Disable form while submitting data (via HTTPService)

And how can I let them know once the data submission has been
So far, i've been using Alert.show() for both submission +
notification of submission completion but it's a little weird b/c
the first alert is below the second alert... so the user has to
click twice to get back to the form. Not to mention the FIRST alert
window is still after data has been submitted...
Any recommendations?

I think this is happening because the response from the
server is received before the user clicks OK on the Alert showing
that the data is being submitted.
I think of two solutions for this,
One is set the showBusyCursor property of the HTTPService
component to true. So that a busy cursor will be displayed to the
user when you call the send() method of the HTTPService, till the
response is back from the server.
Second is to have a custom component displaying message
asking the user to wait, which can be popped up using PopupManager
when the user clicks on submit and then remove it when the response
is back from the server.
Hope this helps.

Similar Messages

  • Chart dataTipFunction and loading data via HTTPService

    Hi everyone,
    I have a problem and I hope someone is able to give me a hint.
    I am using a chart with data points. At the moment I am using a datatipFunction in order to give each point a "tooltip".
    Now I need the ability to load some data via httpservice and display this as tooltip instead of the original value while being over a point.
    It is needede because of a lot of data and a continuous minimal change of its values. I don't want to reload every possible data. Only examined datatips should be updated.
    mouse over datapoint --> tooltip: "please wait, while updating" --> httpservice finished --> tooltip: "new data xyz"
    The datatip function only returns a string, that is displayed as tooltip. If the datatip function calls a httpservice, how can I update that tooltip text?
    Any ideas?

    Hi everyone,
    I have a problem and I hope someone is able to give me a hint.
    I am using a chart with data points. At the moment I am using a datatipFunction in order to give each point a "tooltip".
    Now I need the ability to load some data via httpservice and display this as tooltip instead of the original value while being over a point.
    It is needede because of a lot of data and a continuous minimal change of its values. I don't want to reload every possible data. Only examined datatips should be updated.
    mouse over datapoint --> tooltip: "please wait, while updating" --> httpservice finished --> tooltip: "new data xyz"
    The datatip function only returns a string, that is displayed as tooltip. If the datatip function calls a httpservice, how can I update that tooltip text?
    Any ideas?

  • Receiving and displaying XML data via HTTPService

    Hi folks. I am a pretty experienced database programmer, I
    work with a software called Magic eDev, but I'm a complete newby in
    I am trying to use Flex 3 to create a web / client interface
    for an application written in Magic eDev. I've made a very simple
    Flex App to read an XML file generated by another application
    written in the third party software (Magic eDev 9.4) via
    HTTPService. I think I have the HTTPService request part figured
    out, This little Application does not cause any errors in Flex.
    However, I am not seeing my data in the display. If I manually try
    the URL query to the Magic App, I do get the XML file with the data
    in it, but Flex doesn't seem to see anything.
    I just want to get two fields via the HTTPService data and
    display them, but I'm not getting any result. I can't even tell if
    Flex is actually querying Magic or not. Can anyone explain what I'm
    doing wrong?
    Also, is there some way to monitor what the Flex app is doing
    when you run it, as you can in some other systems?
    Here is my code:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:Application xmlns:mx="
    import mx.rpc.events.FaultEvent;
    import mx.rpc.events.ResultEvent;
    private function serv_result(evt:ResultEvent):void {
    var resultObj:Object = evt.result;
    userName.text = resultObj.catalog.username;
    emailAddress.text = resultObj.catalog.emailaddress;
    private function serv_fault(evt:FaultEvent):void {
    error.text += evt.fault.faultString;
    error.visible = true;
    form.visible = false;
    <mx:String id="XML_URL">album.xml</mx:String>
    <mx:HTTPService id="loginService"
    result="{ResultEvent(event)}" fault="{FaultEvent(event)}">
    <mx:ApplicationControlBar dock="true">
    <mx:Label text="{XML_URL}" />
    <mx:Label id="error"
    <mx:Form id="form"
    <mx:FormItem label="resultObj.catalog.username:">
    <mx:Label id="userName" />
    <mx:FormItem label="resultObj.catalog.emailaddress:">
    <mx:Label id="emailAddress" />
    This is what the XML file looks like:
    <?xml version="1.0" ?>
    - <catalog>

    I'm sorry to be a pest but this link doesn't seem to work!! I
    keep getting this error:
    A system error has occurred - our apologies!
    Please contact your Confluence administrator to create a
    support issue on our support system at
    with the following information:
    a description of your problem and what you were doing at the
    time it occurred
    cut & paste the error and system information found below
    attach the application server log file (if possible).
    We will respond as promptly as possible.
    Thank you!

