Dual axi-stream synchronization problem

  I have design which have 2 axi-stream slave and 1 axi-stream master. 2 Slave interface must have synchronization. I mean  first data of the one interface is processed with first data of the other interface. One of the interface connected to the ip_num_1 and other is connected to axi vdma. As I read from axi vdma datasheet. I can adjust data start and line end from AXI VDMA driver. I can also adjust it for my ip_num_1 design. But there is a risk for synchronization. If one of the IP does not send valid and other one sends. Synchronization is broken. What should I do? It is not recommended that ready generation from valid. It true. Because axi-stream IPs are increased output data index at every ready pulse. So What should I do to block the synchronization loss? could I trust that data read from AXI-VDMA (DDR3) does not stop in the middle of the frame transfer? 
Best Regards

Hello Volkan,
I'd recommend that you study (maybe via simulation) how the OSD core handles multiple external streams and synchronizes them. Essentially, it keeps track of both interfaces and if one throttles (i.e. deasserts tvalid for a bit), then it deasserts tready on the other stream accordingly. Then you can use the tuser/tlast framing signals as well.

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               final DefaultCategoryDataset dataset = new DefaultCategoryDataset();
               final DefaultCategoryDataset dataset2 = new DefaultCategoryDataset();
    // Here I add values to the datasets
                JFreeChart chart;
                if(tres.isSelected()) chart = ChartFactory.createBarChart3D("EVOLUCI� DE LA PRODUCCI� DE RESIDUS MUNICIPALS ("+c+") "+dd1+" --> "+dd2+". QUANTITATS EXPRESADES EN KG. / HAB. * DIA", "MES", "KG. / HAB. * DIA", dataset, PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, true, true, false);
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                plot.setNoDataMessage("NO HI HA DADES");
                ChartFrame frame = new ChartFrame("COMPOSICI� DELS RESIDUS MUNICIPALS", chart);
                frame.setIconImage(new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("/rsu/Imatges/reciclatge.gif")).getImage());
                Dimension dPan = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();
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                frame.setVisible(true);Lots of thanks for your help.

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    Thanks in advance,
    P.D: This is the code for what I'm trying to do (excuse my english)
    final TickUnits units = new TickUnits();
                   units.add(new NumberTickUnit(337.5, new CompassFormat()));
                   units.add(new NumberTickUnit(315.0, new CompassFormat()));
                   units.add(new NumberTickUnit(292.5, new CompassFormat()));
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                   units.add(new NumberTickUnit(247.5, new CompassFormat()));
                   units.add(new NumberTickUnit(225.0, new CompassFormat()));
                   units.add(new NumberTickUnit(202.5, new CompassFormat()));
                   units.add(new NumberTickUnit(180.0, new CompassFormat()));
                   units.add(new NumberTickUnit(157.5, new CompassFormat()));
                   units.add(new NumberTickUnit(135.0, new CompassFormat()));
                   units.add(new NumberTickUnit(112.5, new CompassFormat()));
                   units.add(new NumberTickUnit(90.0, new CompassFormat()));
                   units.add(new NumberTickUnit(67.5, new CompassFormat()));
                   units.add(new NumberTickUnit(45.0, new CompassFormat()));
                   units.add(new NumberTickUnit(22.5, new CompassFormat()));
                   XYDataset dataset7 = createhourDataset(24,50,"Velocidad");
                   JFreeChart chart8 = ChartFactory.createTimeSeriesChart("Diaria", "Hora", "mps", dataset7, true, true, false);
                   XYPlot plot2wd1 = chart8.getXYPlot();
                   final XYItemRenderer r1 = plot2wd1.getRenderer();
                   r1.setSeriesPaint(0, Color.RED);
                   ValueAxis axis2wd1 = new NumberAxis("");
                   axis2wd1.setRange(0.0, 360.0);
                   plot2wd1.setRangeAxis(1, axis2wd1);
                   plot2wd1.setDataset(1, createhourDataset(24,50,"Direcci�n"));
                   final XYItemRenderer r2 = plot2wd1.getRenderer();
                   r2.setSeriesPaint(0, Color.blue);
                   plot2wd1.setRenderer(1, r2);
                   ChartPanel panel_D1 = new ChartPanel(chart8);

  • How to use vivado hls::mat with AXI-Stream interfaces (not AXI4 video stream) ?

      Hello, everyone. I am trying to design a image processing IP core with vivado hls 2014.4. From xapp1167, I have known that video functions provided by vivado hls should be used with AXI4 video stream and VDMA. However, I want to write/read image data to/from the Ip core through AXI stream interfaces and AXI-DMA for some special reasons.
      To verify the feasibility, a test IP core named detectTest was designed as follows. The function of this IP core is reading a 320x240 8 bit gray image (bit 7-0 of INPUT_STREAM_TDATA) from the axis port "INPUT_STREAM” and then output it with no changes. I fabricated a vivado project of zedboard and then test the IP core with a AXI-DMA. Experimental results show that the IP core works normally. So it seems possible to use hls::mat with axis. 
    #include "hls_video.h"
    #include "hls_math.h"
    typedef ap_axiu<32, 1, 1, 1> AXI_VAL;
    typedef hls::Scalar<HLS_MAT_CN(HLS_8U), HLS_TNAME(HLS_8U)> GRAY_PIXEL;
    typedef hls::Mat<240, 320, HLS_8U> GRAY_IMAGE;
    #define HEIGHT 240
    #define WIDTH 320
    #define COMPRESS_SIZE 2
    template<typename T, int U, int TI, int TD>
    inline T pop_stream(ap_axiu<sizeof(T) * 8, U, TI, TD> const &e) {
    #pragma HLS INLINE off
    assert(sizeof(T) == sizeof(int));
    union {
    int ival;
    T oval;
    } converter;
    converter.ival = e.data;
    T ret = converter.oval;
    volatile ap_uint<sizeof(T)> strb = e.strb;
    volatile ap_uint<sizeof(T)> keep = e.keep;
    volatile ap_uint<U> user = e.user;
    volatile ap_uint<1> last = e.last;
    volatile ap_uint<TI> id = e.id;
    volatile ap_uint<TD> dest = e.dest;
    return ret;
    template<typename T, int U, int TI, int TD>
    inline ap_axiu<sizeof(T) * 8, U, TI, TD> push_stream(T const &v, bool last =
    false) {
    #pragma HLS INLINE off
    ap_axiu<sizeof(T) * 8, U, TI, TD> e;
    assert(sizeof(T) == sizeof(int));
    union {
    int oval;
    T ival;
    } converter;
    converter.ival = v;
    e.data = converter.oval;
    // set it to sizeof(T) ones
    e.strb = -1;
    e.keep = 15; //e.strb;
    e.user = 0;
    e.last = last ? 1 : 0;
    e.id = 0;
    e.dest = 0;
    return e;
    #pragma HLS INTERFACE ap_fifo port=RESULT_STREAM
    #pragma HLS INTERFACE ap_fifo port=INPUT_STREAM
    #pragma HLS RESOURCE variable=RESULT_STREAM core=AXI4Stream metadata="-bus_bundle RESULT_STREAM"
    #pragma HLS RESOURCE variable=INPUT_STREAM core=AXI4Stream metadata="-bus_bundle INPUT_STREAM"
    #pragma HLS RESOURCE variable=return core=AXI4LiteS metadata="-bus_bundle CONTROL_STREAM"
    int i, j;
    for (i = 0; i < HEIGHT * WIDTH; i++) {
    unsigned int instream_value = pop_stream<unsigned int, 1, 1, 1>(INPUT_STREAM[i]);
    hls::Scalar<HLS_MAT_CN(HLS_8U), HLS_TNAME(HLS_8U)> pixel_in;
    *(pixel_in.val) = (unsigned char) instream_value;
    mframe << pixel_in;
    hls::Scalar<HLS_MAT_CN(HLS_8U), HLS_TNAME(HLS_8U)> pixel_out;
    mframe >> pixel_out;
    unsigned int outstream_value = (unsigned int) *(pixel_out.val);
    RESULT_STREAM[i] = push_stream<unsigned int, 1, 1, 1>(
    (unsigned int) outstream_value, i == HEIGHT * WIDTH - 1);
      Then I tried to modify the function of detectTest as follow. The function of the modified IP core is resizing the input image and then recoverying its original size. However, it did not work fine in the AXI-DMA test. The waveform captured by chipscope show that the ready signal of INPUT_STREAM was cleared after recieving servel pixels. 
    #pragma HLS INTERFACE ap_fifo port=RESULT_STREAM
    #pragma HLS INTERFACE ap_fifo port=INPUT_STREAM
    #pragma HLS RESOURCE variable=RESULT_STREAM core=AXI4Stream metadata="-bus_bundle RESULT_STREAM"
    #pragma HLS RESOURCE variable=INPUT_STREAM core=AXI4Stream metadata="-bus_bundle INPUT_STREAM"
    #pragma HLS RESOURCE variable=return core=AXI4LiteS metadata="-bus_bundle CONTROL_STREAM"
    int i, j;
    for (i = 0; i < HEIGHT * WIDTH; i++) {//receiving block
    unsigned int instream_value = pop_stream<unsigned int, 1, 1, 1>(INPUT_STREAM[i]);
    hls::Scalar<HLS_MAT_CN(HLS_8U), HLS_TNAME(HLS_8U)> pixel_in;
    *(pixel_in.val) = (unsigned char) instream_value;
    mframe << pixel_in;
    hls::Resize(mframe, mframe_resize);
    hls::Resize(mframe_resize, mframe);
    for (i = 0; i < HEIGHT * WIDTH; i++) {//transmitting block
    hls::Scalar<HLS_MAT_CN(HLS_8U), HLS_TNAME(HLS_8U)> pixel_out;
    unsigned char outstream_value=*(pixel_out.val);
    RESULT_STREAM[i] = push_stream<unsigned int, 1, 1, 1>((unsigned int) outstream_value, i == HEIGHT * WIDTH - 1);
      I also tried to delete or modify the following 2 lines in the modified IP core. But the transmitting problem existed too. It seems that the IP core cannot work normally if the receiving block and the transmitting block in different "for" loops. But if I did not solve this problem, the image processing functions cannot be added into the IP core either. The document of xapp1167 mentioned that " the hls::Mat<> datatype used to model images is internally defined as a stream of pixels". Does that caused the problem? And how can I solve this problem? Thanks a lot !
    hls::Resize(mframe, mframe_resize);
    hls::Resize(mframe_resize, mframe);

