Distiller disappeared in FM10

Not sure what happened but I am no longer able to save my book to pdf. I get the system message "To execute Save as PDF you must have acrobat 5.02 distiller installed....", meanwhile I do have that distiller installed ,but my FM program no longer sees it. I tried a few things, first I reinstalled the program FM 10.0.2, but still no distiller, then I installed the latest patch, but still no distiller. Not sure what else to try, please advise.

Did you have the full version of Acrobat or just the "headless" one that ships with standalone FM? If the full version, you'll need to uninstall FM, uninstall any trace of Acrobat (distiller and/or Reader); reinstall Acrobat, then install FM - but not selecting the add-on PDF Creator option.

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    OK, I need to be able to have a linked TOC, and also have destinations created in FM10 that will not be lost when I 1. Save the book as a PDF; then 2. I need the PDF to be as small as possible, but without losing my destinations. Anyone know how to do that??
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    Control the images by creating a custom PDF Job Options and then selecting it in the PDF Job Options drop-down of the PDF setup dialog box (File > Save as PDF...)
    Create the custom PDF Job Options file with Distiller. If you do not have Distiller, open the Printing Preferences of the Adobe PDF printer. Start with the Smallest File Size Job Options settings and Edit.

  • Distiller error when trying to save book as pdf

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    How do I fix this? Please don't tell me I need to buy Acrobat to make this work...you don't want to make an old woman cry.

    > I haven't used FrameMaker since about version 5 or 6 ...
    Was it still installed?
    Was a contemporary version of Distiller still installed?
    That old Distiller is incompatible with FM10 & 11.
    You might need to uninstall it and re-install TCS4.
    As a quick fix, you might try printing to .ps and Distilling separately.
    I don't have FM10 or 11, so the above represents more than I know.

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    I have a FM book file with a title along the lines of 'Worked Examples'. When I save it to PDF with Distiller and view the PDF in Adobe Reader X, the reader's header bar shows the PDF filename e.g. wex.pdf, but I want it to show the book title Worked Examples.
    I assume there's a setting in Distiller that forces Reader to show the book title not the file name, but having trawled through the settings/help/forums I can't see it. It's probably blindingly obvious (when you know the answer!), but can anyone tell me how I can get Reader to show a book's title in its header?

    Note: I have partially solved this issue by loading the PDF into Acrobat X Pro and going to File > Properties, and on the Doc Properties > Initial View tab selecting 'Show = Document Title', and then saving the PDF. I'm hoping to figure out (or get told!) a way of achieving this from my FM10 book file though.

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    %%[ ProductName: Distiller ]%%
    %%[Page: 1]%%
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    %%[ Error: undefined; OffendingCommand: pdfmark; ErrorInfo: Rect  ]%%
    [0 0 0]
    [7305 2337 9000 2128]
    %%[ Flushing: rest of job (to end-of-file) will be ignored ]%%
    %%[ Warning: PostScript error. No PDF file produced. ] %%

  • FM10: PDF output not including part of graphic in header

    Here are my versions: (TCS3.0)
    Acrobat 10.1.1
    Distiller 10.1.133
    I have a book recently created in FM10. I needed to add a very large table. I followed Barb Binder's instructions for setting up landscape master pages (from the IconLogic 8/9/11 Skills & Drills newsletter). Everything worked perfectly. I was able to create the master pages and body pages using them, and eventuallly get the large table in the doc file. So far so good... I wanted to see how the new pages and table would look in PDF, so I did a File > Save as PDF. The PDF was created as expected.
    However, I have a strange issue with our company logo in the header. It's in the header on all pages of this document and looks fine on all pages in FM - both on the body and master pages. But in the PDF, the last letter of the company name is cut off. I cannot figure out what's going on. I've also tried to Print to File using the Adobe PDF printer and creating a PS file that I then distilled to PDF. Same problem no matter what method I use. In the PDF, the logos on all non-landscape pages are fine.
    Here are some screen caps.
    The document open in FM - this shows the Telesoft logo on left and right body pages using the landscape master pages:
    Here is the LandscapeLeft master page:
    The LandscapeRight master page:
    Here's a screen cap of a LandscapeLeft page in the PDF:
    Here's a screen cap of a LandscapeRight page in the PDF:
    Notice the final "T" missing for the header graphic on both the right and left pages. On the master page, there is plenty of room in the anchored frame that holds the graphic, so the frame isn't cutting anything off. The exact same headers are used on both the regular and landscape master pages and all is well in the PDF for the regular pages.
    I really appreciate any suggestions!

