DG4ODBC on Windows Oracle 11.1 unable to read SQL_WCHAR ( Unicode ) data ?

I have setup two databases on Windows that can be access by ODBC. Both database contain the following table :-
create table test1 ( col1 varchar(10) );
insert into test1 values ('ABCDEF');
The first database returns columns as a SQL_CHAR and the second returns data as SQL_WCHAR.
In SQLPlus the first database works just fine ‘ABCEDF’. The second gives ‘``````’ a single ` character for every character in the field.
As far as I can see DG4ODBC is reading SQL_WCHAR's as UTF8 characters. Can any one confirm this and is there a way to get round the problem ?
I have tried various HS_LANGUAGE, HS_NLS_NCHAR settings already but to no avail.

Why does it return an SQL_WCHAR is not the issue.
The issue is why doesn't it convert it correctly when other applications do. I am almost convinced the issue will be down to the character mapping but I'm not 100% sure where or how to set it ( HS_NLS_NCHAR or possibly HS_FDS_MAP_NCHAR ? ) . The other application I used were not configurable in terms character
Oracle Corporation --- TUESDAY APR 15 2008 14:17:06.688
Heterogeneous Agent Release
Oracle Corporation --- TUESDAY APR 15 2008 14:17:06.688
Entered hgogprd
Entered hgosdip
setting HS_OPEN_CURSORS to default of 50
setting HS_FDS_RECOVERY_ACCOUNT to default of "RECOVER"
setting HS_FDS_RECOVERY_PWD to default value
setting HS_NLS_NCHAR to default of "AL16UTF16"
setting HS_FDS_TIMESTAMP_AS_DATE to default of "TRUE"
setting HS_RPC_FETCH_REBLOCKING to default of "ON"
setting HS_FDS_FETCH_ROWS to default of "100"
setting HS_FDS_RESULTSET_SUPPORT to default of "FALSE"
setting HS_FDS_PROC_IS_FUNC to default of "FALSE"
setting HS_FDS_CHARACTER_SEMANTICS to default of "FALSE"
setting HS_FDS_MAP_NCHAR to default of "TRUE"
setting HS_NLS_DATE_FORMAT to default of "YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS"
setting HS_FDS_REPORT_REAL_AS_DOUBLE to default of "FALSE"
setting HS_LONG_PIECE_TRANSFER_SIZE to default of "65536"
setting HS_SQL_HANDLE_STMT_REUSE to default of "FALSE"
setting HS_FDS_QUERY_DRIVER to default of "TRUE"
setting HS_FDS_SUPPORT_STATISTICS to default of "FALSE"
setting HS_CALL_NAME_ISP to "gtw$:SQLTables;gtw$:SQLColumns;gtw$:SQLPrimaryKeys;gtw$:SQLForeignKeys;gtw$:SQLProcedures;gtw$:SQLStatistics"
Exiting hgosdip, rc=0
Port Rls/Upd:6/0 PrdStat:0
Agent:Oracle Database Gateway for ODBC
Class:ODBC, ClassVsn:, Instance:FB
Exiting hgogprd, rc=0
Entered hgoinit
Entered hgolofn at 2008/04/15-14:17:06
Exiting hgolofn, rc=0 at 2008/04/15-14:17:06
HOSGIP for "HS_OPEN_CURSORS" returned "50"
HOSGIP for "HS_FDS_FETCH_ROWS" returned "100"
Exiting hgoinit, rc=0 at 2008/04/15-14:17:06
Entered hgolgon at 2008/04/15-14:17:06
reco:0, name:SYSDBA, tflag:0
Entered hgosuec at 2008/04/15-14:17:06
Exiting hgosuec, rc=0 at 2008/04/15-14:17:06
using SYSDBA as default value for "HS_FDS_DEFAULT_OWNER"
Entered hgocont at 2008/04/15-14:17:07
Entered hgogenconstr at 2008/04/15-14:17:07
dsn:FB, name:SYSDBA
##>Connect Parameters (len=31)<##
## DSN=FB;
#! PWD=*
Exiting hgogenconstr, rc=0 at 2008/04/15-14:17:07
DriverName:FBODBC.DLL, DriverVer:01.02.0002
DBMS Name:Firebird, DBMS Version:01.02.0002
Exiting hgocont, rc=0 at 2008/04/15-14:17:07
SQLGetInfo returns for SQL_CATALOG_NAME
Exiting hgolgon, rc=0 at 2008/04/15-14:17:07
Entered hgoulcp at 2008/04/15-14:17:07
Entered hgowlst at 2008/04/15-14:17:07
Exiting hgowlst, rc=0 at 2008/04/15-14:17:07
SQLGetInfo returns Y for SQL_COLUMN_ALIAS
Exiting hgoulcp, rc=0 at 2008/04/15-14:17:07
Entered hgouldt at 2008/04/15-14:17:07
Exiting hgouldt, rc=0 at 2008/04/15-14:17:07
Entered hgobegn at 2008/04/15-14:17:07
tflag:0 , initial:1
hoi:0x12f074, ttid (len 27) is ...
00: 54435056 31545345 6433352E 36363065 [VPCTEST1.53de066]
10: 2E352E64 312E3132 383537 [d.5.21.1857]
tbid (len 24) is ...
00: 54435056 31545345 322E355B 38312E31 [VPCTEST1[5.21.18]
10: 5B5D3735 5D342E31 [57][1.4]]
Exiting hgobegn, rc=0 at 2008/04/15-14:17:07
Entered hgodtab at 2008/04/15-14:17:07
table: RGS
Entered hgopcda at 2008/04/15-14:17:07