  • Two forms on same page..save state of one form while submitting other.

    I have 2 form on same page....
    first is form on table....
    nd another is tabular form.....
    now if I make an entry in both table ,,,,and after entering data in tabular form if click on submit button of tabular for the data of tabular form get submitted,,but the data I have been enter in first form get erased.....
    now my question is how can I save state of my first form even after clicking on submit button...........

    Hi Shirish,
    in your scenario you can write manual process for one form in your both forms, using this way you can achieve you functionality.
    do the above and for that manual process keep the button name as your second form button means, for two forms saving with only one button.
    i am not sure in this, but you can try something.
    Edited by: Chandran on Nov 28, 2011 2:21 AM

  • How do I initialize an array after getting xml data via httpservice?

    I am having a problem trying to initialize an array with data from an external xml file obtained via httpservice.  Any help/direction would be much appreciated.  I am using Flex 4 (Flash Builder 4).
    Here is my xml file (partial):
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
            <icdcodedanddesc>00 PROCEDURES AND INTERVENT</icdcodedanddesc>
            <icdcodedanddesc>00.0 THERAPEUTIC ULTRASOUND</icdcodedanddesc>
            <icdcodedanddesc>00.01 THERAPEUTIC US VESSELS H</icdcodedanddesc>
            <icdcodedanddesc>00.02 THERAPEUTIC ULTRASOUND O</icdcodedanddesc>
    Here is my http service call:
    <s:HTTPService id="icdcodeservice" url="ICD9V2MergeNumAndDescNotAllCodes.xml"
                           result="icdcodesService_resultHandler(event)" showBusyCursor="true"  />
    (I have tried resultFormat using object, array, xml).
    I am using this following Tour de Flex example as the base -http://www.adobe.com/devnet-archive/flex/tourdeflex/web/#docIndex=0;illustIndex=1;sampleId =70500
    and updating it with the httpservice call and result handler.  But I cannot get the data to appear - I get [object Object] instead.  In my result handler code  I use "icdcodesar = new Array(event.result.Root.Row);"  and then "icdcodesar.refresh();".
    The key question is: How to I get data from an external xml file into an array without getting [object Object] when referencing the array entries.  Thanks much!
    (Tour de Flex example at http://www.adobe.com/devnet-archive/flex/tourdeflex/web/#docIndex=0;illustIndex=1;sampleId =70500  follows)
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009" 
            @namespace s "library://ns.adobe.com/flex/spark";
            @namespace mx "library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx";
            @namespace local "*";
            s|Label {
                color: #000000;
                import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
                private var names:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection(
                    ["John Smith", "Jane Doe", "Paul Dupont", "Liz Jones", "Marie Taylor"]);
                private function searchName(item:Object):Boolean
                    return item.toLowerCase().search(searchBox.text) != -1;
                private function textChangeHandler():void
                    names.filterFunction = searchName;
                    searchBox.dataProvider = names;
                private function itemSelectedHandler(event:SearchBoxEvent):void
                    fullName.text = event.item as String;   
            <s:HorizontalLayout verticalAlign="middle" horizontalAlign="center" />
        <s:Panel title="Components Samples"
                 width="600" height="100%"
                <s:HorizontalLayout horizontalAlign="center"
                                    paddingLeft="10" paddingRight="10"
                                    paddingTop="10" paddingBottom="10"/>
            <s:HGroup >
                <s:Label text="Type a few characters to search:" />
                <local:SearchBox id="searchBox" textChange="textChangeHandler()" itemSelected="itemSelectedHandler(event)"/>
            <mx:FormItem label="You selected:" >
                <s:TextInput id="fullName"/>

