Duplicate a Comp's Timeline in the UI?

I want to have a second copy of a Comp's timeline open in another panel, so that I can focus on two different parts of it at the same time.
Is this possible?

I'm not trying to look at different parts of the timeline of the timeline. I'm trying to look at different parts of the Layer structure in different Panels.
There's only a few layers, but a lot of effects. I'd like to look at and edit layer properties in one panel, and the effects in another.
Unfortunately the logical solution of placing the effects in another comp and then linking them to the target comp means they're no longer "live" for editing.
So... next best guess, two instances of the one Comp's timeline open at the same time solves this usability problem in the UI.
Sooooooo.... any ideas, Dave, as to whether or not this is possible?
This was very deliberately a YES/NO question to avoid someone like you thinking for me.
YES! Before anyone else "thinks for me"...  I'm aware I can see Effects' controls in another panel, but I still want YET ANOTHER PANEL of the same Comp. A duplicate instance of the same comp open at different points in its layer structure.

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  • How do i reposition the timeline to the left margin?

    I dip into FCP Pro X when I have a new project to edit - in between doing other things.  The interface reminds me of the dash on my old Merc A160.  It has very few buttons and they have multiple functions, but to change the time on the clock I always have to consult the manual.  Less is not always more - something Apple struggle to understand sometimes.  If I was using FCP all the time (heaven would be not having several different jobs) I would probably figure it out - but, because there is nothing intuitive about the interface, I have to relearn how to use it every time I come back to it.  Just like the buttons on my Merc.  I have completed a couple of editing projects in FCP.  But I haven't looked at it for some months.  In between I have been using Resolve (because a lot of my footage is shot in Log mode - something FCP doesn't handle at all - and I have to use a LUT to make the clips usable in the editing process).
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    I looked at multicam sync clips but I can't see how I can use this to fit my workflow - it requires too many decisions up front and I don't have small clips - I have two 1hr "clips" and some smaller ones from the handheld camera.  I don't want to chop up the "master" clip and I can't see how to easily sync everything together in such a way that I can see it all.   Yes I see that I can choose different angles in a different editor, but I don't want to get into that at this stage - I just want to see all my material in a timeline so I can make major edit decisions first.  Oh I wish I had not thrown out FCP 10...
    So what I want to do this morning is just drop clips into the timeline from the main camera, chop it up and remove the bits of the ceremony that I don't want in the final video and then choose clips from the other cameras to replace the main camera. 
    So, I drop a clip in the timeline.  Its the warmup to the wedding.  People are sitting down.  The organ is playing.  I don't want this in this timelines.  So I trim the clip from left to where I want it to start.  Great.  Except...
    ... the timeline now starts halfway across the display and I have a blank black box to the left.  I cannot, for the life of me, see how to move the start of the clip back to the left margin.  Nor can I imagine why anyone at Apple thinks this is a useful thing to do?
    In between all of this I have the usual Yosemite instability issues and, for whatever reason, Preview keeps crashing so using the FCP User Guide is more or less impossible.
    Any clues?
    And don't say use Resolve on Windows instead.  I don't need much persuasion, and I hate Windows.