Column:1(COL1): dtype:-9 (WVARCHAR), prc/scl:10/0, nullbl:0, octet:20, sign:1, radix:0
Exiting hgopcda, rc=0 at 2008/04/15-14:17:07
Entered hgopcda at 2008/04/15-14:17:08
Column:2(COL2): dtype:-8 (WCHAR), prc/scl:10/0, nullbl:1, octet:20, sign:1, radix:0
Exiting hgopcda, rc=0 at 2008/04/15-14:17:08
Entered hgopcda at 2008/04/15-14:17:08
Column:3(COL3): dtype:4 (INTEGER), prc/scl:10/0, nullbl:1, octet:20, sign:1, radix:0
Exiting hgopcda, rc=0 at 2008/04/15-14:17:08
The hoada for table RGS follows...
hgodtab, line 577: Printing hoada @ 022815C4
12 VARCHAR N 20 20 128/ 10 2000 0 40 COL1
1 CHAR Y 20 20 128/ 10 2000 0 40 COL2
4 INTEGER Y 4 4 0/ 0 0 0 0 COL3
Exiting hgodtab, rc=0 at 2008/04/15-14:17:08
Entered hgodafr, cursor id 0 at 2008/04/15-14:17:08
Exiting hgodafr, rc=0 at 2008/04/15-14:17:08
Entered hgotcis at 2008/04/15-14:17:08
Calling SQLStatistics for RGS
IndexType=SQL_TABLE_STAT: cardinality=0
New Index:RDB$PRIMARY10, type=3, ASCENDING, UNIQUE, cardinality=0
ordinal position = 1
Calling SQLColumns for SYSDBA.RGS
Column "COL1": dtype=-9, colsize=10, decdig=0, char_octet_length=20, cumulative avg row len=15
Column "COL2": dtype=-8, colsize=10, decdig=0, char_octet_length=20, cumulative avg row len=35
Column "COL3": dtype=4, colsize=10, decdig=0, char_octet_length=20, cumulative avg row len=39
Exiting hgotcis, rc=0 at 2008/04/15-14:17:08
Entered hgopars, cursor id 1 at 2008/04/15-14:17:08
SQL text from hgopars, id=1, len=50 ...
00: 454C4553 41205443 43222E31 22314C4F [SELECT A1."COL1"]
10: 2E31412C 4C4F4322 412C2232 43222E31 [,A1."COL2",A1."C]
20: 22334C4F 4F524620 5222204D 20225347 [OL3" FROM "RGS" ]
30: 4131 [A1]
Exiting hgopars, rc=0 at 2008/04/15-14:17:08
Entered hgoopen, cursor id 1 at 2008/04/15-14:17:08
hgoopen, line 83: NO hoada to print
Exiting hgoopen, rc=0 at 2008/04/15-14:17:08
Entered hgodscr, cursor id 1 at 2008/04/15-14:17:08
Entered hgopcda at 2008/04/15-14:17:08
Column:1(COL1): dtype:-9 (WVARCHAR), prc/scl:10/0, nullbl:0, octet:20, sign:1, radix:0
Exiting hgopcda, rc=0 at 2008/04/15-14:17:08
Entered hgopcda at 2008/04/15-14:17:08
Column:2(COL2): dtype:-8 (WCHAR), prc/scl:10/0, nullbl:1, octet:20, sign:1, radix:0
Exiting hgopcda, rc=0 at 2008/04/15-14:17:08
Entered hgopcda at 2008/04/15-14:17:08
Column:3(COL3): dtype:4 (INTEGER), prc/scl:11/0, nullbl:1, octet:20, sign:1, radix:0
Exiting hgopcda, rc=0 at 2008/04/15-14:17:08
hgodscr, line 521: Printing hoada @ 023093F8
MAX:3, ACTUAL:3, BRC:100, WHT=5
12 VARCHAR N 20 20 128/ 10 2000 0 40 COL1
1 CHAR Y 20 20 128/ 10 2000 0 40 COL2
4 INTEGER Y 4 4 0/ 0 0 0 0 COL3
Exiting hgodscr, rc=0 at 2008/04/15-14:17:08
Entered hgoftch, cursor id 1 at 2008/04/15-14:17:08
hgoftch, line 114: Printing hoada @ 023093F8
MAX:3, ACTUAL:3, BRC:100, WHT=5
12 VARCHAR N 20 20 128/ 10 2000 0 40 COL1
1 CHAR Y 20 20 128/ 10 2000 0 40 COL2
4 INTEGER Y 4 4 0/ 0 0 0 0 COL3
SQLBindCol: column 1, cdatatype: -8, bflsz: 22
SQLBindCol: column 2, cdatatype: -8, bflsz: 22
SQLBindCol: column 3, cdatatype: -16, bflsz: 4
2 rows fetched
Exiting hgoftch, rc=0 at 2008/04/15-14:17:08
Entered hgoftch, cursor id 1 at 2008/04/15-14:17:08
hgoftch, line 114: Printing hoada @ 023093F8
12 VARCHAR N 14 20 128/ 10 2000 0 40 COL1
1 CHAR Y 20 20 128/ 10 2000 0 40 COL2
4 INTEGER Y 4 4 0/ 0 0 0 0 COL3
0 rows fetched
Exiting hgoftch, rc=1403 at 2008/04/15-14:17:08
Entered hgoclse, cursor id 1 at 2008/04/15-14:17:12
Exiting hgoclse, rc=0 at 2008/04/15-14:17:12
Entered hgodafr, cursor id 1 at 2008/04/15-14:17:12
Exiting hgodafr, rc=0 at 2008/04/15-14:17:12
Entered hgocomm at 2008/04/15-14:17:12
keepinfo:0, tflag:1
00: 54435056 31545345 6433352E 36363065 [VPCTEST1.53de066]
10: 2E352E64 312E3132 383537 [d.5.21.1857]
tbid (len 24) is ...
00: 54435056 31545345 322E355B 38312E31 [VPCTEST1[5.21.18]
10: 5B5D3735 5D342E31 [57][1.4]]
Entered hgocpctx at 2008/04/15-14:17:12
Exiting hgocpctx, rc=0 at 2008/04/15-14:17:12
Exiting hgocomm, rc=0 at 2008/04/15-14:17:12
Entered hgolgof at 2008/04/15-14:17:12
Exiting hgolgof, rc=0 at 2008/04/15-14:17:12
Entered hgoexit at 2008/04/15-14:17:12
Exiting hgoexit, rc=0 at 2008/04/15-14:17:12
Message was edited by:

