Does plan_table cleared or purged automatically?

what is the restriction or limitation of using plan_table? Any links would be appreciated too!
I am referring to the default plan_table!

As stated in the docs, the PLAN_TABLE is automatically created as a global temporary table, so as a consequence that data is lost when the session is ended as it was private to the session.
[Plan Table Docs|]
Connected to Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release
Connected as fsitja
SQL> explain plan for select 1 from dual;
SQL> select * from table(dbms_xplan.display);
Plan hash value: 1388734953
| Id  | Operation        | Name | Rows  | Cost (%CPU)| Time     |
|   0 | SELECT STATEMENT |      |     1 |     2   (0)| 00:00:01 |
|   1 |  FAST DUAL       |      |     1 |     2   (0)| 00:00:01 |
8 rows selected
SQL> disc
Not logged on
SQL> conn fsitja/xxxxxxxxx@ORCL
Connected to Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release
Connected as fsitja
SQL> select * from table(dbms_xplan.display);
Error: cannot fetch last explain plan from PLAN_TABLE
SQL> select count(*) from plan_table;

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    Hi ,
    We have a datagurad setup . Primary and standby . FRA has been confiured on both primary and standby . RMAN backup is configured for primary . We are not taking standby database backup .
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    AFAIK, you will need to manually clean up the archive logs.
    You could have it done automatically if you have either setup a detention policy for your FRA and scheduled a job that deletes obsoleted files upon the policy or using a batch file do the work and schedule it to be executed periodically in order to keep your FRA clean and save disk spaces.
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    Hello again,
    Ok, let's give this a go then
    Personally, for editing scripts I like to use the command line 'vi' editor, but for starting with that may scare you off so lets use the regular TextEditor application for the time being.
    Fire up TextEditor and open a new document. Change the type of the document to be a plain text file. This can be done via the Format menu -> Make Plain Text option (if it says Make Rich Text, then the file is already in plain text mode).
    In the editor, copy and paste the following, but remove the line numbers I've added:
    1 #!/bin/bash
    3 logFile=/tmp/SafariCleanerLog.txt
    5 echo "-----------------" >> $logFile
    6 echo `date` >> $logFile
    7 echo "" >> $logFile
    8 echo "Deleting Safari cache files in: $HOME/Library/Caches/Safari/" >> $logFile 2>&1
    9 echo "" >> $logFile
    11 rm -rf $HOME/Library/Caches/Safari/* >> $logFile 2>&1
    Some lines may appear to wrap around in the webpage, so use the line numbers as your guide to know if something is supposed to fit on one line or not.
    This is what it does:
    - The 1st line indicates what particular shell application to use to execute this script (/bin/bash in this case)
    - The 3rd creates a variable that I'm using to store the path to a log file for what this script is doing
    - Lines 5 to 9 append some logging information to the logfile we've decided to report to
    - Line 11 does the actual deletion of the Safari cache files. rm is short for remove, aka delete, and the -rf means recursively (i.e. all subdirectories in the Safari cache folder) and forceably (i.e. don't askif you are sure for each and every file). The cryptic 2>&1 at the very end is to make any error messages that rm might generate appear in our logfile. If you try out the commands to see how they work, please please please be very careful with rm, once a file has been rm'ed its gone - it doesn't go to the Trashcan
    Note that if you want to see more about what each of these commands do, you can use the man pages either from the Terminal itself or here. ('echo' is a built-in command to bash, so you would need to read the bash manpage for information on that)
    Ok, so now we have a script. Save that on your Desktop with a name that makes sense for you (e.g. - sh is the standard extension used to indicate something is a script, it's not required)
    Now we need to execute a few Terminal commands to make this work when a student logs out. Fire up the Terminal from /Applications/Utilities/
    The first thing we need is somewhere to place the script that is out of bounds to regular users, students, etc. OS X already has an area for scripts in /Library/Scripts/, so you may want to create your own area under this folder. For example, I created a 'Custom' folder via the following:
    sudo mkdir /Library/Scripts/Custom
    You may want to replace Custom with something else, like SchoolAdmin for instance. sudo is a command that gives the executor temporary administration rights. When you press return after typing the above command, you will be asked for a password - enter the password for your current user account and press return (note that you will not see anything appear in the Terminal while you are typing, this is a security feature).
    Next up, we need to copy the script to this location and give it the correct permissions to be executed:
    sudo cp ~/Desktop/ /Library/Scripts/Custom/
    sudo chmod 755 /Library/Scripts/Custom/
    In this case, sudo will probably not prompt you for the password as it trusts access for a few minutes. If you leave things for, say, 10 minutes, it would ask you for your password again.
    cp is the command for copying files/folders.
    chmod is used to change permissions on a file. In this case, 7 means the owner of the file can write/read/execute the file, the first 5 means anyone in the same unix group as the owner can read/execute the file and the second 5 means everyone else can read/execute it.
    Lastly, we need to tell OS X that we want this script to run everytime a user logs out. This can be done with the following command (this is one long line that the browser may wrap):
    sudo defaults write LogoutHook /Library/Scripts/Custom/
    Hopefully, that should be it. You can test it out by logging out of your account and logging back in. The /Users/YourUsername/Library/Caches/Safari/ should be sparkling clean now.
    I've tried to be a bit verbose to explain what's going on, so it's not as complex as it may look at first.
    If you have any questions at all, feel free to ask - it's better to be sure of what you are doing when it comes to the Terminal sometimes.