    Instead of extracting the first zero element from the vid array, you should take that out and connect it allone.
    init.bmp ‏339 KB

  • Getting error while submitting data to excel workbook through excel services in InfoPath 2010

    I have a requirement where in have to fetch the calculated values from the excel workbook through InfoPath 2010 form.
    When I am submitting cell value to excel workbook using SetCellA1 by executing following action:
    "Submit using data connection: dataconnection"
    I am unable to submit form. It is giving "there has been an error while processing the form" in the front end. I checked the event viewer and it displayed following exception:
    There was a form postback error. (User: xxxx, Form Name: yyyyyyyy, IP: , Request:
    http://asadadsas Request Form Template.xsn&SaveLocation=/somelocation, Form ID: urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:infopath:formname:-myXSD-2010-09-20T15-02-34, Type: KeyNotFoundException, Exception Message: The given key was
    not present in the dictionary.)
    I was successfully able to submit the form using InfoPath client but it is giving error in the browser.
    Is there any way or configuration that I should do to resolve this issue.
    Any suggesttion would be of great help.
    Sharepoint Consultant from NY, USA

    I have exactly the same problem. The form is supposed to be submitted to the SOAP Web service (http://servername/_vti_bin/ExcelService.asmx) using the SetCellA1 operation, works fine in InfoPath Filler, but when I try to submit it in the browser, I get this
    There was a form postback error. (User: WINGTIP\Administrator, Form Name: NewEventForms, IP: , Request: http://intranet.wingtip.com/et/_layouts/FormServer.aspx?XsnLocation=http://intranet.wingtip.com/et/NewEventForms/Forms/template.xsn&SaveLocation=http://intranet.wingtip.com/et/NewEventForms&Source=http://intranet.wingtip.com/et/NewEventForms/Forms/AllItems.aspx&DefaultItemOpen=1,
    Form ID: urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:infopath:NewEventForms:-myXSD-2011-12-29T18-18-45, Type: KeyNotFoundException, Exception Message: The given key was not present in the dictionary.)
    followed by
    Unhandled exception when rendering form on postback System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.    
     at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowKeyNotFoundException()    
     at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.get_Item(TKey key)    
     at Microsoft.Office.InfoPath.Server.SolutionLifetime.DatabaseHelper.GetSchemaXml(String namespaceUri, Solution solution, String dataObjectName, SchemaNavigator& schema, XPathNavigator& originalSchema, XmlNamespaceManager& namespaceManager)
     at Microsoft.Office.InfoPath.Server.SolutionLifetime.PartFragmentHelper.IsDataSetNode(Solution solution, XPathNavigator node)    
     at Microsoft.Office.InfoPath.Server.SolutionLifetime.PartFragmentHelper.ApplyPartFragmentGather(DataAdapter adapter, XPathNavigator sourceDOM, DataObjects dataObjects, XPathNavigator targetDOM, PartFragment[] partFragments, Boolean[]& areDataSets)
     at Microsoft.Office.InfoPath.Server.SolutionLifetime.DataAdapterWebServiceSubmit.Execute(Document document, Uri soapAction, Uri serviceUrl, XPathNavigator querySubDOM, XPathNavigator resultsSubDOM, XPathNavigator errorsSubDOM, Int64 timeout, DataAdapterCredentials
    credentials, Boolean useDcl, Boolean useProxy, Boolean useSelf)    
     at Microsoft.Office.InfoPath.Server.DocumentLifetime.DataAdapterWebServiceSubmit.ExecuteInternal(XPathNavigator queryFields, XPathNavigator resultFields, XPathNavigator errors)    
     at Microsoft.Office.InfoPath.Server.SolutionLifetime.RuleAction.EvaluateExpression(Document document, XPathNavigator currentTarget)    
     at Microsoft.Office.InfoPath.Server.SolutionLifetime.RulesRuleSet.EvaluateExpression(Document document, XPathNavigator targetNavigator)    
     at Microsoft.Office.InfoPath.Server.DocumentLifetime.Document.ExecuteDefaultSubmitAction()    
     at Microsoft.Office.InfoPath.Server.SolutionLifetime.ButtonSubmit.Click(Document document, XPathNavigator container)    
     at Microsoft.Office.InfoPath.Server.DocumentLifetime.EventClick.Play(Document document, BindingServices bindingServices, EventLogProcessor eventLogProcessor)    
     at Microsoft.Office.InfoPath.Server.DocumentLifetime.EventLogProcessor.ExecuteLog(Int32 expectedEventLogID)    
     at Microsoft.Office.InfoPath.Server.DocumentLifetime.Document.<>c__DisplayClass13.<PlayEventLog>b__11()    
     at Microsoft.Office.Server.Diagnostics.FirstChanceHandler.ExceptionFilter(Boolean fRethrowException, TryBlock tryBlock, FilterBlock filter, CatchBlock catchBlock, FinallyBlock finallyBlock)
    What might be wrong? Are there any InfoPath configurations that need to be done? And, do I need to save the connection to the Excel Service Service Application to a connection file?

