Desktop Synchronization problems?

My desktop software manager does not show outlook as an option for synchronization??  It used to but has stopped recently

Hey mikedowse,
Welcome to the BlackBerry Support Community Forums.
What version of BlackBerry Desktop Software are you using?  Also what version of Outlook are you using?
Try going through the steps in this article to bring back Outlook as an option:
Come follow your BlackBerry Technical Team on Twitter! @BlackBerryHelp
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    Has anyone not working with .dv files had sound synchronization problems? I'm not exactly sure what the alternatives to DV are, but I think one of them is HD.
    The reason for asking this question is to help isolate the nature and cause of a very serious flaw in iMovie '11. In the original release of iMovie '11 (version 9.0) there was a small--but serious--synchronization problem. In the 9.01 there is a large synchronization problem. We know of one person who has not experienced the problem, and he is not working with DV files (media). So we want to find out if anyone who is using something other than .dv files is experiencing a lack of synchronization between sound and picture. Knowing the answer to this will help with figuring out where the cause lies. For the initial iMovie '11 release (9.0), you probably would not notice a problem unless you had very long event-clips, e.g., two hours long. Events get this long if you are transferring from analog 8 mm tapes. Even then, it would have to be in scenes in which the connection between event and sound is obvious, e.g., close ups of people talking. It isn't until the 9.01 release that most people would notice anything. All we need to do is establish one case of a synchronization problem in which the person is using something other than DV.
    Message was edited by: Paul Bullen

    Hopefully, the 9.0.2 release will make my question moot. Zyfert must have posted the announcement of the release just as I was formulating my question. Still, if you have information on the subject, it would be interesting to hear.

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        Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime();
        runtime.exec( "explorer.exe \"" + file.getAbsolutePath() + "\"" );
      } catch(IOException) {
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    Thanks Andrew,
    I've do a more simple example of the problem. I create two files on "\\fiuu\proyectosShared", one called "test.txt" and the other one called "te st.txt". I execute your exact source for the who paths whith these results:
    File f = new File("//fiuu/proyectosShared/test.txt");
    System.out.println(f + "  exists: " + f.exists());;
    \\fiuu\proyectosShared\test.txt  exists: true
    (notepads opens the file)The second test does'nt work:
    File f = new File("//fiuu/proyectosShared/te st.txt");
    System.out.println(f + "  exists: " + f.exists());;
    \\fiuu\proyectosShared\te st.txt  exists: true
    Exception in thread "main" Failed to open file:////fiuu/proyectosShared/te%20st.txt. Error message: El sistema no puede hallar la ruta especificada.
         at DesktopTest.main(
    (translation of error message: System can't find specified path)I've also done some tests with Desktop.browse(file.toURI), and some others with no success.
    Something curious: try to execute Runtime.getRuntime().exec("explorer " + f.getAbsolutePath) for a file that has thow white spaces on his name....
    File f = new File("//fiuu/proyectosShared/te  st.txt");//with two white spaces
    System.out.println(f + "  exists: " + f.exists());
    Runtime.getRuntime().exec("explorer " + f.getAbsolutePath());
    \\fiuu\proyectosShared\te  st.txt  exists: trueSystem says:
    Explorador de Windows
    La ruta '\\fiuu\proyectosShared\te st.txt' no existe o no es un directorio.
    (spanish version of File not found alert message)Note that in alert message one white space of filename is lost!
    Thanks again
    Edited by: pakomail on Nov 24, 2008 6:12 AM

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    we Have Configured LDAP tree Successfully....the Problem is the Role Assignment iview under Portal Admin is not appearing....if we check the Test Connection with the  users Configured with LDAP in Authentication server TAB under user configuration,it is showing success message...but at the same time we are unable to login with the same user in to the Portal..we are working with EP 5.0....any help can be appreciated

  • Post Moved BT Broadband Desktop help problem

    Post Moved to Other BB Queries
    If you want to say thanks for a helpful answer,please click on the Ratings star on the left-hand side If the reply answers your question then please mark as ’Mark as Accepted Solution’

    Hi FrankC
    I am sorry this still a problem.
    If you could drop me an email please with your BT account and telephone number along with a link back to this thread I'll get this sorted out for you.
    Just send to the address in my profile. 
    With regards to the thread being marked as solved as the original poster you can unmark the thread as solved.  Just select 'Options' at the top right of the post.  KerryG has posted up a pretty useful guide on this here. 
    BTCare Community Mod
    If we have asked you to email us with your details, please make sure you are logged in to the forum, otherwise you will not be able to see our ‘Contact Us’ link within our profiles.
    We are sorry but we are unable to deal with service/account queries via the private message(PM) function so please don't PM your account info, we need to deal with this via our email account :-)”
    td-p/30">Ratings star on the left-hand side of the post.
    If someone answers your question correctly please let other members know by clicking on ’Mark as Accepted Solution’.

  • Client Synchronization Problem

    Hi All,
    When I am synchronizing for the first time to get deviceid from mobile client
    getting the following error.
    • Synchronization started 
    • Proxy http://xyz:port/meSync/servlet/meSync?~sysid=ABC& 
    • Connection to server failed. 
    • Synchronization problems: Transport-layer (http) sync exception raised (root cause: Exception while synchronizing ( Not in GZIP format)) 
    Could anybody tell what  I have to do please.
    Ameer Baba

