Logic Studio seems completely unuser friendly....

I am a ticketed sound engineer and recently purchased Logic Studio. I havent been able to do a thing with it because there is all kinds of issues that there seems to be no help for. I followed the Getting Started manual and got nowhere so purchased the Apple certified Logic Pro 8 Apple Trainign series book. I followed the instructions and same head ache?
upon launching the program I always get a box that comes up and says cannot find Dance ket exe.? I search the forum and the manual and there is no mention to this anywhere...What does this mean why does it keep popping up ? How do I stop it from keep coming up?
2- the first loop I drag into the instrument track there is no sound when I try to play it over in the arrange area?
There is no mention of anything or anyway to get the bloody loop to play. I tried soloing the channel
etc no effect? I can see the leds moving when it is played but no sound....
I am seriously thinking I wasted my money on this program . It has been nothing but a pain in the ...

james102 wrote:
I am a ticketed sound engineer and recently purchased Logic Studio. I havent been able to do a thing with it because there is all kinds of issues that there seems to be no help for. I followed the Getting Started manual and got nowhere so purchased the Apple certified Logic Pro 8 Apple Trainign series book. I followed the instructions and same head ache?
upon launching the program I always get a box that comes up and says cannot find Dance ket exe.?
Don't you mean Dance Kit.exs ?
Are you loading a demo?
I search the forum and the manual and there is no mention to this anywhere...What does this mean why does it keep popping up ? How do I stop it from keep coming up?
It's a drum kit for Logic's built in EXS24 sampler.
2- the first loop I drag into the instrument track there is no sound when I >try to play it over in the arrange area?
Have you tried copying one of the demos over to your hard drive, lloading and playing that.
What are you using for Audio output, the Mac's built in sound.
If you're using a 3rd party interface make sure Logic's Audio preferences is using the correct driver.
One thing to remember, Logic was purchased by Apple from Emagic at about version 5.5. It was a well developed program long before Apple got a hold of it. My point, it's not Apple friendly in the way that most Apple apps are, it's a deep and complex program that takes time to get into. Get this.. Logic studio is by far the most user friendly version.

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    I also want to add that I've found the updates to logic pro 9.1.2 thru 9.1.7. and when I download them they tell me they are either not needed or don't seem to actually update anything.  Someone was saying that Logic Studio isn't a fan of Lion and I should install Snow Leopard, complete Logic updates and then re-install Lion.  PLEASE HELP!!!

    Hi there,
    You're running an old version of Safari. Before troubleshooting, try updating it to the latest version: 6.0. You can do this by clicking the Apple logo in the top left, then clicking Software update.
    You can also update to the latest version of OS X, 10.8 Mountain Lion, from the Mac App Store for $19.99, which will automatically install Safari 6 as well, but this isn't essential, only reccomended.
    Thanks, let me know if the update helps,

  • Logic Studio 2.0 purchased off Ebay... came with Logic Express 9 upgrade instead of full version, serial works to unlock registration but seems wrong and perhaps a loophole.  What should I do?

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    The Logic Express 9 upgrade package requires you should own Logic Express 8 Full.... for that to be a legal use of the Logic Express 9 upgrade serial which then you could use to register LP9/Logic Studio 2.0 upgrade package using the LS2.0 upgrade serial..
    This is an apparent loophole, in my opinion, that is being exploited by the seller....
    However, when in any doubt with anything regarding possible legal issues... contact Apple directly and ask them for their advice/opinion on the matter.

  • Logic Studio on a MacBook

    Hi I'm looking to purchase a MacBook to run Logic Studio. Is this a good idea from the performance point of view? If so, what is the minimum model I should be looking at? - John.

