Driver program question

i am a student who is in an intro to java course. my question
involves using a driver program. my assignment is to create a
driver program that prints out 20 random playing cards. i wrote
a card class that looks like this class Card
     private String suit;
     private String face;     
     public Card (String suit, String face)
     public String getSuit()
               return suit;
     public String getFace()
               return face;
     public String toString()
               return (suit+" "+face);
}first, is this the correct code will need for the driver class,
and 2nd, if it is correct, how exactly would i set up the driver program.
i know that i would use a for loop to get it to print 20 times, but im not
exactly sure how the two programs interact with each other ( how info in
one is passed to the other and vice versa) i also think i am goin to do 2
switch statements to get the face(ie 2,5, king) and the suit( heart, club)
and for each switch statement i am generating a random # (suit 0-3) and
face(0-12). where would i need to put these switch statemetns in the
driver program? i have some basic swtich statemetns i have written
and if anyone would like to see what im talking about ill post them

Make a Deck class which will hold 52 cards. Create the cards in the constructor of Deck. Add a shuffle() method to the Deck (See the Arrays class - hint, hint). Then your 'driver' becomesclass CardDriver {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Deck myDeck = new Deck();
        for (int i=0; i<20; i++) {
            System.out.println("Card "+i+" is "+myDeck.getCard(i));

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    Hi Team,
    I have used the perform.
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    Hi ,
    Goto Global Settings -> Form Attributes
    In the Form Attributes,click the General attributes tab you will find the package name of the smartform.

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    It is me not totally clear what you want with this question.
    I think you are asking this because you want to change the calling program in such a way that is using the new ZSAPM07DR instead of SAPM07DR.
    For this you do not have to change a program. This can be done by making settings (a kind of customizing).
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                                  click on outputtype
                                  doubleclick on the right outputtype
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    these setting are stored in table TNAPR.
    Hope this helps you. success.
    Gr., Frank

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    BoundedInt b = new BoundedInt(2);
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    symbol : constructor BoundedInt(int)
    location: class BoundedInt
    BoundedInt b = new BoundedInt(2);

    1) When you post code, use the CODE button or [code] and [/code] tags to preserve formatting and make your code readable. Copy/paste from your original source in your editor, NOT from your post here, which has already lost all formatting. Most of us won't even bother reading your post otherwise.
    2) What is your question. Don't say, "How do I make a test driver?"

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    Please refer to the Deployment Overview for Lync Server 2013
    Answer to your question: Yes, You cannot install lync server on the Active Diretory.

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    ViSession is necessary as part of a larger picture and fills an important role in good architecture.  Intrument handles (stored as the ViSession type) are necessary for large projects, which may require commanding multiple instruments.
    There is no function to call which can get or set a ViSession value, similar to the way other attributes are set with driver functions.  The ViSession intrument handle is created and returned to the application when an instrument is initialized; it represents a connection with one particular instrument.
    This allows users to have multiple instruments connected, which can be controlled programmatically with one application.  Then, the application can quickly specify which instrument it would like to send a command, just by sending one instrument handle or another.
    Yes, you could remove the ViSession as parameter in your functions, but it would cripple the big picture effectiveness of the driver.  In place of the ViSession, you would have to send each function the Resource Name or Resource ID for the particular instrument as well as the Option String.  So really, it is just more practical and better practice to use an instrument handle (stored as the ViSession type).
    That being said, for certain functionality (adding two numbers), you absolutely do not need a ViSession instrument handle parameter.  You will have to use your best judgement to determine where to include or exclude this parameter.  I suggest using the ViSession instrument handle parameter with any function that communicates with an instrument.
    Also, Ebalci is correct regarding the difference between ViSessions and channels.  ViSessions are used to communicate with different instruments.  To reference or read a specific channel from an instrument you will have to refer to the guidance in the manual for the instrument in question.  There will likely be a command to select a specific channel when reading from the instrument.  And for general guidance, I suggest reviewing another IVI driver, possibly for an instrument of the same class or type or maybe from the same family, if such a driver already exists.
    Shawn S. | NIC
    Instrument Driver/IVI PSE
    National Instruments

  • Looking for driver program

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    VxWorks. If anybody knows a vendor of such driver program, let me know how
    to get it.
    Toyoji Fukui
    Tokyo Seimitsu Co., Ltd.

