Downloading OS X10.3

Hi everyone. I hope someone can help. I just got Final Cut Pro Express HD. I went to install the software and it said I needed OS X 10.3.7 or higher. So i came to the site and tryed to download 10.3.8 and it said I needed 10.3.0. So I searched for 10.3 and it couldnt be found. Can someone please help me! I have a project do in 2 days and I need Final Cut installed. (I have a PowerBook G4)

Hi Alex!
As Donald stated, Mac OS X Versions 10.1, 10.2, 10.3, and 10.4, are complete system upgrades that must be purchased.
The point upgrades, such as 10.1.x to 10.1.5 (Final) 10.2.x to 10.2.8 (Final), 10.3.x to 10.3.9 (Final), and 10.4.x to 10.4.3 (Pending), can be downloaded for free.
A Link: Full Retail Version, of the Link: Panther Install CDs, can be purchased rather inexpensively, at some online Apple retailers, Amazon, eBay, etc.
They are no longer available directly from the "Apple Store", as "Tiger 10.4.x" is the most up to date OS.
Here are links to two on eBay, that look legit, but CAVEAT EMPTOR!
Link: USED
If you do an expanded search on eBay, or Amazon, you will probably find more.
Be sure not to purchase grey, upgrade or machine specific CDs or DVDs.
Panther is only on CDs, not DVDs.
Once 10.3.x is installed, you can use the Link: 10.3.9 Combo Update, to upgrade to the final edition of Panther.
If your Mac meets the Link: Tiger system requirements, you could also consider installing that.
Shop Carefully, Examine All Documention, And Good Luck!
ali b

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    BDAqua wrote:
    Hmmm, is that for using Classic, or booting into OS9 natively, which would require OS9 Drivers installed also?
    I assume blessing is for booting so that the firmware knows where the OS startup file is.  I'd assume/recall the bless isn't needed to run classic emulation.

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    You need to use your code by opening the Mac app store (looks like a blue circle with an A in it in the dock) and clicking on the Mountain Lion link. Or use my link.
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    Hi fraley8,
    Welcome to the Community!
    Maybe the pop-up blocker on the browser is blocking the download to start, either turn of the pop-up blocker and retry. If that doesn't work then try with a different browser.
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    If you live elsewhere there are some phone numbers here

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    Hi Pebbles2313,
    It sounds like you have an issue with your printer software. You may find some of the software necessary to run your printer through the following link:
    OS X: Printer and scanner software available for download - Apple Support
    Thanks for being a part of the Apple Support Communities!

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    If you can... you need to Upgrade your OS X to 10.6.8
    It is Not available as a download... It is a Paid Upgrade.
    Do this first...
    Check that your Mac meets the System Requirements for Snow Leopard...
    Snow Leopard Tech Specs  >
    If so... Purchase a Snow Leopard Install Disc...
    After the Successful Install, run Software Update to get the latest updates for Snow Leopard and iTunes.
    Be sure to make a Backup of your Current System Before Upgrading...

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    John: I back up the catalogue (and optimize/check its integrity) every time I quit Lightroom - which is why excluding it from Time Machine isn't the end of the world. I did rename the catalogue early on in my troubleshooting process - as you say, I didn't like the fact I felt out of control of it.
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    Rob: Thanks for understanding why I'm fretting! I've checked my XMP sidecars, as you suggest, and they have read and write privileges. I then checked the last-modified date on the XMPs that came up with flags after I'd synchronized that folder. One of them displayed the time I'd just synchronized the folder (it's one I haven't worked on apart from applying a blanket preset in LR2, and then a blanket update to PV2012 in LR4, as I've done to all the images I haven't yet worked on individually); the other two showed the time (I presume) I worked on them yesterday. I selected these three and applied command-S: they then showed, correctly, that they'd been modified a minute before. So far, that folder's now flag-free. (As I said in my original post, the flags sometimes do seem to vanish if I save enough times - and they're unpredictable, not necessarily appearing on the same images in a collection or folder as before I do I group save/clear conflict.)
    Mollysnoot: I don't see how the Mac OS would be doing this (although who knows - I'm not a software expert). I don't have any other programs open that can modify images. And since these flags can reappear instantly when I've dealt with the conflict - before I've had time to take a breath, even - I don't think they represent any actual modifications.

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    Go to your User's Library folder. (if you don't know how to find, see this link.)
    Scroll to Mail folder.
    Select the V2 > MailData folder.
    Delete any files in MailData with envelope in the name. (should be 3)
    When you open Mail it will re-index your files.
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    Open Print & Scan preferences. Select the printer in the sidebar list and click on the Delete [-] button. CTRL- or RIGHT-click in the sidebar area and select Reset Print System from the context menu. Re-Add the printer by clicking on the Add [+] button, select your printer from the little browser that opens, select the proper driver if it isn't set automatically, then click on the Add button. See if it now works.
    Oh, be sure you install the new driver you downloaded.
    BTW, you don't have a PowerMac as shown in your profile. PowerMacs were tower machines that ran PPC processors, not Intel processors. You really should correct that information in your profile.

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