Distorted Keyboard

i just bought my new macbook pro couple week ago. and it is really good. but only problem is the distorted keyboard.. the esc bottom is somehow distorted a little bit. i didn't mind before i saw my friend who also bought same mac. i had bad feeling on it... anyone know the policy of exchange? i wanna exchange it even i have to wait for the process.. but i ordered it on Nov 6. and received it by Nov 16. 20 days passed already... please leave me message if u can help me. thx

you've prob missed the DOA period where they'll replace a machine new for old. I'd call apple right away and plead your case. tell them whatever you have to and be polite.. maybe try saying that you were away for a couple of days when the machine was delivered so you've only had the chance to check it and find it was faulty just now. if you land on someone nice at apple you might be in luck.

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    Hi all,
    The more I examine this replacement MBP against my Powerbook G4 the less I'm liking it. The only plus side is the speed and thinness.
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    The gap between keys is thin between some keys, and much wider between others! There is also slight tilt and rotation between some keys resulting in a very misaligned look.
    The return key has its left corner slightly elevated and on a tilt towards the upper right corner.
    Aesthetically this is horrible, and once you've noticed it, you can't unnotice it. Whoever is supplying these keyboards to Apple is a really sloppy manufacturer. If precision and alignment speak quality then this keyboard fails miserably. It belongs on a child's toy, and not a 3500 dollar machine.
    Apple's manufacturing standard has dropped considerably.
    I'm so disturbed by this that I'm seriously now considering taking this one back too for a refund.
    I can't say how much disappointment I feel now. The gap between the D and F keys is at least 5 times what is between say the Y and U keys, and the spaces are all over the place.
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    Well, I had my MBP sent out for repair they changed the logic board and the thermal unit also the keyboard (Eject key was at an angle). And it also came back with some scratches and also on the left side at the seam where your arm/wrist rest is loose so it squeeks..plus is was dirty.
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    Time for a Margarita.

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    I was just wondering if anyone else had this problem, and if not I will be sending the machine to Apple to get it looked at.

    Yeah, I've had 2 Refurb MacBook Pro's in the last week and half. They both have distorted keyboards. The 2nd one is not as bad but this one also has the Right Speaker distortion problem.
    On the first one it looked a though someone had pushed very hard down with their fists and all the keys on the outside were angled up. The really bad keys were the eject key, the Home-Page-End, Space bar. This one also had other issues (all cosmetic) so I decided to do a replacement.
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    ram 32 gig
    solid state hard drives
    tascam us-122L (yeah, I know but it sounds fine on all my other ins and outs for MainStage)
    Axiom 61 midi controller
    synth to be sampled: technics sx-pr700

    An Intel Pentium 4.
    I also noticed that those strange pixels remain uneffected when you do crazy things with the exposure, contrast, brightness, recovery, etc, even though the rest of the image gets altered. It's like they are holes in the images. It's definately a bug.
    Good luck. I'll keep shooting RAW so I won't have that problem (Nikon D70s).

  • Problems with the sound in the headphones when you press the keys iphone 5s

    Sound distortion " keyboard clicks " headphones.

    Greetings alexsuperpechen,
    If you are getting distorted sound output through your headphones when you use your iPhone's keyboard, I would suggest that you troubleshoot using the steps in this article - 
    If your headset isn't working - Apple Support
    In particular the first troubleshooting paragraph -
    You can fix most headset issues with a few steps. Try these first:
    Make sure that the headset has a built-in microphone.
    Unplug the headset and clear any debris from the headset jack. Then plug it back in.
    Make sure the headset is plugged in all the way. If you’re using a case, remove it to make sure it’s not getting in the way.
    Check the headset cable, connector, remote, and earbuds for damage. Make sure they’re not blocked or dirty.
    Try using another headset. If the issue happens with the other headset, contact Apple Support for help. If the other headset works, contact the headset manufacturer.
    Try using a different iOS device with your headset. If the issue happens with the other iOS device, contact the headset manufacturer. For Apple headsets, contact Apple support.
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    Be well,
    Brett L 

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    One thing to check. Go to System Preferences>Universal Access>Mouse and Trackpad and be sure the Cursor Size slider is set to Normal. Sometimes the UA features get turned on somehow. Be sure the zoom is off too.
    Good luck!

