Dispute Search enhancement

Hi Experts,
I have a specific requiremnent to add new search criteria to dispute search in TELCO_FCC role. These fields belong to Business agreement master data.I have already added corresponding fields in the context (as append structure)  and added to WEB UI.Now the fields are displaying in the screen.
No i need to write codes to perform the search with these newly added fields.So is there any BADI available for dispute search enhancements,if not what approach should i take?Pls replay...

Hello Kumar,
please check class CL_CRM_IST_ADJREQ_IL (method: GET_QUERY_RESULT).
The query name is AdjustmentRequestQuery.
The query is used for the search of adjustment requests as well as for the search of disputes.
Hope this informs.
Kind regards,

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    Hi scott_m,
    Please refer to the following articles:
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    Check this Microsoft page:
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    in the call function of the standard search just comment the line with IV_NUMBER:
         it_search_tab                   = it_search_tab
    *     IV_NUMBER                       = IV_NUMBER
    *     IV_ARCHIVE                      =
         it_multivalues                  = it_multivalues
    *     IV_ITEMS                        =
    *     IV_EXTERN_CALL                  =
    *     IV_CALL_AUTHORITY_BADI          = 'X'
    *     IV_FASTSEARCH_ACCESS            = ' '
    *     IV_FASTSEARCH_START_ROW         = 1
    *     IV_FASTSEARCH_PAGESIZE          =
    *     IV_SELECT_FOR_ITEMLEVEL         =
    *     IV_AVOID_AUTHORIZATION          =
        et_guidlist                     = et_guidlist
        et_return                       = et_return
    *     EV_PARTNER_MESSAGE              =
    *     DATE_NOT_CORRECT                = 1
    *     NO_CARD_TYPE                    = 2
    *     NO_CARD_NO                      = 3
    *     NO_PROGRAM_ID                   = 4
    *     OTHERS                          = 5
    Kind regards

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    Hi guys,
    I have a requirement similar to Alpa. I have to add fields both part of CCMSEARCH_STRUCT and not. I have to add fields for BP and Address. I'm developing on CRM 5.0.
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    - I have copied search profile "BPSEARCH" in In SPRO -> "Define profiles for search strategies".
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    Thank you for your help in advance.
    Best regards

    Hi Marco,
    The best option here is to create redefination of the query method of the leads search class. Here you can first ensure that the call to the query method of super class takes place and the next would be do mapping between custom fields to local structure and then call the relevant API's to fetch the data.
    Best Regards, Adil

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    Thanks & Regards

    Hello Deb,
    The search criteria needs the procedure you fallowed ,But not the result list.
    In the Context node you can directly add the attributes you required from the BOL.
    1.Enhance the component and View.
    2.In the context Node BTQRSRVORD on attributes Rignt Click and say create
    3 Give the name of the fields.
    4.Say add Model Attribute
    5.BOL entity Come byitself BTQRSrvOrd
    6.In the BOL Attribute go to f4 help and Scroll down and expand relations
    7.find the Ibase relations and add the fields.
    No Coding is required ..All the methods get generated and results get populated .
    The only thing is you have get the proper fields and realations.
    Edited by: Sree on May 20, 2010 6:26 PM

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    Your help in this will be greatly appreciated and points will be rewarded.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Navin Krishnan

    Hi Navin,
    Can you please try through PCUI application. It can be useful for your requirement.
    And possible go through the following link related to you.

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    Thanks in advance .

    Hi Padma,
    Refer to the link below,
    Best Regards,
    Pratik Patel
    <b>Reward with Points!</b>

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    Could anyone tell me whether it is possible, or comment upon, the idea of using/enhancing the standard vehicle search function module (/DBM/VM01_VEHICLE_SEARCH) to include customer defined Z IOBJECT data?
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    If the standard search function could incorporate customer set types then it would greatly help with modularisation and search optimisation.

    please have a look at the following notes on the SAP Service marketplace
    best regards
    Stephan Bantlin

  • Sales order search enhancement

    I am new to web ui.
    My requirement is
    to add a custom field to the sales order search criteria.
    Please provide any documents which helps me in solving the requirement .
    Moderator message:
    Please review rules of engagement in asking for documents.  Please also do a search in this forum as there are several posts on this question
    Edited by: Stephen Johannes on Feb 26, 2009 8:46 AM

    Hi Srinivasa,
    This is the code snippet.
    *     Get the First entity
          lr_entity ?= me->typed_context->searchresult->collection_wrapper->get_first( ).
    *     Loop on the collection
          WHILE lr_entity IS BOUND.
    *       Get the Sales Order attributes
            lr_entity->get_properties( IMPORTING es_attributes = ls_sales_order ).
            IF ls_sales_order <> XXXXX.
              me->typed_context->searchresult->collection_wrapper->remove( lr_entity ).
    *      Get the next entity
            lr_entity ?= me->typed_context->searchresult->collection_wrapper->get_next( ).
    Masood Imrani S.

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    I wish replace this with a Z* class with custom search logic.
    Thanks in advance.

    Dear Naveen,
    You can refer to Maintenance View CRMV_OBJ_BTIL and mention the name of the Custom Class here against the Object BTQAct
    Hope this hlps.

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    I have a requirement to search complaints BUS2000120 in the Advance search screen BT120S_CPL by item code,codegruppe & katalogcart.
    So what i did - have added the fields in the search structure throgh an append & the fields are available on the screen & then implemented the EH_ONSEARCH event to include those parameters in the add parameters method. Based on the CRMC_REPDY reporting framwork. It works fine for the header level code/codegruppe/katalogkart. But when I implement the item level code_item, codegruppe_item & katalogkart_item (as per the CRMC_REPDY) - it does not work at all.
    So I am wondering do i have to pss some additional parametsr for the item level search??
    though these item level fields are given in the CRMC_REPDY table - standard reporting framework has to take care of this when i add the parameters CODE_ITEM / CODEGRUPPE_ITEM / KATALOGKART_ITEM
    Please share you thoughts!
    Thanks a lot!

    I think you'd have to find some BAdI to actually do the search on code/codegroup etc. Try to find out if there any is BAdI available for search enhancements.

  • Dispute case statuses

    can you please let me know the significances of the system statuses for dispute cases? like confirmed, i understand after this status, you cannot edit things anymore.

    The status of a dispute should indicate where in the process chain the dispute is.
    Ideally a process map is designed for processing and resolving disputes.
    You may have a map as follows
    1 - Dispute "created"  the dispute has been created
    2 - Dispute "assigned"  an individual has been assigned to the dispute to process it
    3 - Dispute "in processing" the individula has received the dispute and is working on it
    4 - Dispute  "credit requested"  a credit has been requested
    5 - Dispute  "credit raised" a credit has been raised - added to the dispute
    6 - Dispute "no action required" a close status where no action is required - dispute is resolved
    7 - Dispute "closed" customer has closed the dispute - items to be included in collectable amount
    8 - Dispute "void" dispute was created incorrectly.
    The above list is just a sample. You could use all of them, or just some of them, or even create new ones.
    By having different statuses, it provides the user better information relating to the progress of the dispute, and enhances reporting.
    Hope this helps.

  • Enhancement for bin to bin stock transfer

    when i am using stock transfer bin to bin using LT01 transaction, an information message have to raise when same material/batch if destination bin already having.........
    i already searched enhancement for above process "MWMTO001" i am correct or not?

    Yes, that's correct. You are using the right enhancement.
    It has the LTAK and LTAP tables which is the transfer order tables. This function will trigger during the TO creation.

Maybe you are looking for