DPM 2012 VSS Errors

We have our DPM 2012 R2 installation on Windows 2008 R2 servers. We encounter failures some of the time on our Full Express Backups on Friday evenings where we get VSS errors in the event logs. 
Event 12298
Event 12289
We haven't encountered these issues until recently. Is there any idea on how to remedy these. I just installed DPM 2012 R2 this week so I am hoping it helps. But does anyone know if there is a hotfix or something for this in case it does not. I read about
these events having a hotfix for Windows 2003 servers but not Win2K8?

Event 12289
Volume Shadow Copy Service error: Unexpected error DeviceIoControl(\\?\Volume{XXXXXXX]).  hr = 0x80070057, The parameter is incorrect.
   Processing EndPrepareSnapshots
   Execution Context: System Provider
Event 12298
Volume Shadow Copy Service error: The I/O writes cannot be held during the shadow copy creation period on volume \\?\Volume{XXXXXXXXX}\. The volume index in the shadow copy set is 0. Error details: Open[0x00000000, The operation completed successfully.
], Flush[0x00000000, The operation completed successfully.
], Release[0x00000000, The operation completed successfully.
], OnRun[0x80042314, The shadow copy provider timed out while holding writes to the volume being shadow copied. This is probably due to excessive activity on the volume by an application or a system service. Try again later when activity on the volume is reduced.

Similar Messages

  • Dpm 2012 r2 Error 0x80070003 when creating a copy

    Hi, on
    one of the servers during
    the backup disk
    "C" beginning
    this error occurs:
    DPM encountered an error while performing the operation for \\?\Volume{03a44b9a-8387-11e1-8735-806e6f6e6963}\problem_path\ to dpmservername.localdomain.com
    (ID 2033 Details: The system can not find the path specified (0x80070003))
    I try to recreated folder MTA on problem server -
    did not helped. Bare Metal Copy from problem server
    successfully. Antivirus software didn't 
    install on problem server. bandwidthcontrol didn't enable for problem server.
    Please advise to me how fix this problem

    similar thread here:

  • Windows Server 2012 VSS error "The system writer is missing"

    Hello All,
    I have a HP server that I have just installed Server 2012 standard, SQL Server 2012 and Sharepoint 2013.
    When I try to take bare metal backup I get the error: "The system writer is missing", I have tried the backup as the local admin and domain admin.
    The backup will only work if I decide to back up C:, once I select "Bare Metal" or "System State" the backup fails.
    I have tried this solution: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc734021.aspx but have not had any luck yet.
    When I run the command "vssadmin list writers" I can not see "System Writer" listed.
    How can I add/turn on the System Writer?

    The system writer fails due to the fact that the trusted installer & system accounts are missing permissions to files in the directory %windir%\winsxs\filemaps\.
    To resolve this issue, please run the following commands from an administrative elevated Command Window:
    CD c:\windows\system32
    Takeown /f %windir%\winsxs\filemaps\* /a
    icacls %windir%\winsxs\filemaps\*.* /grant "NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM:(RX)"
    icacls %windir%\winsxs\filemaps\*.* /grant "NT Service\trustedinstaller:(F)"
    icacls %windir%\winsxs\filemaps\*.* /grant "BUILTIN\Users:(RX)"
    For more information, please also refer to the following links:
    Discussion Forum FAQ: VSS System Writer is missing. 
    Failure during Windows Server 2008 System State Backup & System Writer Missing
    Arthur Li
    TechNet Community Support

  • Unable to modify or create Protection Groups in DPM 2012 R2 - Error: 31220

    "DPM failed to apply the required policies to this protection group since the recovery point limit for this DPM server has been exceeded. (ID: 31220)"
    I am trying to add new data sources to our DPM server and continually run into the above message. I get the same error whether I attempt to create a new Protection Group and add the data sources to it... or if I attempt to modify an existing Protection Group
    to add data sources to it. I can guess that the obvious answer is "You have too many data sources or to many recovery points for the server to handle..." If that's the case, I need to figure out how to tell how many I have. As best as I can figure
    myself, I have less than 150 data sources and less than 2500 recovery points/snapshot/express-full. If there is a tool or a command that I can run to tell that, I'd be grateful to anyone who can point me in that direction.
    I have tried to remove inactive member servers that no longer exist from our Protection Groups... no effect.  I have tried to completely delete the removed server's data from replica... no effect.  We began seeing this issue in 2012 SP1, so I ran
    through the upgrade to 2012 R2 hoping that it would resolve the issue... no effect.  I am able to remove members from our Protection Groups, but if I try to add an entirely new member or even just a single DB on an already protected member... fails with
    above message.  I also tried to adjust the retention and backup schedule... fails with above error.
    Other than the stock answer from Microsoft that I am truly exceeding some limit, is there any other underlying issue that can cause this to be mis-reported to me?  I hope that SOMEONE has an answer or guidance for me.

