Dreamweaver 8: restore config/sites

I transferred computers from XP to Windows 7. I'm using DW 8. Before I switched computers, I did not create a site backup from within the program. However, I did backup the entire disk and can access that. I just loaded DW 8 on the new machine, found the backuped Configuration file and, on Windows 7, restored it to: C:\Users\George\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia\Dreamweaver 8
However, when starting the new DW 8, my site information does not show. How do I get to it?? Are there files/folders other than Configuration I should restore?

Site settings are stored in .ste files.  You would have had to export these settings from your primary installation and saved to an external disk/drive or your site folder.
Site > Manage Sites > Select a site, hit Export button.  Repeat for other sites.
To perform the reverse, Site > Manage Sites > Select a site, hit Import button.  Repeat for other sites.
If you never exported your site settings, you'll need to manually create new ones.
Nancy O.
Alt-Web Design & Publishing
Web | Graphics | Print | Media  Specialists 

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    DWCC, Mac, Yosemite

    When you define your site and enter your FTP log-in credentials, DW is supposed to remember them.  Try clearing your Cache
    If that doesn't help, try Restore Preferences
    Nancy O.

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    Hi Badri,
    1.You could not restore site deleted from SharePoint designer in site collection, you can only restore the site deleted from
    UI in site collection recycle bin, deleted from end user recycle bin.
    2.You can export the site from production server, then import it to test server.
    Best Regards.
    Kelly Chen
    TechNet Community Support

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    Most of the ISV offerings will allow you to 'Migrate' content from one SP location to another. I'm pretty sure AvePoint and a few others have tools specifically developed for shifting bits and pieces around SharePoint farms.
    It is a limitation but the ISV tools tend to do a good job and maintain nearly full consistency.
    There's scripts around that can do much/most of the migration and you could always extend them to do the same things as the ISV migration tools however the cost to do so can quickly get to the same ballpark as buying an already made tool.
    Paul is also in the London office, we often work together when projects requiring his brains and my beauty crop up.

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    MacBook Pro OS X 10.8.2
    CS6 Dreamweaver version 12 build 5808
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    Nancy, I appreciate your time but looks like we found something that will work for us...
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    ip:  192.xxx.xxx.23\MyServer
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    Since we were unable to find any way to resolve this from OS X, we ended up creating a second network share for the target folder, using a different name.  Issue resolved.

  • Backup and Restore My Sites

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    Re: SQL backups, yes. When you attach the content database it attaches all the site collections in the database.
    There is no out of the box method to restore individual site collections unless you perform individual site collection backups. You can automate this with PowerShell.
    Something like this would work:
    $mysites = Get-SPSite -Webapplication "My Sites"
    $Path = "\\path\to\place\backups\"
    foreach ($site in $mysite) {
    $filename = $($site.ServerRelativeUrl -replace "/", "_") + ".bak"
    Backup-SPSite -Identity $site -Path $($Path + $filename)
    This creates a site collection backup of every site collection in the My Sites Webapplication (you could customize this as necessary for your environment). Note that it replaces forward slashes ("/") in the site collection URL with underscores
    ("_") as you can't have the slashes in a filename.
    This is a quick and dirty script as well. You'd probably want to add outputs or set the site locks, or whatever.
    Alternatively, most third-party SharePoint backup solutions offer more granulated restore options -- with a single backup you can restore everything that an OOB backup would contain, plus you can get lower within the content -- so site collections, sites,
    lists, libraries, items, documents.
    Jason Warren
    Infrastructure Architect
    Habanero Consulting Group

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    PS - Go easy on me - it's my first post in this forum .

    Seems to be different results for different people.
    My sites have usually migrated automatically whenever I have upgraded. Others report the same outcome as you.
    I've never traced the reasons for non-migration to a single root cause.

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    Guys note, Antonio is not a new sign up... the plot thickens!
    Antonio... please answer a question... How did you end up posting your problem here? Did you sign in and come here? Did you click on a link and come here? Did you not notice that it didn't say Dreamweaver anywhere?
    Grateful if you could clearly tell us – if you remember – how you got to post here.

