DTP selection

I want to delete the request from the DSO which have same selection conditions applied on the DTP.
Can u plz tell which table other than RSSELDTP table stores the selection values for a particular request for a DSO.

Well there are 2 tables in BI 7.0 RSBKDATAPAKSEL and
You can see which one helps u in your design.
I would also recommend checking this blocg
SAP NetWeaver 7.0 BI: Get runtime information of a Data Transfer Process (DTP) in a Transformation
Hope this helps you to proceed further.

Similar Messages

  • REG: DTP - Selections

    Hi Gurus,
    Please guide me in the ABAP Routine for the DTP Selections.
    Here is the code:
    Tables: ZIP_SEL_TAB.
    data: l_idx like sy-tabix.
      select single * from ZIP_SEL_TAB.
      read table l_t_range with key
          fieldname = 'COSTCENTER'.
      l_idx = sy-tabix.
      l_t_range-low = ZIP_SEL_TAB-COST_CENTER.
      if l_idx <> 0.
        modify l_t_range index l_idx.
        append l_t_range.
      p_subrc = 0.
    The Cost Center value is not getting into DTP Selections.
    Please correct the Code if it is wrong.
    Thanks in Advance.
    With Regards,
    Ravi Kanth

    Tables: ZIP_SEL_TAB.
    data: l_idx like sy-tabix.
    select single * from ZIP_SEL_TAB.
    read table l_t_range with key
    fieldname = 'COSTCENTER'.
          l_t_range-iobjnm = <your target infoobject tech name>.
          l_t_range-fieldname = <your source field/info object name>
          l_t_range-low = ZIP_SEL_TAB-COST_CENTER.
          l_t_range-option = 'EQ'.
          l_t_range-sign   = 'I'.
          l_idx = sy-tabix.
              if l_idx <> 0.
                modify l_t_range index l_idx.
                append l_t_range.
    p_subrc = 0.
    **i assume ZIP_SEL_TAB is a Z table created by U.
    Hope this helps

  • Table that contains DTP selections

    Does anyone know a table in BI that contains the specific DTP selections? For infopackages, we already found RSLDPSEL.
    Thank you.

    Hi Donna,
    Check table  RSBKDATAPAKSEL.
    Or you can check table RSSELDTP, in this table all selections are stored in one field with its characteristic, separated by ;
    Edited by: Durgesh Gandewar on Nov 8, 2011 12:04 PM

  • DTP selection criteria in start routine

    I have a code in the start routine where a variable lv_date gets the date from the DTP selections...
    DATA : i_filter TYPE rsbk_th_range,
                wa_filter TYPE rsbk_s_range.
    READ TABLE i_filter INTO wa_filter WITH  KEY
          fieldnm = 'ACT_GI_DTE '.
        IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
          lv_date = wa_filter-low.
    But now my problem is that we are no more giving the range, instead we are giving the single value. so now my code should read the single value ( lv_date = wa_filter-low) instead of the low value of the range. So how can I achieve this?
    I mean my lv_date should get the single value populated in the DTP selections instead of the low value of the range values.
    How can i achieve this??

    When you give range in any variable, it lower value is captured in low whereas upper value is captured in high of the variable.
    Now that you are no more giving range but only single values, it would be enough if your code reads the data from low of the variable.

  • DTP Selection condition

    Hi Experts,
    I wanted to know if we can read selection conditions maintained in DTP in the start routine using any custom code or using any standard function module.
    Any help will be appreciated.

    You can do that by writing code to select data from this table RSBKDATAPAKSEL
    Hope this helps

  • Taking too much time in Rules(DTP Schedule run)

    I am Scheduling the DTP which have filters to minimize the load data.
    when i run the DTP it is taking too much time in the "rules" (i can see the  DTP monitor ststus package by pakage and step by step like "Start routine" "rules" and "End Routine")
    here it is consuming too much time in Rules Mapping.
    what is the problem and any solutions please...

    Time taken at "rules" depends on the complexity involved there in ur routine. If it is a complex calculation it will take time.
    Also check ur DTP batch settings, ie how many no. of background processes used to perform  DTP, Job class.
    U can find these :
    goto DTP, select goto menu and select "Settings for Batch Manager".
    In the screen increase no of Processes from 3 to higher no(max 9).
    ChaNGE job class to 'A'.
    If ur DTP is still running , cancel it ie Kill the DTP, delete from the Cube,
    Change these settings and run ur DTP one more time.
    U can observer the difference.

  • ABAP routine in DTP

    I need some help withe ABAP routine in the DTP selection
    I have requirement to load the data for specific company codes on a specific days.
    If the current date is monday then it should pick Taiwan  or
    if the current date is Tuesday the it should pick Australia and Korea or
    if the current date is sunday then it should pick CHINA and Vietnam.
    I want to use only one DTP for this requirement. Please help me with the code for Info Object 0COMP_Code.