    Hi Abhijit,
    Here it is.
    [20070219 08:57:53:791] I [MI/API/Logging ] ***** LOG / TRACE SWITCHED ON 
    [20070219 08:57:53:791] I [MI/API/Logging ] ***** Mobile Engine version: MI 70 SP 9 Patch 5 Build 200612061055 
    [20070219 08:57:53:791] I [MI/API/Logging ] ***** Current timezone: Indian/Reunion 
    [20070219 08:57:53:791] I [MI ] Trace severity: All (1000) 
    [20070219 08:57:53:791] D [MI/PIOS ] No implementations found. Error Code:(3) 
    [20070219 08:57:53:791] D [MI/API/Runtime/JSP ] AbstractMEHttpServlet:dispatch request to '/jsp/trace/trace.jsp' 
    [20070219 08:57:59:808] D [MI/Core ] Set current application to 'MOBILEENGINE_JSP' 
    [20070219 08:57:59:808] D [MI/API/Runtime/JSP ] AbstractMEHttpServlet:doGet(...) called 
    [20070219 08:57:59:808] D [MI/API/Runtime/JSP ] AbstractMEHttpServlet:getEvent() done with event name = '' 
    [20070219 08:57:59:808] I [MI/API/Sync ] Terminate connection feature is not configured 
    [20070219 08:57:59:808] D [MI/API/Runtime/JSP ] AbstractMEHttpServlet:dispatch request to '/jsp/home/home.jsp' 
    [20070219 08:58:01:569] D [MI/Core ] Set current application to 'MOBILEENGINE_JSP' 
    [20070219 08:58:01:569] D [MI/API/Runtime/JSP ] AbstractMEHttpServlet:doGet(...) called 
    [20070219 08:58:01:569] D [MI/API/Runtime/JSP ] AbstractMEHttpServlet:getEvent() done with event name = '' 
    [20070219 08:58:01:569] D [MI/API/Runtime/JSP ] AbstractMEHttpServlet:dispatch request to '/jsp/home/syncpassword.jsp' 
    [20070219 08:58:06:432] D [MI/Core ] Set current application to 'MOBILEENGINE_JSP' 
    [20070219 08:58:06:432] D [MI/API/Runtime/JSP ] AbstractMEHttpServlet:doGet(...) called 
    [20070219 08:58:06:432] D [MI/API/Runtime/JSP ] AbstractMEHttpServlet:getEvent() done with event name = '' 
    [20070219 08:58:06:432] P [MI/Sync ] Notify R3 called 
    [20070219 08:58:06:432] D [MI/Sync ] There is already a container for method WAF_REGISTRY and user AMEERB in the outbound queue 
    [20070219 08:58:06:432] I [MI/API/Sync ] Terminate connection feature is not configured 
    [20070219 08:58:06:432] D [MI/API/Runtime/JSP ] AbstractMEHttpServlet:dispatch request to '/jsp/home/home.jsp' 
    [20070219 08:58:06:447] D [MI/API/Services ] MEResourceBundle:Constructor: Create MEResourceBundle(com/sap/ip/me/awtapps/home/mobile_engine, en_IN, (null)) 
    [20070219 08:58:06:447] D [MI/API/Services ] MEResourceBundle:Constructor: Use classloader 
    [20070219 08:58:06:447] D [MI/API/Services ] CREATED MEPropertyResourceBundle$MEPropertyResourceBundle@d24e3f for bundleName: com/sap/ip/me/awtapps/home/mobile_engine with Locale: _en 
    [20070219 08:58:06:463] D [MI/API/Services ] CREATED parent MEPropertyResourceBundle for child bundle:$MEPropertyResourceBundle@d24e3f using bundle name: com/sap/ip/me/awtapps/home/mobile_engine 
    [20070219 08:58:06:463] I [MI/Sync ] Synchronize with backend called, Thread=Thread-27 
    [20070219 08:58:06:463] I [MI/Sync ] Thread=Thread-27 took lock for synchronization. 
    [20070219 08:58:06:463] P [MI/Sync ] Use following gateway for synchronization: http://cymobile:8001 
    [20070219 08:58:06:588] D [MI/SyncMonitor ] New synchronization process has been started 
    [20070219 08:58:06:588] D [MI/Sync ] Synchronisation: Fire SyncEvent 0 
    [20070219 08:58:06:588] D [MI/API/Services ] MEResourceBundle:Constructor: Create MEResourceBundle(com/sap/ip/me/awtapps/home/mobile_engine, en_IN, (null)) 
    [20070219 08:58:06:588] D [MI/API/Services ] MEResourceBundle:Constructor: Use classloader 
    [20070219 08:58:06:588] D [MI/API/Services ] CREATED MEPropertyResourceBundle$MEPropertyResourceBundle@10f41e9 for bundleName: com/sap/ip/me/awtapps/home/mobile_engine with Locale: _en 
    [20070219 08:58:06:603] D [MI/API/Services ] CREATED parent MEPropertyResourceBundle for child bundle:$MEPropertyResourceBundle@10f41e9 using bundle name: com/sap/ip/me/awtapps/home/mobile_engine 
    [20070219 08:58:06:603] D [MI/API/Sync ] SyncEvent[] skipped for User because he has not been installed on MW. 
    [20070219 08:58:06:603] D [MI/API/Sync ] SyncEvent[] skipped for User because he has not been installed on MW. 
    [20070219 08:58:06:603] D [MI/API/Sync ] SyncEvent[] skipped for User because he has not been installed on MW. 
    [20070219 08:58:06:603] D [MI/API/Sync ] SyncEvent[] skipped for User because he has not been installed on MW. 
    [20070219 08:58:06:603] D [MI/API/Sync ] SyncEvent[] skipped for User because he has not been installed on MW. 
    [20070219 08:58:06:603] D [MI/API/Sync ] SyncEvent[] skipped for User because he has not been installed on MW. 
    [20070219 08:58:06:603] D [MI/API/Sync ] SyncEvent[] skipped for User because he has not been installed on MW. 
    [20070219 08:58:06:603] D [MI/API/Sync ] SyncEvent[] skipped for User because he has not been installed on MW. 
    [20070219 08:58:06:603] D [MI/API/Sync ] SyncEvent[] skipped for User because he has not been installed on MW. 
    [20070219 08:58:06:603] P [MI/Sync ] Start updating data completeness flag for user all sync relevant users 
    [20070219 08:58:06:634] P [MI/Sync ] Update data completeness flag for user AMEERB 
    [20070219 08:58:06:634] P [MI/Sync ] Update data completeness flag for user (SHARED) 
    [20070219 08:58:06:634] P [MI/Sync ] Finished updating data completeness flag for user all sync relevant users 
    [20070219 08:58:06:634] P [MI/Sync ] Repetitive sync is turned off 
    [20070219 08:58:06:634] P [MI/Sync ] Synchronization started for user (SHARED) 
    [20070219 08:58:06:634] D [MI/API/Services ] MEResourceBundle:Constructor: Create MEResourceBundle(com/sap/ip/me/awtapps/home/mobile_engine, en_IN, (null)) 
    [20070219 08:58:06:634] D [MI/API/Services ] MEResourceBundle:Constructor: Use classloader 
    [20070219 08:58:06:634] D [MI/API/Services ] CREATED MEPropertyResourceBundle$MEPropertyResourceBundle@b05acd for bundleName: com/sap/ip/me/awtapps/home/mobile_engine with Locale: _en 
    [20070219 08:58:06:634] D [MI/API/Services ] CREATED parent MEPropertyResourceBundle for child bundle:$MEPropertyResourceBundle@b05acd using bundle name: com/sap/ip/me/awtapps/home/mobile_engine 
    [20070219 08:58:06:634] D [MI/SyncMonitor ] Sync monitor data file does not exist; use default values 
    [20070219 08:58:06:634] D [MI/SyncMonitor ] Start sync cycle at 20070219085806 (1171875486634) 
    [20070219 08:58:06:634] D [MI/Sync ] PackageManager: old package file C:\Program Files\SAP Mobile Infrastructure\sync\(SHARED)\out\package.out was successfully deleted 
    [20070219 08:58:06:634] D [MI/Sync ] PackageManager: create package with maximum 2147483647 items 
    [20070219 08:58:06:650] D [MI/API/Services ] MEResourceBundle:Constructor: Create MEResourceBundle(com/sap/ip/me/awtapps/home/mobile_engine, en_IN, (null)) 
    [20070219 08:58:06:650] D [MI/API/Services ] MEResourceBundle:Constructor: Use classloader 
    [20070219 08:58:06:650] D [MI/API/Services ] CREATED MEPropertyResourceBundle$MEPropertyResourceBundle@1989b5 for bundleName: com/sap/ip/me/awtapps/home/mobile_engine with Locale: _en 
    [20070219 08:58:06:650] D [MI/API/Services ] CREATED parent MEPropertyResourceBundle for child bundle:$MEPropertyResourceBundle@1989b5 using bundle name: com/sap/ip/me/awtapps/home/mobile_engine 
    [20070219 08:58:06:650] D [MI/Sync ] PackageManager: filled package with 0 acknowledge received container(s) 
    [20070219 08:58:06:650] D [MI/API/Services ] MEResourceBundle:Constructor: Create MEResourceBundle(com/sap/ip/me/awtapps/home/mobile_engine, en_IN, (null)) 
    [20070219 08:58:06:650] D [MI/API/Services ] MEResourceBundle:Constructor: Use classloader 
    [20070219 08:58:06:650] D [MI/API/Services ] CREATED MEPropertyResourceBundle$MEPropertyResourceBundle@a00185 for bundleName: com/sap/ip/me/awtapps/home/mobile_engine with Locale: _en 
    [20070219 08:58:06:666] D [MI/API/Services ] CREATED parent MEPropertyResourceBundle for child bundle:$MEPropertyResourceBundle@a00185 using bundle name: com/sap/ip/me/awtapps/home/mobile_engine 
    [20070219 08:58:06:666] D [MI/Sync ] PackageManager: filled package with 0 acknowledge container(s) 
    [20070219 08:58:06:666] D [MI/API/Services ] MEResourceBundle:Constructor: Create MEResourceBundle(com/sap/ip/me/awtapps/home/mobile_engine, en_IN, (null)) 
    [20070219 08:58:06:666] D [MI/API/Services ] MEResourceBundle:Constructor: Use classloader 
    [20070219 08:58:06:666] D [MI/API/Services ] CREATED MEPropertyResourceBundle$MEPropertyResourceBundle@c3c315 for bundleName: com/sap/ip/me/awtapps/home/mobile_engine with Locale: _en 
    [20070219 08:58:06:666] D [MI/API/Services ] CREATED parent MEPropertyResourceBundle for child bundle:$MEPropertyResourceBundle@c3c315 using bundle name: com/sap/ip/me/awtapps/home/mobile_engine 
    [20070219 08:58:06:666] D [MI/Sync ] PackageManager: filled package with 0 container items or headers 
    [20070219 08:58:06:666] D [MI/Sync ] PackageManager: filled package with 1 notify container(s) 
    [20070219 08:58:06:666] D [MI/SyncMonitor ] Finished outbound preparation at 20070219085806 (1171875486666) 
    [20070219 08:58:06:666] D [MI/Sync ] Package file C:\Program Files\SAP Mobile Infrastructure\sync\(SHARED)\out\package.out exists and can be read 
    [20070219 08:58:06:666] P [MI/Sync ] Synchronisation started 
    [20070219 08:58:06:666] D [MI/Sync ] Begin: Dumping file C:\Program Files\SAP Mobile Infrastructure\sync\(SHARED)\out\package.out 
    [20070219 08:58:06:681] D [MI/Sync ] End: Dumping file C:\Program Files\SAP Mobile Infrastructure\sync\(SHARED)\out\package.out 
    [20070219 08:58:06:681] I [MI/Sync ] Outbound file size for user (SHARED) is 131 
    [20070219 08:58:06:681] P [MI/Sync ] Do not use http proxy (system properties update) 
    [20070219 08:58:06:681] P [MI/Sync ] Use following gateway for synchronization: http://cymobile:8001 
    [20070219 08:58:06:681] I [MI/Sync ] GzipDataCompression: Gzip data compression is switched on 
    [20070219 08:58:06:681] P [MI/Sync ] Sending outbound file compressed to server. 
    [20070219 08:58:06:681] P [MI/Sync ] Outbound file was compressedly sent. 
    [20070219 08:58:06:697] I [MI/Sync ] HttpSynchronizer caught exception http://name:port/sap/bc/MJC/mi_host?sysid=XYZ&client=100&~language=EN&ACKNOWLEDGE=& http://name:port/sap/bc/MJC/mi_host?sysid=XYZ&client=100&~language=EN&ACKNOWLEDGE=& 
    [20070219 08:58:06:697] E [MI/Sync ] Exception while synchronizing via http Exception while synchronizing ( http://name:port/sap/bc/MJC/mi_host?sysid=XYZ&client=100&~language=EN&ACKNOWLEDGE=&) 
    [20070219 08:58:06:697] P [MI/Core ] original context restored 
    [20070219 08:58:06:697] W [MI/Sync ] Synchronisation problems Transport-layer (http) sync exception raised (root cause: Exception while synchronizing ( http://name:port/sap/bc/MJC/mi_host?sysid=XYZ&client=100&~language=EN&ACKNOWLEDGE=&)) 
    [20070219 08:58:06:697] D [MI/Sync ] Synchronisation: Fire SyncEvent 1 
    [20070219 08:58:06:697] D [MI/API/Services ] MEResourceBundle:Constructor: Create MEResourceBundle(com/sap/ip/me/awtapps/home/mobile_engine, en_IN, (null)) 
    [20070219 08:58:06:697] D [MI/API/Services ] MEResourceBundle:Constructor: Use classloader 
    [20070219 08:58:06:697] D [MI/API/Services ] CREATED MEPropertyResourceBundle$MEPropertyResourceBundle@1328c7a for bundleName: com/sap/ip/me/awtapps/home/mobile_engine with Locale: _en 
    [20070219 08:58:06:697] D [MI/API/Services ] CREATED parent MEPropertyResourceBundle for child bundle:$MEPropertyResourceBundle@1328c7a using bundle name: com/sap/ip/me/awtapps/home/mobile_engine 
    [20070219 08:58:06:697] P [MI/Core ] Thread Thread-27 switched context to MI414d45455242 / MI414d45455242 (User: AMEERB, MSD: Name: / MOBILEENGINE_JSP (V. 7095), Target=, (stack level 1) 
    [20070219 08:58:06:697] I [MI/API/Sync ] SyncEvent Performing on ConversationId MI414d45455242 
    [20070219 08:58:06:697] P [MI/Core ] original context restored 
    [20070219 08:58:06:697] P [MI/Core ] Thread Thread-27 switched context to MI2853484152454429 / MI2853484152454429 (User: (SHARED), MSD: Name: / MOBILEENGINE_JSP (V. 7095), Target=, (stack level 1) 
    [20070219 08:58:06:697] I [MI/API/Sync ] SyncEvent Performing on ConversationId MI2853484152454429 
    [20070219 08:58:06:697] P [MI/Core ] original context restored 
    [20070219 08:58:06:697] P [MI/Core ] Thread Thread-27 switched context to MI2853484152454429 / MI2853484152454429 (User: (SHARED), MSD: Name: / MOBILEENGINE_JSP (V. 7095), Target=, (stack level 1) 
    [20070219 08:58:06:697] I [MI/API/Sync ] SyncEvent Performing on ConversationId MI2853484152454429 
    [20070219 08:58:06:697] P [MI/Core ] original context restored 
    [20070219 08:58:06:697] P [MI/Core ] Thread Thread-27 switched context to MI2853484152454429 / MI2853484152454429 (User: (SHARED), MSD: Name: / MOBILEENGINE_JSP (V. 7095), Target=, (stack level 1) 
    [20070219 08:58:06:697] I [MI/API/Sync ] SyncEvent Performing on ConversationId MI2853484152454429 
    [20070219 08:58:06:697] P [MI/Core ] original context restored 
    [20070219 08:58:06:697] P [MI/Core ] Thread Thread-27 switched context to MI2853484152454429 / MI2853484152454429 (User: (SHARED), MSD: Name: / MOBILEENGINE_JSP (V. 7095), Target=, (stack level 1) 
    [20070219 08:58:06:697] I [MI/API/Sync ] SyncEvent Performing on ConversationId MI2853484152454429 
    [20070219 08:58:06:712] P [MI/Core ] original context restored 
    [20070219 08:58:06:712] P [MI/Core ] Thread Thread-27 switched context to MI2853484152454429 / MI2853484152454429 (User: (SHARED), MSD: Name: / MOBILEENGINE_JSP (V. 7095), Target=, (stack level 1) 
    [20070219 08:58:06:712] I [MI/API/Sync ] SyncEvent Performing$AgentSyncEventListener on ConversationId MI2853484152454429 
    [20070219 08:58:06:712] P [MI/Core ] original context restored 
    [20070219 08:58:06:712] P [MI/Core ] Thread Thread-27 switched context to MI414d45455242 / MI414d45455242 (User: AMEERB, MSD: Name: / MOBILEENGINE_JSP (V. 7095), Target=, (stack level 1) 
    [20070219 08:58:06:712] I [MI/API/Sync ] SyncEvent Performing on ConversationId MI414d45455242 
    [20070219 08:58:06:712] P [MI/Core ] original context restored 
    [20070219 08:58:06:712] P [MI/Core ] Thread Thread-27 switched context to MI2853484152454429 / MI2853484152454429 (User: (SHARED), MSD: Name: / MOBILEENGINE_JSP (V. 7095), Target=, (stack level 1) 
    [20070219 08:58:06:712] I [MI/API/Sync ] SyncEvent Performing on ConversationId MI2853484152454429 
    [20070219 08:58:06:712] P [MI/Core ] original context restored 
    [20070219 08:58:06:712] P [MI/Core ] Thread Thread-27 switched context to MI2853484152454429 / MI2853484152454429 (User: (SHARED), MSD: Name: / MOBILEENGINE_JSP (V. 7095), Target=, (stack level 1) 
    [20070219 08:58:06:712] I [MI/API/Sync ] SyncEvent Performing on ConversationId MI2853484152454429 
    [20070219 08:58:06:712] P [MI/Core ] original context restored 
    [20070219 08:58:06:712] I [MI/Sync ] Synchronization finished, Thread=Thread-27 
    [20070219 08:58:16:703] D [MI/Core ] Set current application to 'MOBILEENGINE_JSP' 
    [20070219 08:58:16:703] D [MI/API/Runtime/JSP ] AbstractMEHttpServlet:doGet(...) called 
    [20070219 08:58:16:703] D [MI/API/Runtime/JSP ] AbstractMEHttpServlet:getEvent() done with event name = '' 
    [20070219 08:58:16:703] I [MI/API/Sync ] Terminate connection feature is not configured 
    [20070219 08:58:16:703] D [MI/API/Runtime/JSP ] AbstractMEHttpServlet:dispatch request to '/jsp/home/synclog.jsp' 
    [20070219 08:58:21:317] D [MI/Core ] Set current application to 'MOBILEENGINE_JSP' 
    [20070219 08:58:21:317] D [MI/API/Runtime/JSP ] AbstractMEHttpServlet:doGet(...) called 
    [20070219 08:58:21:317] D [MI/API/Runtime/JSP ] AbstractMEHttpServlet:getEvent() done with event name = '' 
    [20070219 08:58:21:317] I [MI/API/Sync ] Terminate connection feature is not configured 
    [20070219 08:58:21:317] D [MI/API/Runtime/JSP ] AbstractMEHttpServlet:dispatch request to '/jsp/home/home.jsp' 
    [20070219 08:58:22:579] D [MI/Core ] Set current application to 'MOBILEENGINE_JSP' 
    [20070219 08:58:22:579] D [MI/API/Runtime/JSP ] AbstractMEHttpServlet:doGet(...) called 
    [20070219 08:58:22:579] D [MI/API/Runtime/JSP ] AbstractMEHttpServlet:getEvent() done with event name = '' 
    [20070219 08:58:22:579] D [MI/API/Runtime/JSP ] AbstractMEHttpServlet:dispatch request to '/jsp/trace/trace.jsp' 
    [20070219 08:58:24:684] D [MI/Core ] Set current application to 'MOBILEENGINE_JSP' 
    [20070219 08:58:24:684] D [MI/API/Runtime/JSP ] AbstractMEHttpServlet:doGet(...) called 
    [20070219 08:58:24:684] D [MI/API/Runtime/JSP ] AbstractMEHttpServlet:getEvent() done with event name = '' 
    Ameer Baba.

