DPS 6.3 root data view excluded subtrees in DSCC?

In dps6.3 using the dscc I see a default data view of "root data view". I created another data view for the base dn of our ldap. However when I look at the root data view I see in "excluded subtrees" the base dn of our ldap. I did not edit "excluded subtrees" in the root data view. How did my base dn get in there? Can it see the suffix of the local directory server? The suffix of the local directory server is the same as the base dn. Everything is working as expected, I was just surprised to see it there.

One way to think of the Root Data View is as a default bucket. All other data views failing to serve a request, fall back to Root Data View. When you have a "more qualified" data view for a particular base dn, then you want to make sure that other views won't serve the query.
For example, if you have a data view "global" serving dc=example,dc=com with various containers (like ou=Resources and ou=Groups) and a second data view "people" dedicated to serve ou=People,dc=example,dc=com, you need to make sure to exclude ou=People,dc=example,dc=com from the "global" data view. Feel me?
There are 3 properties of interest to mix and match in your data views:
In general, dsconf will take care of this for you automatically which is what happened in your case.
You may want to tweak this to achieve particular routing to specific data views.

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    if you have more than one data view on the same backend, then you will "view" the data more than once. So yes, stick to one one data view.
    More generally, you can use more than one data view on the same backend if you want some kind of separation, say per client applcation, per ip, per bind dn, etc ...
    that would be handled by the connection handlers.

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    Thanks Ludovic!
    It happened when I tried to create two different data views(view1 and view2) and two different connetion handlers (conn1 and conn2).
    view1 will view all data under the root suffix, like dc=example,dc=com
    view2 will view only part of the subordinate, like ou=test,dc=example,dc=com (not sub-suffix)
    I set data-view-atuomatic-routing-mode to limited. So view1 will not have exclude list.
    conn1(priority 33) will use view1. I also set bind-dn to be "uid=testmanager,dc=example,dc=com"
    conn2 (priority 99) will use view2 with no constraint.
    When I started doing ldapsearch using that bind DN of "uid=testmanager,dc=***) and expected to use conn1 (since it fell into the criterial of the bind DN), I encourted this error.
    This error kept on existing even I removed the view1 and conn1. I doubt that I should recover the default setting of routing policy (data-view-automatic-routing-mode), but don't know what the default value for that, maybe "automical" or something else.
    My questions will be:
    1) can i create two different views like one pointing to base and the other one to sub directory?
    2) What is the default value fo data-view-automatic-routing-mode?

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    I have a SQL server database named Mini
    In Mini database I have two tables:  dbo.Table_A and dbo.Table_B
    Table_A design and Table_B design
    In the internet browser it look like this after I add the connections, the problem is there is no connection when I click at the Blue link id 2 and 3 ??? John's and Jes's Lastname did not show up, the links is dead. that's my problem
    The must strange is that, if I do the same below, in sharepoint 2010 designer it do well ?? so what in the .....
    Here is my code
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    </td><td class="ms-vb">
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    <xsl:template name="dvt_1.empty">
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    <xsl:text disable-output-escaping="yes" ddwrt:nbsp-preserve="yes">&amp;nbsp;</xsl:text>
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    <img src="/_layouts/15/images/prev.gif" border="0" alt="Previous" />
    <xsl:text disable-output-escaping="yes" ddwrt:nbsp-preserve="yes">&amp;nbsp;</xsl:text>
    <xsl:value-of select="$FirstRow" />
    - <xsl:value-of select="$LastRowValue" />
    <xsl:text disable-output-escaping="yes" ddwrt:nbsp-preserve="yes">&amp;nbsp;</xsl:text>
    <xsl:if test="$LastRowValue &lt; $dvt_RowCount or string-length($dvt_nextpagedata)!=0" ddwrt:cf_ignore="1">
    <xsl:attribute name="href">javascript: <xsl:value-of select="ddwrt:GenFireServerEvent(concat('dvt_firstrow={',$NextRow,'}'))" />;</xsl:attribute>
    <img src="/_layouts/15/images/next.gif" border="0" alt="Next" />
    </xsl:stylesheet> </XSL>

