Deployment of DataSource with Library SDA

as mentioned in:
it should be poosible to deploy a DataSource together with my Library SDA. I have the data-sources.xml in the  "/server/descriptors" directory of the library SDA
When I deploy the library i can't see the DataSource anywhere in Visual Admin (eg JDBC Connector). How can I be sure the DataSource is deployed. Or has it to be registered under JDBC Connector in Visual Admin anyway?

I've tested it on different Netweaver Versions, current one is 7.00 SP9 (1000.
My data-sources.xml looks like (this is created be exporting a working datsource via Visual Admin):
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<!DOCTYPE data-sources SYSTEM 'data-sources.dtd'>
and is located under: ./server/descriptors
Does it need to be referenced in any other deployment descriptor?

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    Can some one help me to resolve it?

    Hi Hsadham,
    According to your description, you are creating a remote partition with the error "'datasource' with 'ID' = 'XXXX' doesn't exist in the collection“,
    As you can see on that link,
    If you get an error indicating the data source does not exist in the collection, you must open the project of the storage database, db-storage, and create a data source that points to the master database, db-master.
    So in your scenario, please open the project of the storage database, db-storage, and create a data source that points to the master database, db-master. And then check if this issue persists or not. Besides, please ensure that all the prerequisites had
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    Charlie Liao
    TechNet Community Support

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    Can anyone help me, please?
    Paulo Duarte

    With Forms on the web, you should set environment variables in the default.env file (or create your own .env file). Don't use the Windows Registry.
    As Grant said, you need to follow the steps in the Listener Servlet deployment guide. (You didn't say which patchset you are using or which architecture you are using, so I will assume you are using the Forms Listener Servlet architecture.)
    The URL that Grant gave does work. So you either need to upgrade your version of Adobe Acrobat Reader, or something is wrong with your machine.
    Robin Zimmermann
    Forms Product Management

  • The DataSource with the JNDI name: contentDataSource could not be located

    We try to deploy our system/application to the servers that structed as
    Machine one has:
    1 administration domain
    1 managed domain
    Machine two has :
    1 managed domain which is administrated by machine one.
    I was trying to deploy the UI(portal application) to managed domain under Machine one. I got
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    Can some one with same experience, or BEA people provide some help on this? Very appreciate any help on this issue.
    Thanks in advance.

    If you go to each Managed Server on the console, you can see the Service tab and then go to JDBC. Under JDBC you can see all the pool connections. Instead of localhost they should be pointing to the specific hostname or ip address of the adminserver and the pointbase port on that server (9093 by default) so the EAR files can be correctly deployed and then the JNDI Tree will look exactly the same on both servers. Change all the connection pools to use the specific hostname instead of localhost. Hope this works for you.

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    <data-source-name>MyDataSource</data-source-name> and
    When i deploy the bean i am getting following exception.
    Unable to deploy EJB: containerManaged from cmp7.jar:
    weblogic.ejb20.WLDeploymentException: The DataSource with the JNDI name: MyDataSource could not be located. Please ensure that the DataSource has been deployed successfully and that the JNDI name in your EJB Deployment descriptor is correct.
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         at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
         at $Proxy34.updateDeployments(Unknown Source)
         at weblogic.t3.srvr.ServerLifeCycleList.resume(
         at weblogic.t3.srvr.T3Srvr.resume(
         at weblogic.Server.main(
    Where i went wrong?
    Thanks in advance

