Disassembly of Mac Pro - Jewelers Screws?

I know this is not a PC, but why, oh why would they make the first step in getting anything apart in your Mac Pro to remove 2 small jewelers screws on the bottom of the memory compartment that are not only hard to get at, but are so blasted tight, that they get stripped out when attempting to remove them.
Has anybody had any luck removing them without a stripped screw remover?

Thanks for the link mbean, if I can't saw the screws
off, it's nice to know that I can just push the cage
back to remove the heatsink cover and front fan
Not sure why the other posters are playing devil's
advocate because these screws are completely
ridiculous and maybe I just want to disassemble the
case for the heck of it.
I have found that while the Apple boards can be very helpful, many of the posters support Apple decisions even when they make no sense. There seems to be a lack of independent thinking or there are a lots of Apple drones out there. If you really want to get them going start talking about how "Dell doesn't have this problem".
Personally, I don't care who makes a product, if there is a way to make it better, I am interested. Its funny that some users would question why you want to take the Mac Pro apart. Like you need to explain your reasons before they can help you?
I have tried to remove the center CPU heat sink by moving the memory tray back but the play on my unit is not enough to loosen the tabs. In the AndanTech article the writer seems surprised that he did not break the tabs
Based on that, I think pushing the memory cage back may not be the best solution.

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    I have the Sonnet E2P in my Mac Pro Early 2008. Also available in UK from here:
    And "Yes": that arrangement is the PCI-Express card connector - that's what you need.
    It's definitely a Mac card - Sonnet product page here has latest drivers, etc.:
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    Edit: you could always use one of these:
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    How certain are you the superdrive ONLY is at fault?
    That depends on your skill level, if you grew up tearing things apart and putting them together, its absurd how easy it is.
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    - Matteo (Italy)

    Thanks to all,
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    Those are intriguing, but I wonder if they would also be too long.
    I would trim some of the existing bolts down, or buy some of those ones you posted and, if needed, trim them down. I have an electrician's tool that has bolt-trimmers for common sizes (and 6-32 is one of them). The bolt trimmer has threaded holes near the pivot point for several different small sizes. Here is a picture of a similar tool:
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    {quote:title=Yep, one from heat sink, and the other from memory bay front edge. }{quote}
    As the above post indicates, if one of the screws are from the heat sink, it might be a good idea to check cpu temps on the machine... Even with re-fastening the loose screw, if the heatsinks are screwed in "unevenly" it could produce less than stellar temps, as the heatsink will not be "even" with the cpu.
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    To check temps:
    Thermal paste options:
    Thermal paste tutorial: (there are many ways to do this, this is just one)

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    Any suggestions as to what to try? Otherwise, I'll be off to the Apple Store tomorrow for a One to One!! :-(
    Thanks for any help and Happy Mother's Day!!  

    Take the MP and connect it via ETH to your main router.
    Restart the machine holding down command option R, you should see a spinning globe
    Open disk utility and reformat the MP HD as Mac journaled
    Then install OSX on this drive

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    In case anyone is wondering how it's taken apart for CPU upgrade, here's some pictures: http://picasaweb.google.fi/jiimaa/5150To5160?feat=directlink
    If any questions, I'd be happy to answer.
    Also, if anyone knows an easy way to take the plastic memory riser card guide thingy (what's it even called?) out of the memory cage, it'd be greatly appreciated.. I kind of forced it out, luckily intact.

    Very impressive set of pictures!
    Thanks for making the process of your brave adventure available for others..

  • Does anyone have a PA271W, 2010 Mac Pro, and 5870 working via DisplayPort?

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    There are numerous threads about multi-monitor and resume-from-sleep issues with Mac Pro 2010 (5,1) and ATI 5870. There is also one thread in this forum with another user having problems with DisplayPort (henceforth, "DP") on his PA271W, but he has other issues that point to power supply or some other kind of problem.
    My problem is that my brand new Mac Pro won't drive my PA271W at all with a mini-DP to DP cable. The same PA271W will drive fine from the secondary output of my iMac. The same PA271W will also work fine on the Mac Pro with DVI.
    Apple sent me a replacement 5870 today, and it exhibits the same behavior. I'm trying to determine which of the following is the case:
    a) 2010 MP, ATI 5870, and PA271W are an impossible combination that doesn't work.
    b) My 2010 MP has some weird issue that makes the 5870 and PA271W not work.
    Unfortunately, I don't have another DP monitor to swap the third variable. I've swapped the second variable courtesy Apple. I'd rather not swap the first variable until I absolutely know that's the problem, because it's a huge hassle to disassemble and reassemble another machine.
    Anyone already have this exact configuration working okay?

