Designer 6 - Application System

We have installed Oracle 8i as back-end on server and have also installed Repository Administration Utility with it. Than we installed Designer 6 on another PC connected to server through network. Now when I run designer with username scott (who is defined as manager in repository) the system shows a dialog box for application system. When I type any name and press 'Create' it gives an error- 'Open failed on activity' and does not create a new application system. I have tried to do this through respository object navigator also but again the same result. I ahve checked the permissions and have also reconciled the user and reconstruct the packages but nothing worked.
Moreover, I have tried with usernames internal and system as well but they are not defined in the repository users.
Can anybody please help?

I don't wish to spread doom and gloom, but the ORA-01422 message was the start of a long and miserable saga of Repository corruption and data loss for our site. It has taken me almost six months (on and off - I had other things to do) to recover about 95% of our data model, and we have lost most of the version history in the process.
Have a look at SRs 4947235.993 and 16210050.6 on Metalink.
I don't get onto these forums very much - too busy recovering repositories! - so I am sorry I didn't see your post earlier. I suspect that by the time you see the ORA-01422 error, it's too late to do anything about it. The Designer meta-model, unfortunately, doesn't give you all the information you need to resolve the issues on a row-by-row or element-by-element basis. The only solution I found was to delete as many of the corrupted entries as I could locate, then validate the remaining elements using the External References Utility, and then export the good bits to a clean repository.
The ROB (Repository Object Browser) is a useful aid in this exercise, as it seems to be more resilient than the RON, and will actually show you the duplicated elements. (I'm not sure that the ROB was in Version 6 - my problems were on Version 9i.) Of course, you can't manipulate data through the ROB, and you can't access the error elements through the RON, so you need to be somewhat devious about finding ways to eliminate the duplicates, but it can be done (mostly).
Hope this helps a bit.

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    Thanks, Antony

    Thanks again. We need to bring older versions of the frozen application systems, e.g. TEST(4), as we have interdependencies with other application systems (in terms of shared objects). Otherwise we would have only brought the latest versions over to simplify things.
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    Answer from Oracle
    (MetaLink Technical Forums):
    'When Designer versions it takes a snapshot of the first version
    and then changes the originals version number to 2.
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    errcnt := rmmes.getsize;
    rmmes.getall (:errutil,:errcode,:err1,:err2,:err3,:err4,:e rr5,:err6,:err7);
    RME-02105 Oracle error occurred
    ORA-06512 Line 157 in repos_user.rmmes
    ora-06512 at line 3
    ora-01403 No Data Found
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    Thanking in advance

    Hi Timo.
    In my application all the navigation rules are defined in faces-config.xml.
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    first you must to give execution grant for sys.dbms_lock and sys.dbms_pipe to repos owner. And MAX_ENABLES_ROLES must be in multiples of 10 and should execeed 20 in your
    INITxxx.ORA file.
    But I must to say that, I have this problem with RME-02124 RME-o2105 and ORA-01403 problems. And adviced solution that is mentioned above have not been solving my problem.. :(
    But it may be help you...
    take it easy..

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    Can someone help me, please?
    Thanks in advance,
    Renato A. Veneroso

    Go here. I found a fix that works for my problem

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    Thanks for your help,

    Hi Roel,
    I want to do this because in our organization the repository is non versioned, and we want to make copies for the application system in purpose to sure that only Data modeler and DBA will access it. The developers can't update it. In the original application system we will replicate the changes and then developers go on with their Treatment modules.
    Thanks for your reply ,

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    We are using Designer 6.0 and Oracle 8.1.5
    After successful login when we try to create Application System following
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    RME-00011: Operation 'INS' on ci_application_systems has failed
    When we try see the Cause/Action, we find following:
    // Cause: An API operation request has been failed for some reason
    // Action: Examine other reported errors for specific details.
    It is to be noted that we don't get any other error message and we can not
    move forward without creation of application system.
    Prompt help would be highly appreciated.

