FCP 7 Color + Mavericks = No video preview

Folks, I haven't used Color in awhile. Just fired it up on my new iMAC 27" running Mavericks. I have a second 22" monitor.
All seems fine, but I can only preview the scopes. I cannot preview the video itself.
Poking around and noticing other issues, people are saying it could be related to my video card.
How can I use Color in Mavericks?

Color is designed to be used with a video IO card, like the kinds AJA, BlackMagic Design and Matrox make. Do you have any of those on your system?  Because the video preview interface in Color is highly innacurate.
And this might be a victim of obselence...an app discontinued 3 years ago by Apple not working on their latest OS. 
Hey...anyone else have Mavericks on their system and FCS 3? Does Color work for you all?

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    Maximum Bit Depth is only suitable when ingesting 4:2:2 material and exporting with AJA or BM
    Oh, man... not again. This is not true, at all. Maximum Bit Depth has nothing to do with 4:2:2 AJA or BlackMagic. And Maximum Bit Depth is not just for use with 10-bit or  greater source footage. It can be used with 8-bit material--DV, H.264,  MPEG2, anything--to great benefit.
    (The following is copied and pasted since I've written it so many times...)
    What Maximum Bit Depth  (either in the Sequence Settings or in the Export Settings) does is  enable Premiere Pro to render and composite in 32-bit floating point  color. It has nothing (or at least, little) to do with the source  footage, but controls how effects and transformations that shift pixels  around are rendered. Any effect in the Effects panel that has a 32-bit  badge on it will benefit from Maximum Bit Depth--the expense is greater  memory requirements and processing time, but the payoff is a higher  degree of color fidelity and precision in the rendered image. Gaussian  Blur, for example, is a 32-bit effect that will show a great difference  between when it is rendered with MBD on versus when it is off--even if  you're rendering/exporting to an 8-bit format, like DV.
    From Karl Soule's article on this topic, The Video Road – Understanding Color Processing: 8-bit, 10-bit, 32-bit, and more:
    A DV file with a blur and a color corrector exported to DV without the max bit depth flag. We  will import the 8-bit DV file, apply the blur to get an 8-bit frame,  apply the color corrector to the 8-bit frame to get another 8-bit frame,  then write DV at 8-bit.
    A DV file with a blur and a color corrector exported to DV with the max bit depth flag. We  will import the 8-bit DV file, apply the blur to get an 32-bit frame,  apply the color corrector to the 32-bit frame to get another 32-bit  frame, then write DV at 8-bit. The color corrector working on the 32-bit  blurred frame will be higher quality then the previous example.
    A DV file with a blur and a color corrector exported to DPX with the max bit depth flag. We  will import the 8-bit DV file, apply the blur to get an 32-bit frame,  apply the color corrector to the 32-bit frame to get another 32-bit  frame, then write DPX at 10-bit. This will be still higher quality  because the final output format supports greater precision.
    A DPX file with a blur and a color corrector exported to DPX without the max bit depth flag. We will clamp 10-bit DPX file to 8-bits, apply the blur to get an 8-bit  frame, apply the color corrector to the 8-bit frame to get another  8-bit frame, then write 10-bit DPX from 8-bit data.
    A DPX file with a blur and a color corrector exported to DPX with the max bit depth flag. We will import the 10-bit DPX file, apply the blur to get an 32-bit  frame, apply the color corrector to the 32-bit frame to get another  32-bit frame, then write DPX at 10-bit. This will retain full precision through the whole pipeline.
    A title with a gradient and a blur on a 8-bit monitor. This will display in 8-bit, may show banding.
    A title with a gradient and a blur on a 10-bit monitor (with hardware acceleration enabled.) This will render the blur in  32-bit, then display at 10-bit. The gradient should be smooth.
    What Maximum Bit Depth does is allow  Premiere Pro's rendering engine to have more room to run, with a higher  degree of precision. It's important to remember that rendering  internally is different than exporting--and even when you're "rendering"  previews, you're actually exporting, because you're creating composited  video files of one sort or another. That's why there is a Maximum Bit  Depth checkbox in the Sequence Settings--that affects preview files, not  exports. When you're using hardware MPE, you're always operating in  MBD--or more specifically, you're rendering in 32-bit linear color.  Generally, this is "better," though I've lamented about the negative  effects of linear color processing, e.g. annoying opacity differences on  dissolves, shaggy alpha channels, etc.
    The bottom line is  that Maximum Bit Depth allows Premiere Pro to generate better  (subjective), more technically accurate (objective) output, regardless  of the input and output format.

