Documentary metadata and sync sound workflow.

Hey there,
I am in the process of editing a documentary with 70+ hours of AVCHD (.MTS) footage. My end goal here is to review all media, ideally with access to each sound source synced to each clip before editing. I have multiple sound sources (camera, boom, and 2 wireless mics) and wish to preserve all tracks instead of replacing the "reference" sound of the camera.
My initial thought was to find a way to create new clips with multiple synced tracks using either Pluraleyes or the new merge clip function in Premiere CC, then review everything in Prelude CC, taking notes on the metadata, and finally doing the editing in Premiere CC.
First, is this even possible? Can you export a clip with numerous independent tracks that have been synced? If so, what could be an efficient way in doing so?
Second, if this is not possible, what could be an efficient way to meet my initial goal (reviewing 70+ hours of documentary media with multiple sound sources before editing?)
Thank you for your input.

I think Ppro and Prelude can reach your goal. After syncing clips in PPro, export it as another format then import the clip in Prelude to take notes on metadata. You could export the project or send the clip to PPro directly to do more editing.
It is very important that you choose correct settings to preserve all audio tracks when exporting a synced clip in PPro. Prelude can export a clip with multiple tracks.

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    You want to do a multicam.
    It is extremely well suited for this.
    Since you don't seem to be aware of this, I recommend that you follow some good tutorials on this.
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    Control panel
    Sound (Hardware n Sound)
    Under Playback tab, highlight each device and click Properties button
    Go to Advanced tab and change Sample Rate to 16bit 48000hz (DVD Quality) or 96000hz (Studio Quality), OK n OK.

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    imac   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

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    Speech to text sucess is highly dependant on the source.  So it may be almost perfect for some, terrible for others.   It is generally improved in CS5.  The big improvement which can make it almost 100% accurate is a matching script to compare to.  But if you dont have scripts, that doesnt help you.
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    Thanks for the reply, Curt.

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    First off, wow, you shot with the new Genesis? Very cool, how did you like it? What type of project did you shoot? Feature, commercial, documentary, etc...?
    As far as syncing your sound... Most high end productions that shoot HD also go into a telecine suite to transfer their circle takes and sync their sound. This also creates new HD masters because I would not suggest using your camera masters for anything else except an archive (like negatives).
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    Wisdom from the Greater Good Sought OR Please Point Me in the Right Direction
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    Any thoughts, ideas, warnings appreciated. Thanks.

    What Jerry says. About the only thing to be done with the DATs after that is pulling off all the wild tracks for the sound portion of the edit.
    Locling them up in fcp is, to my way of thinking, a TERRIFIC waste of time and offers you the most potential headaches when thinks get unlinked.

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    I don't want to restore the iPhone so I don't lose all my old messages and so forth.
    I have all of the latest updates for the iPhone and well as iTunes.
    If anyone has any answers to help that would be awesome!
    - Jordan

    Hey there,
    It sounds like you are not getting the prompt to erase and sync your device. This indicates to me that Manual Syncing was enabled on the original iTunes Library, and becuase of that it is also now enabled on your new computer.
    This is changable in the Summary tab of iTunes when you have your device selected, and this article will help you do that:
    Managing content manually on iPhone, iPad, and iPod
    Configure iPhone, iPad, or iPod for manual management
    To manually manage the content, follow these instructions:
    Connect the device to your computer.
    Open iTunes.
    Select your iPhone, iPad, or iPod. If your device isn't visible in the upper right corner of the screen, choose Library.
    Click the Summary tab and select "Manually manage music and videos."
    Click Apply.
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.

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    You need to move all your data from the original computer over to the new computer first. 

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