  • To those who have had synchronization problems: Did your files end in .dv?

    In order to determine whether the synchronization problems were restricted to people using DV files, it would be helpful if anyone who had a problem could say whether their files ended in .dv. So: if you had a problem, could you please say what sort of files (medium) you were using? DV? HD? Whatever else there is? Thank you.

    my clips were all pulled directly from my Canon FS20 camcorder. the file extensions of the raw footage is all ".mov" ... hope that helps. J
    Thanks. It does help--or at least it should help the people who know enough about the subject to digest its significance. I'm trying to help them. They said this would be useful to know. (I think you actually posted this information before, but it slipped by; so I am glad you provide it again.)

  • Having email imap synchronization problems with outlook 365 proplus

    I have email imap synchronization problems with outlook 365 proplus.
    If I sent emails , my sent items box does not synchronized.
    This is really a bug, because I see more problems like this on internet.
    Please make ASAP a solution , this is not professional

    Hi JMR,
    Assuming you are referring to Outlook 2013 by "outlook 365 proplus". This is actually because Outlook 2013’s IMAP implementation has changed when compared to previous versions of Outlook.
    While configuring the IMAP account, Outlook will talk to the IMAP server for the correct folders first. If Outlook 2013 can’t find the correct folder for the Sent Items in your mail server, it will create a folder which doesn’t sync with the mail server.
    To sync the Sent Items folder with IMAP server, we can try to root the mailbox:
    Go to FILE->Account Settings->Account Settings…
    Double click on your IMAP account.
    Click More Options… button, then Advanced tab
    Type "Inbox" as the "Root folder path"
    Hope this helps.
    Ethan Hua
    TechNet Community Support
    It's recommended to download and install
    Configuration Analyzer Tool (OffCAT), which is developed by Microsoft Support teams. Once the tool is installed, you can run it at any time to scan for hundreds of known issues in Office

  • 9.0.2 does NOT solve synchronization problems

    Since we have one title that says 9.0.1 solves the synchronization problem and one that says it does not, we truly have an issue, i.e., conflicting claims that need to be adjudicated.

    Ok starting to understand what you are describing. My only other suggestion is to do this:
    1. Quit iMoive, then go to the event in the Finder where you DV clips live.
    2. Delete ALL of the iMovie cache folders INCLUDING the one that is inside the Thumbnail folder.
    3. Relaunch iMovie and wait for everything to regenerate
    Try that, I've had success in the past using this method
    Thank you for your patience. Since I have quite a few such cache folders, unless I hear different from you, I will try this out on one carefully chosen event. By carefully chosen, I mean one in which there is a scene near the end of the long event that now clearly exhibits a lack of synchronization.
    (My tentative guess is that 9.0.2 solves the problems caused by 9.01, but not the lesser ones caused by 9.0. In the latter case, only people with very long events will notice a problem.)

  • A very strange synchronization problem

    Hi Everybody,
    I would like to get some help regarding a strange synchronization problem that I have found. I have created a java server application and after a lot of testing I have found the following problem:
    A certain thread (Thread-A) is stuck forever on a synchornized (objX) line, whereas another thread (Thread-B) every 30 seconds performs a section which is protected by the same synchornized (objX) line.
    It seems that the objX is not held by any thread, but Thread-A is stuck forever.
    The BUG is reproducible after the server runs about 1 day.
    The server is running on Linux machine (Red Hat 7.3) with JVM 1.4 (Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.4.1_01-b01)).
    I would appreciate any help.
    Thanks In Advance,
    Idan Zach

    This is not a starvation problem since Thread-B performs its job every 30 seconds. The job is very short (I have added log messages before Thread-B starts its job and after it completes the job).
    However, the priority of both threads are the same.
    Thanks In Advance,
    Idan Zach

  • Synchronization Problems with BlackBerry Desktop Manager 4.5v and Windows Mail Client

    BlackBerry (RIM) Desktop Manager 4.5v synchronization setup does not work properly. I cannot synchronize my desktop calendar because the only desktop application formats available are (<None>, Ascii Import/Export and Yahoo), Windows Mail is not an option!
    I contacted BlackBerry and the only response I received was that I need the Outlook Express program to synchronize my desktop calendar.
    Microsoft upgraded from the Outlook program to Windows mail to provide a better program, which I happen to like! The idea of purchasing the Outlook Express software when there is nothing wrong with my current mail program does not make any sense to me! And will BlackBerry support any Vista system issues if there are any compatibility problems with the old Microsoft mail client?
    Has anyone contacted BlackBerry about this issue? Any ideas how to fix this problem?
    Why can’t Blackberry (RIM) resolve the synchronization issue? In addition to this problem, you may find that the Desktop Manager Device Switch Wizard does not function with the Treo 650 and BlackBerry 8830 and the Advanced feature in Backup and Restore does not seem to save the any files that you want to restore.
    BlackBerry Please Help!
    Microsoft Office Standard 2007 is $399, really expensive! Not sure if you can purchase the mail client separately.
    - Microsoft website: [“Outlook Express has been replaced by Windows Mail, an improved e‑mail program with enhancements such as junk e‑mail filtering and protection against phishing messages.”]

    Hello My8830
    You can only synchronize contacts with Windows Mail - you can not synchronize calendar, memos, or tasks.  Outlook express does not have these items, and the version of Windows Mail that I am running also does not have them.  Windows Calendar is seperate from windows mail on my version of Vista.
    So to clarify it all, downgrading to Outlook Express will still not get you calendar synchronization as it does not have a calendar.

  • Curve 9380 synchronization with Desktop software problem

    The desktop software loads up fine and goes to synchronize.  I get an error message:  "A program error occurred at line 1548 in ./O|Access.cpp.  Please report ..."
    I have reloaded the desktop softare a couple of tiems after doing a full wipe.
    Any ideas? 

    Hi and Welcome to the Community!
    From your post, I cannot quite tell if you've done this exact I suggest this thread:
    It starts with a process for cleanly starting over, and there is some discussion, and there is also a post (15) with links to older Desktop Software versions, if those are needed. Note that this is not, by any means, guaranteed to work...but it has worked for many to resolve issues they are having.
    Good luck!
    Occam's Razor nearly always applies when troubleshooting technology issues!
    If anyone has been helpful to you, please show your appreciation by clicking the button inside of their post. Please click here and read, along with the threads to which it links, for helpful information to guide you as you proceed. I always recommend that you treat your BlackBerry like any other computing device, including using a regular backup here for an article with instructions.
    Join our BBM Channels
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  • Debugging Synchronization Problem - How to read PtTrace.log / tif.log?