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    Hi -
    Thanks for your post and attention!!
    I could reproduce your problem on a Mac Pro with two graphic cards. The video could playback in Timeline panel and could hear the audio, but could not see the thumbnail view in Monitor panel.  I have opened a bug for this and our team are investigating it.
    Thanks & Best regards,

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    FWIW, I seem to be having similar issues. Used 10.0.3 for the first time earlier today (under Snow Leopard, on an 8-core Mac Pro now with 24GB of RAM). Constantly losing video -- audio plays fine. Never seemed to have this problem in 10.0.2.  (Lots of other problems, mind you -- just not this one.)
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    One of the triggers for losing the video in my case seems to be letting the Timeline play through till past the end. And I say "past" the end, because there's now suddenly a weird 2-3 minute void after the final clip of video. No audio, no "gap clips", just a big stretch of nothing. I can't figure out how to get rid of it, and the fade out I'd applied long ago to the last video clip no longer works. When the playhead reaches that transition (or nears the end of the last video clip, even with the transition removed) the video just cuts to black. The audio then ends normally while the playhead just keeps going into this mysterious blank emptiness for almost 3 minutes -- at least that's how much extra black I get when I do an Export of the Project.
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    (Meantime, as others have reported, I also experienced loss of parameters on several simple titles in Projects created in 10.0.2 and updated/imported into 10.0.3. Likewise for the irrational re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-rendering. Have not yet had time to test any of this on a newly-created 10.0.3 project, but I really do look forward to the day when the bulk of my work in FCP-X might actually involve  editing, with the time spent in trouble-shooting and unpaid beta-testing perhaps reduced to just a few hours a week. A crazy idea, I know -- but I can still dream.)
    John B

  • Sequence Settings Video Previews and GPU?

    Dear PrP CC Users,
    I wanted to get some information partaining to sequence settings.
    In the bottom box of Sequence Settings: Video Previews. There are three un/tick boxes:
    Maximum Bit Depth
    Maximum Render Quality
    Composite In Linear Color (requires GPU acceleration or max render quality)
    Normally I tick all of them. I have a Windforce GTX 770 4GB CUDA mercury engine enabled. I have also set to Optimise rendering for: Performance.
    My questions are as follows.
    -Do these selections effect the final output of a timeline for delivery or is it merely for during regular playback and preview rendering?
    -Also, when I export using Media Encoder through dynamic link, is it bad to Use Previews for a faster export, often I export to ProRes4444 for Grading, I heard that Preview files will always differ as its created by the GPU and can slightly change the colours dependent on the GPU you have, thus is it better to export and allow it to re-render using the CPU in Media Encoder (I always set maximum bit depth and quality)?
    -Lastly, in the export process, when I select Maximum Bit Depth, there are options of the bit depth value (32, 48, 64) does this become redundant since I checked maximum bit depth?
    Thank you.

    The first two boxes only affect previews.  The same boxes in the Export Settings dialog will override those and determine the output.
    Using previews for export is generally not a good idea, as doing so will incur an additional compression step.  The exception is when the previews are lossless (or nearly so, as with DNxHD).
    Not working with ProRes, I've never seen those options.

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  • Video Preview files

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    bjkupfer wrote:
    It may be rebuilding the sequence, but I don't think it's re-rendering the files if I have the "Use preview" box checked.  The video has color correction (Magic Bullet) applied to almost all the clips.  It has titles on many of the clips.  All I know, is that one sequence that has pro res preview files being used takes MUCH LESS time than the same sequence that doesn't use preview files, exported to Pro Res.  Both files end up the same size after export, both look the same but one renders in 1/2 the time of it's duration while the other takes 5 times its duration...
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  • Quicktime not an option on Sequence settings Video preview

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    Running Windows 8.1, 64bit
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    Thanks in advance!