    I don't agree with you here.  Resolve is much easier to use - I don't have to try and get into the heads of the developers and its is easy to see how my material slots into the editor.
    I am still trying to get my head around the way FCP organises the material.  Events/Projects?  What are they thinking here?  How does this fit into a wedding video?  I can create meaningful "events" (wedding/photoshoot/reception) etc but why would I?.  Is a "project" just a timeline - a "sequence" in normal film editors?  Why not call it that then?  I cannot figure out what kind of environment Apple were imagining when they came up with this way of organising things?  They must have had some kind of job in mind where events and projects make sense.  The manual is silent on where the clips actually go - are they organised within events?  within projects"  or within both?  Whatever it is, it might be easier to understand what FCP is doing if Apple explained what this structure means and why they have adopted it.  I am left to guess.
    What I can't seem to get rid of is the groups (I have no idea what else to call them) which are just a date and under which my clips appear.  I don't want this hierarchy but I can't see how to get rid of it...   Clips that should be together, but were filmed on different dates, are in different places - and I cannot see how to group them together without these dates imposing another level of hierarchy,  I struggled through the last couple of videos not really understanding where my clips were and ended up with multiple copies all over the place.  Right now I don't know if I have all my footage in the library or not - its so hard to construct a meaningful organisation in this crazy interface.  I just deleted 8 copies of a lapel mic audio track - I have no idea how I got 8 copies of that into this library.  Does FCP just import duplicates without warning?  Its so hard to correlate what is in the library with my folder structure on disk...
    To my mind, this is one project - a wedding video.  And this video will include multiple sequences.  But my clips need to be ordered in such a away that makes sense to me - I am not sure how to do that in FCP, but its easy in file manager.  The clips were shot in various locations on multiple occasions.  But this has nothing to do with the finished product, which will have its own order of things, not necessarily related to the order of shooting.  In FCP (or Resolve) I would have the clips in bins and my various sequences which I could then assemble.   Now I guess these are projects?  They aren't "projects" at all - at least to in my mind.  I don't like having to think about this project (the wedding video) in some weird way which only makes sense to the FCP developers.  Maybe they never filmed a wedding!
    Thanks for the advice re multicam clips.  I came to the same conclusion  but there is an awful lot of stuff to synchronise and I am not confident that FCP will do this in one go.  But now I have to learn and get familiar with the different editing environment for multicam clips.  Oh joy!  I am hoping I can add more clips to a multicam clip afterwards - once I sort out how to get my footage into some meaningful structure without all these surplus dates...  The clips have been imported so that the file structure creates keywords - which would be ok, perhaps, except for this extra date-related hierarchy which means I have to keep expanding the tabs to see the clips.
    As for Synchronised clips, if you read the user guide there is nothing to warn you that this is an audio-only sync.  Or which video track you are going to end up with. "For example, if you select two video clips and three audio clips from different sources that were all recorded during the same take, Final Cut Pro automatically analyzes and syncs the clips together into a new clip in the Browser."  Perhaps, when they wrote this manual, they were thinking this would create a multicam clip.  Or maybe its an old manual - I don't suppose they get updated automatically.  Maybe I better go look to see if there is a newer version on Apple's website.
    I seem to spend a lot of my time undoing the default settings in FCP.  I don't want my footage disappearing into an impenetrable amorphous mass in some hidden library somewhere, so I have to remember to change that default - the wording in the inspector is not very clear and sometimes I find that it is importing the material into its library and creating another copy.  I generally only notice when my backup software suddenly starts copying gigabytes of data to tape...
    I don't want to see my footage an in iMovie layout with no tracks either.  Especially my audio tracks, so I always have to unpack them.  I miss the little buttons to turn off different audio tracks - yes I know there is another way to do this, but its not obvious (as with everything else in this software) and means fumbling around in the interface to find how to do it - and its slower if you want to flip between audio tracks to decide which one to use at any given point.  Its the same with synchronising clips.  You expect to select the clip, right click and get a sync option.  But its in a separate menu under Clip.  Why?  If you want to copy a clip to another library its not under a clip menu - but under the file menu?  Why?  I think its a terrible mess - and I think that Apple introduced a level of complexity to this interface with little to show for it.  I am new to Resolve.  It looks complicated with all its colour wheels and stuff, but actually its very intuitive and easy to use.  And its very easy to structure clips and sequences without having to spend hours trying to figure out how Apple think you should do things.  if you use FCP all the time then fine - you get used to it.  But is it truly a better way to work?   I like structure - it helps me to understand my material - but FCP is anti-structure and forces a virtual schema on its users.  If you like that, well and good - but it shouldn't be compulsory.
    I got my head around using keywords - but I hate it - its just extra work for me and I hate the loss of the direct relationship with my material.  Its very hard to see whether I have used all the material or not and how it all fits together.  Now I have duplicated stuff everywhere and lots of things missing - but no real organisation.  And I have to remember how I keyworded clips to find them - not easy in a big project.  And since I have lots of big clips I have to remember not to change the I/O points without first saving the subclip and assigning a keyword.  Extra work and easy to stuff up.  Its a problem too if you edit a subclass without realising it is just a virtual clip so every instance will be edited.  Sometimes thats a good thing, but not always.  The issue is that this happens invisibly so you have to be very careful working with these virtual clips.  Subclips are safer - you always know whats happening - and that's increasingly difficult when you have lots of subclips which are really the same material but grouped separately.
    Its much the same with all Apple's software today - its all written from some other planet.  I have had to take out a subscription to Office 365, use Dropbox and oneDrive instead if iCloud and download Resolve to deal with my Blackmagic camera.  Its a consumer world at Apple now - and an iMovie view of the world.  Apple like to hide half the functionality because they think it makes things look easy.  Their manuals are useless and their online Help worse.
    And yes, thanks for the Shift-Z.  That works, though finding it in the manual is another matter.  But why this behaviour in the first place?  Is there any reason why you would want your timeline to start halfway across the screen?  Why doesn't the clip just snap back to the left as it would in any other editor?  Its little quirks like this that make this a very frustrating experience.  I am not editing all the time - I am just as likely to be in Dreamweaver, Indesign, Illustrator or Photoshop - or working on business projects.  I don't feel I should have to wade through a badly written user guide or ask basic questions in this forum every time I come back to FCP Pro X - that was never the case with the old FCP.  Its just like the clock on my car - daylight saving happens here twice every year and the time has to be changed.  I always need to refer to the manual.  To my mind that is a crap user interface.
    FCP Pro X has some nice new features.  But its hard to justify this when everything else is so hard to use.  Its like connected tracks.  Why is that an improvement?  I always start with an audio track from my master camera - because its on tape and runs for the whole take - but its impossible (or very difficult) to do this in FCP Pro X.  If I have a jumble of clips and its not clear where they fit, I can't assemble them, in sequence on a separate track - I have to connect them, arbitrarily, to an existing track.  And then undo that connection later.  I have to rethink my workflow every time to try and fit in with FCP Pro X.
    In an earlier life I was a software developer.  The golden rule of applications in business was that you built your application to suit the workflow of the user.  You could streamline it, but not change the sequence unless the business had made a decision to do that already.  I wrote quite a few large applications for various areas of the business - I used them to make sure they worked, and I used the existing workflow.  A user could come back from holidays and know immediately how to use the app to do their job.  A new user could use the app without weeks of training.  Its not hard to write intuitive software - but its impossible if you set out to impose a new workflow or method of organisation on a user.
    Apple seem to have missed this altogether.  FCP will always be a dog, for that reason alone.  I have never used Avid or Premiere Pro, but I imagine no-one else has adopted Apple's upside-down way of doing things.  That spells lots of training issues for anyone adopting FCP Pro X.  And now since you have to work with  colour grading apps, like Resolve, users have to work backwards for Apple and forwards for everyone else, in the same project.
    After this project I am going to look seriously at Premiere Pro - but only if I decide I can't use Resolve on its own for everything.  I have been an Apple diehard for 12 years after being a Windows guru for a decade before that.  I am close to giving up on Apple.  Having to buy Office was very difficult - but the Apple apps have been dumbed down (Pages) or were never up to the mark (Numbers).  I can't use iCloud because it doesn't support half my material so I have Microsoft oneDrive which also goes against the grain.  And I am running Yosemite which means crashes at regular intervals and reboots several times a day.
    I am an Apple shareholder too.  But I beginning to think they have lost the plot.  I hope not.