    Hi ,
    I have the same problem .when i look into JNDI tree view the jndi name is listed. but it saying error below listed.
    <Feb 14, 2005 3:10:08 PM IST> <Error> <Deployer> <149231> <The slave deployer was unable to set the activatio
    true for the application EX_Container activate failed forEX_Container
    Module Name: EX_Container, Error: Exception activating module: EJBModule(EX_Container,status=PREPARED)
    Unable to deploy EJB: containerManaged from EX_Container.jar:
    The DataSource with the JNDI name: EX_DataSource could not be located. Please ensure that the DataSource has
    ed successfully and that the JNDI name in your EJB Deployment descriptor is correct.
    Unable to deploy EJB: containerManaged from EX_Container.jar:
    The DataSource with the JNDI name: EX_DataSource could not be located. Please ensure that the DataSource has
    ed successfully and that the JNDI name in your EJB Deployment descriptor is correct.
    at weblogic.j2ee.J2EEApplicationContainer.activate(
    at weblogic.j2ee.J2EEApplicationContainer.activate(
    at weblogic.t3.srvr.ServerLifeCycleList.resume(
    at weblogic.t3.srvr.T3Srvr.resume(
    at weblogic.Server.main(
    my weblogic-ejb-jar.xml
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <!DOCTYPE weblogic-ejb-jar PUBLIC
    '-//BEA Systems, Inc.//DTD WebLogic 7.0.0 EJB//EN'
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <!DOCTYPE weblogic-rdbms-jar PUBLIC
    '-//BEA Systems, Inc.//DTD WebLogic 7.0.0 EJB RDBMS Persistence//EN'
    weblogic-cmp-rdbms-jar.xml file
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <!DOCTYPE ejb-jar PUBLIC
    "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Enterprise JavaBeans 2.0//EN"
    <![CDATA[SELECT OBJECT(a) FROM AccountBean AS a WHERE a.balance > ?1]]>
    <![CDATA[SELECT OBJECT(a) FROM AccountBean AS a WHERE a.balance = ?1]]>
    <![CDATA[SELECT OBJECT(a) FROM AccountBean AS a WHERE a.accountType IS NULL]]>
    pls lhelp me .
    my email id: [email protected]
    thanks in advance.

  • Access to uup ejb deployed in a shared library

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    Could you tell me why in the jndi-name there are the suffix /app/ejb ???!!
    <description>profile adapter to use attributes stored in LDAP</description>
    Error stacktrace :
    Caused by: javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: While trying to look up /app/ejb//app/ejb/portail-uup-user.jar#ProfilUser/home in /app/ejb/p13n_ejb.jar#UserProfileManager.; remaining name '/app/ejb//app/ejb/portail-uup-user/jar#ProfilUser/home'
         at weblogic.jndi.internal.BasicNamingNode.newNameNotFoundException(
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    Check this is correct <ejb-jndi>portail-uup-user.jar#ProfilUser</ejb-jndi>
    In portail-uup-user.jar see if you have ejb-name as ProfilUser in ejb-jar.xml it should match.

  • How deploy BPM process with ADF form?

    Hi everybody,
    I'm a newbie on BPM (11g) and ADF. I've created a BPM process and an ADF train into the same project.
    I was wonder if I can deploy the ADF stuff and start to test only the train before hook up the ADF form with the UserActivity.
    How I can do that? How can deploy it? Better create a jar or ear?
    Any suggestions?
    Best Regards.

    Hi Daniel,
    yes I have two separate projects - BPM and ADF - in the same applications.
    For now, I'd like to work only on ADF project implementing the front end that I will use in next future into my BPM project.
    Every time I click on Run on the main page in ADF project, JDev tries to deploy the entire application.
    I need to work only on ADF for now and testing it. The soa server is on remote server.
    I've tried to deploy the ADF project on remote server and I get this error:
    'Weblogic Server Exception: weblogic.application.ModuleException: Failed to load webapp
    Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: oracle.adf.model.servlet.ADFBindingFilter'.
    I've checked the oracle.adf.model library class path and It's I do not understand why I get this error.
    What do you think is better to do? Trying to deploy the ADF with war, jar or ear...or...?
    Thanks a lot for any suggestions.

