Did my battery die?

I bought a new Macbook Pro 15-in. late 2008 model battery on March 26th, 2012, but a month later I was never able to turn on my Mac again while using that battery.
-The battery is unable to charge and my Mac is unable to run without a battery pack inserted.
-The LED light on the charger keeps a constant green light, but the Mac will not turn on. Also, checking the battery, by pressing the silver button, it states that the battery pack only has a few "juice" in it left. ( 1 light )
I'm now currently using my old Battery, and everything seems to be working just fine.
Throughout the time of having the new battery, I always avoided overcharging it. Only 2 times where I fell asleep and it overcharged. I never continuously charged it, I only charged it when it was less than 10% of battery left. Although I wait to charge it only when it reaches below 10%, my mac becomes inactive for a few days.
That's about all the information I can give from what I know. I'm unable to check the specs of the battery because the mac will not start. I'm really worried about what went wrong because it hasn't even been a month yet, and the battery died on me. If there is any more information you need, I'll try to give you it.

It is likely the new battery is defective from what you say.  Read the information in this article from the Battery University, an independent evaluator of battery technology. There you will see that the optimum charge cycle practice seems to be around 50% discharge and recharge.  Deep discharge has a detrimental affect on battery life..
Look at the battery information for the old battery you are now using, Apple menu, About This Mac, More Info, System Report, Hardware, Power and you will see information about the battery condition, capacity, charge remaining, cycles, and voltage.  The Condition should be Normal or there is a problem.
If you can get the computer to start on the new battery, get the same information.

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    and trust me IT WORKS....

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    - iOS: Not responding or does not turn on           
    - Also try DFU mode after try recovery mode
    How to put iPod touch / iPhone into DFU mode « Karthik's scribblings
    - If not successful and you can't fully turn the iOS device fully off, let the battery fully drain. After charging for an least an hour try the above again.
    - Try another cable                     
    - Try on another computer                                                       
    - If still not successful that usually indicates a hardware problem and an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store is in order.
    Apple Retail Store - Genius Bar
    The missing apps could have been done by setting the Restrictions that can hid those apps. If the backup was made with those retrictions set the the Restrictions are also restored.
    Thus, if you get it to work restore to factory settings/new iPod, not from backup                               
    You can redownload most iTunes purchases by:        
      Downloading past purchases from the App Store, iBookstore, and iTunes Store

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    For how long did you try to charge the phone? If you've tried charging for hours with nothing happening, I would assume there is a fault with either the Lightning cable or the phone itself (possibly a battery fault) since you get the same whether you connect to the PC or external charger. If you can, make a Genius Bar appointment to have all aspects checked...either that or return to where you purchased the phone and have them check it out and replace it under warranty.
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    - iOS: Not responding or does not turn on
    - Also try DFU mode after try recovery mode
    How to put iPod touch / iPhone into DFU mode « Karthik's scribblings
    - If not successful and you can't fully turn the iOS device fully off, let the battery fully drain. After charging for an least an hour try the above again.
    - Try on another computer
    - If still not successful that usually indicates a hardware problem and an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store is in order.
    Apple Retail Store - Genius Bar       
    Not Charge
    - See:      
    iPod touch: Hardware troubleshooting
    - Try another cable. Some 5G iPods were shipped with Lightning cable that were either initially defective or failed after short use.
    - Try another charging source
    - Inspect the dock connector on the iPod for bent or missing contacts, foreign material, corroded contacts, broken, missing or cracked plastic.
    - Make an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store.
      Apple Retail Store - Genius Bar 

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    Lesson learned: never update on battery.
    If you can boot your computer with your OS disc, and if you have enough free hard drive space, you can perform an Archive and Install. This way you lose nothing but the 90-180 minutes it will take for the OS to install.
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    Have you reset it by holding down the menu and select buttons for 10-15 seconds until the apple logo appears? It sounds like if the iPod is saying it has used up space, that your music and videos MIGHT still be there but there may be just just a glitch in what is showing up after the battery drained.
    PLEASE always back up your music and videos on computer or disc or however you'd like to. An iPod is a storage device but I wouldn't look at it as a permanent one. A lost or stolen iPod could be more than just an iPod if it's the only way you keep/store your music and videos and pictures.

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    You should really read the manual.
    "How do you restore from backup? "
    Restore.  When given the choice, choose to use backup.
    "And how can I check to see if the pics and videos are on my computer somewhere first??"
    They would only be where you put them.  What program did you use to import them?  Pics/vids taken with ipod are not part of the sync process at all.  You should be importing them just as you would with any digital camera.
    If you did not import them, then they are not on your computer.

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    Thank you!

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    Performing a software repair using PC Companion.The process will erase all internal memory.You might need to charge your device for about 1-2 hours before so the device has at least 60% battery.
    Make sure the device is not connected to computer or laptop and turned off (sometimes you have to press power button and volume up until the device vibrates 3 times or on some devices you have to press the small button near the SIM tray or on the back of the device).
    Open PC companion->support zone->phone/tablet software update->repair my phone/tablet blue highlighted.Follow the steps given,do not connect your phone until prompted to press volume down while plugging USB cable. If PC companion does not start the repair process, you might need to run it in compatibility mode with Windows 7 (in some cases XP).
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    Any help would be appreciated!

        If you see red light in the headphone port, plug the headphone
        in and out of the port 5 or 6 times to flip the microswitch inside.
        Sound output may be stuck in the digital mode.
        Try this even if you don’t see the red light.

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