Dg4odbc failure with MSSQL Driver

I know that this subject has been discussed many times but I couldn't find one that would have helped me.
My problem is the following :
I have a Oracle 11gR2 platform on RedHat 6 and I need to get data from a SQL Server 2005 / 2008.
To achieve this, I installed Microsoft driver for Linux and I'm using the dg4odbc with a Database Link.
All is fine until I need to retrieve data from SQL Server defined as varchar(max).
In this case, I can't solve the issue : [Microsoft][ODBC Driver 11 for SQL Server]String data, right truncation {01004}
If I connect using Microsoft tools (on the Red Hat box) like sqlcmd, I can execute the SQL queries without issue.
As soon as I try to get the same data through the Database link, I get the previous error.
As an example, I created on my SQL Server box a test table with the following definition and I inserted a record :
CREATE TABLE TEST ( col1 int, col2 varchar(30), col3 nvarchar(30), col4 varchar(max) )
INSERT INTO TEST VALUES ( 1, 'value2', N'value3', 'value4' )
I'm just doing a SELECT * FROM TEST@remote
Then, I activated the logs for dg4odbc and SQL Server driver.
Here is what I can see :
in the ODBC logs :
  Statement = 0x18fb3a0
  Column Number = 4
  Column Name = 0x7fffce187ca0
  Buffer Length = 31
  Name Length = 0x7fffce187de4
  Data Type = 0x7fffce187de8
  Column Size = 0x7fffce187d80
  Decimal Digits = 0x7fffce187dec
  Nullable = 0x7fffce187df0
  Column Name = [col4]               
  Data Type = 0x7fffce187de8 -> 12               
  Column Size = 0x7fffce187d80 -> 0               
  Decimal Digits = 0x7fffce187dec -> 0               
  Nullable = 0x7fffce187df0 -> 1
As you can see, the Column Size is returned as 0.
Here is the log from the dg4odbc
hoadaMOD bit-values found (0x200:TREAT_AS_CHAR,0x40:TREAT_AS_NCHAR)
  4 INTEGER Y          4          4   0/  0    0   0   0 col1
12 VARCHAR Y         30         30   0/  0    0   0  200 col2
12 VARCHAR Y         60         60 128/ 30 1000   0  40 col3
12 VARCHAR Y          0          0   0/  0    0   0  200 col4
Exiting hgodscr, rc=0 at 2014/01/22-15:26:22
hostmstr:          0: HOA After hoxdscr
hostmstr:          0: RPC After SQL Bundling
hostmstr:          0: RPC Before Fetch Row
hostmstr:          0: HOA Before hoaftch
Entered hgoftch, cursor id 1 at 2014/01/22-15:26:22
hgoftch, line 130: Printing hoada @ 0x1912900
hoadaMOD bit-values found (0x200:TREAT_AS_CHAR,0x40:TREAT_AS_NCHAR)
  4 INTEGER Y          4          4   0/  0    0   0   0 col1
12 VARCHAR Y         30         30   0/  0    0   0  200 col2
12 VARCHAR Y         60         60 128/ 30 1000   0  40 col3
12 VARCHAR Y          0          0   0/  0    0   0  200 col4
Performing delayed open.
SQLBindCol: column 1, cdatatype: -16, bflsz: 4
SQLBindCol: column 2, cdatatype: 1, bflsz: 31
SQLBindCol: column 3, cdatatype: -8, bflsz: 62
SQLBindCol: column 4, cdatatype: 1, bflsz: 1
Entered hgopoer at 2014/01/22-15:26:22
hgopoer, line 233: got native error 0 and sqlstate 01004; message follows...
[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 11 for SQL Server]String data, right truncation {01004}
Exiting hgopoer, rc=0 at 2014/01/22-15:26:22
It appears that the SQLBindCol with column4 only allocates one byte... as the length is 0.
Is there any way to fix this behavior.
I tried various things like adding the "VarMaxAsLong = Yes" in the odbc.ini but with no luck.
Thanks for your help

SQL> select * from "VarLong"@MSODBCSQLSERVER_DG4ODBC_EMGTW_1124_DB;
select * from "VarLong"@MSODBCSQLSERVER_DG4ODBC_EMGTW_1124_DB
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-28500: connection from ORACLE to a non-Oracle system returned this message:
[Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0]String data, right truncation {01004}
ORA-02063: preceding 2 lines from MSODBCSQLSERVER_DG4ODBC_EMGTW_1124_DB
Other ODBC drivers work:
SQL> select * from "VarLong"@FREETDS_DG4ODBC_EMGTW_11_2_0_4.DE.ORACLE.COM;
      col1 col2
         1 value2
Having a quick look at the trace shows the data type being reported is varchar instead of LongVarchar:
Column:4(c): dtype:12 (VARCHAR), prc/scl:0/0, nullbl:1, octet:0, sign:1, radix:0
The precision and scale are correct for a lonvarchar (-1) data type, but not for a varchar.
this issue should be reported to the ODBC vendor.
- Klaus

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    Live Update is best uninstalled. Flash UEFI/BIOS the safer way;
    Recommend to download drivers and utilities from the MSI Websites and install manually.
      >> Posting Guide <<

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    1104987630621|164766|4|statement|SELECT t1."DEALER_CODE"
    FROM "QADATAPLANADM"."dbo"."warranty_info_vw" t1
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    FROM "QADATAPLANADM"."dbo"."warranty_info_vw" t1
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    FROM "QADATAPLANADM"."dbo"."warranty_info_vw" t1
    WHERE (('JTHBF30G3') = (t1."VIN_CHAR_1_9")) AND (('30142268') = (t1."VIN_CHAR_10_17"))|DEALER_CODE = 62911
    1104987630621|-1||resultset|SELECT t1."DEALER_CODE"
    FROM "QADATAPLANADM"."dbo"."warranty_info_vw" t1
    WHERE (('JTHBF30G3') = (t1."VIN_CHAR_1_9")) AND (('30142268') = (t1."VIN_CHAR_10_17"))|DEALER_CODE = 62911
    1104987630621|264000|3|statement|SELECT t1."DEALER_CODE"
    FROM "QADATAPLANADM"."dbo"."warranty_info_vw" t1
    WHERE ((?) = (t1."VIN_CHAR_1_9")) AND ((?) = (t1."VIN_CHAR_10_17"))|SELECT t1."DEALER_CODE"
    FROM "QADATAPLANADM"."dbo"."warranty_info_vw" t1
    WHERE (('30142268') = (t1."VIN_CHAR_1_9")) AND (('JTHBF30G3') = (t1."VIN_CHAR_10_17"))

    nevermind - I'm am following the instructions in this thread. Sounds like the problem that I have

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    VHail wrote:
    …All drivers and programs are up to date.
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    Failure description:
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    MEDIA12899: AUDIO/VIDEO: Unknown MIME type.
    --- Message: MEDIA_ERR_SRC_NOT_SUPPORTED (0x887A0004)
    Summary of tested OS versions:
    Windows Phone 8.1 Update
    8.10.14141.167, untested
    8.10.14147.180, untested
    8.10.14157.200, untested
    8.10.14176.243, NOKIA Lumia 830, fails to stream, tested with two devices
    8.10.14192.280, untested
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    Windows Phone 8.1
    8.10.12359.845, untested
    8.10.12382.878, untested
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    8.10.12397.895, untested
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    Is this a known issue with a specific version(s) of Windows Phone 8.1?