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    Good Afternoon,
    I would suggest lowering the number of elements into the invoke node in your real time VI.  You only need the number fo samples times the sampling rate for the number of elements input.  Hope this helps!
    -Cody C

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    Hallo Aniket,
    My experience is that you can read archived data from transaction pc_payresult
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    Hi! Umesh,
    I have found 2 errore .
    1)  ORA-01652: unable to extend temp segment by 2560 in tablespace PSAPTEMP
    2)  DbSl Trace: ORA-1403 when accessing table SAPUSER
    Two things I want to mention here.
    1.  I donot know the passwd of datadase users of Source . I have used different passwd for Target DB userd.
    2. Used defferent SAP SID. Source : ID4 and Target : IDN
    Is that cause any harm?
    Here is the detail logs of those two files.
    D:\usr\sap\IDN\SYS\exe\run/R3load.exe: START OF LOG: 20061222010532
    D:\usr\sap\IDN\SYS\exe\run/R3load.exe: sccsid @(#) $Id: //bas/620/src/R3ld/R3load/R3ldmain.c#6 $ SAP
    D:\usr\sap\IDN\SYS\exe\run/R3load.exe: version R6.20/V1.2
    D:\usr\sap\IDN\SYS\exe\run/R3load.exe: job completed
    D:\usr\sap\IDN\SYS\exe\run/R3load.exe: END OF LOG: 20061222010532
    D:\usr\sap\IDN\SYS\exe\run/R3load.exe: START OF LOG: 20061222010539
    D:\usr\sap\IDN\SYS\exe\run/R3load.exe: sccsid @(#) $Id: //bas/620/src/R3ld/R3load/R3ldmain.c#6 $ SAP
    D:\usr\sap\IDN\SYS\exe\run/R3load.exe: version R6.20/V1.2
    D:\usr\sap\IDN\SYS\exe\run/R3load.exe -dbcodepage 1100 -i C:\SAPinst ORACLE SAPINST_di/SAPSSEXC.cmd -l C:\SAPinst ORACLE SAPINST_di/SAPSSEXC.log -stop_on_error
    DbSl Trace: Got ORACLE_HOME=D:\oracle\idn\928 from environment
    DbSl Trace: Client NLS settings: AMERICAN_AMERICA.WE8DEC
    DbSl Trace: Logon as OPS$-user to get SAPIDN's password
    DbSl Trace: Connecting as /@IDN on connection 0 ...
    DbSl Trace: Attaching to DB Server IDN (con_hdl=0,svchp=0146C57C,svrhp=0146E82C)
    DbSl Trace: Starting user session (con_hdl=0,svchp=0146C57C,srvhp=0146E82C,usrhp=01477414)
    DbSl Trace: Now I'm connected to ORACLE
    DbSl Trace: ORA-1403 when accessing table SAPUSER
    DbSl Trace: Disconnecting from connection 0 ...
    DbSl Trace: Closing user session (con_hdl=0,svchp=0146C57C,usrhp=01477414)
    DbSl Trace: Now I'm disconnected from ORACLE
    DbSl Trace: Try to connect with default password
    DbSl Trace: Connecting as SAPIDN/<pwd>@IDN on connection 0 ...
    DbSl Trace: Starting user session (con_hdl=0,svchp=0146C57C,srvhp=0146E82C,usrhp=01477414)
    DbSl Trace: Now I'm connected to ORACLE
    DbSl Trace: Database NLS settings: AMERICAN_AMERICA.WE8DEC
    DbSl Trace: Database instance idn is running on DLWSDV10 with ORACLE version since 20061222
    Fri Dec 22 01:05:39 2006
    ***LOG BZA=> table SVERS      does not exist on database [dblink#1 @ 1292] [dblink  1292 ]
    (DB) INFO: connected to DB
    (GSI) INFO: dbname   = "IDN20061222121231                                                                                "
    (GSI) INFO: vname    = "ORACLE                          "
    (GSI) INFO: hostname = "DLWSDV10                                                        "
    (GSI) INFO: sysname  = "Windows NT"
    (GSI) INFO: nodename = "DLWSDV10"
    (GSI) INFO: release  = "5.2"
    (GSI) INFO: version  = "3790 Service Pack 1"
    (GSI) INFO: machine  = "8x Intel 801586 (Mod 4 Step 9)"
    (DB) INFO: BCACT created
    (IMP) INFO: import of BCACT completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: BCACT~0 created
    (DB) INFO: BCCOM created
    (IMP) INFO: import of BCCOM completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: BCCOM~0 created
    (DB) INFO: BCEXC created
    (IMP) INFO: import of BCEXC completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: BCEXC~0 created
    (DB) INFO: BCRES created
    (IMP) INFO: import of BCRES completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: BCRES~0 created
    (DB) INFO: BCSPO created
    (IMP) INFO: import of BCSPO completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: BCSPO~0 created
    (DB) INFO: BCTOU created
    (IMP) INFO: import of BCTOU completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: BCTOU~0 created
    (DB) INFO: BRATEXT created
    (IMP) INFO: import of BRATEXT completed (914265 rows)
    (DB) INFO: BRATEXT~0 created
    (DB) INFO: BTCSED created
    (IMP) INFO: import of BTCSED completed (623 rows)
    (DB) INFO: BTCSED~0 created
    (DB) INFO: CD0T000 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of CD0T000 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: CD0T000~0 created
    (DB) INFO: CD0T120TAB created
    (IMP) INFO: import of CD0T120TAB completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: CD0T120TAB~0 created
    (DB) INFO: CD0T130TAB created
    (IMP) INFO: import of CD0T130TAB completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: CD0T130TAB~0 created
    (DB) INFO: CD0T140TAB created
    (IMP) INFO: import of CD0T140TAB completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: CD0T140TAB~0 created
    (DB) INFO: CD0T500TAB created
    (IMP) INFO: import of CD0T500TAB completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: CD0T500TAB~0 created
    (DB) INFO: CD2APP0 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of CD2APP0 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: CD2APP0~0 created
    (DB) INFO: CD2HV1PTAB created
    (IMP) INFO: import of CD2HV1PTAB completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: CD2HV1PTAB~0 created
    (DB) INFO: CD2HV2FTAB created
    (IMP) INFO: import of CD2HV2FTAB completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: CD2HV2FTAB~0 created
    (DB) INFO: CNTLWARN created
    (IMP) INFO: import of CNTLWARN completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: CNTLWARN~0 created
    (DB) INFO: D010INC created
    (IMP) INFO: import of D010INC completed (3599971 rows)
    (DB) INFO: D010INC~0 created
    (DB) INFO: D010INC~1 created
    (DB) INFO: D010TAB created
    (IMP) INFO: import of D010TAB completed (11017270 rows)
    DbSl Trace: ORA-1652 occured when executing SQL statement (parse error offset = 35)
    DbSl Trace: sc_p=013ED590,no=20,idc_p=00000000,con=0,act=0,slen=187,smax=256,#vars=0,stmt=01E1A0C8,table=
    DbSl Trace: INITIAL 0 NEXT 0000000640K MINEXTENTS 0000000001 MAXEXTENTS 2147483645 PCTINCREASE 0 ) ;
    <b>(DB) ERROR: DDL statement failed
    DbSlExecute: rc = 99
      (SQL error 1652)
      error message returned by DbSl:
    ORA-01652: unable to extend temp segment by 2560 in tablespace PSAPTEMP
    DbSl Trace: Disconnecting from connection 0 ...</b>
    DbSl Trace: Closing user session (con_hdl=0,svchp=0146C57C,usrhp=01477414)
    DbSl Trace: Detaching from DB Server (con_hdl=0,svchp=0146C57C,srvhp=0146E82C)
    DbSl Trace: Now I'm disconnected from ORACLE
    (DB) INFO: disconnected from DB
    D:\usr\sap\IDN\SYS\exe\run/R3load.exe: job finished with 1 error(s)
    D:\usr\sap\IDN\SYS\exe\run/R3load.exe: END OF LOG: 20061222011210
    D:\usr\sap\IDN\SYS\exe\run/R3load.exe: START OF LOG: 20061222023556
    D:\usr\sap\IDN\SYS\exe\run/R3load.exe: sccsid @(#) $Id: //bas/620/src/R3ld/R3load/R3ldmain.c#6 $ SAP
    D:\usr\sap\IDN\SYS\exe\run/R3load.exe: version R6.20/V1.2
    D:\usr\sap\IDN\SYS\exe\run/R3load.exe -dbcodepage 1100 -i C:\SAPinst ORACLE SAPINST_di/SAPSSEXC.cmd -l C:\SAPinst ORACLE SAPINST_di/SAPSSEXC.log -stop_on_error
    DbSl Trace: Got ORACLE_HOME=D:\oracle\idn\928 from environment
    DbSl Trace: Client NLS settings: AMERICAN_AMERICA.WE8DEC
    DbSl Trace: Logon as OPS$-user to get SAPIDN's password
    DbSl Trace: Connecting as /@IDN on connection 0 ...
    DbSl Trace: Attaching to DB Server IDN (con_hdl=0,svchp=0146C57C,svrhp=0146E82C)
    DbSl Trace: Starting user session (con_hdl=0,svchp=0146C57C,srvhp=0146E82C,usrhp=01477414)
    DbSl Trace: Now I'm connected to ORACLE
    DbSl Trace: ORA-1403 when accessing table SAPUSER
    DbSl Trace: Disconnecting from connection 0 ...
    DbSl Trace: Closing user session (con_hdl=0,svchp=0146C57C,usrhp=01477414)
    DbSl Trace: Now I'm disconnected from ORACLE
    DbSl Trace: Try to connect with default password
    DbSl Trace: Connecting as SAPIDN/<pwd>@IDN on connection 0 ...
    DbSl Trace: Starting user session (con_hdl=0,svchp=0146C57C,srvhp=0146E82C,usrhp=01477414)
    DbSl Trace: Now I'm connected to ORACLE
    DbSl Trace: Database NLS settings: AMERICAN_AMERICA.WE8DEC
    DbSl Trace: Database instance idn is running on DLWSDV10 with ORACLE version since 20061222
    (DB) INFO: connected to DB
    (GSI) INFO: dbname   = "IDN20061222121231                                                                                "
    (GSI) INFO: vname    = "ORACLE                          "
    (GSI) INFO: hostname = "DLWSDV10                                                        "
    (GSI) INFO: sysname  = "Windows NT"
    (GSI) INFO: nodename = "DLWSDV10"
    (GSI) INFO: release  = "5.2"
    (GSI) INFO: version  = "3790 Service Pack 1"
    (GSI) INFO: machine  = "8x Intel 801586 (Mod 4 Step 9)"
    (DB) ERROR: DDL statement failed
    (DROP INDEX "D010TAB~0")
    DbSlExecute: rc = 103
      (SQL error 1418)
      error message returned by DbSl:
    ORA-01418: specified index does not exist
    (IMP) INFO: a failed DROP attempt is not necessarily a problem
    DbSl Trace: ORA-1652 occured when executing SQL statement (parse error offset = 35)
    DbSl Trace: sc_p=013ECFEC,no=1,idc_p=00000000,con=0,act=0,slen=187,smax=256,#vars=0,stmt=01E06DA8,table=
    DbSl Trace: INITIAL 0 NEXT 0000000640K MINEXTENTS 0000000001 MAXEXTENTS 2147483645 PCTINCREASE 0 ) ;
    (DB) ERROR: DDL statement failed
    DbSlExecute: rc = 99
      (SQL error 1652)
      error message returned by DbSl:
    ORA-01652: unable to extend temp segment by 2560 in tablespace PSAPTEMP
    DbSl Trace: Disconnecting from connection 0 ...
    DbSl Trace: Closing user session (con_hdl=0,svchp=0146C57C,usrhp=01477414)
    DbSl Trace: Detaching from DB Server (con_hdl=0,svchp=0146C57C,srvhp=0146E82C)
    DbSl Trace: Now I'm disconnected from ORACLE
    (DB) INFO: disconnected from DB
    D:\usr\sap\IDN\SYS\exe\run/R3load.exe: job finished with 1 error(s)
    D:\usr\sap\IDN\SYS\exe\run/R3load.exe: END OF LOG: 20061222023612
    D:\usr\sap\IDN\SYS\exe\run/R3load.exe: START OF LOG: 20061222031914
    D:\usr\sap\IDN\SYS\exe\run/R3load.exe: sccsid @(#) $Id: //bas/620/src/R3ld/R3load/R3ldmain.c#6 $ SAP
    D:\usr\sap\IDN\SYS\exe\run/R3load.exe: version R6.20/V1.2
    D:\usr\sap\IDN\SYS\exe\run/R3load.exe -dbcodepage 1100 -i C:\SAPinst ORACLE SAPINST_di/SAPSSEXC.cmd -l C:\SAPinst ORACLE SAPINST_di/SAPSSEXC.log -stop_on_error
    DbSl Trace: Got ORACLE_HOME=D:\oracle\idn\928 from environment
    DbSl Trace: Client NLS settings: AMERICAN_AMERICA.WE8DEC
    DbSl Trace: Logon as OPS$-user to get SAPIDN's password
    DbSl Trace: Connecting as /@IDN on connection 0 ...
    DbSl Trace: Attaching to DB Server IDN (con_hdl=0,svchp=0146C57C,svrhp=0146E82C)
    DbSl Trace: Starting user session (con_hdl=0,svchp=0146C57C,srvhp=0146E82C,usrhp=01477414)
    DbSl Trace: Now I'm connected to ORACLE
    DbSl Trace: ORA-1403 when accessing table SAPUSER
    DbSl Trace: Disconnecting from connection 0 ...
    DbSl Trace: Closing user session (con_hdl=0,svchp=0146C57C,usrhp=01477414)
    DbSl Trace: Now I'm disconnected from ORACLE
    DbSl Trace: Try to connect with default password
    DbSl Trace: Connecting as SAPIDN/<pwd>@IDN on connection 0 ...
    DbSl Trace: Starting user session (con_hdl=0,svchp=0146C57C,srvhp=0146E82C,usrhp=01477414)
    DbSl Trace: Now I'm connected to ORACLE
    DbSl Trace: Database NLS settings: AMERICAN_AMERICA.WE8DEC
    DbSl Trace: Database instance idn is running on DLWSDV10 with ORACLE version since 20061222
    (DB) INFO: connected to DB
    (GSI) INFO: dbname   = "IDN20061222121231                                                                                "
    (GSI) INFO: vname    = "ORACLE                          "
    (GSI) INFO: hostname = "DLWSDV10                                                        "
    (GSI) INFO: sysname  = "Windows NT"
    (GSI) INFO: nodename = "DLWSDV10"
    (GSI) INFO: release  = "5.2"
    (GSI) INFO: version  = "3790 Service Pack 1"
    (GSI) INFO: machine  = "8x Intel 801586 (Mod 4 Step 9)"
    (DB) ERROR: DDL statement failed
    (DROP INDEX "D010TAB~0")
    DbSlExecute: rc = 103
      (SQL error 1418)
      error message returned by DbSl:
    ORA-01418: specified index does not exist
    (IMP) INFO: a failed DROP attempt is not necessarily a problem
    DbSl Trace: ORA-1652 occured when executing SQL statement (parse error offset = 35)
    DbSl Trace: sc_p=013ECFEC,no=1,idc_p=00000000,con=0,act=0,slen=187,smax=256,#vars=0,stmt=01E06DA8,table=
    DbSl Trace: INITIAL 0 NEXT 0000000640K MINEXTENTS 0000000001 MAXEXTENTS 2147483645 PCTINCREASE 0 ) ;
    (DB) ERROR: DDL statement failed
    DbSlExecute: rc = 99
      (SQL error 1652)
      error message returned by DbSl:
    ORA-01652: unable to extend temp segment by 2560 in tablespace PSAPTEMP
    DbSl Trace: Disconnecting from connection 0 ...
    DbSl Trace: Closing user session (con_hdl=0,svchp=0146C57C,usrhp=01477414)
    DbSl Trace: Detaching from DB Server (con_hdl=0,svchp=0146C57C,srvhp=0146E82C)
    DbSl Trace: Now I'm disconnected from ORACLE
    (DB) INFO: disconnected from DB
    D:\usr\sap\IDN\SYS\exe\run/R3load.exe: job finished with 1 error(s)
    D:\usr\sap\IDN\SYS\exe\run/R3load.exe: END OF LOG: 20061222031938
    D:\usr\sap\IDN\SYS\exe\run/R3load.exe: START OF LOG: 20061222010528
    D:\usr\sap\IDN\SYS\exe\run/R3load.exe: sccsid @(#) $Id: //bas/620/src/R3ld/R3load/R3ldmain.c#6 $ SAP
    D:\usr\sap\IDN\SYS\exe\run/R3load.exe: version R6.20/V1.2
