Differential mode of PXI

I'm using PXI-4461 based on Visual Basic programming. My goal is to generate 
differential mode signal with 0.5v offset using the PXI-4461 and VB.
The followings are details, but I'm attaching a ppt file for better understanding of my question.
How can I shift up the negative sinewave by +1v?
The following is the VB code which is the same as the code in the attached ppt file.
Public Sub test(ByVal numSamples As Long, ByRef writeData() As Double, dataRate As Double)
     If chanDAQ.taskHandle <> 0 Then
        DAQmxErrChkMod DAQmxTaskControl(chanDAQ.taskHandle, DAQmx_Val_Task_Unreserve)
        DAQmxErrChkMod DAQmxStopTask(chanDAQ.taskHandle)
        DAQmxErrChkMod DAQmxCfgSampClkTiming(chanDAQ.taskHandle, "", dataRate, DAQmx_Val_Rising, DAQmx_Val_AcquisitionType_ContSamps, numSamples)
        DAQmxErrChkMod DAQmxWriteAnalogF64(chanDAQ.taskHandle, numSamples, False, 10#, DAQmx_Val_GroupByChannel, writeData(0), sampsPerChanWritten, ByVal 0&)
        DAQmxErrChkMod DAQmxStartTask(chanDAQ.taskHandle)
        chanDAQ.taskStarted = True
    End If
End Sub 
<Description to explain the same problem descripbed in the attached ppt file.> 
PXI-4461 is connected to an oscilloscope with BNC cable. 4461 uses the differencial mode (NOT pseudo-differential mode)
due to some reason. The positive signal from 4461 (i.e. the center core of BNC) is connected
to channel 1 of the oscilloscope, and the negative signal (i.e. the shield of BNC) is connected to
channel 2.
Then A sinewave which has the range from 0 to 2v and 1v offset, was generated in VB program.
Then it was applied to an oscilloscope. The channel 1 of oscilloscope showed a sinewave which has
the range from 0 to 1v with 0.5v offset, and the channel 2 showed a sine which has the range
from -1v to 0v with -0.5v offset.
For my application, the channel 1 is ok,  but channel 2 should be shift up by 1v, basically the channel 2
should be a sine which has the range from 0v to +1v and +0.5v offset, and also its phase should lead
over 180 degree.
Message Edited by talking on 05-03-2010 09:27 PM
question1.ppt ‏153 KB

Thank you very very much, Adam.
Let me answer to your questions first.
>it might be best to get the signal working in Measurement and Automation Explorer.
Yes, I have just tried to use MAX. But results are the same as one that I got using my VB code.
But it was good suggestion. I think using task in MAX is powerful.
>I imagine you are splitting the BNC to a 2 wire pair, and then putting that 2 wire pair into another BNC cable for each channel.  Is this true?
Yes, Correct. I followed the direction from the following document.
www.ni.com/pdf/manuals/373088a.pdf  (page 2-13, 3-3 and 3-5)
Only one BNC cable was used to make connection between a signle channel of PXI-4461 and two channels of oscilloscope.
One side of the BNC was connected to a singla channel of 4461, and then the other side of the BNC was connected to two channels of oscilloscope. As shown in page 3-3 of the following document, "+" of BNC (which means positive signal of differential mode) was connected channel 1 prober of the oscilloscipe, and "-" of BNC was connected to the channel 2 prober of oscilloscope.
Then the ground of these two probers are shared to the ground of the 4461 as shown in page 3-5.
Is this connection of the ground correct? Please let me know anythin wrong in my setup.
> Is there a reason that you have to split the BNC output to 2 channels?
Yes, I need the specific reason of it. I'm working on ADC test.
My first goal is to generate the differential mode sinewave signal from PXI-4461.
Then the second goal is to connect this differential signal to my differetial input ADC.
The ADC has a specification that both of positive and negative signals have 0.5v offset, and their max
voltage is 1v, and min voltage is 0v, as I showed in the ppt fiile.
So I need to first both of positivie and negative signal from 4461 on the scope. Then I can apply this signal to my ADC.
The oscilloscope is not a product dedicated for differential mode signal. This is regular one (agilent DSO5034A).
> From my recollection a scope should expect a positive signal, and a ground or negative signal to the BNC, which the analog output will provide. 
It sounds like my scope (agilent DSO5034A) might measure wrong value for offset. Isn't there any way to measure each sigle signal of differential analog signal of 4461, using my scope?
> are you using AC or DC coupling on the o-scope?
Yes, I was using DC coupling on the scope.
> ensure that the signal is zero'd out correctly on the vertical scale.
Yes, I carefully observed each signal using "cursor" from the screen of my scope.
I'm for sure, the positive signal offset was +0.5v, and the negative offset was -0.5v as shown in my ppt file.

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    I would first suggest that, if this device is in a system connected to the internet, you run the Online E Series Diagnostic. This utility will test the functionality of your board and perform a self-calibration. The link to this utility is available below:
    Unless this calibration fixes the problem, I would create a phone support request at the following location to arrange the repair of your board:
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    If you take a look at the PXI/PCI 1409 user manual, on page 3-5 it says
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    Examples for data acquisition are in the LabVIEW >> Examples >> Daq >> anlogin >> anlogin.llb directory. You will still have to do the following to programmatically set the measurement mode to differential.
    You can set your data acquisition with the AI Config.vi in LabVIEW. There is an input for "coupling and input config". A good trick to make sure that you create the cluster correctly is to use your mouse as the wiring tool and right-click over that input. Then, choose Create Control or Create Constant. The cluster will pop up, and you can use your operating tool to choose differential mode for the second pull-down ring in the cluster.
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    noise_pic.bmp ‏231 KB

