Disparition fichiers Indesign CS5

Depuis quelques jours je suis victime de l'effacement de mes fichiers de travail Indesign. Après voir enregistré ou créé un PDF j'obtiens le message "Erreur de connection réseau, vous avez été déconnecté le document est introuvable" (ce n'est pas le texte exact). Lorsque je vais dans "documents récements" et que  je réessaie de l'ouvrir j'obtiens le message sur la pièce jointe.
J'ai désinstallé toute la Creative Suite pour la réinstaller mais le problème persiste.
Je travaille sur Mac et je suis très ennuyé car je n'ose plus ouvrir mes anciens fichiers, ni passer des heures sur des fichiers qui disparaiessent...
Pouvez-vous m'aider svp ?

Ces documents sont-ils stockés sur le disque dur local?
Avez-vous essayé de réinitialiser les préférences d'InDesign?

Similar Messages

  • Indesign CS5 ne crée plus de fichier "AdobeFnt13.lst"

    Voici mon problème : depuis quelque temps je m'aperçois qu'Indesign CS5 ne crée plus le petit fichier texte "AdobeFnt13.lst" dans le dossier "Document Fonts". Mes polices sont bien assemblées mais sans ce fichier elles ne sont plus activées en direct à l'ouverture d'un document.
    Je viens de réinstaller Indesign au cas où cela serait un bug, mais non même chose. Et quand j'ouvre un document plus ancien, avec le fichier AdobeFnt13.lst dans Document Fonts cette fois, ça ne m'active plus les polices comme avant, à moins qu'elles ne le soient déjà avec le Livres des Polices.
    Quelqu'un a-t-il une idée de comment solutionner ce bug ?

    Je vous dirais de commencer par une chose, faites le ménage dans les préférences.
    Appuyez sur les touches Alt+Ctrl+Maj puis maintenez-les enfoncées au lancement de Photoshop et suivez les indications.
    Si ça ne fonctionne toujours pas, on envisagera autre chose !

  • Paramétrage liens dans fichier SWF depuis Indesign CS5

    Je viens d'installer la version trial de Indesign CS5, j'essaie de créer des documents intéractifs en SWF.
    J'aimerais  savoir comment faire pour que, lorsque je clique sur un lien dans mon  SWF final, il puisse s'ouvrir directement dans le navigateur.
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    Puis-je  paramétrer ces hyperliens en amont dans Indesign de façon à ce que les  gens cliquant sur ce lien ouvrent directement l'URL sans message de  Flash player ?
    C'est un peu compliqué à expliquer, j'espère avoir été asez clair.
    Merci d'avance.

    I don't know the answer to this poster's question but I can offer a translation...
    I am installing the trial version of Indesign CS5, and I am attempting to create interactive documents using SWF.  I would like to know how to set it up so that when I click on a link in my final SWF file, it opens directly in the navigator. [web browser? not sure]
    I've been told that it's necessary that I authorize my flash player, and admittedly that works, but the question is: can I customize these hyperlinks upstream in Indesign in a way that those who click on the link directly open the URL without a Flash player message?
    It's a little complicated to explain - I hope I've been clear enough.
    Thanks in advance"

  • Création flipbook Offline Indesign CS5

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    J'ai regardé un peu les tutos proposé par Elephorm, mais je ne sais pas vers quelle solution m'orienter pour l'export : .flv ou .pdf interactif
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    - pour le .pdf interactif, j'ai intégré des vidéos, mais pour tourner les pages, je n'ai pas l'effet "flipbook".
    Quelqu'un a-t-il déjà réalisé ce type de document avec indesign ?
    Mon topic est peut-être un peu dense, faut-il le découper en plusieurs ?
    D'avance merci par avance pour l'aide que vous pourrez m'apporter.
    Bonne journée.

    Autant pour moi, je parlais d'export en .swf pour le premier point.
    En résumé :
    Dans un export en .swf, est-il possible d'insérer :
    - une barre de zoom
    - des fichiers .pdf à télécharger
    Dans un export en .pdf, est-il possible d'insérer :
    - une option pour avoir des coins de pages intercatifs (je pensais utiliser l'option "Bouton" et y assoicer cet effet, mais je ne le trouve pas...)
    Merci pour votre aide.