    D:\usr\sap\IDN\SYS\exe\run/R3load.exe: job completed
    D:\usr\sap\IDN\SYS\exe\run/R3load.exe: END OF LOG: 20061222010530
    D:\usr\sap\IDN\SYS\exe\run/R3load.exe: START OF LOG: 20061222010539
    D:\usr\sap\IDN\SYS\exe\run/R3load.exe: sccsid @(#) $Id: //bas/620/src/R3ld/R3load/R3ldmain.c#6 $ SAP
    D:\usr\sap\IDN\SYS\exe\run/R3load.exe: version R6.20/V1.2
    D:\usr\sap\IDN\SYS\exe\run/R3load.exe -dbcodepage 1100 -i C:\SAPinst ORACLE SAPINST_di/SAPAPPL0.cmd -l C:\SAPinst ORACLE SAPINST_di/SAPAPPL0.log -stop_on_error
    DbSl Trace: Got ORACLE_HOME=D:\oracle\idn\928 from environment
    DbSl Trace: Client NLS settings: AMERICAN_AMERICA.WE8DEC
    DbSl Trace: Logon as OPS$-user to get SAPIDN's password
    DbSl Trace: Connecting as /@IDN on connection 0 ...
    DbSl Trace: Attaching to DB Server IDN (con_hdl=0,svchp=0146C57C,svrhp=0146E82C)
    DbSl Trace: Starting user session (con_hdl=0,svchp=0146C57C,srvhp=0146E82C,usrhp=01477414)
    DbSl Trace: Now I'm connected to ORACLE
    DbSl Trace: ORA-1403 when accessing table SAPUSER
    DbSl Trace: Disconnecting from connection 0 ...
    DbSl Trace: Closing user session (con_hdl=0,svchp=0146C57C,usrhp=01477414)
    DbSl Trace: Now I'm disconnected from ORACLE
    DbSl Trace: Try to connect with default password
    DbSl Trace: Connecting as SAPIDN/<pwd>@IDN on connection 0 ...
    DbSl Trace: Starting user session (con_hdl=0,svchp=0146C57C,srvhp=0146E82C,usrhp=01477414)
    DbSl Trace: Now I'm connected to ORACLE
    DbSl Trace: Database NLS settings: AMERICAN_AMERICA.WE8DEC
    DbSl Trace: Database instance idn is running on DLWSDV10 with ORACLE version since 20061222
    Fri Dec 22 01:05:39 2006
    ***LOG BZA=> table SVERS      does not exist on database [dblink#1 @ 1292] [dblink  1292 ]
    (DB) INFO: connected to DB
    (GSI) INFO: dbname   = "IDN20061222121231                                                                                "
    (GSI) INFO: vname    = "ORACLE                          "
    (GSI) INFO: hostname = "DLWSDV10                                                        "
    (GSI) INFO: sysname  = "Windows NT"
    (GSI) INFO: nodename = "DLWSDV10"
    (GSI) INFO: release  = "5.2"
    (GSI) INFO: version  = "3790 Service Pack 1"
    (GSI) INFO: machine  = "8x Intel 801586 (Mod 4 Step 9)"
    (DB) INFO: /1SAP1/FC_TFG200 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of /1SAP1/FC_TFG200 completed (3 rows)
    (DB) INFO: /1SAP1/FC_TFG200~0 created
    (DB) INFO: /1SAP1/FC_TFG201 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of /1SAP1/FC_TFG201 completed (2 rows)
    (DB) INFO: /1SAP1/FC_TFG201~0 created
    (DB) INFO: /1SAP1/FC_TFG300 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of /1SAP1/FC_TFG300 completed (3 rows)
    (DB) INFO: /1SAP1/FC_TFG300~0 created
    (DB) INFO: /1SAP1/FC_TFG301 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of /1SAP1/FC_TFG301 completed (4 rows)
    (DB) INFO: /1SAP1/FC_TFG301~0 created
    (DB) INFO: /SAPDMC/LSCDOCU created
    (IMP) INFO: import of /SAPDMC/LSCDOCU completed (25 rows)
    (DB) INFO: /SAPDMC/LSCDOCU~0 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of /SAPDMC/LSCDOCUT completed (200 rows)
    (DB) INFO: /SAPDMC/LSCDOCUT~0 created
    (DB) INFO: /SAPDMC/LSCRULE created
    (IMP) INFO: import of /SAPDMC/LSCRULE completed (15 rows)
    (DB) INFO: /SAPDMC/LSCRULE~0 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of /SAPDMC/LSCRULET completed (119 rows)
    (DB) INFO: /SAPDMC/LSCRULET~0 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of /SAPDMC/LSCSTEPS completed (62 rows)
    (DB) INFO: /SAPDMC/LSCSTEPS~0 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of /SAPDMC/LSCSTEPT completed (495 rows)
    (DB) INFO: /SAPDMC/LSCSTEPT~0 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of /SAPDMC/LSCVERSN completed (19 rows)
    (DB) INFO: /SAPDMC/LSCVERSN~0 created
    (DB) INFO: /SAPDMC/LSGBDCA created
    (IMP) INFO: import of /SAPDMC/LSGBDCA completed (74 rows)
    (DB) INFO: /SAPDMC/LSGBDCA~0 created
    (DB) INFO: /SAPDMC/LSGBDCS created
    (IMP) INFO: import of /SAPDMC/LSGBDCS completed (74 rows)
    (DB) INFO: /SAPDMC/LSGBDCS~0 created
    (DB) INFO: /SAPDMC/LSGBDCT created
    (IMP) INFO: import of /SAPDMC/LSGBDCT completed (74 rows)
    (DB) INFO: /SAPDMC/LSGBDCT~0 created
    (DB) INFO: /SAPDMC/LSGCUST created
    (IMP) INFO: import of /SAPDMC/LSGCUST completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: /SAPDMC/LSGCUST~0 created
    (DB) INFO: /SAPDMC/LSGSUB created
    (IMP) INFO: import of /SAPDMC/LSGSUB completed (166 rows)
    (DB) INFO: /SAPDMC/LSGSUB~0 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of /SAPDMC/LSGUSDFI completed (16 rows)
    (DB) INFO: /SAPDMC/LSGUSDFI~0 created
    (DB) INFO: /SAPDMC/LSMCUST created
    (IMP) INFO: import of /SAPDMC/LSMCUST completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: /SAPDMC/LSMCUST~0 created
    (DB) INFO: /SAPDMC/LSOALG created
    (IMP) INFO: import of /SAPDMC/LSOALG completed (1250 rows)
    (DB) INFO: /SAPDMC/LSOALG~0 created
    (DB) INFO: /SAPDMC/LSOATT created
    (IMP) INFO: import of /SAPDMC/LSOATT completed (269 rows)
    (DB) INFO: /SAPDMC/LSOATT~0 created
    (DB) INFO: /SAPDMC/LSOLOG created
    (IMP) INFO: import of /SAPDMC/LSOLOG completed (461 rows)
    (DB) INFO: /SAPDMC/LSOLOG~0 created
    (DB) INFO: /SAPDMC/LSOPAR created
    (IMP) INFO: import of /SAPDMC/LSOPAR completed (1421 rows)
    (DB) INFO: /SAPDMC/LSOPAR~0 created
    (DB) INFO: /SAPDMC/LSOREC created
    (IMP) INFO: import of /SAPDMC/LSOREC completed (56 rows)
    (DB) INFO: /SAPDMC/LSOREC~0 created
    (DB) INFO: /SAPDMC/LSOTXT created
    (IMP) INFO: import of /SAPDMC/LSOTXT completed (455 rows)
    (DB) INFO: /SAPDMC/LSOTXT~0 created
    (DB) INFO: /SAPDMC/LSRATT created
    (IMP) INFO: import of /SAPDMC/LSRATT completed (304 rows)
    (DB) INFO: /SAPDMC/LSRATT~0 created
    (DB) INFO: /SAPDMC/LSRTXT created
    (IMP) INFO: import of /SAPDMC/LSRTXT completed (308 rows)
    (DB) INFO: /SAPDMC/LSRTXT~0 created
    (DB) INFO: /SAPDMC/LSUCUST created
    (IMP) INFO: import of /SAPDMC/LSUCUST completed (22 rows)
    (DB) INFO: /SAPDMC/LSUCUST~0 created
    (DB) INFO: /SAPDMC/LSUMENU created
    (IMP) INFO: import of /SAPDMC/LSUMENU completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: /SAPDMC/LSUMENU~0 created
    (DB) INFO: /SAPDMC/LSUPROF created
    (IMP) INFO: import of /SAPDMC/LSUPROF completed (19 rows)
    (DB) INFO: /SAPDMC/LSUPROF~0 created
    (DB) INFO: /SAPNEA/MR3_SODT created
    (IMP) INFO: import of /SAPNEA/MR3_SODT completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: /SAPNEA/MR3_SODT~0 created
    (DB) INFO: /SAPSLL/ECPPA created
    (IMP) INFO: import of /SAPSLL/ECPPA completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: /SAPSLL/ECPPA~0 created
    (DB) INFO: /SAPSMOSS/STAT created
    (IMP) INFO: import of /SAPSMOSS/STAT completed (9 rows)
    (DB) INFO: /SAPSMOSS/STAT~0 created
    (DB) INFO: /SAPSMOSS/STATT created
    (IMP) INFO: import of /SAPSMOSS/STATT completed (171 rows)
    (DB) INFO: /SAPSMOSS/STATT~0 created
    (DB) INFO: /SAPSMOSS/TURL created
    (IMP) INFO: import of /SAPSMOSS/TURL completed (4 rows)
    (DB) INFO: /SAPSMOSS/TURL~0 created
    (DB) INFO: /SAPTRX/APARPRF created
    (IMP) INFO: import of /SAPTRX/APARPRF completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: /SAPTRX/APARPRF~0 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of /SAPTRX/APARPRFT completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: /SAPTRX/APARPRFT~0 created
    (DB) INFO: /SAPTRX/ASFCTEV created
    (IMP) INFO: import of /SAPTRX/ASFCTEV completed (40 rows)
    (DB) INFO: /SAPTRX/ASFCTEV~0 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of /SAPTRX/ASFCTEVT completed (88 rows)
    (DB) INFO: /SAPTRX/ASFCTEVT~0 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of /SAPTRX/ASFCTPAR completed (305 rows)
    (DB) INFO: /SAPTRX/ASFCTPAR~0 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of /SAPTRX/ASFCTPAT completed (671 rows)
    (DB) INFO: /SAPTRX/ASFCTPAT~0 created
    (DB) INFO: /SAPTRX/ASPARDC created
    (IMP) INFO: import of /SAPTRX/ASPARDC completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: /SAPTRX/ASPARDC~0 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of /SAPTRX/ASPARDCT completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: /SAPTRX/ASPARDCT~0 created
    (DB) INFO: /SAPTRX/SCSOMAP created
    (IMP) INFO: import of /SAPTRX/SCSOMAP completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: /SAPTRX/SCSOMAP~0 created
    (DB) INFO: /SAPTRX/SOLUTN created
    (IMP) INFO: import of /SAPTRX/SOLUTN completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: /SAPTRX/SOLUTN~0 created
    (DB) INFO: /SAPTRX/SOLUTNT created
    (IMP) INFO: import of /SAPTRX/SOLUTNT completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: /SAPTRX/SOLUTNT~0 created
    (DB) INFO: /SDF/STGLTRAN created
    (IMP) INFO: import of /SDF/STGLTRAN completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: /SDF/STGLTRAN~0 created
    (DB) INFO: /SOMO/INPUTTAB created
    (IMP) INFO: import of /SOMO/INPUTTAB completed (12 rows)
    (DB) INFO: /SOMO/INPUTTAB~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A000 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A000 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A000~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A002 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A002 completed (68 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A002~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A008 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A008 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A008~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A011 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A011 completed (28 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A011~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A013 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A013 completed (68 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A013~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A014 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A014 completed (62 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A014~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A020 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A020 completed (2 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A020~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A027 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A027 completed (16 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A027~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A029 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A029 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A029~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A031 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A031 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A031~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A033 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A033 completed (8 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A033~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A034 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A034 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A034~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A035 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A035 completed (56 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A035~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A036 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A036 completed (56 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A036~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A037 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A037 completed (56 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A037~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A038 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A038 completed (56 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A038~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A039 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A039 completed (56 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A039~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A040 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A040 completed (454 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A040~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A041 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A041 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A041~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A042 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A042 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A042~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A043 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A043 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A043~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A048 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A048 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A048~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A050 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A050 completed (2 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A050~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A057 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A057 completed (1364 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A057~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A066 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A066 completed (4 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A066~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A067 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A067 