  • Is there a way to see all my compound clips created on the timeline, in the browser as an accessible thumbnail list....?

    I am facing a problem that
    due to big footage I first extracted the seemingly fine clips in chunks in one timeline in various layers which is still enormous for my RAM
    now I have to take out smaller and more appropriate bits from this timeline
    I have opened another timeline where I just copy paste the best shots from my previous enormous timeline and this works fine due to less media for 6gb RAM mac pro
    but it is really tedious to go back and forth to copy paste
    it would be so wonderful if I could extract those bits from the clips just like we do with any other new footage from the browser window with all the clips visible
    I think one way can be to export these compound clips seperately and import them as events into the browser but that would be a generation loss
    is there any other way.....? to view these compound clips infront of my eyes all at once or keeping all that footage on the timeline besides the finalising layer is the only option...?
    I am facing this rare problem because I'm editing a music video and no shot is more than 2 seconds and that too from several groups of footage that has to be mixed.....so all the data has to be visible to decide if a bit of guitar piece would look good here or drums or close up or long shot.....so everything has to be seen....can you suggest me a smarter workaround please ?

    Thank you.Ok say for e.g.
    500 video files imported in fcpx
    800 clips extracted from these obviously on the timeline and joined/compounded according to their content in say 15 layers according to 15 instruments used ,so now just to see the entire usable footage ....
    now one 7 minute song sequence has to be made where bits would be simultaneously taken from these 15 layers as all instruments are playing simultaneously
    these shots are not more than 2 secs each according to the beat........
    when I try to work with these 15 layers as well as the Final primary layer that I'm making in the same timeline my fcpx becomes slow
    but when I drag individual layer to individual timelines it is fine so that is the only option
    but now for every 2 second bit I have to go back to the 15 layered timeline and find one single suitable shot
    So I was wondering is there a way to be able to see these layers and clips on the timeline in the browser in a systematic fashion like the way we get with keywords  ?
    and keywords can only be used in the imported clips already in the browser ,and not after we drag it on the timeline.....
    Till now I think exporting and importing back is the only option ...but is there another work around ?

  • I am unable to insert frames in the Director timeline via the menu pulldown.