  • Deploying an Application with Managed Libraries

    I am trying to deploy an Applicaition on Oracle App Server 10.1.3.
    I develop the application in Jdev 1013
    in my JDeveloper descriptor, i edit the Properties - File Groups/Web-INF/lib - Filters, i deselect the Merged contents.
    Create a war file.
    All libraries that are required [ie. present in the list JDeveloper descriptor, i edit the Properties - File Groups/Web-INF/lib - Filters,], i jar them to create Portal.jar.
    i place the jar at D:\Temp\Portal.jar.
    This location is on the same machine where the Oracle App Server Runs.
    I log into the Oracle Application Server - Enterprise Manager, and Create an entry in oc4J:home - Shared Libraries
    Specify the Path where the Portal.jar exists.
    I then deploy the Application specifing the location where the .war file is present. - procedure is Deploy-Select Archive - Application Attributes.
    In Deploy settings, i click on Deployment Tasks - Configure Class Loading, i go to Import Shared Libraries and check Portal, and then I click on Deploy.
    I then get Deploying Application Failed with the following Errors
    Aug 19, 2006 2:54:02 PM] Exception: NoClassDefFoundError: javax/faces/FacesException
    [Aug 19, 2006 2:54:02 PM] Operation failed with error: javax/faces/FacesException
    I don't understand why?
    My need is that all Libraries that are required by the Application, I Jar it and place it as a Shared Library on the Server. So whenever i deploy an application it should include the shared libraries present on the server.
    This would ensure my war file is small.
    Instead of all my applications inculding the jar files in thier respietice war files, i would like to place the requiste war in a single place on the Server and link the application to use that shared library war.
    Thanks in advance

    Thanks for the reply. I discovered that the path had to be
    within the site folder. Even when I referenced it, the images
    wouldn't show. However, when I placed that folder inside the site
    folder itself, everything showed up fine. For some reason, any
    assets must be inside the site folder itself and cannot be
    referenced if it lay outside. Oh well, it all shows now.

  • Accessing jsp deployed as a shared Library

    Hi All,
    I have an ear file which is deployed as a shared Library in my Portal Web Project. Now I am trying to access a login.jsp which is in the Ear file. I created a pageflow portlet, with the pageflow pointing the login.jsp, it doesnt work ( irony is that there is no exception/message being displayed on the server).
    Now when I use a browser portlet with the contentURI pointing to that Login.jsp, then everything works fine. Also if I create a normal jsp, and redirect it to the Login.jsp it still works fine; but if I directly forward the request to Login.jsp, I get an IllegalStateException.
    Can any one explain the reasons for these??
    Any input on this would be appreciated.

    OK, it probably really is a packaging problem then. Maybe your JSP pages being used by the pageflow are not in a directory structure that matches the package structure of the pageflow controller? I tried to find a reference for this requirement in the apache netui beehive docs, but couldn't find it at first glance:
    I did find a mention in the Oracle WebLogic Portal docs, "The package and WebContent folders for a given page flow must always match." at:
    So... if you have a in your src tree then in your web root dir you would have com/my/company/foo/login.jsp, etc.

  • Deploy capex through application library

    Can anyone experience the problem when deploying capex through application library 9.3.1?
    The job progress kepts at 9% with detail:
    "initialing product action...
    product response:200..
    waiting for status udpates...".
    BTW, I
    1) have already performed "validate" check for capex app. There is no error.
    2) no error is captured in the shared service
    3) SharedServices_Metadata.log shows
    2008-02-11 02:59:17,324 [http-58080-Processor15] ERROR com.hyperion.eie.modelmgmt.stateless.action.GetProjectForAppAction - The resource '/files/Projects/capexp2.HP' was not found.
    2008-02-11 02:59:17,324 [http-58080-Processor15] ERROR com.hyperion.eie.modelmgmt.stateless.action.GetProjectForAppAction - com.hyperion.eie.common.cms.ResourceNotFoundException: error.resourceNotFound
    4) SharedServices_security.log shows several lines like this:
    2008-02-11 03:00:53,252 [http-58080-Processor7] WARN com.hyperion.css.spi.impl.nv.XMLRoleRegDocumentModel.processRoleElement(Unknown Source) - The Product Version 'HP-9.3.1' in the Registration file does not match the application version '9.3.1'

    Hi Kenneth,
    Were you able to deploy the CAPEX plan? We are also stuck in deploying Workforce and CAPEX plan? If you could successfully, please share your inputs on the forum or through direct mail [email protected]

