Issues with native Android viewer

during use of new native viewer few new questions/issues beside those already discussed arise. Here are my few notes:
- video - stop on last frame - it's not working (folio v29)
- library is quite often "losing" folios, from for example 8 folios i can see just 2. Only way how to fix this is log-out and then again log-in. very unpleasant .
- HTML content fitted pixel perfect to embedded HTML container via iframe in InDesign and tested on iPad is not shown correctly on Android. I would like to prevent setting "fit to scale" in Folio Overlay because of unexpected errors on iPad (iframe is scaled to cca 1/4 of size of box, even if iframe and box have exact measurements)

Hello David,
- regarding names of folios: now i'm speaking about Adobe Content Viewer. Now i need to create icon for each even testing folio just to be able to distinguish between them.
- version is 29.3, connection is stable and fast, broadband with wifi. Even after few minutes nothing happens, even if i quite a app, lock and unlock device and so one. Same behavior on two devices which i have on table just now
- video seems not to be solved and seems to be an a issue for me. We are using video for covers now on three platforms - iOS/Android/Windows. Our workflow is using Handbrake, because of price, easy of use and speed and possibilities of settings. Now i took two videos, one standard c/a 720x520 and one full screen 768x1024 with same parameters except for dimensions and results are quite a different. Smaller will start automatically quite nice and play well, second one - and this i don't understand at all - automatically started after few minutes and plays c/a one frame per 5 seconds. I can send you video. I don't understand this :(.
HTML - yes, i would like to not use this checkbox, but seems that there will be no other way.

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    Any ideas ?

    Hi Dmitry,
    This is a Google Play caching issue. We ask the store for the price, and if they are still returning your previous price there is nothing we can do about it. I suggest waiting a day for Google’s system to update and then try checking the price again.

  • Are inline youtube videos supposed to work in native android viewer?

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    After some research, we've found that this is definitely Google's bug on Android and was fixed by them in later versions. an-android-webview
    We're discussing now whether a) we could work around this given our current architecture, and b) whether it's worth the cost for these older devices. Either way, the experience is very slow on the older API and devices that ran it when you have youtube videos embedded in web views. Those devices simply aren't powerful enough. If the publisher you're working with owns the videos, I would consider streaming them directly, outside of youtube, in a native video overlay (we support streaming video on Android). The experience and performance should be better.