completed (1 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A067~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A068 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A068 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A068~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A069 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A069 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A069~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A070 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A070 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A070~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A071 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A071 completed (70 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A071~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A072 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A072 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A072~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A073 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A073 completed (159 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A073~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A074 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A074 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A074~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A075 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A075 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A075~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A076 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A076 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A076~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A077 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A077 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A077~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A078 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A078 completed (10 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A078~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A079 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A079 completed (84 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A079~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A080 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A080 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A080~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A081 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A081 completed (1128 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A081~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A082 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A082 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A082~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A083 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A083 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A083~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A084 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A084 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A084~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A085 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A085 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A085~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A086 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A086 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A086~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A087 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A087 completed (10 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A087~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A088 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A088 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A088~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A089 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A089 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A089~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A090 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A090 completed (42 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A090~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A091 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A091 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A091~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A092 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A092 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A092~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A093 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A093 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A093~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A094 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A094 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A094~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A095 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A095 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A095~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A096 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A096 completed (41 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A096~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A097 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A097 completed (56 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A097~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A098 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A098 completed (2 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A098~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A099 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A099 completed (2 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A099~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A100 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A100 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A100~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A101 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A101 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A101~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A102 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A102 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A102~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A103 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A103 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A103~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A104 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A104 completed (150 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A104~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A105 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A105 completed (192 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A105~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A106 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A106 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A106~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A107 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A107 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A107~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A108 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A108 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A108~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A109 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A109 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A109~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A110 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A110 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A110~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A112 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A112 completed (15 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A112~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A113 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A113 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A113~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A114 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A114 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A114~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A115 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A115 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A115~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A116 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A116 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A116~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A117 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A117 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A117~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A118 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A118 completed (12 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A118~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A119 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A119 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A119~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A120 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A120 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A120~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A121 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A121 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A121~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A122 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A122 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A122~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A123 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A123 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A123~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A124 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A124 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A124~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A125 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A125 completed (73 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A125~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A126 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A126 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A126~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A127 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A127 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A127~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A128 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A128 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A128~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A129 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A129 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A129~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A130 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A130 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A130~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A131 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A131 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A131~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A132 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A132 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A132~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A133 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A133 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A133~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A134 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A134 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A134~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A135 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A135 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A135~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A136 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A136 completed (8 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A136~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A137 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A137 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A137~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A138 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A138 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A138~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A139 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A139 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A139~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A140 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A140 completed (2 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A140~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A141 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A141 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A141~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A142 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A142 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A142~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A143 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A143 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A143~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A144 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A144 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A144~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A145 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A145 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A145~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A146 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A146 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A146~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A147 