    I believe the following is the portion of the PtTrace.log log giving a clue to why I'm receiving a "Connector Specific" error during synchronization. I've also included the tif.log as KB15294 told me to create these logs, but not how to read and solve the problem. THANK YOU ANYONE!!
    11:23:10.485: Fetching implemented classes at .\iluptbl.cpp line 3408
    11:23:10.704: Fetching implemented classes at .\iluptbl.cpp line 3408
    11:23:11.888: Begin ILX Session, Source=Microsoft Outlook, Target=Device
    11:23:11.907: Starting Standard Sync
    11:23:11.956: Phase=10, User=3211EB77: Reading data from Device Address Book
    11:23:13.870: Finished Reading 1 Records + 0 Deletes + 0 Unchangeds for User=3211EB77 from Device Address Book (fast sync input)
    11:23:13.871: Phase=20, User=3211EB77: Reading data from Microsoft Outlook Contacts
    11:23:15.110: Finished Reading 0 Records + 0 Deletes + 704 Unchangeds for User=3211EB77 from Microsoft Outlook Contacts (slow/medium sync input)
    11:23:15.111: Phase=30, User=3211EB77: Writing data into Device Address Book
    11:25:09.541: Add 0, Change 0, Delete 0, and Leave 705 Alone in Device Address Book
    11:25:09.542: Add 1, Change 0, Delete 0, and Leave 704 Alone in Microsoft Outlook Contacts
    11:25:18.679: Phase=40, User=3211EB77: Writing data into Microsoft Outlook Contacts
    11:25:18.747: Creating new Sync History File
    11:25:18.780: History file 'C:\Users\Pj\AppData\Roaming\RESEAR~1\BLACKB~2\\Intellisync\\3211EB77\1.ish' committed
    11:25:18.781: Translation Unit Completed: User=3211EB77, rc=0
    11:25:18.860: End ILX Session, elapsed time = 126.000 seconds
    11:26:44.609: Fetching implemented classes at .\iluptbl.cpp line 3408
    11:26:44.821: Fetching implemented classes at .\iluptbl.cpp line 3408
    11:26:46.010: Begin ILX Session, Source=Microsoft Outlook, Target=Device
    11:26:46.026: Starting Standard Sync
    11:26:46.060: Phase=10, User=3211EB77: Reading data from Device Tasks
    Sat Feb 11 11:26:46 2012: Error 12.12 at .\sdk_data.cpp line 875
    Sat Feb 11 11:26:46 2012: Error 0.4238 at .\ciltrans.cpp line 241
    Sat Feb 11 11:26:46 2012: Error 4238.4238 at .\Ilx_sdk.cpp line 220
    11:26:46.542: Translation Unit Status: User=3211EB77, rc=4238, Phase=10, TrErr=4238, SysErr=0 at .\xlatev3.cpp line 650
    11:26:46.546: End ILX Session, elapsed time = 0.000 seconds
    11:33:33.206: Fetching implemented classes at .\iluptbl.cpp line 3408
    11:33:33.416: Fetching implemented classes at .\iluptbl.cpp line 3408
    11:33:34.571: Begin ILX Session, Source=Microsoft Outlook, Target=Device
    11:33:34.584: Starting Standard Sync
    11:33:34.628: Phase=10, User=3211EB77: Reading data from Device Tasks
    Sat Feb 11 11:33:35 2012: Error 12.12 at .\sdk_data.cpp line 875
    Sat Feb 11 11:33:35 2012: Error 0.4238 at .\ciltrans.cpp line 241
    Sat Feb 11 11:33:35 2012: Error 4238.4238 at .\Ilx_sdk.cpp line 220
    11:33:35.055: Translation Unit Status: User=3211EB77, rc=4238, Phase=10, TrErr=4238, SysErr=0 at .\xlatev3.cpp line 650
    11:33:35.058: End ILX Session, elapsed time = 0.000 seconds
    Sat Feb 11 11:33:34 2012
    -------- Running 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Research In Motion\BlackBerry Desktop\IntelliSync\iltif32.dll' Synchronization engine. Internal use only. Part of the Nokia Intellisync SDK
    Version 7,3,2,23
    ilsdk ==> ilsdk
    SOURCE: Microsoft Outlook Tasks
    TARGET: Device Tasks ()
    src=144.4, tar=145.4, func=4 (todo), map#8, phase=5, TIFLOG=100, LoggingFilter=0
    v=58, sync=1, UpdOpt=2 (notify), policy=0x0, ILTR_Flags=0x9000.0x3, sizeof(tr)=17280
    TIFVersion=0x6001, SourceSST=0, TargetSST=0, OKTP=0x0
    Xlator Filtering Level = 0
    Filter Expression Has Changed = 0
    HistoryDir is 'C:\Users\Pj\AppData\Roaming\RESEAR~1\BLACKB~2\\Intellisync\\3211EB77'
    Date Range: from 19800101 (29219) to 30991231 (438290); future=1
    -------- Requested Service is Full Sync (incremental)
    Target Field Map:
    #0.1: 21 Title Title (A, , 0)
    #1.1: 22 Notes Notes (A, , 11)
    #2.1: 30 Due Date Due Date (D, , 2)
    #3.1: 33 Priority Priority (N, , 5)
    #4.1: 37 Completed Flag Completed Flag (B, , 1)
    #5.1: 32 Status Status (A, , 4)
    #6.1: _UniqueID _UniqueID (A, , -1)
    #7.1: _Delta _Delta (A, , -1)
    #8.1: 31 Due Time Due Time (T, , -1)
    #9.1: 24 Alarm Date Alarm Date (D, , 8)
    #10.1: 25 Alarm Time Alarm Time (T, , 9)
    #11.1: 36 Alarm Flag Alarm Flag (B, , 7)
    #12.1: 49 Categories Categories (A, , 12)
    #13.1: 26 Start Date Start Date (D, , 3)
    #14.1: 27 Start Time Start Time (T, , -1)
    Extra Special Fields:
    #15.1: _appData ~ (Y, , -1)
    #16.1: _repBasic ~ (Y, , -1)
    #17.1: _repExcl ~ (Y, , -1)
    #18.1: _subType ~ (N, , -1)
    Temporary Work File is 'C:\Users\Pj\AppData\Roaming\RESEAR~1\BLACKB~2\\Intellisync\\3211EB77\workfile.tmp'
    TIF FldLst1[000]=Y.01.01200000 InstanceArray (iltr#-1)
    Using key 'Sync.(Microsoft Outlook.Tasks.0).(Device.Tasks.0).0' for history lookup
    Using old history name '3'
    ----- Starting ILTR phase 5
    TIF FldLst2[000]=A.00.00042820 2004_Subject (iltr#0)
    TIF FldLst2[001]=B.00.00000400 p21_CompletionFlag (iltr#1)
    TIF FldLst2[002]=D.00.00020000 p20_DueDate (iltr#2)
    TIF FldLst2[003]=D.00.00010000 p1_StartDate (iltr#3)
    TIF FldLst2[004]=A.00.00000000 p23_TaskStatus (iltr#4)
    TIF FldLst2[005]=N.00.00400002 p25_Priority (iltr#5)
    TIF FldLst1[001]=N.01.00200000 p24_PercentComplete (iltr#6)
    TIF FldLst2[006]=B.00.00008000 p7_AlarmFlag (iltr#7)
    TIF FldLst2[007]=D.00.00008000 p5_AlarmDate (iltr#8)
    TIF FldLst2[008]=T.00.00008000 p6_AlarmTime (iltr#9)
    TIF FldLst1[002]=A.01.00200000 39_TaskOwner (iltr#10)
    TIF FldLst2[009]=A.00.02002000 2005_Body (iltr#11)
    TIF FldLst2[010]=A.100.00000000 116_Keywords (iltr#12)
    TIF FldLst1[003]=B.01.00200000 p8_PrivateFlag (iltr#13)
    TIF FldLst1[004]=D.01.00200000 p22_CompletionDate (iltr#14)
    TIF FldLst1[005]=N.01.00200000 33_TotalWorkMinutes (iltr#15)
    TIF FldLst1[006]=N.01.00200000 32_ActualWorkMinutes (iltr#16)
    TIF FldLst1[007]=A.01.00200000 102_Mileage (iltr#17)
    TIF FldLst1[008]=A.01.00200000 103_BillingInformation (iltr#18)
    TIF FldLst1[009]=A.01.00200000 106_Contacts (iltr#19)
    TIF FldLst1[010]=A.01.00200000 105_Companies (iltr#20)
    TIF FldLst1[011]=B.01.00200000 94_DoNotAutoArchive (iltr#21)
    TIF FldLst1[012]=A.01.00200000 44_Role (iltr#22)
    TIF FldLst1[013]=B.01.00200000 159_Override (iltr#23)
    TIF FldLst1[014]=B.01.00200000 160_Play (iltr#24)
    TIF FldLst1[015]=A.01.00200000 161_SndFile (iltr#25)
    TIF FldLst1[016]=N.01.00200000 2076_Sensitivity (iltr#26)
    TIF FldLst1[017]=A.41.00202000 p101_AttachmentInfo (iltr#27)
    TIF FldLst1[018]=A.01.01200000 _UniqueID (iltr#28)
    TIF FldLst1[019]=A.01.01200000 p94_StoreIDHash (iltr#29)
    TIF FldLst1[020]=N.01.01200000 _FolderGroup (iltr#30)
    TIF FldLst1[021]=N.01.01200000 2068_TLM (iltr#31)
    TIF FldLst1[022]=A.01.01200000 _Delta (iltr#32)
    TIF FldLst1[023]=N.01.01200000 _FolderID (iltr#33)
    TIF FldLst1[024]=A.01.01200000 _RecordID (iltr#34)
    TIF FldLst1[025]=A.01.01200000 2069_EntryID (iltr#35)
    TIF FldLst1[026]=B.01.00200000 45_Ownership (iltr#36)
    TIF FldLst1[027]=N.01.00200000 p29_TaskStatus (iltr#37)
    TIF FldLst2[011]=Y.00.01200000 _appData (iltr#38)
    TIF FldLst2[012]=Y.00.01200000 _repBasic (iltr#39)
    TIF FldLst2[013]=Y.00.01200000 _repExcl (iltr#40)
    TIF FldLst2[014]=N.00.01040000 _subType (iltr#41)
    ----- Starting ILTR phase 10
    TIF FldLst1[028]=A.20.00040820 21 Title (iltr#0)
    TIF FldLst1[029]=A.20.02002000 22 Notes (iltr#1)
    TIF FldLst1[030]=D.20.00020000 30 Due Date (iltr#2)
    TIF FldLst1[031]=N.20.00400000 33 Priority (iltr#3)
    TIF FldLst1[032]=B.20.00000400 37 Completed Flag (iltr#4)
    TIF FldLst1[033]=A.20.00000000 32 Status (iltr#5)
    TIF FldLst1[034]=A.21.01200000 _UniqueID (iltr#6)
    TIF FldLst1[035]=A.21.01200000 _Delta (iltr#7)
    TIF FldLst1[036]=T.21.00200000 31 Due Time (iltr#8)
    TIF FldLst1[037]=D.20.00008000 24 Alarm Date (iltr#9)
    TIF FldLst1[038]=T.20.00008000 25 Alarm Time (iltr#10)
    TIF FldLst1[039]=B.20.00008000 36 Alarm Flag (iltr#11)
    TIF FldLst1[040]=A.120.00000000 49 Categories (iltr#12)
    TIF FldLst1[041]=D.20.00010000 26 Start Date (iltr#13)
    TIF FldLst1[042]=T.21.00200000 27 Start Time (iltr#14)
    TIF FldLst1[043]=Y.20.01200000 _appData (iltr#15)
    TIF FldLst1[044]=Y.20.01200000 _repBasic (iltr#16)
    TIF FldLst1[045]=Y.20.01200000 _repExcl (iltr#17)
    TIF FldLst1[046]=N.20.01040000 _subType (iltr#18)
    -------- Ending Setup phase; starting Done Setup phase
    DateRange of Previous Sync: 1/1/1980 (29219) - 12/31/3099 (438290)
    Date Of Previous Sync = 2/1/2012 (40938)
    Previous SourceSyncStamp: ?? 0x4f2a0554 ?? (1328153940)
    Previous TargetSyncStamp: ?? 0x4f2a0537 ?? (1328153911)
    -------- Ending Done Setup phase; starting Load Previous History phase
    Deleting useless workfile 'C:\Users\Pj\AppData\Roaming\RESEAR~1\BLACKB~2\\Intellisync\\3211EB77\workfile.tmp'
    Creating new workfile 'C:\Users\Pj\AppData\Roaming\RESEAR~1\BLACKB~2\\Intellisync\\3211EB77\3.wrk' by copying 'C:\Users\Pj\AppData\Roaming\RESEAR~1\BLACKB~2\\Intellisync\\3211EB77\3.ish'
    Digesting previous history record #3
    _UniqueID (len= 58) "00000000C3B28DB58F07784CB1E74729949F106064532100@a1c12ae9\00"
    p94_StoreIDHash (len= 9) "a1c12ae9\00"
    _FolderGroup (len= 2) "0\00"
    2068_TLM (len= 18) "01cc4efe:f8278120\00"
    _Delta (len= 2) "A\00"
    _FolderID (len= 12) "-2010948102\00"
    2069_EntryID (len= 49) "00000000C3B28DB58F07784CB1E74729949F106064532100\00"
    21 Title (len= 43) "Eph Ch 2 - salvation / rewards - see below\00"
    22 Notes (len= 99) "* Judgement of service not salvations\1f* 1 cor ch 3 works burned up - passed test of fire (rewards)\00"
    30 Due Date (len= 9) "20120728\00"
    33 Priority (len= 2) "1\00"
    37 Completed Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
    32 Status (len= 12) "Not Started\00"
    _UniqueID (len= 6) "-1614\00"
    _Delta (len= 2) "C\00"
    31 Due Time (len= 7) "050000\00"
    36 Alarm Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
    26 Start Date (len= 9) "20120728\00"
    27 Start Time (len= 7) "050000\00"
    _subType (len= 2) "0\00"
    SourceID Hash: SIH=4cff8456
    TargetID Hash: TIH=29138b5
    KeyFields Hash: KFH=c22a1fe8
    NonKeyFields Hash: NKH=a269839b
    Flags: F=82.0000
    TIFPutRecord/3 (item #3) ==> rc=0
    Digesting previous history record #4
    _UniqueID (len= 58) "00000000C3B28DB58F07784CB1E74729949F1060C4482100@a1c12ae9\00"
    p94_StoreIDHash (len= 9) "a1c12ae9\00"
    _FolderGroup (len= 2) "0\00"
    2068_TLM (len= 18) "01cc5ec2:cb8291e0\00"
    _Delta (len= 2) "A\00"
    _FolderID (len= 12) "-2010948102\00"
    2069_EntryID (len= 49) "00000000C3B28DB58F07784CB1E74729949F1060C4482100\00"
    21 Title (len= 14) "Joe's haircut\00"
    30 Due Date (len= 9) "20120123\00"
    33 Priority (len= 2) "1\00"
    37 Completed Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
    32 Status (len= 12) "Not Started\00"
    _UniqueID (len= 6) "-1608\00"
    _Delta (len= 2) "C\00"
    31 Due Time (len= 7) "000000\00"
    36 Alarm Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
    49 Categories (len= 7) "Family\00"
    26 Start Date (len= 9) "20120123\00"
    27 Start Time (len= 7) "000000\00"
    _repBasic (len=144)
    rpt.type = Weekly_Days (12)
    rpt.startDate = 1/22/2012 (40928)
    rpt.stopDate = Open-Ended (-1)
    freq=6, numDays=1, day=0, month=0
    dayOfWeek=0, weekOfMonth=0, days[0..6]=0100000
    months[0..11]=000000000000, weeks[0..4]=00000
    _subType (len= 2) "0\00"
    SourceID Hash: SIH=7519503d
    TargetID Hash: TIH=291389a
    KeyFields Hash: KFH=aabe09e4
    NonKeyFields Hash: NKH=fd21515
    Flags: F=40000082.0000
    TIFPutRecord/3 (item #4) ==> rc=0
    Digesting previous history record #5
    _UniqueID (len= 58) "00000000C3B28DB58F07784CB1E74729949F1060C44D2100@a1c12ae9\00"
    p94_StoreIDHash (len= 9) "a1c12ae9\00"
    _FolderGroup (len= 2) "0\00"
    2068_TLM (len= 18) "01cccc9b:d8e0a560\00"
    _Delta (len= 2) "C\00"
    _FolderID (len= 12) "-2010948102\00"
    _RecordID (len= 58) "00000000C3B28DB58F07784CB1E74729949F1060C44D2100@a1c12ae9\00"
    2069_EntryID (len= 49) "00000000C3B28DB58F07784CB1E74729949F1060C44D2100\00"
    21 Title (len= 7) "Church\00"
    22 Notes (len= 50) "Order Church snake part: Carvin SNK16X part SH-KW\00"
    33 Priority (len= 2) "1\00"
    37 Completed Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
    32 Status (len= 12) "Not Started\00"
    _UniqueID (len= 6) "-1601\00"
    _Delta (len= 2) "C\00"
    36 Alarm Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
    49 Categories (len= 4) "Joe\00"
    27 Start Time (len= 7) "103100\00"
    _subType (len= 2) "0\00"
    SourceID Hash: SIH=b7ec3b1
    TargetID Hash: TIH=2913893
    KeyFields Hash: KFH=905f9349
    NonKeyFields Hash: NKH=57d7fc20
    Flags: F=82.0000
    TIFPutRecord/3 (item #5) ==> rc=0
    Digesting previous history record #6
    _UniqueID (len= 58) "00000000C3B28DB58F07784CB1E74729949F1060A4472100@a1c12ae9\00"
    p94_StoreIDHash (len= 9) "a1c12ae9\00"
    _FolderGroup (len= 2) "0\00"