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    Please Help
    My previous Mac crashed and i lost everything. I did have a backup drive. So on my new Mac i started dreamweaver and copied my website files to it. It recognizes the site however no images are showing up on my pages in dreamweaver. They also do not exist when i preview in browser? It also looks like my external style sheet is not showing as well??
    unfortunately because my old mac crashed unexpectedly i was never able to "export" my website. I am just copying the files. Server connection is fine. all files are showing in the file tab.
    any help would be great
    Dreamweaver CS5

    See screenshot.  If your site is properly defined in DW, links to images should not break.  Your server's root directory should be public_html.  That folder should NOT appear in your local Files Panel.
    Nancy O.

  • Recovering Dreamweaver 3 preference and site info, ultimately migrating to cs5.5 on Windows XP

    I had a hard drive failure in windows xp and have reinstalled windows xp and dreamweaver 3.  I have a backup of all my dreamweaver 3 files from the old machine, for example &sitename.dws, &sitename Changed.txt, &sitename Live.dws, &sitename Changed.txt.  I would like to have all my preferences, ftp info, etc. restored but cannot find any documentation on how to do that in Dreamweaver 3. 
    I tried replacing the following files with the backup versions:
    C:\Progam Files\Macromedia\Dreamweaver3\Configuration\SiteCache
    C:\Program Files\Macromedia\Dreamweaver3\Configuration\SourceFormat.txt
    as these were the only files I saw that appeared to have been modified by using Dreamweaver on the XP machine before the drive failure.
    Is there any Dreamweaver 3 documentation about the names of preferences files, site files, and how to replace the default install files with backed up versions? 
    All help is sincerely appreciated as I have not been able to figure this out on my own.  I considered just replacing all the DW install files with my backup, but that would probably mess up the registry and I can't chance that.
    Ultimately I will be moving to CS5.5--if I ever get my backed up information into my newly installed Dreamweaver 3, is there a way to migrate those preferences, site info, etc. to CS5.5?

    Murray 'ACP', you are correct--DW3 does not have the option to back up to *.ste files, so I believe that pzciena is correct in stating that site information in DW3 is found in the registry and I can't recover that using files from my drive backup.  The reason I asked the question is because I am having trouble when using the FTP "Put" function to FTP files over to my website. The "Put" operation creates a subdirectory to the root file on the host. 
    The host directory is named "web" and I specify /web in my dreamweaver remote host site definition.  The "Put" operation creates a subdirectory using the same name as my local files subdirectory.  That is, on the local side, the file I am "put"ting is in subdirectory /hostsave and when it FTPs to the remote side, it creates a directory named "hostsave".  I deleted that directory on the remote side and tried FTPing a second time and it created the directory again.  This does not happen if I use Ipswitch to FTP the file, but I would prefer using the file transfer within dreamweaver since it checks to make sure I'm ftping all the image files in the .html file I'm PUTting.
    I obviously have not re-created something correctly in redefining my site.  ????

  • FTP Fails in Dreamweaver MX, Same Config Works in CS5

    I've been using Dreamweaver MX for about 5 years and have been using FTP throughout that period.  About a week ago FTP started failing with the error message "An FTP error occurred - cannot make connection to host."  My FTP log is blank, as if it did not attempt to make an FTP connection.  If I save my site config and using that same site config in Dreamweaver CS5, then I can connect and use FTP without issue.  I can also connect with other FTP programs, such as Filezilla. This confirms that I am using correct login information, and FTP is available for the website.  Switching to passive FTP did not help.  Removing and re-installing Dreamweaver MX did not help.  Turning off all my firewalls did not help.  Searching around the web, one person mentioned a similar issue being caused by the server that maintains the website changing their SSH host key changing and were able to resolve that by deleting Dreamweaver's ssh host file.  For him the file was at ~/Library/Application Support/Dreamweaver 8/Configuration/ssh_hosts.  However, it seems to be in a different location for Dreamweaver MX on my Widows 7 computer.  Any ideas on what might be causing this or what I could try?