  • Can not deploy Adobe CC with deployment Manager

    we are trying to deploy Adobe CC with SCCM 2012 R2. While the installation we are getting errors in the PDApp.log:
    01/07/15 14:59:30:028 | [INFO] |  | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager |  |  | 4196 | Build Version -
    01/07/15 14:59:30:029 | [INFO] |  | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager |  |  | 4196 | Logging Level verbosity Set  to 4
    01/07/15 14:59:30:029 | [INFO] |  | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager |  |  | 4196 | Executing immediate custom action for install mode.
    01/07/15 14:59:30:029 | [INFO] |  | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager |  |  | 4196 | The CustomActionData string is : mode=install;sourceDir=C:\WINDOWS\ccmcache\1d\;installDir=;origDB=C:\WINDOWS\ccmcache\1d\ Adobe Creative Cloud Illustrator 2014.msi
    01/07/15 14:59:30:029 | [INFO] |  | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager |  |  | 4196 | Successfully executed the immediate custom action for install mode .
    01/07/15 14:59:32:461 | [INFO] |  | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager |  |  | 3796 | Build Version -
    01/07/15 14:59:32:461 | [INFO] |  | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager |  |  | 3796 | Logging Level verbosity Set  to 4
    01/07/15 14:59:32:461 | [INFO] |  | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager |  |  | 3796 | Executing the deferred custom action.
    01/07/15 14:59:32:466 | [INFO] |  | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager |  |  | 3796 | Obtained the following as CustomActionData
    01/07/15 14:59:32:466 | [INFO] |  | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager |  |  | 3796 | mode=install;sourceDir=C:\WINDOWS\ccmcache\1d\;installDir=;origDB=C:\WINDOWS\ccmcache\1d\ Adobe Creative Cloud Illustrator 2014.msi
    01/07/15 14:59:32:466 | [INFO] |  | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager |  |  | 3796 | mode=install;sourceDir=C:\WINDOWS\ccmcache\1d\;installDir=;origDB=C:\WINDOWS\ccmcache\1d\ Adobe Creative Cloud Illustrator 2014.msi
    01/07/15 14:59:32:466 | [INFO] |  | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager |  |  | 3796 | Original database path is : C:\WINDOWS\ccmcache\1d\Adobe Creative Cloud Illustrator 2014.msi
    01/07/15 14:59:32:472 | [INFO] |  | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager |  |  | 3796 | OptionXML saved at location :: C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\{C1921A81-A734-45BA-BE0B-E4440C3E2259}\\{CF57953C-5FB8-414D-AF1D-C555914C 4B73}
    01/07/15 14:59:32:496 | [INFO] |  | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager |  |  | 3796 | Build Version -
    01/07/15 14:59:32:496 | [INFO] |  | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager |  |  | 3796 | Logging Level verbosity Set  to 4
    01/07/15 14:59:32:496 | [INFO] |  | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager |  |  | 3796 | Initializing Custom Action Data from parameters
    01/07/15 14:59:32:496 | [INFO] |  | ASU | DeploymentManager | Utilities |  |  | 3796 | Folder does not exist
    01/07/15 14:59:32:496 | [INFO] |  | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager |  |  | 3796 | Provisioning Tool path is (C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\{C1921A81-A734-45BA-BE0B-E4440C3E2259}\\{FF74F6C4-0D5C-43E0-98F2-5A9B0B3 FED97}).
