_error        = 6
          program_termination_error  = 7
          x_error                    = 8
          parameter_expected         = 9
          too_many_parameters        = 10
          illegal_command            = 11
          others                     = 12.
      if sy-subrc = 0.
        write : /
        'File',p_sfile,'moved to',p_dfile.
        write : / 'Error Occured'.

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    If you download application you can see source.
    I have not write any instructions, sorry.
    If you are on Apex 4 you can just load jQuery UI autocomplete library and take ideas from my app.
    If you download my sample in zip there is uncompressed htmldbQuery library.
    You can see that and take only function htmldbAutocomplete.
    Then check jQuery UI document
    There is method search that you can use open list just by click of input.
    I hope this helps at start.

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    Prompt response will be appreciated.

    There's no official documentation to compare localizations.
    Please follow Mr. Nagarajan's advice to compare demo DBs and search by "Russia" or "RU" in the help file to find some differences.
    Some most obvious differences are:
    GL accounts
    default company settings that're often changeable but suggest localization differences
    document: e.g. Russia has correction invoice/reversal
    down payment flow: I'm not sure if Russia Is different from Australia, but you can refer to… and check.
    Functional differences, which you can check by 1 comparing the company details, 2. Comparing the main menu.
    Legal differences

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    Has anyone experiencing the Social app error .It was well n Good previously
    Script Alert :
    Sorry,Please Uninstall or Re-Install Communities

    I too have this problem suddenly this weekend. Have been running my N8 for several months without this kinda problems. Have done nothing special and all of a sudden got the script error of 'uninstalling .. re-install'. Re-installing it with 'SW Update' only works when manually removing 'Social' AND 'Social Installer' (in dutch the latter is something like 'Inst.Social ..'). This will install version 1.2.163. But this still leads to the script error.
    Other solutions include manually installing "", with intermediate reboots. This will install version 1.2.144 first and then 1.3.143. I have done this with all sorts of combinations with(out) reboots, but none of this helps.
    Installing 'Social' via Ovi-store of now, will result in the latest version (with an 'Anna' alike icon) 1.3.215. However this one also doesn't work anymore in this case. It will just give a script-alert like 'plug-in not loaded .. resuming in demo mode'.
    Searching on the net for solutiond, this one with the Factory reset (incl. delete data!) is the only one that seems to work .. but only when you don't restore your backup. I have read about someone who done this and it keeps working, but perhaps this person has done a partial restore? Don't know. Anyway, I had recently backuped all my things. I did remove the 'Social' app (and some dutch app called 'Buienradar' also - this one has given me black screens ever since) So my backup was quite clean. I did the 'Factory reset' plus 'Delete data' which gives an initial clean N8. After this even the latest version of 'Social' (1.3.215) works like a charm. And also my ducth app 'Buienradar' worked normally again. But .. after restoring my backup the problem is back...
    So it didn't solve anything for me ( And on the bad side, I also lost all my conversations from 'Whatsapp' during this backup/restore (wihich is weird on it's own also).. ( But anyway, perhaps someone has some other ideas on this? Perhaps a restore without 'application settings'? I don't know. Have spent soooo many hours on this stupid issue already, so I would very much like to have a working solution, please.

  • Logic Studio seems completely unuser friendly....

    I am a ticketed sound engineer and recently purchased Logic Studio. I havent been able to do a thing with it because there is all kinds of issues that there seems to be no help for. I followed the Getting Started manual and got nowhere so purchased the Apple certified Logic Pro 8 Apple Trainign series book. I followed the instructions and same head ache?
    upon launching the program I always get a box that comes up and says cannot find Dance ket exe.? I search the forum and the manual and there is no mention to this anywhere...What does this mean why does it keep popping up ? How do I stop it from keep coming up?
    2- the first loop I drag into the instrument track there is no sound when I try to play it over in the arrange area?
    There is no mention of anything or anyway to get the bloody loop to play. I tried soloing the channel
    etc no effect? I can see the leds moving when it is played but no sound....
    I am seriously thinking I wasted my money on this program . It has been nothing but a pain in the ...

    james102 wrote:
    I am a ticketed sound engineer and recently purchased Logic Studio. I havent been able to do a thing with it because there is all kinds of issues that there seems to be no help for. I followed the Getting Started manual and got nowhere so purchased the Apple certified Logic Pro 8 Apple Trainign series book. I followed the instructions and same head ache?
    upon launching the program I always get a box that comes up and says cannot find Dance ket exe.?
    Don't you mean Dance Kit.exs ?
    Are you loading a demo?
    I search the forum and the manual and there is no mention to this anywhere...What does this mean why does it keep popping up ? How do I stop it from keep coming up?
    It's a drum kit for Logic's built in EXS24 sampler.
    2- the first loop I drag into the instrument track there is no sound when I >try to play it over in the arrange area?
    Have you tried copying one of the demos over to your hard drive, lloading and playing that.
    What are you using for Audio output, the Mac's built in sound.
    If you're using a 3rd party interface make sure Logic's Audio preferences is using the correct driver.
    One thing to remember, Logic was purchased by Apple from Emagic at about version 5.5. It was a well developed program long before Apple got a hold of it. My point, it's not Apple friendly in the way that most Apple apps are, it's a deep and complex program that takes time to get into. Get this.. Logic studio is by far the most user friendly version.

  • Logic to run Unix script file through ABAP program

    Hi Friends,
    I need to run the Unix script file from abap program, for that user provided file directory of application server.
    Is there any logic/FM  to run through abap programing.
    pls can any one provide logic.

    report zsrchsap.
    *-This is a demo report for Search Sap
    *-Author : Sandeep Kulkarni
    *-Date : 09/20/2001
    parameters : p_sfile(60) lower case
              "File to be moved
              "Eg : /home/in/SFILE1.txt
                p_dfile(60) lower case.
              "File's Destination
              "Eg: /home/archive/SFILE1.txt
    data : t_btcxpm
           like btcxpm occurs 0,
           like sxpgcolist-parameters.
      into p_addparam separated by space.
      refresh t_btcxpm. clear t_btcxpm.
      call function 'SXPG_CALL_SYSTEM'
          commandname = 'ZSHELL'
          additional_parameters = p_addparam
          exec_protocol = t_btcxpm
          no_permission              = 1
          command_not_found          = 2
          parameters_too_long        = 3
          security_risk              = 4
          wrong_check_call_interface = 5
          program_start_error        = 6
          program_termination_error  = 7
          x_error                    = 8
          parameter_expected         = 9
          too_many_parameters        = 10
          illegal_command            = 11
          others                     = 12.
      if sy-subrc = 0.
        write : /
        'File',p_sfile,'moved to',p_dfile.
        write : / 'Error Occured'.

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