    0x887A0004 equates to DXGI_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED. This error is usually generated when you are trying to use Direct3D features that are not supported. Different devices support different D3D features since they contain different video hardware. It is possible
    that a hardware feature that is required by the license is not supported in the hardware / driver of the device. I would recommend that you check the license and make sure that it does not contain any hardware specific requirements such as HDCP.
    In other words try playing content with the least restrictive license and see if it works for you.
    I hope this helps,
    Windows SDK Technologies - Microsoft Developer Services - http://blogs.msdn.com/mediasdkstuff/

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    Another factor is whether flash drives are connected - these seem to make the nod-offs more frequent AND Finder regularly loses communication to these both while just sitting there and also in the middle of file transfers. A very early 250 MB drive (Lexar - vintage 2004) will always communicate, but different USB2-capable drives all are either unreliable (Lexar 8 GB and KData 4 GB both < 1 yr old) or apparently dead (Lexar 2 GB ~ 2 yr old). The failures may be damaging the drives - they are inconsistent-to-bad at communicating with my MacBook Pro. I know this sounds like the drives are at fault, but there are things which make me suspect the OS (both computers use the same version): 1) different flash drives display the same on-again-off-again behavior AND the 2) the 2 GB drive that hasn't communicated with my Macs in over a month has no trouble talking with my wife's WinXP computer. When communication isn't working with these drives, they do not show up in either Finder or Disk Utility. When the Mac-dead 2 GB Lexar is plugged into either computer and I launch Disk Utility, the initial scan for drives never finishes so I have to force quit. (When they are working, on the iMac the large drives only appear in Finder if I go to User and press Command-uparrow (to go up a directory layer) - in columns display mode nothing appears in the left-hand column.
    (The following describes a set of problems I've had a little longer and which may or may not be related):
    At times the Finder loses some but not all functions:
    1) Sometimes files in the Trash can't be ejected* even when all apps are turned off
    2) usually when problem 1) is observed, no keyboard commands work: nothing happens when pressing Command-W, Command-uparrow or Command-N to open a new window. Text typed will not be entered to change filenames (but this can still be done by typing the desired text in TextEdit, copying there and selecting and pasting with mouse commands.)
    <* I have downloaded an app for forcing file deletion, but haven't really needed it - the delete option and keyboard commands all return after shutdown and reboot, and there's usually enough annoying stuff going on by this time that that seems the best thing to do.>
    Things which I've tried to fix it with so far (not in this order):
    - blowing dust out of the back with canned air
    - checking temperatures - CPU/GPU showing 72/73, HD bay 51, etc.
    - fixing permissions from normal boot
    - boot from install disk and running extended hardware test (no problems found during scans repeated several times during the past month)
    - fixing permissions and running Disk First Aid from install disk boot
    - getting files off the hard drive (was as low as 3 GB free space, currently ~ 35 GB and climbing)
    - clearing PRAM
    - resetting system manager (name? - hold down power button when reconnecting power cable, etc.)
    - Power Saver display and computer auto sleep are shut off (both on "never" - I regularly put it to sleep manually)
    - virus scans (Clam XAV)
    I realize that this is a kitchen sink collection of symptoms, but these things may be related and if so, OS developers may want to be sure these problems are avoided in current versions. (Yes I will upgrade my OS soon...)