  • Performance issue with a Custom view

    Hi ,
    I am pretty new to performance tuning and facing a performance issue with a custom view.
    Execution time for view query is good but as soon as I append a where caluse to view query ,the execution time increases.
    Below is the view query:
    SELECT csb.system_id license_id, license_number ,
    csb.system_type_code license_type ,
    csb.attribute3 lac , -- license authorization code
    csb.attribute6 lat , -- license admin token
    csb.attribute12 ols_reg, -- OLS Registration allowed flag
    l.attribute4 license_biz_type ,
    NVL (( SELECT 'Y' l_supp_flag
    FROM csi_item_instances cii,
    okc_k_lines_b a,
    okc_k_items c
    WHERE c.cle_id =
    AND a.lse_id = 9
    AND c.jtot_object1_code = 'OKX_CUSTPROD'
    AND c.object1_id1 = cii.instance_id||''
    AND cii.instance_status_id IN (3, 510)
    AND cii.system_id = csb.system_id
    AND a.sts_code IN ('SIGNED', 'ACTIVE')
    AND NVL (a.date_terminated, a.end_date) > SYSDATE
    AND ROWNUM < 2), 'N') active_supp_flag,
    hp.party_name "Customer_Name" , -- Customer Name
    hca.attribute12 FGE_FLAG,
    (SELECT /*+INDEX (oklt OKC_K_LINES_TL_U1) */
    nvl(max((decode(name, 'eSupport','2','Enterprise','1','Standard','1','TERM RTU','0','TERM RTS','0','Notfound'))),0) covName --TERM RTU and TERM RTS added as per Vijaya's suggestion APR302013
    FROM OKC_K_LINES_B oklb1,
    OKC_K_LINES_TL oklt,
    OKC_K_LINES_B oklb2,
    OKC_K_ITEMS oki,
    CSI_item_instances cii
    AND OKI.OBJECT1_ID1 =cii.instance_id||''
    AND Oklb1.lse_id=2
    AND oklb1.dnz_chr_id=oklb2.dnz_chr_id
    AND oklb2.lse_id=9
    AND cii.system_id=csb.system_id
    FROM csi_systems_b csb ,
    csi_systems_tl cst ,
    hz_cust_accounts hca,
    hz_parties hp,
    fnd_lookup_values l
    WHERE csb.system_type_code = l.lookup_code (+)
    AND csb.system_id = cst.system_id
    AND hca.cust_account_id =csb.customer_id
    AND hca.party_id= hp.party_id
    AND cst.language = USERENV ('LANG')
    AND l.lookup_type (+) = 'CSI_SYSTEM_TYPE'
    AND l.language (+) = USERENV ('LANG')
    AND NVL (csb.end_date_active, SYSDATE+1) > SYSDATE)
    I have forced an index to avoid Full table scan on OKC_K_LINES_TL and suppressed an index on CSI_item_instances.instance id to make the view query fast.
    So when i do select * from XXX_INFO_VIEWit executes in a decent time,But when I try to do
    select * from XXX_INFO_VIEW where active_supp_flag='Y' and coverage_type='1'
    it takes lot of time.
    Execution plan is same for both queries in terms of cost but with WHERE clause Number of bytes increases.
    Below are the execution plans:
    View query:
    SELECT STATEMENT ALL_ROWS Cost: 7,212 Bytes: 536,237 Cardinality: 3,211                                         
         10 COUNT STOPKEY                                    
              9 NESTED LOOPS                               
                   7 NESTED LOOPS Cost: 1,085 Bytes: 101 Cardinality: 1                          
                        5 NESTED LOOPS Cost: 487 Bytes: 17,043 Cardinality: 299                     
                             2 TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID TABLE CSI.CSI_ITEM_INSTANCES Cost: 22 Bytes: 2,325 Cardinality: 155                
                                  1 INDEX RANGE SCAN INDEX CSI.CSI_ITEM_INSTANCES_N07 Cost: 3 Cardinality: 315           
                             4 TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID TABLE OKC.OKC_K_ITEMS Cost: 3 Bytes: 84 Cardinality: 2                
                                  3 INDEX RANGE SCAN INDEX OKC.OKC_K_ITEMS_N2 Cost: 2 Cardinality: 2           
                        6 INDEX UNIQUE SCAN INDEX (UNIQUE) OKC.OKC_K_LINES_B_U1 Cost: 1 Cardinality: 1                     
                   8 TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID TABLE OKC.OKC_K_LINES_B Cost: 2 Bytes: 44 Cardinality: 1                          
         12 TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID TABLE AR.HZ_CUST_ACCOUNTS Cost: 2 Bytes: 7 Cardinality: 1                                    
              11 INDEX UNIQUE SCAN INDEX (UNIQUE) AR.HZ_CUST_ACCOUNTS_U1 Cost: 1 Cardinality: 1                               
         28 SORT AGGREGATE Bytes: 169 Cardinality: 1                                    
              27 NESTED LOOPS                               
                   25 NESTED LOOPS Cost: 16,549 Bytes: 974,792 Cardinality: 5,768                          
