Does DVD Studio 4 allows DLT drive?

Hi i have a problem installing my DLT drive to a MacG5, DVD Studio does not showme any option for DLT.
If someone nows plz help me

Jared - there could be lots of reasons why this happens. Are you using SCSI? Have you got the SCSI correctly configured and terminated? Have you got a good SCSI cable (more often the cause of a problem than not).
What DLT type are you using - DLT IV or something else?
What SCSI adapter are you using?

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    >I thought since the original Quicktime movie I made with FCP was under the 4.7(?) capacity of a DVD, that Studio Pro wouldn't compress my 3GB movie.
    Unfortunately, you thought wrong.  The DVD video specification requires MPEG-2 video and either AC3 or PCM audio, specially multiplexed and formatted as VOB files.  So the size of the source file doesn't really matter.
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    That would be preferable.
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    DVD Studio Pro 4
    Minimum Hardware Requirements
    • A Macintosh computer with a 733 megahertz (MHz) or faster  
       PowerPC G4 or G5 processor (G5 required for HD authoring
       and playback)
    • 8 megabytes (MB) of video memory (32 MB recommended)
    • 512 MB of RAM (1 GB required for HD)
    • AGP Quartz Extreme graphics card
    DVD Studio Pro 4
    Minimum Software Requirements
    • Mac OS X v10.3.9 or later
    • QuickTime 7.0 or later
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    Eric Pautsch1 wrote:
    The spec does support 1080p but Compressor doesn't encode this.
    Actually, Compressor does encode 1080p - so long as you limit the definition of 1080p to 23.98 fps.
    The 'issue' that Marc is bumping into is the same one that so many of us were first stumped by when we began creating 24p SD DVDs: DVDSP uses the pulldown-rate as the frame rate (so 23.98 Compressor encodes are seen as 29.97 Non-drop Frame) and Tracks must be 29.97 fps to ensure playback because HD-DVD (and Blu-ray) is limited to 1080i over Component video connections.
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    HI Bruce,
    No problem at all. Copy the ENTIRE iPhoto Library folder to the external
    Launch iPhoto with the Option key depressed and choose to open another library.
    Navigate to the library on the external and choose it.
    When you launch iPhoto holding down the Option key this is the window you will get.
    Create a new library or choose a library to open
    Choose to create a new library if that is what you want to do, or choose a library to open by clicking the "choose" button.
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    Open library
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    Don't know much about the burner, but can you can use Toast or Disk Utility as mentioned in may threads involving alternative burning outside of DVDSP?
    If so then there ya go but if not then back to single-layer I guess.

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    Not totally. RW discs are great for proofing and personal use. It's always a good idea to have a player that can play ±RW discs as it saves you having to use ±R media...
    But yeah, you might have wasted the money, they aren't that much these days though... there are plenty of worse ahhhhh situations in dvd authoring,

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    I have mostly used FCP to make web videos, so making a DVD is new for me. I used iDVD in the past for family videos, but that's about it.
    Some basic questions...
    1) Does DVD Studio work from different FCP files? Meaning, can I create all the "chapter sections" in my dvd in different FCP files? Is that the best way to do it? Or does it all have to be done in one FCP file with some sort of chapter marker system?
    2) Does DVD Studio read from FCP direct or from exported .dv files?
    3) Do I have a choice of using FCP or exported .dv files?
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    With DVD studio, how can you make a longer DVD that can fit more than 1 hour, as I am making a professional product for duplication.
    Thanks sooooooooo much for your wisdom..... john