  • Refresh only page item while submitting data from the popup window

    Hi All,
    I'm pretty new to Apex .....
    I have a form with text items as first few entries and then a radio button list and few text items again. On selecting certain radio button I have a popup window which acts as an interface for the next text item in the calling page. The purpose of having the popup window is that the text item following the radio button takes the input with certain character delimiters along with the data. Instead of using delimiters while entering the data I want a meaningful data to be keyed in the popup window and all the string operation to be done as a background process. I have been successful this far. I'm using the below javascript on click of the submit button.
    On doing this I'm losing the values submitted for the items prior to the radio button(including radio button). Please note, I have a dynamic action set on page load to reset the values. Is it possible to refresh just the page item from the popup window.
    Also, I tried excluding the window.opener.doSubmit('REFRESH'); from the above javascript. It sets the item with the expected value (viewed it in the session items, however I would like to view the concatenated string on my calling page) but following this there is an insert operation which uses all the necessary items in the form. All values except the value returned from the popup window is populated into the table. Am I missing something.
    Any help in this regard is appreciated.
    Thank you!!!

    Value set using Javascript is only in your browser page but is not yet available in the session. This is why the report doesn't return the expected output.
    Before refreshing the report you would need to set the session state of this item.
    You can set it after you assign the item a new value or before the report is refreshed
    For Interactive Reports, this is available built in
    you can go to Report Attributes >Advanced Attributes -> Page Items to Submit and specify P2_X1 for the field(and any other page item that the report is dependent on)
    For standard reports, you can create a Dynamic Action that is triggered "before refresh" of the report's region, and choose PLSQL as the action types, give a dummy BEGIN NULL END; for the code and specify this item name in the page item to submit field so that it sets the items's value in session.

  • Error while extracting data via UD Connect

    Trying for the first time to connect Oracle data base/JDBC connection type via UD connect(we are in BI 7.0).While creating the data source and assigning UD Connect source object in the extraction tab,following error is obtained" UDCADAPTERROR::RSSDK100 ,cannot open connection"
    Appreciate if anybody can advice me on this..checked the RFC connection in BW and its working ok.

    Hi Michael, we have JDBC connection tested in TestJDBCPage.jsp and working good, only have problems in Schema for access to tables, but in SQL test using Schema the result is ok.
    How we can get Logs for detect the problem in msg : <b>UDCADPTERERROR::RSSDK|200|TABLE:</b>
    We apreciate you collaboration, thank you.

