Dunning letter thro' e-mail

       Can somebody guide me how to send the dunning letter thro'  e-mail to the customer on the day of dunning automatically?Is it possible?

Hi Sekar.........
It is possible only through customization.
You have to customize and create addon for that.....

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    Hi Gurus,
    I want to send dunning letter to customer by his mail.
    Is there any tip with using customizing?
    how can I do this?
    need help

    I know This FM, should I add it to FI_PRINT_DUNNING_NOTICE copy program?

  • Dunning letter - email/pdf problem

    I want to email a dunning letter to a customer.
    I have executed a dunning run.
    I go back to the Recommendation report for the dunning run - when I highlight the row under the customer name and click print preview I can see a preview of the dunning letter I want to email.
    When I click the 'Email' button and click 'Yes' to attach an edited report I thought that would attach the letter to an email as a PDF? (I have send E-Mail via Microsoft Outlook' selected)
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    The data tab shows the dunning run listed but the Attachments tab has nothing listed.
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    I'd be grateful for advice on emailing dunning letters correctly

    Hi Andrew,
    Check this Link
    Re: Email Dunning Report to the BP
    Re: Automatic Dunning By Email

  • Dunning letter F150 issue

    Hi ,
    I want to send dunning letter through F150 tcode.The customer wants both option email as well as print.I have done the coding for both.But the program takes only one option at a time. The client wants both the option that send mail as well as print.How to do this.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Anagha Deshmukh

    You can [Check this. Hope this might be helpful|Sending dunning letters by email;. And also [Check this thread.|Dunning letters Option - Print/email;.

  • Dunning letter via email with invoice attachments

    Hi Experts,
    We have requirement where in dunning letter should be send to customer via email along with invoice attachments.
    We have copied standard script F150_DUNN_02 to custom one as per requirements and configured it in SPRO. We are using BTE 1040 to fetch the customer email address and assign it to structure c_finaa-intad.
    This serves the purpose partially. The email goes to customer with dunning letter as an attachment properly.
    The question here is how to send additional invoice attachments in the same mail? For example, if dunning letter contains 3 line items, then email should have 4 attachments( 1 dunning letter and 3 invoices).
    Is it possible by some config steps? or please suggest me suitable approach to solve the problem.
    Appreciate your help.

    Hi Partha,
    Here are the steps that you can follow :
    1. Using following SPRO path assign the dunning form.
    Financial Accounting (New) > Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable > Business Transactions > Dunning > Printout > Assign Dunning Forms
    2. There is standard BTE (00001040) that is provided by SAP which is called when dunning is run. SAP has also provided sample function module SAMPLE_PROCESS_00001040 to indicate how to use the BTE. The FM imports I_KNA1 strutcure and pass back structure C_FINAA.
    3. Copy the standard FM to custom Z-FM and using I_KNA1-ADRNR fetch customer email address. If email is maintained, set c_finaa-nacha = 'I' and c_finaa-intad - <email>.
    4. You can also set the title of PDF file in email by setting c_itcpo-tdtitle as per requirement.
    5. Goto transaction FIBF. Settings-> Process Modules-> of SAP Application
    6. Add new entry with Process 00001040, application FI-FI and function module as custom FM created in step 3.
    Above steps are enough if you want to send dunning email to customer. If there is a need to send invoices as an attachments along with email then there is a need to enhance the standard FM PRINT_DUNNING_NOTICE. I used following approach to achieve the purpose.
    a. I created another custom FM to send invoices which I am calling from PRINT_DUNNING_NOTICE. For this, I am using implicit enhancement option to modify standard code. With this option, I am able to send 2 emails back-to-back one with dunning letter and other containing all invoice attachments with respect to dunning letter.
    Let me know, if you need further guidance.

  • Dunning letter (email) PDF attachment or body of email

    Hi experts,
    What is the industry practice for dunning letters when sent via email? Attach them as a pdf to the email, or add all the content of the dunning letter to the body of the email to make it easier for the customer to receive the message?

    Hi Mario,
    It all depends on the functionality that and payment option that are provided.
    If the dunning letters contains and payment/remittance slip(through which customer can make payment in bank, outlet or post office) than the letter should go as PDF attached to mail with body saying that its the reminder for payment being missed,
    But if the payment option is not like as described above than you can send the the letter in html body mail.