    01/07/15 14:59:32:498 | [INFO] |  | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager |  |  | 3796 | Starting to run the custom action for install mode
    01/07/15 14:59:32:498 | [INFO] |  | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager |  |  | 3796 | STEP 1: Starting to parse Option XML.
    01/07/15 14:59:32:503 | [INFO] |  | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager |  |  | 3796 | Self-Update BootStrapper Relative Path doesn't exist.
    01/07/15 14:59:32:504 | [INFO] |  | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager |  |  | 3796 | No of updates found (1).
    01/07/15 14:59:32:504 | [WARN] |  | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager |  |  | 3796 | Failed to find Royalty Bearing attribute info.
    01/07/15 14:59:32:504 | [INFO] |  | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager |  |  | 3796 | Number of Medias found = 1
    01/07/15 14:59:32:504 | [INFO] |  | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager |  |  | 3796 | Deployment Manager is running in Install Mode.
    01/07/15 14:59:32:508 | [INFO] |  | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager |  |  | 3796 | Deployment XML created at path :: C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\{2C2F5292-0608-47D5-BCE2-3B2D1A59C1EC}\\{DE6BF6FD-0D94-4F7D-86B5-6804037C B0D7}
    01/07/15 14:59:32:513 | [INFO] |  | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager |  |  | 3796 | Override XML created at path :: C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\{2C2F5292-0608-47D5-BCE2-3B2D1A59C1EC}\\{0B4F1D68-9714-494B-BF52-CCB490BD 2AF4}
    01/07/15 14:59:32:517 | [WARN] |  | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager |  |  | 3796 | Failed to find the pdb database.
    01/07/15 14:59:32:517 | [WARN] |  | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager |  |  | 3796 | Failed to get the local payload database handle.
    01/07/15 14:59:32:517 | [INFO] |  | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager |  |  | 3796 | STEP 2: Starting to launch ASU AAM.
    01/07/15 14:59:32:517 | [INFO] |  | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager |  |  | 3796 | Bootstrapper launch location is :: C:\WINDOWS\ccmcache\1d\ASU\Set-up.dat
    01/07/15 14:59:32:681 | [INFO] |  | ASU | OPM | OPM |  |  | 4388 | Build Version -
    01/07/15 14:59:32:681 | [INFO] |  | ASU | OPM | OPM |  |  | 4388 | Logging Level verbosity Set  to 4
    01/07/15 14:59:32:711 | [WARN] |  | ASU | OPM | OPM |  |  | 4388 | Failed in key1 generation
    01/07/15 14:59:32:711 | [WARN] |  | ASU | OPM | CryptEngine |  |  | 4388 | Failed in key1 generation
    01/07/15 14:59:32:747 | [WARN] |  | ASU | OPM | OPM |  |  | 4388 | Failed in key3List generation
    01/07/15 14:59:32:747 | [ERROR] |  | ASU | OPM | CryptEngine |  |  | 4388 | Failed in key3List generation
    01/07/15 14:59:32:749 | [INFO] |  | ASU | OPM | OPM |  |  | 4388 | Schema version and schema compatibility version are same or greater than current
    01/07/15 14:59:32:773 | [INFO] |  | ASU | OPM | OPM |  |  | 4388 | _opm_handle_OPDReturnedStatus called with opdStatus as:0
    01/07/15 14:59:32:773 | [INFO] |  | ASU | OPM | OPM |  |  | 4388 | No Record found for the input fields in opm_getValueForKey
    01/07/15 14:59:32:774 | [INFO] |  | ASU | OPM | OPM |  |  | 4388 | Released OPM refrence successfully in opm_freeLibRef