    Noise is a difficult issue to advise about.
    There are some things you can try, but the result will depend on different factors, such as, environment, lenght of cables, equipment on vicinity, etc.
    Anyways, you can try to hook up a BIAS resistor in between the ch- and AIGND on your BNC device. That resistor will bleed out the common voltage current and help on noise balancing. Another thing you can try is to hook up a simple RC low pass filter at the analog input. That might help to get rid of that noise.
    I'm also attaching an App Note that talks about Noise and some ways to get around it.
    Hope this helps.
    Filipe A.
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments
    Field_Wiring_and_Noise_Considerations.zip ‏196 KB

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    Attached is the digram that I cut from ni site. The AI- input is also connected to my test fixture ground at the end. I could not see how to current flow. Could you please tell me?
    I am in a very urgent. I really a quick reponse.
    Differential Mode Operation.doc ‏87 KB

    Hi AnalogKid:
    Thanks for your replying. You said current flows through the lump sum parameter RIN nodes (1) and (2) regardless if VS- terminal 0 is connected to ground or not.
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    First Picture.JPG ‏33 KB

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    for differential mode.
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    Graph17.JPG ‏32 KB

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    The difference in voltage between the 2 input modes should not occur if everything is correctly connected. When an input floats up to the maximum level, this often indicates there is an open circuit.
    To check your setup, I suggest you initially try using a MAX test panel to measure channels under differential mode.You need to refer to the manual of the 2090 on how to connect up for using differential mode. The setup requires switches S1 to S8 be set to diff mode and then a connection made to only the first 8 BNC connectors.The inner and outer parts of the BNC, form the 2 input connections to the DAQ card.

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    The difference in voltage between the 2 input modes should not occur if everything is correctly connected. When an input floats up to the maximum level, this often indicates there is an open circuit.
    To check your setup, I suggest you initially try using a MAX test panel to measure channels under differential mode.You need to refer to the manual of the 2090 on how to connect up for using differential mode. The setup requires switches S1 to S8 be set to diff mode and then a connection made to only the first 8 BNC connectors.The inner and outer parts of the BNC, form the 2 input connections to the DAQ card.

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    I have a doubt concerning the Differential Mode in DAQ M series board. In the board's manual is saiing that the voltage limit is -10 to 10V, but somebody knows if this limit is always referenced to ground, or in differential mode is comparing with the +8 channel (ex. for channel 0 - voltage diference between ch0 and ch8).
    Thanks in advance, best regards.
    Paulo Carmo

    differential mode means that you measure the difference between two input channels. The channels used for this on E- and M-series boards is n and n+8. The difference between the channels might go up to +- 10V.  So there is no ground reference in this type of measurement. 
    However, the device has a limited capacity against overvoltage. So if the offset of either of the channels succees a certain value in regard to the ground of the measurement system (the gnd of your PC), you could possibly damage your hardware.
    Therefore it is recommend to use "BIAS-resistors" in such cases (or if you simply don't know the offset).
    You can find a very good image on possible ) recommended connections in your DAQ-help. Open the DAQmx Help and navigate to DAQmx Help >> Measurement Fundamentals >> Signals >> Analog >> Connecting Analog Input Signals >> Measurement System Types. Just activate that entry (should have a "book" icon) and in the right side, you should see a something like a reference poster. I suggest you to print it out....
    hope this helps,
    [EDIT]: corrected a typo
    Message Edited by Norbert B on 02-26-2009 08:03 AM
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    Expert: Geometry
    Marketing Manager: Just ignore it.

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    As I learned in the last weeks is only possible to use the onboard memory when I�m using the post trigger mode.
    Is there a hope of getting pretrigger events?

    I was browsing through and saw this post from some time ago.  This feature was added to the DAQmx driver in NI-DAQ 7.4.  In fact, this behavior is now the default for all pre-triggered acquisitions (this is know as a reference triggered acquisition in DAQmx) in DAQmx.  When in this mode, no data is transferred from the device to the host until after the acquisition completes.  This eliminates bus bandwidth limitations as the number of devices in your system increases.

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    Plese find the attached snapshot of RT project.
    9871_InFPGA mode.png ‏13 KB

    Hello craige,
    There isn't any reason the module won't show up properly in MAX. This is probably just a software configuration error. Do you have Scan Engine support installed on the system? Did you specifically install the NI 987x serial support on the RIO? This can be done from the add/remove software window.
    TJ G

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    These triggers are analog level triggers that are taken directly from one of the analog input channels. In LabVIEW, the DAQmx Trigger.vi can be configured to the trigger type that you need. In the shipping examples (Help >> Find Examples) for LabVIEW, a good example to look at would be Acq&Graph Voltage Int Clock Analog Start.vi.
    For Traditional DAQ, the AI Start.vi is used to configure the trigger. The example Cont Acq&Graph(buffered) Hard A-Trig.vi is a good referrence for that. Hope this helps.
    Best Regards,
    Jeremy R.
    NI - Applications Engineer

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    Yep! The URL has the answer. My problem statement wasn't quite accurate in that I claimed that I had errors on channels 8-31...Actually 8-15 and 24-31 were invalid and caused errors. What is/was confusing is that when editing an analog channel in MAX, and differential mode is selected, MAX allows the user to select invalid channel numbers(e.g. 8-15). The MAX editor requires the user to somehow "know" (or access the above URL) to skip 8 points to get to the next group of valid differential analog channels (16-23). It would be better if the channel number selector only displayed valid selections - based on the selected mode.

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    Is there any performance (accuracy) downside to the fully differential mode, compared to pseudo-differential?
    How are maximum voltages specified for fully differential mode (max voltage relative to ground)?
    Can I use one input channel of the PXI-4461 in differential mode, one in fully differential?

    I believe the information in this link would be helpful: Pseudodifferential versus Differential Input Configurations

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