Does Apple even care?

Why doesn't anyone at Apple ever respond with answers to problems posted on these discussions? I have seen many, many threads by people who are having all kinds of problems with Apple hardware and software, but there's nobody at Apple who seems to care. The problems go unanswered.
This seems to be the norm, so my question is, does Apple even care? Doesn't Apple ever fix problems with products they've already sold? When you have a discussion thread, where ALL of the posters are angry about a lack of support for a particular problem, it seems to me someone at Apple should answer them.
Case in point: All kinds of problems with iTunes/iPod software. Is there any new software release coming, are you working on those problems voiced in the discussion threads...? Why don't we get any answers from someone at Apple?

You may be interested in reading this:
"Technical support and the iPod warranty.
Every iPod comes with complimentary, single-incident telephone technical support within 90 days of your iPod purchase — perfect for questions about using your iPod for the first time. In addition, your iPod, its rechargeable battery, and all included accessories are also covered against defects for one year from the original purchase date by a limited hardware warranty. You can also access online support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to find solutions, tools, and tutorials and to learn from fellow Apple customers at our discussions forums.
AppleCare Protection Plan.
To get the most from your iPod and enjoy peace of mind for two years from its original purchase date, get the award-winning AppleCare Protection Plan. It’s your one stop for personal technical support.
For up to two years, you get direct access to Apple's own experts for questions and advice about using your iPod. We can help you with a broad range of topics, such as syncing with iTunes, watching video, downloading podcasts, and more. You also get global repair or replacement service — including parts and labor — on your iPod, its battery, and included accessories. (For details, read terms and conditions.)
Just $39.00. Simply add AppleCare Protection Plan to your shopping cart after you select your iPod."
I wasn't sure if you were aware of the 1 year limited hardware warranty and the fact that had you purchased for $39.00 the AppleCare Protection Plan for your ipod you would have had telephone technical support for two years from your date of purchase.
Just wasn't sure if you totally understood all the avenues open or closed if past the 1 year limited hardware warranty and/or didn't purchase AppleCare for your iPod.

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    "Is Apple product so unreliable that we have to buy additional protection plan from day 1"
    By no means. Don't take some salesperson's attempt to push AppleCare on you as any indication other than her personal opinion. Sometimes things break. It's unfortunate, but it happens. If things didn't fail, we wouldn't need warranties at all. And with electronic devices it's more likely to happen early in their life than it would be later. I might point out that Apple buys hard drives from the same companies that every other computer manufacturer does, so the hard drives have exactly the same chance of failure in a Mac as they would have in any other computer. And you have a one-year warranty on your computer so having the extended warranty at this point is irrelevant.
    s Apple confirming the truth that their MACs will not last their users anything more than 1 year thus encouraging users to buy additonal warranty.
    No more than any other company that sells an extended warranty for their product is saying that. If you want to purchase an extended warranty, it's up to you. The majority of computer owners, for almost any brand, never have need for a warranty at all, much less an extended warranty. But out-of-warranty repairs can be expensive enough - and again, this is true of any computer, particularly laptop computers where the components tend to be more expensive - that many people opt for extended warranties to ensure that for the duration of the extended warranty there will be no unexpected failures and consequent costs. It's like buying fire insurance for your house; the likelihood that your house will catch fire is small, but the cost involved if you don't have insurance is so great that I'd wager you do indeed have fire insurance if you own a house.
    it is not about the money but the data that stores inside that has become too damaging for my business.
    That's why you make backups. Any hard drive can fail. Or your laptop might get lost or stolen which would of course not be Apple's fault nor the fault of any of their component suppliers.
    Message was edited by: Dave Sawyer

  • Does Apple even intend to fix Logic 8?