  • Impossibilité d'exporter en pdf (InDesign CS5)

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    Quelqu'un aurait-il une solution ?
    Un grand merci par avance

    J'ai exactement le même souci, et depuis 2 ordinateurs différents (Imac du bureau et Macbook de la maison)
    Je suis sur 2 licences (légales :-) ) différentes.
    Quand j'essaye d'exporter mes documents, ça mouline dans le vide, et si j'affiche la progression de l'exportation, ça bloque à 0%.
    La seule solution que j'ai trouvé, c'est d'enregistrer, forcer InDesign à fermer, relancer et là ça marche.
    Mais dès que je fais la moindre modif sur mon document, ça plante à nouveau.
    C'est plutôt inssuportable.
    Existe-t-il une solution à ce problème, j'ai fait toutes les mises à jour et rien y fait, et c'est quand même mon métier de créer des documents. Cette option qui devait nous faire gagner beaucoup de temps me fait au contraire perdre un temps fou !!!
    Allez Adobe, je te lâche 1200 € tous les 2 ans, trouves moi une solution s'il te plait !!!
    Bien à vous.

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  • InDesign CS5, à votre avis ?

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    Je travaille actuellement sur un document .indd de plus de 100Mo.
    Et ca plante de temps en temps lorsque j'en demande trop et trop vite au logiciel.
    Avez-vous ce genre de problème ?
    Merci de me faire part de votre avis.

    Bonsoir Loic,
    Apparemment, tu as un problème de liens !
    Tu en as déjà parlé dans un autre « Post ».
    Comment fais-tu pour placer des images dans tes documents InDesign ?
    • Fichier -> Importer
    • Glisser l'image depuis Bridge
    SURTOUT PAS DE COPIER-COLLER ! (les images vont être incorporées dans ton document)
    Si tu utilises l'une ou l'autre de ces méthodes, tu ne devrais pas avoir de problèmes de liens manquants ou incorporés.
    Pour relier les images incorporées, la commande est accessible depuis le menu local du panneau Liens.
    Même pour un catalogue contenant tous les éléments que tu mentionnes (texte conditionnel, index...) je suis étonné que le document soit aussi lourd.
    Dans l'illustration, le lien du milieu est incorporé. Reconnaissable par le petit pictogramme. (Ce qu'il faut éviter en temps normal).

  • Convertir fichier ID CS5 en ID CS2

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    Y a-t-il une autre solution ?
    Quelqu'un peut-il m'aider ?
    Merci beaucoup

    Dans InDesign CS5, choisissez FICHIER -> EXPORTER -> INDESIGN MARKUP (IDML)
    Ensuite, ouvrez le document en CS4 (oui, il faut une version CS4) pour l'exporter à nouveau au format INDESIGN CS3 INTERCHANGE (INX)
    Sauf erreur de ma part, je ne peux pas tester n'ayant plus CS2, vous pourrez ensuite ouvrir votre document.
    Je sais, cette méthode est assez longue et compliquée, surtout si vous avez beaucoup de documents.
    Vous risquez par ailleurs de perdre des éléments de vos documents utilisant les fonctions apparues dans les dernières versions (texte conditionnel, références croisées...).
    C'est la seule solution que je connais pour ouvrir un document InDesign dans une version antérieure à moins qu'il existe des extentions de Markzware par exemple.
    Si quelqu'un à une autre solution, je suis preneur moi aussi. Merci !
    Peut-être que la solution la plus simple serait de mettre à jour votre votre version de CS2.... Oui, je sais...