    Another DPM PowerShell script - this one allows you to delete older recovery points for a selected datasource without having to modify the PG.
    #Author : Ruud Baars
    #Date : 11/09/2008
    #Edited : 11/15/2012 By: Wilson S.
    #edited : 11/27/2012 By: Mike J.
    # NOTE: Update script to only remove recovery points on Disk. Recovery points removed will be from the oldest one up to the date
    # entered by the user while the script is running
    #deletes all recovery points before 'now' on selected data source.
    $ErrorActionPreference = "silentlycontinue"
    add-pssnapin sqlservercmdletsnapin100
    Add-PSSnapin -Name Microsoft.DataProtectionManager.PowerShell
    $wait=10 #seconds
    $confirmpreference = "None"
    function Show_help
    $l="=" * 79
    write-host $l -foregroundcolor magenta
    write-host -nonewline "`t<<<" -foregroundcolor white
    write-host -nonewline " DANGEROUS :: MAY DELETE MANY RECOVERY POINTS " -foregroundcolor red
    write-host ">>>" -foregroundcolor white
    write-host $l -foregroundcolor magenta
    write-host "Version: $version" -foregroundcolor cyan
    write-host "A: User Selects data source to remove recovery points for" -foregroundcolor green
    write-host "B: User enters date / time (using 24hr clock) to Delete recovery points" -foregroundcolor green
    write-host "C: User Confirms deletion after list of recovery points to be deleted is displayed." -foregroundcolor green
    write-host "Appending to log file $logfile`n" -foregroundcolor white
    write-host "User Accepts all responsibilities by entering a data source or just pressing [Enter] " -foregroundcolor white -backgroundcolor blue
    "**********************************" >> $logfile
    "Version $version" >> $logfile
    get-date >> $logfile
    "Selected DPM server = $DPMservername" >> $logfile
    write-host "`nConnnecting to DPM server retrieving data source list...`n" -foregroundcolor green
    $pglist = @(Get-ProtectionGroup $DPMservername) # WILSON - Created PGlist as array in case we have a single protection group.
    $count = 0
    $dscount = 0
    foreach ($count in 0..($pglist.count - 1))
    # write-host $pglist[$count].friendlyname
    $ds += @(get-datasource $pglist[$count]) # WILSON - Created DS as array in case we have a single protection group.
    # write-host $ds
    # write-host $count -foreground yellow
    if ( Get-Datasource $DPMservername -inactive) {$ds += Get-Datasource $DPMservername -inactive}
    write-host "Index Protection Group Computer Path"
    write-host "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
    foreach ($l in $ds)
    "[{0,3}] {1,-20} {2,-20} {3}" -f $i, $l.ProtectionGroupName, $l.psinfo.netbiosname, $l.logicalpath
    $DSname=read-host "`nEnter a data source index from list above - Note co-located datasources on same replica will be effected"
    if (!$DSname)
    write-host "No datasource selected `n" -foregroundcolor yellow
    "Aborted on Datasource name" >> $logfile
    exit 0
    if (!$DSselected)
    write-host "No datasource selected `n" -foregroundcolor yellow
    "Aborted on Datasource name" >> $logfile
    exit 0
    $rp=get-recoverypoint $DS[$dsname]
    # $DoTape=read-host "`nDo you want to remove when recovery points are on tape ? [y/N]"
    # "Remove tape recovery point = $DoTape" >> $logfile
    write-host "`nCollecting recoverypoint information for datasource $DSselected.name" -foregroundcolor green
    if ($DSselected.ShadowCopyUsedspace -gt 0)
    while ($DSSelected.TotalRecoveryPoints -eq 0)
    { # "still 0"
    #this is on disk
    $line=("Total recoverypoint usage {0} MB on DISK in {1} recovery points" -f $oldShadowUsage ,$DSselected.TotalRecoveryPoints )
    $line >> $logfile
    write-host $line`n -foregroundcolor white
    #this is on tape
    #$tp= Get-RecoveryPoint($dsselected) | where {($_.Datalocation -eq "Media")}
    #foreach ($trp in $tp) {$trptot += $trp.size }
    #if ($trptot -gt 0 )
    # $line=("Total recoverypoint usage {0} MB on TAPE in {1} recovery points" -f ($trptot/$MB) ,$DSselected.TotalRecoveryPoints )
    # $line >> $logfile
    # write-host $line`n -foregroundcolor white
    #$answer=read-host "`nDo you want to delete recovery points from the beginning [Y/n]"
    #if ($answer -eq "n" )
    # [datetime]$afterdate=read-host "Delete recovery points AFTER date [MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm]"
    [datetime]$enddate=read-host "Delete ALL Disk based recovery points BEFORE and Including date/time entered [MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm]"
    "Deleting recovery points until $enddate" >>$logfile
    write-host "Deleting recovery points until and $enddate" -foregroundcolor yellow
    $rp=get-recoverypoint $DSselected
    if ($DoTape -ne "y" )
    $RPselected=$rp | where {($_.representedpointintime -le $enddate) -and ($_.Isincremental -eq $FALSE) -and ($_.DataLocation -eq "Disk")}
    $RPselected=$rp | where {($_.representedpointintime -le $enddate) -and ($_.Isincremental -eq $FALSE)}
    if (!$RPselected)
    write-host "No recovery points found!" -foregroundcolor yellow
    "No recovery points found, aborting...!" >> $logfile
    exit 0
    $reselect = $enddate
    $adjustflag = $false
    foreach ($onerp in $RPselected)
    $line= "Found {0}, RP size= {1} MB (If 0 MB, co-located datasource cannot be computed), Incremental={2} "-f $rtime, $rsize,$onerp.Isincremental
    $line >> $logfile
    write-host "$line" -foregroundcolor yellow
    #Get dependent rp's for data source
    foreach ($oneDrp in $allRPtbd)
    if ($oneDrp.IsIncremental -eq $FALSE) {continue}
    $line= ("`t...is dependancy for {0} size {1} `tIncremental={2}" -f $rtime, $rsize, $oneDrp.Isincremental)
    $line >> $logfile
    if ($oneDrp.representedpointintime -ge $enddate)
    #stick to latest full ($oneDrp = dependents, $onerp = full)
    $adjustflag = $true
    $reselect = $onerp.representedpointintime
    "<< Dependents newer than BEFORE date >>>" >> $logfile
    Write-Host -nonewline "`t <<< later than BEFORE date >>>" -foregroundcolor white -backgroundcolor red
    write-host "$line" -foregroundcolor yellow
    #Ok, include current latest incremental
    $reselect = $oneDrp.representedpointintime
    write-host "$line" -foregroundcolor yellow
    if ($reselect -lt $oneDrp.representedpointintime)
    #we adjusted further backward than latest incremental within selection
    $reselect = $rtime
    $line = "Adjusted BEFORE date to be $reselect to include dependents to $enddate"
    $line >> $logfile
    Write-Host $line -foregroundcolor white -backgroundcolor blue
    write-host $line -foregroundcolor white -backgroundcolor blue
    $line >> $logfile
    $line="Above recovery points within adjusted range will be permanently deleted !!!"
    write-host $line -foregroundcolor red
    $line >> $logfile
    $line="These RP's include dependent recovery points and may contain co-located datasource(s)"
    write-host $line -foregroundcolor red
    $line >> $logfile
    $line="Data source activity = " + $DSselected.Activity
    $line >> $logfile
    write-host $line -foregroundcolor white
    while (($DoDelete -ne "N" ) -and ($DoDelete -ne "Y"))
    $line="Continue with deletion (must answer) Y/N? "
    write-host $line -foregroundcolor white
    $line = $line + $DoDelete
    $line >> $logfile
    if (!$DSselected.Activity -eq "Idle")
    $line="Data source not idle, do you want to wait Y/N ? "
    write-host $line -foregroundcolor yellow
    $line = $line + $Y
    $line >> $logfile
    if ($Y -ieq "Y")
    Write-Host "Waiting for data source to become idle..." -foregroundcolor green
    while ($DSselected.Activity -ne "Idle")
    ("Waiting {0} seconds" -f $wait) >>$logfile
    Write-Host -NoNewline "..." -ForegroundColor blue
    start-sleep -s $wait
    if ($DoDelete -eq "Y")
    foreach ($onerp in $RPselected)
    #reselect is adjusted to safe range relative to what was requested
    #--- if adjustflag not set then all up to including else only older because we must keep the full
    if ((($onerp.representedpointintime -le $reselect) -and ($adjustflag -eq $false)) -or ($onerp.representedpointintime -lt $reselect))
    write-host `n$line -foregroundcolor red
    $line >>$logfile
    if (($onerp ) -and ($onerp.IsIncremental -eq $FALSE)) { remove-recoverypoint -RecoveryPoint $onerp -confirm:$True} # >> $logfile}
    $line =("---`nDeleting recoverypoint -> " + $rtime)
    $line >>$logfile
    "All Done!" >> $logfile
    write-host "`nAll Done!`n`n" -foregroundcolor white
    $line="Do you want to View DPMdeleteRP.LOG file Y/N ? "
    write-host $line -foregroundcolor white
    $line = $line + $Y
    $line >> $logfile
    if ($Y -ieq "Y")
    Notepad DPMdeleteRP.LOG
    Please remember to click “Mark as Answer” on the post that helps you, and to click “Unmark as Answer” if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread. Regards, Mike J. [MSFT] This
    posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

