Designer Seeking Hosting ideas

I am currently in the process of working with an organization that is transferring management and design of their website to me from a previous manager. The prior manager will continue to host the website on their independent servers. What would be the best method for me to transfer my new design and updates to their server?
I like the ease of the MUSE FTP Host that uploads to Hosting Services (godaddy, a small orange...etc) and this is typically my method, however, I am not sure if I will be able to have that type of access due to the credentials that are required with MUSE. I have not yet discussed the capabilities of the host as of yet, so this is purely an informational type question, so I can be fully educated on the best ways to make this transition. Thank you.

You can either use upload feature through Muse or export as html and then upload using any third party FTP client, but for any case you would need the access details.
Only way would be manually transfer the contents to host who can access the server.

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    If you want to open the site use SPD, you should enable the Client Integration for the web application at first.
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    Hi John,
    I understood your problem. Solution is easy:
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    WorkTypeB Weightage 25%
    WorkTypeB Weightage 25%
    WorkTypeB Weightage 25%
    Category 2
    Category Weightage
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    Quality Type 2 50%
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    Message was edited by:

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    Hello beatbisig
    You got it right. Starting from OWB10gR2, the two types of repositories have been merged in to one. So if you have your design work hosted on one database, but want to keep the production database off-limits from developers you deploy from your design repository to the production repository. If you then connect to the production repository using the Design Center you wouldn't see any mappings there.
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    LSNRCTL for Linux: Version - Production on 03-JAN-2008 12:07:04
    Copyright (c) 1991, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
    Starting /oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/bin/tnslsnr: please wait...
    TNS-12537: TNS:connection closed
    TNS-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error
    TNS-00507: Connection closed
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