Dock color mavericks

non riesco a cambiare colore al dock quando decido di metterlo lateralmente al desktop il dock non diventa di colore nero come accadeva per lion (non riesco a vedere bene le icone perchè c'è poco contrasto).
Vorrei sapere se avete una guida per cambiare colore oppure se per favore inviate un feedback ad apple per cambiare questa situazione
grazie a tutti
ecco il link per il feedback
I can not change the color of the dock when I decide to put it on the side of the desktop dock does not turn black as they did for lion (I can not see properly the icons because there is little contrast).
Let me know if you have a guide for color changes or if please send feedback to apple to change this situation
thanks to all
here is the link for feedback

You need to tell Apple you don't like it, and ask them to bring back the dark translucent Dock background
The feedback form is here:

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    Venting about this here might make one feel better, but otherwise won't do much good. This is a user-to-user forum and is not monitored by Apple for feedback purposes. You can give feedback to Apple here: Apple - Mac OS X - Feedback
    If enough people give feedback about a particular issue then Apple may make the change.

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    Had you looked into existing Dock Modifiers for Mavericks, as in the past, some persons
    did create and distribute this kind of product, often for free or little expense?
    A revisit to the generalized topic may be seen in this results URL from a search on theme:
    Hopefully you can make use of some of these existing ideas and/or products, but do be
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    Good luck & happy computing!

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    => egefIt4_t4UMOVdnn24KtXByipkEVNKRIm0un6jlloUu8at22J1pboQ56RPHKX0Sp1PkvfCtVKga_f9H NN9n104j5psKQFS4q8yBii2OiaZ8IXqXmGIkXmXs_DD2ypL-Er4kRe2YLnEBIpbv9kNbkFSsNsZu_BXu 8qGqQ7H4WCxq4m3yevxbUhY6G-f-5rWtrERD6o4oCB-OOGs1_BzgpsfxT9JYZBIhx53EgZpsNQEdVvPL USgXhw82EdXYwwpuJs0gLawJV1gWEE2Q
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    Stryker295 wrote:
    defaults write hide-mirror -bool true;killall Dock
    copypaste that into terminal. It doesn't completely fix the problem but it makes the dock a little more transparent and gets rid of the awful blur effect. For now that seems to be the only solution.
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    Your Mac will generate a new .plist file automatically after restart.
    Deleting the .plist file shouldn't delete any app icons from the dock.
    Check the startup disk just in case.
    Launch Disk Utility located in HD > Applications > Utilities
    Select the startup disk on the left then select the First Aid tab.
    Click:  Verify Disk  (not Verify Disk Permissions)
    If DU reports errors, restart your Mac while holding down the Command + R keys.
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    You need to tell Apple you don't like it, and ask them to bring back the dark translucent Dock background
    The feedback form is here:

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    Might be corrupted dock preferences...
    Open the Finder. From the Finder menu bar click Go > Go to Folder
    Type or copy paste the following:
    Click Go then move the file to the Trash.
    Restart your Mac then try hovering the cursor to hide or show the dock

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    I dont think this is the bug with ShapeShifter. I dont even have it installed and i have the same issue.
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    Nice find.  It works great!
    I noticed this feature when I upgraded to Mavericks a couple months ago, but could not find how to control it.  My two displays are set up vertically, with one on top of the other.  I prefer the dock on the larger 24" display sitting above the native MBP screen.  The system typically defaults to the dock on the lower screen, but now I'm able to command it to the top screen.
    Thank you!

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