Do we have a way to override the markers which XText use?? the problem is that xtext marker does no

Do we have a way to override the markers which XText use??
The problem is that xtext marker does not propagate its effect to the views
ex : (Syntax errors does not appear on Problems view)

Hi Christian,
Thanks for your help, my first problem resolved,
Another issue with the marker, currently i am trying to import files and parse them using the code below
XtextResourceSet resourceSet = injector.getInstance(XtextResourceSet.class);
Resource resource = resourceSet.createResource(URI.createURI(filePath));
resource.load(inputStream, resourceSet.getLoadOptions());
And all of them contains syntax errors.
The issue is the markers did not appear on the files in project browsers, and by opening any one of them in the editor, the markers appears on all of them (without extra parse)
i imported "a.dsl", "b.dsl" and "c.dsl" and all of them contains syntax errors, but no markers will appear in the project browser.
by opening "c.dsl" in the editor the markers will appear in all of them.

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