Downloading Sony camera DSC P8 software to MAC OX X (10.4.10

I recently purchased this MAC and wanted to upload pics from my Sony DSC P-8. The software CD that came with the camera says its for MAC OS 8.51/8.6/9.09/9.1/9.2. When I tried to install the CD, it signaled that its not compatible. I haven't been able to get any info from Sony.
Can you help?

Forget the CD. Plug in the camera and iPhoto will launch and ask you if you want to load your pics from the camera. It knows how to do it already.

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    [email protected]

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    Post back,

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    Unfortunately some sad folks like to come to the forum not to help but simply to pick arguments for their own amusments.
    No digitial still camera by any major maker requires installing drivers from a CD or DVD. None.
    The same is true of many scanners and copiers too, in the hands of a knowledgeable computer user. People running older systems that they don't understand or know how to use will disagree, of course, if they choose to be argumentative. Personally, I ignore usch people.
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    You might check out the FileBrowser app on iTunes. I haven't used it, but it sounds like what you're after. When you say you can't use the Sierra iG2 with your iPad, I'm assuming you mean you can't plug it into the iPad. If it's plugged into a laptop and offering a WiFi hotspot, the iPad should be good with that. I use the Apple Camera Connection Kit to carry extra movies on an SD card. It uploads only to the Photos app, so no books, etc.

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    First, find out if the disc contains software for Mac OS X also, or only for Windows. This should be indicated in the camera user guide, or on the disc label. If it doesn't explicitly say it's for Mac OS X, then you have nothing to install (except possibly the camera's user guide in PDF format). You may try Sony's tech support site to find out if there is any Mac OS X software you can download. The camera's user guide or 'Get Started' doc should have this info also.

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    When I made the transition to digital some 8 years ago, I had tremendous help from a number of well documented websites, among which:
    I think a lot of stuff there to get you seriously going. Another one is:
    I sold all my film based stuff, except a Nikon F3 and a handful of lenses and a Paterson developing tank.
    The Nikon suspiciously smells like foam mirror damping strips chemically decaying.
    I sold my enlarger over the internet. The word "enlarger" caused me to be on SpamCops blacklist for a while.
    I'm in this since the seventies, and I think you'll be as amazed as I was at the possibilities and control you have. And no more bags with $300 worth of film that's consumed in one shoot.
    Jump in both feet! you won't be sorry. And these forums are the best help you can get.
    Good luck,

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    Apple has an article stating that your camera's digital RAW format is supported. I don't know if that implies the camera too.
    The Canon website says the drivers are either already installed or you don't need them for Mavericks.
    They do have some updates for the Canon software.
    Some more details of, "stopped recognizing my T4i camera," might be helpful.
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    I would have to presume the 2006 Mac was used, and came with Office 2008 on it from the seller. Apple has never offered Office as a bundled purchase, and it is not pre-installed with any Mac.
    Since you have the disk for Office 2004, the activation key should be on a sticker on the CD/DVD sleeve. As I recall, anyway. I no longer have my 2004 copy to check. If you have the key, it doesn't matter who it originally belonged to. You can still enter it and activate the software.
    Once you have that installed, you can install the XML converter for Office 2004. That will allow you to open from all newer Windows and Mac versions of Office. The only things that won't necessarily convert are features that don't exist in Office 2004, and so can't be translated correctly, or at all.
    Microsoft is saying Office 2016 for Mac and Windows should be available for the official release sometime either late summer, or early fall. So hold off purchasing a new version if you can. MS offers to reduced upgrade price for Office. You'd pay full price for Office 2011, and then again for Office 2016.
    And just to note. Office 2008 and Office 2011 work fine in Snow Leopard.

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    Close and restart Photoshop if you have not already done so.
    In Photoshop, go to the Help - About Plug-in... menu then choose Camera Raw.  What version does it say there?

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    The D610 didn't get out-of-the-box RAW support until Photoshop CC.
    You can either upgrade to CC or use the DNG Converter to convert and open your DNGs in CS5.

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