    01/07/15 14:59:32:840 | [INFO] |  | ASU | PIM | PIM |  |  | 4160 | Build Version -
    01/07/15 14:59:32:840 | [INFO] |  | ASU | PIM | PIM |  |  | 4160 | Logging Level verbosity Set  to 4
    01/07/15 14:59:32:849 | [INFO] |  | ASU | PIM | PIM |  |  | 4160 | Build Version -
    01/07/15 14:59:32:850 | [INFO] |  | ASU | PIM | PIM |  |  | 4160 | Logging Level verbosity Set  to 4
    01/07/15 14:59:32:850 | [WARN] |  | ASU | PIM | PIM |  |  | 4160 | Detected db journal file trying to repair it...
    01/07/15 14:59:32:850 | [INFO] |  | ASU | PIM | PIM |  |  | 4160 | trying to createOrUpdatePIMDbSchema.
    01/07/15 14:59:32:852 | [INFO] |  | ASU | PIM | PIM |  |  | 4160 | Current db schema version on machine 2.
    01/07/15 14:59:32:852 | [INFO] |  | ASU | PIM | PIM |  |  | 4160 | Current db schema version to install 2.
    01/07/15 14:59:32:852 | [INFO] |  | ASU | PIM | PIM |  |  | 4160 | PIM DB Schema is up to date. Current schema version is 2.
    01/07/15 14:59:32:852 | [INFO] |  | ASU | PIM | PIM |  |  | 4160 | PIM Database is Up To Date.
    01/07/15 14:59:32:852 | [INFO] |  | ASU | PIM | PIM |  |  | 4160 | Sqlite 'Successfully' recovered from journal file.
    01/07/15 14:59:32:852 | [INFO] |  | ASU | PIM | PIM |  |  | 4160 | PIMSqlite closeDB status 0
    01/07/15 14:59:32:852 | [INFO] |  | ASU | PIM | PIM |  |  | 4160 | Build Version -
    01/07/15 14:59:32:852 | [INFO] |  | ASU | PIM | PIM |  |  | 4160 | Logging Level verbosity Set  to 4
    01/07/15 14:59:32:852 | [INFO] |  | ASU | PIM | PIM |  |  | 4160 | Creating PIM instance for path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\OOBE\PDApp
    01/07/15 14:59:32:852 | [FATAL] |  | ASU | PIM | PIM |  |  | 4160 | Detected db journal file, Application is in corrupted state: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\OOBE\PDApp
    01/07/15 14:59:32:852 | [INFO] |  | ASU | PIM | PIM |  |  | 4160 | sqlite(pim.db) at path C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\OOBE\PDApp is already closed
    01/07/15 14:59:32:852 | [ERROR] |  | ASU | PIM | PIM |  |  | 4160 | Failed to create the pimLibraryRef
    01/07/15 14:59:32:852 | [ERROR] |  | ASU | PIM | PIM |  |  | 4160 | Successfully freed PIM object Array
    01/07/15 14:59:32:869 | [INFO] |  | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager |  |  | 3796 | Build Version -
    01/07/15 14:59:32:869 | [INFO] |  | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager |  |  | 3796 | Logging Level verbosity Set  to 4
    01/07/15 14:59:32:869 | [FATAL] |  | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager |  |  | 3796 | The Bootstrapper Process is (62).Stopping the installation process.
    01/07/15 14:59:32:869 | [INFO] |  | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager |  |  | 3796 | Starting to clean the partially installed payloads.
    01/07/15 14:59:32:874 | [INFO] |  | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager |  |  | 3796 | Undeployment XML created at path :: C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\{2C2F5292-0608-47D5-BCE2-3B2D1A59C1EC}\\{FEBD9916-0002-4AFE-9DE5-08A59CA0 479A}
    01/07/15 14:59:32:874 | [INFO] |  | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager |  |  | 3796 | Starting to launch the Adobe Installer for uninstall mode.
    01/07/15 14:59:32:874 | [INFO] |  | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager |  |  | 3796 | Obtained Adobe Common Folder Path.