  • DPM 2012 Backing up a VM on Server 2012 Hyper-V CSV Host - Not Working with Hardware VSS

    Hi All,
    I'm trying to backup a VM on a 2012 Cluster. I can do it by using the system VSS provider, but when I try to use the hardware provider, (Dell equalogic) it doesn't work. DPM will sit for a while trying and then report a retryable VSS error. 
    The only error I'm seeing on the Host is the following:
    Event ID 12297Volume Shadow Copy Service error: The I/O writes cannot be flushed during the shadow copy creation period on volume \\?\Volume{3312155e-569a-42f3-ab3a-baff892a2681}\. The volume index in the shadow copy set is 0. Error details: Open[0x00000000, The operation completed successfully.
    ], Flush[0x80042313, The shadow copy provider timed out while flushing data to the volume being shadow copied. This is probably due to excessive activity on the volume. Try again later when the volume is not being used so heavily.
    ], Release[0x00000000, The operation completed successfully.
    ], OnRun[0x00000000, The operation completed successfully.
    Executing Asynchronous Operation
    Current State: DoSnapshotSet
    I don't know where to go from here - There is no activity on the CSV (this is the only VM on it, and both the CSV and VM were created specifically for testing this issue
    Does anyone have any ideas? I'm desperate. 
    Ok, so I can Take DPM out of the picture. Trying to do a snapshot from the Dell Auto-Snapshot manager, I get the same errors. But I also get a bit more information:
    Started at 3:02:47 PM
    Gathering Information...
    Phase 1: Checking pre-requisites... (3:02:47 PM)
    Phase 2: Initializing Smart Copy Operation (3:02:47 PM)
    Adding components from cluster node SB-BLADE01
    Adding components from cluster node SB-BLADE04
    Adding components from cluster node SB-BLADE02
    Retrieving writer information
    Phase 3: Adding Components and Volumes (3:02:52 PM)
    Adding components to the Smart Copy Set
    Adding volumes to the Smart Copy Set
    Phase 4: Creating Smart Copy (3:02:52 PM)
    Creating Smart Copy Set
    An error occurred:
    An error occurred during phase: Creating Smart Copy
    Exception from HRESULT: 0x80042313.
    Creating Smart Copy Set
    An error occurred:
    An error occurred during phase: Creating Smart Copy
    Exception from HRESULT: 0x80042313.
    An error occurred:
    Writer 'Microsoft Hyper-V VSS Writer' reported an error: 'VSS_WS_FAILED_AT_FREEZE'. Check the application component to verify it is in a valid state for the operation.
    An error occurred:
    One or more errors occurred during the operation. Check the detailed progress updates for details.
    An error occurred:
    Smart Copy creation failed.
    Source: Creating Smart Copy Set
    An error occurred:
    An error occurred during phase: Creating Smart Copy
    Exception from HRESULT: 0x80042313.
    An error occurred:
    Writer 'Microsoft Hyper-V VSS Writer' reported an error: 'VSS_WS_FAILED_AT_FREEZE'. Check the application component to verify it is in a valid state for the operation.
    An error occurred:
    One or more errors occurred during the operation. Check the detailed progress updates for details.
    Error: VSS can no longer flush I/O writes.

    I had a similar issue with an environment that had previously been working with the Dell HIT configured correctly. As we added a third node to the cluster I began seeing this problem.
    In my case I had the HIT volume max sessions per volume at 6 and maximum sessions per volume slice set to 2 and the CSV was using a LUN/Volume on the SAN that was split across 2 members.
    When the backup takes place and Dell HIT is configured to use SAN snapshots the vss-control iSCSI target is used which in my case exceeded my limits for maximum connections per volume as I'm using 2 paths per Hyper-V node with MPIO (this is my
    current theory).
    Once I'd modified these settings I could then back up the VHD's on that CSV again.
    Hope this helps.