                        23 NESTED LOOPS Cost: 5,070 Bytes: 811,737 Cardinality: 5,757                     
                             20 NESTED LOOPS Cost: 2,180 Bytes: 56,066 Cardinality: 578                
                                  17 NESTED LOOPS Cost: 967 Bytes: 32,118 Cardinality: 606           
                                       14 TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID TABLE CSI.CSI_ITEM_INSTANCES Cost: 22 Bytes: 3,465 Cardinality: 315      
                                            13 INDEX RANGE SCAN INDEX CSI.CSI_ITEM_INSTANCES_N07 Cost: 3 Cardinality: 315
                                       16 TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID TABLE OKC.OKC_K_ITEMS Cost: 3 Bytes: 84 Cardinality: 2      
                                            15 INDEX RANGE SCAN INDEX OKC.OKC_K_ITEMS_N2 Cost: 2 Cardinality: 2
                                  19 TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID TABLE OKC.OKC_K_LINES_B Cost: 2 Bytes: 44 Cardinality: 1           
                                       18 INDEX UNIQUE SCAN INDEX (UNIQUE) OKC.OKC_K_LINES_B_U1 Cost: 1 Cardinality: 1      
                             22 TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID TABLE OKC.OKC_K_LINES_B Cost: 5 Bytes: 440 Cardinality: 10                
                                  21 INDEX RANGE SCAN INDEX OKC.OKC_K_LINES_B_N2 Cost: 2 Cardinality: 9           
                        24 INDEX UNIQUE SCAN INDEX (UNIQUE) OKC.OKC_K_LINES_TL_U1 Cost: 1 Cardinality: 1                     
                   26 TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID TABLE OKC.OKC_K_LINES_TL Cost: 2 Bytes: 28 Cardinality: 1                          
         43 HASH JOIN Cost: 7,212 Bytes: 536,237 Cardinality: 3,211                                    
              41 NESTED LOOPS                               
                   39 NESTED LOOPS Cost: 7,070 Bytes: 485,792 Cardinality: 3,196                          
                        37 HASH JOIN Cost: 676 Bytes: 341,972 Cardinality: 3,196                     
                             32 HASH JOIN RIGHT OUTER Cost: 488 Bytes: 310,012 Cardinality: 3,196                
                                  30 TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID TABLE APPLSYS.FND_LOOKUP_VALUES Cost: 7 Bytes: 544 Cardinality: 17           
                                       29 INDEX RANGE SCAN INDEX (UNIQUE) APPLSYS.FND_LOOKUP_VALUES_U1 Cost: 3 Cardinality: 17      
                                  31 TABLE ACCESS FULL TABLE CSI.CSI_SYSTEMS_B Cost: 481 Bytes: 207,740 Cardinality: 3,196           
                             36 VIEW VIEW AR.index$_join$_013 Cost: 187 Bytes: 408,870 Cardinality: 40,887                
                                  35 HASH JOIN           
                                       33 INDEX FAST FULL SCAN INDEX (UNIQUE) AR.HZ_CUST_ACCOUNTS_U1 Cost: 112 Bytes: 408,870 Cardinality: 40,887      
                                       34 INDEX FAST FULL SCAN INDEX AR.HZ_CUST_ACCOUNTS_N2 Cost: 122 Bytes: 408,870 Cardinality: 40,887      
                        38 INDEX UNIQUE SCAN INDEX (UNIQUE) AR.HZ_PARTIES_U1 Cost: 1 Cardinality: 1                     
                   40 TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID TABLE AR.HZ_PARTIES Cost: 2 Bytes: 45 Cardinality: 1                          
              42 TABLE ACCESS FULL TABLE CSI.CSI_SYSTEMS_TL Cost: 142 Bytes: 958,770 Cardinality: 63,918           
    Execution plan for view query with WHERE clause:
    SELECT STATEMENT ALL_ROWS Cost: 7,212 Bytes: 2,462,837 Cardinality: 3,211                                         
         10 COUNT STOPKEY                                    
              9 NESTED LOOPS                               
                   7 NESTED LOOPS Cost: 1,085 Bytes: 101 Cardinality: 1                          
                        5 NESTED LOOPS Cost: 487 Bytes: 17,043 Cardinality: 299                     
                             2 TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID TABLE CSI.CSI_ITEM_INSTANCES Cost: 22 Bytes: 2,325 Cardinality: 155                
                                  1 INDEX RANGE SCAN INDEX CSI.CSI_ITEM_INSTANCES_N07 Cost: 3 Cardinality: 315           
                             4 TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID TABLE OKC.OKC_K_ITEMS Cost: 3 Bytes: 84 Cardinality: 2                
                                  3 INDEX RANGE SCAN INDEX OKC.OKC_K_ITEMS_N2 Cost: 2 Cardinality: 2           