    So the major concept that you need to learn/remember is that hls::Mat<> is basically "only" an hls stream -- hls::stream<> -- It's actually an array of N channels (and you have N=1).
    Next, streams are fifos; in software that's modeled as infinite queues but in HW they have finite size.
    The default value is a depth of 2 (IIRC)
    in your first code you do :
    for all pixels loop {
      .. something to read pixel_in
       mframe takes pixel_in
       pixel_out is read from mframe
       .. wirte out pixel_out
    } // end loop
    If you notice, mframe has never more than one pixel element inside since as soon as you write to it, you unload it. in other terms mframe never contains a full frame of pixel (but a full frame flow through it!).
    In your second coding, mframe has to actually contain all the pixels as you have 2 for loops and you don't start unloading the pixels unless you have the first loop complete.
    Needless to say that your fifo had a depth of 2 so actually you never read more than 3 pixels in.
    That's why you see that the ready signal of the iput stream drops after a few pixels; that's the back pressure being applied by the VHLS block.
    Where to go from there?
    Well first stop doing FPGA tests and chipscope if you did not run cosim first and that it passed.
    you would have done cosim and it had failed - or got stuck - then you would have debugged there, rather than waiting for a bitstream to implement.
    Check UG902 about cosim and self checking testbench. maybe for video you can't have selfchecking so at least you need to have visual checks of generated pictures - you can adapt XAPP1167 for that.
    For your design, you could increased the depth of the stream - the XAPP1167 explains that, but here it's impractical or sometimes impossible to buffer a full size frame.
    If you check carefully the XAPP, the design operates in "dataflow" mode; check UG902 as to what this means.
    In short, dataflow means that the HW functions will operate in parallel, and here the second loop will start executing as soon as data has been generated in the first loop - if you understand, the links between the loops is a stream / fifo, so as soon as a data is generated in the first loop, the second loop could process that; this is possible because the processing happens in sequential order.
    Well I leave you to read more.
    I hope this helps....

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    i tried faking a dual axis graph by super imposing 2 graphs, one with the axis labels and the other one without, but the legends would never line up especially if i placed the legend at the bottom of the chart.
    any ideas?

    i am not able to get exactly the problem where  you are getting that, if you get it in line chart or any other charts we can fake any chart on the basis of scenario by giving display status key and another options also there for this.
    i hope you get some idea, if u not able to understand pls mail me with your exact scenarion i will send the complete solution to you.
    Thank you,

  • AXI Stream Data FIFO sends data automatically

    Hi all!
    I've been doing a few beginner experiments with AXI peripherals and following some tutorials online on how to create AXI peripherals and connect them to the PS on my Zynq board. So far, I've managed to sucessfully create AXI DMA to send data from PS to PL AXI Stream Data FIFO and vice versa. However, if I expand my PL with a custom IP with AXI Stream interface and connect it to the AXI Stream slave interface of my AXI Stream Data FIFO to send data to FIFO, my linux application gets stuck when trying to read the data of FIFO via DMA. After some simulations and debugs I figured out, that my FIFO is empty and cause the stuck of my application, because DMA waits for data.
    For this reason I seperated my custom IP and FIFO from the DMA to test and debug only the connection between custom IP and FIFO without the influence of DMA. Thus the master interface of the fifo is not connected. Accordingly every second my custom IP shall properly open a transfer and send 10 values of 32 bit to FIFO where it should be stored and not send.
    However, debugging this PL with ILA core ends with the result, that my FIFO stops to be ready-to-receive after receiving and storing 3 values of 32bit. Then it waits until it receives a high TLAST signal of custom IP. During this waiting period it does not store my remaining values. After TLAST gets high with the 10th 32-bit value, FIFO´s signal TVALID is set instantly to high and FIFO starts to submit the data. This is the point where I get confused. Why does FIFO starts to transmit when there is no receiver connected to FIFO´s AXI Stream master interface? From my level of knowledge FIFO needs the signal TREADY high from a slave peripheral to starts the transmission.
    I believe this behavoiur is the reason of not storing the values in FIFO.
    Hopefully somebody knows whats going wrong here or what I am doing wrong. I really appreciate any help because I have been trying 2 weeks to solve this problem without any success. It is really frustrating...
    Please see attachments for better understanding. If you need further information let me know.
    Best regards,

    Thanks for replying and checking my diagrams! Fortunately, I could solve the problem.
    After you gave me the advice to check m_tready, I figured out that this signal was constantly set to high. This was caused by VCC, which was connected automatically with m_tready, after synthesis.
    Thus I connected DMA with FIFO to replace VCC with DMA and consequently data was stored correctly.

  • Bar chart with dual axis plotting incorrectly

    I have created a BAR_VERT_CLUST2Y, which has 4 series of data.
    The problem I am experiencing is that when the data is charted, it appears that only the first series of data charts correctly (i.e. from the left axis). The second series of data charts from the right axis and the remaining series all chart on the left axis. I would have thought that the first and second series use the left axis and the third and fourth use the right?
    I would be grateful if anyone had any suggestions how this can be resolved or if they have come across something similar and found a way around it, it would be much appreciated?
    Many thanks.