    BarakObi wrote:
    How about if you take a gamble and reinstall your DW MX?  It could solve the problem. IMHO
    Well - this is a very good suggestion but what puzzles me is why should a software that worked for 5 years suddenly stopped working.  This is completely beyond any sensible reasons.
    I think the MX was initially working in either Windows 2000 or Windows XP and now the NA770 decided to install the same product in Windows 7.  If this is so then it looks like it must be a question of rights attached to that user.  The OP should, perhaps try using as an ADMINISTRATOR or a USER account with those privileges to see if it is anything to do with the rights/security issues of Windows 7.
    We don't know if the product is still running on the old operating system/machine.  5 years ago we didn't have Windows 7 and MX was released well before XP was released.
    I am reluctant to suggest to reformat the HD and clear any bugs that might have entered the system but it is up to the OP to decide now.
    There is no solution to this problem assuming all the configuration settings are correct as claimed in this thread.

  • Restoring defined sites

    I had a number of defined sites in Dreamweaver MX.
    When I start DW MX, my defined sites would normally appear in the site panel/window. This morning they were not there - none of my sites exist any more!
    Please can someone tell me how I can restore all of these sites without having to manually re-enter passwords, usernames etc?
    I have a full back up using (Mac) Time Machine. I restored the DW MX application folder - this didn't work.
    I trashed the Preference file, emptied trash and restarted - no luck.
    Thanks in anticipation.

    Thank you for your suggestion.
    I can see where to get the site pref file on a mac if I was using DW CS3.
    However I am using DW MX and the suggestion for older versions ie Macromedia > Common... does not give the same result on either my local drive or removable back up drive. There is only one file in "Common" > Personal Dictionary.tlx.
    Below the "Common" folder is another called "Dreamweaver MX". Is it possible that the required file is in there under a different name? Perhaps in the "SiteCache" folder (clutching at straws here). 

  • Restored SP2010 site "broken" in an odd way - home.aspx is not accessible, but default.aspx is.