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A147 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A147~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A148 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A148 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A148~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A149 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A149 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A149~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A152 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A152 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A152~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A153 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A153 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A153~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A154 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A154 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A154~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A155 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A155 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A155~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A156 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A156 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A156~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A160 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A160 completed (7 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A160~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A161 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A161 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A161~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A162 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A162 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A162~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A173 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A173 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A173~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A174 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A174 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A174~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A175 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A175 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A175~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A176 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A176 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A176~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A177 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A177 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A177~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A178 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A178 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A178~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A179 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A179 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A179~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A180 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A180 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A180~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A185 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A185 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A185~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A190 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A190 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A190~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A191 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A191 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A191~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A192 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A192 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A192~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A193 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A193 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A193~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A194 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A194 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A194~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A195 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A195 completed (13 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A195~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A196 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A196 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A196~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A197 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A197 completed (5 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A197~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A198 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A198 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A198~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A215 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A215 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A215~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A291 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A291 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A291~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A292 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A292 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A292~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A293 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A293 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A293~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A300 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A300 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A300~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A301 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A301 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A301~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A304 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A304 completed (3414 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A304~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A305 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A305 completed (54 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A305~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A306 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A306 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A306~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A307 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A307 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A307~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A310 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A310 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A310~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A311 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A311 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A311~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A312 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A312 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A312~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A315 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A315 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A315~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A316 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A316 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A316~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A317 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A317 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A317~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A320 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A320 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A320~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A321 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A321 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A321~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A325 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A325 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A325~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A326 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A326 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A326~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A330 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A330 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A330~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A331 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A331 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A331~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A335 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A335 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A335~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A336 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A336 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A336~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A340 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A340 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A340~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A341 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A341 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A341~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A342 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A342 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A342~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A343 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A343 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A343~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A344 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A344 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A344~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A345 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A345 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A345~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A346 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A346 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A346~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A347 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A347 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A347~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A348 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A348 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A348~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A349 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A349 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A349~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A350 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A350 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A350~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A352 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A352 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A352~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A353 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A353 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A353~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A354 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A354 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A354~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A355 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A355 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A355~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A356 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A356 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A356~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A357 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A357 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A357~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A358 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A358 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A358~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A359 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A359 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A359~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A362 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A362 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A362~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A363 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A363 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A363~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A364 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A364 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A364~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A365 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A365 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A365~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A366 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A366 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A366~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A367 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A367 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A367~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A368 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A368 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A368~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A369 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A369 