    [Here's the one response from the duplicate thread.]
    The Preview format options have always been somewhat limited. Consider this, that the previews should be just that - previews. When you have sufficient effects added to a clip to where it won't play smoothly in the timeline, you might wish to render it to get a better idea how the finished product will look. However, when you do the final export, best to NOT check the box for "Use Previews", since you would then be re-encoding (recompressing) the clip a second time. Better to export right the timeline, encoding straight from the source to final destination, diregarding any render previews you might have made.
    Maybe you can elaborate on the intended use or workflow of your desired preview format? I'm a PC user and I think that on the Mac, with FCP, one had the option to render previews as QuickTime and those files could then be stitched together at the end without transoding them again, but not so with Premiere.
    You might find that different Sequence Presets will provide different render preview options. 1280x960 is a non-standard format so that could limit your options.
    Jeff Pulera
    Safe Harbor Computers

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    Applications installed Office 2004, FCP studio 5, and parallels desktop.
    I tried uninstalling the apps, and running disk utility but still the same problem.

    Alter the way it uses an IP.
    I think it the Sharing option of the Mac IP that is the problem
    1:28 PM Sunday; November 11, 2007

  • Details of video preview with Mercury Transmit in the 2014 update to After Effects CC

    In the 2014 update to After Effects CC, which is available today, the technology used for video preview on an external monitor has been replaced with Mercury Transmit technology from Premiere Pro. Read about it in detail here:
    Please post in this thread to discuss or ask questions about these changes.
    Read about all of the other changes coming to the 2014 update to After Effects CC here:

    It's your choice if you wish to use Mercury Transmit with your AJA cards, or the AJA Preview plug-in. You do not need to uninstall anything, but you should disable the one you are not using.
    The differences between the two are subtle, but can be simplified (very grossly simplified) to speed vs. accuracy.
    The AJA Preview plug-in has a performance advantage over Mercury Transmit. AJA is able to optimize the frame throughput because they have better access to their hardware. You should be able to get real-time previews under most circumstances.
    Mercury Transmit has better access to the After Effects pixel buffer than the AJA Preview plug-in. For example, when color management is enabled in the project, Mercury Transmit will apply color transforms. These color transforms require additional processing, which can slow down the preview speed and drop it below real-time.
    Performance of video preview in After Effects (any version, using any of the available technologies) otherwise tends to be a straightforward equation of the computer's processor horsepower vs. the requirements of the frames being pushed (frame size + frame rate + color depth + color management). In the "performance of RAM preview when video preview is enabled" section of this page, I've detailed what levers you can pull to affect the performance of video preview in After Effects:
    http://blogs.adobe.com/aftereffects/2014/05/video-preview-mercury-transmit-after-effects.h tml
    If you continue to have problems, please post more detail about the settings you are using, especially whether you are using greater than 8-bpc color or color management in the project. Machine specs and the state of the machine, including the amount of RAM, free RAM, and other applications running, will also be helpful. Please also state, given all of the above, what frame rate is being reported in the Info panel during RAM preview playback.

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    None of your effects will carry over to Motion. Speed changes, color corrections, keys, etc... Why? See this:
    You can do as avidvid says and export to "fix" your effects then bring the file back in, but that won't carry the alpha over...

  • No video previews - just a blank screen

    when i try to preview videos, i just get the preview window filled with the predominant background color of the video, but no motion. itunes has upgraded a couple times and still hasn't fixed the problem. prior to the upgrades, i'd get just a kaleidoscope of colors, but nothing recognizable in the preview pane. quicktime is the default player, so conflicts shouldn't be the issue.
    i didn't see related posts when i searched. anyone else seeing the same thing.

    perhaps try working through the suggestions in this troubleshooting document:
    Troubleshooting iTunes for Windows video playback perfomance issues