    I am a Macbook user and I am running Logic Studio 9. (legit purchased copy, not pirated) I am using a presonus firestudio (firewire interface) and an external 1tb 7200 rpm firewire hardrive.
    Logic studio does run on my computer. Let me say that I have just completely reformatted my hard drive with snow leopard and it is completely clean. I am still on my first mac which I bought Oct 2008. I used garageband for several months before stepping into logic. I LOVE Logic studio it is awesome.
    NOTE - you should probably ask your friend why it is he wants logic studio. Garageband does a lot, and it will take you awhile to progress outside of its limits to need a program like logic studio. (garageband is also stock on macs)
    While I love all my studio's capabilities, and I have a blast, I run into several performance issues. When I have a template set up with several plugins, I run into problems with latency all over. I have a presonus fader controller with a footswitch for punch-in recording, and I experience latency with it. At times my digital software mixer quits unexpectedly. I suspect that if I had a computer with a bigger processor, I wouldn't see these problems. Although, looking at even the 17" macbook pro specs, it still doesn't seem that much more powerful. My suggestion is that if you want your software to run as efficiently as possible, get the best macbook you can afford, but don't fret about it too much because all of the new ones will support it. As said here before, make sure it is equipt with firewire. I am leaning towards purchasing an iMac for at home where I do most of my stuff, and keeping my Macbook to take around and using live.

  • How do I change the Serial Number in Logic Studio?

    Hi All,
    I used a friends copy of Logic Studio and the serial number to give Logic Studio a try, loved it, and bought it. However now I have my own serial number and would like to enter it into Logic. Logic, of course, has kept the first serial number and I can not work out how to change the serial number. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks John,
    I have looked for the /Library/Application Support/ProApps folder and it does not seem to be on the HD. I also searched for the file to be trashed and could not find it. Could it be called something else in Logic Studio 8?

  • Logic Studio on new IMAC ?

    I bought Logic Studio 08 three years ago for 499 Euro (which is approximately 700 US dollar) and upgraded my IMAC 24 (bought at the same time)
    to a new IMAC 27 recently.
    I also bought the USB Drive to install my Apple Products that i bought earlier (like Logic Studio).
    When i tried to install Logic Studio from my DVD I was not even able to start the installer on my new IMAC. "Does not support Power PC" it says.
    I called Apple for help. Guess what they said ?
    It is true, Logic Studio is not working. You cant use it anymore.
    No, we dont provide an upgrade for Logic Studio. Buy a new one for full price.
    Hello ? Are you serious ?
    The program i used to work with is just over three years old and you cant expect people to pay several hundreds of dollars every two or three years to buy the new version.
    i put 2000 Euro down the drain and will try to return my new IMAC. I am really angry about that kind of "support".
    I have been using Apple for decades but this new policy makes the once user friendly brand an absolute no go for me.

    I have neither Logic 8 nor Final Cut Studio 2, but both seem to suffer from this particular bug; that is, installers that will not work in Lion/Mt. Lion & return a PowerPC dialog box, but actual applications that will run in Lion/Mt. Lion when properly installed.
    If you search this forum since Lion has been introduced, you will see some suggestions to FCS2 users to actually install Rosetta from a Snow Leopard disc into Lion and it will install.  It is not clear if this suggestion works for Mt. Lion.
    I do not recall seeing anyone claim that this suggestion would work for Logic 8.
    However, it has never made any sense to me that if you could install Rosetta into Lion and get a PowerPC Installer to work, why wouldn't a PowerPC application work; which of course they will not!  Hence, I began to theorize that it must be a bug in a program written for Leopard/Snow Leopard that was cropping up in Lion/Mt. Lion as a "PowerPC app" problem, when it was really not one.
    Also, I theorized that installing Rosetta into Lion/Mt. Lion could later lead to downstream problems which could become serious and indeed I read one post recently that may have confirmed that problem.
    Finally I came across a blog by Jeremy Johnstone, Installing Final Cut Pro Studio 2.0 on 10.7 Lion w/o Rosetta, which ironically had NEVER been quoted on this forum before, that postulated for different reasons that it was not a Rosetta problem and described a workaround for installing FCS2 using Terminal.  I was able to get independent confirmation on this forum that his installation method actually works!
    So in theory, it should work for Logic 8 (as well as any of the other so-called PowerPC installer apps for programs that work in Lion/Mt. Lion, if there are any more), too.  Before I could get a user of Logic 8 to test this theory, I came across Barney-15E's discussion of the roaringapps solution using Terminal.
    I suspect that maybe roaringapps came up with their Terminal install suggestion for Logic 8 from Jeremy Johnstone (or maybe my posts here on this forum), as well, but I have no direct information one way or the other.  As far as I know, roaringapps do not cite their source.
    In any event, this Terminal solution is another tool in the toolbox for installation of these programs instead of the "install Rosetta" one that I believe is dangerous (and some suggest using Pacifist, too).
    Maybe you can do some experimentation if you have these programs and report back to us, too?

