Drawing and Filling Circle and Polygon.

I have searched about creating these but cannot understand properly. 
Let SetPixel(X,Y) be the function to set the pixel. I am working in unity3d for drawing on texture.
Allow time to reverse.

besides what Armin said
which setpixel function do you mean ?
the bitmap.setpixel or the Win32 setpixel ?
also why would you want it in vb when you don't plan to use vb ?
I am writing class library for unity3d in vb.net.
"SetPixel(x,y)" is just a procedure that sets pixel on (x,y). It is enough for drawing.
I am not dealing with color or anything. Just need to set pixels at right position.
I tried and found this: (It is to draw non-filled circle)
Public Function Apply(Texture As Texture2D) As Texture2D Implements Image.Appliments.Apply
Dim x0 As Integer = Me.X
Dim y0 As Integer = Me.Y
Dim x As Integer = Radius
Dim y As Integer = 20
Dim RadiusError As Integer = 1 - x
While x >= y
Texture.SetPixel(x + x0, y + y0, Color)
Texture.SetPixel(y + x0, x + y0, Color)
Texture.SetPixel(-x + x0, y + y0, Color)
Texture.SetPixel(-y + x0, x + y0, Color)
Texture.SetPixel(-x + x0, -y + y0, Color)
Texture.SetPixel(-y + x0, -x + y0, Color)
Texture.SetPixel(x + x0, -y + y0, Color)
Texture.SetPixel(y + x0, -x + y0, Color)
y = y + 1
If RadiusError < 0 Then
RadiusError = RadiusError + 2 * y + 1
x = x - 1
RadiusError = RadiusError + 2 * (y - x) + 1
End If
End While
Return Texture
End Function
Allow time to reverse.