    I have been using Director in my career since 1990 and have taught it at the college level. But in my newly purchased version 12, I am unable to insert frames in the Director timeline via the menu pulldown. Unfortunately this was after I couldn't get it to open up in the first place, giving me the error message Ive pasted in below. Creating a new user login on the same Mac Pro (10.8.2), it will now open - but I can't insert frames in the timeline. Everything else works great though!
    Not to bore you, but this is the long-time interactive project I began decades ago that I work on daily now that I am retired as a 100% disabled veteran:
    Having used the greatest multimedia application on earth for so many years, I want to thank Adobe for so kindly keeping Director alive after too many years of not knowing if 11.5 was going to be the last version. Thank you, thank you, thank you
    Error message in my original user login:
    Process:         Director [43376]
    Path:            /Applications/Adobe Director 12/Director.app/Contents/MacOS/Director
    Identifier:      com.adobe.director_12_0.application
    Version:         12.0.0r111 (12.0.0r111)
    Code Type:       X86 (Native)
    Parent Process:  launchd [15590]
    User ID:         501
    Date/Time:       2013-03-27 10:32:32.984 -0400
    OS Version:      Mac OS X 10.8.2 (12C60)
    Report Version:  10
    Interval Since Last Report:          1853328 sec
    Crashes Since Last Report:           1558
    Per-App Interval Since Last Report:  3658 sec
    Per-App Crashes Since Last Report:   1
    Anonymous UUID:                      C1706384-C52D-D59B-9B70-7023EE048A23
    Crashed Thread:  0  Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread
    Exception Type:  EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGSEGV)
    Exception Codes: KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x0000000060000020
    VM Regions Near 0x60000020:
        CoreServices           000000001ba6a000-000000001be92000 [ 4256K] rw-/rwx SM=COW 
        __TEXT                 000000008fe64000-000000008fe97000 [  204K] r-x/rwx SM=COW  /usr/lib/dyld
    Application Specific Information:
    objc_msgSend() selector name: _getCString:maxLength:encoding:
    Thread 0 Crashed:: Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread
    0   libobjc.A.dylib                         0x919a6a87 objc_msgSend + 23
    1   com.apple.CoreFoundation                0x97877513 CFStringGetCString + 115
    2   com.adobe.director_12_0.textxtra          0x10f4ae55 0x10f00000 + 306773
    3   com.adobe.director_12_0.textxtra          0x10f48b1c 0x10f00000 + 297756
    4   com.adobe.director_12_0.textxtra          0x10f47928 0x10f00000 + 293160
    5   com.adobe.director_12_0.textxtra          0x10f0da48 0x10f00000 + 55880
    6   com.adobe.director_12_0.IMLLib.framework          0x008209de 0x798000 + 559582
    7   com.adobe.director_12_0.IMLLib.framework          0x0081ef65 0x798000 + 552805
    8   com.adobe.director_12_0.IMLLib.framework          0x0081f03a MoaCreateInstance + 107
    9   com.adobe.director_12_0.DPLib.framework          0x0063502a 0x5a4000 + 593962
    10  com.adobe.director_12_0.DPLib.framework          0x0060a5b1 MoaSrv_GetIMoaTextManager + 104
    11  com.adobe.director_12_0.application          0x0017922d 0x1000 + 1540653
    12  com.adobe.director_12_0.application          0x00176409 0x1000 + 1528841
    13  com.adobe.director_12_0.application          0x001792d1 0x1000 + 1540817
    14  com.adobe.director_12_0.application          0x001df0bd 0x1000 + 1958077
    15  com.adobe.director_12_0.application          0x0031c518 0x1000 + 3257624
    16  com.adobe.director_12_0.application          0x0031c722 0x1000 + 3258146
    17  com.adobe.director_12_0.application          0x0031ad61 0x1000 + 3251553
    18  com.adobe.director_12_0.application          0x00101312 0x1000 + 1049362
    19  com.adobe.director_12_0.application          0x0010163d 0x1000 + 1050173
    20  com.adobe.director_12_0.application          0x00171b9f 0x1000 + 1510303
    21  com.adobe.director_12_0.application          0x00171df4 0x1000 + 1510900
    22  com.adobe.director_12_0.application          0x00171ede 0x1000 + 1511134
    23  com.adobe.director_12_0.application          0x00172d32 0x1000 + 1514802
    24  com.adobe.director_12_0.application          0x001a49c4 0x1000 + 1718724
    25  com.adobe.director_12_0.application          0x0031b0f6 0x1000 + 3252470
    26  com.adobe.director_12_0.application          0x00091183 0x1000 + 590211
    27  com.adobe.director_12_0.application          0x000e7173 0x1000 + 942451
    28  com.adobe.director_12_0.application          0x00002c29 0x1000 + 7209
    29  com.adobe.director_12_0.application          0x00002b58 0x1000 + 7000
    Thread 1:: Dispatch queue: com.apple.libdispatch-manager
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x92f9e9ae kevent + 10
    1   libdispatch.dylib                       0x9001ec71 _dispatch_mgr_invoke + 993
    2   libdispatch.dylib                       0x9001e7a9 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 53
    Thread 0 crashed with X86 Thread State (32-bit):
      eax: 0x01aebc90  ebx: 0x01aebc90  ecx: 0x9103905b  edx: 0x60000000
      edi: 0x978774ae  esi: 0xbfffee0c  ebp: 0xbfffeb18  esp: 0xbfffeac8
       ss: 0x00000023  efl: 0x00010206  eip: 0x919a6a87   cs: 0x0000001b
       ds: 0x00000023   es: 0x00000023   fs: 0x00000000   gs: 0x0000000f
      cr2: 0x60000020
    Logical CPU: 8
    Binary Images:
        0x1000 -   0x533ff3 +com.adobe.director_12_0.application (12.0.0r111 - 12.0.0r111) <3DE93BB6-90B9-357D-B8D2-7CAA4C46F658> /Applications/Adobe Director 12/Director.app/Contents/MacOS/Director
      0x5a4000 -   0x761ff7 +com.adobe.director_12_0.DPLib.framework (12.0.0r111 - 12.0.0r111) <943A7E95-F61B-3BA5-957E-F73EE3089650> /Applications/Adobe Director 12/Director.app/Contents/FrameWorks/DPLib.framework/Versions/A/DPLib
      0x798000 -   0x846ffb +com.adobe.director_12_0.IMLLib.framework (12.0.0r111 - 12.0.0r111) <E5E485FB-F840-3BBC-9993-663960BB1027> /Applications/Adobe Director 12/Director.app/Contents/FrameWorks/IMLLib.framework/Versions/A/IMLLib
      0x87f000 -   0x964ff7 +com.adobe.amtlib (amtlib - <7446627B-5FDD-8E54-8400-C8BB6C0BC434> /Applications/Adobe Director 12/Director.app/Contents/FrameWorks/amtlib.framework/Versions/A/amtlib
      0x971000 -   0x9a0ff7 +com.adobe.headlights.LogSessionFramework ( <D370B9DC-033A-2AA4-51CF-7F15025B621C> /Applications/Adobe Director 12/Director.app/Contents/FrameWorks/LogSession.framework/Versions/A/LogSession
      0x9c9000 -   0x9daffb +LogTransport2 (1) <835B7B84-5A67-370B-AB39-8E448AA81FA0> /Applications/Adobe Director 12/Director.app/Contents/FrameWorks/LogTransport2.framework/Versions/A/LogTransport2
      0x9e4000 -   0xa8ffff  libcrypto.0.9.7.dylib (106) <041B3399-5033-3395-9A71-6693F3A33D94> /usr/lib/libcrypto.0.9.7.dylib
    0x1fde000 -  0x1fecfff  libSimplifiedChineseConverter.dylib (61) <60899F9C-A79F-3BC2-855E-DC5C78B98FEB> /System/Library/CoreServices/Encodings/libSimplifiedChineseConverter.dylib
    0x4738000 -  0x474affd  libTraditionalChineseConverter.dylib (61) <519CAA3F-715E-3CAE-B158-57EC95D916B1> /System/Library/CoreServices/Encodings/libTraditionalChineseConverter.dylib
    0x47b2000 -  0x47b3ff8  ATSHI.dylib (341.1) <7FD74F4D-E42A-30CB-8863-1832BFADFE5D> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ATS.framew ork/Versions/A/Resources/ATSHI.dylib
    0x47b8000 -  0x47bcffb  libFontRegistryUI.dylib (100) <10CAC446-A500-3291-A144-7FAFA57D6720> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Frameworks/ATS.framework/Resourc es/libFontRegistryUI.dylib
    0x47c4000 -  0x47c5ffd  com.apple.ironwoodcore (1.1.1 - 1.1.1) <098CE576-3239-3B41-9141-A5BE6E476C84> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/SpeechObjects.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/Dictation ServicesCore.framework/DictationServicesCore
    0x47f4000 -  0x47f6ff3  com.apple.LiveType.component (2.1.4 - 2.1.4) <D60E2537-3B47-EA99-0077-6CE394378D07> /Library/QuickTime/LiveType.component/Contents/MacOS/LiveType
    0x573f000 -  0x5753fff +com.adobe.director_12_0.actorcontrol (12.0.0r111 - 12.0.0r111) <29253385-1074-326D-BE7A-3AD4DF00E0DD> /Applications/Adobe Director 12/*/Actor Control
    0x575a000 -  0x5767fff +com.adobe.director_12_0.firecaster (12.0.0r111 - 12.0.0r111) <CA1AC9E1-85B0-3550-AC25-D6F7EA2A2A0A> /Applications/Adobe Director 12/*/Fireworks Import PPC
    0x576b000 -  0x576eff3 +com.adobe.director_12_0.lz77cmpr (12.0.0r111 - 12.0.0r111) <860CA841-3532-371C-B8EC-9F9C73935864> /Applications/Adobe Director 12/*/LZ77 Compression PPC Xtra
    0x5786000 -  0x5789ffb +com.divx.divxtoolkit (1.0 - 1.0) /Library/Frameworks/DivX Toolkit.framework/Versions/A/DivX Toolkit
    0x578e000 -  0x5796ff7 +com.ecamm.vdig.iGlasses3Driver (3.3.3 - 3.3.3) <406CFFD6-24A1-3719-BC66-E747E0118757> /Library/Components/*/iGlasses3
    0x579e000 -  0x57acfff +info.v002.Syphon (1.0 - 1) <A192CC34-59CA-337B-A8E3-CBD1041682E2> /Library/Components/*/Syphon.framework/Versions/A/Syphon
    0x57ec000 -  0x57f3ffb +com.adobe.director_12_0.mixlrg (12.0.0r111 - 12.0.0r111) <4035C6AC-54AB-32C6-BE91-7AB16175AD74> /Applications/Adobe Director 12/*/LRG Import Export
    0x57f7000 -  0x57f9ffb +com.adobe.director_12_0.mixbitd (12.0.0r111 - 12.0.0r111) <886705FD-8033-3E5E-BAC1-72F18631A9EB> /Applications/Adobe Director 12/*/BitdReader
    0x8bb6000 -  0x8bc7fff +com.adobe.director_12_0.qtexportxtra (12.0.0r111 - 12.0.0r111) <3B1FEFB2-D718-32B8-A19A-7C1C7EE9B5AE> /Applications/Adobe Director 12/*/QTExportXtra
    0x8bce000 -  0x8bd8ff7 +com.adobe.director_12_0.burner (12.0.0r111 - 12.0.0r111) <0E0D13E7-D62E-34EA-BB81-AECA08C025C1> /Applications/Adobe Director 12/*/Squish Files PPC Xtra
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    0x1a042000 - 0x1a079647 +com.mainconcept.mcaacaenc (7.6 - /Applications/Adobe Director 12/*/mcaacaenc.framework/Versions/7.6/mcaacaenc
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    0x9185f000 - 0x91860fff  libDiagnosticMessagesClient.dylib (8) <39B3D25A-148A-3936-B800-0D393A00E64F> /usr/lib/libDiagnosticMessagesClient.dylib
    0x91861000 - 0x91886ffb  com.apple.framework.familycontrols (4.1 - 410) <5A8504E7-D95D-3101-8E20-38EADE8DEAE1> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/FamilyControls.framework/Versions/A/FamilyControls
    0x918bd000 - 0x918eefff  com.apple.DictionaryServices (1.2 - 184.4) <0D5BE86F-F40A-3E39-8569-19FCA5EDF9D3> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/DictionaryService s.framework/Versions/A/DictionaryServices
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    0x922b1000 - 0x9232bff7  com.apple.securityfoundation (6.0 - 55115.4) <A959B2F5-9D9D-3C93-A62A-7399594CF238> /System/Library/Frameworks/SecurityFoundation.framework/Versions/A/SecurityFoundation
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    0x924fe000 - 0x9264bffb  com.apple.CFNetwork (596.2.3 - 596.2.3) <1221EF86-659B-3136-AB57-0CC6B130CDA2> /System/Library/Frameworks/CFNetwork.framework/Versions/A/CFNetwork
    0x9264c000 - 0x926d1ff7  com.apple.SearchKit (1.4.0 - 1.4.0) <454E950F-291C-3E95-8F35-05CA0AD6B327> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/SearchKit.framewo rk/Versions/A/SearchKit
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    0xbab00000 - 0xbab21ffc  libKoreanConverter.dylib (61) <39F6BEE7-AE54-3423-B920-2A3573BC9A1A> /System/Library/CoreServices/Encodings/libKoreanConverter.dylib
    0xbad00000 - 0xbad01fff  libLatin2Converter.dylib (61) <5893A6EA-B555-3635-8D03-66FA478CD304> /System/Library/CoreServices/Encodings/libLatin2Converter.dylib
    0xbaf00000 - 0xbaf01fff  libLatin5Converter.dylib (61) <E9E8057A-2240-3721-A8A5-7258096B00E8> /System/Library/CoreServices/Encodings/libLatin5Converter.dylib
    0xbb100000 - 0xbb103ffd  libLatinSuppConverter.dylib (61) <A1318F1F-8E3E-3A9B-92A1-4749F4CBCE1B> /System/Library/CoreServ

