DMS Version Question

We have a Doc type with versioning enabled. 00, 01, 02, etc.
We also have a status network defined for this Doc type, and the documents are approved using this network.
Is there any way to control versioning so that a user cannot create a new version until the previous one is in active/release status? 
It is a regulatory non-compliance issue to have the following
DIR #               Part   Version    Status
10000000101    000      00         Active
10000000101    000      01         Draft
10000000100    000      02         In Review
As you see above, doc version 01 is orphaned at best, or at worse someone else could initiate a review on that as well. 
We'd like to be able to prevent creation of 02 unless 01 is in Active status.

You can achieve your goal with a combination of version/revision, engineering change managment and release process methods. In discrete industries, especially, automotive, this combination is a mandatory to indicate enterprise-wide users in the downstream or upstream process that the released flag with revision indicates authoritative document from the source and therefore, any other document that may be present in the system without release flag and revision is not authorized for use--this is a corporate edict that is inherent to business operations. This method has been "borrowed" from product development organizations in discrete indutry to other functions such as regulatory.
In SAP DMS, configure document type for automatic assignment of revision with respect to a change number-- broadly speaking, a number that brings associated changes or new information into effect. And, release status must have release flag and complete for ECM settings.
Let me know if you have any questions.

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    1)Itll re-render the form so it will take the latest version from the repository.
    2)It will follow the original process. Only initiating new processes will follow new process map. As for the forms, the new version will take effect immediately.
    3a)what's going to happen to those unfinished instances?
    Theyll stay in a running state in the database
    3b)will they still be able to complete?
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    4)Yes you can remove/disable the endpoint.

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    Hi lubna,
    This might have been your problem: Apple-applications unexpectedly quit
    No, there is no other way than buying new disks. Make sure you get the retail full install version!
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    Edited by: Santosh Vaza on Apr 23, 2011 11:35 AM

    Hi Santosh.
    Regards upgrading WLS, yes, patches are available from Oracle Support for 10.3.2->10.3.3->10.3.4.
    In terms of JDev versions vs WLS versions, it's a question of support and certification. At it's simplest ADF works with WLS 10.3.2, with 10.3.3, with 10.3.4. You can learn more about the certification matrix here: (see the application server section).
    As for payment, this isn't my area of expertise, but I believe if you have a license for 10.3.2 and a support contract with Oracle you are entitled to a free upgrade.
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    Hope this helps.
    Happy easter to you and your family too.

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    So I assume you have the clips in you event browser that were imported from your old digital camera.
    And when you play them fullscreen, they look bad.
    The point of a DVD, is to play them in a DVD player, usually a TV which is an even larger screen, AND
    the problem is that conversion to the DVD will further degrade the quality. It will look worse.
    what you need to do i think is to go ahead and make the movie (project) but plan on exporting it to a form that works well on a smaller screen, an iPod might be perfect for that. Or you could play it on your computer screen but shrink the movie (do not play full screen). Most of these will play with QuickTime and you can pull the QT playing screen to be larger and smaller by using the corner thingie in lower right hand corner of the screen.
    So, make your project, and you will be exporting it ("Share" menu) as a QT file and playing it as a QT file, not a DVD. If you use Share menu, pick Export Movie and pick the highest resolution it allows and export it to your desk top, you will end up with your movie in a form that you can play with QT.
    write back with questions
    that is my advice.

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    I have been offered a version of Mac OS X v10.3.2
    Panther. Now my question is, I am running OS X 10.3
    but I do not know what version.
    apple > About this Mac
    will display the version.
    Will the CD still
    work if I need to boot from it? Or use to reinstall
    the operating system if the machine crashes?
    This is the normal case. You buy the first release of Panther from Apple -- 10.3. You then download the updates. You end up with say 10.3.8. You can still use your original 10.3 disk to do maintenance.
    I do not
    intend to use the cd only incase of it crashing.
    Thanks Paul.

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    Hi Alex,
    >I was wondering what forum's setting is for the forum itself, installed out-of-the-box.
    So you are asking if it is possible to configure the search inside of the forum application (Jive), right?
    I'm afraid that the access to the search administration has been removed and any configuration to the search engine included into the newly integrated forums solution is not officially supported.
    Hope this helps,

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    The Flash Player supports all versions of actionscript so if you are able to use AS2 to complete the design you should not have any problem.

Maybe you are looking for