DPS native Android Viewer

I currently have an app in the iTunes store and am trying to expand into Android ( Google Play ) and am using the new web-based DPS native Android Viewer...
1. Can my AppName be the same as in the iTunes Store ?
2. Can my Bundle ID be the same as in the Apple Bundle ID ?
3. In the library pane when I choose "Configure", the only options are 768x1024 - why is this. I want a PDF based solution that will scale to the users device's ratio... ??

1. Yes.
2. Yes.
3. Ignore that section of App Builder. It's called "advanced" for a reason and you don't need to use it.

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    After some research, we've found that this is definitely Google's bug on Android and was fixed by them in later versions.
    http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10433865/problems-aligning-a-youtube-clip-centrally-in- an-android-webview
    We're discussing now whether a) we could work around this given our current architecture, and b) whether it's worth the cost for these older devices. Either way, the experience is very slow on the older API and devices that ran it when you have youtube videos embedded in web views. Those devices simply aren't powerful enough. If the publisher you're working with owns the videos, I would consider streaming them directly, outside of youtube, in a native video overlay (we support streaming video on Android). The experience and performance should be better.

  • Changes of inapps   prices  do not appears in native Android viewer.

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    First, have created new Inapps with some price - 18 UAH  .  Then  changed prices ( 10 - 16 UAH )
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    Hi Dmitry,
    This is a Google Play caching issue. We ask the store for the price, and if they are still returning your previous price there is nothing we can do about it. I suggest waiting a day for Google’s system to update and then try checking the price again.

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    You don't have to re-publish the folios.
    Sorry Neil, i have the Android native app ready to publish and the in-app purchase enabled (with the same id of iOS) of my retail folio (yes, it's published).
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    Hi Neil, again i do not see the retail folio (only free) - i do the same step - what do you think?
    Sorry Neil, i have the Android native app ready to publish and the in-app purchase enabled (with the same id of iOS) of my retail folio (yes, it's published).
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    And the Google Merchant Account is verified and confirmed this morning.
    What do you think?

  • Issues with native Android viewer

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    - video - stop on last frame - it's not working (folio v29)
    - library is quite often "losing" folios, from for example 8 folios i can see just 2. Only way how to fix this is log-out and then again log-in. very unpleasant .
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    Hello David,
    - regarding names of folios: now i'm speaking about Adobe Content Viewer. Now i need to create icon for each even testing folio just to be able to distinguish between them.
    - version is 29.3, connection is stable and fast, broadband with wifi. Even after few minutes nothing happens, even if i quite a app, lock and unlock device and so one. Same behavior on two devices which i have on table just now
    - video seems not to be solved and seems to be an a issue for me. We are using video for covers now on three platforms - iOS/Android/Windows. Our workflow is using Handbrake, because of price, easy of use and speed and possibilities of settings. Now i took two videos, one standard c/a 720x520 and one full screen 768x1024 with same parameters except for dimensions and results are quite a different. Smaller will start automatically quite nice and play well, second one - and this i don't understand at all - automatically started after few minutes and plays c/a one frame per 5 seconds. I can send you video. I don't understand this :(.
    HTML - yes, i would like to not use this checkbox, but seems that there will be no other way.

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    Someone with the same problem?

    You should contact Enterprise Support for assistance with this. You can find contact information in the bottom middle of the http://digitalpublishing.acrobat.com/ site after logging in.

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    Complicating the situation is that the client likely will want to keep the legacy app as long as we can to continue offering it on Amazon, because Kindle devices account for 60 percent of our non-iOS downloads.
    Thank you!

    To replace the existing legacy viewer, simply use the same Bundle ID used in the legacy app when you build the native Android viewer, and then submit the app as a new version in the Google Play Developer Portal. To locate the Bundle ID for the legacy viewer, open the desktop version of DPS App Builder and look at the list of apps. It might include a .air prefix, depending on when the app was built. If it does, use the .air prefix when you specify the Bundle ID for the native viewer, even though it's not an AIR app. The Bundle ID just needs to be the same. If you want two separate apps--which I don't recommend--use a different Bundle ID and submit it in the Developer Portal as a new app.
    The Amazon app is a different app that's unrelated to the Google Play app. You can continue to leave the app in the Amazon Appstore.

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    It seems like last week there were two check boxes in the In-App Purchase page but now there is only "Enable GooglePlay in-app purchase".

