Diskfailure changed RAID5 to RAID0+1 not bootable. Help needed!

I have a MacPro (early 2008) 3,1 with a macpro raidcard and 4 WDC Black 1TB HD's. After booting up the system the raidcard gave an error message that
bay 3 had a failure. Indeed hdd 3 was not listed in the system overview anymore. A moment later it was again attatchted to the array RS1 and was "roaming"
The raid RS1 was even changed from RAID-5 to RAID 0+1.
after a second bootup, my macpro wont boot anymore. I even tried a few keystrokes at bootup;
None of the bootup combinations wokrk anymore...
Anybody a suggestion. Help much appreciated!!!

Hi Grant,
Let the MAC 'do' its work overnight again, but no luck so far. This morning I studied some fora and these are the listins form within terminal.
Any thoughts?
Thanks in advance
Apple raidutil version: 1.3.0
General Status: Issues Found
                    The volume [R1V1:RS1  [ID: 1]] is degraded.
                    The volume [R1V2:RS1  [ID: 1]] is degraded.
                    The volume [R1V3:RS1  [ID: 1]] is degraded.
                    The volume [R1V4:RS1  [ID: 1]] is degraded.
                    Raidset (RS1) is not viable.
Battery Status: Charged
Controller  #1: Hardware Version 1.00/Firmware M-
                Write Cache enabled
Volume            Status            Type       Drives       Size  Comments
R1V1              Is Viable         RAID 0+1   1,2      500.00GB  Is Degraded                     
R1V2              Is Viable         RAID 0+1   1,2      250.00GB  Is Degraded                     
R1V3              Is Viable         RAID 0+1   1,2      250.00GB  Is Degraded                     
R1V4              Is Viable         RAID 0+1   1,2        1.00TB  Is Degraded     
Drives  Raidset       Size      Flags
Bay #1  RS1             1.00TB   IsMemberOfRAIDSet:RS1 IsReliable
Bay #2  RS1             1.00TB   IsMemberOfRAIDSet:RS1 IsReliable
Bay #3  <none>          1.00TB   IsSpare IsReliable
Bay #4  <none>          1.00TB   IsSpare IsReliable

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    Can I ask if you have an AIM or @mac name (A screen name ) ?
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    "Connecting" would indicate you are not Logged on to the AIM server hence my first question.
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    No worries.  I did the same thing when the update that changed this action came out.

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    you're welcome.
    it's the "show me" cure.  i see it all the time in my medical practice.  parents (i'm a pediatrician) compliain about how fussy/irritable etc their baby is.  i tell them to make an appointment and they show up with a happy content baby that's been no problem for the previous few days.

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    BlueTooth stack is WIDCOMM ver.
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    Operating system:
    Microsoft Windows XP
    Build 2600
    Service Pack 2
    Language: English
    Language for non-Unicode programs: English
    Locale: English
    Input language: English
    Nokia PC Suite:
    Language: English
    Connectivity Cable Drivers:
    Not installed
    PC Connectivity Solution:
    Microsoft Outlook:
    Version 11.0
    Build 8010
    Bluetooth stacks:
    Microsoft Bluetooth stack
    Version 5.1.2600
    Build 2180
    WIDCOMM Bluetooth stack
    Version 1.4.3
    Build 4

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    ~where typex='R'~
    ~select "CODE","NAME","LEVELX","PARENT","TYPEX","BEGIN_DATE","END_DATE" from cdms.cd_organizations_hist~
    ~where typex='R'~
    ~ and code in (~
    ~ select code from cdms.cdorganizations_hist~
    ~ minus~
    ~ select code from cdms.cd_organizations~
    ~ );~
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    Thanks in advanced,
    ~ ~

    That's the error you would get in a MINUS operation if corresponding columns had different data types (for example, if cd_organizations_hist.code was a NUMBER, but cd_organizations.code was a VARCHAR2).
    Use columns of the same type. Explicity convert data from one type to another (using TO_CHAR, for example) if necessary.
    If you need more help, post a script that creates the tables and gets the same error.

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