  • Hi. Deeeep trouble here. I get overload (only 1 core working, it should manage easyly though anyway) with only 1 audio instrument playing. No other things in arrange. iMac i7 2.8, 8gb. Newest Logic Studio. Plz help, guys.

    Hi. Deeeep trouble here. I get overload (only 1 core working, it should manage easyly though anyway) with only 1 audio instrument playing. No other things in arrange. iMac i7 2.8, 8gb. Newest Logic Studio. Plz help, guys.

    TimboDJ wrote:
    Right people, I really hope you can help... here's the story:
    I produce with a friend and approx 4 months ago we both upgraded to brand new MacBook Pro's each and Logic Pro 9 each.
    I bought a 13" MacBook Pro with 4GB and the 2.53Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo processor.
    He bought a 15" MacBook Pro with 4GB and the 2.66Ghz Intel Core i7 processor.
    We both have bought the full version of Logic Pro 9, both done the upgrade to 9.1 and have both set our copies of Logic to 64 bit.
    Why? The only advantage you have from 64 bit is that Logic can use more than 4 GB RAM - which neither of you have. I would strongly recommend setting Logic to 32 bit. On both Books. It might alleviate some or even all the problems - I hope.
    Here's a list of unavailable features in 64 bit mode:
    My friends copy of Logic on his Mac is so buggy its sometimes unusable.
    My mate is about to throw the **** thing out of the window and buy Cubase!
    More often than not it is hard to install new software on computers that have been thrown about.
    Can anyone shed any light please??
    I think 32 bit is your answer. However, the mobile i7 processor does at least have one issue with Logic:
    (same topic, summary)
    regards, Erik.
    Message was edited by: Eriksimon

  • Installed Logic Studio and Error

    I upgraded Logic Express 8 to Logic Studio 9 last night on a 2007 Intel Mac and clicked on all install options. It took a long time, but it is running fine even though at the end of the installation it said that a major error had occurred; however, I don't believe it ever asked me to install the 3rd Jam Pack Cd. Is there a way to check which of the jam packs were installed and how do I install those that were nott?
    Thanks in advance

    MaxPower11 wrote:
    I managed to install CD1 and CD3. It seems like CD2 is defected. Creating a Disc Image did not work.
    Why it didn't work with the Disc image?It should..unless the disc is completely unrecognized-unreadable by the system or the dvd/cd-rom is very sensitive
    Did the .dmg created correctly?
    In Disk Utility,click to select the DVD,click New Image on the Disk Utility toolbar.
    In the Pop-up dialogue,name it and select the destination you'd like to save it (Desktop).
    Click Save .
    When done,
    go to Desktop and either click to open it or ctrl-click(right click) and select>Open With>Disk Image Mounter
    leave it mounted until the Logic Pro installer finish the installation (hopefully it will )
    I was really looking forward to using the symphony instruments. I wonder what the return policy is for 1 disc in the online apple store.
    Call Apple Support,
    they should send a replacement..
    Thanks once again. I was able to add CD3 thanks to you.
    You're welcome

  • Will Logic Studio 2.0 run on OS X 10.7.5? I'm about to install from disks...

    Will Logic Studio 2.0 run on OS X 10.7.5? I'm about to install from disks...

    You may need to run Software updates as soon as installation is complete and before running LP9 for the first time..however.. as 9.0 doesn't seem to run well under later OS X versions than Snow Leopard...