  • Error while Loading data Via Integrator

    I'm currently following the GettingStarted screencast series 3.0 in youtube.
    In the 'loadData.grf', while i'm trying to load data's to data domain after configuring the 'Reformat' and 'ExHashJoin' I'm getting below error, can anyone kindly help me?
    INFO  [main] - ***  CloverETL framework/transformation graph, (c) 2002-2013 Javlin a.s, released under GNU Lesser General Public License  ***
    INFO  [main] - Running with CloverETL library version 3.3.0 build#036 compiled 12/02/2013 18:45:45
    INFO  [main] - Running on 4 CPU(s), OS Windows 7, architecture amd64, Java version 1.7.0_07, max available memory for JVM 668160 KB
    INFO  [main] - Loading default properties from: defaultProperties
    INFO  [main] - Graph definition file: graph/Copy of LoadData1.grf
    INFO  [main] - Graph revision: 1.17 Modified by: MANJU Modified: Tue Jul 23 08:08:54 IST 2013
    INFO  [main] - Checking graph configuration...
    ERROR [main] - Graph configuration is invalid.
    WARN  [main] - [Join Dim on Facts:JOIN_DIM_ON_FACTS] - Input port 4 not defined or mapping has too many elements (number of input ports: 4)
    ERROR [main] - [ResponseSurvey:RESPONSE_SURVEY] - At least 1 output port must be defined!
    ERROR [main] - Error during graph initialization !
    Element [1371098357416:LoadData]-Graph configuration is invalid.
      at org.jetel.graph.runtime.EngineInitializer.initGraph(EngineInitializer.java:263)
      at org.jetel.graph.runtime.EngineInitializer.initGraph(EngineInitializer.java:239)
      at org.jetel.main.runGraph.runGraph(runGraph.java:377)
      at org.jetel.main.runGraph.main(runGraph.java:341)
    Caused by: org.jetel.exception.ConfigurationException: [ResponseSurvey:RESPONSE_SURVEY] - At least 1 output port must be defined!
      at org.jetel.exception.ConfigurationProblem.toException(ConfigurationProblem.java:156)
      at org.jetel.exception.ConfigurationStatus.toException(ConfigurationStatus.java:106)

    I've managed to recreate the graph.But stuck with other error on the "Getting started" application.
    This time I'm adding "Geography Dim" and "Reseller Dim" through ExHash join to "Join Dims to Fact".
    I've got the below error
    INFO  [main] - ***  CloverETL framework/transformation graph, (c) 2002-2013 Javlin a.s, released under GNU Lesser General Public License  ***
    INFO  [main] - Running with CloverETL library version 3.3.0 build#036 compiled 12/02/2013 18:45:45
    INFO  [main] - Running on 4 CPU(s), OS Windows 7, architecture amd64, Java version 1.7.0_07, max available memory for JVM 668160 KB
    INFO  [main] - Loading default properties from: defaultProperties
    INFO  [main] - Graph definition file: graph/LoadData.grf
    INFO  [main] - Graph revision: 1.26 Modified by: MANJU Modified: Thu Jul 25 23:54:02 IST 2013
    INFO  [main] - Checking graph configuration...
    INFO  [main] - Graph configuration is valid.
    INFO  [main] - Graph initialization (LoadData)
    INFO  [main] - [Clover] Initializing phase: 0
    INFO  [main] - [Clover] phase: 0 initialized successfully.
    INFO  [WatchDog] - Starting up all nodes in phase [0]
    INFO  [WatchDog] - Successfully started all nodes in phase!
    ERROR [WatchDog] - Graph execution finished with error
    ERROR [WatchDog] - Node GEOGRAPHY_DIM finished with status: ERROR caused by: Component pre-execute initialization failed.
    ERROR [WatchDog] - Node GEOGRAPHY_DIM error details:
    Element [GEOGRAPHY_DIM:Geography Dim]-Component pre-execute initialization failed.
      at org.jetel.graph.Node.run(Node.java:458)
      at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:722)
    Caused by: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 10
      at org.jetel.data.parser.AhoCorasick.isPattern(AhoCorasick.java:182)
      at org.jetel.data.parser.CharByteDataParser$ByteRecordSkipper.skipInput(CharByteDataParser.java:1594)
      at org.jetel.data.parser.CharByteDataParser.skip(CharByteDataParser.java:264)
      at org.jetel.util.MultiFileReader.skip(MultiFileReader.java:341)
      at org.jetel.util.MultiFileReader.nextSource(MultiFileReader.java:286)
      at org.jetel.util.MultiFileReader.preExecute(MultiFileReader.java:498)
      at org.jetel.component.DataReader.preExecute(DataReader.java:237)
      at org.jetel.graph.Node.run(Node.java:456)
      ... 1 more
    INFO  [WatchDog] - [Clover] Post-execute phase finalization: 0
    INFO  [WatchDog] - [Clover] phase: 0 post-execute finalization successfully.
    INFO  [WatchDog] - Execution of phase [0] finished with error - elapsed time(sec): 0
    ERROR [WatchDog] - !!! Phase finished with error - stopping graph run !!!
    INFO  [WatchDog] - -----------------------** Summary of Phases execution **---------------------
    INFO  [WatchDog] - Phase#            Finished Status         RunTime(sec)    MemoryAllocation(KB)
    INFO  [WatchDog] - 0                 ERROR                              0             27979
    INFO  [WatchDog] - ------------------------------** End of Summary **---------------------------
    INFO  [WatchDog] - WatchDog thread finished - total execution time: 5 (sec)
    INFO  [main] - Freeing graph resources.
    ERROR [main] - Execution of graph failed !
    kindly help.