  • Problem creating a 'used sources' list based on EXIF data in InDesign CS5

    Hello everyone,
    I recently started to use InDesign CS5 to work on school projects. These projects regularly require us to have a list of sources, not only for citations and referenced work, but also for images. As I sometimes make quite long documents, keeping track of what image is where, and where I got it from, gets tedious.
    I had the idea of generating a caption based on EXIF data, which I'd move to the pasteboard, and group it with the image. The text in the caption has a seperate, numbered paragraph style. On one of the last pages, I generate a table of contents, which the numbered paragraph style selected. I chose to display it using another paragraph style, without page numbers.
    What I want to have as the end result is:
    Table of contents
    1. <Title>. <Author> (<Creation Date>). Retrieved <Date Placed> through <Description>
    The captions display correctly, as shown above in the body of the table of contents. The table of contents itself however, shows only the numbering in front of it, and not the variables.
    I already tried converting the live captions to static captions, but that doesn't work. Does anyone have an idea how to solve this?

    Hello everyone,
    I recently started to use InDesign CS5 to work on school projects. These projects regularly require us to have a list of sources, not only for citations and referenced work, but also for images. As I sometimes make quite long documents, keeping track of what image is where, and where I got it from, gets tedious.
    I had the idea of generating a caption based on EXIF data, which I'd move to the pasteboard, and group it with the image. The text in the caption has a seperate, numbered paragraph style. On one of the last pages, I generate a table of contents, which the numbered paragraph style selected. I chose to display it using another paragraph style, without page numbers.
    What I want to have as the end result is:
    Table of contents
    1. <Title>. <Author> (<Creation Date>). Retrieved <Date Placed> through <Description>
    The captions display correctly, as shown above in the body of the table of contents. The table of contents itself however, shows only the numbering in front of it, and not the variables.
    I already tried converting the live captions to static captions, but that doesn't work. Does anyone have an idea how to solve this?

  • What is it about InDesign CS5 that someone would get this error message?

    What is is about the .swf file that is generated from the InDesign CS5 interactive workspace that someone would get the following error message when they go to view the site I created?
    "This file may contain newer information that this viewer can support. It may not open or display correctly. Adobe suggests that you upgrade to the latest versions of our Acrobat products blah blah blah."
    The site doesn't seem to work for four Mac users, but works fine for at least one PC user.
    I'm trying to figure out how to save the .swf file down to Flash Player 9, which I've done by exporting a .fla file, then adjusting the Publish setting in Flash CS5. But that throws a wrench into the works...all the animations go haywire by continuously looping and the scale of all the text elements on the first page is much larger than it should be.
    Thanks, Steve

    John Black3 wrote:
    Many of my songs in my iTunes Library no longer play.  I get this error message: "The song xxx could not be used because the original file could not be found. Would you like to locate it?
    this usually happens when a user moves or deletes files in the finder - a sure way to upset iTunes.
    did you move or delete files in the finder ?
    I cannot locate the song.
    if you let iTunes manage your library, all your content will be in <MacintoshHD>/users/<yourname>/music/iTunes/iTunes music (or media)/music. did you look there ? tried a spotlight search ?
    if the files are really gone, and have been purchased from the iTunes store, see Downloading past purchases from the App Store, iBookstore, and iTunes Store.

  • Unable to debug indesign cs5 plugin in windows

    Hi, again. Originaly posted here: http://forums.adobe.com/thread/766469?tstart=0
    We are having some problems with an indesign sc5 plugin, it works perfectly in macosx but in windows it causes indesign to crash. Anyway after some trouble shooting we tried running it in debug indesign. Problem is that the debug version of indesign wont even start, it fezzes in the splash screen on "Registering xxx plug-ins". It hangs before we can write anything in log files and thatching a debugger gives nothing. Closer inspections
    revealed that all the indesign treads is in "waiting" state. Waiting for what? Don't know. Killing one of the threads allows indesign to start but it will not have loaded the plugin and we are back on square one unable to debug.
    Anyway I installed the osx version of debug indesign and starting it gives an assert like: 
    No translation of key 'com.adobe.rc.operationalmessages' to British string. 
    Examining the stack of the indesign main thread in windows gives pretty much the same thing:
    0, ntkrnlpa.exe!KiDeliverApc+0xb3
    1, ntkrnlpa.exe!ZwYieldExecution+0x19ae
    2, ntkrnlpa.exe!NtWaitForSingleObject+0x9a
    3, ntkrnlpa.exe!KeReleaseInStackQueuedSpinLockFromDpcLevel+0xb14
    4, ntdll.dll!KiFastSystemCallRet
    5, kernel32.dll!WaitForSingleObject+0x12
    6, PMRuntime.dll!ClientShowAssert+0x8d
    7, PMRuntime.dll!BreakStrToDebugger+0x15
    8, PMRuntime.dll!ASSERT_FUNC+0x117
    9, NETAPI32.dll+0xbe86972
    (as reported by the ProcessHacker process viewer)
    So the win version is trying to show an assert window but fails, locking indesign in the splash screen? Stoping indesign before any plugin execution?
    As we cant get any debug information out we don really know what the problem is, making it rather hard to debug. We have triple checked the build and linking options. Studied the plugin exports. Inserted an ridiculous amount of trace statements in the code, doesn't work in the debug version but anyway.
    Have anyone had a problem like this or know what might cause it?
    What happens in the indesign startup process, what does the “Registering plug-ins” actually do? It's not executing any plugin functions and the the initialization of the plugins doesn't happen until later.

