Difference between two iWS

Does anyone know what is difference between
iPlanet Web Server 6.0
iPlanet Web Server Enterprise Edition 6.0 ?
I want to know details.
Thank you

There is only one iPlanet Web Server 6.0 product; both "iPlanet Web Server 6.0" and "iPlanet Web Server, Enterprise Edition 6.0" refer to the same product.

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    =sum(Fields!ProfileIncome.Value - Fields!ActualIncome.Value)
    This could have either field first, but depends on which field is expected to be larger. You would then format the textbox to show in pounds.

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    WHEN (to_char(SSHIPMENTS.RECEIVEDATETIME,'hhmiss') - to_char(SSHIPMENTS.PROMISEDATETIME,'hh24miss')) < '010000' THEN 'OnTime'
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    ELSE '3+ Hours'
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    I have stucked in program as below scenario:-
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    Example TableA
    Col1 col2 col3 col4 col5.... col50
    10 ABC 2001 EE 444 TT
    40 XYZ 3002 RR 445 TT3
    80 DEF 6005 YY 446 YY8
    Col1 col2 col3 col4 col5.... col50
    10 ABC 2001 EE 444 TT
    40 XYZ 3002 RR 445 TT3
    81 DEF 6005 Yu 447 YY8
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    thanx in advance

    Thanx friends for all your efforts
    I have a sample code for the same,this will compare the two tables for single row in each table .
    what r the modification needed for the multiple rows of values in the two tables??
    Please suggest!!
    TYPE t_col
    l_col t_col;
    j NUMBER := 0;
    l_sql VARCHAR2 (2000);
    col1 VARCHAR2 (30);
    col2 VARCHAR2 (30);
    val1 NUMBER;
    val2 NUMBER;
    status VARCHAR2 (30);
    CURSOR c1
    SELECT column_id, column_name
    FROM all_tab_columns
    WHERE table_name = 'TEST1';
    FOR i IN c1
    j := j + 1;
    l_col (j) := i.column_name;
    FOR k IN 1 .. j
    l_sql :=
    'SELECT '
    || ''''
    || l_col (k)
    || ''''
    || ', '
    || 'TEST2.'
    || l_col (k)
    || ', '
    || ''''
    || l_col (k)
    || ''''
    || ', '
    || 'TEST1.'
    || l_col (k )
    || ', '
    || 'DECODE(TEST2.'
    || l_col (k)
    || ' -TEST1.'
    || l_col (k)
    || ', 0, ''NO CHANGE'', ''CHANGED'') FROM TEST2, TEST1';
    EXECUTE IMMEDIATE l_sql INTO col1, val1,col2, val2, status;
    IF status = 'CHANGED'
    DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line( 'TEST2.'
    || col1
    || '='
    || val1
    || ', TEST1.'
    || col2
    || '='
    || val2
    || ', '
    || status);
    END IF;
    DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Error:- ' || SQLERRM);

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    Let us define an elementary operation as one of
    1) inserttion of a character,
    2) deletion of a character or
    3) replacemen tof a character. Woo - my first ever post!
    The distance measure described in the above post is called the edit distance, or "Levenshtein distance". If you google that, you're bound to find some ready-made java code that does it for you.
    Happy hunting!
    Btw, I was chatting to a friend about distance measures. He was telling me about a proposed distance measure between two arbitrary files: You 1) zip both files together, and 2) zip the two files separately, then compare the file sizes of the two zip files. I love this idea! Apparently some guys compared files containing the same block of text in different languages, and were able to show that languages from the same language groups (eg slavic, germanic) cluster together.

  • How to find the structural difference between two tables

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    Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
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    P Prakash

    you could try something similar to this, for each table pair that you want to compare:
    SELECT 'TABLE_A has these columns that are not in TABLE_B', DIFF.*
      FROM (
              FROM all_tab_columns
             WHERE table_name = 'TABLE_A'
              FROM all_tab_columns
             WHERE table_name = 'TABLE_B'
          ) DIFF
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             WHERE table_name = 'TABLE_B'
              FROM all_tab_columns
             WHERE table_name = 'TABLE_A'
          ) DIFF;that's assuming, column_name, data_type and data_length are all you want to compare on.