                        6 INDEX UNIQUE SCAN INDEX (UNIQUE) OKC.OKC_K_LINES_B_U1 Cost: 1 Cardinality: 1                     
                   8 TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID TABLE OKC.OKC_K_LINES_B Cost: 2 Bytes: 44 Cardinality: 1                          
         12 TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID TABLE AR.HZ_CUST_ACCOUNTS Cost: 2 Bytes: 7 Cardinality: 1                                    
              11 INDEX UNIQUE SCAN INDEX (UNIQUE) AR.HZ_CUST_ACCOUNTS_U1 Cost: 1 Cardinality: 1                               
         28 SORT AGGREGATE Bytes: 169 Cardinality: 1                                    
              27 NESTED LOOPS                               
                   25 NESTED LOOPS Cost: 16,549 Bytes: 974,792 Cardinality: 5,768                          
                        23 NESTED LOOPS Cost: 5,070 Bytes: 811,737 Cardinality: 5,757                     
                             20 NESTED LOOPS Cost: 2,180 Bytes: 56,066 Cardinality: 578                
                                  17 NESTED LOOPS Cost: 967 Bytes: 32,118 Cardinality: 606           
                                       14 TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID TABLE CSI.CSI_ITEM_INSTANCES Cost: 22 Bytes: 3,465 Cardinality: 315      
                                            13 INDEX RANGE SCAN INDEX CSI.CSI_ITEM_INSTANCES_N07 Cost: 3 Cardinality: 315
                                       16 TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID TABLE OKC.OKC_K_ITEMS Cost: 3 Bytes: 84 Cardinality: 2      
                                            15 INDEX RANGE SCAN INDEX OKC.OKC_K_ITEMS_N2 Cost: 2 Cardinality: 2
                                  19 TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID TABLE OKC.OKC_K_LINES_B Cost: 2 Bytes: 44 Cardinality: 1           
                                       18 INDEX UNIQUE SCAN INDEX (UNIQUE) OKC.OKC_K_LINES_B_U1 Cost: 1 Cardinality: 1      
                             22 TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID TABLE OKC.OKC_K_LINES_B Cost: 5 Bytes: 440 Cardinality: 10                
                                  21 INDEX RANGE SCAN INDEX OKC.OKC_K_LINES_B_N2 Cost: 2 Cardinality: 9           
                        24 INDEX UNIQUE SCAN INDEX (UNIQUE) OKC.OKC_K_LINES_TL_U1 Cost: 1 Cardinality: 1                     
                   26 TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID TABLE OKC.OKC_K_LINES_TL Cost: 2 Bytes: 28 Cardinality: 1                          
         44 VIEW VIEW APPS.WRS_LICENSE_INFO_V Cost: 7,212 Bytes: 2,462,837 Cardinality: 3,211                                    
              43 HASH JOIN Cost: 7,212 Bytes: 536,237 Cardinality: 3,211                               
                   41 NESTED LOOPS                          
                        39 NESTED LOOPS Cost: 7,070 Bytes: 485,792 Cardinality: 3,196                     
                             37 HASH JOIN Cost: 676 Bytes: 341,972 Cardinality: 3,196                
                                  32 HASH JOIN RIGHT OUTER Cost: 488 Bytes: 310,012 Cardinality: 3,196           
                                       30 TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID TABLE APPLSYS.FND_LOOKUP_VALUES Cost: 7 Bytes: 544 Cardinality: 17      
                                            29 INDEX RANGE SCAN INDEX (UNIQUE) APPLSYS.FND_LOOKUP_VALUES_U1 Cost: 3 Cardinality: 17
                                       31 TABLE ACCESS FULL TABLE CSI.CSI_SYSTEMS_B Cost: 481 Bytes: 207,740 Cardinality: 3,196      
                                  36 VIEW VIEW AR.index$_join$_013 Cost: 187 Bytes: 408,870 Cardinality: 40,887           
                                       35 HASH JOIN      
                                            33 INDEX FAST FULL SCAN INDEX (UNIQUE) AR.HZ_CUST_ACCOUNTS_U1 Cost: 112 Bytes: 408,870 Cardinality: 40,887
                                            34 INDEX FAST FULL SCAN INDEX AR.HZ_CUST_ACCOUNTS_N2 Cost: 122 Bytes: 408,870 Cardinality: 40,887
                             38 INDEX UNIQUE SCAN INDEX (UNIQUE) AR.HZ_PARTIES_U1 Cost: 1 Cardinality: 1                
                        40 TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID TABLE AR.HZ_PARTIES Cost: 2 Bytes: 45 Cardinality: 1                     
                   42 TABLE ACCESS FULL TABLE CSI.CSI_SYSTEMS_TL Cost: 142 Bytes: 958,770 Cardinality: 63,918

