Download always get a stub, I want the actual exe to save for other computers

I want the full copy of firefox not the stub. The stub seems to be for downlad and install. I want to save the full exe and then install on a number of computers. I have tried many ways to find the full exe but I always get transferred to the stub. Up to now I was able to get the full exe. Where have you hidden it? I have to be careful with download quotas and speeds.
I am using 25.0.1 Windows XP and have used firefox forever!

By the way, if you are on visiting the Firefox page and have the current version, the secret to finding that link is on the right side where it says "Download a fresh copy".
If you are visiting from another browser, below the large green button, there is a link labeled "Systems & Languages" that leads to the page with the full installers for all of the languages.
Not obvious, I agree.

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