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    What's happening:
    A couple of weeks ago, I was adjusting the volume of an i-tunes song using the apple wireless keyboard. When i adjust it, either up or down, crackling and skipping of the song occurs. Happens to ALL songs on itunes, only happens if I am using my keyboard or mac book controls to change the volume. (does not occur when I adjust using i-tunes volume control). I wanted to see if it was i-tunes or not, but it seems even when adjusting volume of a website song or anything crackling and distortion still occurs!
    This is complete bull poop.
    Let me know if anyone has any ideas, because I am STUMPED.

    Since your issue occurs when using iTunes, post in their forum area.

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    Try #2 and #3 in link below. If neither work, you most likely have a hardware issue.
    Basic troubleshooting steps  
    17" 2.2GHz i7 Quad-Core MacBook Pro  8G RAM  750G HD + OCZ Vertex 3 SSD Boot HD 
    Got problems with your Apple iDevice-like iPhone, iPad or iPod touch? Try Troubleshooting 101

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    Would appreciate any insight.
    Thanks in advance.
    B&W w/G4600 - Pismo   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

    I have been having similar problems with my (much less fancy) USB speakers, intermittently, since the 10.4.6 update (PowerBook). From another post I made elsewhere:
    I have Altec-Lansing XT1 USB speakers. They're connected to the PowerBook via a USB KVM, to an ADC, to the speakers.
    For the last week or so (it started soon after 10.4.6 upgrade), an odd temporary sound distortion has been occurring. As the original poster mentioned, it sounds for the life of me as if the speakers are blown.
    For anywhere from a few moments (several seconds) or longer, the sound output will become distorted in this way. Then, often of its own accord, things will go back to normal. If I want to get them back to normal more quickly, I can mute and unmute (I use a Logitech keyboard with a mute button, or sometimes I hit the Griffin Powermate which defaults to mute, and occasionally I even hit the sound control on the menu bar). When it's unmuted, it comes back undistorted.
    Hence, this phenomenon seems to me to likely be software-related.
    I almost always use the PowerBook closed and hooked up to an ACD. Lest you think this is particular to this set up: I have another identical ACD & speakers at the office (indeed, even the same keyboard), with the main difference being the lack of the USB KVM switch being left out. The problem happens there as well.
    I welcome any thoughts.

  • I installed Yosemite and now my computer is slow when logging in. Also when I type my password the screen images are distorted. After that my home screen appears and everything seems normal. What can I do to fix this?