    You should always try using primary index fields, if not possible then secondary index fields.
    Even if you cannot do anything from either of the two then try this,
    Use Less distinct fields on the top.
    In your case , you can use bukrs ,gjahr ,werks on the top in the where condition..then followed by less distinct values..
    Even when you use secondary index if you have 4 fields in your sec index and you are using only two fields from the top then the index is useful only upto that two fields provided they are in sequence.

  • DPS native Android Viewer

    I currently have an app in the iTunes store and am trying to expand into Android ( Google Play ) and am using the new web-based DPS native Android Viewer...
    1. Can my AppName be the same as in the iTunes Store ?
    2. Can my Bundle ID be the same as in the Apple Bundle ID ?
    3. In the library pane when I choose "Configure", the only options are 768x1024 - why is this. I want a PDF based solution that will scale to the users device's ratio... ??

    1. Yes.
    2. Yes.
    3. Ignore that section of App Builder. It's called "advanced" for a reason and you don't need to use it.

  • Issue with Windows Photo Viewer: "can't save picture because an unknown error occured"

    I recently installed Windows 7 RC (Build 7100). I quite often have an issue in Windows Photo Viewer when rotating an image and trying to go to the next picture. It gives me the error "Windows Photo Viewer can't save picture because an unknown error occured".
    Seperate from this issue: when I delete a picture in Windows Photo Viewer, it is still in the Windows Explorer overview of files. This did not use to be the case in Windows XP?
    Kind regards,

    SOSv2 ,
    This should be fixed in Windows 7 RTM.
    Also, you can install Windows Live Photo Gallery to view and rotate pictures as well. To download it, please click
    HERE . For more information about Windows Live Photo Gallery, you can
    a question on
    Windows Live Answers
    In addition, please understand that Nikon RAW images (and most Canon) do not support rotate functionality in Windows Photo Viewer, and thus rotate is
    disabled. To rotate those types of images, the user will need to use an image editing program that fully supports their RAW codec.
    I am using Win 7 x64 Ultimate RTM and still have this problem (with JPG's dumped from my Nikon to the hard drive).  Doesn't do it on every one that I rotate, but still very annoying.  Is there a fix?

  • Issue with Adobe Content Viewer

    Don't know if anyone else has this issue. Am using CS5.5 and just installed Air 2.6 (to see if that solves it) I am new to the DPS, but know my way round InDesign, I am experimenting with the creation of pages. They upload fine into the Folio builder but when I click on Preview in the Folio Builder window i get the below screen and nothing else after it Launches.
    I am taking files intended for Print and copying them into the new pages. However I have converted all the artwork to RGB, the images are jpegs. Is there any chance there could be an issue with that somehow?
    Am I doing anything wrong in the creation of the files? I have followed the instructions and yet I still get this even with the tutorial assets.
    Any ideas?