    Xcelsius does not currently support dual axis. However, the workaround to this is to layer two charts on top of each other. You would then need to add line components and labels to complete the effect.

  • Has anyone not working with .dv files had synchronization problems?

    Has anyone not working with .dv files had sound synchronization problems? I'm not exactly sure what the alternatives to DV are, but I think one of them is HD.
    The reason for asking this question is to help isolate the nature and cause of a very serious flaw in iMovie '11. In the original release of iMovie '11 (version 9.0) there was a small--but serious--synchronization problem. In the 9.01 there is a large synchronization problem. We know of one person who has not experienced the problem, and he is not working with DV files (media). So we want to find out if anyone who is using something other than .dv files is experiencing a lack of synchronization between sound and picture. Knowing the answer to this will help with figuring out where the cause lies. For the initial iMovie '11 release (9.0), you probably would not notice a problem unless you had very long event-clips, e.g., two hours long. Events get this long if you are transferring from analog 8 mm tapes. Even then, it would have to be in scenes in which the connection between event and sound is obvious, e.g., close ups of people talking. It isn't until the 9.01 release that most people would notice anything. All we need to do is establish one case of a synchronization problem in which the person is using something other than DV.
    Message was edited by: Paul Bullen

    Hopefully, the 9.0.2 release will make my question moot. Zyfert must have posted the announcement of the release just as I was formulating my question. Still, if you have information on the subject, it would be interesting to hear.

  • Socket Stream Communication Problem

    [My Server code]:
    import java.io.*;
    import java.net.*;
    import java.util.*;
    public class testserv {
    public testserv() {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    try {
    ServerSocket ss = new ServerSocket(8999);
    Socket so = ss.accept();
    InputStream a = so.getInputStream();
    BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(a));
    ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(a);
    String aa = (String)ois.readObject();
    } catch (Exception e) {e.printStackTrace();}
    [My Client code]:
    import java.io.*;
    import java.net.*;
    import java.util.*;
    public class testcli {
    public testcli() {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    try {
    Socket so = new Socket("", 8999);
    OutputStream out = so.getOutputStream();
    PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(out, true);
    ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(out);
    oos.writeObject(new String("test3"));
    } catch (Exception e) {e.printStackTrace();}
    When i use client connect to server, the output should be
    but the output is
    at java.io.ObjectInputStream$PeekInputStream.readFully(ObjectInputStream.java:2165)
    at java.io.ObjectInputStream$BlockDataInputStream.readShort(ObjectInputStream.java:2634)
    at java.io.ObjectInputStream.readStreamHeader(ObjectInputStream.java:734)
    at java.io.ObjectInputStream.<init>(ObjectInputStream.java:253)
    at core.test.testserv.main(testserv.java:20)
    Is this stream's bug??
    Or what mistake do i make??
    Can somebody give me some advice??
    Thank you in advance :)

    you should have made a new thread of this.
    Hello All,
    Can anyone help?
    I'm implementing a chat program with swing, sockets
    and threads. I have got a basic version working
    perfectly. I decided to upgrade it to include a
    configuration (which is loaded and saved to file one
    way or another). This configuration makes a record of
    the users' favourite font.
    i assume this part works. :)
    In version.1 fonts were not implemented, so I was just
    reading and writing (printing) from and to the
    socket's I/O streams - no problem there.
    In version.2 I have implemented a Message class, which
    when sent contains the name of the sender (ie. what
    the sender signed in as) the actually message as a
    String, and a Font which is the font the sender uses.
    I have tried to use the socket I/O streams :
    1). to create Object I/O streams;
    2). to create Bean XMLEncoders and XMLDecoders.
    Neither of these two methods work and they are the
    only way I can think of achieving what I want to do.
    To be honest I don't know what happens - the JVM
    doesn't throw an exception, just the instance acting
    as the client hangs, while the instance acting as the
    server ticks over as per usual. If I end the client
    process (through task manager) an exception is thrown
    in the server.it sounds like:
    1. your server isn't very robust. :) any server operating in the real world should expect and deal with broken messages.
    2. you need to read up on ObjectInputStreams and ObjectOutputStreams. if you want to go that route, they're what you need to look at.
    personally, i'd recommend that you provide methods in the Message class to convert to and from a String, and send the Strings through a Writer attached to the socket. it's easier to recover from errors that way: you could throw a MessageFormatException or other such error without trashing your input stream. plus, it'd be easier to write non-java clients, in case you ever decide to go that route.

  • How to avoid synchronization problem in a  JSP webpage

    In my web page im facing a problem like if two user are workin, by that time one's page is getting reflected in other's page.
    Can anyone tell me how to avoid this synchronization problem?
    Thanx a lot

    Hi Rajesh,
    we Have Configured LDAP tree Successfully....the Problem is the Role Assignment iview under Portal Admin is not appearing....if we check the Test Connection with the  users Configured with LDAP in Authentication server TAB under user configuration,it is showing success message...but at the same time we are unable to login with the same user in to the Portal..we are working with EP 5.0....any help can be appreciated

  • LineChart category axis labelFunction / dataProvider problem

    I am trying to plot a line chart using actionscript.
    What I am trying to achive is plot the chart with entire dataset, but show only limited number of points in x and y axis's.
         When I give dataProvider to category axis with some limited values, nothing gets plotted .
         In the attached main.mxml file
                    var lineCategoryXAxis:CategoryAxis = new CategoryAxis();
                    //lineCategoryXAxis.dataProvider = getDatePointsArray(datesArray);
                    lineCategoryXAxis.categoryField = "DATE";
                    lineCategoryXAxis.labelFunction = lineCategoryXAxisLabelFunction;
                    lineChart.horizontalAxis = lineCategoryXAxis;
    Here, I am giving category axis for x-axis. Linechart takes care of values in the vertical axis by itself and so the line chart gets plotted properly.
    But when I try giving values to vertical axis, then nothing is plotted in the line chart.
                    var lineCategoryYAxis:CategoryAxis = new CategoryAxis();
                     lineCategoryYAxis.dataProvider = getNumericPointsArray(valuesArray)
                     //lineCategoryYAxis.categoryField = "VALUE";
                     lineCategoryYAxis.labelFunction = lineCategoryYAxisLabelFunction;
                     lineChart.verticalAxis = lineCategoryYAxis;
    Also if I try to reduce the number of points in the x-axis, nothing gets plotted
                   var lineCategoryXAxis:CategoryAxis = new CategoryAxis();
                     lineCategoryXAxis.dataProvider = getDatePointsArray(datesArray);
                     lineCategoryXAxis.labelFunction = lineCategoryXAxisLabelFunction;
                     lineChart.horizontalAxis = lineCategoryXAxis;
    where getNumericPointsArray() returns an array with 7 values for vertical axis and getDatePointsArray() returns array with 7 dates for horizontal axis.
    Need help in resolving this problem.
    P.S: Unable to attach mxml file so attaching it as a txt file.

