Detection of aur package that needs update

Hi all,
Is there a way to find out the packages that's install from AUR and needs to be updated?

lang2 wrote:Did read but didn't find it.
You could always add it  
And slurpy for good measure.
It will help whoever next asks the same question.

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    Hi, I had the same problem. I finally figured it out. Plug in the USB cord to your ipad, but beofre plugging it into your computer make sure your ipad is not in the locked or sleep mode. Once I did this, my photos showed up and started downloading. Hope that helps you!

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    There's been a problem with this all day.  Seems to be a server problem  -  wait a day and try again, or use itunes on the computer to update, that works.

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    I fixed it by going through a few steps using iTunes while hooked to my computer.

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    Last edited by RaumZeit (2013-10-27 01:38:31)

    AUR queries should be posted to the aur-general mailing list.
    As indicated in the thread linked by Karol above, it is permitted to append unsupported architectures to the arch array of a PKGBUILD that builds on officially supported architectures. That does not necessarily mean that we will allow packages that only build on unsupported architectures. This should be discussed on the mailing list. I have a vague memory of this coming up before and I think the consensus was that such packages would not be supported, but that consensus may have changed. Personally, I do not see a problem with such packages right now and I expect official supported to be extended in the future,  so I am in favor of allowing them.
    Packages that install pre-compiled binaries should be distinguished from normal packages with a "-bin" suffix. Such packages are permitted as long as they do not violate applicable licenses.

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    Look for the little Flag button in the lower left corner.

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    Are you trying to update only that one app or more that one app (via Update all)? You have to log into the account that purchased an app to update an app. If you have apps purchased by more than one account you have to update tem one at a time until the remaining apps were purchased from one account.

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    Reset time, press and hold both the power and home buttons for 10-15 seconds till the Apple logo appears. Release both buttons. Wait 15-20 seconds till your iPad starts on it's own. Check the downloads.

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    You can specify in dmenu-hg's PKGBUILD the minimal version of libdraw-hg's pkgver
    depends=(..."libdraw-hg>=1000"...) (for example)
    so that makepkg, if it sees an older version installed (for example, 999) it will demand a newer one, so the user will update libdraw-hg
    Last edited by flamelab (2010-09-13 14:02:06)

  • My iPad shows that I have apps that need updated but apps do not update.

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    Many people are having this problem for the last couple of days. This is a problem that Apple has to fix. If you look around the forum, you will see many, many discusssions about this and they have been going on for a few days.
    According to Fly150 in another discussion, this is a workaround - for the time being.
    If you want to update the Apps while waiting for Apple to fix Updates:
    1. Go to App Store
    2. Select Purchased
    3. Select All
    4. Scroll down to find the Apps showing update
    5. Select update on the Apps
    This should update the Apps and get rid of the update count in App Store.

  • Wanted: script to list uninstalled optdepends and packages that need t

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    Example output:
    tk - optional for:
       ruby - for Ruby/TK
       python - for IDLE, pynche and modulator
    fakeroot - optional for:
       pacman - for makepkg usage as normal user
    So get script writing!  Preferably in bash or perl (which the current pacman-contrib scripts use).

    I cheated and used my perl ALPM module.  I think the logic is sound, though, and you can replace the module calls with backticking pacman (preferably functions wrapping them).  I planned to but ran out of time.
    use warnings;
    use strict;
    use ALPM ( dbpath => '/var/lib/pacman/' );
    my %reverse_depends;
    my $db = ALPM->register_db;
    for my $pkg ( @{$db->get_pkg_cache} ) {
    my $pkg_optdeps = $pkg->get_optdepends;
    next OPT_SEARCH unless @$pkg_optdeps;
    my $depender = $pkg->get_name;
    my %reason_for = map {
    /\A([^:]*):\s*(.*)/ ? ($1 => $2) : ($_ => '')
    } @$pkg_optdeps;
    for my $dependee ( keys %reason_for ) {
    next DEP_LOOP if $db->get_pkg($dependee); #ignore installed
    $reverse_depends{$dependee}->{$depender} = $reason_for{$dependee};
    for my $opt_dep ( sort keys %reverse_depends ) {
    print "$opt_dep\n";
    my $reason_of = $reverse_depends{$opt_dep};
    for my $depender ( sort keys %$reason_of ) {
    my $reason = $reason_of->{$depender};
    print " $depender",
    ( $reason ? ": $reason\n" : "\n" );

  • I have 3 drivers that need updating wondering if I should update.