    Hi, Ian:
    Have you got it to work now? If you'd like, you can share the folio with me ([email protected]) and I can give it a try.

  • Issues with iMovie in viewing

    I am getting weird playback issues with movies I've added to a project. My movie is like 40 minutes long. When I try to watch the finished product or put finishing touches on it, after hitting space bar the video skimmer moves, but the video preview stays still. I found the video in the library and same thing.
    On a reboot or restart the program it works again normally then acts funky after a few minutes.
    I didn't change my library, it just isn't previewing and I'm frustrated thinking the video is bad or something.
    Has anyone had this buggy issue on previewing a movie in the screen or while skimming in your library or project that the video displays funny.

    Ouch. I'm having the same problem. It is VERY annoying. Was hoping for a solution on here.
    I find it is worse when I import 1080p from my camera. When I use 1080p, I can't even adjust the speed of large cuts (60 seconds) because iMovie will just freeze up on playback. Restarting iMovie will revert the clip back to normal speed but the same bug occurs when I try to adjust speed. I find I can break a long clip up into short sections (which makes no sense as iMovie optimizes the entire clip) and adjust speed on 5 second segments without and issue.
    The playback is the most annoying. I don't know if it is worth exporting a movie, which takes time in HD, if it doesn't work on preview.
    ANY fix for this?

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    Not sure if that previous question was answered, but I'm having the same problem as your friend.  If your friend previously had an iPhone, then Apple is still trying to manipulate her phone to continue sending messages via iMessage.  She may want to try any or all of the suggestions I've seen posted:  If she still has her old iPhone:  1) change her text message settings (under settings) to remove iMessage (which Apple sets up automatically without telling you) or 2) restore factory settings.  If she doesn't have her phone still, she may have to: 3) unregister her phone via her apple account (iCloud), or 4)  change her apple password. 

  • Issue with Native FTP on IronPort WSA S670 when using FileZilla

    Hi All,
    I am using IronPort as Proxy in Explicit Forward Mode.
    Currently there is an issue related to Native FTP. When we use FileZilla to access an FTP server, it does not work. If we try bypassing the proxy it does work without any issue. Also, FTP over HTTP works well throuhg Proxy.
    We tried with Checkpoint authentication and Raptor authentication formats but to no avail. The configuration seems perfect as I have verified it agianst the Admin Guide. I have attached the same for reference.
    In the logs it does say 'Allow' however I get the below error in FileZilla:
    Status:          Using proxy X.X.X.X:8021
    Status:          Connecting to X.X.X.X:8021...
    Status:          Connection established, waiting for welcome message...
    Response:          220 Test
    Command:          USER *******@X.X.X.X:2021
    Response:          331 User name okay, need password.
    Command:          PASS *******
    Response:          421 Service not available, closing control connection.
    Error:          Could not connect to server
    The proxy details are as follows:
    Model: S670
    Version: 7.1.4-053
    I would really appreciate if anyone could assist me with this issue.
    Thanks in advance

    Hi Faiz,
    Please take a look at the following KB
    Article #1401: How do I enable native FTP proxy on FileZilla? Link:
    If authentication is not enabled, you need to use one of the following configurations depends on your current FTP proxy authentication format settings.
    Native FTP FileZilla configuration without authentication and using "Check Point" authentication
    USER %u@%h
    PASS %p
    Native FTP FileZilla configuration without authentication and using "Raptor" authentication
    USER %u@%h%u
    PASS %p
    ACCT %p
    Hope it helps.

  • Known issues with native mail application

    Since 3 days now, the native email application on Series 60 3rd doesn't correctly download my mail anymore.
    Im using it to connectr to a gmail account via imap: all worked perfectly but now when I retreive email, it shows me a progress bar "updating email". But when its done, there is no new headers showing. The last email is still from 3 days ago and new ones are not showing.
    Im confused as there is no indication of any connects, shows me a progress bar etc. but it just doesnt download any new headers.
    Are there any issues known with gmail accounts?