    Hi Milky_au!
    I appreciate your response. I believe I've discovered what the problem is with not being able to insert multiple frames from the pulldown menu - and it appears to be a limitation in Director's score that'll actually be easy to avoid as I continue building my project.
    My background sprite channel and ten other channels I was using for navigation buttons had stretched well over six thousand frames (undoubtedly from a lot of copy and paste between DIR files of reused sprite channels over the past eighteen years that I've been working on this personal project that's been as much fun as using Director) while the sprites for the rest of the project had only reached just under three thousand frames.
    On the phone with Rajeev Saini at Adobe for a good half hour with him in control of my screen to test what I had done, he had discovered that a new DIR file had no problem inserting frames via the pulldown. Although the Command+] shortcut would still add one frame at a time in my working DIR, I wasn't seeing that as a viable solution to my wanting to add, say, a hundred frames in one shot so I could build an animation in that area of the score.
    I deleted three thousand frames that were being used by the background and those ten navigation buttons - and now inserting frames via the pulldown menu works exactly the way its supposed to now!
    I can now see that I have to keep an eye on that background and those button channels so they don't grow so far beyond where I'm actually building my project.
    I will pass this on to Adobe because it does seem like there's a definite limitation in the score. Luckily, that's easy to work around.
    Thanks again Milky_au for your kind response!