    Hi John - in response:
    1) yes, it can certainly do so. However, you can also use a single timeline in FCP, set chapter markers and add the DVDSP meta data (click 'm' twice in the FCP timeline to get the chapter marker window, and add the data there). You might also add the markers when in DVDSP - all fairly easy to do. I often use lots of different FCP clips to make a single track in DVDSP - you have to think of a DVDSP timeline very differently to a FCP one... in DVDSP the timeline can hold completely different films and you use chapter markers to help delineate it all. You only need to use a new track in DVDSP if it helps with the overall structure for the disc, or if you've used 99 chapter markers in the first one already.
    2) yes, it can. Using a FCP reference file is possible, as is using an exported .dv file. The difference is a matter of preference, largely. I tend to export out of FCP as a QT self-contained file, encode it using compressor to be mpeg2, and then import into DVDSP. You can, of course, go from FCP directly to compressor without making the QT file. The output from compressor is what you are after for DVDSP - you can use QT or .dv files right into DVDSP, but they get compressed to MPEG2 as the disc is built. The encoder in DVDSP is not a particularly refined tool, and Compressor will give you so many more options, including encoding the audio to AC3 (dolby digital) which is a very important thing to do!
    3) yes again... see above? You can't use the FCP project files, you certainly can use other file types, but you really ought to use MPEG2 files from Compressor. You'll get a better looking result.
    4) yes... this all comes down to the way the footage is encoded (I'm labouring the point, but Compressor is your friend here again). There are lots of ways you can squeeze more onto a standard 4.37Gb disc - it is easy to get 2 hours on if you know what you are doing. This could be an entire thread of it's own, but the basics are that you need to use Dolby Digital audio (AC3) which has a tiny file size but a decent audio sound. This leaves you with more space on your disc for the video. The more you compress the video (use lower bitrates like 3Mbps) the smaller the file will be, and therefore the more footage you can fit onto the disc.
    The problem is that lower bitrates can result in lower quality. This is especially true if your footage includes pans, zooms, shimmering water, leaves on trees, fades and so on. You tend to get blocky areas that look poor. Higher bitrates certainly help, but you get larger file sizes and thus can fit less on the disc... it's always a trade off between file size and quality. With iDVD the encoding decisions are taken for you, and you can't control it, but it fortunately does a pretty decent job.
    There is no set or enciding rules that will work for every piece of video you have got, however you can go a long way using variable rate encodes (VBR) that have a range from 4 - 7.4Mbps. In order to know whether the resulting file will fit onto your disc you have to do some good old 'bit budgeting'. There are online tools to help you where you type in the length of your footage in minutes, and the size of your DVD capacity, and it tells you what the bitrate needs to be in order to fit the space available. Be careful though - it cannot tell what your footage is, and you have to preview the results yourself to judge if the quality is right.
    A tip is to find the 'problem' areas in the footage, make a short (2mins) clip and encode that at different bit rates. When you find one that works well, use that for all of the footage. As long as you use 2 pass (VBR) encodes in Compressor, it will assign lower bitrates to the easier sections, and higher bitrates to the problem areas.
    There are many other encoders out there which are better than Compressor - have a look at Cinemacraft on a PC for a start - but you pay a premium for them. They also take a while to learn, but the trick to making a great looking DVD is to use great looking source footage and encode it well before making the DVD. If you encode as part of making the DVD then you've missed the point and you'll get 'average' results at best!

  • Will DVD Studio Pro support dual layer media

    I have a project that is 1 hour and 46 minutes long. DVD Studio Pro 2 has built the project but it reports that a 4.7 DVD will not hold the build. Other than the Data Meter, is there a way to find out how much the project is over 4.7? What are my options? Is it possible to lower the compression settings to get this to fit without sacrificing too much quality? Does DVD Studio Pro 2 support dual layer burning? Sorry about asking these questions, but I am on my laptop which does not have the program or help/manual and I would like to find out ASAP so I can order dual layer media if that will work.
    How sketchy is playback of home burned dual media in ordinary DVD players?

    You should be able to get your project on a DVD-5, you would need to adjust your encoding settings and depending on the footage you may not see a big hit (You can build the project to see how far over it actually is)
    First if you have not made the audio AC3, do so, will save room
    As to the video , take a look here for calculator
    Usually I tweak a bit lower than the calulator. For instance if it says an average rate of 5.2, set you average to 5, chances are you will not see the differene between 5 and 5.2 and can save you reencoding heartache/headache down the road. Max rates really should not be higher than 7.4 or so - do not set max video rates to 9.636 as shown in the calculator. In theory it works, in practice can cause playback issues.
    How sketchy is playback of home burned dual media in ordinary DVD players?
    +R DL works fairly well DVD SP 2 did not support DL burning if I recall correctly, but if you have Toast you can burn from there.

  • Medium Scale Production Question? (DVD studio Pro, FCP and Compressor)

    Please Help Me,
    Ive made it to the last faze of 50 dvd production project with UNDERWATER video. Im trying to find the most efficient way to begin the DVD formatting process and Id like to think compressor could speed this up.
    The underwater video is DV source captured in Final Cut 5, edited and marked with chapter markers for use with the custom DVD Studio Pro Menus.
    Each DVD Menu is unique and each chapter marker corresponds with a button already prepared in a DVD studio pro menu.
    Im trying to determine:
    1. Whats the best setting to use for DVD quality (the tapes are no longer than 30 minutes)? My thought was a one pass CBR at 9mpbs.
    2. Can I create a batch process for the video and audio that WILL include the preset chapter markers and be useful in DVD studio pr? Ive attempted this process with the export to compressor setting in FCP 5 and then my custom 9mbs CBR setting in Compressor, but the "chapter" markers do not show up in DVD Studio Pro.
    3. What if any filters should i run over the video in Compressor to improve the quality of the underwater video? de-Interlacing? Color correction?
    4. Does it save me anytime to create this independent .m2v files for use in DVD studio pro or should I just create a export to quicktime file and let DVD studio Pro do the encoding? Does DVD studio pro re-encode the video when i burn my DVD with it?
    Please help, ive got to get 29 done by monday and it took me months to get this far. Custom menus, editing, capturing, menu flaws, etc...

    9mbs is too high if the discs will be duplicated (as opposed to replicated). 7 would be better. Be sure to compress the audio as Dolby Digital.
    Do your color correction in FCP before compression.
    Best Wishes,

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