    OK this is definitely being casued by Exchange mail (I'm using Gmail).
    If restore the phone as new the drain stops - still at 100% in the morning.
    The problem starts again when I setup an exhange account for mail. I have no push or fetch turned on. The battery then starts this gradual drain of about 2% per hour.
    Is there anyone who can think why the phone is doing this - is it just mail being buggy ?
    Message was edited by: Flamehearted

  • Retail folios not showing in the native Android viewer

    > when i update the application account adding the android share secret i have to re-publish the folios to see them in the Android library?
    You don't have to re-publish the folios.
    Sorry Neil, i have the Android native app ready to publish and the in-app purchase enabled (with the same id of iOS) of my retail folio (yes, it's published).
    On iOS i see the retail folio + other free folio, on Android i see only the free folio.
    The private key is copied in the Title id account (and then i login in the DPS dashboard with the title id).
    And the Google Merchant Account is verified and confirmed this morning.
    What do you think?

    Hi Neil, again i do not see the retail folio (only free) - i do the same step - what do you think?
    Sorry Neil, i have the Android native app ready to publish and the in-app purchase enabled (with the same id of iOS) of my retail folio (yes, it's published).
    On iOS i see the retail folio + other free folio, on Android i see only the free folio.
    The private key is copied in the Title id account (and then i login in the DPS dashboard with the title id).
    And the Google Merchant Account is verified and confirmed this morning.
    What do you think?

  • Native Android Viewer

    I built my app in native viewer and when I try to download a content from my tablet device shows this message: "You are not allowed to download this item, please login with a different account or try later". I have tried to login with three different accounts and always is the same.
    Someone with the same problem?

    You should contact Enterprise Support for assistance with this. You can find contact information in the bottom middle of the site after logging in.

  • Issue with display of view attributes via page personalization

    We are having the standard search region whose VO we are extending to display additional columns.
    For this we did VO Ext, migrated the code to the instance. We added new columns in the ‘Result Region’ via personalization and mapped the corresponding view attribute to it.
    The issue is that, in spite of the mapping being correct, it is trying to display the value of previous view attribute from the same view instance.
    Std Query fetches say Employee Name, Employee Id and we have extended the VO to include say DeptNo, DeptName.Now on doing Personalization for displaying the new fields we are getting Employee Id in DeptNo column and DeptNo in DeptName column.
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    Kindy provide your inputs for resolving this issue.

    i think u need to import jpx also .

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    Searched the forums but found nothing. Acrobat Reader version is 9.

    hi can you help me, im a desktop support engineer we got 2 users who have the exact same problem as in the call ive made here?
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  • WP8.1. on Lumia 820 is permanently synchronising G...

    Hello, My Windows Phone 8.1 at Lumia 820 is draining my battery. I think I found the cause: it is permanently synchronising one of the Google accounts I've set up. As it is syncing I can't open the account nor remove it - let alone edit the settings

  • Back Up to DVD  too few files

    When backing up to a DVD, Itunes groups the files to a total of about 700meg, which seems what CD will hold. I've checked my preferenced and selected Data CD or DVD in the Advanced>burn dialog. The resultant dvd seem to burn fine, but only has about

  • Any other "Wall Chargers" for the Zen V p

    So is ther no other possible wall charger that will work for my Zen V plus. I've been searching all across the web and I'm finding no hope for a possible working charger besides getting the one from creative. I've seen forums of Modifying the USB but

  • Syncing iphone to a new mac computer

    my old computer was discarded before i could deauthorize my iphone from it so my new mac wont allow me to sync my songs from my iphone 4...what do i do now??

  • WSAD 5.1.2 for J2EE 1.4 specifications

    I am on WSAD 5.1.2 and want to make use of J2EE 1.4 specs for my project: But Windows->Preferences->J2EE - 'Highest J2EE version used for development' is max 1.3 only. How can I specify J2EE 1.4 ? regards Manisha