  • How to get the difference between two columns in a column group

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    My first time here and really new to programming. I would like to get the difference between 2 columns that are inside 
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    Account                    1                            2     
    1) Cash                10,000                15,000
    2) Receivables      12,000                11,500
    3) Equipment          5,000                  5,500
    Total Assets          27,000                32,000

    Hi yabgestopa,
    From your description, you want to get the difference between two columns in a column group. After testing it in my environment, we can use custom code to achieve your requirement. For more details, you can refer to the following steps:
    Copy the custom code below and paste it to your report. (Right-click report>Report Properties>Code)
    Dim Shared Num1 As Integer
    Dim shared Num2 As Integer
    Public Function GetAmount(Amount as Integer, Type as String)
    If Type = "1" Then
    End If
    Return Amount
    End Function
    Public Function GetDif()
    Return Num1-Num2
    End function
    Right-click the second column to insert a third column with Outside Group-Right.
    Then use the expressions below in the matrix.
    The report looks like below.
    If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.
    Katherine Xiong
    Katherine Xiong
    TechNet Community Support

  • Better estimation of phase difference between two signals with variable frequency!

    Hello LabView Gurus, 
    Being a power engineer and having just a little knowledge of signal processing and labview, I have been pulling my hair out for the last couple of days to get a better estimation of phase difference between two signals.
    We have two analog voltage signals; 1. sine wave (50Hz ± 1Hz) and 2. a square wave with exactly half of sine wave frequency at any time.
    At the starting point of operation (and simulation/acquisition) both signals will have no phase difference. However, the square wave's frequency changes unpredictably for a just a few millisecond but then it gets synchronized with sine wave's frequency again. This means that the square wave will be phased out from its original position. The task of the labview is to find the phase difference between the two signals continuously.
    My approach to determine the phase difference is to measure the time when sine wave crosses zero amplitude and the time when the very next square wave changes amplitude from zero volts to +ve voltage (I have a 0.5volts threshold just to avoid any dramas from small line noise). The difference between these times is then divided by the time period and multiplied by 360 to get this phase difference in angles. 
    As this part is just a small block of a big project, I can only allow 5000Hz sampling rate each for both signals. I read 500 samples (which means I read data from 5 cycles of sine wave and 2.5 cycles of square wave).
    Now the problem is, as long as the frequency of sine wave stays constant at exactly 50Hz, I get a good estimation of the phase difference but when the frequency changes even a little (and it will happen in the real scenario i.e 50Hz ± 1Hz  and the square wave's frequency is dependent of sine wave's frequency), the estimation error increases.
    I have attached my labview program. From front panel, you can set the phase of square wave (between -180 and 0) and you should see the labview's calculated phase in the indicator box named 'Phase'. Then you can press 'Real Frequency' switch that would cause the frequency to change like it would in real operation.
    You can observe that the estimation error increases after you push the button. 
    All I need to do is to reduce this estimation error and make it as close to the actual phase difference as possible. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    I am using LabView 2009 for this task.
    The application is for electric machines and the stability/performance of machines under different faults.
    Thank you for reading this far!
    v603.png ‏320 KB
    v603.vi ‏186 KB

    Jeff Bohrer wrote:
    Basic math gives me a bit of pause on this approach.  You are sampling at 50 times the frequency of interest so you get 50 samples per cycle.  your phase resolution is 1/50th cycle or 7.2 degrees +/- noise.  You will need to samlpe faster to reduce phase resolution or average multiple readings (at a time cost that is signifigant)
    Jeff- (Hardly Working)
    I am sampling at 100 times the sine wave's frequency and 200 times the square wave's frequency.  Increasing the sampling rate completely solves my problem. But since I am acquiring several other inputs, I cannot afford a sampling rate higher than 5kHz.
    F. Schubert wrote:
    I'm not a signal processing expert, but here my basic understanding.
    If you simulate sampling with 5kHz and a frequency of 50 Hz (and both are 'sync' by design), you always get an exact 5 periods. Any variation of your signals frequency gives you a propability to get 4 or 6 'trigger' events. That's an up or down of 20%!
    The one measure to reduce such problems is using 'window functions'. They don't fit your current approach (counting instead of a DSP algorithm), so this needs to be reworked as well.
    My approach would be to use the concept of a Locki-In amplifier. You need to phaseshift your ref-signal by 90°. Then multiply your measurement signal with the ref signal and the phase shifted ref signal. The obtained values for x/y coordinates of a complex number. Calculate the theta of the complex number (with the LV prim). Feed this in a low pass filter.
    The trick on this is, that the square wave has harmonics in it, in this you are interested in the second harmonic which is the sine wave.
    To get rid of the effect that the sync between sampling rate and ref signal frequency gives an error, you then can use the window I mentioned above (place it before the lock-in).
    For a design that really plays well, use a producer-consumer design pattern to get the calculations done in parallel with the DAQ.
    I suggest you to check on wikipedia for some of the keywords I mentioned. Go also for the external links which lead to great tutorials and AppNotes on the signal processing basics.
    Sorry, it's not a simple solution I offer and we will have quite some conversation on this forum if you follow this path. Maybe someone else knows a simpler way.
    My latest community nugget on producer/consumer design
    My current blog: A journey through uml
    An interesting view. the sine wave can indeed be looked as a second harmonic of the square wave. I will implement your idea and get back to you as soon as I get some results. But since I have very limited knowledge of signal processing, it might take me a while to get my hear around the solution you mentioned.