    Thanks for checking in, Miriam - sorry to get testy about it.
    The iMac's RAM is maxed out (2.5 GB)
    Yes, the system log does report overtemp message to Power management prior to shutdown (today's log at end of post)
    Where do I find normal temperatures for the system? What are the important parameters to watch and what sort of fixes are possible?
    iStat currently shows:
    HD 54° CPU 67° GPU 72° Incoming air 38° (???)
    HD bay 54° GPU ambient 71° opt drive 49°
    Console.log was largely full of stuff about a bad flash drive I stuck in as a Hail Mary and failure of communication with a scanner (old HP, driver package installs a program which starts at launch which doesn't show up under Startup Items. Apparently the permission got mislaid, so I fixed permissions and this seems OK now. (Only included that because some of it shows up in System.log and it's not worth focusing on.)
    [That all said, there is a software/OS component to the problem and it is graphics-related. The other night I was looking at some flash videos in a series and one in particular repeatedly caused shutdown, while others played normally: domain = jebhost.com /youtube/list.php?q=Henry+8.o&Submit=GO "The Tricycle Thief" only played through once out of about six tries.]
    System Log Aug 1 (last addition 20 minutes ago)
    Aug 1 14:52:46 gerda-kilgores-imac-g5 cp: error processing extended attributes: Operation not permitted
    Aug 1 17:07:42 gerda-kilgores-imac-g5 cp: error processing extended attributes: Operation not permitted
    Aug 1 17:23:51 gerda-kilgores-imac-g5 kernel[0]: comlexar_driverLexarFilterScheme[0x2b6e3000]::init(0x46c34c0)
    Aug 1 17:23:51 gerda-kilgores-imac-g5 kernel[0]: comlexar_driverLexarFilterScheme[0x2b6e3000]::free()
    Aug 1 17:24:07 gerda-kilgores-imac-g5 kernel[0]: comlexar_driverLexarFilterScheme[0x2b6e3000]::init(0x3827ec0)
    Aug 1 17:24:07 gerda-kilgores-imac-g5 kernel[0]: comlexar_driverLexarFilterScheme[0x2b6e3000]::free()
    Aug 1 17:38:33 gerda-kilgores-imac-g5 kernel[0]: disk1s1: I/O error.
    Aug 1 17:38:33 gerda-kilgores-imac-g5 diskarbitrationd[40]: unable to repair /dev/disk1s1 (status code 0x00000008).
    Aug 1 17:38:41 gerda-kilgores-imac-g5 kernel[0]: USBF: 31965.839 AppleUSBEHCI[0x360e800]::Found a transaction which hasn't moved in 5 seconds on bus 75, timing out!
    Aug 1 17:38:42 gerda-kilgores-imac-g5 kernel[0]: USBF: 31966.868 AppleUSBHubPort: Port 2 of Hub at 0x4b240000 reported error 0xe00002ed while doing getting port status (4)
    Aug 1 17:38:42 gerda-kilgores-imac-g5 kernel[0]: USBF: 31966.901 AppleUSBHubPort: Port 2 of Hub at 0x4b240000 reported error 0xe00002ed while doing clearing port feature
    Aug 1 17:38:42 gerda-kilgores-imac-g5 kernel[0]: USBF: 31967. 23 ControlTransaction: control packet 1 error 0xe0004057
    Aug 1 17:38:49 gerda-kilgores-imac-g5 kernel[0]: USBF: 31973.868 AppleUSBEHCI[0x360e800]::Found a transaction which hasn't moved in 5 seconds on bus 75, timing out!
    Aug 1 17:38:53 gerda-kilgores-imac-g5 kernel[0]: USBF: 31977.938 AppleUSBHubPort: Port 2 of Hub at 0x4b240000 reported error 0xe00002ed while doing getting port status (4)
    Aug 1 17:38:53 gerda-kilgores-imac-g5 kernel[0]: USBF: 31978. 2 AppleUSBHubPort: Port 2 of Hub at 0x4b240000 reported error 0xe00002ed while doing clearing port feature
    Aug 1 17:38:56 gerda-kilgores-imac-g5 kernel[0]: USBF: 31981.506 AppleUSBHubPort: Port 2 of Hub at 0x4b240000 reported error 0xe00002ed while doing getting port status (4)
    Aug 1 17:38:56 gerda-kilgores-imac-g5 kernel[0]: USBF: 31981.571 AppleUSBHubPort: Port 2 of Hub at 0x4b240000 reported error 0xe00002ed while doing clearing port feature
    Aug 1 17:38:59 gerda-kilgores-imac-g5 kernel[0]: USBF: 31984.264 AppleUSBHubPort: Port 2 of Hub at 0x4b240000 reported error 0xe00002ed while doing getting port status (4)
    Aug 1 17:38:59 gerda-kilgores-imac-g5 kernel[0]: USBF: 31984.329 AppleUSBHubPort: Port 2 of Hub at 0x4b240000 reported error 0xe00002ed while doing clearing port feature
    Aug 1 17:39:01 gerda-kilgores-imac-g5 kernel[0]: USBF: 31986. 31 AppleUSBHubPort: Port 2 of Hub at 0x4b240000 reported error 0xe00002ed while doing getting port status (4)
    Aug 1 17:39:01 gerda-kilgores-imac-g5 kernel[0]: USBF: 31986. 64 AppleUSBHubPort: Port 2 of Hub at 0x4b240000 reported error 0xe00002ed while doing clearing port feature
    Aug 1 17:39:01 gerda-kilgores-imac-g5 kernel[0]: USBF: 31986.187 ControlTransaction: control packet 1 error 0xe0004057
    Aug 1 17:39:02 gerda-kilgores-imac-g5 kernel[0]: USBF: 31987.712 AppleUSBHubPort: Port 2 of Hub at 0x4b240000 reported error 0xe00002ed while doing getting port status (4)
    Aug 1 17:39:02 gerda-kilgores-imac-g5 kernel[0]: USBF: 31987.774 AppleUSBHubPort: Port 2 of Hub at 0x4b240000 reported error 0xe00002ed while doing clearing port feature
    Aug 1 17:39:03 gerda-kilgores-imac-g5 kernel[0]: USBF: 31988.139 IOUSBCompositeDriver[0x46bea00](HP Scanjet 5400C Series) GetFullConfigDescriptor(0) returned NULL
    Aug 1 17:39:04 gerda-kilgores-imac-g5 kernel[0]: USBF: 31989. 55 AppleUSBHubPort: Port 2 of Hub at 0x4b240000 reported error 0xe00002ed while doing getting port status (4)
    Aug 1 17:39:04 gerda-kilgores-imac-g5 kernel[0]: USBF: 31989.178 AppleUSBHubPort: Port 2 of Hub at 0x4b240000 reported error 0xe00002ed while doing clearing port feature
    Aug 1 17:39:04 gerda-kilgores-imac-g5 kernel[0]: USBF: 31989.204 ControlTransaction: control packet 1 error 0xe0004057
    Aug 1 17:39:04 gerda-kilgores-imac-g5 kernel[0]: USBF: 31989.479 IOUSBCompositeDriver[0x46bec00](HP Scanjet 5400C Series) GetFullConfigDescriptor(0) returned NULL
    Aug 1 17:39:05 gerda-kilgores-imac-g5 kernel[0]: USBF: 31990.455 ControlTransaction: control packet 1 error 0xe0004057
    Aug 1 17:39:05 gerda-kilgores-imac-g5 kernel[0]: USBF: 31990.503 IOUSBCompositeDriver[0x36cb380](HP Scanjet 5400C Series) GetFullConfigDescriptor(0) returned NULL
    Aug 1 17:49:08 localhost kernel[0]: standard timeslicing quantum is 10000 us
    Aug 1 17:49:08 localhost lookupd[43]: lookupd (version 369.8) starting - Sun Aug 1 17:49:08 2010
    Aug 1 17:49:08 localhost kernel[0]: vmpagebootstrap: 633665 free pages
    Aug 1 17:49:08 localhost memberd[41]: memberd starting up
    Aug 1 17:49:08 localhost kernel[0]: migtable_maxdispl = 70
    Aug 1 17:49:08 localhost kernel[0]: 92 prelinked modules
    Aug 1 17:49:08 localhost kernel[0]: Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1989, 1991, 1993
    Aug 1 17:49:08 localhost kernel[0]: The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
    Aug 1 17:49:08 localhost kernel[0]: using 6553 buffer headers and 4096 cluster IO buffer headers
    Aug 1 17:49:08 localhost kernel[0]: AppleKauaiATA shasta-ata features enabled
    Aug 1 17:49:08 localhost kernel[0]: DART enabled
    Aug 1 17:49:08 localhost kernel[0]: USB caused wake event (EHCI)
    Aug 1 17:49:08 localhost kernel[0]: FireWire (OHCI) Apple ID 52 built-in now active, GUID 001451ff fe261dcc; max speed s400.
    Aug 1 17:49:08 localhost kernel[0]: CSRHIDTransitionDriver::probe:
    Aug 1 17:49:08 localhost kernel[0]: CSRHIDTransitionDriver::start before command
    Aug 1 17:49:08 localhost kernel[0]: Security auditing service present
    Aug 1 17:49:08 localhost kernel[0]: BSM auditing present
    Aug 1 17:49:08 localhost kernel[0]: disabled
    Aug 1 17:49:08 localhost kernel[0]: rooting via boot-uuid from /chosen: D5C0BAB6-ADB2-3A2A-9DDD-6F971A163F6B