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    Use program RFPERIOD_OPEN.  It may help.  For further details you may check the following thread.

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    Lawrence Fung

    I am giving you this procedure without details but I suggest you read the white paper. Message Retention Management is a topic that impacts greatly on the business.
    Retention policies are an enterprise license feature.
    In the EAC, under compliance management -> retention tags:
    1 - Create a retention tag that delete Trash message after 30 days (similar to "30 Days Delete" but applies to Default Folder Trash);
    2 - Create a retention tag that delete Inbox message after 2 years;
    In the EAC, under compliance management -> retention policies:
    3 - Create a new Retention Polcy including the two Tags just created;
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    Rocco Daniele Ciaravolo
    Cle IT staff

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    I am experiencing an issue where FINSTA bankstatement generated in IHC module does not clear Open items in reciving company code. I would like to get the system to search for the document based on the original FI document number and clear it. The situation is
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    Could any of you shed some light on what I am missing???
    Kind regards

    Creating or even using something like a data migration account is the best way.
    Are you saying that you have a GL account with say 100 line items and you want them all cleared. If that is the case you wont need a LSMW, make sure you know the amount, and then create a journal posting to your new GL account, and select all items in the GL account you want to clear.
    If there are various GL accounts, again no real problem, in F-03 which is what you would be using, you can enter more than GL account so that should not be an issue.

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    1. Triple-click the line below to select it:
    2. Right-click or control-click the highlighted line and select
    Services ▹ Show Info
    from the contextual menu. An Info dialog should open.
    3. The dialog should show "You can read and write" in the Sharing & Permissions section. If that's not what it shows, click the padlock icon in the lower right corner of the window and enter your password when prompted. Use the plus- and minus-sign buttons to give yourself Read & Write access and "everyone" No Access. Delete any other entries in the access list.
    4. In the General section, uncheck the box marked Locked if it's checked.
    5. From the action menu (gear icon) at the bottom of the dialog, select Apply to enclosed items and confirm.
    6. Close the Info window and test.

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    Neeraj Sehgal

    Hi Jayson,
    Check this URL which answers a problem with problem:!3aportal_content!!!!!!!2fforumtest!
    Please check that the JDK compliance level is at 5.0
    Window->Preferences->Java->Compiler->Compiler compliance level set this to 5.0
    Set the installed JRE to the one you have mentioned JDK 5.0 update 16
    Window->Preferences->Java->Installed JRE's->
    Click on the add button to select the path of your JDK.
    once completed click on the check box next to it.

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    Thank you, Iusually do that first thing with any computer problems. Old school computer fix. Hard Boot regardless! lol Thanks again.