  • Backup fails for a Hyper-V guest with VSS Writer failures using DPM 2012 R2 - Hyper-V guest has Oracle application installed,

    I am trying to backup a VM which before it had Oracle installed backed up with no problems.  It is a Windows 2008 R2 server which sites on an 8 node Hyper-V 2012 R2 cluster (with CSVs).  I am using DPM 2012 R2 to run the backups which have been
    successful for the last few weeks but then Oracle was installed and the backups have failed since then.
    The job fails and a large number of VSS writers go into a 'Failed' state with the 'Last Error' showing as 'Timed out'.  I then get 4 popups appear each referring to a 'temporary' drive which appears briefly in Disk Management with a RAW file system. 
    These pops say "You need to format the disk in drive X: before you can use it.  Do you want to format it?" (where
    X: is replaced by the drive letter assigned to each 'temporary' drive).
    The System event log is populated with a large number of warnings with Event 51, Disk, stating "An error was detected on device \Device\Harddisk<number>\DR<number> during a paging operation".  There are also a
    few warnings for Ntfs (eventid 57) stating that "The system failed to flush data to the transaction log.  Corruption may occur."
    Prior to these warnings there are 5 other warnings for partmgr (eventid 58) stating "The disk signature of disk
    <number x> is equal to the disk signatuire of disk <number y>" and 4 errors (eventid 1, VDS Basic Provider), "Unexpected failure.  Error code: 490@01010004".
    There is a script which is run to stop the Oracle application on the server and if this is run then the backups will complete successfully.  We have been troubleshooting this by running a certain amount of the script and seeing which part affects the
    backup and it seems that if the Weblogic (wls_reports) service is stopped then the backup will succeed but if it is running then the backup will fail and the above symptoms occur.
    Another point which may help is that there is a pre-production server which resides on a Windows 2008 R2 Hyper-V standalone server, has the same scripts and installation of Oracle but backs up without any issues.
    I have experienced VSS writer failures before with VM backups but I have not seen this before.  It is not intermittent and I can find no work around to alleviate the problem of having no backup (except stopping this service or shutting the server down,
    but as it is a production server this is not practical).
    If anyone has experienced this before or have any suggestions / advice it would be much appreciated.

    Hi Chris
    I have exactly the same issue.
    2008 R2 Server running Oracle
    6 node 2012 R2 Hyper-V Cluster with CSV
    Exact same errors and popup "format disk" message.
    DPM2012 R2
    I also have some other VM's on the same cluster which do back up through DPM
    The only difference I can see is the server which has the issue has a legacy network adapter.
    Production server so cannot make any changes until later but will add new adapter and report back.
    Interesting about the Weblogic service, may test this also.

  • DPM 2012 R2 (ID 104 Details: Internal error code: 0x809909FF)

    We are running DPM 2012 R2 on Windows Server 2012 R2
    We have a Protection Group:Servers (9 members) where 5 servers always give the same error message, when we try to run a synchronization job with consistency check. With other 4 server everything is fine. (All 9 servers: Windows Server 2012 R2)
    All servers have "Windows Server Backup" feature installed
    Error message:
    The replica of Microsoft Hyper-V \Online\S022 Reports on S022 Reports.SynCrust.********.eu is inconsistent with the protected data source. All protection activities for data source will fail until the replica is synchronized with consistency check. You can
    recover data from existing recovery points, but new recovery points cannot be created until the replica is consistent.
    For SharePoint farm, recovery points will continue getting created with the databases that are consistent. To backup inconsistent databases, run a consistency check on the farm. (ID 3106)
    Any help would be appreciated

    Just wanted to add some further details to this thread...
    As suggested in
    this article, Windows Server Backup has been installed on all 3 cluster nodes. I have also tried disabling/enabling the WinRE agent, as it suggests, with no effect.
    The Virtual Machine I am trying to back up is running Windows Server 2008 R2 with the latest updates, and has integration services version 6.3.9600 installed.
    Additional searching led me to
    this article, which states "DPM works seamlessly with Hyper-V VSS writer to ensure that consistent versions of virtual machines are captured and protected without affecting virtual machine access." It doesn't clarify if this is the method used
    when backing up VMs stored in a CSV, however. Regardless, the Hyper-V VSS writer is not listed when issuing
    vssadmin list providers
    I went through the steps outlined in
    this article to install the writer, but even after following said steps, the writer still does not appear as registered on the Windows Server 2012 R2 cluster node via the above command.
    I should also mention that
    this prereqs article mentions that the Hyper-V role should be installed on the DPM server. The hardware I'm using has an old AMD Sempron 3400+ CPU, so I'm unable to install this role on the DPM. The article states "DPM protects Hyper-V virtual
    machines even without the role, but you cannot perform item-level recovery (ILR) unless the role is installed.", so it's doubtful that lack of the role would cause this issue; MindaugasKa, is the Hyper-V role installed on your DPM?
    Despite the effort of upgrading my storage server to Windows Storage Server Standard 2012 R2, my cluster nodes to Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter, and my DPM to 2012 R2, the
    nightmare continues...

  • VSS error 8193 and 22 by backup task (Windows server 2012)

    On the WinServer 2012 Std , I am facing VSS error when it starts "system state backup".
    The user account of this task is a member of "local Backup operators".
    how can I correct this error ?
    In the forum, I found a topic that had mentioned regsvr32.
    But Microsoft said it does not recommended/ supported for 2008 or later.
    -Quote [start]-
    Reregistering files was a common way to fix VSS issues back in Windows 2003.  However, due to the changes in Windows 2008 and 2008R2 servicing, reregistering files will either not work or actually damage Windows.
    Please discontinue using
    Robert Mitchell Senior Support Escalation Engineer Microsoft Corp.
    -Quote [End]-
    the detail of event logs are ;
    Log Name:      Application
    Source:        VSS
    Event ID:      22
    Task Category: None
    Level:         Error
    Keywords:      Classic
    User:          N/A
    Volume Shadow Copy Service error: A critical component required by the Volume Shadow Copy service is not registered. This might happened if an error occurred during Windows setup or during installation of a Shadow Copy provider. The error returned from CoCreateInstance
    on class with CLSID {e579ab5f-1cc4-44b4-bed9-de0991ff0623} and Name IVssCoordinatorEx2 is [0x80040154, Class not registered ].
    Log Name:      Application
    Source:        VSS
    Event ID:      8193
    Task Category: None
    Level:         Error
    Keywords:      Classic
    User:          N/A
    Volume Shadow Copy Service error: Unexpected error calling routine CoCreateInstance.
    hr = 0x80040154, Class not registered .
    Thank you for your support.