    You are correct in that none pf the plug-in code is executed during the "Registering ### plug-ins" phase. What is done here is simply loading the plugins by reading from their resource definitions. For example, if you try to load a CS4 plug-in in InDesign CS5 or if you try to load a release plug-in in debug version you will get errors and popups here and your plugin will not load and be available (these are just example errors and may not be relevant to your case). As far as I know InDesign should not crash just because there is a problem with your plugin, but there could be bugs.
    I would recommend:
    1. Remove your plugins and verify that InDesign debug starts properly without any 3rd party extensions.
    2. Compile one of the SDK sample plugins (debug target) and make sure that InDesign still starts properly.
    3. Create a new project using DollyXs, compile it and make sure it loads in InDesign.
    4. Remove the template files and add your own source files except the basic .fr file and make sure it still loads in InDesign.
    5. Keep changing things one at a time in your .fr file and verify it still loads until it looks exactly like your original .fr file.
    Good luck.
    Note: "No translation of key 'XXX' to British string." errors is in general quite harmless. It's only a problem with the string translation and should only affect string output in menus/dialogs etc. They should of course be fixed, but can generally be ignored for a while unless an infinite ASSERT loop prevents you from debugging.

  • Cross reference or hyperlinking not working for InDesign CS5 Book to ePub

    I cannot get hyperlinks or cross reference links to work when generating an ePub from InDesign CS5. (, Mac OS 10.6.2)
    Here's how to recreate a simple test demonstrating the issue.
    1. Create a new InDesign Book (File -> New -> Book)
    2. Create document one (File -> New -> Document)
    3. Create a text box and type "Table of Contents"
    4. Create document two (File -> New -> Document)
    5. Create a text box in it and type "Story One"
    6. Create a new paragraph style and assign it to the Story One text
    7. Save document 2. I just kept the name Untitled-2.xhtml
    8. Back in document 1, add a cross-reference and select document 2, the style you created, and then "Story One". "Story One" should now appear under the previously typed Table of Contents text, and when highlighed, should show it is an active cross reference in the Hyperlinks panel.
    9. Save document 1. I just kept the name Untitled-1.xhtml
    10. Add both documents to the Book and save the book.
    11. From the Book panel, select Export Book to EPUB...
    12. Save the epub file and open it in Adobe Digital Editions.
    Note that the text "Story One" appears as a hyperlink but when clicked does not switch to the document 2. It does nothing apparent when clicked.
    Looking at the XHTML source for the first document, it is immediately evident why. The filename for document 2.thml is missing.  It looks like this: <a href="#anchor-anchor">
    When it should be : <a href="Untitled-2.xhtml#anchor-anchor">
    The same thing works if you create a hyperlink instead of a cross reference.
    I note then when I use the option to go to the destinate reference in the Cross Link (hyperlink) panel, it does switch to the second InDesign docuemtn. So the cross reference is functioning (in InDesign). But the link is broken in the ePub for the above mentioned reason.
    Bug? Something I'm overlooking?
    Entire source of Untitled-1.xhtml:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml11/DTD/xhtml11.dtd">
    <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
    <link href="template.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
    <div id="untitled-1">
    <div class="generated-style">
    <p class="basic-paragraph" xml:lang='en-us'><span class="no-style-override">Table of Contents</span></p>
    <p class="basic-paragraph" xml:lang='en-us'><span class="no-style-override"><a href="#anchor-anchor">“story one”</a></span></p>