    Hey Bale
    Yes I use sharepoint designer 2013, when I do the same in sharepoint designer 2010, it do well
    No to your question 2, 3 and 4
    See again my picture below her, when I open the internet browser
    in the database you have a table with forename and another table with last name,
    the link between this two table is the id, when I open it is ok, Bens lastname is
    James, Ben James.
    So when I try to click on the blue id number 2 beside John, Johns Last name
    should show up, but it did not, the link is dead. that's my problem the funny about this when I
    do the same procedure see above in sharepoint designer 2010, it do well ?
    Here is my first steps, when you have uploaded the first datasource, you need to save, place your courser
    behind the <asp:ScriptManager runat="server" id="ScriptManager"></asp:ScriptManager> x   PLACE COURSER HER
    THEN you can upload the next datasource, the sharepoint designer automatic generate the code for the grid.
    When you have the two grids inside the aspx file, place your courser behind the first
    <WebPartPages:DataFormWebPart X <---
    then the tab "option" show up and inside here you can add the connections between the two grids.

  • Attribute based data view?

    Is it possible to build a data view or virtual data view from an attribute value?
    For example we have a LDAP server which currently has a 'flat' DIT structure with everyone under ou=people.
    Lets say application A wants to use the LDAP for user authentication and authorizations, but they only want to 'see' accounts that have access to application A. There is an attribute in each user entry that could be used to determine if the user is in fact associated with application A, but is it possible to build a data view from it? Changing the client side application is not an option in this scenario.
    After reading the DS/DPS documentation I don't see how this would be possible, but maybe I'm missing something (I hope).
    Edited by: rrumbaugh on May 20, 2009 1:51 PM

    From what I can see, this is not currently possible. It would be nice if we could change the filter before it goes to the DS, that way we could say this app's username gets this filter component added.
    eg: App A binding with uid=A has (allowedapp=A) added to every filter before it reaches the DS. Or something like that. If you have a support contact, you could put in a word officially for an RFE to be included in the next version of DSEE (7.0, whenever it comes out)

  • Can not view data in Dimension Data Viewer

    Hello Forum,
    Has anyone run into this one yet? with OWB10gr2
    we have created a dimension called store, it has a simple hiearchy"
    store-->category-->primary category-->Busines Unit
    The dimension validates and deploys sucessfully - we have seen the notes to choose Deploy All for configuration instead of the default, reason being that if you don't choose Deploy All you will not be able to view it through the data viewer
    We have mapped the data from our oracle staging table to the dimension and our map has run without error.
    We can see data in the underlying table that supports the dimension, but when we open the dimension with object editor and try to view the loaded data via the dimension data view we get nothing?
    What's up with that?
    thx again

    You're probably running into the same known bug we hit. See the OWB 10gR2 release notes, under "Known Issues / OLAP Catalog". Probably hitting the mentioned OLAP bug 4945008.
    Hope this helps,

  • I can not see data in data viewer

    I use OWB 10g Relase 2. I have one table and I imported table metadata to OWB. I load data to table with pl/sql script, Now I do not see data in this table in data viewer. I see data in SQL*PLUS
    I tried deploy table and run script to load again. Same problem.
    I run mapping from this table. But target object is empty as well.
    Thanks for advice

    my fail, I forgot commit transaction

  • Data View Web Part - List of Subsites and Document Libraries under Current Site - Must be able to Package as Site Template in SPDesigner

    Hi Guys,
    On the home page of each sub site I would like to be able to show a list of subsites and Document libraries that are under the current subsite.
    I started investigating a solution using Datasources with SOAP requests sent to the server but it is very difficult to understand how to surface it on the Data View WebPart.
    I have tried with the search results webpart but the problem is that it does not work well when packaged in a Site Template.
    Please advise.
    Thanks and Regards,

    Here is the problem:
    When creating a mysite from powershell or script, apparently you can ONLY do this from a wfe (or a server running Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Web Application in services on server).
    You CANNOT create mysites from script on your appserver if it is not also a Web Application Server. I confirmed the same is true in my test farm. I guess I was always running most of these scripts on the webserver.
    I searched all over and cannot find this documented anywhere.
    Who do I contact to have Microsoft document this?
    It's Thursday morning, I've been working non stop since Saturday morning so you don't have to :)

  • Unable to see live data view for a access db

    I'm using the following:
    Asp.net C#
    Server 2003 Sp2/
    DW CS3
    Access db
    I'm attempting to connect to a "local" db on my server.
    I use the database connection string"
    Data Source=C:\catalog\Catalog\files.mdb;
    Persist Security Info=False
    ole db connection
    While in the data link properties window the connection is
    successful but in the ole db connection window I get "An
    unidentified error has occurred".
    If I just press ok I'm unable to see any of the table in my
    All I want to do is setup the Live Data view
    Thanks in advance for all your help.