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    1. Create a square canvas.
    2. With the Elipse tool, hold down Shift (Shift forces a circle). Draw the circle anywhere on the canvas (Shape 1 in this example).
    3. Simplify the circle layer
    4. Ctrl-click the layer to select the circle.
    5. Copy the selection to the clipboard (Edit > Copy).
    6. Deselect the selection.
    7. Paste from the clipboard (Edit > Paste). The pasted circle (Layer 1) will be centered.
    8. Delete the original circle layer.
    NOTE: Step 6 is the key. This guarantees that the pasted circle will be centered.
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    import java.awt.BorderLayout;
    import java.awt.Container;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.text.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class TestProof {
        TestControl control;          // the controls for the visual proof
        TestView view;          // the drawing area to display proof
        // called upon class creation
        public TestProof() {
            view = new TestView();
            control = new TestControl(view);
            Frame f = new Frame("Pythagoras");
            new MouseMotionListener() { //anonymous inner class
                //handle mouse drag event
                public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e) {
                    System.out.println("Mouse  " + e.getX() +","  + e.getY());
                public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e) {
                    System.out.println("Draggg: x=" + e.getX() + "; y=" + e.getY());
            JMenu File = new JMenu("File");
            JMenuItem Exit = new JMenuItem("Exit");
            Exit.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
                public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
            JMenuBar menuBar = new JMenuBar();
        private JMenuBar getMenuBar() {
            JMenu File = new JMenu("File");
            JMenuItem Exit = new JMenuItem("Exit");
            Exit.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
                public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
            JMenuBar menuBar = new JMenuBar();
            return menuBar;
        private void ExitActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
            // TODO add your handling code here:
        // for standalone use
        public static void main(String args[]) {
      TestProof TP = new TestProof();
    }Test VIEW
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.awt.geom.*;
    import java.text.*;
    import javax.swing.JFrame;
    import javax.swing.JPanel;
    public class TestView extends Canvas {
        int TRANSLUCENT = 1;
        int sequence;          // sequencer that determines what should be drawn
        // notes matter
        int noteX = 100;     // note coordinates
        int noteY = 60;
        int fontSize = 11;     // font size
        int lineSpacing     // space between two consecutive lines
        = fontSize + 2;
        Font noteFaceFont;     // font used to display notes
        // objects matter
        Polygon tri;          // right-angled triangle with sides A, B, and C
        Polygon tri1;
        Polygon sqrA;          // square with side of length A
        Polygon sqrB;          // square with side of length B
        Polygon sqrC;          // square with side of length C
        Polygon parA;          // parallelogram of base A and height A
        Polygon parB;          // parallelogram of base B and height B
        Polygon poly1;
        Polygon poly2;
        Polygon poly3;
        Polygon poly4;
        Polygon poly5;
        Polygon poly6;
        int X0 = 350;          // coordinates of triangle
        int Y0 = 350;
        int A = 90;//60;          // triangle size
        int B = 120;//80;
        int C = 150;//100;
        //CORDS of 2nd triangle
        int X1 = 350;
        int Y1 = 500;
        // notes: three lines per note
        String notes[] = {
            // note 0
            // note 1
            // note 2
            // note 3
            // note 4
            // note 5
            // note 6
            // note 7
            // note 8
            // note 9
            // note 10
            // note 11
            // note 12
            // note 13
            // note 14
        // constructor
        public TestView() {
            new MouseMotionListener() { //anonymous inner class
                //handle mouse drag event
                public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e) {
                    System.out.println("Mouse  " + e.getX() +","  + e.getY());
                public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e) {
                    System.out.println("Draggg: x=" + e.getX() + "; y=" + e.getY());
            // set font
            noteFaceFont = new Font("TimesRoman", Font.PLAIN, fontSize);
            // (coordinates specified w.r.t. to P0, unless otherwise specified)
            // create the triangle
            tri = new Polygon();
            tri.addPoint(0, 0);                    // add P0 coordinate
            tri.addPoint(A*A/C, -A*B/C);          // add A3 coordinate
            tri.addPoint(C, 0);                    // add C1 coordinate
            tri.translate(X0, Y0);               // place triangle
            tri1 = new Polygon();
            tri1.addPoint(0,0);                    // add P0 coordinate
            tri1.addPoint(A*A/C +38, +A*B/C);          // add A3 coordinate
            tri1.addPoint(C, 0);                    // add C1 coordinate
            tri1.translate(X1, Y1);
            // create square of side A
            sqrA = new Polygon();
            sqrA.addPoint(0, 0);               // add P0 coordinate
            sqrA.addPoint(-A*B/C, -A*A/C);          // add A1 coordinate
            sqrA.addPoint(-A*(B-A)/C, -A*(A+B)/C);     // add A2 coordinate
            sqrA.addPoint(A*A/C, -A*B/C);          // add A3 coordinate
            sqrA.translate(X0, Y0);               // place square
            // create square of side B
            // warning: the coordinate of this object are specified relative to C1
            sqrB = new Polygon();
            sqrB.addPoint(0, 0);               // add C1 coordinate
            sqrB.addPoint(B*A/C, -B*B/C);          // add B1 coordinate
            sqrB.addPoint(B*(A-B)/C, -B*(A+B)/C);     // add B2 coordinate
            sqrB.addPoint(-B*B/C, -B*A/C);          // add A3 coordinate
            sqrB.translate(X0 + C, Y0);               // place square
            // create square of side C
            sqrC = new Polygon();
            sqrC.addPoint(0, 0);               // add P0 coordinate
            sqrC.addPoint(C, 0);               // add C1 coordinate
            sqrC.addPoint(C, C);               // add C2 coordinate
            sqrC.addPoint(0, C);               // add C3 coordinate
            sqrC.translate(X0, Y0);               // place square
            poly1 = new Polygon();
            poly2 = new Polygon();
            //Polygon 3
            poly3 = new Polygon();
            poly4 = new Polygon();
            poly5 = new Polygon();
            poly6= new Polygon();
            // create parallelogram of height A
            parA = new Polygon();
            parA.addPoint(0, 0);               // add P0 coordinate
            parA.addPoint(0, C);               // add C3 coordinate
            parA.addPoint(A*A/C, C - A*B/C);          // add Q0 coordinate
            parA.addPoint(A*A/C, -A*B/C);          // add A3 coordinate
            parA.translate(X0,Y0);               // place parallelogram
            // create parallelogram of height B
            // warning: the coordinate of this object are specified from C1
            parB = new Polygon();
            parB.addPoint(0, 0);               // add C1 coordinate
            parB.addPoint(-B*B/C, -B*A/C);          // add A3 coordinate
            parB.addPoint(A*A/C - C, C - A*B/C);     // add Q0 coordinate
            parB.addPoint(0, C);               // add C2 coordinate
            parB.translate(X0 + C, Y0);
            // place parallelogram
        // depending on the sequence number we draw certain objects
        public void paint(Graphics gfx) {
            Graphics2D g = (Graphics2D) gfx;
            // text first, then objects (and animation)
            // we always output some notes
            g.drawString(notes[3*sequence], noteX, noteY);
            g.drawString(notes[3*sequence + 1], noteX, noteY + lineSpacing);
            g.drawString(notes[3*sequence + 2], noteX, noteY + 2*lineSpacing);
            // the object are drawn in an order so that they are properly overlapped
            if(sequence == 13) {
            if(sequence == 12 ) {
            if(sequence == 11){
            if(sequence == 8 ){
            else if (sequence == 9 ){
            if( sequence == 10){
            if(sequence == 7){
            if(sequence == 6){
                g.drawLine( 606,309,599,299);
                g.drawLine(592,313, 599,299);
                g.drawString("+90 degrees",605,378);
            if (sequence == 5 ) {
            if (sequence == 4) {
                g.drawLine(499,319, 492,312);
                g.drawLine(499,319, 492,325);
                g.drawArc(200,180, 233,238,-120,-60);
                g.drawLine(200,298, 208,309);
                g.drawLine(200,298, 194,313);
                g.drawString("-90 degrees",227,347);
            if (sequence >= 3) {
            // draw the squares
            if (sequence >= 2) {
            // draw the squares
            if (sequence >= 1) {
            // always draw the triangle
            g.drawString("C", X0 + C/2 - fontSize/2, Y0 + lineSpacing);
            X0 + A*A/(2*C) - fontSize*A/B/2,
            Y0 - A*B/(2*C) - lineSpacing*A/B);
            X0 + C - B*B/(2*C) - fontSize*A/B/2,// the last "-" isn't log.
            Y0 - B*A/(2*C) - lineSpacing*A/B);
        public void redraw(int sequence) {
            this.sequence = sequence;
    * TestControl.java
    * Created on 28 February 2005, 11:16
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.text.*;
    import javax.swing.JFrame;
    * @author  Kripa Bhojwani
    public class TestControl extends Panel implements ActionListener {
      TestView view;
      int sequence;                    // event sequence
      // constructor
      public TestControl(TestView view) {
        Button b = null;
        Label label = new Label("A^2 ");
        this.view = view;          // initialize drawble area
        sequence = 0;               // initialize sequence
        b = new Button("Prev");
        b = new Button("Next");
      // exported method
      public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ev) {
        String label = ev.getActionCommand();
        if (label.equals("Prev")) {
          if (sequence >0) {
        else {
          if (sequence < 15) {
        this.setEnabled(false);          // disable the controls
        this.setEnabled(true);          // enable the controls
    }Please help --- really need to sort this out...