  • Send Dunning Letter to Customer thorugh Email ID

    Hi anybody,
       Please explain to me how to send dunning letters into customer using Customers Mail IDs . My users asked to me once do Dunning letter F150  all customers dunning letter send corresponding customer mail address.
    How do I setup in SAP send mail to customer. Please explain steps of send mail to customer.
    I will appreciate goods answers to me.

    Sending dunning letters by email
    Hope this thread is useful.

  • Dunning Activity send by mail. but mail does not contain a subject.

    Hello Friends,
    I am facing a issue of "subject missing in the mail",
    we are running the F150 transaction to send a mail to customer as an attachment of dunning activity.
    But mail does not contain a subject.
    kindly let me know how to maintain a subject for the mail.
    Munvar BAsha

    check the SAPNET notes 521585, 554408, 1042992 + related notes.
    Best regards, Christian

  • Dunning Letter Design & Aging report

    Hello Experts,
    I have a few doubts in B1 Sales AR -> Dunning and Aging Reports.
    1. How do we incorporate our own letter format for dunning letters? I looked for PLD's, but nothing was available in the print preview screen.
    2. When we execute Customer Receivables Aging report, what is the significance of the column "Future Remit"? In our B1 instance, the receivables that are due 60 or 90 days from current date are not appearing in their respective columns.
    Please advise on how to proceed
    With Regards,
    PS: We are running B1 2005-B / MS-SQL 2005

    Hi Kaatss,
    You should be able to find the Dunning letter formats by clicking on the layout designer button and then from the windows selecting the dunning letter formats from the 'Choose Document Type'.  They go by the ID of DUN0... DUN09.
    As for the columns the 60 and 90 columns show the invoices (values) that are overdue by 60 and 90 days respectively.
    The Future Remit column shows invoices that are still within the due date.  So if you raise two invoice with 60 and 90 day payment terms, but they are still within their due date, their values will appear in the future remit column.
    I hope this helps.  I use 2005A so I hope there are no differences.

  • Dunning Letter as Crystal Report: What tables? (SAP B1 9.0)

    Dear Experts,
    I am being asked to revise the Dunning Letters for our clients.  The existing PLDs for each Dunning Letter shows most data fields as system variables.  The existing Crystal Report for Dunning Letter 1 is a conversion from the PLD and doesn't show table information for most of the report's main items.  There are tables in the report but they are standard ones (OADM, OADP, OCRD, OHEM, OSLP).  It also includes a "table" called "PLD__ITEMS" which has all the PLD system variables and no B1 table or field/column information.
    As I'm just now starting to work with dunning letters, I see that I can't even run this report in Crystal.  The PLD__Items datasource prompts me for a file path and class name.  Any ideas what one enters here to run the report outside of B1 (from the Crystal report designer)?
    The main focus of my question is: Has anyone created a Crystal Report to replicate the Dunning Letter and if so, what tables are involved and how are they connected?  If I can create a Dunning Letter entirely in Crystal, I can replicate it across all clients and get the correct fields/columns of data the clients want.  The inclusion of the PLD__Items apparently limits my ability to test the results.  I would prefer to avoid the PLD limitations.
    Thanks for any assistance.

    Thank you Nagarajan.  I have a dunning letter created in Crystal Reports for our client.  It is fairly limited in scope, it just has the customer name and address, invoice numbers and dates, amounts due and the text they wanted in it.
    I can import it into B1 9.0 and set it as the default for Dunning Letter #1 and it runs, but unlike other formats where there is a DocEntry and/or ObjectID and a ?DocKey@ or ?ObjectId@ parameter, how do I limit the report to just one customer?  Typical document layouts run for the document that's on the screen.  In the dunning process, the report runs once for every customer when the Dunning Letter Method is set to "One Letter per BP".  I have to limit the report to one customer at a time.  Right now, each dunning letter based on the Crystal report is identical and it contains all the data for every customer.
    So, does anyone have any ideas for what selection criteria needs to be included in the Crystal report to have it select just one customer from the dunning wizard tables?  Thanks.
    Edit: I created a ?WizardID@ parameter and a ?CardCode@ parameter to limit the report to a single dunning wizard event and a single customer.  While it works fine in Crystal itself, it doesn't work in B1 at all.  I had thought that by limiting the report in this way, it would only create dunning letters for a single customer.