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    Version in use is:
    Load File TERM41.7-0-2SR1S
    App Load ID Jar41.72-1-0-1.sbn
    JVM Load ID cvm41.72-1-0-1.sbn
    OS Load ID cnu41.72-1-0-1.sbn
    Boot Load ID boot41.3-2-2-0.bin
    I also have tried SCCP41.8-2-2S
    And SCCP41.8-0-4SR3AS
    (These are the latest available on CCO)

    The Factory reset or Restore to Factory defaults is geared towards the "Configuration" of the DMP.  The contents within flash are not removed as you have seen.  The FAQ that you reference is a good way to remove the files if so desired.  So the DMP is working as designed.
    If this answers your question, Please take time to mark this
    discussion answered & rate the response.
    Thank You!


    In ME21N I want to validate the field Commodity Code - STAWN. I have used the BADI ME_PROCESS_PO_CUST*
    . Have used get_foreign_trade() in the PROCESS_ITEM method . I am able to throw an error . It is doing it but*
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    As suggested by Dean Q I used   INCLUDE mm_messages_mac,
    tried im_item->set_foreign_trade( ls_mepo_eipo)  still when a valid Commodity code is entered after an invalid one  it does not clear out the error. In fact on checking using break-point I found that the second time it does not enter into the method  PROCESS_ITEM.    Any help is welcome

    In SE18 give ME_PROCESS_PO_CUST as the enhancement spot and display. At the left side of the screen you can see the badi definition ME_PROCESS_PO_CUST. Expand the tree and double click on implementations. You can see the enhance implementations created. Double click on the enhancement implementation and in that screen there is a check box 'Implementation is active' and field 'Effect in current client'.
    If you know the enhancement implementation name(not the badi implementation name), you can check it directly from se19.

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    ERASE / Clear All Data
    Go to Settings > General > Reset > Erase all content and settings
    Then Connect to iTunes on their computer.
    Syncing with iTunes
    From Here  >

  • Defered COGS does not clear

    Hi Gurus,
    I am seeing sporadically DCOGS account does not clear causing balance in GL . I am looking to see problamatic transactions from GL.
    I have done sanity check from Cost Management with COGS Process , Revenue Recognition and Generate COGS Events. All looks good
    Here is the case - I have the DCOGS GL account having the balance. I can drill down but how to identify which are the transactions thats causing this balance?
    Drill down shows all the transactions but doesnt have capability to show stuck transactions. Are there any tables that helps in seeing this details?
    Any one who has more inputs on this issue , I appreciate the help.

    Hi Raghavendra,
    You may benefit from the following oracle support document:
    Identify the Sales Order Issue Transactions that have been finally accounted but have no Revenue Recognition Transactions i.e. COGS or DCOGS (Doc ID 1616456.1)
    However, functionally, I usually like to track deferred COGS through "COGS Revenue Matching Report" as it gives me direct information on what orders have been earned (revenue recognition) and still have DCOGS
    "This report in Cost Management responsibility"
    Hope this helps you

  • Why Software Updater does not install some updates automatically?

    QuestionWhy Software Updater does not install some updates automatically?
    AnswerSoftware Updater only installs security-related updates automatically. Non-security-related updates, and service packs installation are required to be initiated manually via the Software updates tab under the Policy Manager Console.
    In Policy Manager 12, a checkbox Show non-security-related updates has been introduced under the Policy Manager Console > Software tab. Unchecking the checkbox hides the following update types:
    Microsoft security tools
    Non-security updates
    Service packs
    Note: This checkbox is Policy Manager Console-specific setting. If you change the setting in one Policy Manager Console, it would not affect another Policy Manager Console connected to the same Policy Manager Server.

    amrok90 wrote:
    Updater does not detects 5800. I've reinstalled everything as it's stated (as, according to FAQ, sometimes the drivers may get corrupt). Restarted the PC. Nothing happened. 
    Presumably FOTA not an option for your 5800XM?
    Happy to have helped forum with a Support Ratio = 42.5

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