  • Logic Pro, Logic Studio and Logic Express

    Can someone explain the difference between Logic Pro, Logic Studio and Logic Express?

    I don't think your friend is right on this. When you install Logic X, only the most essential part will be downloaded. After that you open Logic X, and from within the program  you can download all the other content. Logic will look if you already have Logic 9 content on your harddisk, so it won't download files that are already present. So, after all is downloaded, all files are on your harddisk, just like Logic 9. By the way, Logic 9 will still be available after installing Logic X.
    Whether you will experience crashes will be very hard to prodect, because these will be caused by unforeseen combinations of your computer, audio interfaces, maybe even other hardware, kernel extensions etcetera. If you wait for a couple of months, updates of Logic X will probably have less crashes. As said, on my computer it's just as solid as Logic 9.
    Garittan will probably advise a fast harddisk to prevent complaints when people are pushing the plugin to the edge. I would expect that it's not a black/white story.
    The AUMatrixreverb can be found in any audio plugin slot completely at the bottom: Audio Units > Apple > AUMatrixReverb.
    About the Epiano: in Logic Express there is only the Garageband Epiano, I think. Logic Pro 9 had a great ePiano that they gave a new name and changed a bit in Logic X. Both very nice.
    Yes, you may be right, not too many drums with brushes in Logic X, I think. Or does anybody else know where to look??
    Kind regards,

  • Logic Studio, MacBook pro, M-Audio ProFire 610, M-Audio Axiom 61

    I'm just about to get the above: Logic Studio, MacBook Pro, M-Audio ProFire 610 and the M-Audio Aziom 61, and want to know if any of the above (Logic Studio and MacBook Pro excluded) are a big mistake. I've been using an Aluminium Powerbook 17" 1.33MHz, and M-Audio MobilePre USB, and an Edirol controller, with guitar rig (and Controller), and Logic Express 7.
    I need a set-up that will work as well in the studio, as it does on stage. We tend to plug everything in to the powerbook at the moment, and use Reason to power the synths, guitar rig for the guitars and bass, and logic express plugins for vocals etc.
    Anyone have any experience with any of the above?

    Hi Zuelito,
    Please read my first paragraph again:
    "I gotta RESPECTFULLY take issue with every point you bring up about M-Audio stuff, Zuelito..."
    I'm not sure how you can be "slightly put off by the tenor" of my post given everything I said, with the one possible exception being my line about MOTU making crappy hardware - and that was based on personal experience. And while we're talking about the opinions of others, feel free to peruse the Unicornation board - it's full of MOTU users talking about firewire port failures and other hardware issues - so it appears neither of us is alone in our experiences
    Seriously, if I was in some way brash or offensive in the way my post came off, I publicly and sincerely apologize. I really try to think about what I say (and how I say it) when posting on the 'net, for this very reason. I thought I simply stated my experience in an informative manner; again, please re-read my post - I hope it comes across as intended.
    For what it's worth, I will say (even more clearly) that I've always loved MOTU products in terms of feature set; maybe that's why I've owned almost every product they've ever made! However, in my environment, I simply can't risk hardware failures, and their stuff has let me down too many times to keep rolling the dice. I will also divulge that one of their top tech support guys has acknowledged the firewire port problem. That's a shame, because they do make great stuff, conceptually. I really wish I could take a chance on that new 896mk3, but it ain't gonna happen for me; 6 dead firewire ports is enough of a failure rate for me to give up on them. To be fair, this probably isn't an issue for fixed installations, but I have to make these connections daily while on tour.
    Also, I did NOT categorically state that "M-Audio stuff is better than MOTU." Again, if you re-read my post, it should be obvious that all I'm saying is I have a newfound respect for M-Audio, as of the new ProFire series. I also said in my first paragraph that I shared your opinion of M-Audio for a long time!
    If this were all about M-Audio's 410 vs. MOTU's Ultralite (or other competition), we probably wouldn't even be having this discussion as I would have agreed with you - but the original poster specifically asked about the newer 610 with Logic, which is what I'm using on one of my rigs. I simply offered my personal experience.
    As for drivers, I've not had any problems with M-Audio or their level of support. Just the opposite - they really seem to be on the ball and are way more communicative than other mfrs. I don't know of any other mfr. that supports each OS subrelease in detail like they do, and their development speed seems as fast (if not faster) than anyone else.
    Finally, until now I've only owned a few M-Audio pieces (410, 1814), but I can state that they've been flawless. Their audio quality was not 'high end' by any stretch, but I only used them for utility purposes (writing rigs on the road, etc.). Like I said, my main studio stuff has been RME or Apogee for years, and that's the quality level I'm used to - which is why the 610 really surprised me. I also have several friends who do a LOT of touring, many of which rely on M-Audio hardware (mostly 410s). One guy's unit doesn't even have any paint left on it from road abuse - but it still works like a champ after 4 years.
    So anyway, this is all just my experience. Hope it doesn't come across as anything but that