    Hello Atul,
    I had the same problem with 8.1.6.
    edit init.ora
    set the following:
    large_pool_size = 2097152
    should work

  • Creation Application System

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    Hi all again
    Sorry .... I found my way out ...wish installation instructions had been clearer!!
    Thanks anyway,

  • Multiple Application Systems

    Hi, everybody!
    I'm developing an ERP application on Designer 6i r4, made of
    multiple modules (e.g., "Global", "Sales", "Financial" etc.).
    Some elements of each module (e.g., "Business Functions") need
    to be available for use in the other ones.
    1. What is the best structure to do that?
    - A single Application System for the ERP, with children Folders
    for each module?
    - An Application System for the ERP, with children Application
    Systems for each module?
    - Other structure?
    2. Do I need to perform some special operation to "share" the
    elements with the modules?
    Thanks for the help.

    Hi Tetsuya,
    here are more details for the procedure mentioned above:
    Datafiles of transport requests are in most SAP-Installations located in /usr/sap/trans/data. They are named R<# of transport request>.<SID>
    The cofiles are in most SAP-Installtions located in /usr/sap/trans/cofiles. They are named K<# of transport request>.<SID>
    Do NOT change the names of the files. We've discovered that it's safer to zip those files, as some virus scanners in email-servers may scramble the files.
    Locate the files in the appropriate directory of the target system and go to the import-queue using STMS.
    Chose Extras / Other requests / Add to add the request to the queue (note: you must use the request number of the source-system e.g. <SID>K900123)
    When you start the import, choose option "Overwrite Objects in unconfirmed Repairs", when you want existing objects to be overridden.
    Hope, this helps


    and after resbonding to the messsage "Export tables are already populated,you want to clear them?" by "yes" ,I RECIEVED THE ABOVE ERRORS .
    I USE ORACLE databse 8.1.7 with Oracle Designer 6i Version
    is ther any help?

    I have read the link and I have talked with our DBA. He says taht we are working with a 9.2 ( exactly) version. In this version he believes taht the only way to use the flashback query feature was through the use of the utility package DBMS_FLASHBACK. Therefore, the sentence ALTER database flashback that would work on a 10g version off does'nt have sense on 9.2.
    Anyone knows how to avoid the flashback error in a 9.2 environment?

  • Merging application systems between workareas

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    We hope that we can merge modules between these workareas. Does anyone have experience in this kind of matter??? Please advise.

    > 1. Is it a standard practice to have an encripted channel.
    This depends on your requirements, some industries require encryption, others not.
    > 2. If so, how can we achieve the channel encription.
    Check Note 973450 - Oracle Advanced Security: Network encryption
    > 3. If not how can we justify to the auditors that we are not keeping encription channel between database and application.
    Has someone physical access to the network? Is it a separated (isolated) network?

  • Copying application system within a repository

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    When copying application system 1 (AS1) to AS2, it appears that certain references are going crooked. The copying itself was effected by right mouse clicking on highlighting AS1. (Should 'external references' have been checked before the actual copying action?)
    After actually having copied the application system, the following happens: Relationships can now be found cross-application system. For instance a business function in AS2 can refer to another one in AS1. This is not the desired effect. We would like for AS2 to act independent of AS1.
    Is this possible? Does anybody have any experience in this kind of matter? Designer version is used. Any feedback would be more than welcome.
    Kind regards from the Netherlands.

    Hi Brett,
    You can export the application system present in the 6i repository into a dump file using Export utility available under Utilities--> Export menu option in Repository Object Navigator and then import it into the 9i repository using the import utility available under Utilities--> Import menu option again in Repository Object Navigator.
    If there are User Extensions in the 6i repository, then you will need to extract these User Extensions before exporting the application system and load these user extensions into the 9i repository before importing the dump into the repository.
    Extracting and Loading of user extensions can be performed using the Extract User Extensions and Load User Extensions utilities available under User Extensions in Repository Administrative Utilit

  • Application System

    After I created a repository in Oracle Designer R6.0 Front Panel in Windows NT Version 4,0.When I create an Application system, the error meassage ORA-01403 no data found. If I go through Repository Object Navigator also the
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    ORA-06502 PL/SQL numeric or value error.

    If you are using a ORACLE8 server then your large_pool_size of the SGA is probably to small. I've got the same problem. I raised the size of the large_pool within the SGA to about 15Mb and than the problem was gone.
    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by shan anavaratha ([email protected]):
    After I created a repository in Oracle Designer R6.0 Front Panel in Windows NT Version 4,0.When I create an Application system, the error meassage ORA-01403 no data found. If I go through Repository Object Navigator also the
    same error meassage came but when I 2nd time click the save button the error code was
    ORA-06502 PL/SQL numeric or value error.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

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