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A369~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A371 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A371 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A371~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A372 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A372 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A372~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A373 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A373 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A373~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A374 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A374 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A374~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A375 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A375 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A375~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A376 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A376 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A376~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A382 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A382 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A382~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A390 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A390 completed (4 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A390~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A392 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A392 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A392~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A393 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A393 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A393~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A394 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A394 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A394~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A395 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A395 completed (5 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A395~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A396 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A396 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A396~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A397 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A397 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A397~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A399 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A399 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A399~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A441 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A441 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A441~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A502 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A502 completed (58 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A502~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A503 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A503 completed (7 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A503~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A504 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A504 completed (4 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A504~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A506 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A506 completed (10 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A506~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A507 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A507 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A507~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A510 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A510 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A510~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A511 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A511 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A511~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A518 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A518 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A518~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A599 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A599 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A599~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A601 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A601 completed (3 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A601~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A755 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A755 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A755~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A800 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A800 completed (1 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A800~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A801 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A801 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A801~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A805 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A805 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A805~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A810 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A810 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A810~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A815 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A815 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A815~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A816 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A816 completed (1 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A816~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A817 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A817 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A817~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A818 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A818 completed (6 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A818~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A819 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A819 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A819~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A900 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A900 completed (250 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A900~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A902 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A902 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A902~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A903 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A903 completed (11 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A903~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A933 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A933 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A933~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A940 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A940 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A940~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A941 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A941 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A941~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A942 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A942 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A942~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A972 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A972 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A972~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A973 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A973 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A973~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A974 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A974 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A974~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A976 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A976 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A976~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A977 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A977 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A977~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A994 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A994 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A994~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A997 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A997 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A997~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A998 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A998 completed (1 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A998~0 created
    (DB) INFO: A999 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of A999 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: A999~0 created
    (DB) INFO: AAA_KEYS created
    (IMP) INFO: import of AAA_KEYS completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: AAA_KEYS~0 created
    (DB) INFO: AAA_ROLES created
    (IMP) INFO: import of AAA_ROLES completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: AAA_ROLES~0 created
    (DB) INFO: AAA_ROLES2 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of AAA_ROLES2 completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: AAA_ROLES2~0 created
    (DB) INFO: AAA_USERS created
    (IMP) INFO: import of AAA_USERS completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: AAA_USERS~0 created
    (DB) INFO: AAA_VALUES created
    (IMP) INFO: import of AAA_VALUES completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: AAA_VALUES~0 created
    (DB) INFO: AAB_ID_ACT created
    (IMP) INFO: import of AAB_ID_ACT completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: AAB_ID_ACT~0 created
    (DB) INFO: AAB_VAR_ID created
    (IMP) INFO: import of AAB_VAR_ID completed (6 rows)
    (DB) INFO: AAB_VAR_ID~0 created
    (DB) INFO: AAB_VAR_ID~ID1 created
    (DB) INFO: AAB_VAR_PROP created
    (IMP) INFO: import of AAB_VAR_PROP completed (9 rows)
    (DB) INFO: AAB_VAR_PROP~0 created
    (DB) INFO: AAB_VAR_PROPT created
    (IMP) INFO: import of AAB_VAR_PROPT completed (18 rows)
    (DB) INFO: AAB_VAR_PROPT~0 created
    (DB) INFO: AAF_ROLES created
    (IMP) INFO: import of AAF_ROLES completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: AAF_ROLES~0 created
    (DB) INFO: AAT_ROLES created
    (IMP) INFO: import of AAT_ROLES completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: AAT_ROLES~0 created
    (DB) INFO: AAT_USERS created
    (IMP) INFO: import of AAT_USERS completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: AAT_USERS~0 created
    (DB) INFO: AAT_VALUES created
    (IMP) INFO: import of AAT_VALUES completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: AAT_VALUES~0 created
    (DB) INFO: AAUSVAR created
    (IMP) INFO: import of AAUSVAR completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: AAUSVAR~0 created
    (DB) INFO: ABAPHTML created
    (IMP) INFO: import of ABAPHTML completed (859 rows)
    (DB) INFO: ABAPHTML~0 created
    (DB) INFO: ABAPTREE created
    (IMP) INFO: import of ABAPTREE completed (487 rows)
    (DB) INFO: ABAPTREE~0 created
    (DB) INFO: ABAPTREET created
    (IMP) INFO: import of ABAPTREET completed (7814 rows)
    (DB) INFO: ABAPTREET~0 created
    (DB) INFO: ABDOCMODE created
    (IMP) INFO: import of ABDOCMODE completed (78 rows)
    (DB) INFO: ABDOCMODE~0 created
    (DB) INFO: ACAC_OBJECTS created
    (IMP) INFO: import of ACAC_OBJECTS completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: ACAC_OBJECTS~0 created
    (DB) INFO: ACAC_OBJECTS~1 created
    (DB) INFO: ACCRBD created
    (IMP) INFO: import of ACCRBD completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: ACCRBD~0 created
    (DB) INFO: ACCRBD~1 created
    (DB) INFO: ACCRFI created
    (IMP) INFO: import of ACCRFI completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: ACCRFI~0 created
    (DB) INFO: ACEDSASSGMT created
    (IMP) INFO: import of ACEDSASSGMT completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: ACEDSASSGMT~0 created
    (DB) INFO: ACEDSOH created
    (IMP) INFO: import of ACEDSOH completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: ACEDSOH~0 created
    (DB) INFO: ACEDSOI created
    (IMP) INFO: import of ACEDSOI completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: ACEDSOI~0 created
    (DB) INFO: ACEDSOP created
    (IMP) INFO: import of ACEDSOP completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: ACEDSOP~0 created
    (DB) INFO: ACEOBJ created
    (IMP) INFO: import of ACEOBJ completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: ACEOBJ~0 created
    (DB) INFO: ACEOBJ~001 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of ACE_SOP_DESTINTN completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: ACE_SOP_DESTINTN~0 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of ACE_SOP_FFVERSNS completed (1 rows)
    (DB) INFO: ACE_SOP_FFVERSNS~0 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of ACE_SOP_FFVRSTXT completed (18 rows)
    (DB) INFO: ACE_SOP_FFVRSTXT~0 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of ACE_SOP_INVERSNS completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: ACE_SOP_INVERSNS~0 created
    (IMP) INFO: import of ACE_SOP_INVRSTXT completed (0 rows)
    (DB) INFO: ACE_SOP_INVRSTXT~0 created
    (DB) INFO: ACE_SOP_REFKEY created
    (IMP) INFO: import of ACE_SOP_REFKEY completed (0