    Aug 1 17:49:08 localhost kernel[0]: Waiting on <dict ID="0"><key>IOProviderClass</key><string ID="1">IOResources</string><key>IOResourceMatch</key><string ID="2">boot-uuid-media</string></dict>
    Aug 1 17:49:08 localhost kernel[0]: Got boot device = IOService:/MacRISC4PE/ht@0,f2000000/AppleMacRiscHT/pci@3/IOPCI2PCIBridge/k2-sat a-root@C/AppleK2SATARoot/k2-sata@0/AppleK2SATA/ATADeviceNub@0/IOATABlockStorageD river/IOATABlockStorageDevice/IOBlockStorageDriver/WDC WD2500JS-40MVB1 Media/IOApplePartitionScheme/Untitled 3@3
    Aug 1 17:49:08 localhost kernel[0]: BSD root: disk0s3, major 14, minor 2
    Aug 1 17:49:08 localhost kernel[0]: jnl: replay_journal: from: 2051072 to: 8100352 (joffset 0xa701000)
    Aug 1 17:49:08 localhost kernel[0]: CSRHIDTransitionDriver::stop
    Aug 1 17:49:08 localhost kernel[0]: AppleSMU -- shutdown cause = 3
    Aug 1 17:49:08 localhost kernel[0]: AppleSMU::PMU vers = 0x000d0092, SPU vers = 0x56, SDB vers = 0x01,
    Aug 1 17:49:08 localhost kernel[0]: IOBluetoothHCIController::start Idle Timer Stopped
    Aug 1 17:49:08 localhost kernel[0]: HFS: Removed 2 orphaned unlinked files
    Aug 1 17:49:08 localhost kernel[0]: Jettisoning kernel linker.
    Aug 1 17:49:08 localhost kernel[0]: Resetting IOCatalogue.
    Aug 1 17:49:08 localhost kernel[0]: Matching service count = 0
    Aug 1 17:49:08 localhost kernel[0]: Matching service count = 2
    Aug 1 17:49:08 localhost kernel[0]: Matching service count = 2
    Aug 1 17:49:08 localhost kernel[0]: Matching service count = 2
    Aug 1 17:49:08 localhost kernel[0]: Matching service count = 2
    Aug 1 17:49:08 localhost mDNSResponder-108.6 (Jul 19 2007 11: 33:32)[33]: starting
    Aug 1 17:49:08 localhost kernel[0]: Matching service count = 2
    Aug 1 17:49:08 localhost kernel[0]: SMUNeo2PlatformPlugin::initThermalProfile - entry
    Aug 1 17:49:08 localhost kernel[0]: SMUNeo2PlatformPlugin::initThermalProfile - calling adjust
    Aug 1 17:49:08 localhost kernel[0]: IPv6 packet filtering initialized, default to accept, logging disabled
    Aug 1 17:49:08 localhost DirectoryService[46]: Launched version 2.1 (v353.6)
    Aug 1 17:49:09 localhost kernel[0]: UniNEnet: Ethernet address 00:14:51:26:1d:cc
    Aug 1 17:49:09 localhost diskarbitrationd[40]: disk0s3 hfs D5C0BAB6-ADB2-3A2A-9DDD-6F971A163F6B HiMac /
    Aug 1 17:49:09 localhost kernel[0]: AirPortPCI_MM: Ethernet address 00:14:51:7e:85:c0
    Aug 1 17:49:09 localhost launchd: Server 3507 in bootstrap 1103 uid 0: "/usr/sbin/lookupd"[43]: exited abnormally: Hangup
    Aug 1 17:49:10 localhost usbmuxd[36]: usbmuxd-196 built for iTunesNineTwo on May 17 2010 at 13:53:51, running 32 bit
    Aug 1 17:49:10 localhost lookupd[63]: lookupd (version 369.8) starting - Sun Aug 1 17:49:10 2010
    Aug 1 17:49:10 localhost configd[38]: WirelessConfigure: 88001003
    Aug 1 17:49:10 localhost configd[38]: initCardWithStoredPrefs failed.
    Aug 1 17:49:10 localhost configd[38]: WirelessConfigure: 88001003
    Aug 1 17:49:11 localhost kernel[0]: Registering For 802.11 Events
    Aug 1 17:49:11 localhost kernel[0]: [HCIController][setupHardware] AFH Is Supported
    Aug 1 17:49:12 localhost mDNSResponder: Adding browse domain local.
    Aug 1 17:49:13 localhost kernel[0]: ATY,Aphrodite2_A: vram [98000000:08000000]
    Aug 1 17:49:13 localhost kernel[0]: ATY,Aphrodite2_B: vram [98000000:08000000]
    Aug 1 17:49:13 localhost /System/Library/CoreServices/loginwindow.app/Contents/MacOS/loginwindow: Login Window Application Started
    Aug 1 17:49:14 localhost loginwindow[67]: Login Window Started Security Agent
    Aug 1 17:49:18 gerda-kilgores-imac-g5 configd[38]: setting hostname to "gerda-kilgores-imac-g5.local"
    Aug 1 17:49:20 gerda-kilgores-imac-g5 kernel[0]: AirPort: Link Active: "U2M67" - 001801fb71c5 - chan 11
    Aug 1 17:49:20 gerda-kilgores-imac-g5 configd[38]: AppleTalk startup
    Aug 1 17:49:23 gerda-kilgores-imac-g5 configd[38]: executing /System/Library/SystemConfiguration/Kicker.bundle/Contents/Resources/enable-net work
    Aug 1 17:49:23 gerda-kilgores-imac-g5 configd[38]: posting notification com.apple.system.config.network_change
    Aug 1 17:49:23 gerda-kilgores-imac-g5 launchd: Server 0 in bootstrap 1103 uid 0: "/usr/sbin/lookupd"[63]: exited abnormally: Hangup
    Aug 1 17:49:23 gerda-kilgores-imac-g5 lookupd[119]: lookupd (version 369.8) starting - Sun Aug 1 17:49:23 2010
    Aug 1 17:49:23 gerda-kilgores-imac-g5 configd[38]: setting hostname to "new-host.home"
    Aug 1 17:49:26 gerda-kilgores-imac-g5 configd[38]: target=enable-network: disabled
    Aug 1 17:49:27 gerda-kilgores-imac-g5 configd[38]: AppleTalk startup complete
    Aug 1 17:49:29 gerda-kilgores-imac-g5 mDNSResponder: NOTE: Wide-Area Service Discovery disabled to avoid crashing defective DNS relay
    Aug 1 18:18:49 gerda-kilgores-imac-g5 kernel[0]: comlexar_driverLexarFilterScheme[0x2b609000]::init(0x3587f00)
    Aug 1 18:18:49 gerda-kilgores-imac-g5 kernel[0]: comlexar_driverLexarFilterScheme[0x2b609000]::free()
    Aug 1 18:28:19 gerda-kilgores-imac-g5 kernel[0]: IOSMUPwrController:: OverTemp notification
    Aug 1 18:28:19 gerda-kilgores-imac-g5 kernel[0]: Power Management received emergency overtemp signal. Going to sleep.
    Aug 1 18:28:21 gerda-kilgores-imac-g5 kernel[0]: AirPort: Link DOWN (Client disAssoc 0)
    Aug 1 18:28:21 gerda-kilgores-imac-g5 launchd: Server 0 in bootstrap 1103 uid 0: "/usr/sbin/lookupd"[119]: exited abnormally: Hangup
    Aug 1 18:28:21 gerda-kilgores-imac-g5 configd[38]: posting notification com.apple.system.config.network_change
    Aug 1 18:28:21 gerda-kilgores-imac-g5 configd[38]: setting hostname to "gerda-kilgores-imac-g5.local"
    Aug 1 18:28:21 gerda-kilgores-imac-g5 configd[38]: AppleTalk shutdown
    Aug 1 18:28:21 gerda-kilgores-imac-g5 configd[38]: AppleTalk shutdown complete
    Aug 1 18:28:21 gerda-kilgores-imac-g5 /usr/sbin/AppleFileServer: AFPServer::AbnormalATListenerShutDown - clear listener
    Aug 1 18:28:21 gerda-kilgores-imac-g5 lookupd[240]: lookupd (version 369.8) starting - Sun Aug 1 18:28:21 2010
    Aug 1 18:28:25 gerda-kilgores-imac-g5 kernel[0]: System Sleep
    Aug 1 18:28:25 gerda-kilgores-imac-g5 kernel[0]: IOBluetoothHCIController::restartShutdownWL this is a wake from sleep
    Aug 1 18:28:25 gerda-kilgores-imac-g5 kernel[0]: System Wake
    Aug 1 18:28:25 gerda-kilgores-imac-g5 kernel[0]: Wake event 0020
    Aug 1 18:28:25 gerda-kilgores-imac-g5 kernel[0]: USB caused wake event (EHCI)
    Aug 1 18:28:26 gerda-kilgores-imac-g5 kernel[0]: FireWire (OHCI) Apple ID 52 built-in: handleSelfIDInt - received quads == 0. issuing bus reset
    Aug 1 18:28:32 gerda-kilgores-imac-g5 kernel[0]: AirPort: Link Active: "U2M67" - 001801fb71c5 - chan 11
    Aug 1 18:28:32 gerda-kilgores-imac-g5 configd[38]: AppleTalk startup
    Aug 1 18:28:35 gerda-kilgores-imac-g5 launchd: Server 0 in bootstrap 1103 uid 0: "/usr/sbin/lookupd"[240]: exited abnormally: Hangup
    Aug 1 18:28:35 gerda-kilgores-imac-g5 configd[38]: posting notification com.apple.system.config.network_change
    Aug 1 18:28:35 gerda-kilgores-imac-g5 lookupd[249]: lookupd (version 369.8) starting - Sun Aug 1 18:28:35 2010
    Aug 1 18:28:36 gerda-kilgores-imac-g5 configd[38]: setting hostname to "new-host.home"
    Aug 1 18:28:37 gerda-kilgores-imac-g5 mDNSResponder: Repeated transitions for interface en1 (; delaying packets by 5 seconds
    Aug 1 18:28:38 gerda-kilgores-imac-g5 configd[38]: AppleTalk startup complete
    Aug 1 18:28:41 gerda-kilgores-imac-g5 mDNSResponder: NOTE: Wide-Area Service Discovery disabled to avoid crashing defective DNS relay