    To answer your question based on what I have seen and inferred so far:
    a) I think there's some odd interaction b/w the PA271W, the 5870, and some diagnostic message the 5870 send to the logic board.
    b) I don't think this is the case (alternatively ALL 2010 MPs are screwed up!). I was at the Apple store yesterday and tried both a 30" + dual-link miniDP adapter and a 24" miniDP monitors with no issues at all. There's clearly and issue between the PA271W and the 5870, I think.
    My PA271W + miniDP/DP cable work fine on both a '09 mac mini and a '09 macbook pro 17". On the mac pro, I cannot boot with it's connected to the miniDP, but it works fine when connected to the DVI port. I can actually connect the PA271W to the miniDP after booting, and this actually works fine, but I'm not going to be doing this every time, too much of a pain.
    One important clue (I think): If the mac pro is switched OFF and the PA271W is switched ON, the overcurrent LED light (right next to the CPU) will light up. What this indicates to me is not that there's a power issue (as I originally thought) but that somehow the 5870 is reporting to the mac that something really nasty is connected to it's miniDP connector, and that the mac should not boot.
    A poster suggested I disable the DDC/IC on the PA271W. I have the impression this might work (will try tonight). Spectraview can use the USB port for communication with the monitor so I don't think this would be a problem.

  • 2006 mac pro 2.66 in need of an airport card!

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    Found this on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Apple-Airport-Extreme-Bcm94321mc-802-11n/dp/B004OHOTJS/ref =sr13?ie=UTF8&qid=1300723614&sr=8-3
    Can anyone verify which airport card to use for a 2006 mac pro model?

    Hi cmotta12,
    You might find this thread (Purchasing/Installing Airport Extreme card for Mac Pro 1,1 (2006) of interest:
    One important thing to note is that the official Apple Airport Card Wireless Upgrade Kits come complete with the two micro screws which are needed to install the card.
    These screws are not readily available, so ensure that they are included when you buy your Upgrade Kit.

  • Mac Pro RAID 5 disk goes offline frequently in a random way. What can be causing this odd behavior?

    Hi dudes,
    I installed recently two Mac Pro RAID cards inside their corresponding Mac Pro systems. Four 2 TB Hitachi SATA disks are contained inside each system, and configured as RAID 5. Yes, the operating system is installed on this RAID 5 volume in order to get the highest performance of the array, taking advantage of the RAID 5 protection (Autodesk Smoke runs in each system; this application works only with uncompressed video in real time). I already had tested both systems keeping separated the boot disk just for the operating system, and making the RAID 5 volume just with three 2 TB disks, but the performance was slow on both systems.
    The performance is now very good, but unfortunately, in both systems happens that sometimes one of the disks goes offline with no apparent reason. The RAID Utility immediately reports the failure and it is mandatory to declare as spare the disk that went offline. Then the rebuild process begins, but in the meantime, the performance goes down in a noticeable way. Sometimes it is even worse, because the disk disappears completely. Then, it is mandatory to turn off the system, and boot it up again, in order to see in the RAID Utility the missing disk, which needs to be declared as spare in order to be reintegrated into the RAID 5 volume in a slow rebuilding process.
    Some important remarks: this very new Mac Pro systems do not have the iPass cable (at least apparently; I already disassembled completely one of these systems). This cable is mentioned in one Mac RAID card manual that I found over the internet. The diagrams do not match exactly with the Mac Pro nor the Mac Pro RAID board. I did not find a proper iPass connector in any of the Mac Pro RAID cards (?!). So, my guess is that currently the communication between the system and its Mac Pro RAID card is just by means of the internal bus. I think that if the iPass connection were mandatory, the RAID Utility would report it with a noticeable error message. Please advise.
    I think that these Mac Pro RAID cards need a firmware upgrade, in order to be able to work fine with big SATA drives. Again, please advise.
    Thanks in advance from Mexico.
    Martin Ponce de Leon