  • Problem: I bought Logic Studio 8, then the Logic Pro 9 Update, and now lost

    I can't start Logic, after...
    - I had a running Logic Pro 9 system, that I installed with an upgrade to my bought Logic Studio 8. Ok, back then.
    - Then I did a big mistake: I have thrown away (because I did not think it was necessary to keep) the manual and the CD of Logic Studio 8. So I lost the Serial number, which was printed in the manual, and I lost the CD too.
    - Back then, that was not a problem, because I had a running system.
    - Now I tried to install on a second machine, and I could not. I ordered a new serial number, and I received it from Apple support. But it looks like I have received some Logic Studio number and in the mail they don't say which version. Since it is called Logic Studio, I assume the serial is for version 8. But I can't install that because I lost the version 8 CD too...
    - So I now need a new Logic Studio version 8 CD ? I tried to order that by fax (the same support number that also sent me the serial), but no response from Apple.
    - Now I have moved my main machine to another Mac Pro (Firewire Transfer) and now I must also enter the serial number and none of the ones that I have works.
    I feel like Apple should provide me a complete set of Logic Pro 9, CD and serial. This would make my life easy again. I would also cover the expenses.
    What shall I do?
    Who can I contact?
    Btw: it seems to be really hard to get Logic support. Apple is a big company...

    Marky Goldstein wrote:
    I feel like Apple should provide me a complete set of Logic Pro 9, CD and serial. I would also cover the expenses.
    So that's settled then. Move on over to the Apple Store. A complete set of Logic Pro 9, CD and serial comes at 499.-
    If you have proof of purchase of L8, it might be less, but that would imply you haven't thrown that away too.

  • Updating logic studio 8 - help needed!

    Can anyone cleverer than me help me with a problem?
    I bought a second hand mac book pro and it had a copy of logic pro on it that when you opened it asked for the serial number. I had logic plat 6 on my previous mac and I bought the update to studio pro 8, installed it with the xs key in and it all seemed to work fine until i did a software update and tried to launch it again. It just came up asking for the serial no as before which the upgrade version doesn't have on the packaging. I then have to reinstall which again works until i try to update.
    I have tried:
    uninstalling logic using appzapper before reinstalling.
    entering the serial no that is shown when the app is opening up.
    running update with the xs key in.
    none of these have worked and it's starting to get annoying. I think it must be to do with the version that was on the machine when i got it but using appzapper i have no idea how to get rid of it.
    Any help on this would be hugely appreciated.
    thanks in advance.

    It just came up asking for the serial no as before which the upgrade version doesn't have on the packaging.
    You've confused me with this. Are you saying that your Logic Studio Upgrade package doesn't have a serial number? Because it should. Inside the box are several thin documents, one of which is called 'Installing Your Software.' You'll find your serial number on that.
    It's very possible that if you used App Zapper to uninstall the previous LP8 it didn't find the folder that contains the Serial #, and therefore Logic is still running on your friends number. (I just opened LP8 in App Zapper and it didn't find that folder). Go to Your User/Library/Preferences/Logic, and dump the files within that folder. There are Logic preference files in the Preferences folder, but you want to dump the ones *inside the Logic folder within the Preferences folder*.
    You shouldn't have to reinstall Logic to get it to be under your license. Just dump the files mentioned above, start Logic, put in the Serial Number in your package, and then it will be running on yours. You might need the XS key in for that.
    Once it's all squared away, and it's running from your serial number, you should be able to update Logic without the XS Key and without having to put in your Serial Number each time.
    Good Luck!