    I installed Yosemite and now my computer is slow when logging in. Also when I type my password, a bar appears measuring the process and then all of a sudden the screen images are distorted. After that my home screen appears and everything seems normal. What can I do to fix this?
    Here is what the etrecheck results are:
    Problem description:
    slow at start up, screen is distorted while logging in, it is fine after
    EtreCheck version: 2.1.8 (121)
    Report generated April 5, 2015 at 9:42:01 AM PDT
    Download EtreCheck from http://etresoft.com/etrecheck
    Click the [Click for support] links for help with non-Apple products.
    Click the [Click for details] links for more information about that line.
    Hardware Information: ℹ️
        MacBook Pro (13-inch, Early 2011) (Technical Specifications)
        MacBook Pro - model: MacBookPro8,1
        1 2.3 GHz Intel Core i5 CPU: 2-core
        4 GB RAM Upgradeable
            BANK 0/DIMM0
                2 GB DDR3 1333 MHz ok
            BANK 1/DIMM0
                2 GB DDR3 1333 MHz ok
        Bluetooth: Old - Handoff/Airdrop2 not supported
        Wireless:  en1: 802.11 a/b/g/n
        Battery Health: Normal - Cycle count 297
    Video Information: ℹ️
        Intel HD Graphics 3000 - VRAM: 384 MB
            Color LCD 1280 x 800
    System Software: ℹ️
        OS X 10.10.2 (14C109) - Time since boot: 0:7:0
    Disk Information: ℹ️
        Hitachi HTS545032B9A302 disk0 : (320.07 GB)
            EFI (disk0s1) <not mounted> : 210 MB
            Recovery HD (disk0s3) <not mounted>  [Recovery]: 650 MB
            Macintosh HD (disk1) / : 318.84 GB (174.85 GB free)
                Encrypted AES-XTS Unlocked
                Core Storage: disk0s2 319.21 GB Online
        MATSHITADVD-R   UJ-898
    USB Information: ℹ️
        Apple Inc. Apple Internal Keyboard / Trackpad
        Apple Inc. BRCM2070 Hub
            Apple Inc. Bluetooth USB Host Controller
        Apple Inc. FaceTime HD Camera (Built-in)
        Apple Computer, Inc. IR Receiver
    Thunderbolt Information: ℹ️
        Apple Inc. thunderbolt_bus
    Gatekeeper: ℹ️
        Mac App Store and identified developers
    Kernel Extensions: ℹ️
        [not loaded]    com.devguru.driver.SamsungComposite (1.1.0) [Click for support]
        [not loaded]    com.logmein.driver.LogMeInSoundDriver (1.0.3 - SDK 10.5) [Click for support]
        [not loaded]    com.devguru.driver.SamsungACMControl (1.1.0) [Click for support]
        [not loaded]    com.devguru.driver.SamsungACMData (1.1.0) [Click for support]
    Startup Items: ℹ️
        HP Trap Monitor: Path: /Library/StartupItems/HP Trap Monitor
        Startup items are obsolete in OS X Yosemite
    Problem System Launch Daemons: ℹ️
        [failed]    com.apple.ucupdate.plist
        [failed]    com.apple.watchdogd.plist [Click for details]
    Launch Agents: ℹ️
        [not loaded]    com.google.keystone.agent.plist [Click for support]
        [not loaded]    com.hp.help.tocgenerator.plist [Click for support]
        [not loaded]    com.logmein.LMILaunchAgentFixer.plist [Click for support]
        [not loaded]    com.logmein.logmeingui.plist [Click for support]
        [not loaded]    com.logmein.logmeinguiagent.plist [Click for support]
        [not loaded]    com.logmein.logmeinguiagentatlogin.plist [Click for support]
    Launch Daemons: ℹ️
        [not loaded]    com.adobe.fpsaud.plist [Click for support]
        [not loaded]    com.google.keystone.daemon.plist [Click for support]
        [not loaded]    com.logmein.logmeinblanker.plist [Click for support]
        [not loaded]    com.logmein.logmeinserver.plist [Click for support]
        [not loaded]    com.logmein.raupdate.plist [Click for support]
        [not loaded]    com.microsoft.office.licensing.helper.plist [Click for support]
    User Launch Agents: ℹ️
        [not loaded]    com.adobe.ARM.[...].plist [Click for support]
        [not loaded]    com.facebook.videochat.[redacted].plist [Click for support]
        [not loaded]    com.google.GoogleContactSyncAgent.plist [Click for support]
    User Login Items: ℹ️
        iTunesHelper    UNKNOWN Hidden (missing value)
        AdobeResourceSynchronizer    Application Hidden (/Applications/Adobe Reader.app/Contents/Support/AdobeResourceSynchronizer.app)
        Android File Transfer Agent    Application  (/Users/[redacted]/Library/Application Support/Google/Android File Transfer/Android File Transfer Agent.app)
        HP Product Research    Application  (/Library/Application Support/Hewlett-Packard/Customer Participation/HP Product Research.app)
        HPEventHandler    Application  (/Library/Printers/hp/hpio/HPEventHandler.app)
    Internet Plug-ins: ℹ️
        o1dbrowserplugin: Version: - SDK 10.8 [Click for support]
        LogMeInSafari64: Version: 1.0.660 [Click for support]
        Default Browser: Version: 600 - SDK 10.10
        Silverlight: Version: 5.1.10411.0 - SDK 10.6 [Click for support]
        FlashPlayer-10.6: Version: - SDK 10.6 [Click for support]
        LogMeIn: Version: 1.0.660 [Click for support]
        Flash Player: Version: - SDK 10.6 [Click for support]
        LogMeInSafari32: Version: 1.0.660 [Click for support]
        QuickTime Plugin: Version: 7.7.3
        googletalkbrowserplugin: Version: - SDK 10.8 [Click for support]
        AdobePDFViewer: Version: 10.0.1 [Click for support]
        SharePointBrowserPlugin: Version: 14.1.0 [Click for support]
        iPhotoPhotocast: Version: 7.0 - SDK 10.7
    3rd Party Preference Panes: ℹ️
        Flash Player  [Click for support]
    Time Machine: ℹ️
        Time Machine not configured!
    Top Processes by CPU: ℹ️
             7%    ocspd
             4%    WindowServer
             1%    kextd
             0%    ps
             0%    securityd
    Top Processes by Memory: ℹ️
        137 MB    Microsoft Word
        120 MB    Safari
        86 MB    ocspd
        82 MB    CalendarAgent
        77 MB    WindowServer
    Virtual Memory Information: ℹ️
        310 MB    Free RAM
        1.89 GB    Active RAM
        1.55 GB    Inactive RAM
        544 MB    Wired RAM
        1.13 GB    Page-ins
        8 KB    Page-outs
    Diagnostics Information: ℹ️
        Apr 5, 2015, 09:32:47 AM    Self test - passed
        Apr 5, 2015, 09:30:05 AM    /Users/[redacted]/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/AdobeResourceSynchronizer_2015 -04-05-093005_[redacted].crash
        Apr 4, 2015, 01:12:41 PM    /Users/[redacted]/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/AdobeResourceSynchronizer_2015 -04-04-131241_[redacted].crash
        Apr 4, 2015, 08:13:57 AM    /Users/[redacted]/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/AdobeResourceSynchronizer_2015 -04-04-081357_[redacted].crash