    I'd like to clarify some of the terms being used to hopefully help address your question.
    When communicating with an instrument there are a couple of "drivers". For the GPIB card that is used to connect to the instruments NI has NI-488.2:​256410006C055586256BBB002C101C?opendocument&node=1​32070_US
    VISA is also a driver and provides an abstraction for different busses. For example, you can use a VISA driver to communicate with an instrument via serial or GPIB with the same programming API.
    An instrument driver is a high level API that contains functions or VIs for generating the right commands to communicate with an instrument.
    On the Instrument Driver Network there is an instrument driver for the 4
    This is a contirubted driver, not from NI or the manufacturer, and does not use VISA but uses GPIB VIs. The best way to determine the functionality of the driver is to open the VI in the llb that has an "_tree" suffix.
    If you have a VISA based driver that is not in LabVIEW for the instrument you may be able to convert it for use in LabVIEW. For one thing you can call into any dll. If the driver is a CVI driver you can convert it for use in LabVIEW and reduce some of the burden involved with generating the VIs:

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      I searched in SDN and failed to get this information.  Please let me know how to get a driver program for dunning report.
    Thanks in advance

    ok it IS possible
    and well the table where those connections of driver programs and form are stored is (i hope you learned that by now from the earlier posts) TNAPR.
    you are a developer, so it´s not really neccesary for you to have a transaction to chance some record in a database table.
    I would propose the TA SE16N with the fcode &sap_edit.
    then just fill in your new (copied) driver program and save

  • In sap scripts how to display the driver program

        I Want to know the sap scripts How to display the output to driver program

    Go to NACE Transaction.
    Select application for ex: if sales V1.
    Click on output types.
    Select the output type for ex : BA00
    Double click on Processing routines.
    There you can find the Driver Program name and Script/smart form name.
    Reward if useful.

  • Printing Line Items in Script without using driver program

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    You can try by creating a new driver program and a new FORM ENDFORM inside that for this purpose.

  • Driver Program Name for Shipment output form

    Hi guru's
    can anyone tell me wats the name of the driver program and the form name for a shipment output form?(for ABAP development purpose)
    Thanks in advance,

    Hi Aryan - What Shipment output are you referring to? LD01-Delivery Note? There are some more, which are associated with Transportation application as well.
    LD01 - V2 - Program SDADDN02. Form SD_DELNOTE_SUPPL
    LD00 - V2 - Program YMRVADDN01/RVADDN01 Form ZMLWMRVDELNOTE(customized our side)/RVDELNOTE
    Pl00 - Packing List -V2 - Program SDPACKLI, Form SD_PACKING_LIST
    CMR1 - Bill of lading - V7 - Progarm RVADTR01 Form SD_SHIPMENT_CMR.
    Best way, use transaction V/34 to view all V2 - Shipping output types and the associated program and form. V/82 to view all V7-Transportation output types and the associated program/forms.

  • Driver program name

    hi all
    is there any other way of determining the driver program name for a script/smart form apart from the table tnapr?

    1) goto NACE transaction.
    2) select the module of the form...i.e. PO/SD/etc
    3) select the output type option
    4) from the list ,select the name of ur form/script.
    5) check out the processing routine,that will give the driver program name
    Reward Pts if helpful.
    - Rishika Bawa

  • Driver program for BIll of lading smartform

    Hi all,
    Can you please provide me the standard driver program for bill of lading smartform.
    or for purchase order smartform.
    Thanks and regards,

      For Purchase Order - SAPFM06P.
    And for future info,
      If you Know the Application and Output Type - Then it is very easy to know the Smartform or the Script Used.
    1.Go to NACE and Check.
      For Ex: PO belong to APP type EF, So click on EF and then click on "Output Type " button.
                  Then all the output types will be displayed.Then select the required and Click on "Processing Functions". Then you can see the Configuration details done for this ouput type like which smartform, which subroutine.
    2.Also, You can check the TNAPR table entries by entring the below information
    Output Type, Message transmission medium, Application.
    Thanks & Regards,

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