    This is the code:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"
        width="100%" creationComplete="cc()">
                import mx.utils.ArrayUtil;
                import mx.collections.XMLListCollection;
                import mx.collections.Sort;
                import mx.charts.CategoryAxis;
                import mx.charts.chartClasses.Series;
                import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
                import mx.charts.series.LineSeries;
                import mx.charts.LineChart;
                public var dataForLineChart:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection([
                                                                {DATE:"20090509", VALUE:"3538943147"},
                                                                {DATE:"20090510", VALUE:"5047760823"},
                                                                {DATE:"20090511", VALUE:"5046865494"},
                                                                {DATE:"20090512", VALUE:"4983771032"},
                                                                {DATE:"20090513", VALUE:"5032039834"},
                                                                {DATE:"20090514", VALUE:"4897303525"},
                                                                {DATE:"20090515", VALUE:"4496020991"},
                                                                {DATE:"20090516", VALUE:"3525547244"},
                                                                {DATE:"20090517", VALUE:"3596982398"},
                                                                {DATE:"20090518", VALUE:"4947978254"},
                                                                {DATE:"20090519", VALUE:"4932182219"},
                                                                {DATE:"20090520", VALUE:"4909069875"},
                                                                {DATE:"20090521", VALUE:"4781830807"},
                                                                {DATE:"20090522", VALUE:"4431176690"},
                                                                {DATE:"20090523", VALUE:"3476323135"},
                                                                {DATE:"20090524", VALUE:"3444512240"},
                                                                {DATE:"20090525", VALUE:"4329018809"},
                                                                {DATE:"20090526", VALUE:"5086390081"},
                                                                {DATE:"20090527", VALUE:"5012778551"},
                                                                {DATE:"20090528", VALUE:"4770167180"},
                                                                {DATE:"20090529", VALUE:"4408927585"},
                                                                {DATE:"20090531", VALUE:"3488537357"},
                                                                {DATE:"20090601", VALUE:"3630748728"},
                                                                {DATE:"20090602", VALUE:"5007093913"},
                                                                {DATE:"20090603", VALUE:"5015210737"},
                                                                {DATE:"20090604", VALUE:"4999236097"},
                                                                {DATE:"20090605", VALUE:"4934609881"},
                                                                {DATE:"20090606", VALUE:"4588135281"},
                                                                {DATE:"20090607", VALUE:"3615291868"},
                                                                {DATE:"20090608", VALUE:"3666209346"},
                private function cc():void
                    var lineSeriesArray:Array = new Array();
                    var lineChart:LineChart = new LineChart();
                    lineChart.percentHeight = 100;
                    lineChart.percentWidth = 100;
                    lineChart.showDataTips = true;
                    lineChart.dataProvider = dataForLineChart;
                    var valuesArray:Array = new Array();
                    var datesArray:Array = new Array();
                    var lineSeries:LineSeries;
                    lineSeries = new LineSeries();
                    lineSeries.dataProvider = dataForLineChart;
                    lineSeries.dataFunction = lineSeriesDataFunction;
                    var dLength:int = dataForLineChart.length;
                    for (var k:int=0;k<dLength;k++)
                    lineChart.series = lineSeriesArray;
                    var lineCategoryXAxis:CategoryAxis = new CategoryAxis();
                    //lineCategoryXAxis.dataProvider = getDatePointsArray(datesArray);
                    lineCategoryXAxis.categoryField = "DATE";
                    lineCategoryXAxis.labelFunction = lineCategoryXAxisLabelFunction;
                    lineChart.horizontalAxis = lineCategoryXAxis;
                    var lineCategoryYAxis:CategoryAxis = new CategoryAxis();
                    //lineCategoryYAxis.dataProvider = getNumericPointsArray(valuesArray)
                    lineCategoryYAxis.categoryField = "VALUE";
                    lineCategoryYAxis.labelFunction = lineCategoryYAxisLabelFunction;
                    //lineChart.verticalAxis = lineCategoryYAxis;
                private function lineCategoryXAxisLabelFunction(categoryValue:Object, previousCategoryValue:Object, axis:CategoryAxis, categoryItem:Object):String
                    /** Will do date formatting here */
                    return categoryItem.DATE;
                    //return categoryItem.toString();
                private function lineCategoryYAxisDataFunction(axis:CategoryAxis, item:Object):Object
                    return item.VALUE;
                private function lineCategoryYAxisLabelFunction(categoryValue:Object, previousCategoryValue:Object, axis:CategoryAxis, categoryItem:Object):String
                    /** Will do number formatting here */
                    return categoryItem.VALUE;
                    //return categoryItem.toString();
                private function lineSeriesDataFunction(series:Series, item:Object, fieldName:String):Object
                    if (fieldName == "yValue")
                        return item.VALUE;
                    else if(fieldName == "xValue")
                        return item.DATE.toString();
                    return null;
                private function getNumericPointsArray(inputArray:Array):Array
                    var numValues:int = inputArray.length;
                    /** Sorting the array to find min and max values */
                    var inputAC:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection(inputArray);
                    inputAC.sort = new Sort();
                    var minValue:Number = Number(inputAC.getItemAt(0));
                    var maxValue:Number = Number(inputAC.getItemAt(inputAC.length - 1));
                    var outputArray:Array = new Array();
                    var i:int;
                    var diffFactor:Number;
                    var diffMinMax:Number;
                    /** axis takes 0 by default so not pushing that into array */       
                    if (minValue == maxValue)
                        /** Dividing by 6 to get 5 points */
                        diffFactor = Math.round(maxValue / 6);
                        for (i=1;i<=5;i++)
                            outputArray.push((i * diffFactor));
                        /** Find some points between minValue and maxValue */
                        diffMinMax = (maxValue - minValue);
                        /** Dividing by 5 to get 4 points */
                        diffFactor = Math.round(diffMinMax / 5);
                        for (i=1;i<=4;i++)
                            outputArray.push((i * diffFactor) + minValue);
                    return outputArray;
                private function getDatePointsArray(inputArray:Array):Array
                    var numValues:int = inputArray.length;
                    /** Subtracting 2 because first and last values are undconditinally pushed in output array.*/
                    var stepValue:int = (numValues - 2) / 5;
                    var outputArray:Array = new Array();
                    /** Starting from 1 and ending in numValues - 2 because first and last values of array are already taken.*/
                    for (var i:int=stepValue;i<numValues - 2;i+=stepValue)
                    outputArray.push(inputArray[numValues - 1]);
                    return outputArray;
        <mx:HBox id="chartContainer" width="100%" height="100%">
    As you can see in the code, my dataPovider is complex (can become much more complex). In the code above, the ArrayCollection has only one element currently but will have more. So the graph should be plotted in such a way that each array element corresponds to one line series.
    What I need to achive is that the horizontal axis should show dates only from the "0th" element of the ArrayCollection and that too only some limited 6-7 points, the rest of the ArrayCollection elements should get plotted according to these dates.
    I think I was able to explain my problem. Pls let me know if any more explaination is required.
    P.S. Re-attaching the file.
    Thanks in advance

  • Xcelcius 2008 - Dual Axis Graph Mouse Over Display

    I am working on a dual-axis graph where one value is a percentage and another is numeric. I am having an issue where I cannot format the hovers into multiple formats (i.e. one as numeric, the other as a percentage). In the graph properties I only see one property to modify Mouse-Over Values, but I need to modify it for each axis.
    Thanks ahead of time.

    Hi Diney,
    I Have to show all the projects per client requirement, I want to remove the legends(which I already did), and instead show the project name only when the mouse is rolled over in the graph. Is it possible?
    Thanks for your time and help.

  • Changing scale on Dual Axis on Illustrator Graph

    Looking for some assistance on changing the scale when you have a dual axis, but only on one side. I can select the entire graph and change the left and right axis. However even when I select only one line (via the legend) I cannot just change one side. Appreciate any assistance....thanks

    Hi Kalyan
    I have seen this happening on a PowerPivot workbook in which the selected option had no value, which triggered the chart to lose its configuration.  This is a bug, though I would argue is a bug in the Pivot Charts and not in PowerPivot itself.
    The solution I used was to remove the slicer option that yields no value (in your case it would be NA), so the user can only select valid combinations that retrieve a numeric output.
    Javier Guillen

  • Change color of measures - Column Combination Dual Axis

    I have a couple of graphs of the type Column Combination Dual Axis.
    I want to change the colors for these measures but that does not seem to be possible when using this type of chart?
    I can only change the color of the Axis?
    First, I thought it was something wrong with my chart so I tried to create a new application with this chart type and got the same result.
    Does anyone know if it should be like this?