    Reinstalling OS X Without Erasing the Drive
    Boot to the Recovery HD: Restart the computer and after the chime press and hold down the COMMAND and R keys until the menu screen appears. Alternatively, restart the computer and after the chime press and hold down the OPTION key until the boot manager screen appears. Select the Recovery HD and click on the downward pointing arrow button.
    Reinstalling OS X Without Erasing the Drive
    Repair the Hard Drive and Permissions: Upon startup select Disk Utility from the main menu. Repair the Hard Drive and Permissions as follows.
    When the recovery menu appears select Disk Utility and press the Continue button. After Disk Utility loads select the Macintosh HD entry from the the left side list.  Click on the First Aid tab, then click on the Repair Disk button. If Disk Utility reports any errors that have been fixed, then re-run Repair Disk until no errors are reported. If no errors are reported click on the Repair Permissions button. Wait until the operation completes, then quit Disk Utility and return to the main menu.
    Reinstall OS X: Select Reinstall OS X and click on the Continue button.
    Note: You will need an active Internet connection. I suggest using Ethernet if possible because it is three times faster than wireless.
    Alternatively, see:
    Reinstall OS X Without Erasing the Drive
    Choose the version you have installed now:
    OS X Yosemite- Reinstall OS X
    OS X Mavericks- Reinstall OS X
    OS X Mountain Lion- Reinstall OS X
    OS X Lion- Reinstall Mac OS X
         Note: You will need an active Internet connection. I suggest using Ethernet
                     if possible because it is three times faster than wireless.

  • MacBook Pro "15 2011 model has started crashing. Symptoms: screen distortion/images fragmenting/blue screening. Help!