    Dear Sophia,
    Thank you for your instruction, the below is result of vssadmin.
    I am using CA Arcserve 16.5 for backing up system state.
    Microsoft Windows [Version 6.2.9200]
    (c) 2012 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    C:\Windows\system32>vssadmin list writers vssadmin 1.1 - Volume Shadow Copy Service administrative command-line tool
    (C) Copyright 2001-2012 Microsoft Corp.
    Writer name: 'Task Scheduler Writer'
        Writer Id: {d61d61c8-d73a-4eee-8cdd-f6f9786b7124}
        Writer Instance Id: {1bddd48e-5052-49db-9b07-b96f96727e6b}
        State: [1] Stable
        Last error: No error
    Writer name: 'VSS Metadata Store Writer'
        Writer Id: {75dfb225-e2e4-4d39-9ac9-ffaff65ddf06}
        Writer Instance Id: {088e7a7d-09a8-4cc6-a609-ad90e75ddc93}
        State: [1] Stable
        Last error: No error
    Writer name: 'Performance Counters Writer'
        Writer Id: {0bada1de-01a9-4625-8278-69e735f39dd2}
        Writer Instance Id: {f0086dda-9efc-47c5-8eb6-a944c3d09381}
        State: [1] Stable
        Last error: No error
    Writer name: 'System Writer'
        Writer Id: {e8132975-6f93-4464-a53e-1050253ae220}
        Writer Instance Id: {540ecfcf-7f41-43cc-9521-d73d1881b85f}
        State: [1] Stable
        Last error: No error
    Writer name: 'SqlServerWriter'
        Writer Id: {a65faa63-5ea8-4ebc-9dbd-a0c4db26912a}
        Writer Instance Id: {1fe1e4af-26ab-4113-8079-2c853e1a32fc}
        State: [1] Stable
        Last error: No error
    Writer name: 'ASR Writer'
        Writer Id: {be000cbe-11fe-4426-9c58-531aa6355fc4}
        Writer Instance Id: {8094a9a6-29e1-4276-a8b0-7f9bd34e7ad5}
        State: [1] Stable
        Last error: No error
    Writer name: 'WMI Writer'
        Writer Id: {a6ad56c2-b509-4e6c-bb19-49d8f43532f0}
        Writer Instance Id: {3812a483-5e46-4c06-a64d-4caa1184705e}
        State: [1] Stable
        Last error: No error
    Writer name: 'IIS Config Writer'
        Writer Id: {2a40fd15-dfca-4aa8-a654-1f8c654603f6}
        Writer Instance Id: {094ddb56-3e9a-452f-951a-22da278d7666}
        State: [1] Stable
        Last error: No error
    Writer name: 'Registry Writer'
        Writer Id: {afbab4a2-367d-4d15-a586-71dbb18f8485}
        Writer Instance Id: {4f57f2af-4a0e-443d-ac27-c9b858c50744}
        State: [1] Stable
        Last error: No error
    Writer name: 'Shadow Copy Optimization Writer'
        Writer Id: {4dc3bdd4-ab48-4d07-adb0-3bee2926fd7f}
        Writer Instance Id: {54fb8f5c-2dff-479d-8ed1-b7de3c7495c3}
        State: [1] Stable
        Last error: No error
    Writer name: 'COM+ REGDB Writer'
        Writer Id: {542da469-d3e1-473c-9f4f-7847f01fc64f}
        Writer Instance Id: {901cd0a6-895a-4942-ac60-c8a6a7796583}
        State: [1] Stable
        Last error: No error
    C:\Windows\system32>vssadmin list providers vssadmin 1.1 - Volume Shadow Copy Service administrative command-line tool
    (C) Copyright 2001-2012 Microsoft Corp.
    Provider name: 'SmVssProvider'
        Provider type: Hardware
        Provider Id: {24e4e8a3-69cb-4370-8b7b-c5276cd49765}
        Version: 10.84.02
    Provider name: 'Microsoft File Share Shadow Copy provider'
        Provider type: Fileshare
        Provider Id: {89300202-3cec-4981-9171-19f59559e0f2}
    Provider name: 'Microsoft Software Shadow Copy provider 1.0'
        Provider type: System
        Provider Id: {b5946137-7b9f-4925-af80-51abd60b20d5}
    C:\Windows\system32>vssadmin list shadows vssadmin 1.1 - Volume Shadow Copy Service administrative command-line tool
    (C) Copyright 2001-2012 Microsoft Corp.
    Since command prompt has no output for 5mins, I pressed CTRL+C
    C:\Windows\system32>vssadmin list shadowstorage vssadmin 1.1 - Volume Shadow Copy Service administrative command-line tool
    (C) Copyright 2001-2012 Microsoft Corp.
    No items found that satisfy the query.
    C:\Windows\system32>vssadmin list volumes vssadmin 1.1 - Volume Shadow Copy Service administrative command-line tool
    (C) Copyright 2001-2012 Microsoft Corp.
    Volume path:
         Volume name:
    Volume path: D:\
         Volume name:
    Volume path: C:\
         Volume name:

  • An unexpected error occurred while the job was running. (ID 104 Details: The parameter is incorrect (0x80070057)) After DPM 2012 SP1 to R2 Upgrade

    We have upgraded DPM 2012 SP1 to DPM 2012 R2 and OS is Windows 2012 standard.
    Now in File Protection Group, we receive error
    "An unexpected error occurred while the job was running. (ID 104 Details: The parameter is incorrect (0x80070057))".
    This happens to only one Drive(X: Drive) of the PG server, other drive(Z: Drive) backup is working fine.
    We tried,
    Deleted entire protection group and recreated ,
    Ran consistency job 2 to 3 times.
    Ran Synchronize with consistency check.
    But every time It failed. Before upgrade it was working fine.