  • Premiere Pro CS6 and CC with bad quality and incorrect colors in output video

    Hi everyone!
    I'm frustrated with my results after exporting a video with Adobe Premiere Pro (both CS6 and CC).
    The color of the video output is slightly different to the original file (i've checked if it was a problem with my video player, but no, i've tested the video with WMP and others with no success).
    Also the video quality is a little bad compared to the original file (i even tried to use frame blending once).
    Notice that i'm not using any effects or anything alike, and i'm a begginer in video editing.
    These are the parameters from the original video (made by Media Info software):
    : MPEG-4
    Format profile                      
    : Base Media
    Codec ID                            
    : isom
    File size                           
    : 1.70 GiB
    : 1h 35mn
    Overall bit rate mode               
    : Variable
    Overall bit rate                    
    : 2 540 Kbps
    Encoded date                        
    : UTC 2012-12-06 21:47:27
    Tagged date                         
    : UTC 2012-12-06 21:47:27
    : 1
    : AVC
    : Advanced Video Codec
    Format profile                      
    : [email protected]
    Format settings, CABAC              
    : Yes
    Format settings, ReFrames           
    : 4 frames
    Codec ID                            
    : avc1
    Codec ID/Info                       
    : Advanced Video Coding
    : 1h 35mn
    Bit rate                            
    : 2 246 Kbps
    Maximum bit rate                    
    : 33.7 Mbps
    : 1 920 pixels
    : 816 pixels
    Display aspect ratio                
    : 2.35:1
    Frame rate mode                     
    : Constant
    Frame rate                          
    : 23.976 fps
    Color space                         
    : YUV
    Chroma subsampling                  
    : 4:2:0
    Bit depth                           
    : 8 bits
    Scan type                           
    : Progressive
    : 0.060
    Stream size                         
    : 1.50 GiB (88%)
    : Video
    Writing library                     
    : x264 core 128 r2216 198a7ea
    Encoding settings                   
    : cabac=1 / ref=3 / deblock=1:1:1 / analyse=0x3:0x133 / me=umh / subme=10 / psy=1 / psy_rd=0.40:0.00 / mixed_ref=1 / me_range=24 / chroma_me=1 / trellis=2 / 8x8dct=1 / cqm=0 / deadzone=21,11 / fast_pskip=1 / chroma_qp_offset=-2 / threads=12 / lookahead_threads=2 / sliced_threads=0 / nr=0 / decimate=1 / interlaced=0 / bluray_compat=0 / constrained_intra=0 / bframes=3 / b_pyramid=2 / b_adapt=2 / b_bias=0 / direct=3 / weightb=1 / open_gop=0 / weightp=2 / keyint=250 / keyint_min=23 / scenecut=40 / intra_refresh=0 / rc_lookahead=60 / rc=2pass / mbtree=1 / bitrate=2246 / ratetol=1.0 / qcomp=0.60 / qpmin=0 / qpmax=69 / qpstep=4 / cplxblur=20.0 / qblur=0.5 / vbv_maxrate=25000 / vbv_bufsize=25000 / nal_hrd=none / ip_ratio=1.40 / aq=1:0.60
    Encoded date                        
    : UTC 2012-12-06 21:47:27
    Tagged date                         
    : UTC 2012-12-06 21:48:02
    I'm exporting the video using almost the same parameters from the original file.
    Here's a screen shot of my settings in Premiere:
    As you can see in the printscreen, the settings only differ from the original file parameters in the bit rate (which i raised a little),
    the TV standard (which i have no ideia what it changes), the level of H.264 (which i raised from 4.0 to 4.1, 5.0 and 5.1), and the bit rate encoding (which i've tried using CBR, VBR 1, and VBR 2).
    Just for my curiosity...why these numbers in orange are so extensive? I mean, the original video is only 01:35:30:06 in final output (which is correct).
    Notice that i do not use key frame distance (as i don't know what it does).
    If i'm doing something wrong, please tell me.

    Well if i do that, the video will raise up GBs larger (and that is really bad).
    Why is it really bad?
    Its a fact of digital  life. High datarate = quality.
    example ...even the Youtube preset is in the 8mpbs area.
    ...and you are exporting 1 hr 35mins of media.

Maybe you are looking for

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