  • Which to buy?  Time capsule or Airport Extreme with USB drive(s)?

    I'm getting either a TC or an Airport Extreme with an external drive.
    I noticed that TC can archive to an external drive. It seems this can be handy for creating off-site backups. Can I do this with a drive on Airport Extreme (with a powered hub and another drive)? Or do I need to move the drive to a Mac and copy there? Or should I use a network backup instead in either case? I guess this is my main question: Can archive work with Airport Extreme?
    Is mounting the Airport Extreme for WiFi range any easier than the TC?
    Drive failure:
    Is the TC drive likely to fail over the next couple years? And the other way, if the TC breaks, is the drive something I can use elsewhere? I'm a little concerned about having all my eggs in one basket.
    Anything I should be aware of in making this decision?

    +Are there any constraints in the orientation of TC that the AirPort Extreme does not have?+
    No, not really as long as you give either device plenty of airspace as they both tend to run warm to very warm. I thought mounting the AirPort Extreme might improve the signal strength a bit, but it made no measurable difference for me.
    +Is the TC significantly heavier?+
    The Extreme is under 2 pounds, the TC comes in a bit over 3 pounds.
    +Is mounting on a pegboard bad for the HD?+
    I think you may be asking if you can mount it vertically. That's not a problem and the Apple store even sells wall mounts for either device.
    +Yikes. I got bad info. I read the "unsupported" constraint was dropped a couple versions ago. I thought all the comments on this were referring to the older versions of AirPort Extreme.+
    Here's the Apple document. Nothing changed with Snow Leopard and I saw a specific Snow Leopard document about this...just can't find it at the moment. I'm sure other forum regulars will confirm as well if they see this post.
    +Is there a list of file servers that Time Machine is compatible with?+
    Sorry, I don't have first hand knowledge on that and my policy is to only offer advice on things that I've done myself. That question might be worth a separate post since few people will see this question buried where it is.
    Message was edited by: Bob Timmons

  • Create Master Repository With MSSQL 2005

    I try to create a new Master repository with MSSQL 2005 but the connection to the database doesn't work.
    I create a database named db_snpm for the master database and a database named db_snpw for the work db as oracledi_setup.pdf said.
    I create a user/password snpm/password for db_snpm and snpw/password for db_snpw.
    There are db_owner.
    My driver connection : com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver
    My Url : jdbc:sqlserver://localhost:1433;selectMethod=cursor;databaseName=db_snpm;integratedSecurity=false
    User : snpm
    Password : password
    When I try the connection, I've got the following error "com.sunopsis.sql.c: com/microsoft/sqlserver/jdbc/SQLServerDriver "
    I had created a SQL SERVER DataServer in the topology Manager with the same driver and url and the connection work fine. I used it in some interface.
    Any help would be great.
    Edited by: user12010673 on 14 oct. 2009 02:00

    Creation of ODI master repository is limited to few relational databases only. Check certification matrix for ODI 11g
    Microsoft SQL Server 2005
    Microsoft SQL Server 2008
    IBM DB2/UDB 9.7 and later FixPaks
    IBM DB2/400 (V5R4+)
    Hypersonic SQL 1.7.3+
    Sybase AS Enterprise 15.0.x