    I would suggest opening a new case with MS to allow the DPM team to further look into the issue. Also the DPM 2012 R2 RollUp which addresses the (0x80070057)
    issue is Rollup 1 and the private will not be needed after applying Rollup 1. The Roll up is found here
    Please remember to click “Mark as Answer” on the post that helps you, and to click “Unmark as Answer” if a marked post does not actually answer your
    question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread. Regards, Dwayne Jackson II. [MSFT] This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights."

  • DPM 2012 setup to remote SQL 2012. SSL cert error

    First of all, the category I selected, which was for SQL server reporting services was as close as I could get. There wasn't a way to select System Center DPM server from the list. As this relates to the Report Server portion of the setup, I chose this category.
    I am setting up DPM 2012 SP1 on a single use server (Windows Server 2102 R2 Standard) and remotely connecting to a new DB server (MSSQL 2012). I keep getting error ID:812 when trying to install, and the logs show that it is trying to set up report server,
    but that it cannot establish a trust relationship for SSL/TLS.
     * Exception :  => System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. ---> System.Net.WebException: The underlying connection was closed: Could not establish trust relationship for the SSL/TLS
    secure channel. ---> System.Security.Authentication.AuthenticationException: The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure.
    I'm not clear on how to proceed. Invalid cert means it wants something very specific.
    I have installed a domain issued cert from the DC on the SQL reporting server and have bound that cert to SSL using report server configuration. I then imported the cert into the DPM server in the trusted and personal certs. The DPM server has our DC as
    a trusted source. That clearly doesn't work.
    Thinking I may not be able to use a self-signed cert, I then installed our wildcard cert onto both the SQL server and the DPM server. I ran through the Report Server configuration again and bound that wildcard. This is a Godaddy wildcard cert.
    Same problem no matter what I do. Clearly, this is matter of a cert issue, but I'm lost. There are zero instructions I've found on how to ensure Windows server 2012 cert requirements are met as it relates to SQL and DPM.
    Thanks for your advice.

    Hi Kaden,
    This thread is for reporting service and I hope i can provide some useful informaiton from reporting service side while i don't work on DPM at all. You may still need to find out the forum for the DPM and check there.
    Regardingless of DPM, Reporting Service can usually create HTTP link and HTTPS link together. For the HTTP one, a certificate is needed. HTTPS is not needed excep you have the concern with  security.
    Usually application like DPM/SCOM will connect to the web service link provided by Reporting Service and work on that.
    If the application requires a HTTPS link, then same thing has to be setup on reporting.
    You need to install a certificate and add it to trust store and then configure reporting service to listening on HTTPs 443 port from the reporting service configuration manager.
    You can find the steps here.http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms345223(v=sql.110).aspx
    After you create the HTTPS link successful, try to open the https web service link both remotely or locally from IE. If you can open it there without any error, reporting service is working fine.
    For some applications, they would need special  certificates installed on reporting service and used. You may check with the related product on this then.
    In a summary, if you can configure a HTTPS link for reporting service can open it correctly, configuration steps on reporting service is fine.
    If there is still any error from DPM, you would need check additional resource from DPM part.