  • Date difference between two dates

    hi All,
    i have to right a stored proc to find the difference between two dates. 
    for example of i give
    startdate as 4/1/2015 and enddate 14/1/2015
    i should get 1 year , 10 days and 0 months .
    i have tried the DateDiff function but it does not calculate the leap year.
    please help.

    DECLARE @from datetime
    DECLARE @to   datetime
    SET @from = '20150104  8:00'
    SET @to   = '20150114  10:30'
    SELECT DATEDIFF(minute,@from, @to) % 60 as Minutes
    SELECT (DATEDIFF(minute,@from, @to) / 60) % 24 as Hours
    SELECT DATEDIFF(minute,@from, @to) / (60 * 24) as Days
    SELECT DATEDIFF(month,@from, @to) as Months
    SELECT DATEDIFF(year,@from, @to) as Year
    Best Regards,Uri Dimant SQL Server MVP,
    MS SQL optimization: MS SQL Development and Optimization
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    Business Intelligence

  • Difference between two date in bex query

    Hi all,
    I need to do a difference between two date using formula variable processing type customer exit beaucause I must use factory calendar in the formula.
    How can I do it?
    Can you give me an example of the routine?
    Thanks a lot

    You can still use the same code to copy it and customize as per your need. All you need to do is to subract the dates using the class: CL_ABAP_TSTMP after converting to timestamp and resulting seconds you convert back to days....Please get help from the developers to do this...
    Also, ensure that you write back this difference value to your variable so you get it on the reports for your calculations...

  • Find the difference between two internal table

    how can i see the difference between two interal tables?
    The requirement is as follows
    1. We have a transparent table, which stores the employee data with EMP ID as key.
    2. We load the transp table data into a interal table (B).
    3. We get data from legecy system as file and it gets loaded into another internal table (A) (this also has the same EMP ID key and this will have latest addition/update to those emplyees).
    Now we need to seperate out these data into three interal table Inserted (I), Deleted (D) and Updated (U).
    We want to do followign things
    I = A - B
    D = B - A
    Both A and B will have around 40k records. Hence we are trying to avoid the looping.
    Please suggest the best option for us.
    Thank you in advance.

    RAGHAV URAL wrote:
    > how can i see the difference between two interal tables?
    > The requirement is as follows
    > 1. We have a transparent table, which stores the employee data with EMP ID as key.
    > 2. We load the transp table data into a interal table (B).
    > 3. We get data from legecy system as file and it gets loaded into another internal table (A) (this also has the same EMP ID key and this will have latest addition/update to those emplyees).
    > Now we need to seperate out these data into three interal table Inserted (I), Deleted (D) and Updated (U).
    > We want to do followign things
    > I = A - B
    > D = B - A
    > Both A and B will have around 40k records. Hence we are trying to avoid the looping.
    > Please suggest the best option for us.
    > Thank you in advance.
    > Raghavendra
    Hi Raghavendra,
      Currently as of my knowledge, these operations are only possible through LOOPs. But LOOPign can be really fast here if you properly utilize the SORTING, READ with BINARY SEARCH and FIELD-SYMBOLS usage. I would say:-
    Steps for Insert:-
    SORT: A, B.
      IF SY-SUBRC NE 0.
        APPEND <WA_A> TO I.
    Steps for Delete:-
    SORT: A, B.
      IF SY-SUBRC NE 0.
        APPEND <WA_B> TO D.