  • Dunning Letter Report for Portugal

    Hi All
    For Dunning Letter Portugal language rdf file made some changes in layout like removing break for credit
    and debit transactions and moving address field to right side
    But fields from Dunning letter setup in applications (first line) is getting truncated to half even after redoing changes it is behaving
    in similar way any hints on fixing this issue will be helpfull

    Hi Husain...Thanks for immediate response. There is already data being pulled by standard function modules like PRINT_DUNNING_NOTICE(copied into Z). Can we use that in simpler way(without the need of any new driver program with all the data population again)? And your answer is correct which I already thought earlier and kept it as a last resort, because I need to populate all the data again, convert spool to pdf and send pdf's to all selected customers And one more thing is that the requirement is to schedule a background job which takes care of sending all the emails . So any more ideas?

  • 'Dunning Letter Print from Dunning Letter Generate'

    How can i run the "Dunning Letter Print from Dunning Letter Generate" standard program without runing the spwaned program called 'Dunning Letter Generate'.I mean i want to run the 'Dunning Letter Print from Dunning Letter Generate'(execution method: report) independently.
    I need to pass the parameters to the 'Dunning Letter Print from Dunning Letter Generate' directly instead of passing to the spwaned program ''Dunning Letter Generate".

    Hi Gareth,
    New parameters to be add are:
    Tier : <xxxx>
    Service Segment: <xxxxx>
    Account Manager: <xxxx>
    Location where I am picking these 3:
    navigation:select any AR responsibility
    customer->standard(query with any customer)->customer address
    we have enabled 'site use information' dff in customer address window, from this dff we are taking these 3 parameters.
    reason to add these 3 parameters:
    we cant treat all the customers same. so we need to send some smooth(no harsh) dunning letters to some of our most trusted customers. so how can we identify gud customers in the list.
    so we have enabled site use information dff. those customers who is have values for these 3 parameters. will be treated as v good and reguler customers for us. so for them we can send other dunning letters.
    note*: this is to identify the customers like reguler customers,non requler customers.
    bez in spwaned program we have parameters like 1.customer low 2.customer high. thats it .so it is very difficult to find out the nature of customer.
    pls advice me on this..to proceed further..

  • Dunning Letter Creation in XMLP running into Error

    Hi All,
    Although I'm trying to create a report from the seeded Dunning Letter concurrent program that is giving the intended XML files but when running the XML Report Publisher Concurrent program, the program is erroring out with the following error:
    *****************************************Start of Log *************************************
    XML Publisher: Version : 11.5.0 - Development
    Copyright (c) 1979, 1999, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
    XDOREPPB module: XML Report Publisher
    Current system time is 11-AUG-2006 09:13:51
    XML Report Publisher 5.0
    Updating request description
    Waiting for XML request
    Retrieving XML request information
    Preparing parameters
    Process template
    java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException: oracle.xdo.parser.v2.XPathException: Extension function error: Method not found 'set_xslt_locale'
         at oracle.xdo.parser.v2.XSLExtFunctions.getMethod(XSLExtFunctions.java:285)
         at oracle.xdo.parser.v2.XPathExtFunction.evaluateMethod(XPathExtFunction.java:267)
         at oracle.xdo.parser.v2.XPathExtFunction.evaluate(XPathExtFunction.java:225)
         at oracle.xdo.parser.v2.XSLVariable.getValue(XSLVariable.java:205)
         at oracle.xdo.parser.v2.XSLStylesheet.processVariables(XSLStylesheet.java:638)
         at oracle.xdo.parser.v2.XSLStylesheet.execute(XSLStylesheet.java:503)
         at oracle.xdo.parser.v2.XSLStylesheet.execute(XSLStylesheet.java:485)
         at oracle.xdo.parser.v2.XSLProcessor.processXSL(XSLProcessor.java:264)
         at oracle.xdo.parser.v2.XSLProcessor.processXSL(XSLProcessor.java:150)
         at oracle.xdo.parser.v2.XSLProcessor.processXSL(XSLProcessor.java:187)
         at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
         at oracle.apps.xdo.common.xml.XSLT10gR1.invokeProcessXSL(XSLT10gR1.java:580)
         at oracle.apps.xdo.common.xml.XSLT10gR1.transform(XSLT10gR1.java:378)
         at oracle.apps.xdo.common.xml.XSLT10gR1.transform(XSLT10gR1.java:197)
         at oracle.apps.xdo.common.xml.XSLTWrapper.transform(XSLTWrapper.java:156)
         at oracle.apps.xdo.template.fo.util.FOUtility.generateFO(FOUtility.java:916)
         at oracle.apps.xdo.template.fo.util.FOUtility.generateFO(FOUtility.java:869)
         at oracle.apps.xdo.template.fo.util.FOUtility.generateFO(FOUtility.java:204)
         at oracle.apps.xdo.template.FOProcessor.createFO(FOProcessor.java:1497)
         at oracle.apps.xdo.template.FOProcessor.generate(FOProcessor.java:913)
         at oracle.apps.xdo.oa.schema.server.TemplateHelper.runProcessTemplate(TemplateHelper.java:1766)
         at oracle.apps.xdo.oa.schema.server.TemplateHelper.processTemplate(TemplateHelper.java:1277)
         at oracle.apps.xdo.oa.cp.JCP4XMLPublisher.runProgram(JCP4XMLPublisher.java:807)
         at oracle.apps.fnd.cp.request.Run.main(Run.java:148)
    Start of log messages from FND_FILE
    End of log messages from FND_FILE
    Executing request completion options...
    Finished executing request completion options.
    Concurrent request completed
    Current system time is 11-AUG-2006 09:13:59
    **************************************End of Log *******************************************
    As u can c from the error, it seems to indicate that I'm using the method 'set_xslt_locale' which evidently I'm not using in my Template. Does anyone 've any ideas as to why this error is been thrown out.
    I even tried putting a template with just the text as 'This is a test Template' in the RTF Template. I still get the above errors.
    Any potential workaround too greatly appreciated.
    Thanks for ur time.