    2068_TLM (len= 18) "01ccbf9f:77dcdc10\00"
    _Delta (len= 2) "C\00"
    _FolderID (len= 12) "-2010948102\00"
    _RecordID (len= 58) "00000000C3B28DB58F07784CB1E74729949F1060A4472100@a1c12ae9\00"
    2069_EntryID (len= 49) "00000000C3B28DB58F07784CB1E74729949F1060A4472100\00"
    21 Title (len= 16) "Daily CLASSROOM\00"
    22 Notes (len= 54) "PVHS Bulletin\1f------------\1fStinger Articles - Publish\00"
    30 Due Date (len= 9) "20120109\00"
    33 Priority (len= 2) "1\00"
    37 Completed Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
    32 Status (len= 12) "Not Started\00"
    _UniqueID (len= 6) "-1597\00"
    _Delta (len= 2) "C\00"
    31 Due Time (len= 7) "000000\00"
    36 Alarm Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
    26 Start Date (len= 9) "20120109\00"
    27 Start Time (len= 7) "000000\00"
    _repBasic (len=144)
    rpt.type = Weekly_Days (12)
    rpt.startDate = 1/9/2012 (40915)
    rpt.stopDate = Open-Ended (-1)
    freq=1, numDays=1, day=0, month=0
    dayOfWeek=0, weekOfMonth=0, days[0..6]=0111110
    months[0..11]=000000000000, weeks[0..4]=00000
    _subType (len= 2) "0\00"
    SourceID Hash: SIH=f1e7ca9c
    TargetID Hash: TIH=29135ef
    KeyFields Hash: KFH=86542ce4
    NonKeyFields Hash: NKH=eaad079d
    Flags: F=40000082.0000
    TIFPutRecord/3 (item #6) ==> rc=0
    Digesting previous history record #7
    _UniqueID (len= 58) "00000000C3B28DB58F07784CB1E74729949F106024482100@a1c12ae9\00"
    p94_StoreIDHash (len= 9) "a1c12ae9\00"
    _FolderGroup (len= 2) "0\00"
    2068_TLM (len= 18) "01ccc98d:84237630\00"
    _Delta (len= 2) "C\00"
    _FolderID (len= 12) "-2010948102\00"
    _RecordID (len= 58) "00000000C3B28DB58F07784CB1E74729949F106024482100@a1c12ae9\00"
    2069_EntryID (len= 49) "00000000C3B28DB58F07784CB1E74729949F106024482100\00"
    21 Title (len= 14) "Fourth Monday\00"
    22 Notes (len=129) "\1f------------\1fVacuum /mop under bed ( )\1fWipe off under bed / Wipe off bed/box spring ( )\00"
    30 Due Date (len= 9) "20120123\00"
    33 Priority (len= 2) "1\00"
    37 Completed Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
    32 Status (len= 12) "Not Started\00"
    _UniqueID (len= 6) "-1549\00"
    _Delta (len= 2) "C\00"
    31 Due Time (len= 7) "000000\00"
    36 Alarm Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
    26 Start Date (len= 9) "20120123\00"
    27 Start Time (len= 7) "030100\00"
    _repBasic (len=144)
    rpt.type = Monthly by position (4)
    rpt.startDate = 1/23/2012 (40929)
    rpt.stopDate = Open-Ended (-1)
    freq=1, numDays=1, day=0, month=0
    dayOfWeek=2, weekOfMonth=4, days[0..6]=0000000
    months[0..11]=000000000000, weeks[0..4]=00000
    _subType (len= 2) "0\00"
    SourceID Hash: SIH=19d1922c
    TargetID Hash: TIH=2913556
    KeyFields Hash: KFH=959de11a
    NonKeyFields Hash: NKH=c13aac8e
    Flags: F=40000082.0000
    TIFPutRecord/3 (item #7) ==> rc=0
    Digesting previous history record #8
    _UniqueID (len= 58) "00000000C3B28DB58F07784CB1E74729949F106064472100@a1c12ae9\00"
    p94_StoreIDHash (len= 9) "a1c12ae9\00"
    _FolderGroup (len= 2) "0\00"
    2068_TLM (len= 18) "01cc5ec2:cb685320\00"
    _Delta (len= 2) "A\00"
    _FolderID (len= 12) "-2010948102\00"
    2069_EntryID (len= 49) "00000000C3B28DB58F07784CB1E74729949F106064472100\00"
    21 Title (len= 23) "Monthly - Third Monday\00"
    22 Notes (len=119) "\1f------------\1f* Go thru organizer's business cards and TOSS!\1f* Empty cell p...voicemails\1f\1fClassroom:\1fUpdate walls...\00"
    30 Due Date (len= 9) "20120116\00"
    33 Priority (len= 2) "0\00"
    37 Completed Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
    32 Status (len= 12) "Not Started\00"
    _UniqueID (len= 6) "-1518\00"
    _Delta (len= 2) "C\00"
    31 Due Time (len= 7) "000000\00"
    36 Alarm Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
    27 Start Time (len= 7) "043800\00"
    _repBasic (len=144)
    rpt.type = Monthly by position (4)
    rpt.startDate = 1/15/2012 (40921)
    rpt.stopDate = Open-Ended (-1)
    freq=1, numDays=1, day=0, month=0
    dayOfWeek=2, weekOfMonth=3, days[0..6]=0000000
    months[0..11]=000000000000, weeks[0..4]=00000
    _subType (len= 2) "0\00"
    SourceID Hash: SIH=7a9b4091
    TargetID Hash: TIH=29134f8
    KeyFields Hash: KFH=a9fc0e41
    NonKeyFields Hash: NKH=34370988
    Flags: F=40000082.0000
    TIFPutRecord/3 (item #8) ==> rc=0
    Digesting previous history record #9
    _UniqueID (len= 58) "00000000C3B28DB58F07784CB1E74729949F1060E4472100@a1c12ae9\00"
    p94_StoreIDHash (len= 9) "a1c12ae9\00"
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    2068_TLM (len= 18) "01cc5ec2:cb7b65f0\00"
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    _FolderID (len= 12) "-2010948102\00"
    2069_EntryID (len= 49) "00000000C3B28DB58F07784CB1E74729949F1060E4472100\00"
    21 Title (len= 21) "Goals with Elizabeth\00"
    22 Notes (len= 61) "\1f------------\1fThis One\e2\80\99s for the Girls \e2\80\93 Martina BcBride\00"
    30 Due Date (len= 9) "20120124\00"
    33 Priority (len= 2) "0\00"
    37 Completed Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
    32 Status (len= 12) "Not Started\00"
    _UniqueID (len= 6) "-1385\00"
    _Delta (len= 2) "C\00"
    31 Due Time (len= 7) "000000\00"
    36 Alarm Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
    49 Categories (len= 18) "Family, Important\00"
    26 Start Date (len= 9) "20120124\00"
    27 Start Time (len= 7) "000000\00"
    _repBasic (len=144)
    rpt.type = Monthly (3)
    rpt.startDate = 1/23/2012 (40929)
    rpt.stopDate = Open-Ended (-1)
    freq=1, numDays=1, day=24, month=0
    dayOfWeek=0, weekOfMonth=0, days[0..6]=0000000
    months[0..11]=000000000000, weeks[0..4]=00000
    _subType (len= 2) "0\00"
    SourceID Hash: SIH=348f42a0
    TargetID Hash: TIH=2912e4c
    KeyFields Hash: KFH=512c32aa
    NonKeyFields Hash: NKH=d8cab10d
    Flags: F=40000082.0000
    TIFPutRecord/3 (item #9) ==> rc=0
    Digesting previous history record #10
    _UniqueID (len= 58) "00000000C3B28DB58F07784CB1E74729949F1060C4472100@a1c12ae9\00"
    p94_StoreIDHash (len= 9) "a1c12ae9\00"
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    2068_TLM (len= 18) "01cc5ec2:cb78f4f0\00"
    _Delta (len= 2) "A\00"
    _FolderID (len= 12) "-2010948102\00"
    2069_EntryID (len= 49) "00000000C3B28DB58F07784CB1E74729949F1060C4472100\00"
    21 Title (len= 20) "Goals with Danielle\00"
    22 Notes (len=124) "\1f------------\1f\1f\1fThis One\e2\80\99s for the Girls \e2\80\93 Martina BcBrid... PVC \e2\80\93 automotive, Sacto in Dec 2010\00"
    30 Due Date (len= 9) "20120320\00"
    33 Priority (len= 2) "0\00"
    37 Completed Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
    32 Status (len= 12) "Not Started\00"
    _UniqueID (len= 6) "-1384\00"
    _Delta (len= 2) "C\00"
    31 Due Time (len= 7) "000000\00"
    36 Alarm Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
    49 Categories (len= 18) "Family, Important\00"
    27 Start Time (len= 7) "043800\00"
    _repBasic (len=144)
    rpt.type = Monthly (3)
    rpt.startDate = 3/20/2012 (40986)
    rpt.stopDate = Open-Ended (-1)
    freq=1, numDays=1, day=20, month=0
    dayOfWeek=0, weekOfMonth=0, days[0..6]=0000000
    months[0..11]=000000000000, weeks[0..4]=00000
    _subType (len= 2) "0\00"
    SourceID Hash: SIH=933b869e
    TargetID Hash: TIH=2912e4b
    KeyFields Hash: KFH=46f015e
    NonKeyFields Hash: NKH=93b2d48b
    Flags: F=40000082.0000
    TIFPutRecord/3 (item #10) ==> rc=0
    Digesting previous history record #11
    _UniqueID (len= 58) "00000000C3B28DB58F07784CB1E74729949F106084472100@a1c12ae9\00"
    p94_StoreIDHash (len= 9) "a1c12ae9\00"
    _FolderGroup (len= 2) "0\00"
    2068_TLM (len= 18) "01cc5ec2:cb6ac420\00"
    _Delta (len= 2) "A\00"
    _FolderID (len= 12) "-2010948102\00"
    2069_EntryID (len= 49) "00000000C3B28DB58F07784CB1E74729949F106084472100\00"
    21 Title (len= 17) "Goals with Sarah\00"
    22 Notes (len= 63) "\1f------------\1f\1f\1fThis One\e2\80\99s for the Girls \e2\80\93 Martina BcBride\00"
    30 Due Date (len= 9) "20120111\00"
    33 Priority (len= 2) "1\00"
    37 Completed Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
    32 Status (len= 12) "Not Started\00"
    _UniqueID (len= 6) "-1383\00"
    _Delta (len= 2) "C\00"
    31 Due Time (len= 7) "000000\00"
    36 Alarm Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
    27 Start Time (len= 7) "043800\00"
    _repBasic (len=144)
    rpt.type = Monthly (3)
    rpt.startDate = 1/10/2012 (40916)
    rpt.stopDate = Open-Ended (-1)
    freq=1, numDays=1, day=11, month=0
    dayOfWeek=0, weekOfMonth=0, days[0..6]=0000000
    months[0..11]=000000000000, weeks[0..4]=00000
    _subType (len= 2) "0\00"
    SourceID Hash: SIH=1beefc93
    TargetID Hash: TIH=2912e4a
    KeyFields Hash: KFH=99018abf
    NonKeyFields Hash: NKH=5d12e5ca
    Flags: F=40000082.0000
    TIFPutRecord/3 (item #11) ==> rc=0
    Digesting previous history record #12
    _UniqueID (len= 58) "00000000C3B28DB58F07784CB1E74729949F106044472100@a1c12ae9\00"
    p94_StoreIDHash (len= 9) "a1c12ae9\00"
    _FolderGroup (len= 2) "0\00"
    2068_TLM (len= 18) "01cc5ec2:cb65e220\00"
    _Delta (len= 2) "A\00"
    _FolderID (len= 12) "-2010948102\00"
    2069_EntryID (len= 49) "00000000C3B28DB58F07784CB1E74729949F106044472100\00"
    21 Title (len= 24) "Monthly - Second Monday\00"
    22 Notes (len= 41) "\1f------------\1fClean Up Laptop - msconfig\00"
    30 Due Date (len= 9) "20120109\00"
    33 Priority (len= 2) "1\00"
    37 Completed Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
    32 Status (len= 12) "Not Started\00"
    _UniqueID (len= 6) "-1382\00"
    _Delta (len= 2) "C\00"
    31 Due Time (len= 7) "000000\00"
    36 Alarm Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
    27 Start Time (len= 7) "043800\00"
    _repBasic (len=144)
    rpt.type = Monthly by position (4)
    rpt.startDate = 1/8/2012 (40914)
    rpt.stopDate = Open-Ended (-1)
    freq=1, numDays=1, day=0, month=0
    dayOfWeek=2, weekOfMonth=2, days[0..6]=0000000
    months[0..11]=000000000000, weeks[0..4]=00000
    _subType (len= 2) "0\00"
    SourceID Hash: SIH=d947848f
    TargetID Hash: TIH=2912e49
    KeyFields Hash: KFH=a16cd99a
    NonKeyFields Hash: NKH=c38a6710
    Flags: F=40000082.0000
    TIFPutRecord/3 (item #12) ==> rc=0
    Digesting previous history record #13
    _UniqueID (len= 58) "00000000C3B28DB58F07784CB1E74729949F106024472100@a1c12ae9\00"
    p94_StoreIDHash (len= 9) "a1c12ae9\00"
    _FolderGroup (len= 2) "0\00"
    2068_TLM (len= 18) "01cc5ec2:cb639830\00"
    _Delta (len= 2) "A\00"
    _FolderID (len= 12) "-2010948102\00"
    2069_EntryID (len= 49) "00000000C3B28DB58F07784CB1E74729949F106024472100\00"
    21 Title (len= 18) "Goals with Audrey\00"
    22 Notes (len=203) "\1f------------\1fI\e2\80\99m off Saturday and Sunday and during the week the mor...ina BcBride\1f\09\e2\80\9cLivin on Spaghetios\e2\80\9d\00"
    30 Due Date (len= 9) "20120109\00"
    33 Priority (len= 2) "1\00"
    37 Completed Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
    32 Status (len= 12) "Not Started\00"
    _UniqueID (len= 6) "-1381\00"
    _Delta (len= 2) "C\00"
    31 Due Time (len= 7) "000000\00"
    36 Alarm Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
    49 Categories (len= 7) "Family\00"
    27 Start Time (len= 7) "043800\00"
    _repBasic (len=144)
    rpt.type = Monthly (3)
    rpt.startDate = 1/8/2012 (40914)
    rpt.stopDate = Open-Ended (-1)
    freq=1, numDays=1, day=9, month=0
    dayOfWeek=0, weekOfMonth=0, days[0..6]=0000000
    months[0..11]=000000000000, weeks[0..4]=00000
    _subType (len= 2) "0\00"
    SourceID Hash: SIH=37f3c88d
    TargetID Hash: TIH=2912e48
    KeyFields Hash: KFH=f062fe00
    NonKeyFields Hash: NKH=ff0e97a6
    Flags: F=40000082.0000
    TIFPutRecord/3 (item #13) ==> rc=0
    Digesting previous history record #14
    _UniqueID (len= 58) "00000000C3B28DB58F07784CB1E74729949F1060E4462100@a1c12ae9\00"
    p94_StoreIDHash (len= 9) "a1c12ae9\00"
    _FolderGroup (len= 2) "0\00"
    2068_TLM (len= 18) "01cc5ec2:cb612730\00"
    _Delta (len= 2) "A\00"
    _FolderID (len= 12) "-2010948102\00"
    2069_EntryID (len= 49) "00000000C3B28DB58F07784CB1E74729949F1060E4462100\00"
    21 Title (len= 26) "Monthly - First Wednesday\00"
    22 Notes (len= 44) "\1f------------\1f* Pour Root Killer down drain\00"
    30 Due Date (len= 9) "20120104\00"
    33 Priority (len= 2) "1\00"
    37 Completed Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
    32 Status (len= 12) "Not Started\00"
    _UniqueID (len= 6) "-1379\00"
    _Delta (len= 2) "C\00"
    31 Due Time (len= 7) "000000\00"
    36 Alarm Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
    49 Categories (len= 11) "Needs Prep\00"
    27 Start Time (len= 7) "043800\00"
    _repBasic (len=144)
    rpt.type = Monthly by position (4)
    rpt.startDate = 1/3/2012 (40909)
    rpt.stopDate = Open-Ended (-1)
    freq=1, numDays=1, day=0, month=0
    dayOfWeek=4, weekOfMonth=1, days[0..6]=0000000
    months[0..11]=000000000000, weeks[0..4]=00000
    _subType (len= 2) "0\00"
    SourceID Hash: SIH=52b17901
    TargetID Hash: TIH=2912e31
    KeyFields Hash: KFH=724611f0
    NonKeyFields Hash: NKH=b05b9cc4
    Flags: F=40000082.0000
    TIFPutRecord/3 (item #14) ==> rc=0
    Digesting previous history record #15