  • Duplicate Loops. Not just in the browser - actual duplicate files.

    i have GarageBand loops located both in Library/Application Support/GarageBand/Apple Loops/Apple Loops for GarageBand and Library/Audio/Apple Loops/Apple/Apple Loops for GarageBand.
    as these are taking up space, which one can i safely delete - the one in Library/Audio or the one in Library/Application Support?

    You can remove the loops in Application Support; in fact that is the old location.
    But before to delete anything be sure that those are duplicates otherwise simply move them in the new location.

  • I use a gmail account for my mail.  When I send an email I sometimes get multiple duplicates (up to 10-12) of the same sent message saved in my sent file.  help

    I use a gmail account for my mail.  When I send an email I sometimes get multiple duplicates (up to 10-12) of the same sent message saved in my sent file.  help

    Did you check your user name and password in Settings>Mail,Contacts,Calendars...tap your email account, tap SMTP, then tap the primary server name.  Make sure the settings there are correct.

  • How to: Select a Specific Timeline Displayed in Project Online when having multiple timelines within the Enterprise Project

    Currently I have an Enterprise Project which has 6 custom timelines and I want to know how to select a specific timeline to be displayed on the Project specific SharePoint site.
    I'll provide some background for you so you understand my issues... I have created a "template" project with 6 custom timelines. From that project I created multiple new projects - which they all have the 6 custom timelines. These projects are
    all stored in the Project Center. The problem I am having is I don't understand how to select a specific timeline to show on the project specific SharePoint site. They all seem to be displaying 1 of the 6 timelines (in no particular order). I was thinking
    maybe if I had edited a project and saved it while it was displaying a specific timeline it would display the last selected timeline on the SharePoint site, but it doesn't seem to be doing that.
    Is there a way to select a specific timeline to display on the SharePoint site?  Also, is there a way for a user to cycle through the numerous timeline view on the project specific SharePoint site?
    I await your help!! :)

    Michelle_Sm --
    I ran into this problem at the company where I used to work.  One of our PMs had created multiple Timeline views, and wanted a specific custom Timeline view to show up in the Project Site for that project.  I could not see any way to make that
    happen.  We had one of our SharePoint developers look into the issue, and he could not see any way to make this happen either.  So, I am thinking this is not possible to do.  But I would gladly welcome others in this forum to tell us the trick,
    if there is one!  :)  Hope this helps.
    Dale A. Howard [MVP]

  • I have a few hundred duplicates in my iPhoto library, but the file sizes are different.  So one is 1.3mb and one is 567kb.  I want to delete the smaller ones, but short of comparing each duplicate, is there a way to do this?