  • Logic Studio 8 on a G4 dual 1.25?

    I've noticed the minimum requirements for running the Logic Studio 8 bundle is a G4 1.25 with 1gig ram, but G5 or Intel processor, as well as 2gig or more of ram recommended. I'm currently running Logic Express 7.2 on a G4 dual 1.25 with 2gigs of ram in OSX 10.4.10. This machine is maxed out. I like LE 7, and was considering waiting for a price drop in pro 7 after 8 were to come out. But, with the price of the Studio 8, it seems better to go for the latest. I'm not ready to get a new machine just yet. Does anyone have any idea how Logic Pro would be on this G4 dual 1.25? I'm just wondering if the cpu could be not up to handling it. I wouldn't record more than 2 tracks at a time, and eventually be running approximately 10-20 track with various plug-ins during mixing, etc. My guess is it would depend on how many plug ins and tracks I actually use. Hmm.I thought about going with LE 8, I'm really only interested in Pro 8's plug ins (space designer, etc.) and the jam packs. LE 8 might have similar limitations on my machine as well. Any thoughts, help, feedback would be greatly appreciated. I may consider finding a soon to be discounted version of Logic Pro 7 if I might work better on my machine.

    Hey Paul,
    as you don't require too much, maybe that machine will undle a little bit more. :o)
    Space Designer's is heavy, if you don't abuse it, use it on the master instead of
    every channel strip track. Use the freeze buttons or even bounce and import the file to free
    the processor.
    In my advice go to 8 you'll have almost the same problems if you buy the pro 7 version,
    and it's a "silly" move to spend money on seven when you really want the bells and wistles
    of the eight version and a new machine with all the ram you can get!

  • How can A new Logic Studio (9.1.1) not be compatible with Lion?!