    I have tried the code and it is not populating any value in the selection.
    Please check
    data: l_idx like sy-tabix.
    data: day like SCAL-INDICATOR.
    *Finding out the day
      clear day.
          DATE = sy-datum
          DAY  = day.
      read table l_t_range with key
           fieldname = 'COMP_CODE'.
      l_idx = sy-tabix.
    case day.
        when 1.                                 "Monday
          l_t_range-low = '0711'.
          l_t_range-high = ' '.
          l_t_range-option = 'EQ'.
          l_t_range-sign   = 'I'.
          modify l_t_range index l_idx.
        when 2.                                 "Tuesday
          l_t_range-low = '0355'.
          l_t_range-high = ' '.
          l_t_range-option = 'EQ'.
          l_t_range-sign   = 'I'.
          modify l_t_range index l_idx.
        when 3.                                 "Wednesday
         l_t_range-low = '0211'.
          l_t_range-high = ' '.
          l_t_range-option = 'EQ'.
          l_t_range-sign   = 'I'.
          modify l_t_range index l_idx.
       when 4.
       when 5.
       when 6.
       when 7.
         l_t_range-low = 'China'.
         l_t_range-high = ' '.
         l_t_range-option = 'EQ'.
         l_t_range-sign   = 'I'.
         modify l_t_range index l_idx.
    p_subrc = 0.

  • Selection in data load from infoprovider

    Hi Guys,
    In BPC NW 7.5 we have to load data from infoprovider allowing users to select data (like for dimension TIME) by BPC prompt.  We found two solutions solving partially our problem. In fact, users have to modify manually the selections.
    To load data we want use the process chain /CPMB/INFOPROVIDER, but we know that it is not possible insert selections in the /CPMB/INFOPROVIDER prompt (as describe in this post Re: Package LOAD INFOPROVIDER, Select input ENTITY).
    To select data we can use an intermediate infocube as a BW workaround (as describe in this post Re: BPC 7.5: Delta Load when loading from BI InfoProvider ) to have a source with only the selected data.This could be done by a selection in the DTP between the source infocube and the intermediate infocube. This solution is not dynamic, in fact, in this case users have to modify manually the DTP selection.
    How can we allow users to insert this selection in the DTP by a BPC prompt?
    To select data we can use a transformation file inserting a selection like
    SELECTION = <Dimension1_techname>,<Dimension1_value>.
    It is not dynamic, in fact, also in this case users have to modify manually the file selection.
    Do you know how to allow these selection by a BPC prompt to avoid these manual changes?
    Do you know other solutions?
    Thank you for your support.

    Hi D-Mark,
    This is definitely a place where it would be nice to see some additional functionality added to BPC. Variable replacement in the transformation file based on the data manager prompt would probably be the best thing to have in the software.
    In any case, getting back to your question, manually modifying the transformation file selection is the most common practice on BPC projects. The blog linked by Naresh is a fairly elegant way to do this, though it doesn't completely get around the fact that it's easy to forget to do and easy to get confused about what is going on in the transformation file.
    A third option that no one has mentioned is to do a SELECTION statement in the transformation file based on navigational attributes in the source InfoProvider. This approach can make the selection statement dynamic based on the contents of BW InfoObjects. Still not very user-friendly, but if you can put an automatic process in place to update the BW navigational attributes this might meet your need without having to set up an extra BW staging InfoProvider.
    The SELECTION syntax is documented here, though it doesn't mention that you can select on navigational attributes: [http://help.sap.com/saphelp_bpc75_nw/helpdata/en/5d/9a3fba600e4de29e2d165644d67bd1/frameset.htm]
    With navigational attributes (the profit center attribute of cost center, for example) it would be something like:

  • Delete Overlapping Reqeust in DTP deletes more than one request from cube

    Hi all,
    I have selected the following options in delete overlapping request as we need only one request in the cube.
    Delete existing requests
    Only delete request frm same same DTP
    Selections are
    Same or More comprehensive
    Scenario is:
    I have set this delete overlapping request in the DTP (in a processchain).
    Now at the time i added this step in Process chain, there were two requests in the Cube (both with the same DTP but first one was 2009 data and second was 2010 data)
    Need was to delete only the latest request from the cube ie 2010 data.
    As per my understanding, i assumed delete overlapping will delete only ONE request i.e. the latest one from the cube with 2010 data.  But when i ran processchain, it deleted both the requests.
    Is that the functionality or is there something I am missing? We need to retain 2009 data and overwrite 2010 data with the new request.
    Suggestions please.

    I suspect that you have not set any DTP filter criteria. Is this the case?
    Are these requests delta DTPs or full DTPs?
    Have you read/applied these notes:
    1155723 P18:DTP:PC: Deleting overlapping DTP requests in PC
    1318438 P21:DTP:PC: Change of instance when DTP in PC repaired
    1147766 P18:PC:DTP:Select only full DTPs for overlapping deletion
    1336410 70SP22: Enhancements to CL_RSBK_DTP=>GET_ALL_BY_PROPERTY