    I have a few hundred duplicates in my iPhoto library, but the file sizes are different.  So one is 1.3mb and one is 567kb.  I want to delete the smaller ones, but short of comparing each duplicate, is there a way to do this?  I've been looking at Duplicate Annhilator but I don't think it can do it.

    I just ran a test with iPhoto Library Manager, Duplicate Annihilator, iPhoto Duplicate Cleaner, Duplifinder and Photodedupo.  I imported a folder of 5 photos into a test library 3 times, allowing iPhoto to import duplicates.  I then ran the 5 photos thru resizer to reduce their jpeg compression but all other aspects of the file the same.
    None of the duplicate removal apps found set that was reduced in the file resizer. That's probably due to the fact that the file creation date was being used as a criteria and the resized photo would have a different file creation date even though the Image Capture date was the same.
    They all found the 3 regular duplicates and some of them would mark two and leave the 3rd unmarked.  iPhoto Duplicate Cleaner can sort the found duplicates by file size but if the file was edited to get the reduced file size it might not be found as it would have a different file creation/modification date. 
    iPhoto Library Manage was able to find all duplicates and mark them as such if the file names were the same the the filename option was selected.  Otherwise it also missed the modified, resized version.  It allowed one to select the one photo to save before going to work on the library.
    So if a photo has been reduced in image quality or pixel size it will not be considered a duplicate.

  • Getting Duplicate Object existing issue while deploying the BIAR file

    Hi All,
    We are trying to deploy BIAR File with XI R2 Command tool InstallEntSdkWrapper. But we are getting Duplicate Object exixting issue while deploying the BIAR file.
    Error Message:
    [report] [InstallEntSdkWrapper.main] Connecting to CMS plmdevapp31:6400 as administrator
       [report] [InstallEntSdkWrapper.CmsImportFile] Exception: An error occurred at the server :
       [report] Failed to commit objects to server : Duplicate object name in the same folder.
       [report] [InstallEntSdkWrapper.main] BIAR File could not be imported
    If we are doing any promition with Import Wizard we have an option to "Overwrite object contents" option to overwite exixting objects. It will very helpful if any one suggest how we can achieve this through InstallEntSdkWrapper.
    Unfortunately there is no documentation availabe on InstallEntSdkWrapper.

    That's a limitation with the XI Release 2 InstallEntSdkWrapper.jar tool.
    Ted Ueda

  • Getting Duplicate data Records error while loading the Master data.

    Hi All,
    We are getting Duplicate data Records error while loading the Profit centre Master data. Master data contains time dependent attributes.
    the load is direct update. So i made it red and tried to reloaded from PSA even though it is throwing same error.
    I checked in PSA. Showing red which records have same Profit centre.
    Could any one give us any suggestions to resolve the issues please.
    Thanks & Regards,

    Hi Raju,
            I assume there are no routines written in the update rules and also you ae directly loading the data from R/3 ( not from any ODS). If that is the case then it could be that, the data maintained in R/3 has overlapping time intervals (since  time dependency of attributes is involved). Check your PSA if the same profit center has time intervals which over lap. In that case, you need to get this fixed in R/3. If there are no overlapping time intervals, you can simply increase the error tolerance limit in your info-package and repeat the load.
    Hope this helps you.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Nithin Reddy.

  • Have iTunes version 10 .3 but do not understand cloud in iTunes 11.03 can someone explain it and also how do you find duplicates in new version and will the new version sync with my iPod Classic which I have had for 4 years

    I have iTunes version 10.03 which I love but my iPad Apple mini has iOS 7 but I don't understand the new iTunes what is the cloud shown next to the music and how can I find duplicates can anyone help me navigate the new iTunes and will the new version sync with my iPod Classic which is 4 years old

    The main differences between iTunes 11 and earlier versions are the loss of coverflow and ability to have multiple windows open.
    In Windows, you can restore much of the look & feel of iTunes 10.7 with these shortcuts:
    ALT to temporarily display the menu bar
    CTRL+B to show or hide the menu bar
    CTRL+S to show or hide the sidebar
    CTRL+/ to show or hide the status bar (won't hide for me on Win XP)
    Click the magnifying glass top right and untick Search Entire Library to restore the old search behaviour
    Use View > Hide <Media Kind> in the cloud or Edit > Preferences > Store and untick Show iTunes in the cloud purchases to hide the cloud items. The second method eliminates the cloud status column (and may let iTunes start up more quickly)
    If you don't like having different coloured background & text in the Album (Grid) view use Edit > Preferences > General and untick Use custom colours for open albums, movies, etc.
    With iTunes 11.0.3 and later you can enable artwork in the Songs view from View > Show View Options (CTRL+J) making it more like the old Album List view
    View > Show View Options (CTRL+J) also contains options to change the sorting of grid based views
    The cloud icons give you access to stream or download any qualifying past purchases that you don't currently have downloaded to the library.
    Regarding duplicates, things haven't really changed. Apple's official advice is here... HT2905 - How to find and remove duplicate items in your iTunes library. It is a manual process and the article fails to explain some of the potential pitfalls.
    Use Shift > View > Show Exact Duplicate Items to display duplicates as this is normally a more useful selection. You need to manually select all but one of each group to remove. Sorting the list by Date Added may make it easier to select the appropriate tracks, however this works best when performed immediately after the dupes have been created.  If you have multiple entries in iTunes connected to the same file on the hard drive then don't send to the recycle bin. Use my DeDuper script if you're not sure, don't want to do it by hand, or want to preserve ratings, play counts and playlist membership. See this thread for background and please take note of the warning to backup your library before deduping.
    (If you don't see the menu bar press ALT to show it temporarily or CTRL+B to keep it displayed)
    Yes, iTunes 11 will support your iPod classic.