  • DPM 2012 UR3 Agent Update Error: HRESULT E_FAIL...DCOM Error

    My DPM Server is Windows 2008 R2 SP1 with a locally installed SQL and DPM Server and fully patched. My Workstations are all Windows 7 Ultimate x64, fully patched. I have manually installed the DPM RTM Agent and pushed the UR2 update from the DPM Server
    without any challenges or issues. I have SCEP running with process exclusions for the DPM services on the WS and DPM Server. I’ve been running DPM 2012 RTM and then UR2 without any issues or challenges to-date.
    I have recently updated my DPM 2012 Server from UR2 to UR3 and pushed out all the Agent Updates, which appeared to go successfully from the DPM Console perspective. I spot checked a few systems, 1 workstation (WS) and 1 server, everything looked good. A
    couple of days after this I noticed 2 of my workstations failed backing up to Tape. I noticed the recovery options available for these WS’s have stopped updating hours after pushing the UR3 Agent update. The 2 WS’s I'm troubleshooting have a little different
    scenario. I have 2 other WS’s that were updated in the same manner and are working perfectly.
    Both WS cannot connect to the DPM Server and displays this DCOM Error:
    "ERROR:ERROR HRESULT E_FAIL has been returned from a call to a COM component."
    The 1st WS DPM Client has a Yelow Sign over-lay and "Administrator has not configured backups." when you hover over it.
    The 2nd WS does not the Yellow Sign over-lay.
    All the properties of the Local DPM Client Console 'Summary and Protected item'  tabs are not updated on the 1st WS but are on the 2nd WS.
    1st WS process:
    The Recovery Tab shows the available recover dates to choice from.
    I can expand one of the backup dates, folders and copy a file to this system.
    I can view my previous recovery Points from the console dating back to when I updated the Agents.
    I’ve validated the DCOM settings on both WS's compared to a WS that is working, they are the same.
    I uninstalled the agent manually, then copied and reinstalled the new UR3 Agent Version with the same outcome.
    I uninstalled the new version and reinstalled the previous version, same error.
    I then proceeded with upgrading UR2 agent version installing the UR3 version over the top, same error.
    I logged on to this WS as the Domain Admin, removed and reinstalled the UR3 version, same error.
    I removed, applied and then re-added the DPM server to the local WS DPM and DCOM Groups.
    I removed, applied and then re-added the WS from the Groups on the DPM Server.
    I’m able to see, ping and view other backup folders presented on the DPM server on this WS.
    In the DPM Console I am able to connect to this Workstation successfully from the Administrative, Agent Space.
    The DPMClientProtectionCurr.errlog file shows this repeatedly:
    065C    10/13   05:02:32.499 
    03        service.cpp(298)         
    0D18    10/13   05:02:33.059 
    33        dlsclientprotection.cpp(778)           
    Connecting to DPM Server: (<Server.FQDN>)
    0D18    10/13   05:02:33.171 
    33        dlsclientprotection.cpp(861)           
    WARNING         Failed: Hr: = [0x80004005] : Failed to set client OS details - ClientName:<WS.FQDN>, ClientOSVersion:6.1.7601, OSType:2, AgentVersion: 4.0.1920.0
    0D18    10/13   05:02:33.171 
    33        dlsclientprotection.cpp(1490)           
    WARNING         Failed: Hr: = [0x80004005] : Failed to get connection to DPM server: lVal : ConnectToDPMServer(bstrClientMachineName, &pIUnknown, &fConnectionSuccessful, &dCurrentStatus,
    DPMRACurr.eerlog show this for both WS's:
    0EF0 1110 10/13 04:05:02.157 22 genericthreadpool.cpp(824) [000000000093C360]  NORMAL Hr: = [0x80070002] CGenericThreadPool::m_dwMaximumNumberOfThreads[20]
    0EF0 1110 10/13 04:05:02.157 03 miscellaneousutils.cpp(918)   NORMAL Error:ERROR_UNKNOWN_PRODUCT, While detecting DPM version. Assuming DPM isnt installed.
    And this one repeatedly:
    0BE8 08EC 10/13 13:59:40.404 29 radefaultsubtask.cpp(382) [00000000002F1640] 4F801526-72F2-4460-8760-F9D6E127FECB WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x809909b0] : CRADefaultSubTask: WorkitemID does not exist, {DB3F138D-DE37-414D-BADC-5A161C6E7E1C}
    0BE8 08EC 10/13 13:59:40.404 05 defaultsubtask.cpp(546) [00000000002F1640] 4F801526-72F2-4460-8760-F9D6E127FECB WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x809909b0] : Encountered Failure: : lVal : CommandReceivedSpecific(pCommand,
    0BE8 08EC 10/13 13:59:40.404 05 defaultsubtask.cpp(751) [00000000002F1640] 4F801526-72F2-4460-8760-F9D6E127FECB WARNING Failed: Hr: = [0x809909b0] : Encountered Failure: : lVal : CommandReceived(pAgentOvl)
    The 2nd WS Process:
    I did not remove or touch the local agent installation because the information is populated on this client’s agent properties fields.
    I can see the folder selections I’ve chosen to be backed up by the protection group configuration.
    When i open the Agent UI I receive the sam DCOM error.
    I also receive a different error message on this WS when I try and do a Sync Now from the General Tab: Failed to trigger synchronization.
    I was able to perform a consistency check on this WS that completed successfully from the DPM server.
    I’ve validated the networking configuration settings are correct.
    I flushed local DNS cache.

    I have a Windows 7 x64 machine that exhibits this problem. It seems that it is not caused on the client side but on the server side.
    In our case the server logs the following every time the client tries to connect:
    WARNING    Verify disconnected client failed with exception: System.ArgumentException: Das Element wurde bereits hinzugefügt. Schlüssel im Wörterbuch: "<machinename>". Hinzuzufügender Schlüssel: "<machinename>".
    (Translation: Element has already been added. Key in Table: "<machinename>". Key to be added: "<machinename>".
    I have uninstalled the agent on the client several times. One time I have seen the following error message on the server side:
    Deployment.cs(2815)            NORMAL    Removing all agent records for server[<machinename>] from table InstalledAgent.
    ntlmutils.cpp(185)            WARNING    Failed: Hr: = [0x80070002] : Error trying to open key [HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Microsoft Data Protection Manager\Agent\2.0\NtlmAuthData\<machinename>]
    SchedulerImpl.cs(166)            NORMAL    Entering DeRegister, JobDefID: bafe2b8b-53b2-4694-aa28-9e2c6c152d51
    Catalog.cs(1006)            WARNING    No retry on exception The specified @name ('') does not exist. while executing sp_delete_alert
    Catalog.cs(1013)            WARNING    SqlException encountered, SqlRetryCommand diag details - SqlCommandText  => Name=msdb.dbo.sp_delete_alert, CommandType=StoredProcedure
    Catalog.cs(1013)            WARNING    CommandDiagInfo => CanRetry=False, CommandTimeout=3600
    Catalog.cs(1013)            WARNING    CommandParams   => Count=2, InTx=True
    Catalog.cs(1013)            WARNING         Param[0]   => ParameterName=@name | Value= | Size=0 | DbType=NVarChar | Direction=Input | IsNullable=False
    Catalog.cs(1013)            WARNING         Param[1]   => ParameterName=@RETURN_VALUE | Value=1 | Size=0 | DbType=Int | Direction=ReturnValue | IsNullable=False
    EventManager.cs(98)            NORMAL    Publishing event from SchedulerImpl.cs(838): JobScheduleChange, [JobDefID=bafe2b8b-53b2-4694-aa28-9e2c6c152d51]
    Errors on the client side appear the moment the agent is re-added to the DPM server (I use "connect agent" instead of "install agent"). After that moment I get the message "Error connection to the DPM server. Error: a COM-component returned E_FAIL" every time
    I open the DPM client. This is mirrored by the Verify error mentioned above on the server side.
    To me it seems that parts of the machine config are still in the MSDB after removal (maybe caused by the registry error). If this client is connected again, the orphaned database entries cause the Verify error
    If that's true, how could we get rid of those entries? Would it help to rename the client?