    Hi Grant,
    Thank you for your prompt response. The manual is a PDF document issued by Apple and it seems OK, but no updated to the latest Mac Pro system and Mac Pro RAID. I do not find the link where I found this manual. The systems belong to one of our customers. As far as I remember, in the printed manual included with the boards, it is not mentioned anything about the iPass cable, just about the battery cable. Do you know where can I get a PDF manual of the latest Mac Pro RAID card and the latest Mac Pro system? This client is far from our offices. So, I would prefer a PDF copy of this manual.
    The drives that have gone offline, once they are back, are reported in a good status in the RAID Utility. Besides that, I have tested them in another system in our facilites, and all of them work fine. So, my guess is that the high capacity drives are not yet supported by the Mac Pro RAID card, or it requires a firmware update.
    They do need to have in the same volume OS and video storage because three disks do no provide a good performance (they need also RAID 5), but four disks work fine... excepting when one disk is missing. Please advise. Thank you.
    Best Regards,

  • My 2008 Mac Pro running Lion will not play HDV1080i60 footage in FCP 7. When I open the sequence settings, all HDV codecs are hdv1, hdv2, hdv3, and so forth. Anyone have any idea how to fix this?

    My 2006 - 2008 Mac Pro running Lion will not play HDV 1080i60 footage in FCP 7. When I open the sequence settings, all HDV codecs are hdv1, hdv2, hdv3, and so forth. However, when I open the project on my other Mac Pro running Snow Leopard and FCP 6, the footage works fine as it does on my newer Imac running Mavericks and FCP 7. I have tried a Quicktime update on the Mac Pro that the footage doesn't work on but it says that I already have the newest version of Quicktime installed. I have also tried reinstalling the Final Cut Pro Studio twice, still no fix. I'm completely out of solutions and need to be able to edit HDV footage on this machine. Any help would be great. Thanks.

    there was a recent software update that seemed to screw HDV up.  Do some searching here over the last month or 2 and you'll find a bunch of posts and some possible solutions.
    Worst case scenario, do as Shane suggests.  But might I suggest you take a look at the user tips section of the forum.  there are some great tips on how to prevent these sorts of problems by cloning your startup drive, etc.

  • Can I move hard drives from one Mac Pro to another?

    I have two mid-2010 Mac Pros that I work with daily - one 8-core on 10.7.3 and one 12-core on 12.7.4.  I would like to take all of the drives out of one Mac Pro and put them in the other and vice versa, essentially trading their content.  It probably sounds pointless, but I would like to build the more powerful one out from scratch, and right now the less powerful one is nearly empty.
    Can I simply shut off both machines and swap all of the drives in one for all of the drives in the other?  I would keep them in the same bays in the machine I'm trading them with, but I'm unsure if I will screw something else up.

    rfairley wrote:
     ...Can I simply shut off both machines and swap all of the drives in one for all of the drives in the other?  I would keep them in the same bays in the machine I'm trading them with, but I'm unsure if I will screw something else up.
    I've moved drives from a Mac Pro 1,1 to a 5,1 and they were able to boot the newer Mac, but to ensure that the OS was configured for the newer machine, I ran the appropriate combo updater once the drive was installed. If you're planning to stick with the drive rotation, doing that shouldn't hurt and might help even though the machines are of the same vintage. Note, however, that some commercial software keys in on machine specifics and/or the serial number to prevent piracy, so swapping drives can cause other problems.

  • What is the best way to set up my new Mac Pro?