    So we are testing out a 3rd party backup and recovery tool. The testing for individual pages and list items went pretty well. However, we are seeing really odd behavior when attempting to recover the sites. Obviously we will be working with the vendor on
    the issue from their side of things.
    I just don't know if there is something that we might have configured oddly that might be contributing to the issue.
    I created a from scratch test site using the team template on our SP 2010 service pack 2 farm.
    We have an F5 load balancer handing traffic off two 2 web front end servers, with two application servers behind the scenes along with a sql server.
    The product backed up the content, then I deleted the site so that we could test the restore ability.
    There are a number of problems that we see right off the bat when trying to recover a site.
    1. The Site Pages/Home.aspx appears to have a problem - attempting to access it creates an error page that the ULS describes as:
    TID         Area                         
    04/10/2014 10:50:29.92 w3wp.exe (NTPSSPFE01NEW:0x0E14)        
    0x13DC SharePoint Foundation        
            Logging Correlation Data     
    Name=Request (GET:http://myfarm:80/sites/IT/d27/col/SecondTestSite/SitePages/Home.aspx)
    04/10/2014 10:50:29.93 w3wp.exe (NTPSSPFE01NEW:0x0E14)        
    0x13DC SharePoint Foundation        
            Logging Correlation Data     
    Site=/sites/IT     a7a882f4-71c9-40aa-aeb5-8d089467ad4b
    04/10/2014 10:50:29.93 w3wp.exe (NTPSSPFE01NEW:0x0E14)        
    0x13DC SharePoint Foundation        
    b4ly        High      
    Leaving Monitored Scope (PostResolveRequestCacheHandler). Execution Time=7.44193745294444               
    04/10/2014 10:50:29.96 w3wp.exe (NTPSSPFE01NEW:0x0E14)        
    0x13DC SharePoint Foundation        
    tkau       Unexpected      
    System.FormatException: Input string was not in a correct format.   
    at System.Number.StringToNumber(String str, NumberStyles options, NumberBuffer& number, NumberFormatInfo info, Boolean parseDecimal)    
    at System.Number.ParseInt32(String s, NumberStyles style, NumberFormatInfo info)    
    at System.Convert.ToInt32(String value, IFormatProvider provider)    
    at Microsoft.SharePoint.Utilities.SPUtility.CreateSystemDateTimeFromXmlDataDateTimeFormat(String strDT, Boolean fPreserveMilliseconds)    
    at Microsoft.SharePoint.ApplicationPages.Calendar.SafeFieldAccessor.GetDateTimeFieldValue(SPItem item, String fieldName)    
    at Microsoft.SharePoint.ApplicationPages.Calendar.CalendarItemRetriever.<RetrieveInternal>b__0(SPItem item)    
    at System.Linq.Enumerable.WhereEnumerableIterator`1.MoveNext() ...            
    04/10/2014 10:50:29.96*              
    w3wp.exe (NTPSSPFE01NEW:0x0E14)        
    0x13DC SharePoint Foundation        
    Unexpected       ...   
    at System.Linq.Enumerable.<ExceptIterator>d__92`1.MoveNext()    
    at System.Linq.Buffer`1..ctor(IEnumerable`1 source)    
    at System.Linq.OrderedEnumerable`1.<GetEnumerator>d__0.MoveNext()    
    at Microsoft.SharePoint.ApplicationPages.Calendar.CalendarItemRetriever.ConvertItemType(IEnumerable`1 items)    
    at Microsoft.SharePoint.ApplicationPages.Calendar.DefaultCalendarListAccessor.Retrieve(String selectedDate, String scope, Dictionary`2 entityInfo)    
    at Microsoft.SharePoint.ApplicationPages.Calendar.CalendarService.CreateStartupResponse(ICalendarAccessor accessor, Dictionary`2 parameters, String viewType, String selectedDate)    
    at Microsoft.SharePoint.ApplicationPages.WebControls.AjaxCalendarView.CreateStartupData(String viewType, String selectedDate)    
    at Microsoft.SharePoint.Appl...              
    04/10/2014 10:50:29.96*              
    w3wp.exe (NTPSSPFE01NEW:0x0E14)        
    0x13DC SharePoint Foundation        
    ...icationPages.WebControls.AjaxCalendarView.CreateBodyOnLoadScript(SPWeb web)    
    at Microsoft.SharePoint.ApplicationPages.WebControls.AjaxCalendarView.OnPreRender(EventArgs e)    
    at System.Web.UI.Control.PreRenderRecursiveInternal()    
    at System.Web.UI.Control.PreRenderRecursiveInternal()    
    at System.Web.UI.Control.PreRenderRecursiveInternal()    
    at System.Web.UI.Control.PreRenderRecursiveInternal()    
    at System.Web.UI.Control.PreRenderRecursiveInternal()    
    at System.Web.UI.Control.PreRenderRecursiveInternal()    
    at System.Web.UI.Control.PreRenderRecursiveInternal()    
    at System.Web.UI.Control.PreRenderRecursiveInternal()    
    at System.Web.UI.Control.PreRenderRecursiveInternal()    
    at System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStag...               
    04/10/2014 10:50:29.96*              
    w3wp.exe (NTPSSPFE01NEW:0x0E14)        
    0x13DC SharePoint Foundation        
    Unexpected       ...esAfterAsyncPoint)   
    04/10/2014 10:50:29.96 w3wp.exe (NTPSSPFE01NEW:0x0E14)                    0x13DC SharePoint Foundation        
    b4ly        Medium               Leaving Monitored Scope (Request (GET:http://myfarm:80/sites/IT/d27/col/SecondTestSite/SitePages/Home.aspx)).
    Execution Time=50.8621207443963               a7a882f4-71c9-40aa-aeb5-8d089467ad4b
    2. What we did find was a
    http://myfarm/sites/IT/d27/col/SecondTestSite/default.aspx page that displayed what SitePages/Home.aspx used to be.
    However, that page is not marked as the home page. I know I can mark that page as the home page to get around the problem - but why would the original page not load any longer? I tried going into the Site Pages library and the how to use the featurees page
    still works okay - just not the home page.
    I also am finding that the them of the site was lost, a workflow attached to a list was lost - I don't just mean one instance of the workflow; the list no longer has a workflow attached to it. Also the default view of a calendar part on the front page was
    Is this common for SharePoint site recoveries - to lose various fundamental settings?
    I am just wondering whether this sounds like something site specific or if it sounds like every other recovery out there.
    Thank you

    According to your description, my understanding is that the error occurred when you used a 3rd party backup and recovery tool.
    I recommend to use Backup-SPSite and Restore-SPSite command to see if the issue still occurs.
    If not, then the error should be regarding to the 3rd party tool, you need to get help from the experts who are professional at the 3rd party tool.
    Best regards.
    Victoria Xia
    TechNet Community Support

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