  • Error while exporting data via Tcode CNS43 by using spreadsheet(XXL) option

    Hello All,
    User tries to download data to spreadsheet via Tcode CNS43 by using spreadsheet(XXL) option. user gets following error.
    Selected key figure STUFE not contained in XXL output structure
    Message no. M5180
    You tried to export a key figure that is not contained in the definition of the internal table 'xxl_data'. The key figure, therefore, cannot be exported.
    System response
    The system ignored the key figure column when exporting.
    The table definition for 'xxl_data' must be corrected by the development department responsible for the application.
    Please note that user doesnt want to use 'save to file' option.
    Any help?

    Refer SAP notes 761839, 522925

  • Request Timedout error while submitting data in Planning thorugh Smart view

    Hi ,
    We are getting Request Timed out error when trying to submit data to Planning application using Smart view.
    " Cannot connect to the provider because:The request Timed out. Contact your administrator to increase netRetryCount and netRetryInterval." Can someone please tell me where can i increase these time out settings? Can someone give me the link of the document that has detailed steps for this.

    Go to the knowledge base and search for document ID 744559.1
    By design, Internet Explorer imposes a time-out limit for the server to return data. Internet Explorer does not wait endlessly for the server to come back with data when the server has a problem.
    Smart View communicates via HTTP for which Internet Explorer DLLs are utilized. Smart View users who perform large requests or have a slow network connection can encounter the error, "The request timed out. Contact administrator to increase NetRetryCount and NetRetryInterval."
    This error message can be misleading since this error also occurs, if the Internet Explorer time out settings do not cater for larger operations. By default, Internet Explorer has a KeepAliveTimeout value of one minute and an additional limiting factor (ServerInfoTimeout) of two minutes.
    Please see the following two Microsoft articles for further information:
    The following steps should be done with the assistance of your Systems Administration group. It is recommended a backup of the registry is done prior to making any modifications.
    On the client machine, update/add the following registry keys:
    1. Open the Registry, Start -> Run -> Regedit.
    2. Locate the following section:
    [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings]\
    3.Create the following new DWORD keys with decimal values:
    In this example, the ReceiveTimeout setting is 8 minutes. The KeepAliveTimeout and ServerInfoTimeout settings are 3 minutes. Set these to greater than the longest running request.
    4. Restart the machine for the new settings to take effect.

  • Showing more than one month while selecting date via mx:DateField

    I would like to show previous month, current and next accordingly to current date.
    Is it possible to achieve this using DateField?
    If no is there any 3rd party control allows such a feature? I found nothing on this.
    I suppose I'm not the first one who need this ability. Please, could any kind sould help me?
    Thanx in advance.