    One of the problems you face is that it is hard to recognise which parts of your code are drawing the triangle. This is because you are writing code in a procedural way rather than an object oriented way.
    In object oriented code you would have a triangle object that could draw itself. You would create the triangle object by specifying its sizes and angles in some way. Then it should be easy to change the triangles sizes and angles and ask all the drawn objects to redraw themselves.

  • How to draw and modify double lines with Adobe Illustrator?

    I need tot draw roadmaps. This should be easy using the pen tool, but my problem is that I cannot find a way to draw double lines with this tool. I have seen many fancy border styles and patterns. Some do have double or even quadruple lines, but the problem is than that they have an offset from the vector line and the space in between the two lines (the edges of the road) cannot be filled. Somewere I also found some pens called 'Double line 1.1' to 'Double line 1.6' but they also had an offset from the vector and I could not chance the size of the lines and the interval in between them independently.
    What I am looking for is a way to draw two lines in parallel and have the option tot fill the space in between with a color or even a pattern.
    The color and size of the lines should be changeable to make a distinction between several types of road.
    Is there an existing set of pencils for this purpose? It would be nice to be able to draw not only roads, but also railways and rivers!
    I am surely not the first person who needs to do this?
    I use AI version 6

    Thanks for the answer. I have been searching for a solutions for a long
    time, but today I found the solution on a forum (not on this one). That
    solution is exactly as you described below, i.e. using a coloured line and a
    narrower white line on top of the first one. My problem was that I did not
    know how to create a custom brush based on the two lines. Now I know how to
    do that. However, I still have the problem. I can now draw double lines and
    I can change the color of the background line (the coloured one) but I
    cannot change the white colour of the narrower line. I assume that I have to
    completely redefine a new brush when I need to change that colour too.
    Rob Kole
    Van: Jacob Bugge [email protected]
    Verzonden: donderdag 28 maart 2013 17:04
    Aan: RKOLE
    Onderwerp: How to draw and modify double lines with Adobe
    Re: How to draw and modify double lines with Adobe Illustrator?
    created by Jacob Bugge <http://forums.adobe.com/people/Jacob+Bugge>  in
    Illustrator - View the full discussion

  • Print out of drawing and QA instructions along with PO

    Hi Gurus,
    I have a requirement of printing the material drawing and the Quality instructions along with the PO print out.
    Material drawing is to be sent to the vendor and Quality inspection instructions to the stores.
    I am updating these documents in the additional data of the material master under document data tab page. Every time PO is printed, these documents should also be printed.
    Is there any standard functionality which meets my requirement ?
    Please answer..Thanks in advance

    You have to take help of ABAP for this. It is not possible in SAP Standard.

  • What is the replacement to the Drawing and Database functions in Appleworks?

    I rely on the Appleworks suite of software, especially the Word Processing, Spreadsheet, Drawing, and Database programs. I cannot upgrade my operating system without losing the ability to use Appleworks. I would switch to iWorks, but it does not seem to have either a Drawing or a Database program. Is there some other program that is out there?