    Hi Max,
    how many measures do you want to use for the Chart type "Column Combination Dual Axis"?
    Do you have tried to swap the axis in your chart type setting?
    In my case it works as expected and I´m able to change the color of the measures ( = the axis)
    I think it´s important to add the measures in the rows at the initial view of the data source (or you can change it by swap the axis in the chart).
    Hope it helps!
    Best regards,

  • AirPort Extreme (802.11n) dual band is reporting problems?

    I can not find an answer for my error-problem:
    AirPort Extreme (802.11n) dual band is reporting problems!
    I have an optimum on line cable modem connected to my AirPort Extreme (802.11n) dual band.
    Ethernet cables connect it 1. into my new Nehalem Mac Pro, 2. into my back-up Quicksilver PowerMac. I also have 2nd gen. iPod touch works on WiFi.
    This set-up has been working well but now I daily get the above error. Sometimes it says also: You have different locations set-up and it asks me to go through the set-up procedure. May be I did the initial set-up incorrect. I don't quite understand "locations" and it's purpose.
    Also the Airport runs very hot so I put a small fan in front of it. A few times I had to disconnect the cable mains to reset and get back my service. Please help.

    Walter Wedler wrote:
    AirPort Extreme (802.11n) dual band is reporting problems!
    I have an optimum on line cable modem connected to my AirPort Extreme (802.11n) dual band.
    Ethernet cables connect it 1. into my new Nehalem Mac Pro, 2. into my back-up Quicksilver PowerMac. I also have 2nd gen. iPod touch works on WiFi.
    This set-up has been working well but now I daily get the above error. Sometimes it says also: You have different locations set-up and it asks me to go through the set-up procedure. May be I did the initial set-up incorrect. I don't quite understand "locations" and it's purpose.
    Can you tell what's telling you about those locations? An Apple AirPort unit can maintain different "configurations" so that it could be used in different locations without a complete reconfiguration. However, I don't believe they're ever referred to as "locations". On the other hand, a Mac can have multiple "locations" defined in the Network panel of System Preferences. Those can be useful if the Mac is used in different places with different arrangements.
    If your AirPort Extreme is having problems the status light on the front will probably be amber. If you launch AirPort Utility and double-click on the AirPort Extreme item on the left, you should be able to see more details about the problem.

  • Client Synchronization Problem

    Hi All,
    When I am synchronizing for the first time to get deviceid from mobile client
    getting the following error.
    • Synchronization started 
    • Proxy http://xyz:port/meSync/servlet/meSync?~sysid=ABC& 
    • Connection to server failed. 
    • Synchronization problems: Transport-layer (http) sync exception raised (root cause: Exception while synchronizing (java.io.IOException: Not in GZIP format)) 
    Could anybody tell what  I have to do please.
    Ameer Baba