    Hi everyone!
    I currently own a Macbook Pro '15, 4gb that was purchased in early 2011 running Snow Leopard (my version is currently 10.6.8). For under the past 3 year it has been heavily reliable, and I have not ran in to any software, or hardware issues. However, over the past 3 or so months I have been having issues.
    During May 2014 through to present date I have started experiencing screen glitches. It first began with image distortion, causing the whole system to crash, which would mean I would have to turn it off and reboot the system. Later this turned into a series of screen blurring (consisting of images fragmenting all over the place) and then finally followed with 2 weeks of blue screening on start up, meaning that I could not get into my log user unless I entered safe mode. I should also mention that I have no third party issues.
    After doing some considerable research on apple forums I did what had to be done. In the last two weeks I have wiped my MacBook Pro, re-installed the OS and considered that it was now a process of elimination. For the first week the software seemed to been running smoothly, I wasn't having any failings until I hit the second week – of course, the glitches began all over again and I faced two in the space of a half hour (first my screen split into two during listening to music on spotify with no other applications open in the background, shortly after rebooting I faced a much worse case of my Mac completely dark blue screening with white lines.)
    Now, once again, it only works 'well' on safe mode. I did a check in both modes. Left my computer idle with no programmes running for a half hour and the same thing happened with the screen, went black for a moment, moved the mouse and I received a fragmented screen again. I'm completely fed up at this point, considering I have the bare minimal amount on my Mac, I honestly can't fathom how it's come to this.
    Now considering my model is not even three years old at this stage you can fully understand my frustration since I heavily rely on my laptop for educational purposes, which is making it very difficult to be able to concentrate on any of my studies. If anything, it is causing a great deal of stress. With my product being out of warranty I don't have an obscene amount of money to pay for a new one. When I already paid roughly £1,699 for the product in the first place.
    The worst thing is, I've even done a EtreCheck, this was yesterday (the most recent/last time it was in use)
    Hardware Information:
      MacBook Pro (15-inch, Early 2011) (Verified)
      MacBook Pro - model: MacBookPro8,2
      1 2 GHz Intel Core i7 CPU: 4 cores
      4 GB RAM
    Video Information:
      AMD Radeon HD 6490M - VRAM: 256 MB
      Color LCD 1440 x 900
      Intel HD Graphics 3000 - VRAM: 384 MB
    System Software:
      Mac OS X 10.6.8 (10K549) - Uptime: 0 days 0:17:11
    Disk Information:
      Hitachi HTS545050B9A302 disk0 : (465.76 GB)
      - (disk0s1) <not mounted>: 200 MB
      Macintosh HD (disk0s2) / [Startup]: 465.44 GB (152.43 GB free)
      MATSHITADVD-R   UJ-898 
    USB Information:
      Apple Inc. FaceTime HD Camera (Built-in)
      Apple Inc. BRCM2070 Hub
      Apple Inc. Bluetooth USB Host Controller
      Apple Inc. Apple Internal Keyboard / Trackpad
      Apple Computer, Inc. IR Receiver
    Thunderbolt Information:
      Apple, Inc. MacBook Pro
    Launch Daemons:
      [not loaded] com.adobe.fpsaud.plist Support
      [not loaded] com.adobe.SwitchBoard.plist Support
      [not loaded] com.microsoft.office.licensing.helper.plist Support
      [not loaded] org.eyebeam.SelfControl.plist Support
    Launch Agents:
      [not loaded] com.adobe.AAM.Updater-1.0.plist Support
      [not loaded] com.hp.messagecenter.launcher.plist Support
    User Launch Agents:
      [not loaded] com.adobe.AAM.Updater-1.0.plist Support
      [not loaded] com.google.keystone.agent.plist Support
      [not loaded] com.spotify.webhelper.plist Support
    User Login Items:
    Internet Plug-ins:
      JavaAppletPlugin: Version: 13.9.8 - SDK 10.6 Check version
      FlashPlayer-10.6: Version: - SDK 10.6 Support
      QuickTime Plugin: Version: 7.6.6
      Flash Player: Version: - SDK 10.6 Support
      SharePointBrowserPlugin: Version: 14.1.0 Support
      OnLiveGameClientDetector: Version: OnLiveGameClientDetector 1.0.0 Support
      Silverlight: Version: 5.0.61118.0 - SDK 10.6 Support
      iPhotoPhotocast: Version: 7.0 - SDK 10.7
    Safari Extensions:
      Missing e: Version: 2.14.3
    iTunes Plug-ins:
      Quartz Composer Visualizer: Version: 1.2
    User Internet Plug-ins:
      Picasa: Version: 1.0 - SDK 10.4 Support
    3rd Party Preference Panes:
      Flash Player  Support
      Growl  Support
    Top Processes by CPU:
          6% WindowServer
          1% fontd
          0% soffice
          0% coreservicesd
          0% usbmuxd
    Top Processes by Memory:
      344 MB WebProcess
      143 MB Safari
      135 MB soffice
      53 MB iCal
      45 MB WindowServer
    Virtual Memory Information:
      1001 MB Free RAM
      584 MB Active RAM
      381 MB Inactive RAM
      2.07 GB Wired RAM
      239 MB Page-ins
      0 B Page-outs
    I've had a look to book an appointment at the Genius Bar, but would you believe it, there are no available appointments at my local store! I really would appreciate if anyone could offer any assistance in how to lodge a formal complaint? My days rely on being able to do my work, so whilst I have tried to book a reservation I am at a loss, and pretty much screwed having a Mac that I clearly cannot use functionally.
    If anyone can provide any help, I'd be absolutely most grateful!