    One thing of note is that when I downloaded the template using XDOLOADER, the xml publisher seems to 've created a .xsl file that has reference to the method mentioned above. So although, I'm not referencing it, XMLPublisher created .xsl is referencing it n hence the error. Also, I do remember having read that 'set variable..' method refernced above is only available for a higher version of XMLP. I think I'm on 5.0.
    So the question is do I've to upgrade to 5.5 or can I make do with 5.0 version? I would love to get around this problem without the upgrade.

  • Dunning Letter on Receivables Aging SAP B1 2007

    You run the customer receivables aging report and double click a row on receivables aging report window. You highlight one row, there is no letter checkbox compare to SAP 2005 A. There is no Dunning Letter PLD as well. Therefore dunning letter report cannot be previewed.
    Does this letter checkbox and dunning letter PLD is not available in SAP 2007 A?
    Kay Chong

    the document [Changed Features as of Release 2007 |https://websmp101.sap-ag.de/~sapidb/011000358700000281062007E.pdf]says the following:
    Dunning in Aging Report
    Application Path: Financials u2192 Financial Reports u2192 Accounting u2192 Aging u2192 Customer Receivables Aging u2192 Customer Receivables Aging u2013 Details window
    Availability: All countries
    Used for: indicating the dunning level linked to the document/transaction and creating a dunning letter if required.
                             Availability in
                             SAP B1 2007 A or B    Functionality changed?
    New installations        N/A                   No
    Upgrading customers      All countries         No
    So this functionality is only available for databases upgraded from an older release.

  • Interest on Dunning Letter

    Dear all,
    I have configurated dunning with charges and interest. The charges appears in the dunning run but not the interest. I have done following:
    - Entered interest indicator in the dunning procedure
    - Ticked calculate interest on level 2 and 3 in dunning procedure
    - Entered charges on dunning level 2 and 3
    - Entered an interest rate in transaction OB42
    Is there anything else I need to do for getting interest on dunning level 2 and 3?
    We don´t have separate interest calculation (interest invoices), only interest on dunning.
    Thanks in advance!
    Best Regards L

    Dear Maurizio,
    Exactly, I want the interest to be visible on the print out but no FI document posted. But why is there no iterest in my dunning run and print out?
    First havn´t enter any interest in OB42 and then I get information in log: Interest indicator 01 and currency EUR are missing in T056Z. So it seems that my configuration should work but not..
    I have entered in transaction OB81:
    01, EUR, 20110101, 1, Debit interest; arrears interest calc. 0,00, Premium 7,000000 (7% is our interest)
    01, EUR, 20110101, 2, Credit interest; arrears interest calc. 0,00, Premium 7,000000 (7% is our interest)
    Is above correct?
    I have read note 82995 and 874603. In note 874603, do I have to do all settings for interest calculation when I only want interest as information on printout? I understand the note that the information about interest calculation is when I have interest calculation separate from dunning (as FINT) and I don´t need to do all those settings when only information on dunning letter. Correct?
    Thanks in advance!
    BR L

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