  • I have a new Dell computer running windows 7 and am unable to download itunes. The message I recieve after trying to run the download is: This installation package could not be opened. Verify that the package exists and that you can access it.   Any ideas

    I have a new Dell computer running windows 7 and am unable to download itunes. The message I recieve after trying to run the download is: This installation package could not be opened. Verify that the package exists and that you can access it.   Any ideas?

    Hello tcampbell1549,
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.
    For more information, take a look at:
    Issues installing iTunes or QuickTime for Windows
    Have a nice day,

  • Frm-40502: oracle error: unable to read list of values

    Hi All,
    I am personalizing the assignment form, where we need to restrict the JOB LOV based on Organization value.
    In Forms Personalization we are creating the record group from query and attaching to Job field.
    The query is,
    SELECT DISTINCT j.NAME, DECODE (1, 2, 1, NULL) c_valid_job_flag,
    j.job_id job_id
    FROM per_jobs_v j
    WHERE j.business_group_id + 0 = :CTL_GLOBALS.BUSINESS_GROUP_ID
    AND j.date_from <= :CTL_GLOBALS.SESSION_DATE
    AND ( (j.date_to IS NULL)
    OR (j.date_to >= :CTL_GLOBALS.SESSION_DATE)
    When we use this query, we are getting the error "frm-40502: oracle error: unable to read list of values"
    If i replace the bind variable with values we are not getting the error and its working fine.
    Replace query:
    SELECT DISTINCT j.NAME, DECODE (1, 2, 1, NULL) c_valid_job_flag,
    j.job_id job_id
    FROM per_jobs_v j
    WHERE j.business_group_id + 0 = 202
    AND j.date_from <= TRUNC(SYSDATE)
    AND ( (j.date_to IS NULL)
    OR (j.date_to >= TRUNC(SYSDATE))
    how to use bind variables (Block.field) here? We are getting this error only when using the bind variable in the query.
    Please share your ideas.

    What is your EBS version? There are 96 docs avaliable about similar error message. I suggest use metalink for your issue
    You can also check:
    FRM-40502: Oracle Error: Unable To Read List Of Values [ID 1161404.1]
    Frm-40502: Oracle Error: Unable To Read List Of Values. [ID 351931.1]
    FRM 40502: Oracle Error:Unable to Read List of Values [ID 179162.1]

  • Steps to migrate SQL Database to Windows/Oracle

    We have an SQL database in our client network and client wants to migrate it to Windows/Oracle. Currently they have multiple databases on the same SQL server.
    So I am curious to know if oracle also allows the same in Windows.
    I read that we can indeed install one oracle home and use DBCA to create multiple oracle databases on the same host. Any pointers to any documents relevant? I also want to understood this setup and what it means for performance, backup/restore/recovery, patching/upgrade etc.
    Request your valuable inputs on this topic please.

    936639 wrote:
    Basically i'm an oracle DBA and never worked in SQL Server. So could you please explain me in detail the below points alone
    " Currently they have multiple databases on the same SQL server (SQL allows it) . So I am curious to know if oracle also allows the same in Windows. I read that we can indeed install one oracle home and use DBCA to create multiple oracle databases on the same host"
    As you said you are an Oracle dba so you should know that within one Oracle home, we can create as many database as we want based on the hardware specs of that machine, though its not a good idea. You can create multiple database definitely under one home on Windows as well.

  • After installing Windows 8, I am unable to download the creative cloud and the program I purchased for school.

    After installing Windows 8, I am unable to download the creative cloud and the program I purchased for school.

    I purchased photoshop for my computer.  I updated my computer's operating system.  I logged into adobe.  I am unable to download the program again unless I pay again or use the trial.

  • Elements 7 on windows 7, have downloaded a new version on raw for my new camera eos50d still unable to read the raw files help

    Hope someone can help me with this one, have a new computer with windows 7 as the operating system, have installed elements 7 and have now purchased the 50d, as i shoot in raw have tried to open the file but elements is unable to read the raw file, have looked on various threads and have downloaded the new version of raw, this version is saved in my download file directory, have copied across these files to the elements folder but i still cannot read my raw file for the 50d, is there something i have missed.

    please have a look at the folllowing link about the isntallation of the camera raw plugin.
    be sure not to have the older version of camera raw plugin in the same folder as that of new one. dont even rename it. Remove it and store it in some other location in case you need to revert back the changes. The camera raw plugin is called : Camera Raw

  • I have elements 12 in Windows 7 but is unable to see mp4 files in the organiser. The sound from the file is there but no image!

    I have elements 12 in Windows 7 but is unable to see mp4 (Canon G16) files in the organiser. The sound from the file is there but no image!
    Other file formats from Canon is no problen. So What to do??

    Me again,
    A friend suggested that I do a system restore.
    I did a search for system restore in Windows 7 and got a very intuitive menu.
    I selected an earlier system restore point and executed the restore.
    After the computer restart I reloaded Firefox 5.0 and the Ask.com problem was corrected.
    My friend says this approach may work about 25% of the time to fix this kind of problem. In my case it worked and I am happy.
    Thanks all.
    Richard Ryer

  • Problem configuring SSO: "Oracle SSO Warning - Unable to process request"

    I'm having difficulty getting a sample application to work with SSO, and I was hoping someone could point me in to the right direction.
    We've got 2 separate systems, call them ASserver and SSOserver. ASserver is running Oracle 9i AS, SSOserver is the infrastructure server (e.g. OID and SSO).
    The application runs just fine on ASserver without SSO.
    I made the change to mod_osso.conf so that the URL for the application is now protected, and added a partner application entry to the application (more on that in a moment).
    When I go to the URL for the partner application, the browser is properly redirected to the SSO server and I am prompted to log in. After logging in, I get an error page with the error "Oracle SSO Warning - Unable to process request" (the URL is something like http://<ASserver>/osso_login_success?urlc=... etc).
    Several questions:
    - can my servlet just be a plain servlet, or does it need to do the various things described in the "SSO Application Developer's Guide"?
    - when configuring the partner application on the SSO server, are success url and logout url supposed to be the osso_login_success and osso_logout_success URLs? Should they be on the ASserver or the SSOserver?
    Any other recommendations?

    Okay, solved. I am pretty sure I was suffering from the condition described in metalink Note:227221.1, "Oracle SSO Warning Logging On to Midtier Using Mozilla Based Browser" (http://metalink.oracle.com/metalink/plsql/ml2_documents.showNOT?p_id=227221.1)
    although it was happening in IE as well.
    Essentially, I modified the entry for the partner application to change the port numbers from 7778 to 7777, and now it works.
    I think I also had several entries for the app server in the SSO server, and I don't know which one it was using. I got rid of all of them except the one named <oraclehome>.<restofdomain>, e.g. oas.foobar.com, where "oas" is the name of my app server's Oracle home.

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