    _UniqueID (len= 58) "00000000C3B28DB58F07784CB1E74729949F106084462100@a1c12ae9\00"
    p94_StoreIDHash (len= 9) "a1c12ae9\00"
    _FolderGroup (len= 2) "0\00"
    2068_TLM (len= 18) "01cc5ec2:cb59fb40\00"
    _Delta (len= 2) "A\00"
    _FolderID (len= 12) "-2010948102\00"
    2069_EntryID (len= 49) "00000000C3B28DB58F07784CB1E74729949F106084462100\00"
    21 Title (len= 23) "Monthly - First Monday\00"
    22 Notes (len=147) "\1f------------\1f*\09Go thru top left work desk drawer\1f*\09Clean face brushes ...*\09Pour boiling water down kitchen sink\00"
    30 Due Date (len= 9) "20120102\00"
    33 Priority (len= 2) "1\00"
    37 Completed Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
    32 Status (len= 12) "Not Started\00"
    _UniqueID (len= 6) "-1376\00"
    _Delta (len= 2) "C\00"
    31 Due Time (len= 7) "160000\00"
    36 Alarm Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
    49 Categories (len= 11) "Needs Prep\00"
    26 Start Date (len= 9) "20120102\00"
    27 Start Time (len= 7) "160000\00"
    _repBasic (len=144)
    rpt.type = Monthly by position (4)
    rpt.startDate = 1/2/2012 (40908)
    rpt.stopDate = Open-Ended (-1)
    freq=1, numDays=1, day=0, month=0
    dayOfWeek=2, weekOfMonth=1, days[0..6]=0000000
    months[0..11]=000000000000, weeks[0..4]=00000
    _subType (len= 2) "0\00"
    SourceID Hash: SIH=3a1132f4
    TargetID Hash: TIH=2912e2e
    KeyFields Hash: KFH=1b1e028a
    NonKeyFields Hash: NKH=6fcb1320
    Flags: F=40000082.0000
    TIFPutRecord/3 (item #15) ==> rc=0
    Digesting previous history record #16
    _UniqueID (len= 58) "00000000C3B28DB58F07784CB1E74729949F106064462100@a1c12ae9\00"
    p94_StoreIDHash (len= 9) "a1c12ae9\00"
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    2068_TLM (len= 18) "01cc6500:6eac1b00\00"
    _Delta (len= 2) "C\00"
    _FolderID (len= 12) "-2010948102\00"
    _RecordID (len= 58) "00000000C3B28DB58F07784CB1E74729949F106064462100@a1c12ae9\00"
    2069_EntryID (len= 49) "00000000C3B28DB58F07784CB1E74729949F106064462100\00"
    21 Title (len= 16) "Weekly - Monday\00"
    22 Notes (len=1103) "Tasks in Testing\e2\80\a6 do they fit in time available?\1f*\09Personal username...s for each task, then QUIT!\e2\80\9d ~ Kelly\00"
    30 Due Date (len= 9) "20120109\00"
    33 Priority (len= 2) "0\00"
    37 Completed Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
    32 Status (len= 12) "Not Started\00"
    _UniqueID (len= 6) "-1375\00"
    _Delta (len= 2) "C\00"
    31 Due Time (len= 7) "160000\00"
    36 Alarm Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
    26 Start Date (len= 9) "20120109\00"
    27 Start Time (len= 7) "160000\00"
    _repBasic (len=144)
    rpt.type = Weekly_Days (12)
    rpt.startDate = 1/9/2012 (40915)
    rpt.stopDate = Open-Ended (-1)
    freq=1, numDays=1, day=0, month=0
    dayOfWeek=0, weekOfMonth=0, days[0..6]=0100000
    months[0..11]=000000000000, weeks[0..4]=00000
    _subType (len= 2) "0\00"
    SourceID Hash: SIH=98bd76f2
    TargetID Hash: TIH=2912e2d
    KeyFields Hash: KFH=cab3e34e
    NonKeyFields Hash: NKH=f0a82251
    Flags: F=40000082.0000
    TIFPutRecord/3 (item #16) ==> rc=0
    Digesting previous history record #17
    _UniqueID (len= 58) "00000000C3B28DB58F07784CB1E74729949F106044462100@a1c12ae9\00"
    p94_StoreIDHash (len= 9) "a1c12ae9\00"
    _FolderGroup (len= 2) "0\00"
    2068_TLM (len= 18) "01cc6500:9c8e5240\00"
    _Delta (len= 2) "C\00"
    _FolderID (len= 12) "-2010948102\00"
    _RecordID (len= 58) "00000000C3B28DB58F07784CB1E74729949F106044462100@a1c12ae9\00"
    2069_EntryID (len= 49) "00000000C3B28DB58F07784CB1E74729949F106044462100\00"
    21 Title (len= 16) "Weekly - Sunday\00"
    22 Notes (len=2737) "Must Do\e2\80\99s\1f*\09Make sure laptop is ON for AVG\1f\09\1f\09Tasks in Testi...week (work up to daily\e2\80\a6) practice 2)\00"
    30 Due Date (len= 9) "20530903\00"
    33 Priority (len= 2) "0\00"
    37 Completed Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
    32 Status (len= 12) "Not Started\00"
    _UniqueID (len= 6) "-1374\00"
    _Delta (len= 2) "C\00"
    31 Due Time (len= 7) "000000\00"
    36 Alarm Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
    49 Categories (len= 11) "Needs Prep\00"
    26 Start Date (len= 9) "20120108\00"
    27 Start Time (len= 7) "093600\00"
    _repBasic (len=144)
    rpt.type = Weekly_Days (12)
    rpt.startDate = 1/7/2012 (40913)
    rpt.stopDate = Open-Ended (-1)
    freq=1, numDays=1, day=0, month=0
    dayOfWeek=0, weekOfMonth=0, days[0..6]=1000000
    months[0..11]=000000000000, weeks[0..4]=00000
    _subType (len= 2) "0\00"
    SourceID Hash: SIH=f769baf0
    TargetID Hash: TIH=2912e2c
    KeyFields Hash: KFH=12565a8e
    NonKeyFields Hash: NKH=6f255a3
    Flags: F=40000082.0000
    TIFPutRecord/3 (item #17) ==> rc=0
    Digesting previous history record #18
    _UniqueID (len= 58) "00000000C3B28DB58F07784CB1E74729949F1060E4452100@a1c12ae9\00"
    p94_StoreIDHash (len= 9) "a1c12ae9\00"
    _FolderGroup (len= 2) "0\00"
    2068_TLM (len= 18) "01cc5ec2:cb554050\00"
    _Delta (len= 2) "A\00"
    _FolderID (len= 12) "-2010948102\00"
    2069_EntryID (len= 49) "00000000C3B28DB58F07784CB1E74729949F1060E4452100\00"
    21 Title (len= 22) "Monthly - Last Friday\00"
    22 Notes (len=105) "\1f------------\1fHome:\1f*\09Recycle\1f*\09Replace a/c air filters\1f*\09Clean W...ndows - back wall\1f\1fClassroom:\1f*\09Awards\00"
    30 Due Date (len= 9) "20120127\00"
    33 Priority (len= 2) "0\00"
    37 Completed Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
    32 Status (len= 12) "Not Started\00"
    _UniqueID (len= 6) "-1373\00"
    _Delta (len= 2) "C\00"
    31 Due Time (len= 7) "000000\00"
    36 Alarm Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
    49 Categories (len= 11) "Needs Prep\00"
    27 Start Time (len= 7) "122200\00"
    _repBasic (len=144)
    rpt.type = Monthly by position (4)
    rpt.startDate = 1/26/2012 (40932)
    rpt.stopDate = Open-Ended (-1)
    freq=1, numDays=1, day=0, month=0
    dayOfWeek=6, weekOfMonth=5, days[0..6]=0000000
    months[0..11]=000000000000, weeks[0..4]=00000
    _subType (len= 2) "0\00"
    SourceID Hash: SIH=70d3af62
    TargetID Hash: TIH=2912e2b
    KeyFields Hash: KFH=c0f1b4cd
    NonKeyFields Hash: NKH=4ad3a9c4
    Flags: F=40000082.0000
    TIFPutRecord/3 (item #18) ==> rc=0
    Digesting previous history record #19
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    21 Title (len= 16) "Weekly - Friday\00"
    22 Notes (len=1341) "MUST Do\e2\80\99s:\1f* PVHS Attendance Report ( )\1f*\09CC/CVE RCOE Atten...d dance! LOL! Have some fun! - FlyLady\00"
    30 Due Date (len= 9) "20120106\00"
    33 Priority (len= 2) "1\00"
    37 Completed Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
    32 Status (len= 12) "Not Started\00"
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    31 Due Time (len= 7) "160000\00"
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    26 Start Date (len= 9) "20120106\00"
    27 Start Time (len= 7) "160000\00"
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    21 Title (len= 15) "Monthly Budget\00"
    22 Notes (len=2044) "June spent: $20 dining / $50 gas\1f\1fImmediate:\1f\1fGifts\1fThe Battle Belongs...\1f\1f\1fResearch withdrawing $$$ from Valic\00"
    30 Due Date (len= 9) "20120128\00"
    33 Priority (len= 2) "0\00"
    37 Completed Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
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    21 Title (len= 99) "PVHS Course request list for electives... designated teachers (Walker, Bayles, Virginia, Teachers)\00"
    30 Due Date (len= 9) "20120220\00"
    33 Priority (len= 2) "1\00"
    37 Completed Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
    32 Status (len= 12) "Not Started\00"
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    21 Title (len= 18) "Weekly - Saturday\00"
    22 Notes (len=2834) "Tasks in Testing\e2\80\a6 do they fit in time available?\1f*\09Wipe clothesline\1f...ance! LOL! Have some fun!\e2\80\9d - FlyLady\00"
    30 Due Date (len= 9) "20120107\00"
    33 Priority (len= 2) "1\00"
    37 Completed Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
    32 Status (len= 12) "Not Started\00"
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    31 Due Time (len= 7) "000000\00"
    36 Alarm Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
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    26 Start Date (len= 9) "20120107\00"
    27 Start Time (len= 7) "000000\00"
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    21 Title (len= 29) "FLY - 31 Beginner Baby Steps\00"
    22 Notes (len=3536) "\1f------------\1fDear Precious New Member,\1f\1fI know that you have become ove...started/31-beginner-babysteps/day-31/>\00"
    30 Due Date (len= 9) "20120106\00"
    33 Priority (len= 2) "1\00"
    37 Completed Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
    32 Status (len= 12) "Not Started\00"
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    27 Start Time (len= 7) "044500\00"
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    21 Title (len= 25) "Monthly - First Saturday\00"
    22 Notes (len= 41) "\1f------------\1fJoe\e2\80\99s haircut\1fMy haircut\00"
    30 Due Date (len= 9) "20530512\00"
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    21 Title (len= 29) "New Year's (Christmas) Cards\00"
    22 Notes (len=541) "While there are a few certain traditions that are very dear to my heart, it seems...rt. His mercies are new every morning!\00"
    30 Due Date (len= 9) "20120107\00"
    33 Priority (len= 2) "1\00"
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    27 Start Time (len= 7) "210000\00"
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    21 Title (len= 9) "Daily PM\00"
    22 Notes (len=4143) "PM \1fPROactive not reactive.\1f** Focus ~ Discipline ~ Obedience ~ TRUST ~ Peac...forget your lace-up shoes. \1f3.\09Do your\00"
    33 Priority (len= 2) "1\00"
    37 Completed Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
    32 Status (len= 12) "Not Started\00"
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    21 Title (len= 15) "Classroom TODO\00"
    22 Notes (len=3136) "* 2009 SWEP Certificates\1f*\09Senior portraits for Luisa Guillen (Maria Alvarad...Webinars\1f\00"
    30 Due Date (len= 9) "20120106\00"
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    26 Start Date (len= 9) "20120106\00"
    27 Start Time (len= 7) "060000\00"
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    SourceID Hash: SIH=f106afae
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    21 Title (len= 6) "TO DO\00"
    22 Notes (len=1895) "*\09Finish laundry shelves\1f*\09GO THRU Home CDs tote just inside garage!!\1f*\09...iane Taylor\1f\1fMaui: Seven Sacred Falls\00"
    30 Due Date (len= 9) "20120106\00"
    33 Priority (len= 2) "1\00"
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    21 Title (len= 22) "Scriptures on FREEdom\00"
    22 Notes (len=4096) "It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then and do not let y...ised eternal inheritance-- now that He\00"
    30 Due Date (len= 9) "20120106\00"
    33 Priority (len= 2) "1\00"
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    26 Start Date (len= 9) "20120106\00"
    27 Start Time (len= 7) "050000\00"
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    21 Title (len= 29) "Bible Verses about Deserving\00"
    22 Notes (len=4096) "Genesis 9:5-6 <> ESV / ...nations of the earth. And all these bl\00"
    30 Due Date (len= 9) "20120106\00"
    33 Priority (len= 2) "1\00"
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    27 Start Time (len= 7) "214000\00"
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    21 Title (len= 57) "Jordan Balius CIS Bus Comp 2008-2009 Certificate Request\00"
    22 Notes (len= 29) "Requested from Heidi 8/29/10\00"
    30 Due Date (len= 9) "20120306\00"
    33 Priority (len= 2) "1\00"
    37 Completed Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
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    27 Start Time (len= 7) "150000\00"
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    2069_EntryID (len= 49) "00000000C3B28DB58F07784CB1E74729949F1060844F2100\00"
    21 Title (len= 39) "Change Name on Citi Bank Loans Account\00"
    22 Notes (len=663) "Name Change Information\09\1f\1fTo request a name change for your account, you mu...s your request within 5 business days.\00"
    30 Due Date (len= 9) "20120117\00"
    33 Priority (len= 2) "1\00"
    37 Completed Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
    32 Status (len= 12) "Not Started\00"
    _UniqueID (len= 5) "-242\00"
    _Delta (len= 2) "C\00"
    31 Due Time (len= 7) "190000\00"
    36 Alarm Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
    49 Categories (len= 9) "Personal\00"
    26 Start Date (len= 9) "20120117\00"
    27 Start Time (len= 7) "190000\00"
    _subType (len= 2) "0\00"
    SourceID Hash: SIH=57edcce4
    TargetID Hash: TIH=1536e3
    KeyFields Hash: KFH=56115f7b
    NonKeyFields Hash: NKH=5c331883
    Flags: F=82.0000
    TIFPutRecord/3 (item #32) ==> rc=0
    Digesting previous history record #33
    _UniqueID (len= 58) "00000000C3B28DB58F07784CB1E74729949F1060C4442100@a1c12ae9\00"
