Download folder on doc lost

I accidentally removed the download folder from my doc. When I used the folder from my account file it wasn't the same (opens on the doc like the documents folder). How do I get the downloads folder back?

I'm also a new user and had the same problem.
The answer is double-click on the hard drive icon (e.g. Macintosh HD), expand the Users folder and then expand your username.
You should see a (your) Downloads folder and you simply drag it to the Dock. Having said that, there is a trick to it as you can inadvertently drag a copy to the desktop.
When you drag the icon to the dock (e.g. between the Documents folder icon and the Trash icon), make sure the icons separate from each other, indicating that the icons are "making room" for a new icon. Then let go of the mouse button.
Hope this helps.

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    Ok fixed. 
    At a elevated cmd prompt run ;
    C:\Users\administrator.TOM>setspn -x
    As you can see the DC serv1 had duplicate SPNs.
    Checking domain DC=TOM
    Processing entry 1
    HOST/serv1.TOM is registered on these accounts:
            CN=SERV1,OU=Domain Controllers,DC=TOM
    {14E52635-0A95-4a5c-BDB1-E0D0C703B6C8}/TOWN-HBWJ29ZOQC is registered on these ac
    {14E52635-0A95-4a5c-BDB1-E0D0C703B6C8}/town-hbwj29zoqc.TOM is registered on thes
    e accounts:
    RestrictedKrbHost/serv1 is registered on these accounts:
            CN=SERV1,OU=Domain Controllers,DC=TOM
    RestrictedKrbHost/serv1.TOM is registered on these accounts:
            CN=SERV1,OU=Domain Controllers,DC=TOM
    found 5 groups of duplicate SPNs.
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    Hi Martyn:
    That is easy (I have done that myself)!
    Open your home location. Drag the downloads folder you see there to its location on the dock. That actually creates a pointer to the actual folder.

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    Tools > Options - General tab = Downloads
    Set your preferences there.

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    Since it has always been very basic to backup your computer and all it's data, Apple provides no way for you to transfer music from your iPhone back to your computer.  As you know, you can re-download all iTunes purchases, but music that you ripped yourself you'll have to just re-rip again.
    You can try and find 3rd party applications that might help you.  I'm sure you'll pay, however.
    Let this be a very important lesson learned.

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    And if what WZZZ suggests doesn't work (and hopefully it will) move the file name below to the desktop, log out or restart and the Dock preferences with its defaults should be recreated. You'll need to re-configure it as you like it:
    It's located: in Finder hold the Alt/Option key and from the Go menu select Library>Preferences.
    If it fixes things, delete the file on your desktop.

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    Check in System Preferences>Dock and check off Animate opening applications and see if that doesn't do it. Not sure if that is why but it is worth a shot.

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    Error -2002: a bad public movie atom was found in the movie (download.m4a)
    If you (an Apple tech) check my Apple ID, it's the last purchase I made. 2 albums and 3 other songs.
    I'm running Windows 7 Home Premium 32-bit, iTunes
    All I want to know is how to get the songs back into the library without having to pay for them again. You can tell me in computer jargon, I'm very good with them.

    Never mind, problem solved.
    If you are having this problem, I suggest you go to your receipt that got emailed to you, click on 'report a problem', and follow the steps. State simply what happened: download failed, corrupt file. The support team answers very promptly.

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    HERE IS A way too long diplomatic rant:
    This is my third post on this subject. This is a real problem. And it strongly appears (based on what I've been reading from others, plus my own experience) that the new iTunes is the culprit.
    But this problems is not limited to a folder named 'Downloads'.[/b.] ITunes, somehow, and for some reason, will delete entire album folders of music in the default 'Music' directory.
    Here's what happened to me. Mind you, this involves music I converted to MP3's from CD's I own. I buy about ten-twenty CD's a month, so this is not some Orwellian nightmare affecting merely downloaded songs--purchased or otherwise.
    Here is a typical example of what's happening:
    BEFORE iTunes v7 was installed:
    -An 'Artist' folder named 'A Perfect Circle' contained the following 'Album' folders: 'Mer De Noms', 'The Thirteenth Step', 'eMotive'
    SHORTLY AFTER iTunes 7 (about a month or so ago):
    -Perfect Circle folder contained only the eMotive album. The rest were gone: this means not in the trash. Not moved. No where on the HD. Simply zapped.
    I've lost MP3 albums from purchased CD's from Bob Marley, Led Zeppellin, Bjork, etc. It has affected at least 50 artist folders. I rip entire albums that I buy: I'm not trying to pass judgement though. I just want the point to be driven home that this bug is big, and it's affecting people who have spent much time and energy legitimately converting their music collections.
    Am I missing something? I know I'm not alone in this, but this bug doesn't seem to be getting the attention it deserves from Apple. This is a major screw up. HAS APPLE RELEASED A STATEMENT? Forgive me if it has. But I can't find it. Maybe it's right under my nose?
    Anyway, I do have all my music backed up on CD's and DVD's where they can't be corrupted. And all those discs are copied and stored in a remote location, in case of fire. This might seem extreme, but when you've spent a year of your life converting hundreds of albums and tagging them meticulously, you don't take chances. The only problem with this backup method is that my backup is spread out over many, many read-only discs. Moving it back to my hard drive will be laborious.
    Can someone tell me if Apple has addressed this? Because I don't want to use iTunes at all if it is going to delete files. And I DON'T care if this is some function I'm not aware of. Any software that would delete files, either mistakingly or through some helpful feature is bad software. Deleting files (w/o even sending it to the Trash!) is one function that ought not be automated, or performed by any application other than the OS itself, under direct control from the user. I've turned off the option that lets iTunes manage and 'organize' my music for me. I can do that myself, and I don't like some of the things it does.
    I have a friend in the media, and I'm thinking about issuing a press-release on this bug if further research indicates this is a more pervasive problem that Apple is downplaying. Certainly they are aware of it, as others have written on it here and elsewhere.
    Can someone from Apple please contact me? I want to know when it is safe to use this program again. This problem is real, and just because it hasn't affected everyone, doesn't mean it has affected someone.