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    David Robinson9 wrote:
    hi nikki-k,
    i have a much more basic machine than you, and none of what you are describing happens.
    It is not the machine power, it is basic flaws that are not DSP dependent.
    sure there are problems.
    eg: just done a song with mixed meters, using beat detection to get it to grid.
    no worries. only error was pilot error. mine.
    i have many song in mixed meter, with tempo changes all over the shop.
    all respond as normal.
    my count-in works as expected.
    Please try this?
    Create a new song, and then make a meter change anywhere to 3/4 time. Create a region on a track with start point on the bar. Put Logic into Absolute, Bar grid mode. Grab region, and try to move it one measure forward using the mouse.
    No one else can make this work properly in Logic 8. Basically, Logic's internals are working as if the grid were still set with Bars on every 4th beat. So, if the region is on the first bar of 3/4 time, you would need to try and move it to an interval of coincident 3/4->4/4 bars (every twelfth beat in this case).
    By switching to division mode, it can be relatively painless. But, I have had times when I work with notes in the Piano Roll and they will NOT snap to a bar or beat in Absolute mode no matter what I do. Instead, I have been using the Event Float and grabbing a value with the mouse or enter manually...which is a PITA.
    i HAVE noticed that in the PR the position after an edit will change back to the beginning of the trk.
    apple are only aware of the money they make.
    they and emagic released heaps of stuff with bugs present, so what's new.
    look, if you really want to get up apples nose, get a lawyer to send them a letter.
    i'll bet you're one of thousands.....
    i wouldn't bother.
    on the whole, logic 8 works about as good as lp7, lp6, lp5, etc.
    Isolated experiences of little things is fine. Coming from PT, it can be irritating, but that is simply because I have years and years of extensive PT experience (among credits, I have done tech work for Thomson Publishing for PT material). It is when composing, using grid based editing as I work/record, and do MIDI at the same time in the Piano Roll that it can get rough. Granted, much of it is me getting used to Logic, and adapting from speaking PT to speaking Logic, especially key commands. I am even beginning work on an AppleScript project for Pro Tools, and that will overflow into a Logic project for creating macros and stuff. Time will heal much, but right now, the basic underpinnings being broken like this hurts enough to make it beyond frustrating.
    There are little things that happen, and I know it is not pilot error. But, most are flukes with no reproducibility or recipe I can find. I see others report the same things, but they also lack the ability to provide a definite recipe. Yet.
    Logic is a very cool app. Definitely a learning curve to reap the benefits of the treasure that lays right there at your fingertips. And to be able to fire up my MacBook Pro at the initial onset of inspiration, and simply use the built-in audio to sketch an idea extra hardware, fast and easy...gotta love it! I just wish I could place the same faith, or close to it, in Apple/Emagic that I have in Digi (love/hate relationship that that

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    Apple tests every single app for basic functionality (does it start up?, does it do what the developer says it will do?).  Additionally, each and every app is checked to insure that the app doesn't do bad things (no malware) or use private, unpublished APIs.  If any of these requirements aren't met, the app gets rejected.  That doesn't mean some apps aren't worth paying for but that's up to the marketplace to decide.

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    It's quite possible they're still repairing the Central offices that were flooded out in Manhattan after Sandy. Perhaps you've seen the photos?
    Otherwise, I'm in the same boat as you, except I'm just seeing latency at night. Speeds are not decreasing to most sites.
    The first to bring me 1Gbps Fiber for $30/m wins!

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    First let's start by saying that we are all sorry you are having a problem with your SuperDrive.
    That being said there are a couple of things that you must understand.
    First we all have had one or more issues with the capability of the Superdrive in one sence or another,
    You must also understand that the Software that comes with the Superdrive is ENTRY LEVEL. It is far from the top of the line in burning software.
    The ease of use with the better software is daylight and dark in comparisson for most users.
    The supplied software is cumbersome and difficult for some users to navigate through, not being used to it.
    In comparison the better software gives you very informative choices of DATA, AUDIO, VIDEO, Likewise it gives you the choice of PC only, Mac only, or PC, and Mac compatible. Not all Media on the market is compatible with all burners and visa versa.
    DVD can be confusing at best without doing some research.
    Most users assume they can just put in media and click and wa-la they have a copy, Sorry to say this isn't the case.
    There are very few step by step instructions on the use of Drive capabilitys and the use there of. I contend this is by design by the entire Industry. Read my response to this post.
    Lastly, To my knowledge there are no Apple Butt Boys on these fourms, and none of us are here but for one purpose.
    To help one another with our problems.
    Rather then to go through the hassle of contacting Apple for every little problem we have that for the most part are self induced.
    If you have a specific problem, all you have to do is give as much detail as you can to your problem and there are hundreds of very very sharp people on here that have forgot more than you or I could ever hope to know that are willing to take there time to help. Don

  • HT201198 does apple care cover stolen iphones?

    does apple care cover stolen iphones?