    We aren't able to discuss the specific reasons behind the decision, but it was one that wasn't made lightly. You can still build a viewer that only does Direct Entitlement and run it on Amazon devices if you want, but be aware that we will not provide any kind of support for issues encountered on Amazon devices.

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    Yup, soon. We're trying very hard to get them done but there are some memory things on Android that get in the way of us releasing it. We're working on those issues now.

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    Thank you for you help!

    Thank you for your reply, Bob!
    I've forgotten to ask the most important thing: This also stays that way for DPS V30?
    Thank you!

  • Android Viewer does not retain downloaded Folios

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    I use the the following tools:
    InDesign CS5.5
    Adobe Folio Builder Panel 12.2.4
    Adobe Folio Producer Tools 1.11
    Adobe Viewer Builder 2.1.130
    The folio is v20
    The App is a v21 Android Viewer for Google Play Store without subscription
    My Test Tablet is an Acer IconiaTab A510 with Android 4.0.3
    Developer Mode (USB Debugging, etc.) is off
    Has anyone the same behaviour?

    Hi, I have the same problem: Android viewers do not retain the folio file when downloaded. While app is in background all works fine but when close and relaunch folios must be downloaded again.
    I use:
    InDesign CS6
    DPS Desktop Tools CS6
    Adobe Viewer Builder 2.1.130
    Folio and App Version is 21
    I tested on:
    Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 with Android 3.2
    Someone could help us please? Thanks in advance.
    Edit: I rebuilt folios and custom viewer for v20 and everything works fine. What a strange...

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    DPS does not officially support the Samsung Appstore hence no documentation. However, the same android APK from app builder should work on Samsung store too. Google around on how to send it to Samsung appstore

  • Future native Android API support in AIR ?

    Is Adobe planning to increase the number of native Android APIs that are accessible through AIR?
    If so, is there a planned order in which this additional API support will be added to future versions of AIR SDKs?
    AIR is an easier way to target Android (for me) than native Android dev with ADT. One major advantage being the Flash Builder Design View. But those advantages only go so far against the disadvantage of not being able to access all the native API's on the devices.
    If the plan is to eventually support them all (within a reasonable time frame), then I can wait. If however, AIR on Android will not support any more APIs than it does now, learning JAVA for ADT dev will become necessary.
    Thank you

    Thanks for the responses. I posted to ideas as suggested. See link below.
    http://ideas.adobe.com/ct/ct_a_view_idea.bix?c=9D564F43-979A-4E35-AA21-85A61B6AB8DE&idea_i d=97A23FF1-8471-4C26-8EC3-1FC9A9B7F29D

  • Difference Between native Android and ANE

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    It would be great if someone knew why this was happening (it seems to be isolated to SurfaceView and VideoView), but I would really like to know what the difference is between the AIR app and the Native App. I was under the impression that the AIR app was just a single Activity class that acted as a container of sorts for the AIR app. Is this not the case? The getActivity() from FREContext seems to provide a completely valid activity, yet there seems to be little issues all over the place with interacting with that activity and a great deal many things it does not like to do.
    Could anyone explain the differences please?

    I created a native implementation function in Java to create a VideoView. In this function I get the first child of the android.R.id.content view :
    FrameLayout root = (FrameLayout)act.getWindow().getDecorView().findViewById(android.R.id.content);
    ret = (FrameLayout)root.getChildAt(0);
    It should be a FrameLayout containing a com.adobe.AIRWindowSurfaceView.
    I call setZOrderOnTop(true) on this VideoView, then I add my VideoView to the FrameLayout.
    I set FrameLayout.LayoutParameters to define the size and position of the video.
    It's the first implementation I described in my initial post and which didn't not work. I just added the setZOrderOnTop(true) in place of my initial bringToFront().

  • HTML Banner for Native Android App Builder

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    The HTML banner in the library has limited available APIs.
    I don't even see a place in the app builder to define a banner.
    We called Gold Support and they don't know anything about the new Native App Builder.

    I know that with Android the subscriptions are not supported but a header banner (static - no action linked) is important to see!
    Client want a branded viewer - now is very poor!
    Are there some news about this? Now i'm working with the new native Android app and i see that in the web builder (works very well!) there is not a field to upload a png. V31, V32?
    I use Professional

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