    Word Processing documents can be opened directly in Pages (AppleWorks 6 only), though Panergy Software'sdocXConverter v3.2 ($19.95) can convert Appleworks 5 and 6 Word Processing documents to RTF (though it has been reported that it can only handle documents which contain only text, not those which include images or frames); and the latest version of the free LibreOffice has announced that it can open AppleWorks 6 Word Processing documents: it does appear to be able to handle at least some embedded images.
    Draw Documents can be opened directly only in EazyDraw (the more expensive version from their website, not the cheaper one from the Mac App Store, and you will need v4.0 'Retro' not the most recent version) or Intaglio (though this appears not to be able to handle very complex drawings).
    Spreadsheets can be opened directly only in Numbers.
    Presentations can be opened directly only in Keynote.
    To use other programs, or open Painting or Database documents at all, you must export from AppleWorks first: nothing will open these types of documents.
    There are better paint programs around than AW's rather primitive paint module. As to Databases, the only real replacement is Filemaker Pro which is quite expensive. You can only move your databases to it by exporting as ASCII text and importing into FMPro - you will have to recreate all your formatting and calculations.
    This article looks in detail at 'Abandoning Appleworks':

  • Link Between Draw and viob01 or viob02...

    Hello guys can you help me with my problem im trying to find the link between draw and viob01 or viob02..
    Thanks guys!

    Hi Barro,
    Its very late to answer you but still your problem is not resolved, you can follow the below steps to get the relations between those tables.
    1. Use SQVI transaction,
    2. Create a View
    3. Enter title,
    4. Choose the Data source as Table Join
    5. Now use Insert table option.
    6.And insert the tables which you want. It will propose the relation between them.

  • When im in photoshop drawing and i stop it starts drawing striaght lines

    okay, When I go into photoshop to draw ill be drawing and then stop to do something like change the color, the size of the brush, what kind of brush, ect. and go back to drawing it doesn't free draw it just draws straight lines. I have another program where I edit videos and it lets me draw on there too but it doesn't do what photoshop does. I don't know if its just photoshop or what but it doesn't do it in any other program but photoshop. please help! thanks in advance!

    Try this:
    How to delete/reset Photoshop preferences

  • Appleworks does not work with mountain Lion.  What can I use for drawing and painting?

    Appleworks does not work with mountain Lion.  What can I use for drawing and painting?

    Please see this article which examines various possible alternatives to AppleWorks:

  • Draw and Drop between  to iviews in samme pages.

    Hi alle.
    Can anyone tell me how to make two different Web Dynpro iViews communicate, using draw and drop, on the same page? Please share any code examples you might have.

    This document may help you: [How to Use Portal Eventing Within a Web Dynpro Java Application|https://www.sdn.sap.com/irj/sdn/go/portal/prtroot/docs/library/uuid/60d7d690-0201-0010-e581-9c4fc69cec0e]

  • I want link between draw and qmel or qmsm tables

    Hi all,
        I want link betwwn draw and qmsm or qmel tables means for particular notification number (notification type is repair means ZC) i want document number and document type. how i get this information from draw table .

    Hi Himmam,
      a good way is to run tx ST05 and activate a trace. Then go to the standard transaction, check the documents and come back to tx ST05 to deactivate and display the trace.
    You will obtain all the tables and perhaps the relationship between them.

  • Has Sun fixed the direct draw and direct X problems?

    I have been looking at the bugs and forums lately and have not seen anywhere that Sun has fixed the direct draw and direct X problems. I disabled these options a while back but would like the performance of direct draw back. Here are the flags I am talking about.
    System.setProperty("sun.java2d.ddoffscreen", "false");
    System.setProperty("sun.java2d.noddraw", "true");
    I want my native performance back.
    Any news?

    dxdiag shows agp texture accel. to be not available
    I had that same thing happen on an older system while using a GF2 MX and a NIC card in the top PCI slot. I discovered the AGP and top PCI were "shared" on that mobo. Moving the NIC to another slot resolved the issue.

  • Line and polygon tool angles locked. not able to place point where needed...

    I am not able to place the cursor in the desired position when using the line and polygon tool to outline... I read something about holding down the shift key to achieve this effect however I am not holding down the shift key and this effect is not desired.

    Some how the 'snap to grid' got turned on in the view toolbar. Turned it off and it fixed the problem.

  • Installed Lion yesterday and now have no way to open Apple Works draw and paint files.

    Anyone have suggestions?

    Gene, those are incredibly old applicaitons that were based on PPC (Power PC) versions of OS X. Beginning with Lion legacy apps that are PPC based are no longer supported. There are numerous tools availalbe however you will need to do a little legwork to find what you want. I would recommend using Google and search using "Appleworks draw and paint replacements Lion"  and you will find a lot of hits. Once you have located one that will import your legacy files then you should be all set.
    BTW if you would lke to provide feedback to Apple regarding this you can reach them at www.apple.com/feedback.

Maybe you are looking for