    No, it does not.
    What To Do If Your iDevice or Computer Is Lost Or Stolen
    If your Mac, iPhone, iPod, iPod Touch, or iPad is lost or stolen what do you do? There are things you should do in advance - before you lose it or it's stolen - and some things to do after the fact. Here are some suggestions:
      1. Reporting a lost or stolen Apple product
      2. Find my lost iPod Touch
      3. AT&T, Sprint, and Verizon can block stolen phones/tablets
      4. What-To-Do-When-Iphone-Is-Stolen
      5. Lost or Stolen iPhone? Here’s What to do
      6. 6 Ways to Track and Recover Your Lost/Stolen iPhone
      7. Find My iPhone
    It pays to be proactive by following the advice on using Find My Phone before you lose your device:
      1. Find My iPhone
      2. Setup your iDevice on MobileMe
      3. OS X Lion- About Find My Mac
      4. How To Set Up Free Find Your iPhone (Even on Unsupported Devices)
    Third-party solutions for computers:
      1. VUWER 1.5.4
      2. Sneaky ******* 0.2.0
      3. Undercover 4.7
      4. LoJack for Laptops Premium Mac
      5. STEM 2.1
      6. MacPhoneHome 3.5

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    Old saying applies here most of the time......
    "If it ain't broken, don't fix it"
    I choose to use LP9 with Snow Leopard myself (10.6.8 and 9.1.6) for most of my commercial work simply because I find that combo very stable and provides the best overall performance for my setups here... but I am also using LPX with Mavericks as part of my client support and that works fine too although with a drop in performance due to the heavier demands made on the hardware by the newer OS X and LPX graphic routines for example..

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    I don't think Apple makes anything aside from the usual "aux" cables discussed above, but I've had good luck with a Motorola T505. It's a small device that you clip on your car's visor. It pairs to the iPhone via Bluetooth, then transmits the output to an open FM frequency that you tune in on your car stereo. So you can play music from your phone thru the car stereo, and it automatically pauses when you get an incoming call, you can carry on your phone conversation hands-free, then the music will resume once your call is completed. It's pretty neat.

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    Interesting, I have learned that many folks have never heard of a "Cigarette Lighter", it is something like a 12 Volt accessory port.  In any case, I purchased a Belkin 2.1 amp single USB port charger and just tried it with my standard USB to Lightning IPhone 5 cable and it worked great.

  • Why does Apple not give a list of error messages and possible solutions? I have the (-54) error continually that has suddenly appeared and cannot find a solution, even though other users seem to have the same problem.

    Why does Apple not give a list of error messages and possible solutions? I have the (-54) error continually that has suddenly appeared and cannot find a solution, even though other users seem to have the same problem.

    This is a user to user forum.  Apple isn't here and won't answer you.  You need to contact Apple directly.  You can use the Contact button at the bottom of the screen.

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    My iphone plus is bending, what does Apple offer regarding this issue?
    I am trying to get to contact with Apple Customer Care, but not clear to me how to do it beside this channel of communication. I bought the phone from kosovar carrier which is under Slovenian ownership. This means that the original warranty comes from Slovenia, bit complicated but still I would like to get an urgent answer how to proceed with this issue, thanks

    Maybe i should have only asked if anyone is aware on apple's policy
    regarding bending. I took the point that this seems not a proper forum to
    pose Q's to apple thanks to both
    On Wednesday, November 5, 2014, Apple Support Communities Updates <

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