    Hi Abhijit,
    Here it is.
    [20070219 08:57:53:791] I [MI/API/Logging ] ***** LOG / TRACE SWITCHED ON 
    [20070219 08:57:53:791] I [MI/API/Logging ] ***** Mobile Engine version: MI 70 SP 9 Patch 5 Build 200612061055 
    [20070219 08:57:53:791] I [MI/API/Logging ] ***** Current timezone: Indian/Reunion 
    [20070219 08:57:53:791] I [MI ] Trace severity: All (1000) 
    [20070219 08:57:53:791] D [MI/PIOS ] No implementations found. Error Code:(3) 
    [20070219 08:57:53:791] D [MI/API/Runtime/JSP ] AbstractMEHttpServlet:dispatch request to '/jsp/trace/trace.jsp' 
    [20070219 08:57:59:808] D [MI/Core ] Set current application to 'MOBILEENGINE_JSP' 
    [20070219 08:57:59:808] D [MI/API/Runtime/JSP ] AbstractMEHttpServlet:doGet(...) called 
    [20070219 08:57:59:808] D [MI/API/Runtime/JSP ] AbstractMEHttpServlet:getEvent() done with event name = '' 
    [20070219 08:57:59:808] I [MI/API/Sync ] Terminate connection feature is not configured 
    [20070219 08:57:59:808] D [MI/API/Runtime/JSP ] AbstractMEHttpServlet:dispatch request to '/jsp/home/home.jsp' 
    [20070219 08:58:01:569] D [MI/Core ] Set current application to 'MOBILEENGINE_JSP' 
    [20070219 08:58:01:569] D [MI/API/Runtime/JSP ] AbstractMEHttpServlet:doGet(...) called 
    [20070219 08:58:01:569] D [MI/API/Runtime/JSP ] AbstractMEHttpServlet:getEvent() done with event name = '' 
    [20070219 08:58:01:569] D [MI/API/Runtime/JSP ] AbstractMEHttpServlet:dispatch request to '/jsp/home/syncpassword.jsp' 
    [20070219 08:58:06:432] D [MI/Core ] Set current application to 'MOBILEENGINE_JSP' 
    [20070219 08:58:06:432] D [MI/API/Runtime/JSP ] AbstractMEHttpServlet:doGet(...) called 
    [20070219 08:58:06:432] D [MI/API/Runtime/JSP ] AbstractMEHttpServlet:getEvent() done with event name = '' 
    [20070219 08:58:06:432] P [MI/Sync ] Notify R3 called 
    [20070219 08:58:06:432] D [MI/Sync ] There is already a container for method WAF_REGISTRY and user AMEERB in the outbound queue 
    [20070219 08:58:06:432] I [MI/API/Sync ] Terminate connection feature is not configured 
    [20070219 08:58:06:432] D [MI/API/Runtime/JSP ] AbstractMEHttpServlet:dispatch request to '/jsp/home/home.jsp' 
    [20070219 08:58:06:447] D [MI/API/Services ] MEResourceBundle:Constructor: Create MEResourceBundle(com/sap/ip/me/awtapps/home/mobile_engine, en_IN, (null)) 
    [20070219 08:58:06:447] D [MI/API/Services ] MEResourceBundle:Constructor: Use classloader com.sap.ip.me.core.Startup@18fe7c3 
    [20070219 08:58:06:447] D [MI/API/Services ] CREATED MEPropertyResourceBundle com.sap.ip.me.api.services.MEResourceBundle$MEPropertyResourceBundle@d24e3f for bundleName: com/sap/ip/me/awtapps/home/mobile_engine with Locale: _en 
    [20070219 08:58:06:463] D [MI/API/Services ] CREATED parent MEPropertyResourceBundle for child bundle: com.sap.ip.me.api.services.MEResourceBundle$MEPropertyResourceBundle@d24e3f using bundle name: com/sap/ip/me/awtapps/home/mobile_engine 
    [20070219 08:58:06:463] I [MI/Sync ] Synchronize with backend called, Thread=Thread-27 
    [20070219 08:58:06:463] I [MI/Sync ] Thread=Thread-27 took lock for synchronization. 
    [20070219 08:58:06:463] P [MI/Sync ] Use following gateway for synchronization: http://cymobile:8001 
    [20070219 08:58:06:588] D [MI/SyncMonitor ] New synchronization process has been started 
    [20070219 08:58:06:588] D [MI/Sync ] Synchronisation: Fire SyncEvent 0 
    [20070219 08:58:06:588] D [MI/API/Services ] MEResourceBundle:Constructor: Create MEResourceBundle(com/sap/ip/me/awtapps/home/mobile_engine, en_IN, (null)) 
    [20070219 08:58:06:588] D [MI/API/Services ] MEResourceBundle:Constructor: Use classloader com.sap.ip.me.core.Startup@18fe7c3 
    [20070219 08:58:06:588] D [MI/API/Services ] CREATED MEPropertyResourceBundle com.sap.ip.me.api.services.MEResourceBundle$MEPropertyResourceBundle@10f41e9 for bundleName: com/sap/ip/me/awtapps/home/mobile_engine with Locale: _en 
    [20070219 08:58:06:603] D [MI/API/Services ] CREATED parent MEPropertyResourceBundle for child bundle: com.sap.ip.me.api.services.MEResourceBundle$MEPropertyResourceBundle@10f41e9 using bundle name: com/sap/ip/me/awtapps/home/mobile_engine 
    [20070219 08:58:06:603] D [MI/API/Sync ] SyncEvent com.sap.ip.me.api.sync.SyncEvent[source=com.sap.ip.me.sync.SyncManagerMerger@5bb966] skipped for User because he has not been installed on MW. 
    [20070219 08:58:06:603] D [MI/API/Sync ] SyncEvent com.sap.ip.me.api.sync.SyncEvent[source=com.sap.ip.me.sync.SyncManagerMerger@5bb966] skipped for User because he has not been installed on MW. 
    [20070219 08:58:06:603] D [MI/API/Sync ] SyncEvent com.sap.ip.me.api.sync.SyncEvent[source=com.sap.ip.me.sync.SyncManagerMerger@5bb966] skipped for User because he has not been installed on MW. 
    [20070219 08:58:06:603] D [MI/API/Sync ] SyncEvent com.sap.ip.me.api.sync.SyncEvent[source=com.sap.ip.me.sync.SyncManagerMerger@5bb966] skipped for User because he has not been installed on MW. 
    [20070219 08:58:06:603] D [MI/API/Sync ] SyncEvent com.sap.ip.me.api.sync.SyncEvent[source=com.sap.ip.me.sync.SyncManagerMerger@5bb966] skipped for User because he has not been installed on MW. 
    [20070219 08:58:06:603] D [MI/API/Sync ] SyncEvent com.sap.ip.me.api.sync.SyncEvent[source=com.sap.ip.me.sync.SyncManagerMerger@5bb966] skipped for User because he has not been installed on MW. 
    [20070219 08:58:06:603] D [MI/API/Sync ] SyncEvent com.sap.ip.me.api.sync.SyncEvent[source=com.sap.ip.me.sync.SyncManagerMerger@5bb966] skipped for User because he has not been installed on MW. 
    [20070219 08:58:06:603] D [MI/API/Sync ] SyncEvent com.sap.ip.me.api.sync.SyncEvent[source=com.sap.ip.me.sync.SyncManagerMerger@5bb966] skipped for User because he has not been installed on MW. 
    [20070219 08:58:06:603] D [MI/API/Sync ] SyncEvent com.sap.ip.me.api.sync.SyncEvent[source=com.sap.ip.me.sync.SyncManagerMerger@5bb966] skipped for User because he has not been installed on MW. 
    [20070219 08:58:06:603] P [MI/Sync ] Start updating data completeness flag for user all sync relevant users 
    [20070219 08:58:06:634] P [MI/Sync ] Update data completeness flag for user AMEERB 
    [20070219 08:58:06:634] P [MI/Sync ] Update data completeness flag for user (SHARED) 
    [20070219 08:58:06:634] P [MI/Sync ] Finished updating data completeness flag for user all sync relevant users 
    [20070219 08:58:06:634] P [MI/Sync ] Repetitive sync is turned off 
    [20070219 08:58:06:634] P [MI/Sync ] Synchronization started for user (SHARED) 
    [20070219 08:58:06:634] D [MI/API/Services ] MEResourceBundle:Constructor: Create MEResourceBundle(com/sap/ip/me/awtapps/home/mobile_engine, en_IN, (null)) 
    [20070219 08:58:06:634] D [MI/API/Services ] MEResourceBundle:Constructor: Use classloader com.sap.ip.me.core.Startup@18fe7c3 
    [20070219 08:58:06:634] D [MI/API/Services ] CREATED MEPropertyResourceBundle com.sap.ip.me.api.services.MEResourceBundle$MEPropertyResourceBundle@b05acd for bundleName: com/sap/ip/me/awtapps/home/mobile_engine with Locale: _en 
    [20070219 08:58:06:634] D [MI/API/Services ] CREATED parent MEPropertyResourceBundle for child bundle: com.sap.ip.me.api.services.MEResourceBundle$MEPropertyResourceBundle@b05acd using bundle name: com/sap/ip/me/awtapps/home/mobile_engine 
    [20070219 08:58:06:634] D [MI/SyncMonitor ] Sync monitor data file does not exist; use default values 