    Its seems like an awfully old post but I am facing same problem at the moment so I thought I will put in my 2 cents to the discussion;)
    Jason, what you wrote is not true I am afraid. Property selectableRange of DateField expects object and not an array. In other words it will only work with singular date range.
    I am currently working on a tool where I need to limit date selection on DateField. Basically user will select some task on drop down and type of the task (assignment) should restrict possible entries on DateField component. I am no stranger to using property selectableRange but sadly it does not work with multiple ranges:(
    I would not like to try and change standard Flex code (DateChooser.as for instance) to achieve that as I don’t want to be bothered with re-doing these bits when upgrading (migrating to newer Flex or whatnot).
    kilyas2007, I would suggest doing the following:
         1) Merge your date ranges into one (from lowest to highest value)
         2) Disable unwanted dates in between using disabledRanges property (this is an array parameter thankfully)
    Perhaps someone knows a better way to do it?

  • Column Mapping while loading data via tab delimited text file

    While attempting to load data I get an error message at the "Define Column Mapping" step. It reads as follows:
    1 error has occurred
    There are NOT NULL columns in SYSTEM.BASICINFO. Select to upload the data without an error
    The drop down box has the names of the columns, but I don't know how to map them to the existing field names, I guess.
    By the way, where can I learn what goes in "format" at this same juncture.

    You can use Insert Into Array and wire the column index input instead of the row index as shown in the following pic:
    Just be sure that the number of elements in Array2 is the same as the number of rows in Array1.
    Message Edited by tbob on 03-07-2006 11:32 AM
    - tbob
    Inventor of the WORM Global
    Add Column.png ‏2 KB

  • ExecuteBaseLogic::Invalid object name 'tblStatus'  when submitting data

    Hi experts,
    I've encounter the following error while submitting data via input schedule:
    ExecuteBaseLogic::Invalid object name 'tblStatus' in: select distince d.CATEGORY,d.ENTITY,d.TIMEID from #RESULT_334020 d where signeddata<>0 and exists [select * from tblstatus s where [APP]='TIS' and d.CATEGORY=s.CATEGORY and d.ENTITY=s.ENTITY and d.TIMEID=s.TIMEID and [Status]>0).
    I did not find any OSS notes on this and not sure what is the problem. Appreciate your advise on this issue.

    I have encountered the same problem as you have when starting an SSIS package with the setting: "Check for work status settings". According to SAP in BPC 5 SP 6 this setting must not be chosen.
    I guess, that this setting is somehow passed to your default logic. So, you can try the following:
    In BPC for Excel go to eData / Organize Package List; choose the company folder and in this the System Administration group. Select "Default Formulas" and click the edit button (a sheet with a pencil). In the pop-up box click the edit button next to the field with the file name (that's a sheet with a magnifying glass). In the new pop-up box click "Advanced". Put an apostrophe (') before the prompt for %CHECKLCK% and replace
    TASK(Execute formulas,CHECKLCK,%CHECKLCK%)
    TASK(Execute formulas,CHECKLCK,0)
    Then try again. Maybe, this works.
    Best regards,
    Edited by: Hartmut Kesper on Feb 9, 2009 2:45 PM

  • Unique id  when form is submitted

    I have a form that submits data to an access 2007 database. I
    am using formfields: Is there a way to create a unique id that gets
    entered into the database and display it as an
    registration/confirmation number on the action page? _ THANK YOU
    <cfinsert datasource="design2008"
    formfields="fullname, Email, County, Title, Phone, Address1,
    Address2, Payment, CitySTZip, Allergies, Vegetarian,">

    I tried adding a query to retrieve the date that a person
    registers on. I set the default value in access to Now() so it adds
    the date when a user submits a registration. I then added a query
    to retrieve the date. On the action page it retrieves the date but
    it returns ALL of the dates in the table - see query and output
    below. - thank you
    <cfquery name="register" datasource="design2008">
    SELECT RegisterDate FROM 2008RDCRegistratation
    <cfoutput query="register">Your registration number is
    Your registration number is Your registration number is Your
    registration number is Your registration number is 2008-07-24
    10:20:03.0Your registration number is 2008-07-24 10:21:28.0Your
    registration number is 2008-07-24 10:22:04.0Your registration
    number is Your registration number is

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