  • Time Machine index failures and external drives

    I have been running into a number of failures with Time Machine on an Intel Core i7 iMac running Mac OS X 10.6.4. The external hard drive is an iOmega "eGo" 2 TB desktop drive connected with USB 2.0. I have used this kind of hard drive before for TIme Machine successfully, on this machine which has as far as I know always run Snow Leopard.
    Unfortunately, I cannot put a date or event to when these Time Machine errors began (whether coincident with an OS upgrade or what); the iMac belongs to my research group, and is located in a meeting room where it is used by several people. I'd estimate the TM failures began maybe 3 months ago, after the drive and Time Machine having worked fine for several months before then.
    I've already used Disk Utility to repair and/or re-format (remake single partition) the external drive, and checked the iMac's HD for errors. The external is a brand-new drive; I just recently exchanged the previous same-model drive for a replacement, since the previous one failed some kind of diagnostics they performed back at the shop (I don't know what the problem was, there). The first eGo drive was the one that worked for a while with Time Machine. Since I replaced it with a new one, TM has never successfully completed a back-up.
    Time Machine's error message is the usual "The backup was not performed because an error occurred while copying files to the backup disk" along with the "The problem may be temporary. Try again later to back up. If the problem persists, use Disk Utility to repair your backup disk." that comes up when I click for more info in the control panel. Below, I've also copied typical outputs from "Time Machine Buddy" and from "system.log" read in Console.
    I've tried working through some of the suggested actions at http://web.me.com/pondini/Time_Machine/ (specifically: "full reset," item A4; suggestions at the bottom of D4; and C3), with no luck so far. I also tried using a different external drive (an OWC Mercury Elite Pro 2TB), and tried it connected either with USB 2.0 (a new cable) or FireWire 800; both ways it returned the same "indexing a file failed"-type messages in the TM Buddy and system.log.
    Any further suggestions are appreciated!
    (example) from the Time Machine Buddy widget:
    Starting standard backup
    Backing up to: /Volumes/[BackupVolumeNameHere]/Backups.backupdb
    Error parsing SystemMigration.log to determine source volume of system migration.
    No pre-backup thinning needed: 63.75 GB requested (including padding), 1.57 TB available
    Waiting for index to be ready (100)
    Waiting for index to be ready (100)
    Waiting for index to be ready (100)
    Waiting for index to be ready (100)
    Waiting for index to be ready (100)
    Waiting for index to be ready (100)
    Waiting for index to be ready (100)
    Waiting for index to be ready (100)
    Indexer unavailable (1)
    Waiting for index to be ready (100)
    ... (and on like that)
    from system.log (filtered with search, "backupd"):
    Sep 28 00:31:54 [ComputerNameHere] com.apple.backupd[252]: Waiting for index to be ready (100)
    Sep 28 00:32:21 [ComputerNameHere] com.apple.backupd[252]: Indexer unavailable (1)
    ... and on like that, until ...
    Sep 28 04:32:16 [ComputerNameHere] com.apple.backupd[252]: Waiting for index to be ready (100)
    Sep 28 04:33:16 [ComputerNameHere] com.apple.backupd[252]: Waiting for index to be ready (100)
    Sep 28 04:34:16 [ComputerNameHere] com.apple.backupd[252]: Waiting for index to be ready (100)
    Sep 28 04:35:16 [ComputerNameHere] com.apple.backupd[252]: Waiting for index to be ready (100)
    Sep 28 04:36:16 [ComputerNameHere] com.apple.backupd[252]: Waiting for index to be ready (100)
    Sep 28 04:37:16 [ComputerNameHere] com.apple.backupd[252]: Waiting for index to be ready (100)
    Sep 28 04:38:16 [ComputerNameHere] com.apple.backupd[252]: Waiting for index to be ready (100)
    Sep 28 04:39:16 [ComputerNameHere] com.apple.backupd[252]: Waiting for index to be ready (100)
    Sep 28 04:40:16 [ComputerNameHere] com.apple.backupd[252]: Waiting for index to be ready (100)
    Sep 28 04:40:22 [ComputerNameHere] com.apple.backupd[252]: Copied 0 bytes of 53.1 GB, 0 of 939187 items
    Sep 28 05:19:02 [ComputerNameHere] com.apple.backupd[252]: Indexing a file failed. Returned 200 for: /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/CarbonC ore.framework/Versions/A/_CodeSignature/CodeResources, /Volumes/[BackupVolumeNameHere]/Backups.backupdb/[iMacNameHere]/2010-09-27-1826 58.inProgress/CB67F2B5-BB62-471C-832F-0E7FD1E8C4A6/Macintosh HD/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/Carbo nCore.framework/Versions/A/_CodeSignature/CodeResources
    Sep 28 05:19:02 [ComputerNameHere] com.apple.backupd[252]: Aborting backup because indexing a file failed.
    Sep 28 05:19:02 [ComputerNameHere] com.apple.backupd[252]: Stopping backup.
    Sep 28 05:19:02 [ComputerNameHere] com.apple.backupd[252]: Copied 126680 files (20.9 GB) from volume Macintosh HD.
    Sep 28 05:19:02 [ComputerNameHere] com.apple.backupd[252]: Copy stage failed with error:11
    Sep 28 05:19:07 [ComputerNameHere] com.apple.backupd[252]: Backup failed with error: 11
    Sep 28 05:25:28 [ComputerNameHere] com.apple.backupd[252]: Starting standard backup
    Sep 28 05:25:28 [ComputerNameHere] com.apple.backupd[252]: Backing up to: /Volumes/[BackupVolumeNameHere]/Backups.backupdb
    Sep 28 05:25:29 [ComputerNameHere] com.apple.backupd[252]: Error parsing SystemMigration.log to determine source volume of system migration.
    Sep 28 05:25:29 [ComputerNameHere] com.apple.backupd[252]: No pre-backup thinning needed: 39.99 GB requested (including padding), 1.73 TB available
    Sep 28 05:25:29 [ComputerNameHere] com.apple.backupd[252]: Waiting for index to be ready (100)
    Sep 28 05:26:29 [ComputerNameHere] com.apple.backupd[252]: Waiting for index to be ready (100)
    Sep 28 05:27:29 [ComputerNameHere] com.apple.backupd[252]: Indexer unavailable (1)
    ... and on like that again, until ...
    Sep 28 08:22:10 [ComputerNameHere] com.apple.backupd[252]: Copied 0 bytes of 27.8 GB, 0 of 939187 items
    Sep 28 08:31:15 [ComputerNameHere] com.apple.backupd[252]: Indexing a file failed. Returned 1 for: /Library/Application Support/iPhoto/Themes/Shared/Card/PaperHearts/Icons/paper_hearts-V-oustide-roun d-text-red.tiff, /Volumes/[BackupVolumeNameHere]/Backups.backupdb/[iMacNameHere]/2010-09-27-1826 58.inProgress/91C738D1-2AB3-481D-861F-9A5FBEC2B546/Macintosh HD/Library/Application Support/iPhoto/Themes/Shared/Card/PaperHearts/Icons/paper_hearts-V-oustide-roun d-text-red.tiff
    Sep 28 08:31:15 [ComputerNameHere] com.apple.backupd[252]: Aborting backup because indexing a file failed.
    Sep 28 08:31:15 [ComputerNameHere] com.apple.backupd[252]: Stopping backup.
    Sep 28 08:31:15 [ComputerNameHere] com.apple.backupd[252]: Copied 89460 files (229 KB) from volume Macintosh HD.
    Sep 28 08:31:15 [ComputerNameHere] com.apple.backupd[252]: Copy stage failed with error:11
    Sep 28 08:31:20 [ComputerNameHere] com.apple.backupd[252]: Backup failed with error: 11
    Sep 28 09:25:28 [ComputerNameHere] com.apple.backupd[252]: Starting standard backup
    Sep 28 09:25:28 [ComputerNameHere] com.apple.backupd[252]: Backing up to: /Volumes/[BackupVolumeNameHere]/Backups.backupdb
    Sep 28 09:25:28 [ComputerNameHere] com.apple.backupd[252]: Error parsing SystemMigration.log to determine source volume of system migration.
    Sep 28 09:25:28 [ComputerNameHere] com.apple.backupd[252]: No pre-backup thinning needed: 33.41 GB requested (including padding), 1.72 TB available
    Sep 28 09:25:28 [ComputerNameHere] com.apple.backupd[252]: Waiting for index to be ready (100)
    Sep 28 09:26:28 [ComputerNameHere] com.apple.backupd[252]: Waiting for index to be ready (100)
    ... and on like that again, until ...
    Sep 28 11:21:30 [ComputerNameHere] com.apple.backupd[252]: Waiting for index to be ready (100)
    Sep 28 11:22:04 [ComputerNameHere] com.apple.backupd[252]: Copied 0 bytes of 27.8 GB, 0 of 939187 items
    Sep 28 11:31:09 [ComputerNameHere] com.apple.backupd[252]: Indexing a file failed. Returned 1 for: /Library/Application Support/iPhoto/Themes/Shared/Card/SimpleParchment/SimpleParchmentHM_FrontV.png, /Volumes/[BackupVolumeNameHere]/Backups.backupdb/[iMacNameHere]/2010-09-27-1826 58.inProgress/E252969A-FF5D-418A-B61C-15EFC7784C20/Macintosh HD/Library/Application Support/iPhoto/Themes/Shared/Card/SimpleParchment/SimpleParchmentHM_FrontV.png
    Sep 28 11:31:09 [ComputerNameHere] com.apple.backupd[252]: Aborting backup because indexing a file failed.
    Sep 28 11:31:09 [ComputerNameHere] com.apple.backupd[252]: Stopping backup.
    Sep 28 11:31:09 [ComputerNameHere] com.apple.backupd[252]: Copied 90086 files (37.7 MB) from volume Macintosh HD.
    Sep 28 11:31:09 [ComputerNameHere] com.apple.backupd[252]: Copy stage failed with error:11
    Sep 28 11:31:14 [ComputerNameHere] com.apple.backupd[252]: Backup failed with error: 11