    [20070219 08:58:06:634] D [MI/SyncMonitor ] Start sync cycle at 20070219085806 (1171875486634) 
    [20070219 08:58:06:634] D [MI/Sync ] PackageManager: old package file C:\Program Files\SAP Mobile Infrastructure\sync\(SHARED)\out\package.out was successfully deleted 
    [20070219 08:58:06:634] D [MI/Sync ] PackageManager: create package with maximum 2147483647 items 
    [20070219 08:58:06:650] D [MI/API/Services ] MEResourceBundle:Constructor: Create MEResourceBundle(com/sap/ip/me/awtapps/home/mobile_engine, en_IN, (null)) 
    [20070219 08:58:06:650] D [MI/API/Services ] MEResourceBundle:Constructor: Use classloader com.sap.ip.me.core.Startup@18fe7c3 
    [20070219 08:58:06:650] D [MI/API/Services ] CREATED MEPropertyResourceBundle com.sap.ip.me.api.services.MEResourceBundle$MEPropertyResourceBundle@1989b5 for bundleName: com/sap/ip/me/awtapps/home/mobile_engine with Locale: _en 
    [20070219 08:58:06:650] D [MI/API/Services ] CREATED parent MEPropertyResourceBundle for child bundle: com.sap.ip.me.api.services.MEResourceBundle$MEPropertyResourceBundle@1989b5 using bundle name: com/sap/ip/me/awtapps/home/mobile_engine 
    [20070219 08:58:06:650] D [MI/Sync ] PackageManager: filled package with 0 acknowledge received container(s) 
    [20070219 08:58:06:650] D [MI/API/Services ] MEResourceBundle:Constructor: Create MEResourceBundle(com/sap/ip/me/awtapps/home/mobile_engine, en_IN, (null)) 
    [20070219 08:58:06:650] D [MI/API/Services ] MEResourceBundle:Constructor: Use classloader com.sap.ip.me.core.Startup@18fe7c3 
    [20070219 08:58:06:650] D [MI/API/Services ] CREATED MEPropertyResourceBundle com.sap.ip.me.api.services.MEResourceBundle$MEPropertyResourceBundle@a00185 for bundleName: com/sap/ip/me/awtapps/home/mobile_engine with Locale: _en 
    [20070219 08:58:06:666] D [MI/API/Services ] CREATED parent MEPropertyResourceBundle for child bundle: com.sap.ip.me.api.services.MEResourceBundle$MEPropertyResourceBundle@a00185 using bundle name: com/sap/ip/me/awtapps/home/mobile_engine 
    [20070219 08:58:06:666] D [MI/Sync ] PackageManager: filled package with 0 acknowledge container(s) 
    [20070219 08:58:06:666] D [MI/API/Services ] MEResourceBundle:Constructor: Create MEResourceBundle(com/sap/ip/me/awtapps/home/mobile_engine, en_IN, (null)) 
    [20070219 08:58:06:666] D [MI/API/Services ] MEResourceBundle:Constructor: Use classloader com.sap.ip.me.core.Startup@18fe7c3 
    [20070219 08:58:06:666] D [MI/API/Services ] CREATED MEPropertyResourceBundle com.sap.ip.me.api.services.MEResourceBundle$MEPropertyResourceBundle@c3c315 for bundleName: com/sap/ip/me/awtapps/home/mobile_engine with Locale: _en 
    [20070219 08:58:06:666] D [MI/API/Services ] CREATED parent MEPropertyResourceBundle for child bundle: com.sap.ip.me.api.services.MEResourceBundle$MEPropertyResourceBundle@c3c315 using bundle name: com/sap/ip/me/awtapps/home/mobile_engine 
    [20070219 08:58:06:666] D [MI/Sync ] PackageManager: filled package with 0 container items or headers 
    [20070219 08:58:06:666] D [MI/Sync ] PackageManager: filled package with 1 notify container(s) 
    [20070219 08:58:06:666] D [MI/SyncMonitor ] Finished outbound preparation at 20070219085806 (1171875486666) 
    [20070219 08:58:06:666] D [MI/Sync ] Package file C:\Program Files\SAP Mobile Infrastructure\sync\(SHARED)\out\package.out exists and can be read 
    [20070219 08:58:06:666] P [MI/Sync ] Synchronisation started 
    [20070219 08:58:06:666] D [MI/Sync ] Begin: Dumping file C:\Program Files\SAP Mobile Infrastructure\sync\(SHARED)\out\package.out 
    [20070219 08:58:06:681] D [MI/Sync ] End: Dumping file C:\Program Files\SAP Mobile Infrastructure\sync\(SHARED)\out\package.out 
    [20070219 08:58:06:681] I [MI/Sync ] Outbound file size for user (SHARED) is 131 
    [20070219 08:58:06:681] P [MI/Sync ] Do not use http proxy (system properties update) 
    [20070219 08:58:06:681] P [MI/Sync ] Use following gateway for synchronization: http://cymobile:8001 
    [20070219 08:58:06:681] I [MI/Sync ] GzipDataCompression: Gzip data compression is switched on 
    [20070219 08:58:06:681] P [MI/Sync ] Sending outbound file compressed to server. 
    [20070219 08:58:06:681] P [MI/Sync ] Outbound file was compressedly sent. 
    [20070219 08:58:06:697] I [MI/Sync ] HttpSynchronizer caught exception java.io.FileNotFoundException: http://name:port/sap/bc/MJC/mi_host?sysid=XYZ&client=100&~language=EN&ACKNOWLEDGE=& 
    java.io.FileNotFoundException: http://name:port/sap/bc/MJC/mi_host?sysid=XYZ&client=100&~language=EN&ACKNOWLEDGE=& 
    at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream(HttpURLConnection.java:812) 
    at com.sap.ip.me.sync.HTTPSynchronizer.getInputStreamViaTimeOutOrNot(HTTPSynchronizer.java:351) 
    at com.sap.ip.me.sync.HTTPSynchronizer.synchronize(HTTPSynchronizer.java:258) 
    at com.sap.ip.me.sync.HTTPSynchronizer.synchronize(HTTPSynchronizer.java:484) 
    at com.sap.ip.me.sync.HTTPSynchronizer.exchangeData(HTTPSynchronizer.java:73) 
    at com.sap.ip.me.sync.SyncManagerImpl.processSyncCycle(SyncManagerImpl.java:847) 
    at com.sap.ip.me.sync.SyncManagerImpl.syncForUser(SyncManagerImpl.java:1304) 
    at com.sap.ip.me.sync.SyncManagerImpl.processSynchronization(SyncManagerImpl.java:935) 
    at com.sap.ip.me.sync.SyncManagerImpl.synchronizeWithBackend(SyncManagerImpl.java:440) 
    at com.sap.ip.me.sync.SyncManagerImpl.synchronizeWithBackend(SyncManagerImpl.java:303) 
    at com.sap.ip.me.api.sync.SyncManager.synchronizeWithBackend(SyncManager.java:79) 
    at com.sap.ip.me.apps.jsp.Home$SyncRunnable.run(Home.java:568) 
    at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:534) 
    [20070219 08:58:06:697] E [MI/Sync ] Exception while synchronizing via http 
    com.sap.ip.me.api.services.HttpConnectionException: Exception while synchronizing (java.io.FileNotFoundException: http://name:port/sap/bc/MJC/mi_host?sysid=XYZ&client=100&~language=EN&ACKNOWLEDGE=&) 
    at com.sap.ip.me.sync.HTTPSynchronizer.synchronize(HTTPSynchronizer.java:334) 
    at com.sap.ip.me.sync.HTTPSynchronizer.synchronize(HTTPSynchronizer.java:484) 
    at com.sap.ip.me.sync.HTTPSynchronizer.exchangeData(HTTPSynchronizer.java:73) 
    at com.sap.ip.me.sync.SyncManagerImpl.processSyncCycle(SyncManagerImpl.java:847) 
    at com.sap.ip.me.sync.SyncManagerImpl.syncForUser(SyncManagerImpl.java:1304) 
    at com.sap.ip.me.sync.SyncManagerImpl.processSynchronization(SyncManagerImpl.java:935) 
    at com.sap.ip.me.sync.SyncManagerImpl.synchronizeWithBackend(SyncManagerImpl.java:440) 
    at com.sap.ip.me.sync.SyncManagerImpl.synchronizeWithBackend(SyncManagerImpl.java:303) 
    at com.sap.ip.me.api.sync.SyncManager.synchronizeWithBackend(SyncManager.java:79) 
    at com.sap.ip.me.apps.jsp.Home$SyncRunnable.run(Home.java:568) 
    at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:534) 
    [20070219 08:58:06:697] P [MI/Core ] original context restored 
    [20070219 08:58:06:697] W [MI/Sync ] Synchronisation problems 
    com.sap.ip.me.api.sync.SyncException: Transport-layer (http) sync exception raised (root cause: Exception while synchronizing (java.io.FileNotFoundException: http://name:port/sap/bc/MJC/mi_host?sysid=XYZ&client=100&~language=EN&ACKNOWLEDGE=&)) 
    at com.sap.ip.me.sync.HTTPSynchronizer.exchangeData(HTTPSynchronizer.java:82) 
    at com.sap.ip.me.sync.SyncManagerImpl.processSyncCycle(SyncManagerImpl.java:847) 