    Not wanting to screw up in a process I've not done with a brand new machine before, I'm looking for feedback on my plan for setting my new Mac Pro next week...
    The physical plan is this:
    For RAM, I have four 2GB SDRAM's plus the supplied six 1GB modules. My plan here is to install the 2GB rams into the first four slots and install four of the 1GB modules into the remaining four slots for a total of 12GB's.
    When the cost for 4GB modules gets down to reasonable, I'll buy four of them and bump the current rams down the line which will then give me a total of 24 gigs where I'll stay.
    For my hard drives, I'm installing a 160GB Intel X25-M into the first drive bay
    using one of MaxUpgrades' 'MaxConnects' kits. I will use this drive for the operating system software and my applications and their libraries.
    Next, into the remaining three drive bays, I am installing three 300GB WD Velociraptors. Mine are the pre-'backplane ready' versions:
    so I have bought these sleds for them...
    http://www.maxupgrades.com/istore/index.cfm?fuseaction=product.display&product_i d=180
    I own one of Sonnet's Tempo SATA E4P cards
    which, thanks to this forum, I now understand, with the correct firmware installed, function well so I will install it and be able to establish hardware RAID. I will create a RAID 0 set with the three Velociraptors and use it to store all of my data files.
    Backup will happen on a 1TB WD 'Caviar Black' external drive connected through one of the Sonnet card's external eSATA ports and using the OS 'Time Machine' software.
    And that's the physical plan. My question is about setting things up. The physical installation part is straight forward and I don't expect any difficulties but I'm wondering what is the best way to install the operating system.
    Do I take a first step keeping the supplied hard drive installed, install the solid state drive into the next drive bay and then transfer the contents from the supplied drive onto the SSD or do I do the complete physical installation process and do a 'C' drive start up and install the OS that way?
    And, do you have any tips/suggestions on setting up the RAID 0 set?
    thanks for the help. I want to do this right.

    oh mighty Hatter, I knew you'd have helpful guidance to offer! And thank you. You've confirmed my anxieties about the Sonnet card; kind of a 'too much, too quickly' sort of thing. And it's not that Sonnet's not a good company. Just everything to do with new technologies and the growth curve we all, manufacturers and users, go through when they come out. And, for sure, the new Mac Pro's are new technology; the single biggest forward leap in Apple's top-of-the-line machines for some time far as I can tell. Just reading at Intel's website about the Nehalem's is a joy!
    So, I will proceed now with everything except for the controller card, leaving that 'til later. In the meantime, I think I'll just happily run with the four hard drives all running independently. No software RAID. I know just those, the SSD boot drive plus Velociraptor trio's going inside of a 2.66ghz 8-core Nehalem Mac Pro is going to be a working pleasure. Heck, this way, I'll get settled in and used to the machine's speed, have a great time doing so and then, in however many months, I can jump into spending another chunk of money on an excellent RAID card, RAID card's dear Barefeats will have tested and reviewed for us, set up my RAID 0 set and head of to those new races watching my computer leap for joy! Could be that, by then, the cost of Intel 160GB X25-M's will have dropped enough that I can afford to go for a second and have a two SSD RAID 0 boot drive... Yummy!
    Thanks for the help. Like I say, I knew there was useful guidance hanging on some limb within your personal kit, (otherwise referred to as your mind)!
    Interesting to read about the problems people have had with Sonnet's 2.17 update in PPC's... In this computer, my PowerMac G5 dual 2.7ghz, I have a Sonnet 'Tempo Sata X4P' controller card. I downloaded and installed 2.17 and got the same troubles; no cut, no paste, no 'drag and drop' etc. It was miserable.
    Mine, fortunately, magically corrected after running the 'permissions verify and correct' process in Disc Utility and, after a restart, all was back to almost normal but for one exception; the Sonnet card was no longer present or functioning including the four eSATA ports out the back. (I ran Tech Tools Pro 5's repair suites first but, and who knows why, it didn't correct the problem...) This one was absolutely in the 'who knows what the f_'s going on and why it disappeared but did' class.
    Oh, the other remnant is that, when the computer goes into sleep, after about five minutes, the fans rev up, and up, and the computer's frozen; only access is to do a forced shutdown pressing and holding the power button, so I've had to adopt a 'shut down whenever leaving it for more than fifteen minutes' approach to this dear friend. Once I've fully moved into and established my new one (which should arrive today, by the way... Yippeee!!! Can't wait!), I'll do a complete restoration on this one including taking out the Sonnet card. Usually, I sell my old Pro's but, this time, I'm going to keep this one as a back up and just general second computer for times I might need it. It has been such a great and dependable machine. Keeping it seems the right thing to do.
    thanks Hatter. I'll let you know how things go, including what happens with the SSD. I don't have speed test software so I won't be able to track it's performance like that guy in the post you gave me did...
    ps- Gotta love that ILLogic fellow eh? Talk about not getting the essence!

Maybe you are looking for