    "madhooper" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:fcc6vt$jd6$[email protected]..
    > I'm using the following:
    > Asp.net C#
    > Server 2003 Sp2/
    > DW CS3
    > Access db
    > I'm attempting to connect to a "local" db on my server.
    > I use the database connection string"
    > Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;
    > Data Source=C:\catalog\Catalog\files.mdb;
    > Persist Security Info=False
    > ole db connection
    > While in the data link properties window the connection
    is successful but
    > in
    > the ole db connection window I get "An unidentified
    error has occurred".
    > If I just press ok I'm unable to see any of the table in
    my db.
    > All I want to do is setup the Live Data view
    > Thanks in advance for all your help.
    Did you configure your testing server?
    Set up a testing server
    http://livedocs.adobe.com/en_US/Dreamweaver/9.0/WSc78c5058ca073340dcda9110b1f693f21-79e0.h tml
    Preparing to build dynamic sites
    http://livedocs.adobe.com/en_US/Dreamweaver/9.0/WSc78c5058ca073340dcda9110b1f693f21-7a31.h tml

  • History and Future Bucket of the Data View

    Hi Experts
    As per my Client Requirement Planning for the Next year Jan 2010 u2013 Dec 2010 which Starts in the second Quarter of the Year 2009.
    They need historical data (Historical Time Bucket) of Last 3 years in the monthly bucket and Future bucket for Jan 2010- Dec 2010.
    My query in this regard to design Data view which  need to Show Historical periods of Last 3 yrs from current month and Future Bucket as Jan 2010-Dec 2010 to input the Forecast.
    The next planning Cycle would start in the second Quarter of the 2010 to forecast for the Jan 2011 to Dec 2011. When they plan for the Year Jan 2011 u2013 Dec 2011 the data views should be automatically roll or update with future bucket Jan 2011-Dec2011 and History Bucket with three years in the monthly bucket from the Current Month.
    Please give your Valuable Suggestions with regard to above requirement.
    I tried by Giving Planning Start Date as 01.01.2010 , but it is not fulfilling the above requirement.

    Hi Anuradha
    Thanks for you quick reply.
    Assume that we are in the Month of June 2009, My planners start the planning process  for the Jan 2010 - Dec 2010.
    If i take 1 year it wont help me , Future Buckets will be till May 2010.
    If i take 17 Months as the Future Buckets , Future buckets are displayed till Dec 2010.
    Till June 2010 In between Planners can have Revision , and may again change the Forecast.
    Suppose Assume that we have revision in the month of March 2010 , Here Future Buckets are displayed till October 2011.
    How to make my data view time bucket in the synchronized with future Periods.
    Thanks in Advance

  • 'connect without context' profile takes away data/view data rights in model

    Demystify ODI Security -- Documentation is very weak on this topic.
    Non-generic profiles-This concept works perfectly well for projects/folders/packages.
    But as soon as I bring in the new profile: CONNECT_WITHOUT_CONTEXT, the user loses the ability to query data from within ODI.
    (‘data’, ‘view data’ options in the model/datastore section).
    I have tried NG versus generic profiles of metadata admin-but somehow the data/view data option errors out:
    Cannot display table’s data.
    But if I use the regular CONNECT, the options come back.

    That is because the CONTEXT links the Logical and the Physical. All Model objects are related to a logical schema. Each logical is related to a physical schema via the context. If you have no context, then you break the link, therefore ODI does not know 'where to look' for the data and will error.

  • Bind multiple fields to one node in data view

    I have a need to have an interactive form where data from a single data source is displayed in multiple fields on the form.  In addition these fields are open for input.  I have bound the multiple fields on the form to one node in the data view.  The data is being displayed in the multiple fields. This form is being routed thru workflow so various agents are updating the form.  The problem that I am having is that the form only seems to allow input in the first field on the form but not the other fields that are tied to the same data source. For example, field A and field B are bound to node SUMMARY.  I can add/change/delete data in field A but not in field B.  After I have done some entry in field A, I can then sometimes make changes in field B.  We have a requirement that field A be enabled for agent #1 but field B is invisible.  Later in the workflow, agent #2 needs to make final changes on a "summary" page so agent #2 had field B enabled.
    Does anyone have any idea how to correct this data entry issue so that data can be entered into either field that is tied to a single node?