    at com.sap.ip.me.sync.SyncManagerImpl.syncForUser(SyncManagerImpl.java:1304) 
    at com.sap.ip.me.sync.SyncManagerImpl.processSynchronization(SyncManagerImpl.java:935) 
    at com.sap.ip.me.sync.SyncManagerImpl.synchronizeWithBackend(SyncManagerImpl.java:440) 
    at com.sap.ip.me.sync.SyncManagerImpl.synchronizeWithBackend(SyncManagerImpl.java:303) 
    at com.sap.ip.me.api.sync.SyncManager.synchronizeWithBackend(SyncManager.java:79) 
    at com.sap.ip.me.apps.jsp.Home$SyncRunnable.run(Home.java:568) 
    at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:534) 
    [20070219 08:58:06:697] D [MI/Sync ] Synchronisation: Fire SyncEvent 1 
    [20070219 08:58:06:697] D [MI/API/Services ] MEResourceBundle:Constructor: Create MEResourceBundle(com/sap/ip/me/awtapps/home/mobile_engine, en_IN, (null)) 
    [20070219 08:58:06:697] D [MI/API/Services ] MEResourceBundle:Constructor: Use classloader com.sap.ip.me.core.Startup@18fe7c3 
    [20070219 08:58:06:697] D [MI/API/Services ] CREATED MEPropertyResourceBundle com.sap.ip.me.api.services.MEResourceBundle$MEPropertyResourceBundle@1328c7a for bundleName: com/sap/ip/me/awtapps/home/mobile_engine with Locale: _en 
    [20070219 08:58:06:697] D [MI/API/Services ] CREATED parent MEPropertyResourceBundle for child bundle: com.sap.ip.me.api.services.MEResourceBundle$MEPropertyResourceBundle@1328c7a using bundle name: com/sap/ip/me/awtapps/home/mobile_engine 
    [20070219 08:58:06:697] P [MI/Core ] Thread Thread-27 switched context to MI414d45455242 / MI414d45455242 (User: AMEERB, MSD: Name: / MOBILEENGINE_JSP (V. 7095), Target=, Type=com.sap.ip.me.core.FrameworkApplicationType) (stack level 1) 
    [20070219 08:58:06:697] I [MI/API/Sync ] SyncEvent Performing com.sap.ip.mi.systemnews.SyncListener on ConversationId MI414d45455242 
    [20070219 08:58:06:697] P [MI/Core ] original context restored 
    [20070219 08:58:06:697] P [MI/Core ] Thread Thread-27 switched context to MI2853484152454429 / MI2853484152454429 (User: (SHARED), MSD: Name: / MOBILEENGINE_JSP (V. 7095), Target=, Type=com.sap.ip.me.core.FrameworkApplicationType) (stack level 1) 
    [20070219 08:58:06:697] I [MI/API/Sync ] SyncEvent Performing com.sap.ip.me.ccms.remotetracing.RemoteTracingListener on ConversationId MI2853484152454429 
    [20070219 08:58:06:697] P [MI/Core ] original context restored 
    [20070219 08:58:06:697] P [MI/Core ] Thread Thread-27 switched context to MI2853484152454429 / MI2853484152454429 (User: (SHARED), MSD: Name: / MOBILEENGINE_JSP (V. 7095), Target=, Type=com.sap.ip.me.core.FrameworkApplicationType) (stack level 1) 
    [20070219 08:58:06:697] I [MI/API/Sync ] SyncEvent Performing com.sap.ip.me.ccms.LastSuccessfulSyncAlert on ConversationId MI2853484152454429 
    [20070219 08:58:06:697] P [MI/Core ] original context restored 
    [20070219 08:58:06:697] P [MI/Core ] Thread Thread-27 switched context to MI2853484152454429 / MI2853484152454429 (User: (SHARED), MSD: Name: / MOBILEENGINE_JSP (V. 7095), Target=, Type=com.sap.ip.me.core.FrameworkApplicationType) (stack level 1) 
    [20070219 08:58:06:697] I [MI/API/Sync ] SyncEvent Performing com.sap.ip.me.ccms.AlertManagerImpl on ConversationId MI2853484152454429 
    [20070219 08:58:06:697] P [MI/Core ] original context restored 
    [20070219 08:58:06:697] P [MI/Core ] Thread Thread-27 switched context to MI2853484152454429 / MI2853484152454429 (User: (SHARED), MSD: Name: / MOBILEENGINE_JSP (V. 7095), Target=, Type=com.sap.ip.me.core.FrameworkApplicationType) (stack level 1) 
    [20070219 08:58:06:697] I [MI/API/Sync ] SyncEvent Performing com.sap.ip.me.sync.LogSender on ConversationId MI2853484152454429 
    [20070219 08:58:06:712] P [MI/Core ] original context restored 
    [20070219 08:58:06:712] P [MI/Core ] Thread Thread-27 switched context to MI2853484152454429 / MI2853484152454429 (User: (SHARED), MSD: Name: / MOBILEENGINE_JSP (V. 7095), Target=, Type=com.sap.ip.me.core.FrameworkApplicationType) (stack level 1) 
    [20070219 08:58:06:712] I [MI/API/Sync ] SyncEvent Performing com.sap.ip.me.services.os.AgentManager$AgentSyncEventListener on ConversationId MI2853484152454429 
    [20070219 08:58:06:712] P [MI/Core ] original context restored 
    [20070219 08:58:06:712] P [MI/Core ] Thread Thread-27 switched context to MI414d45455242 / MI414d45455242 (User: AMEERB, MSD: Name: / MOBILEENGINE_JSP (V. 7095), Target=, Type=com.sap.ip.me.core.FrameworkApplicationType) (stack level 1) 
    [20070219 08:58:06:712] I [MI/API/Sync ] SyncEvent Performing com.sap.ip.me.core.StatusUpdater on ConversationId MI414d45455242 
    [20070219 08:58:06:712] P [MI/Core ] original context restored 
    [20070219 08:58:06:712] P [MI/Core ] Thread Thread-27 switched context to MI2853484152454429 / MI2853484152454429 (User: (SHARED), MSD: Name: / MOBILEENGINE_JSP (V. 7095), Target=, Type=com.sap.ip.me.core.FrameworkApplicationType) (stack level 1) 
    [20070219 08:58:06:712] I [MI/API/Sync ] SyncEvent Performing com.sap.ip.me.ccms.configinfo.ConfigInfoListener on ConversationId MI2853484152454429 
    [20070219 08:58:06:712] P [MI/Core ] original context restored 
    [20070219 08:58:06:712] P [MI/Core ] Thread Thread-27 switched context to MI2853484152454429 / MI2853484152454429 (User: (SHARED), MSD: Name: / MOBILEENGINE_JSP (V. 7095), Target=, Type=com.sap.ip.me.core.FrameworkApplicationType) (stack level 1) 
    [20070219 08:58:06:712] I [MI/API/Sync ] SyncEvent Performing com.sap.ip.me.services.os.ScriptManager on ConversationId MI2853484152454429 
    [20070219 08:58:06:712] P [MI/Core ] original context restored 
    [20070219 08:58:06:712] I [MI/Sync ] Synchronization finished, Thread=Thread-27 
    [20070219 08:58:16:703] D [MI/Core ] Set current application to 'MOBILEENGINE_JSP' 
    [20070219 08:58:16:703] D [MI/API/Runtime/JSP ] AbstractMEHttpServlet:doGet(...) called 
    [20070219 08:58:16:703] D [MI/API/Runtime/JSP ] AbstractMEHttpServlet:getEvent() done with event name = '' 
    [20070219 08:58:16:703] I [MI/API/Sync ] Terminate connection feature is not configured 
    [20070219 08:58:16:703] D [MI/API/Runtime/JSP ] AbstractMEHttpServlet:dispatch request to '/jsp/home/synclog.jsp' 
    [20070219 08:58:21:317] D [MI/Core ] Set current application to 'MOBILEENGINE_JSP' 
    [20070219 08:58:21:317] D [MI/API/Runtime/JSP ] AbstractMEHttpServlet:doGet(...) called 
    [20070219 08:58:21:317] D [MI/API/Runtime/JSP ] AbstractMEHttpServlet:getEvent() done with event name = '' 
    [20070219 08:58:21:317] I [MI/API/Sync ] Terminate connection feature is not configured 
    [20070219 08:58:21:317] D [MI/API/Runtime/JSP ] AbstractMEHttpServlet:dispatch request to '/jsp/home/home.jsp' 
    [20070219 08:58:22:579] D [MI/Core ] Set current application to 'MOBILEENGINE_JSP' 
    [20070219 08:58:22:579] D [MI/API/Runtime/JSP ] AbstractMEHttpServlet:doGet(...) called 
    [20070219 08:58:22:579] D [MI/API/Runtime/JSP ] AbstractMEHttpServlet:getEvent() done with event name = '' 
    [20070219 08:58:22:579] D [MI/API/Runtime/JSP ] AbstractMEHttpServlet:dispatch request to '/jsp/trace/trace.jsp' 
    [20070219 08:58:24:684] D [MI/Core ] Set current application to 'MOBILEENGINE_JSP' 
    [20070219 08:58:24:684] D [MI/API/Runtime/JSP ] AbstractMEHttpServlet:doGet(...) called 
    [20070219 08:58:24:684] D [MI/API/Runtime/JSP ] AbstractMEHttpServlet:getEvent() done with event name = '' 
    Ameer Baba.

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