Direct YouTube HD Settings in Premiere

Does anyone know the default settings in Premiere that's used for direct upload to YouTube with HD (H.264)?
When I do direct upload to YouTube, rendering a 10 min video usually takes only about 1 hour and the upload is about 20-30mins.  But if I do manual export, I don't seem to be able to replicate the same results, that is:
1) 1 hour rendering time for a 10 min video on HD
2) 20-30min upload to Youtube.
Thanks guys!

I've given you an FAQ link in your other discussion.
Insanity is hereditary, you get it from your children

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    I've always found this a bit annoying.
    The intended behaviour is that if you go into Premiere's audio settings, and choose "System Default Input/Output", it should change along with the system (so that the audio comes out wherever YouTube does). In practice, I've found this to be inconsistent in pre-CC versions of Premiere (CC fixes this).
    One tip that may be helpful for you in general on a Mac Pro:
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    2. Option-click on the icon and you'll get a quick menu of your output options

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    Assuming you do not have access to the "original" video/project and the YouTube video is the only copy, there is a method. Try "YouTube Downloader" which is a free software that allows you to download clips from YouTube as .mp4 files. You can then edit with Premiere, and re-encode again for upload to YouTube. Just keep in mind that you are re-compressing the video so there will be some quality loss. The better the quality of the original, the better the copy will hold up.
    Jeff Pulera
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    shooternzforumnotifierThe quality of the footage is lost when I use certain settings in Premiere Pro CS6Premiere Pro

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    Make the export setting the resolution you want to use on the web.
    Make the sequence settings accordantly to these export settings

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    premiere pro cs3 - on2 flash

    Check with YT.

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    What the hell do I do? Can someone explain this in an understandable way. As simply and specific as possible without sounding all mumbo jumbo technical?

    Remember this is a user to user forum and not Adobe. If you have problems here, then contact Adobe direct. Don't bite the non Adobe salaried helpers.
    The answers are in the details. And, I am going to ask for details as straight forward as possible. And, please excuse questions which seek to gather the information that you alone have.
    1. Is this a "it worked before or not now problem" or "it never worked before". If it worked before, how long ago?
    2. Have you checked the integrity of your Internet connection and settings?
    3. To check the integrity of your YouTube account, please export your Timeline as a .mov or .mp4 file and save it to hard drive. From the hard drive upload it to YouTube at the YouTube web site. Does that upload succeed?
    4. If you sign into YouTube at the YouTube web site, minimize that window, open Premiere Elements and try the Online/YouTube route, does that impact the issue?
    5. Are you having any other problems with the performance of these two versions except for the Online/YouTube?
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    Can you help me help you?

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    I don't know that we can help you sign into YouTube, kerasmom.
    But worse case, you can create your video and upload it manually, per the FAQs to the right of this forum. In fact, some people prefer doing it this way because of the improved quality!

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    Then the photo below of the 1280 clip looks much cleaner.
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    Any help is appreciated.  Thanks.

    A DVD is 720x480 so anything larger must be scaled down to be legal according to the DVD specification
    CS5-thru-CC PPro/Encore tutorial list may help


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    Hi Sabretooth04,
    Thank for the link to the HP LaserJet Pro 300/400 Color User Guide. I have already downloaded the PDF of the User Guide and have it safely stored in the "Documents" folder on my main hard drive. I have made searches within the document looking for information about securing the wireless WiFi connection on the HP LaserJet Pro 300/400 Color. I have not found the answer I was looking for.
    You directed me to page 43 in the HP LaserJet Pro 300/400 Color User Guide (document number c02663889). Unfortunetely those instructions are for installing a Windows wireless network. I do not have a Windows computer. I have an Apple iMac computer. I apologize for not being clear enough about the computer I'm using.
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    Thank you.

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    Unfortunately, you can not edit MJPEG videos in Premiere Elements, Editer.
    Actually, some people can. It depends on your machine. But for the most part, it won't go -- and there's no guarantee that even installing that codec will make it. (But you can try. Just install your camera's software -- which sometimes works.)
    The wisest solution is to convert the file to a DV-AVI using a program like MPEG Streamclip, as discussed in this FAQ.

  • How do you change project settings on Premiere Elements 12?

    I have Premiere Elements 12. When I view a DVD I created of wedding photos, the edges of people and objects are jagged and generally the photos appear blurry. On my old Premiere Elements 8, I did not have this problem - the pictures on DVDs were clear and sharp. When checking the project setting on Premiere 8, the project settings for Capture was DV which changed all my settings for General and Rendering project settings. On my new Premiere 12, the Capture setting is HDV and I cannot get the General and Rendering settings to change when I change the Capture setting to DV. The online help from Adobe says to correct this, "In the New Project dialog box, click Change Settings," but when I start a new project in Premiere 12, "Adobe Premiere Element Editor" is the only dialogue box that shows and I cannot see a change setting button. Does anyone know how I can change my project settings so that when I select DV it will change all the presets for the General and Video Rendering settings?

    The party line is that you cannot change project settings once the project settings have been set. You need to start a new project.
    Edit Menu/Project Settings/General does not offer the opportunity for any significant project settings change in this type of situation.
    I have discovered that, under certain circumstances, that the user can change the established project preset without starting a new project.
    The approach to doing this involves editing the Notepad document of the saved closed project file (project.prel file). I have written about this in the following blog post.
    You need to weigh the pros and cons of going through the procedure or just starting a new project and start the project again.
    All of the above being said, on to setting to the correct project preset to match the properties of your source media. Please refer to the issues involved and how to set manually the project preset when the program is not doing the job correctly or best automatically.
    To the specifics...if you are doing DV data capture firewire into Premiere Elements 12 Capture Window, the scenario would be...
    a. Open Premiere Elements 12 to the Expert workspace, go to File Menu/New/Project and Change Settings. In Change Settings,
    change the project preset to NTSC DV Standard or NTSC DV Widescreen depending on NTSC or PAL set up and 4:3 or 16:9 DV data source. Then before you exit that area, make sure to place a check mark next to "Force Selected Project Setting on This Project" in
    the new project dialog. Exit that area and return to the Premiere Elements 12 Expert workspace for your Add Media/DV Capture selection.
    If you are doing HDV data capture firewire into Premiere Elements 12 Capture Window, then same scenario except the project preset change involves NTSC HDV HDV 1080i30 (if NTSC). In this instance, the Edit Menu/Project Settings/General should look like
    Please review and consider and then let me know if I have targeted you question or need clarification.
    Thank you.

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