  • Does DPM 2012 R2 still needs DataSourceGroups.xml and MaxAllowedParallelBackups key when using Hyper-V VSS Software Writer to backup Server 2012 R2 Cluster

    Does DPM 2012 R2 still needs DataSourceGroups.xml and MaxAllowedParallelBackups key when using Hyper-V VSS Software Writer to backup Server 2012 R2 Hyper-V Cluster with CSV's? Can't find a clear answer somewhere.
    Thanx for helping me out.

    Configure CSV backups
    If you are running Hyper-V on Windows Server 2008 R2 and you’re backing up multiple clusters with DPM, you need to ensure that only one backup uses the same CSV at any one time. To do this, follow the instructions in
    Serialize virtual machine backups.
    If you’re using software VSS with Hyper-V on Windows Server 2008 R2, do the following
    Serialize virtual machine backups per node            
    Serialize virtual machine backups per CSV LUN            
    Have a nice day !!!

  • DPM 2012 R2 backup of Workgroup computer error

    Hi, we have a Workgroup server that we had successfully backed up to a DPM 2012 Server.
    Since then we have built 2 brand new DPM 2012 R2 servers.
    I have uninstalled the DPM 2012 agent from the Workgroup computer and have installed the new DPM 2012 R2 agent successfully.
    However, when i try to Attach the agent I am getting 'Unable to contact the protection agent on server' errors.
    I have run the Set-DPMServer -IsNonDomainServer command correctly so the Firewall rules are there ( I have also turned the FW off to test but same error results). I am using the same account details created via Set-DPMserver to attach the agent on the DPM
    The Event Logs on the DPM 2012 R2 server show DCOM errors (Event 10028, DCOM was unable to communicate with the computer using any of the configured protocols; requested by PID      5e4 (C:\Program Files\Microsoft System Center 2012
    I have even uninstalled the 2012 R2 agent and re-installed the 2012 agent and that attaches fine, no problem.
    Can anyone help/advise?

    That is correct, ISCSI / Vfc attached or Pass-through disks are not included in host level backups. You have install a DPM agent inside the guest and protecting the volumes seperatly.
    Please remember to click “Mark as Answer” on the post that helps you, and to click “Unmark as Answer” if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread. Regards, Mike J. [MSFT]
    This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

  • DPM 2012 R2 protecting a SQL 2008 Cluster/Vss Writer problems on SQL Server

    I am running DPM 2012 R2 rollup 4. My Server OS is 2012 Datacenter. I have a SQL 2008 Active/Passive cluster  and MS support has kicked this to the SQL team for review. OK hear we go ..When I run the vssadmin list writer I do see the SQL Writer. Also
    says no errors. When I run diskshadow /l c:a.txt from an admin command prompt the output does show the SQL Writer information but under that should display all the meta data for each connection to the database so DPM can expand the SQL database to
    be chosen for protection. I am already confused.
    I am going to include a snippet from the vssadmin and the diskshadow command:
    vssadmin list writers:
    Writer name: 'SqlServerWriter'
       Writer Id: {a65faa63-5ea8-4ebc-9dbd-a0c4db26912a}
       Writer Instance Id: {8d773b6f-0196-4c34-9943-f258f99c2d9a}
       State: [1] Stable
       Last error: No error
    Diskshadow /l c:a.txt
     * WRITER "SqlServerWriter"
      - Writer ID   = {a65faa63-5ea8-4ebc-9dbd-a0c4db26912a}
      - Writer instance ID = {8d773b6f-0196-4c34-9943-f258f99c2d9a}
      - Supports restore events = TRUE
      - Writer restore conditions = VSS_WRE_ALWAYS
      - Restore method = VSS_RME_RESTORE_IF_CAN_REPLACE
      - Requires reboot after restore = FALSE
      - Excluded files:
     * WRITER "BITS Writer"
      - Writer ID   = {4969d978-be47-48b0-b100-f328f07ac1e0}
      - Writer instance ID = {5ad5c4f7-5f68-4c1d-a4fc-92d5ef898881}
      - Supports restore events = TRUE
      - Writer restore conditions = VSS_WRE_UNDEFINED
      - Restore method = VSS_RME_UNDEFINED
      - Requires reboot after restore = FALSE
      - Excluded files:
       - Exclude: Path = C:\Windows\System32, Filespec = bits.log
       - Exclude: Path = C:\Windows\System32, Filespec = bits.bak
       - Exclude: Path = C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Net
    As you can see this did not return the expected results. I should see the meta data for each database. This is why DPM can't list the databases for backup in my 2008 production SQL cluster. Any thoughts? This has not been working for quite sometime. I was
    hoping the update to rollup 4 would have fixed the problem. I know this is a SQL problem but has anyone had this experience?
    Steve J.

    Uninstalled SQL Server instance and downloaded SQL Server 2012 SP1 image from link in error message.  It takes you to the download page for the express edition of SQL Server 2012.  I downloaded the SQLEXPRADV_x64_ENU file and used it to re-install
    the SQL Server instance.
    Ultimately I had to use the ISO image to upgrade the instance to Standard because the SQL Server Agent will not run under the express edition and caused the DPM install to fail.
    The DPM installation then completed successfully and after immediately went to Windows Update and SQL Server 2012 SP2 was installed.
    Evidently you cannot start with SP2 until the installation is complete.

  • DPM 2012 R2 journal wrap error

    i try to backup my active directory Using DPM 2012 R2.Below error has occurred.
    A journal wrap error has occurred on the change journal, and therefore DPM is unable to track any more changes or may have missed some changes for the data source C:\ on DC-Name.domin (ID 30117 Details: Internal error code: 0x809909D1)

    In the alert, Click the link to run synchronization with consistency check.
    If the problem persists, you can increase the change journal size or configure the current protection group to synchronize more often. To change the synchronization schedule, select the protection group in the Protection task area, and in the Actions pane,
    click Modify protection group. To change the change journal size, click Modify disk allocation, select the Protected Server tab, click Modify, and then change the space allocated.
    If you consistently get that error, then it may be antivirus s/w that is causing the USN to wrap.
    Please remember to click “Mark as Answer” on the post that helps you, and to click “Unmark as Answer” if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread. Regards, Mike J. [MSFT]
    This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

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