    As far as I can tell, it has NOT yet been fixed in CS5.5.  I'm having the same problem.  I have about 90 hyperlinks to fix.
    And the explanation that Teus Dejong gives indicates it's not going to be that helpful:  "we have found that only the links in documents split by the CS5 exporter will be fixed. For books the script does only work for references to earlier documents in the book, not for forward references. This means in practice that for most books the script will not repair the links and should be seen as a means to add the year only. At the moment I see no way to repair this, because the book epub output of InDesign does not contain sufficient information to repair links referencing forward to others documents in a book."
    It's pretty discouraging.

  • InDesign CS5 file won't open

    At my work, we are working on formatting a book in InDesign. We are using the same base template for each file. I created a front matter document with a table of contents (TOC), list of figures (LOF), list of tables (LOT), acronyms, and glossary using that base template. Everything worked fine; I was able to generate the TOC, LOF, and LOT, and could work with the file with no problem. Then I saved and closed the file. Later that day, I was unable to open the file.
    The message I get includes the statement, "You may not have permission or the file may be open already."
    No one else had opened it and there are no lock files. The other person using InDesign also cannot open it. I made a copy of the file and saved it in another location and still could not open it.
    The files are all on our network. We are using InDesign CS5 and Windows7 (64-bit). The only difference between this file and the others are the modifications that I made to some TOC paragraph styles so two paragraphs could be displayed side-by-side in the TOC (i.e., Chapter 1 Introduction all on one line, where Chapter 1 comes from one paragraph and Introduction comes from another by having no leading on one paragraph style).
    Can anyone suggest a solution for this? This is rather urgent as the client needs the book by the end of next week.
    Thank you so much for your help.
    Marina Michaels

    Yes:  The message I get says, "Cannot open (file path and name). You may not have permission or the file may be open already."

  • Open a URL link in the same window as SWF file in indesign CS5

    I am trying to create a SWF file using indesign CS5.  I have created buttons and placed in URL links but they always open another window.  I would like to know if there is a way to have the URL open in the same window that the SWF file has been created.  I tried, putting "_self" to target it in the URL bar, but nothing works.
    Thanks in advance

    Okay, I found the code but I can't get it to work locally.  If you have a web server maybe you can upload the files (swf and html) after you Publish them:
    import flash.net.URLRequest;
    import flash.events.MouseEvent;
    var myURL:URLRequest = new URLRequest ("http://www.google.com");
    testlink.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickText);
    function clickText(myevent:MouseEvent):void {
    navigateToURL(myURL, "_self");
    you have to have on the stage a link element called "testlink" (see the code above) which would be a Movie Clip with the label testlink.  It can be anything from InDesign:  a button, a rectangle, a circle, a graphic, you get the idea.  Just select that object in Flash and label it testlink or anything you choose but if you change the name from testlink also change the name in the code snippet where the line "addEventListener" is.

  • Is it possible to print duplex from InDesign CS5?

    There is no "duplex" option in the print dialog box of InDesign. I have duplexers on both my printers. When I tried to save it as a pdf and print that way, half the page sides are oriented upside down. I don't have a choice of "Flip on long side" or "Flip on short side", which I expected to see in either Adobe reader or InDesign.

    What Jacob Bugge said.
    In InDesign CS5:
    Print (brings up window) > Printer (tab at bottom of print window; clicking brings up another window) > Layout (drop-down menu) > Duplex Printing & Margin > click "Duplex Printing" and modify Print Area and Stapling Side
    In Adobe Acrobat 9 (full version -- don't know if it's the same in Reader):
    Print (brings up window) > Copies & Pages (drop-down menu)  > Duplex Printing & Margin > click "Duplex Printing" and modify Print Area and Stapling Side
    I have a Canon printer. Don't know if all the submenus are exactly the same, but I'd imagine they're similar.

Maybe you are looking for

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