  • How to transport the DTP

    Hi Guys,
    I have created one new info cube and transformations and DTP's on the info cube in development. Now i want to transport info cube and transformations and DTP 's to quality and production system.
    i am tryting to collect these objects into transport in the transport connection and i have selected my info cube and
    and i selected the option     "Data flow afterwards"  in the Grouping
    it dsipalyed    only info cube name and transformations and info object, it didn't display the DTPS , so how to collect the DTPs and transport DTP's to quality and prodcution system.  Please suggest me if i miss anything there.
    and also i have another question is
    do we need transport  DTP from Dev to quality and Production systems or do we create DTP in each system seaprately.
    Please suggest me how ti proceed. Please share your thoughts on this.
    Best regards

    If you want to transport the DTP just double click on your DTP -
    select GO TO menu--Object Directory Entrygive the package name and select the request in which you want to collect it.
    Regarding creation of DTP in QA and PRD itself that varies from client to client.Some client give authorization to create directly and QA and PRD whereas some want everything to be transported form one system to another.
    Also read about object chageability as well.
    Hope it helps.

  • Reg:DTP

        i have a doubt that if we do the load from source system to PSA through infopack two times and then if we create DTP and load that into data targets. then will that DTP selects both the requests or the recent one?
      Can any body explain this funda in simple terms how DTP will check which data to load.

    Hi Srinivas,
    If you have chosen "Delta" IN dtp then it would select all those requests which are not yet updated  in the data targets and combine then into a single request and load them to data target.
    However if you have chosen "Full " Then it doesn't care for updated or not updated requests , it simply loads all requests in the data target.
    The below Blog is an excellent description of DTPs.
    Find time to go through it to make your foundation firmer.
    Hope it helps !

  • Can't transport two DTP

    Dear all ,
    I couldn't transport more than one DTP which is uploading same target . On each transport last DTP overwrite previous one .
    For example I have two following DTP
    Current month DTP
    Previous Month  DTP
    but when I'm trying to transport them just
    Previous Month DTP is transported to the target system
    Then I'm trying to transport Current Month DTP but it is overwriting on Previous Month DTP
    Do you have any suggestions on this problem
    Thanks in advance ....

    Hello Erkan Akin,
    We are on SP17 and had a lot of DTP / Process Chain transport problem. Some solution we have two DTP, one for actual and other for previous period.
    After aply all these SAP Notes below, we fixed the problems and now we are transporting DTP / Process Chain correctly from dev to quality environment:
    1147587     70SP18: process chain after import: DTP not found
    1250577     70SP20: Source-dependent Error DTP texts after transport
    1271324     70SP21: Error DTP text incorrect after transport
    1002791     7.0 Support Package 18: Process chains - DTP confirmations
    1139653     70SP18: DTPs and error DTPs generated in process chain
    1147766     P18:PC:DTP:Select only full DTPs for overlapping deletion
    1163735     70SP18:Full DTP & Error DTP is not activated after transport
    1267427     SP20: dtp cts
    1271730     70SP21: Transport full DTP with OLAP or selection routine
    1272636     70SP21: DTP transports after system copy
    1330738     70SP22: Transport full DTP without filter overwritten
    1151359     ASSERTION_FAILED dump in DTP transport
    1158914     Transport of filter routines
    1317338     Problems with grouping
    1148403     70SP18: BDLS after early replication
    Please, let me know if you try some of these notes, and if helped you.
    Best Regards,
    Mateus Celeste

  • DTP Types..?

    Is there not Init DTP, is it only full and delta because thats what I see when I open up a DTP.
    So no need of any initialization in the case of DTP?

    Hi  Gurus,
    I have a basis doubt..
    I am running a process chain daily with FUll and DELTA in DTP..
    Though its Delta, it is taking the same time as FULL.. May I know what is the reason for this.. I have not kept any options in the DTP Selection.. What option should I take.. If I am not selecting any option what it takes automatically
    Thanks in advance

  • Selection conditions in manage screen

    In my dtp i am filtering the characteristics ,fiscal year variant as v3 and for fiscal year/period  we wrote a routine at dtp to load data for a particular year
    My doubt is ,
    after the dtp has beeen executed successfully and data loaded properly , in the manage screen of the correspoding data target
    ,in the selection condtions the conition for this fiscal year selection in not displayed
    but  only  fiscal year variant  restriction v3 condition is only displayed
    i want to have that also displayed in the manage scrren
    help me

    Hi Vamsi,
    The routine for the Fiscal year will not be shown in the Manage screen. The filter selction which you have given at the DTP selection screen only that one can be seen.

  • Full Load DTP is not creating outbound file where there is no data in DSO.

    Hi folks!
    We have created a Open Hub Destination on one DSO. That DSO is having 10 millions data.
    We have created a Full updated DTP to create a file with some selections. In DSO there is not data with that selections.
    I like to know, wether the file is created when ther is no data or not for Full update DTP. For Delta update is creating file even though there is no data as per the selections.
    Pelase clarify me ASAP.
    Thanks in advance

    Hi Peter,
    Please check the DTP Selections. if there is no data with these selections then you will get a blank.
    as per Open hub destination it will create 2 files one is infobject list file where all the infoobjects like char's and key figure list is maintained.
    then another file with the data of the infoobject with DTP selections.
    Check for the selections in DTP.
    With Regards,
    Ravi Kanth

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