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    The first thing I'd suggest is to get a good antispyware checker and give it a go at your system. Some recent spyware has been reported by other users to shut down iTunes or prevent it from launching. From user reports, Ewido seems to be the best at catching it. You can download a free version of Ewido here.
    If that doesn't cure the problem, try deleting the iTunes preference files:
    C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Application Data\Apple Computer\iTunes\iTunes.pref
    C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Local Data\Application Data\Apple Computer\iTunes\iTunes.pref
    You might have to turn on "show hidden files" to find them. (Right click "my computer", select open, select Tools menu -> Folder Options. Select View tab, "show hidden files" radio button is in the center scrolling panel.) Delete them or if you want to be able to put them back if it doesn't help, drag them to some other location. This will force iTunes to run the setup assistant the next time you launch iTunes. Note that you'll have to go back and set any preferences you've changed from the default.
    If that still doesn't work, try this:
    Bugie: Perform a Thorough & Complete Uninstall and Reinstall of iTunes/QuickTime.
    Hope this helps.

  • Download folder doesn't open and instead makes Terminal open up

    MacOSX 10.9.5 on MacBook Air of 2014. Open downloadfolder in Finder does not work. Trying so opens the terminal window saying only the name of the folder and -bash- . In Finder list view moreover the download folder lost its little triangle at the beginning of the name.
    This behaviour started when I tried an old mediathek to open in iPhoto 9.5.1.  It said I must download an actualization file, install it and then ... I did so, but when now opening iPhoto with any photo(s) it says it needs actualization and when I click on "Actualizar" (all Spanish), iPhoto crashes each time. The downloadfolder problem started the same moment.
    On my second MacBookAir, same MacOSX, same purchase date, it did the following, when trying to open that same mediathek with the same version of  iPhoto: Image folder (instead of download folder ...) does not open and starts Terminal as described above. MOREOVER all icons on the screen are "fixed" (not sorted!) and can't be moved to a different place on screen with the trackpad or mouse (can be moved though to other folders and trash bin). They follow, but when releasing they jump back to their original position. And iPhoto on this second one behaves equally, asking for "actualizar" and then crashes, when I confirm it.
    Weird, isn't it? Thanks for any good advice ...

    i just went into preferences, deleted what was in the home page, and entered a new home page address which solved the problem, 

  • When I downloaded Firefox 4, I lost my Norton Safe Search Tool Bar. How do I get it back?

    When I downloaded Firefox 4, I lost my Norton safe search toolbar which not only told me what sites were okay to look at, it also contained all of my logon information for various sites and now, all of that is gone.

    Symantec need to update their Firefox add-ons so that they are compatible with Firefox 4. They have indicated that for Norton 360 they plan to release an update to Norton 360 to support Firefox 4 in early May -
    I do not know about the time scale for updates for other Norton products. Pending the update by Symantec, if you want to use the Norton add-ons you will need to downgrade to Firefox 3.6.
    To downgrade to Firefox 3.6 first uninstall Firefox 4, but do not select the option to "Remove my Firefox personal data". If you select that option it will delete your bookmarks, passwords and other user data.
    You can then install the latest version of Firefox 3.6 available from - it will automatically use your current bookmarks, passwords etc.
    To avoid possible problems with downgrading, I recommend going to your profile folder and deleting the following files if they exist - extensions.cache, extensions.rdf, extensions.ini, extensions.sqlite and localstore.rdf. Deleting these files will force Firefox to rebuild the list of installed extensions, checking their compatibility, and reset toolbar customizations.
    For details of how to find your profile folder see

  • Safari Download Folder

    I accidentally removed the Safari download window from my Doc. Does anybody know how to put it back?

    Click on the item in the Finder's sidebar with the house icon and drag the Downloads folder to the right side of the Dock.

  • Just downloaded emoji app and lost many pictures on my iphone please help

    just downloaded emoji app, and lost most of my i phone photos please help

    There is no FT icon on the iPhone. You access FT on the phone from the individual contacts: click on the FT button in the contact you want to FT with.
    Your Safari app is probably hidden in a folder or "lost" on a page. You cannot delete Safari. To find it: Swipe right from the first home screen. Type Safari on the search text input. To find the app:
    Settings>>General>>Reset>>Reset Home Screen layout.

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