Dreamweaver und Subversion 1.7

Hallo Zusammen,
ich setze bei mir einen NAS von Synology ein. Auf diesem Server läuft auch ein Subversion Server Version 1.7.
Leider bekomme ich Dreamweaver mit dieser Version nicht zum Laufen. Hat jemand bereits Erfahrung mit der Anbindung von Dreamweaver an Subversion?

Hallo Sven,
nach meinen bisherigen Recherchen scheint es an einer Inkompatibilität zwischen SVN 1.6.9 und 1.7.x zu liegen.
Wenn ich richtig liege, dann nutzt DW ein SVN Client, der zu Version 1.6.9 kompatibel ist und daher mit keinem 1.7.x Repository arbeiten kann. Möglicherweise ist die einzige Abhilfe darauf zu hoffen, dass DW eines Tages auch ein 1.7 - Client bekommt.

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    Cheers and thanks

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    good day together,
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    Viele Grüße,

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    Moved thread to Deutsche language forum for better responses.
    Thanks for your response, David. And sorry, I just saw your response - was moving foreign language posts to respective forums - overlooked that you had already responded to this one!
    Message was edited by: Sudarshan Thiagarajan

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  • Subversion and Dreamweaver CS5

    my team and i are very confused with understanding how this architecture and integration works. from reading various websites it seems we need to setup subversion and create a repository. my immediate question is where do we install and create the repository? on all our local machines or on the DEV server that hosts our website running on Apache 2.2?
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    i'm trying to understand the architecture we need to setup and if we need to make changes to the way we currently have our sites defined. there is a good link on Adobe TV showing how to compare and check in/out files with subversion and what the icons mean here http://tv.adobe.com/watch/learn-dreamweaver-cs5/working-with-subversion-and-dreamweaver/
    thats great but i see the presenter is working off a local C:\ drive. where does our mapped network Z:\ drive as mentioned above come into play?

    How do you connect to SVN? could you show a better description on that, not just your icons? I'm getting an error when trying to commit files. This video didn't really go over anything to help anyone out...

  • Receiving an error when trying to commit files using subversion in Dreamweaver: file or directory is out of date

    I'm trying to use subversion in dreamweaver. I've followed the setup steps and tested the connection to the svn repository. All good. I've even updated some files before successfully. Now, I'm trying to commit changes made in my local working copy of several files to SVN. I'm receiving Error#160024: Commit Failed. File or directory <subject file name> is out of date; try updating resource out of date" I've tried right click->version control->update. Then commit again. Same error. Any help?

    Hi rmcproperties,
    Found a discussion thread that could help you http://stackoverflow.com/questions/87950/how-do-you-overcome-the-svn-out-of-date-error

  • CVS / subversion with dreamweaver CS3

    I am working on a few projects that require code versioning
    and I have been told by many people that CVS is the way to go.
    Is there a way to integrate CVS with dreamweaver CS3?
    Has dreamweaver CS3 native support for any repository system
    There are some free gpl plugin/add-on for CVS/ repository
    Thanks a lot

    "FMorales_at4" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:fgvcau$g2e$[email protected]..
    > Hello,
    > I am working on a few projects that require code
    versioning and I have
    > been
    > told by many people that CVS is the way to go.
    Some may say SubVersioN is the way to go, it's been
    redesigned to address
    some shortcomings in CVS
    > Is there a way to integrate CVS with dreamweaver CS3?
    > Has dreamweaver CS3 native support for any repository
    system type??
    Dreamweaver has native support for Microsoft Visual
    Dreamweaver can use WebDAV repositories natively, and you can
    use apache as
    a WebDAV frontent for SubVersion.
    > There are some free gpl plugin/add-on for CVS/
    repository support?
    > Thanks a lot

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