    I have done what you suggested. However, I have to disagree with you about the 'third party' comment. Although those minor issues were on there which I picked up on shortly afterwards, they were easily removed. It hasn't CHANGED the symptoms I described about my mac. Both items are removed (growl only tends to make your mac 'lag' and that's not the problem I'm having)
    I am still having all the above issues, regardless of my mac being fully minus third party items. This mac hasn't had any heavy use, or had many applications installed on it ect, there is really no reason for it to be failing. I'd understand if it was old, but it's literally only just passed being 3 years old.
    If you can provide any more help that would be appreciated, thank you!

  • Mac Mini won't boot, distorted startup chime, gray screen

    Hi all --
    I've seen similar posts (http://discussions.apple.com/thread.jspa?messageID=12170891&#12170891) but thought I'd start a new one, mainly because I haven't heard anyone mention the startup chime.
    I woke up my 2007 stock Mac Mini Friday morning and the cursor was frozen. Unplugged and replugged the mouse to no avail. Couldn't force quit, so I had to power down. Restarted with a badly distored startup chime (not "speaker breakup" from excessive volume, just distortion, and some "stuttering") and a gray screen that didn't go away. Restarted many, many times. Inserted Snow Leopard DVD to run Disc Utility but it wasn't recognized -- just a gray screen. Tried resetting the PMU and SMC with no results. Tried booting into single-user mode (with a wired USB keyboard) to eject the DVD, but no luck. Tried open firmware, but nothing. Once in an while I would get the Apple icon and a spinning progress bar that never went away.
    Took it to the Genius Bar, where they tried to boot from a Firewire drive, with no success. The best they could do was tell me my 17-month old Mac was out of warranty. That confirmed, I took it home, cracked it open and removed the Snow Leopard DVD (with a credit card) to insert the install disc it shipped with. That didn't work. A couple of times it looked like it would, but then after the spinning bar I got the multilingual system bomb message. Tried to run Hardware Test, but nothing. Put in original Disc 2... and that gave me a flashing folder! Progress! Forced the DVD out and slipped in Disc 1. That started to read, and then I got some kernel-panic looking text and a shutdown. My last attempt was to create a USB boot drive from the original install discs, but my old Sawtooth won't let me run the installer.
    Is there any hope at this point? I just bought the thing last May, so I've had it less than a year and a half. The distorted startup chime makes me think the logic board is fried and no amount of fooling with the startup drive will make a difference. The only thing out of the ordinary in this case was that it went to sleep last Thursday night with a DV camera hooked up via Firewire.
    I'm not thrilled about giving Apple any more money for another Mini, but I'm heavily invested in Logic Studio so I don't have much of a choice of platform.
    I'm pretty sure I'm doomed, but I thought I'd post anyway. A quick internet search shows I'm not the only one with the gray screen of death on a fairly new Mini. Thanks in advance for any pointers.

    The Genius was able to get to the Apple logo and spinning... thing (what used to be the beachball). His theory was that as long as the Snow Leopard disc was in there, the boot process would never get to the Firewire port. Once I got home I literally pried the Snow Leopard disc out and put in the original install disc. But any progress whatsoever ends in the system bomb message.
    Thing is, I had tried to eject the disc by booting with the mouse button down. But on restarting, the laser in the optical mouse flashes quickly, once. I don't think the USB ports are going "live" at all... so I can't get into single user mode, safe mode, hardware test, anything. The Genius' keyboard was no help in that regard. So yeah, I suspect a hardware problem.
    A search of "gray screen of death" shows this happening to a lot of models.

  • Video randomly distorts at times. Why?