    ***! first Lion makes my 11 Rack's software inopperable, and now I finally got Logic Studio and it says I can't use Logic Pro because it's version 9.1.1. I was already having trouble, and after an our with apple phone support and a few more installing the software it says the install was a success, but then underneath it reads an error occurred and it failed. I never realized how confusing (and confused) Apple can be. Why have an app on a DAW called Compressor, yet having nothing to do with actual audio compressors, What the **** is it ?!! Is it a Logic Studio or a Logic Pro?!! The box only says Studio, what version depends on how knowledgible the salesperson is.There's no way to tell otherwise except by the price. So why then does the app say Logic Pro, which by the way, is the only app (apparently) outdated. All the other apps of the Logic Studio suite bundle have no problems being openend. But as if this isn't confusing enough, check this out:
           I barely had my brand spankin' new MacBook Pro (15') three months, and it never let me down, even when some supposed tech suggests I take it in for a look because of their personal lack of resourcefulness. In other words, if they can't figure it out then it must be my computer. This has happened to me atleast five times already on seperate occasions, and how many of those times was it actually necessary - count 'em - ZERO! It took me a few seconds to figure it out myself after hanging up, and this is my first computer. But I'm getting off course, let me reiterate:
          It says on page 11 of the installation manual "Important:Soundtrack Pro 3 and Compressor 3.5...will be deselected if Logic Studio installer detects Final Cut Studio 2 or earlier on your system" (due to incompatibility issues - what else is new). So my first mistake was calling Apple support, and incidentally, even though I payed extra for a three year support contract at the time of my purchasing my Mac, Logic Studio is only covered for 90 days (I wonder why). I called because of all the items checked for installation, Compressor was grayed out. Turns out that the apps in question don't get along with the iLife '11 Suite, WHAT!!! Avid (Pro Tools, Eleven Rack, etc.) and Apple is one thing. They're competitors, so I wouldn't be surprised the sudden incompatibiliy issues with Lion and 11 Rack was no accident (just like M-Audio's Axiom Pro, also owned by Avid, working best with Pro tools is niether a coincidence) but now I feel I'm giving their resourcefulness too much credit, because now I stand dumbfounded at how a flag-ship Apple product has discrepencies with another flag ship Apple product...wait, what? Did they forget when comprising the new Lion OS, that they were also a leader in Audio Software?
          Anyway, I was sent an email with these directions: 1. From the Finder, choose Utilities from the Go menu.
                                                                                    2. Open the Terminal application from the Utilities folder.
                                                                                     3. Enter the following case-sensative command exactly as it appears:
                                                                                        sudo pkgutil --forget con.apple.pkg.AppleintermediateCodec
                                                                                    4. Enter an administrative password when prompted.
                                                                                    5. Install compressor from the Logic Studio installer.
                                                                                     6. From the Apple menu choose Software Update.
                                                                                     7. Install any available updates.
        Anyway we never made it past #4. The prompt by the way (omitted in the diections) is a solid standing rectangle at the end, as opposed to an empty one, but we're just supposed to magically know this is the prompt. I start typing (after being told to press return - also omitted above) and no letters transpire. The tech then suggests we try it again, even though I followed his suggestion of copy & pasting. We did, same thing, so he then suggests he needs to view my computer, as if I was the one malfunctioning. But that was another issue altogether (which I care not to repeat), and eventually he just gave up and suggested I speak to a "higher-up" specialist, but not before he admitted there was something he overlooked and that he's sorry, this after wasting over an hour of my time, and also after - now get this - he suggested I take my machine in since it would be easier, yea, easier for him, how about the time & effort already wasted.
        This new tech says, that the password is not supposed to show when I type it in, What?! Now this is the real kicker, this time it did appear. So really all they were doing was creating even more unexplainable anomolies. We presumed it did the trick, even though "Compressor" was still grayed out in the list. He told me why, which I didn't care to understand, and as long as it says install next to it that I'll be ok. I then told him, this is exactly how it looked before I even made the call in the first place (hence why I said that was my first mistake), but he was right since Compressor well and present, however *** is up with Logic Pro! Please, anybody, save me from having to call Apple Support again (not that it helps) these are geeks not musicians.

    Yea, I know, I figured it out shortly after. I feel kinda silly now but it just seemed too easy after all the fuss with Apple support. Like I said, if they don't really know what their talking about they go off in all sorts of crazy directions. I wasn't even having Compressor issues like so many others do (told ya my computer never lets me down). Not sure what the lesson here was, Apple Care is usually pretty helpful (or atleast moreso than other tech supports), but next time I'm having trouble with anything remotely music related they will be the last ones I call.
         By the way, thanks for the reply anyway and reading my lenghty complaining. I really needed to blow off some steam after that needless ruckus.

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    Hi, here's a new strange issue with my new Asus Eee PC: Recently, and perhaps it's because some updated packages, the screen turns black totally without warning, and shows up again as if nothing has happened. That is, no matter what I currently do, a

  • Horizontal line - Running out of options.

    Hi guys. I can hope someone can help I have a LaserJet 100 MFP M175NW printer that is around 2 years old. I am getting 1 horizontal faded line right through every page I print, black, or colour. It is always in the same position I have the exact same

  • PDF made in Acrobat, Buttons not working right in Reader

    I made a PDF presentation for a client and he is using a PC to view it. When I open it on my MAC using Preview the buttons work, it goes to whatever page I clicked on. He opened it on his PC using Reader and the buttons don't work. I also tried to vi

  • Problem with 661FM-L Running Content Creation

    I've been trying to run a session of Content Creation 2003 on this board all day. It continues to error out with the following error Winstone 2003 Timeout Please close the Premier application and then press OK. According to their web site it's a prob