    Having multiple fields in the backend is not an option.  I will not go into the business reason in detail but the last page of the form contains a final version of data pulled from various locations on the form where the data on the other pages was input by multiple agents in the process flow.  The last agent in the workflow needs to put the "finishing touches" to the data and should not have to search all over in the form to find the appropriate data fields.
    I have found 2 possible solutions and would like to know if anyone can recommend one over the other. 
    First solution - bind multiple fields on the form to one node in the data view.  This seems to work correctly on the form and data can be entered into either field, with the data being passed back to the webdynpro context in the one node in the data view (corresponding node in WD context).
    Second solution - the node/attribue in the WD context must have the same name as a DDIC element. The node in the data view must have this same name.  The field names on the form must also have the same name.  Define the binding for the field names as Global.  I have not validated that the data is passed back to the WD.

  • How to get rid of the "mil" in Data View's large Display meter

    Hi, there!   I have two analog voltage inputs that I am having signal express V2.5 to collect data on.   The first input is scaled to inches while the second input is scaled to pounds.   For some reason, as i bring up the large display in Data View, the meter will show this "mil" thing.   It won't go away until the scale reaches 1.0000.   For instance, if the scaled signal is less than 1.0000, it will indicate 900mil, 800mil, 50mil 1mil, and so on.....   This really created alot of confusion for my lab.  
    I am hoping if you guys can tell me a way to make 900mil to become 0.900, 50mil to 0.050, and 1mil to 0.001
    Thanks in advance!

    Hi Kin,
    Sorry about this. I don't believe there is a way for you to change this in SignalExpress 2.5. However we did add this ability in SignalExpress 3.0. Most displays now have a property page, including the Large Display, which allows you to specify the format and precision shown, including to remove the SI notation. By right-clicking on the Large Display and select Properties, go to the Format & Precision tab, and select the Floating Point option (instead of SI notation).
    Again, I'm sorry to say that this option is only available in SignalExpress 3.0+.

  • No data appear on "measure data view "

    I now do some execises using the OLAP Analytic Workspace Manager and Worksheet.
    I follow the examples in the online documents 《Oracle® OLAP Application Developer's Guide 10g Release 2 (10.2)》
    At the end of all steps, using the measure data view to view the measure's data ,but I cann't see the sheet with data.
    however ,I can see all dimension's data in the view the dimension through right click the dimension.
    the example in the online documents have analyze data.

    I have put the question in Chinese on the following web site.
    but no one answer me .
    We can see the picture on the above web site , no data in my test sheet .but the example in online docments have data.

  • How to see a stream of a signal in the Data View while monitoring a signal.

    I'm migrating from an older data acquisition software for SignalExpress. With the DAQ old had a way to monitor the signal so that the software screen I saw on the timeline and as I increased or diminished the scale of the X axis (time), I saw more or less signal transitions in screen, respectively. For example, if the time scale (x axis) was set to 5 seconds and the signal that I was monitoring commute every 1 second, I would see on the screen of the software 5 sequential pulses.
    I am not able to configure my data acquisition that way. What I have noticed is that the scale of the X axis is limited to the value of the "Samples to read." With that, I see the sign on the software screen is instantaneous and not a sequence of pulses.
    I intend to monitor the signals are random signals originating from idependentes and switching relays.
    In summary, I believe that the solution to what I want to do is increase the scale of the axis X. How to do this?
    I use SignalExpress 2011, USB-6363 DAQ step and Digital Line Input.
    Thank you.

    First, sorry for the delay in responding to you. And second, thanks for your reply.
    I will try your suggestion: continuously scrolling "strip chart".
    To try to clarify, what I want is to merge than I can with Digital Graph - signs lined up vertically with the display type Chart, where it can act on the parameters of History Lengh, as you suggested, to achieve "curb" the transition graph .
    If using the first solution, Digital Graph, the screen transitions are very fast. On the other hand, if using the graph chart type for digital signals, they overlaps, since all have the same value - 0 or 1.
    The idea is that these two characteristics in a single graph (Data View). I believe something to be simple, but I'm having trouble mounting this setting.
    That's it. Any news ... I'll post here.

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    Hi, This is Urgent ..please I have a requirement like .. I know the VARIABLE name , i need to findout the VARIANT names which are using this VARIABLE. Ex: Variable name = LAST_WEEK . Please let me know how to findout the VARIANT names which is using