    I've had my MacBook for about a year and it has always done this. I'll be watching a movie and it'll distort/pixelate for a few seconds and then go back to normal. The sound will cut out for that 1-2 seconds as well. It's not the movies, I know that for a fact. I'll rewind it when it happens and it won't happen again at that particular part. It's not the applications I use to play the movies.. i've tried several.
    I tried researching this a little and saw there were known problems with video cards in some MacBook Pros. But I bought mine in mid 2010 and I believe the issues were with computers sold before then. I could be wrong about that though. It's at a point now where I don't know what's causing this and I want to resolve the issue. I'm starting to watch movies more from my Mac to my TV and it's beginning to get annoying.
    Here are the specs direct from my MacBook Pro box:
    2.4GHz Intel Core i5 Processor, 3MB shared level 3 cache
    4GB of 1066MHz DDR3 SDRAM
    320GB 5400-rpm hard drive
    15.4-inch (diagonal) LED-backlit glossy widescreen display; 1440 by 900 pixels
    Intel HD Graphics
    NVIDIA GeForce GT 330M graphics processor with 256MB of GDDR3 memory
    Built-in iSign video camera2
    8x slot-loading SuperDrive (DVD+R DL/DVD+RW/CD-RW)
    Mini DisplayPort
    SD card slot, FireWire 800 port, two USB 2.0 ports
    Optical digital audio/analog audio input and output ports; built-in stereo speakers
    Built-in 10/100/1000BASE-T Ethernet
    Built-in AirPort Extreme wireless networking (802.11n)3 and Bluetooth 2.1 + EDR
    Backlit keyboard and ambient light sensor
    Preinstalled Mac OS X and iLife
    Any help is appreciated. Thanks.

    I'll be watching a movie and it'll distort/pixelate for a few seconds and then go back to normal. The sound will cut out for that 1-2 seconds as well. It's not the movies, I know that for a fact.
    What of movies are you watching?  Commercial, rental, home made, etc.?
    It's not the applications I use to play the movies.. i've tried several.
    And those were?
    there were known problems with video cards in some MacBook Pros. But I bought mine in mid 2010 and I believe the issues were with computers sold before then. I could be wrong about that though.
    I have a 2008 Macbook Pro and I have never had the type of issues you are describing.  Have you tried a drive cleaner or a disc cleaner?

  • 2007 MacBook Pro Screen becomes distorted and Computer becomes unresponsive

    I am wondering if anyone else has experienced this. This is hard to explain with words alone, but I will try: I'll be using my 2007 MacBook Pro with no problems, when all of a sudden the screen will start to flicker and the display will become distorted where everything seems like it is tapering into seperate small rectangles. If I am playing music through any application (iTunes, Safari, Ableton Live, Adobe Premiere, etc.) the music will continue to play and I can still move the mouse around but I cannot click on anything or stop the music and none of my keyboard brightness or volume commands will function. Basically it's a partial freeze. This is very troubling as it is becoming more and more frequent. I did drop my computer once a year and a half ago but have not had any trouble of this sort (or at all for that matter) until about 2 months ago, so I'm not sure if this is related. It happened to me twice before I upgraded to 10.6.4 from 10.4.11, only then it was more serious and when I rebooted afterwards it would give me that ominous gray screen with the restart logo and several languages saying I needed to shut it down. Now when it happens I can restart my computer just fine (assuming I force shut it down with the power button for 6 seconds), but sometimes when it restarts the weird screen effect I described will happen during start up and then go away once it is running again. If anyone has any idea what is causing this please let me know, this computer is very important to me, as I do 85% of my work on it. Help! Thanks!!!!

    You may have the "nVidea Curse." Here is an Apple article explaining the issue and providing for free repair for a period to four years from data of purchase:
    It applies to MBPs with an nVidea 8600M GT graphics chipset. Apple Store have a diagnostic test for teh problem.

  • Keyboard and Trackpad shut down

    I've had my Macbook Pro since July 2008 and i've absolutely loved it, much better then my old PC. For the first few months it was running smoothly and I had no problems whatsoever. Now I am having a problem with the Trackpad and Keyboard shutting down at random times. I am forced to hard reboot the computer whenever it happens. I took a look on the support page and it seemed like there used to be a problem with this but there was a hotfix. I tried to download it but it said that my computer didn't need the firmware. Any suggestions?

    Welcome to Apple Discussions!
    There are a couple of things to try. First, check that your battery has not become swollen or distorted. If this happens, it can exert pressure from below and cause problems.
    The other thing to try is to reset the SMC, since that may affect trackpad function:
    Good luck!

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