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    2069_EntryID (len= 49) "00000000C3B28DB58F07784CB1E74729949F1060C4442100\00"
    21 Title (len= 37) "Flush out a/c coils in inside closet\00"
    30 Due Date (len= 9) "20120107\00"
    33 Priority (len= 2) "1\00"
    37 Completed Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
    32 Status (len= 12) "Not Started\00"
    _UniqueID (len= 5) "-225\00"
    _Delta (len= 2) "C\00"
    31 Due Time (len= 7) "070000\00"
    36 Alarm Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
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    26 Start Date (len= 9) "20120107\00"
    27 Start Time (len= 7) "070000\00"
    _repBasic (len=144)
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    rpt.startDate = 1/6/2012 (40912)
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    freq=6, numDays=1, day=7, month=0
    dayOfWeek=0, weekOfMonth=0, days[0..6]=0000000
    months[0..11]=000000000000, weeks[0..4]=00000
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    SourceID Hash: SIH=eda229c1
    TargetID Hash: TIH=1536a8
    KeyFields Hash: KFH=c450d916
    NonKeyFields Hash: NKH=ccd9e142
    Flags: F=40000082.0000
    TIFPutRecord/3 (item #33) ==> rc=0
    Digesting previous history record #34
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    21 Title (len= 17) "lyrics to Moxley\00"
    30 Due Date (len= 9) "20120107\00"
    33 Priority (len= 2) "1\00"
    37 Completed Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
    32 Status (len= 12) "Not Started\00"
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    31 Due Time (len= 7) "200000\00"
    36 Alarm Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
    49 Categories (len= 16) "General(Pj John\00"
    26 Start Date (len= 9) "20120107\00"
    27 Start Time (len= 7) "200000\00"
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    SourceID Hash: SIH=acd27fb3
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    Flags: F=82.0000
    TIFPutRecord/3 (item #34) ==> rc=0
    Digesting previous history record #35
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    2069_EntryID (len= 49) "00000000C3B28DB58F07784CB1E74729949F1060044E2100\00"
    21 Title (len= 60) "Scholarships: James A. Johnson / Homer Lee Sain Jr. (Joker)\00"
    30 Due Date (len= 9) "20120803\00"
    33 Priority (len= 2) "0\00"
    37 Completed Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
    32 Status (len= 12) "Not Started\00"
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    31 Due Time (len= 7) "070000\00"
    36 Alarm Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
    49 Categories (len= 4) "Joe\00"
    26 Start Date (len= 9) "20120803\00"
    27 Start Time (len= 7) "070000\00"
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    SourceID Hash: SIH=f0c1133d
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    KeyFields Hash: KFH=2619da8e
    NonKeyFields Hash: NKH=a04800a4
    Flags: F=82.0000
    TIFPutRecord/3 (item #35) ==> rc=0
    Digesting previous history record #36
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    2069_EntryID (len= 49) "00000000C3B28DB58F07784CB1E74729949F1060844E2100\00"
    21 Title (len= 27) "Olivia Flores Presentation\00"
    30 Due Date (len= 9) "20120111\00"
    33 Priority (len= 2) "0\00"
    37 Completed Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
    32 Status (len= 12) "Not Started\00"
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    _Delta (len= 2) "C\00"
    31 Due Time (len= 7) "150000\00"
    36 Alarm Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
    49 Categories (len= 10) "Classroom\00"
    26 Start Date (len= 9) "20120111\00"
    27 Start Time (len= 7) "150000\00"
    _subType (len= 2) "0\00"
    SourceID Hash: SIH=76100345
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    KeyFields Hash: KFH=e2af3e6b
    NonKeyFields Hash: NKH=3a8d11f7
    Flags: F=82.0000
    TIFPutRecord/3 (item #36) ==> rc=0
    Digesting previous history record #37
    _UniqueID (len= 58) "00000000C3B28DB58F07784CB1E74729949F1060A44D2100@a1c12ae9\00"
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    2069_EntryID (len= 49) "00000000C3B28DB58F07784CB1E74729949F1060A44D2100\00"
    21 Title (len= 37) "Recruitment - last year's interested\00"
    30 Due Date (len= 9) "20121228\00"
    33 Priority (len= 2) "0\00"
    37 Completed Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
    32 Status (len= 12) "Not Started\00"
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    _Delta (len= 2) "C\00"
    31 Due Time (len= 7) "070000\00"
    36 Alarm Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
    49 Categories (len= 10) "Classroom\00"
    26 Start Date (len= 9) "20121228\00"
    27 Start Time (len= 7) "070000\00"
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    SourceID Hash: SIH=6a2b07af
    TargetID Hash: TIH=1532ca
    KeyFields Hash: KFH=ca55ddc3
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    Flags: F=82.0000
    TIFPutRecord/3 (item #37) ==> rc=0
    Digesting previous history record #38
    _UniqueID (len= 58) "00000000C3B28DB58F07784CB1E74729949F1060844D2100@a1c12ae9\00"
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    _FolderID (len= 12) "-2010948102\00"
    2069_EntryID (len= 49) "00000000C3B28DB58F07784CB1E74729949F1060844D2100\00"
    21 Title (len= 45) "Richard and Adrianna Johnson's Wedding Video\00"
    30 Due Date (len= 9) "20121216\00"
    33 Priority (len= 2) "1\00"
    37 Completed Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
    32 Status (len= 12) "Not Started\00"
    _UniqueID (len= 5) "-113\00"
    _Delta (len= 2) "A\00"
    31 Due Time (len= 7) "070000\00"
    36 Alarm Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
    49 Categories (len= 18) "Important, Family\00"
    26 Start Date (len= 9) "20101216\00"
    27 Start Time (len= 7) "070000\00"
    _subType (len= 2) "0\00"
    SourceID Hash: SIH=943239a6
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    KeyFields Hash: KFH=63ece3e2
    NonKeyFields Hash: NKH=4b5ed5d
    Flags: F=82.0000
    TIFPutRecord/3 (item #38) ==> rc=0
    Digesting previous history record #39
    _UniqueID (len= 58) "00000000C3B28DB58F07784CB1E74729949F1060644D2100@a1c12ae9\00"
    p94_StoreIDHash (len= 9) "a1c12ae9\00"
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    2068_TLM (len= 18) "01cccc9b:d3b42ee0\00"
    _Delta (len= 2) "C\00"
    _FolderID (len= 12) "-2010948102\00"
    _RecordID (len= 58) "00000000C3B28DB58F07784CB1E74729949F1060644D2100@a1c12ae9\00"
    2069_EntryID (len= 49) "00000000C3B28DB58F07784CB1E74729949F1060644D2100\00"
    21 Title (len= 14) "Shopping List\00"
    22 Notes (len=1665) "\1fBbq sauce\1fHawaiian punch lemon berry squeeze\1falpine spiced apple cider\\\\00"
    33 Priority (len= 2) "1\00"
    37 Completed Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
    32 Status (len= 12) "Not Started\00"
    _UniqueID (len= 4) "-99\00"
    _Delta (len= 2) "C\00"
    36 Alarm Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
    49 Categories (len= 4) "$$$\00"
    _subType (len= 2) "0\00"
    SourceID Hash: SIH=f2de7da4
    TargetID Hash: TIH=b00d
    KeyFields Hash: KFH=70c9969a
    NonKeyFields Hash: NKH=cb8f4505
    Flags: F=82.0000
    TIFPutRecord/3 (item #39) ==> rc=0
    Digesting previous history record #40
    _UniqueID (len= 58) "00000000C3B28DB58F07784CB1E74729949F106044432100@a1c12ae9\00"
    p94_StoreIDHash (len= 9) "a1c12ae9\00"
    _FolderGroup (len= 2) "0\00"
    2068_TLM (len= 18) "01ccccc5:f8039630\00"
    _Delta (len= 2) "C\00"
    _FolderID (len= 12) "-2010948102\00"
    _RecordID (len= 58) "00000000C3B28DB58F07784CB1E74729949F106044432100@a1c12ae9\00"
    2069_EntryID (len= 49) "00000000C3B28DB58F07784CB1E74729949F106044432100\00"
    21 Title (len= 59) "Professional Growth 150 hours / 5 Years (Barbara Sign Off)\00"
    22 Notes (len= 61) "\00"
    30 Due Date (len= 9) "20120114\00"
    33 Priority (len= 2) "0\00"
    37 Completed Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
    32 Status (len= 12) "Not Started\00"
    _UniqueID (len= 4) "-98\00"
    _Delta (len= 2) "C\00"
    31 Due Time (len= 7) "070000\00"
    36 Alarm Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
    26 Start Date (len= 9) "20120114\00"
    27 Start Time (len= 7) "070000\00"
    _repBasic (len=144)
    rpt.type = Monthly by position (4)
    rpt.startDate = 1/13/2012 (40919)
    rpt.stopDate = Open-Ended (-1)
    freq=1, numDays=1, day=0, month=0
    dayOfWeek=7, weekOfMonth=2, days[0..6]=0000000
    months[0..11]=000000000000, weeks[0..4]=00000
    _subType (len= 2) "0\00"
    SourceID Hash: SIH=51d05e13
    TargetID Hash: TIH=b00c
    KeyFields Hash: KFH=ad09e20f
    NonKeyFields Hash: NKH=64cfec0a
    Flags: F=40000082.0000
    TIFPutRecord/3 (item #40) ==> rc=0
    Digesting previous history record #41
    _UniqueID (len= 58) "00000000C3B28DB58F07784CB1E74729949F1060444D2100@a1c12ae9\00"
    p94_StoreIDHash (len= 9) "a1c12ae9\00"
    _FolderGroup (len= 2) "0\00"
    2068_TLM (len= 18) "01cccc9b:d02f74f0\00"
    _Delta (len= 2) "C\00"
    _FolderID (len= 12) "-2010948102\00"
    _RecordID (len= 58) "00000000C3B28DB58F07784CB1E74729949F1060444D2100@a1c12ae9\00"
    2069_EntryID (len= 49) "00000000C3B28DB58F07784CB1E74729949F1060444D2100\00"
    21 Title (len= 6) "Music\00"
    22 Notes (len=4096) "\1fAfter All These Years\1f\1fRascal Flatts sequal to Broken Road\1f\1f*Bass Son...ods)\1f\1f*Song Writing\1fAdd familiar songs\00"
    33 Priority (len= 2) "1\00"
    37 Completed Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
    32 Status (len= 12) "Not Started\00"
    _UniqueID (len= 4) "-95\00"
    _Delta (len= 2) "C\00"
    36 Alarm Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
    49 Categories (len= 5) "Home\00"
    27 Start Time (len= 7) "103100\00"
    _subType (len= 2) "0\00"
    SourceID Hash: SIH=518ac1a2
    TargetID Hash: TIH=b009
    KeyFields Hash: KFH=8a0bc2cb
    NonKeyFields Hash: NKH=5b2b7206
    Flags: F=82.0000
    TIFPutRecord/3 (item #41) ==> rc=0
    Digesting previous history record #42
    _UniqueID (len= 58) "00000000C3B28DB58F07784CB1E74729949F1060244D2100@a1c12ae9\00"
    p94_StoreIDHash (len= 9) "a1c12ae9\00"
    _FolderGroup (len= 2) "0\00"
    2068_TLM (len= 18) "01cbcffc:7a4d36e0\00"
    _Delta (len= 2) "A\00"
    _FolderID (len= 12) "-2010948102\00"
    2069_EntryID (len= 49) "00000000C3B28DB58F07784CB1E74729949F1060244D2100\00"
    21 Title (len= 24) "Credential follow up\e2\80\a6\00"
    22 Notes (len=145) "\1f------------\1fSubject:\09Credential follow up\e2\80\a6\1f\1fStart:\09Fri 8/15...Show Time As:\09Free\1f\1fRecurrence:\09(none)\00"
    30 Due Date (len= 9) "20120716\00"
    33 Priority (len= 2) "2\00"
    37 Completed Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
    32 Status (len= 12) "Not Started\00"
    _UniqueID (len= 4) "-92\00"
    _Delta (len= 2) "A\00"
    31 Due Time (len= 7) "070000\00"
    36 Alarm Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
    26 Start Date (len= 9) "20120716\00"
    27 Start Time (len= 7) "070000\00"
    _subType (len= 2) "0\00"
    SourceID Hash: SIH=b03705a0
    TargetID Hash: TIH=b006
    KeyFields Hash: KFH=bf722929
    NonKeyFields Hash: NKH=ac66c082
    Flags: F=82.0000
    TIFPutRecord/3 (item #42) ==> rc=0
    Digesting previous history record #43
    _UniqueID (len= 58) "00000000C3B28DB58F07784CB1E74729949F1060044D2100@a1c12ae9\00"
    p94_StoreIDHash (len= 9) "a1c12ae9\00"
    _FolderGroup (len= 2) "0\00"
    2068_TLM (len= 18) "01cbcffc:7c22e140\00"
    _Delta (len= 2) "A\00"
    _FolderID (len= 12) "-2010948102\00"
    2069_EntryID (len= 49) "00000000C3B28DB58F07784CB1E74729949F1060044D2100\00"
    21 Title (len= 21) "Update Camping Lists\00"
    22 Notes (len=180) "\1f------------\1fSubject:\09#3 - Update Camping Lists\1f\1fStart:\09Tue 8/12/200...none)\1f\1fCategories:\09General(Pj Johnson)\00"
    30 Due Date (len= 9) "20120512\00"
    33 Priority (len= 2) "2\00"
    37 Completed Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
    32 Status (len= 12) "Not Started\00"
    _UniqueID (len= 4) "-90\00"
    _Delta (len= 2) "C\00"
    31 Due Time (len= 7) "070000\00"
    36 Alarm Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
    49 Categories (len= 16) "General(Pj John\00"
    26 Start Date (len= 9) "20120512\00"
    27 Start Time (len= 7) "070000\00"
    _subType (len= 2) "0\00"
    SourceID Hash: SIH=ee3499e
    TargetID Hash: TIH=b004
    KeyFields Hash: KFH=dd56f6d1
    NonKeyFields Hash: NKH=609bc296
    Flags: F=82.0000
    TIFPutRecord/3 (item #43) ==> rc=0
    Digesting previous history record #44
    _UniqueID (len= 58) "00000000C3B28DB58F07784CB1E74729949F1060E44C2100@a1c12ae9\00"
    p94_StoreIDHash (len= 9) "a1c12ae9\00"
    _FolderGroup (len= 2) "0\00"
    2068_TLM (len= 18) "01cc5161:419d30c0\00"
    _Delta (len= 2) "A\00"
    _FolderID (len= 12) "-2010948102\00"
    2069_EntryID (len= 49) "00000000C3B28DB58F07784CB1E74729949F1060E44C2100\00"
    21 Title (len= 29) "Unpack / Repack Camping Tote\00"
    22 Notes (len=223) "\1f------------\1fSubject:\09#2 - Unpack / Repack Camping Tote\1f\1fStart:\09Tue ...on)\1f\1fTongs\1fGarbage Bags\1fKitchen gloves\00"
    30 Due Date (len= 9) "20120512\00"
    33 Priority (len= 2) "2\00"
    37 Completed Flag (len= 2) "0\00"
    32 Status (len= 12) "Not Started\00"