    01/07/15 14:59:32:874 | [INFO] |  | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager |  |  | 3796 | C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\OOBE\PDApp\DECore\Setup.exe
    01/07/15 14:59:32:993 | [INFO] |  | ASU | DeploymentManager | AAMEEUtilities |  |  | 3796 | Process creation completed.
    01/07/15 14:59:32:994 | [FATAL] |  | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager |  |  | 3796 | The return code from the Adobe Installer Process is (33).Stopping the uninstallation process.
    01/07/15 14:59:32:994 | [WARN] |  | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager |  |  | 3796 | Failed to find the pdb database.
    01/07/15 14:59:32:994 | [WARN] |  | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager |  |  | 3796 | Failed to get the local payload database handle.
    01/07/15 14:59:32:994 | [INFO] |  | ASU | DeploymentManager | Utilities |  |  | 3796 | Folder does not exist
    01/07/15 14:59:33:001 | [INFO] |  | ASU | OPM | OPM |  |  | 3796 | Build Version -
    01/07/15 14:59:33:001 | [INFO] |  | ASU | OPM | OPM |  |  | 3796 | Logging Level verbosity Set  to 4
    01/07/15 14:59:33:015 | [WARN] |  | ASU | OPM | OPM |  |  | 3796 | Failed in key1 generation
    01/07/15 14:59:33:015 | [WARN] |  | ASU | OPM | CryptEngine |  |  | 3796 | Failed in key1 generation
    01/07/15 14:59:33:046 | [WARN] |  | ASU | OPM | OPM |  |  | 3796 | Failed in key3List generation
    01/07/15 14:59:33:046 | [ERROR] |  | ASU | OPM | CryptEngine |  |  | 3796 | Failed in key3List generation
    01/07/15 14:59:33:048 | [INFO] |  | ASU | OPM | OPM |  |  | 3796 | Schema version and schema compatibility version are same or greater than current
    01/07/15 14:59:33:077 | [INFO] |  | ASU | OPM | OPM |  |  | 3796 | _opm_handle_OPDReturnedStatus called with opdStatus as:0
    01/07/15 14:59:33:078 | [INFO] |  | ASU | OPM | OPM |  |  | 3796 | No Record found for the input fields in opm_getValueForKey
    01/07/15 14:59:33:078 | [INFO] |  | ASU | OPM | OPM |  |  | 3796 | Released OPM refrence successfully in opm_freeLibRef
    01/07/15 14:59:33:100 | [INFO] |  | ASU | DeploymentManager |  |  |  | 3796 | Event Guid generated is: 'af2ccd85-1900-4b4e-b396-c2d165eb28df'
    01/07/15 14:59:33:103 | [INFO] |  | ASU | DeploymentManager |  |  |  | 3796 | GetIEProxyInfo - No default proxy present on the user machine
    01/07/15 14:59:33:104 | [INFO] |  | ASU | DeploymentManager |  |  |  | 3796 | GetIEProxyInfo - Failed to get proxy for the url, error:12006
    01/07/15 14:59:33:104 | [INFO] |  | ASU | DeploymentManager |  |  |  | 3796 | GetIEProxyInfo - proxy Url is
    01/07/15 14:59:33:561 | [INFO] |  | ASU | DeploymentManager |  |  |  | 3240 | HTTP Request Status code 200.
    01/07/15 14:59:33:574 | [INFO] |  | ASU | DeploymentManager |  |  |  | 3796 | The http request returned HTTP_Status:0 HttpCommunicator error:0
    01/07/15 14:59:33:574 | [INFO] |  | ASU | DeploymentManager |  |  |  | 3796 | Waiting for the async thread to get the task completed
    01/07/15 14:59:33:581 | [INFO] |  | ASU | DeploymentManager |  |  |  | 4664 | Async thread is completed. Now exiting from function.
    01/07/15 14:59:33:625 | [INFO] |  | ASU | DeploymentManager | DeploymentManager |  |  | 3796 | The install workflow is terminating.
    Can anybody please help us?
    Thank you.