    I wonder if you repeated your steps with a *.png graphic if you would see the truncation in the horizontal layout?
    OK, I tried it....interesting, but mixed results.
    I created a portrait master page, deleted the header text frame, and imported a png image onto it. The png is on the page, not inside a frame. I then rotated the portrait page to a landscape master page. After several other imports, I have the following on the landscape master page.
    1. The png from the original PORTRAIT master page.
    2. The png imported to the LANDSCAPE master page without further rotation.
    3. The png imported to the landscape master page with a rotation to match 1.
    4. The png imported into the footer TEXT frame (which is now perpendicular on the left side of the page). This created an anchored frame to hold the png.
    5. The standard text frame for the body text.
    6. A copy of 4 but rotated back to portrait.
    Then, on the body page that uses this lanscape master page, I imported the png. As per normal, this created an anchored frame below the line to hold the png. Of course it is rotated 90 degrees clockwise, because the text frame was rotated with the page.
    RESULTS in the PDF:
    a. ALL the png images were complete, EXCEPT 1 and 4. Interestingly, 1 was clipped on the right (bottom in landscape) and 4 was clipped on the left (top in landscape).
    b. The png in 4 was NOT selectable, as Kim noted. When I clicked it, only the anchored frame was selected. When rotated back to zero degrees (6), the png was then selectable.
    I was going to show a screen shot, but the png I used had company information in it. So, I created a png (Photoshop) of a flower, and created another master page with all six items.
    c. THIS master page showed NO clipping on ANY of the png images.
    d. To be complete, I created another png image from an eps file using Illustrator to mimic the workflow that created my original png. AND there was NO clipping of any of the png images in the PDF.
    So, the results are mixed. But my tests indicate that the best way to create the master page is to rotate the page FIRST, then import the logo image. Do rotation after the import to get it into the correct orientation. DO NOT import the image into a background text frame (header or footer or other) that is on the master page. This creates an anchored frame holding the image, but the image is not selectable.
    Hope this helps,

  • Conrefs disappear after saving to xml

    Hi all,
    I'm having a weird issue with conrefs and I'm hoping someone can help.
    I have 3 documents: DocA, DocB, and DocC.
    I've been using conrefs to reuse rows in a table that need to be repeated in multiple files. DocA is the source file that contains the main content and DocB and DocC contain conrefs to table rows in Doc A.
    When I insert the conrefs everything seems to go fine and I'm able to save all the docs as xml without error. However, after I close and reopen DocB, some of the cells are blank (e.g., in a 3 column table, some rows will still have content in column 1, but not column 2 or 3). When I look at the details for the affected rows, the conrefs seem to have disappeared.
    I've tried reinserting the conrefs, and this seems to work fine until I reopen the file. When I reopen the file, the conrefs I fixed generally appear, but cells in a different row are missing. To make matters even weirder, DocC, which contains conrefs to the exact same rows, works fine and all the conrefs show up.
    This problem has occured in several sets of files. I really don't know what to do. I've tried reassigning IDs to all of the source rows in DocA and rebuilding the tables in DocB and DocC, but the same problem keeps popping up (sometimes it goes away for a few days and then returns).
    I've also checked the DITA Options and the "Auto-Load Conrefs On File Open" is enabled.
    Has anyone run into a similar problem or know anything about this? I'm getting nervous about using conrefs at all if they can disappear without warning!
    Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

    Be sure to check the console window .. this won't be an error message that pops up .. maybe you already know that, but just wanted to make sure.
    I'll have to test this in FM10. I use (and make) DITA-FMx where this works fine, but will test it in default FM-DITA and see if there's a problem. Do you have the latest FM10 patches installed? I do recall some issues with table conrefs in early FM10, but think they were fixed later .. the current version is
    ... testing ...
    OK, just tested it and sure enough, it doesn't seem to work .. conreffing either rows or cells .. it works when you insert it, but doesn't resolve when opened. The data is still valid, but it just doesn't render in FM. When I open the files I created in FM10 (default DITA support) with DITA-FMx, the conrefs show up just fine. If you really need table conrefs, it might just be a good reason to buy DITA-FMx ..
    Scott Prentice
    Leximation, Inc.

  • Disappearing footers in PDF generated from FrameMaker 9

    Myself and three other writers are having a problem with disappearing footers in FrameMaker.  Here’s the problem:  In FrameMaker, the footers display correctly.  When we convert a book to PDF, many of the footers disappear.  What we find is that a footer (or part of the footer) will appear on the first page of the chapter, but then the footers disappear in rest of the chapter.
    Here is some more info:
    ·         We are using Frame 9.  My version is 9.0p250.  I'm also using Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro Extended, Version 9.3.2 and Adobe Distiller: Professional Version 8.1.3.
    ·         We have been able to duplicate this problem using multiple guides.
    ·         Oddly, footers DO appear correctly when I print just one chapter.
    ·         I’ve tried rebooting my machine and then loaded only FrameMaker (in case of memory issues).
    ·         I optimized the book file and associated chapters.
    ·         I experimented with different Distiller settings.
    Anyone else having this problem?