  • Find the difference between two columns in an ssrs matrix ? MSCRM

    Hi All,
    I am working in reporting part of our project (On-line MSCRM 2013) & in reporting services.
    I am trying to create report using fetch xml based. Below is the snap what we required the result.
    Kindly help me, how to get the difference in both column. (Its a matrix table where year is grouped).
    We need difference between both year Like (Plan Revenue of 2013 & Plan Revenue of 2014 difference in Plan Revenue Diff section) and same for Actual
    Mohammad Sharique

    Hi Bro,
    I used parametrized option for year and done the report,Currently we are getting values in Difference column now i want to show
    that value in percentage. How can we show the percentage based on that value. Means i want to show the Difference in Percentage. 
    Kindly help me i tried but getting some issue. Below i am mentioning the code and snap with result.
    Below expression using to showing Plan Revenue in Percentage for year.
    Sum(IIF(Fields!new_year.Value =Parameters!StartYear.Value,cdec(Fields!new_planrevenueValue.Value/1000), cdec(0)))
    - Sum(IIF(Fields!new_year.Value =Parameters!EndYear.Value,cdec(Fields!new_planrevenueValue.Value/1000), cdec(0)))
    /IIF(Sum(IIF(Fields!new_year.Value = Parameters!StartYear.Value,cdec(Fields!new_planrevenueValue.Value/1000), cdec(0)))>0,
    (Sum(IIF(Fields!new_year.Value = Parameters!StartYear.Value,cdec(Fields!new_planrevenueValue.Value/1000), cdec(0))))
    Result issue is as below in snap with highlighted in red colour.
    Kindly help me on this issue also :)

  • Extract Time from date and Time and Need XLMOD Funtion to find the Difference between Two Time.

    X6 = "1/5/15 5:16 AM" & NOW ....................difference by Only Time
    not date
    X6 date and Time will be changing, Its not Constant
                Dim myDateTime As DateTime = X6
                Dim myDate As String = myDateTime.ToString("dd/MM/yy")
                Dim myTime As String = myDateTime.ToString("hh:mm tt")
                Dim myDateTime1 As DateTime = Now
                Dim myDate1 As String = myDateTime1.ToString("dd/MM/yy")
                Dim myTime1 As String = myDateTime1.ToString("hh:mm tt")
    Need to use this function to find the Difference between Two Time. due to 12:00 AM isuue
    Function XLMod(a, b)
        ' This replicates the Excel MOD function
        XLMod = a - b * Int(a / b)
    End Function
    Output Required
     dim dd  = XLMod(myTime - myTime1)
    Problem is myTime & myTime1 is String Need to convert them into Time, Later use XLMOD Funtion.

    As an addendum to this, I thought I'd add this in also: If you have two valid DateTime objects you might consider using a class which I put together a few years ago
    shown on a page of my website here.
    To use it, just instantiate with two DateTime objects (order doesn't matter, it'll figure it out) and you'll then have access to the public properties. For this example, I'm just showing the .ToString method:
    Option Strict On
    Option Explicit On
    Option Infer Off
    Public Class Form1
    Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
    ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
    Handles MyBase.Load
    Dim date1 As DateTime = Now
    Dim date2 As DateTime = #1/1/1970 2:35:00 PM#
    Dim howOld As New Age(date1, date2)
    MessageBox.Show(howOld.ToString, "Age")
    End Sub
    End Class
    I hope that helps, if not now then maybe at some point in the future. :)
    Still lost in code, just at a little higher level.
      Thanx frank, can use this in Future....

  • Function Module to find the Difference between two times.

    Hi All,
    Wud you plz let me know the Function Module to find the Difference between two times.
    Input Time1( Hours:Minutes) Time2 ( Hours:Minutes)
    Need Output in Hours:Minutes only . ( No seconds Needed )
    Ex :
    Input :
           06:00 to 18:00 Output : 12:00
    and  20:00 to 06:00 Output: 10:00 with +ve sign only. No -ve sign.

    check this .
    data : p_timel like sy-uzeit,
           p_timeh like sy-uzeit,
           diff like sy-uzeit,
           di(8) type c .
           p_timel = '200000'.
           p_timeh = '060000'.
           diff = p_timeh - p_timel.
           concatenate diff+0(2) ':' diff+2(2) into di.
           write:/ di.
    also check for this.
           p_timel = '060000'.
           p_timeh = '180000'.
    see if this can be implemented in ur code .
    or else  u can try with  Fm L_TO_TIME_DIFF passing startdate enddate starttime endtime with UOM as MIN
    hope this helps regards,

  • To calculate the difference between two periods  in SSM

    I have two questions need to be clarified.
    Question 1: I have KPI named Revenue growth and the formula to calculate is  (current year revenue - previous year revenue).I am using data entry& approval.Is that technically possible to calculate the revenue difference between two periods in SSM?
    Question 2: Is that possible to enter the date as input for the variable?for example i want find the difference between two dates and the difference value is output for my variable.

    Question 1:
    We have same problem, and what we did is to create:
    - 2 NON KPI:
    R1 = Revenue current year
    R2 = Revenue previous year
    - 1 virtual KPI
    R3 = R2-R1
    Question 2:
    I don't know.

Maybe you are looking for