    Possibly dumb question but are your installers built for the appropriate architecture (32-, 64-bit)? Adobe is pretty picky about that with CC.

  • Cannot deploy BPEL process with SSO to BPELConsole activated

    I cannot deploy BPEL process with SSO to BPELConsole activated. Here is the error I get from JDeveloper (sorry for the french error message):
    Problème détecté lors de la connexion au serveur "" sur le port "7781" : access denied ( generique read)
    at com.collaxa.cube.fe.util.ServletUtils.getLocatorWithoutUrlRewrite(
    at deployHttpClientProcess.jspService(
    at com.orionserver.http.OrionHttpJspPage.service(
    at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspPageTable.service(
    at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspServlet.internalService(
    at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspServlet.service(
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    at com.evermind.server.http.ResourceFilterChain.doFilter(
    at Method)
    at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.invoke(
    at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.forwardInternal(
    at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.doProcessRequest(
    at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.processRequest(
    at com.evermind.util.ReleasableResourcePooledExecutor$
    Target BPEL process manager runs under SOA When the SSO to BPELConsole is disabled, the deployment works just fine. Is there any way to make it work with SSO?

    Please check:
    We had some issues with SSO and SSL but everything is running now.

  • How can i deploy a servlet with eclispe

    will any one of u give me the steps to deploy a servlet with eclipse on portal server(J2EE Engine),
    in help of eclipse they given as, whole webapplication deployement, but that is also giving me a error, the procedure they given is, once we created a .war file for our servlet project we need to refer this to a .Ear file, and then this Ear can be deployed in to the server. Is it the same and only procedure to deploy a servlet with eclipse, or if there is any other method,please give me the steps also.
    when i am deploying with the .Ear file, it is giving the error as,
    Jun 4, 2005 11:34:31 AM /userOut/deploy ( [Thread[Deploy Thread,5,main]] ERROR:
    [001]Deployment aborted
    Deployment exception : Cannot determine sdm host (is empty). Please configure your engine/sdm correctly !
    but the sdm is working on the server with the same host, and local deployement is also done successfully, but from my system im not able to deploy!

    Yeah, i am able to see the J2EE engine clusters, there the message server port is given as 3601. becoz scs instance number is 1 here. so it is not the problem,
    the error it is giving as,
    Jun 6, 2005 11:37:28 AM /userOut/deploy ( [Thread[Deploy Thread,5,main]] ERROR:
    [001]Deployment aborted
    SDM host : obtdev9
    SDM port : 50018
    URL to deploy : file:/C:/DOCUME1/sireesha.b/LOCALS1/Temp/temp56446MyServletEAR.ear
    Deployment exception : Server obtdev9 did not accept login request as apiadmin on port 50018 - CmdXmlFactory could not find Top Element within String: "null".
    Inner exception was :
    Server obtdev9 did not accept login request as apiadmin on port 50018 - CmdXmlFactory could not find Top Element within String: "null".
    is this may be the problem with port number?
    i am not knowing what is happening here...
    if you know the exact error based on the error messgae please help me,
    thanks to u for helping in this problem,

  • Problem in creating a generic datasource with infoset

    Dear Expert,
      I have to create a generic datasource with infoset. I linked the infoset with a test program below. In the program, I have one selection option, which is s_order. After creating an infoset and a datasource, this selection option 'SELECT_S_ORDER' is added to my extract structure. However, after try filtering with this SELECT_S_ORDER, it doesn't filter data at all. Why? I want to filter data with my s_order.
      tables: vbak.
    * DATA
      field-symbols: <vbak>  type vbak.
      data:   t_vbak      type table of vbak,
                w_vbak     type vbak,
                t_vbak2    type table of vbak,
                w_vbak2    type vbak.
      selection-screen begin of block b1 with frame title text-001.
        select-options:  s_order   for  vbak-vbeln.
      selection-screen end of block b1.
    * <Query_head>
       perform sub_select_data.
       loop at t_vbak into w_vbak2.
         move-corresponding w_vbak2 to vbak.
    * <Query_body>
    *&      Form  sub_select_data
    *      Select data
    FORM sub_select_data .
        select *
        into    table t_vbak
        from   vbak
        where vtweg = 'IP'.
    ENDFORM.                    " sub_select_data

    What do you mean by linking program with infoset?
    Do you get the field in your RSA3 Tcode?

  • Have two ltunes libraries on my computer both using same account. how do i transfer library 1 on to library 2 and sync ipod with library 2 it already synced with library 1, the reason for both libraries is library 1 is not allowing access to itunes store.

    help unable to access itunes store. was told by itunes store support to open another user account and adopting this as my user account, transferring my files.
    I now have 2 libraries how do i transfer libraries and desync ipod with library 1 and then resync ipod with library 2
    library 1 has over 7000 song on it most (6249) have been ripped. All i want to do is transfer what i have in my ipod on to my new user account and then delate old account

    Follow steps 1 ~ 9 here:

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