    Hi pgov,
    Welcome to the BlackBerry Support Community.
    You should be able to see the last entry the synchronization stopped on at the bottom of your tif.log.
    This will be the entry causing the issue with the synchronization.
    You can identify if the issue with the entry is on your BlackBerry® Curve™ 9360 smartphone or in the calendar on your computer by checking the Source and Target fields in the tif.log.
    Once you locate this entry in your calendar, try copying down the information in the appointment so it can be re-added later, then delete the appointment as well as the tif.log and PTTrace.log files and try synchronizing again.
    You may have to do this more than once if more than one calendar entry is affected.
    Hope this helps.
    Come follow your BlackBerry Technical Team on Twitter! @BlackBerryHelp
    Be sure to click Kudos! for those who have helped you.
    Click Solution? for posts that have solved your issue(s)!

  • Google calendar e-mails synchronization problem

    I've recently found a problem with my blackberry that I can't solve myself. In Google calendar I had to add external calendar to synchronize with my account (it works well on desktop website) and add e-mail notifications about new event.
    And here is the problem. In ma gmail account I have emails about both added and removed events in this calendar, but in my BB inbox I only see e-mails about removed events. Messages about new events don't synchronize.
    Here is screenshot from gmail inbox. Grayed ones have been synced with my BB and are notifications aboud removed events:
    I really need these notifications to work. Anyone know how to make these e-mails synchronize?
    Actually, since I've added this calendar to my google account I got event notification once (on BB it was marked with two people icon), but I'd rather receive them more often

    OK, I've figured it out a bit. If I disable calendar synchronization in BB settings, then I'm able to receive these notifications and they appear in calendar as normaln events (that's good). On the other hand I can't use my main calendar that way.
    What if I want to use both of them at the same time?

  • CardDEV synchronization problem

    I've problem with two-way contact synchronization. I use CalDAV service from my hosting provider to sync contact to Iphone and from iPhone to my mail account.
    The way from iPhone to my mail account works well, but the secund way, sync from mail account to iPhone doesn't work.
    I've tried another CardDAV client on my desktop (eM Client) and both way has worked fine.
    Pls help.
    iPhone 6 (iOS 6.1.3)

    den2681 wrote:
    i might be wrong, but ...Who knows if you are right or wrong... not 1 of the 4 classes provided actually compiles with the code he provided. He had to have made major changes just to get the code to the forum because there is no way to run the code. I could force the code to run by adding in any appropriate code as needed but any of the key parts that would make a difference are missing so there is no point.
    OP: Please post real working code that shows the problem. But keep it as small as possible to show the problem. Also be sure to use code tags.

Maybe you are looking for