    Hello again,
    I ran the 10.6.4 Combo update installer, and followed up with Repair Permissions. There was one issue in the latter that I was curious about:
    Warning: SUID file "System/Library/CoreServices/RemoteManagement/ARDAgent.app/Contents/MacOS/ARDAg ent" has been modified and will not be repaired.
    I'm guessing that's not really related. In any case, I started running a new initial backup in TM which got hung up with the following:
    messages from the Time Machine Buddy widget:
    Starting standard backup
    Backing up to: /Volumes/(backupvolume)/Backups.backupdb
    Error parsing SystemMigration.log to determine source volume of system migration.
    Backup content size: 64.7 GB excluded items size: 15.7 GB for volume Macintosh HD
    No pre-backup thinning needed: 58.82 GB requested (including padding), 1.70 TB available
    Waiting for index to be ready (100)
    Waiting for index to be ready (100)
    Indexer unavailable (1)
    Indexing a file failed. Returned 1 for: /Library/Application Support/GarageBand/Magic GarageBand/06. Funk.mwand, /Volumes/(backupvolume)/Backups.backupdb/(computername)/2010-10-15-151841.inPro gress/8CB20070-9CFE-4667-A590-17730C868861/Macintosh HD/Library/Application Support/GarageBand/Magic GarageBand/06. Funk.mwand
    Aborting backup because indexing of file failed.
    Stopping backup.
    Copied 74447 files (15.2 GB) from volume Macintosh HD.
    Copy stage failed with error:11
    Backup failed with error: 11
    messages in system.log (filtered with search "backupd"):
    Oct 15 15:18:40 (computername) com.apple.backupd[470]: Starting standard backup
    Oct 15 15:18:40 (computername) com.apple.backupd[470]: Backing up to: /Volumes/(backupvolume)/Backups.backupdb
    Oct 15 15:18:41 (computername) com.apple.backupd[470]: Error parsing SystemMigration.log to determine source volume of system migration.
    Oct 15 15:18:42 (computername) com.apple.backupd[470]: Backup content size: 64.7 GB excluded items size: 15.7 GB for volume Macintosh HD
    Oct 15 15:18:42 (computername) com.apple.backupd[470]: No pre-backup thinning needed: 58.82 GB requested (including padding), 1.70 TB available
    Oct 15 15:18:42 (computername) com.apple.backupd[470]: Waiting for index to be ready (100)
    Oct 15 15:19:42 (computername) com.apple.backupd[470]: Waiting for index to be ready (100)
    Oct 15 15:19:51 (computername) com.apple.backupd[470]: Indexer unavailable (1)
    Oct 15 15:19:53 (computername) mds[475]: (Normal) DiskStore: Creating index for /Volumes/(backupvolume)/Backups.backupdb
    Oct 15 15:39:55 (computername) com.apple.backupd[470]: Indexing a file failed. Returned 1 for: /Library/Application Support/GarageBand/Magic GarageBand/06. Funk.mwand, /Volumes/(backupvolume)/Backups.backupdb/(computername)/2010-10-15-151841.inPro gress/8CB20070-9CFE-4667-A590-17730C868861/Macintosh HD/Library/Application Support/GarageBand/Magic GarageBand/06. Funk.mwand
    Oct 15 15:39:55 (computername) com.apple.backupd[470]: Aborting backup because indexing of file failed.
    Oct 15 15:39:55 (computername) com.apple.backupd[470]: Stopping backup.
    Oct 15 15:39:56 (computername) com.apple.backupd[470]: Copied 74447 files (15.2 GB) from volume Macintosh HD.
    Oct 15 15:39:56 (computername) com.apple.backupd[470]: Copy stage failed with error:11
    Oct 15 15:40:01 (computername) com.apple.backupd[470]: Backup failed with error: 11
    Currently, TM is attempting to (resume?) back up again. Would you suggest leaving it alone, or proceeding next with a re-install of Snow Leopard from the install DVD (followed by 10.6.4 again)?
    Thanks again!

  • Mac Mini late 2012 with fusion drive running slow and has error code 4dd/11/4000000: sata (1,0) after running diagnostic

    I have a mac mini late 2012 i7 with 16 GB RAM, fusin drive 1.12TB. It became very lagging recently and after doing the first verify disk, I was prompted to reclone using time machine. Anyway I did a full restoration with my image and the problem still persist. And I did a verify disk again and this time it indicates the disk was ok and I even did a permission repair. Problem still persist and I did the PRAM reset and nothing helps.
    I did a fresh mavericks installation. Initially it seems ok but after transfering more data into the system, the lagging seems to comes back. My suspicion was a hard disk failure on the 1tb hard drive.
    Finally I did a diagnostic abd the test has this error code 4dd/11/4000000: sata (1,0) .
    Does this means one of my drive is giving problem? As fusion drives comes with 2 drive I believe. One is 128GB SSD and the other is 1 TB drive.
    My warranty has expired.
    Thanks in advance for any help or advise

    Hi IIIaass,
    Thanks for the reply. I have search on youtube regards to the apple fusion drive. However, I didn't find anything useful. I would like to know if it consists of 2 hard drives or just 1 drive. And if it consists of 2 hard drives, can I buy another ssd and merge the 2 together.
    I do not have the tools right now to open up the mac mini. I have ordered it online and its on the way. If you have any information on this, please share with me.

  • HT1567 i can not sync my new purchased music into my ipod, it states there is a problem with the drive

    i can't sync my new purchased music into my ipod, it states there is a problem with the drive.

    Hey Texasdee07,
    I found the following information that should resolve the issue:
    To repair an iPod disk—Restore the iPod or iPod shuffle using the latest version of iTunes.
    Warning: Be sure to back up your data before restoring an iPod. The restore process cannot be undone. All of your songs and files will be deleted.
    via: 'Disk cannot be read from or written to' when syncing iPod or 'Firmware update failure' error when updating or restoring iPod
    Welcome to Apple Support Communities!