    It's probably a symptom of needing the MS Hotfix that corrected a problem with text disappearing from PDFs generated from several Windows apps (not just FM).
    More info here:
    PS Hotfix KB 952909
    Adobe blog: Hotfix for FrameMaker
    Please let us know if this does the trick --

  • PDF Printing Broken in FM10 Win7 64bit

    1) When printing As PDF, the FM doesn't use fonts correctly. I get font substitutions. It doesn't match the PDF setting in the selected PDF distiller profile I selected (embed all fonts).
    2) When printing to Acrobat Printer, the file name window opens with just the header bar (when I tab through windows) without the windows. It locks FM - Not Responding. Have to go into the task manager and kill the FM tree (right click process). Have to reset the files when I reopen the book.
    I believe this second one is a know bug mentioned earlier. Probably both of then.
    I now have to go old school and print to a postscript file and drop it into the Distiller.
    I don't see how testing coiuld miss this one during FM10 beta.

    I canot print from FM to P'DF aswell. If I should start another thread please let me know.
    I am running FM 10 (TCS 3 upgrade) Win 7 32bit
    I have been able to print PDF up until yesterday. I did update Adobe Captivate in the morning, I don't know if that has anything to do with it.
    In FM, when I select Save as PDF from the file menu I don't see Distiller open, but a .tps file is created (0 bytes).
    When trying to create a PDF directly from Distiller I get the error message [ Error: syntaxerror; OffendingCommand: M ].
    Thanks for any help that can be offered.

  • Sometimes numbering disappears when pdf is created with Framemaker 8

        For some reason the numbering disappears in the pdf created by framemaker. I am using framemaker 8 with all updates and distiller 7. I have tried other combinations with distiller 9 and no luck.
    If anyone has had a similar problem, please can you let me know how you resolved it.
    Many thanks in advance

    If you're on XP, you need to install the Microsoft Hotfix for XP that
    fixes the missing text and a host of other issues related to
    PostScript printer handling by the OS.
    http://support.microsoft.com/?id=952909  (Gives details on the Hotfix)
    (Direct Download Link)
    Art Campbell
                  [email protected]
      "... In my opinion, there's nothing in this world beats a '52
    Vincent and a redheaded girl." -- Richard Thompson
                                                          No disclaimers apply.
                                                                   DoD 358

  • Cannot print PDFs created using Distiller XI

    I recently upgraded to FM12 and Acrobat Pro 11.0.0. I use a postscript file to print a PDF book via Distiller. My team is unable to print these PDFs. When I used FM10, there was no such issue. I need to fix this ASAP as I have a software release scheduled in two days.

  • Converting visio to pdf, bullet points disappear

    I'm having issues converting a MS Visio document into a pdf.  In my document I have text boxes that use the standard bullets in MS Visio.  When I convert the file to pdf using the distiller or the converter icon, the bullets will 'disappear' from the list and enlarge and show up in random locations on the same page.  I'm using MS Visio 2003 and Adobe 7 (This also happens with Adobe 8).  Does anyone have suggestions or seen this issue before?

    You are in the wrong forum.

  • Startup error:  Distiller cannot find ICC Profiles

    I'm on Windows 7 with Adobe CS5 Design Premium.  This has just started happening recently, and only occurs occasionally, usually disappears after a reboot.
    Full message:  Distiller cannot find its standard ICC profiles. Please reinstall Adobe Acrobat to correct this problem.
    Thanks for any input!

    Adobe Tech support was most helpful on this.  First download the updated
    Distiller ICC profile files at:
    http://www.adobe.com/support/downloads/thankyou.jsp?ftpID=4075&fileID= 3790
    Unzip the file and copy only the *.icc files (without regard to the subfolders that they are in - in other words, take the files out of each of the subfolders) to the followng folder in Windows 7:
    These new files will probably overwrite some old ones.
    This solved the problem for me.
    This is actually the best solution though I found that instead of copying all the .icc files to the windows\sys...  folder, all you need to do is copy the 3 Video files from the RGB folder (VideoHD.icc, VideoNTSC.icc, and VideoPAL.icc).  Once you add these three files to  c:\windows\system32\spool\drivers\color  you will be good to go.
    It seems that this was an error on the part of Adobe in that there is no reason to include Video files for printing.  Nevertheless, the distiller will look for these and return the ICC profile error message if those files are not present.

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