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    Driver (3) UPDATE NEEDED
    NVIDIA GeForce Series Video Driver
    2008-03-25, Version: A, 147.9M
    This package contains the video/graphics drivers for the NVIDIA GeForce Series Graphics in the supported notebook models and operating systems. PURPOSE: Routine
    Realtek High-Definition Audio Driver
    2008-03-31, Version: A, 19.2M
    This package provides the driver for the Realtek High-Definition Audio in the supported notebook models and operating systems. PURPOSE: Routine
    Realtek RTL8101 Family PCI-E Fast Ethernet NIC (NDIS 6.0) Driver
    2008-03-31, Version: A, 4.5M
    This package provides the driver for the Realtek RTL8101 Family PCI-E Fast Ethernet NIC in the supported notebook models and operating systems. PURPOSE: Routine

    Your bigger problem is the "unstable" hard drive. That must be addressed before you do anything else. Can you tell us the exact meassage? You should run the hard drive test in the BIOS, not the microsoft test.

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    This is for additional security to protect your Apple ID.
    Try setting your security questions for your Apple ID with a browser on your computer instead.

  • TS1702 I was notified that I had two aps that needed update.  I tried to update the two and they froze for over a week in the downloading phase!  So I removed both and tried to download as e  Same problem.  They froze in the installing phase.

    I was notified that I needed to update two of my current apps.  I tried to do so and they both froze in the install-update phase.  So I discontinued them and tried to download as new.  they froze again During the install phase.  So to test the apps in general I tried to install a completely new app.  It also froze in the installing phase also!  Please help me.  Thanks.

    Once one app stalls in the downloading phase, every other app behind it will probably stall as well. Do not try to downloads any other apps until you get this resolved.
    If the Apps are showing the "waiting" icons, try some of theses suggestions and see if one of them will get you out of this predicament.
    Reboot the iPad by holding down on the sleep and home buttons at the same time for about 10-15 seconds until the Apple Logo appears - ignore the red slider - let go of the buttons.
    Make sure that you do not have a stalled download in iTunes - a song or podcast .... if you have a download in there that did not finish, complete that one first. Only one thing can download at a time on the iPad so that could be what is causing the problem.
    If that doesn't work - sign out of your account, restart the iPad and then sign in again.
    Settings>iTunes & App Store>Apple ID. Tap your ID and sign out. Restart the iPad by holding down on the sleep button until the red slider appears and then slide to shut off. To power up hold the sleep button until the Apple logo appears and let go of the button.
    Go back to Settings>iTunes & App Store>Sign in and then try to update again. Tap one waiting icon only if necessary to start the download stream.
    You can also try deleting the waiting icons - tap and hold down on an icon until it wiggles - the tap the X on the icon to delete it. Then try to download again.
    You can try resetting all settings. Settings>General>Reset>Reset All Settings. You will have to enter all of your device settings again.... All of the settings in the settings app will have to be re-entered.
    If all else fails, download the updates or the apps in iTunes on your computer and then sync the content to your iPad.

  • Problem with primary key field that needs updating on commit

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    either you create a sequence for this by create sequence command and populate the sequence value. but in this case if the form is cancelled the sequence is missed and the next sequence will appear. Another way to do is to generate the invoice number when the user press save button and then assign that value to text item. It is the best way to do. So the user will see invoice number only when they save and it happens in milli seconds so there is no question of overlapping invoice number.
    Hope this helps.

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