  • Backup SQL database by php mssql driver ERROR

    backup database baza_programu to disk='d:\arh\baza_programu.bak'
    In SQL Server management studio it's OK.
    Processed 2840 pages for database 'baza_programu', file 'baza_programu' on file 1.
    Processed 2 pages for database 'baza_programu', file 'baza_programu_log' on file 1.
    BACKUP DATABASE successfully processed 2842 pages in 3.932 seconds (5.644 MB/sec).
    Error in executing query.
    Array (    [0] => Array        (            [0] => 01000            [SQLSTATE] => 01000           
    [1] => 4035            [code] => 4035            [2] => [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 10.0][SQL Server]Processed 2840 pages for database
    'baza_programu', file 'baza_programu' on file 2.            [message] => [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 10.0][SQL Server]Processed 2840 pages for database 'baza_programu', file 'baza_programu'
    on file 2.        ) )
    ( notice. no include baza_programu.log file   )

    Please try to put = usleep(300) after sqlsrv_query.
    Make sure D drive has enough space for the backup.
    The following article may be useful.
    Hope this helps.
    Alberto Morillo

  • Connecting webstart with MSSql server

    Can somebody help me about how to connect webstart with MSSQL on net .
    sushil singh

    Thanks for your reply,
    Where can i get Inzoom driver.I presume it is downloadable from the net.
    My application is using J2EE arthitecture(jsp/java/Struts and Frameworks/EJB/Sevelets with database as sql server).The application is deployed and running successfully on J2EE Sun Server.I want to shift this whole application to WSAD 5.0 as the Studio helps a lot in reducing the development time.
    I read on the site that one can use "WebSphere Connect JDBC Driver" for connection.The WebSphere Connect JDBC Driver is the WebSphere branded DataDirect Connect JDBC Driver that is shipped with WebSphere Application Server.
    But the driver "com.ibm.websphere.jdbc.sqlserver.SQLServerDriver" is not present in the licsensed wsad that we have here in the company.
    Mostly it is downloadable from the ibm site.
    Please suggest that which driver will suit my application and how to go about it.Atleast I want to run a sample application from WSAD which will connect to the SQL Server.
    Thanks in advance.

  • Working photographer needs help with hard drives and raid O decisions

    Hi new here and also new to Mac well almost new been 20 years since i had a mac. i have a Mac Pro Book and this led to ordering the MacPro since I am a working photographer i made a complete switch in platforms so i have some questions and such but I did place a order on Friday for a 2.66 4gbs of Ram , 2 500 gb hard drive and a 30 in monitor and of course the ATI 1900 XT card so yes i am waiting like many for that card.
    I put initial 4gb of ram since running CS2 will at least take a max of 3gb's in the memory cache . i plan on getting 2gbs more from OWC since that seems to be the only 3rd party ram at the moment that is working correctly from reading some of the threads here. Having 6gbs is a no brainer really given the amount of Raw processing that i do along with PS work plus having e-mail and other apps open at the same time. The ram to me is the easy part although expensive . My biggest issue is what to do with the 2 hard drive slots and Raid O or not but I will start a thread on that. But i will have 6gbs total for now and the bottom line is you can never have enough ram still holds true.
    Now on to my diliemma with hard drives. I did have a raid O scsi 10k rapture and and 10 k scratch on my Dell box and I am just not sure what to do here. i ordered the 2 500 gb hard drive and I may just put them on the storage side of things than get 2 WD 150gb 10 k Sata drives. Now i could Raid O them for 300 gb and get a performace boast that way or i could keep them seperate and put everything on 1 150 drive and ue the second for scratch only. What i don't know is what Mac perfers and what works better. Not worried so much about failure of drives, thats just life in the big city stuff and you just have backups. What i more worried about is performance versus a waste . seems to me that Raid O may not even be needed with these new Intel boxes with all the horsepower going on. Now the other think I notice is the WD 150gb 10 k drives are 1.5 and not 3.0 so is it really faster than the 7200 3.0 single hard drives. I read barefeats shoot out and it seems just getting the right drives in 7200 and Raid O them maybe the answer.
    Okay i am not the biggest geek on the planet but I do know my stuff but this is a area that i look for more knowledge on this. So if i can get some sound advice in this area. i know there are many photographers out there like me pushing hundreds of images that could use the same advice. Now let's leave the money end out , folks sometimes think more with there wallet than what works best not that I am opposed to saving money but after spending over 7 k already on this system it becomes a moot point. LOL

    Ok your question is if you should RAID O the two 150GB Raptors or not.
    I think it was wise for you to get a couple of them for a boot drive with "Time Machine" coming in the next version of Mac OS X. The second drive would make a excellent bootable backup and eliminating downtime if a boot drive dies on you one morning.
    In fact any boot drive cloning software that is Mac Intel ready now would do you good.
    Now Barefeats has run some tests, and I can pretty much back up what they say from my own experience.
    Mac OS X and apps can be helped only so much by a faster boot drive, and a single 10,000 RPM Raptor is enough, RAID O a pair is overkill.
    If you install everything on the boot Raptor and keep your space hogging files (except iTunes) in new folders on another drive, even a 7,200 RPM 500GB, the two drives combined is faster as there is nearly no wait. Both drives can be accessed at the same time. Keeping the boot drive slim keeps the stylus (arm) moving as little as possible to get all the small reads/writes Mac OS X needs.
    I RAID O-ed my boot drives because 74GB was the largest they had at the time, so combining them gave me speed and larger storage. I hardly use the speed, it only comes in handy if by rare chance I duplicate a 20GB folder, then I can do it in half the time of a 7,200 RPM drive.
    Some of the drawbacks of a RAID O set, especially as a boot drive is that I have to auto-clone the whole set to a external drive regularly (I actually do a couple). Since the data path is separated with a RAID O, any drive failure results in total data loss.
    So if you RAID O those 150GB Raptors, your going to have to clone 300GB to a external drive (or another internal) regularly, like once a week. This will take considerable time and you can't use the machine while the cloning process is going on. Sure auto-cloning software like DeJaVu can be used at night/weekends, but why bother cloning more than you have to for no big speed increase?
    However if your messing with huge Photoshop files that spill over your CS2 3GB RAM limit (you need to have a "scratch" thats as fast as RAM), duplicating large files and other heavy duty drive work, then a boot RAID O will come in handy. Just remember your initial performance of 185 MB p/s will drop about 20-25% when those drives are 3/4 filled. Still 140 MB p/s is extremely good and a no worry situation.
    What is worrysome is anything below 80MB p/s (I'm talking uncached 4K write speeds under X-Bench) with a new boot drive and then as time elaspes that boot drive gets filled up and loses half or more of it's inital speed. 30 MB p/s is really slow. Beachball H&LL.
    Do Erase W/Zero in Disk Utility all new drives before laying data on them. Drives get subjected to shock which causes bad sectors on the drive. Driver software uses your data as a guinea pig to test the sectors (which you might not be able to recover the file). Zeroing does this without your data, rewriting the bad sector map so your writes are much improved, OS is more stable. etc.

  • Print Driver Isolation: What exactly constitues a printer driver instability, failure or bad driver?

    Server OS: Windows 2008 R2 Standard
    The Microsoft PDI blogs and HP PDI Documentation detail PDI prevents a printer driver instability, failure or bad driver problem.
    What exactly constitues a printer driver instability, failure or bad driver? They're rather vague terms. Is it specifically poorly coded drivers, drivers causing problems that are "by design" etc...
    Could someone please explain how PDI knows this?
    Is it simply a case of using PDI to proxy off print jobs to an isolated host process keeps it separate from the main Spool process and therefore the theory being drivers that cause a problem (any problem?) cannot interfere with the main Spool process?

    Thanks for this.
    The reason I ask as we're finding PDI doesn't always prevent the Spooler service from breaking. Specifically hitting 100% CPU usuage and causing the Print Server to grind to a halt.
    (namely another thread here:
    This is presuming the issue is the print driver that has been coded using "poor coding guidelines" of course. Hence the question.
    "If you would like to debug a few failures, I can point to several scenarios to easily kill the process."
    How do you mean?

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