  • How to go from multiple chapters ONE timeline to the menu

    Recently had to convert a VHS to a DVD, where the file given to me was 1 Mpeg of the entire VHS capture. Not only that, but there were many interstitial segments which they didn`t want shown on the dvd. Last but not least, the order of sections on the VHS was random, whereas the DVD menu was alphabetical.
    No matter what I did to the timeline/segments/chapter markers/menu directions, you`d select an item from the menu, it would play the right item from the [start] chapter marker, but then would totally ignore the [end] chapter marker (and it`s [end action] on the timeline and menu), and carry on playing whatever was left on the timeline (including all the stuff I didn`t want to be seen by the viewer).
    Yes, I know the best way is to have been given multiple clips, edited the way they wanted them... but we don`t always get what we want, so have to work with what we`re given.
    BUT, it IS possible to have people see only the bits you want them to see (selected from the menu) and then send them back to the menu (highlighted on the next item in the menu), from the one timline:
    - Import your mpeg as a timeline.
    - Add all your chapter markers (one at the start of the section and one at the end). It`s a good idea to name them, so you know where to drag links to later.
    - At the [start] chapter marker of a segment in the timeline, select the [end action] and point it to the menu. This is optional, as apparently it ignores this anyway, but I like to make doubly sure of things with Encore :)
    - On the menu item for that segment, point the [link] to the [start] chapter marker on the timeline.
    All pretty normal so far, but here`s the trick to get it to go where you want it to go, without playing the whole timeline after it`s supposed to have gone back to the menu.
    - Still working from the menu, point the [override] for that segment, to the next item on the menu.
    - select the imported movie timeline in the 'project' window, and then press the [Set.....] button in the properties window, and change the remote control button`s to 'Custom' and make sure next/previous chapter, and fast-forward/rewind are de-selected. If they`re left selected then no matter what you do, the viewer can ff or next chapter, and they`ll see all the things you don`t want them to see. Leave pause/play and Title/Menu selected.
    Hope this is helpful to some of you....

    >Well, it was ignoring the chapter end-actions
    Absent overrides or user-induced navigational errors (like setting the end action for chapter 3 when you want the program to return to the menu after chapter 2 plays), I don't see how this is possible.
    A chapter end action, properly set, will execute during timeline playback when the chapter
    finishes playing. I know this sounds obvious and elementary, but it is a very easy concept to overlook. I am not assuming incompetence, just unfamiliarity. :)
    >If you could direct me to some tutorials on how to use Chapter End Playlists and Chapter Playlists to do this I`d appreciate it. I went through the manual and tried it but it didn`t work for me, and could only find people saying 'do things with chapter playlists' without going into detail on how to do it, when I searched the forums
    If you can squeeze $17 - $25 into your budget, my book (The Focal Easy Guide to Adobe Encore DVD 2.0) has step-by-step instructions and colorful illustrations on how to set up a Chapter Playlist and how to properly set up Chapter End Actions.
    To show my objectivity (and not get booted out of the forum for self-advertising), Adobe has published one of their Classroom in a Book series that covers Encore 2.0. Either way, you should have a reference handy when using complex programs like the ones that are part of the Adobe Production Studio.

  • AE CC2014 will not let me select individual/collective mask points, or boundaries on a pre comp and therefore moves the entire comp or scales (depending on where I've clicked obviously)

    I'm working on a project that requires a similar style to the 'Criminal Minds Suspect Behaviour' titles. I'm precomping photos so that I can do edits in a separate comp but then placing those pre comps into a master composition where I will use the camera and masks to reveal the images in the required sequence. I am having an issue selecting mask points. It was working fine with no issues earlier today, but now I cannot select single or collective points of a mask nor a boundary of one either. What happens when I do try is that it just moves or scales the comp entirely and ultimately the mask is useless as I cannot animate it at all. Hope someone can help! I've reported it as a bug to Adobe but because I'm unaware of the process that causes it I'm worried they won't get back to me. Any help or troubleshooting tips would be amazing! Thank you in advance!

    It sounds like you need to adjust the masks in the nested comps, but you're trying to do it in the main comp.  Not good.  Nothing happens.  Do it in the nested comps.
    And if you're doing that, it also sounds like spending some quality time here will be VERY helpful:
    Getting started with After Effects (CS4, CS5, CS5.5,  CS6, & CC)
    It's better to learn AE from the Pros instead of a high school kid with sketchy AE knowledge on YouTube, y'know?

  • How can i edit lenght of the all layers in timeline at the same time??? in Photoshop cs6 extended

    How can i edit lenght of the all layers in timeline at the same time??? in Photoshop cs6 extended
    Because when i select all layers in layer panel or right in timeline panel, i will be able to edit duration only in one layer... so if i can document with more than 20 layers, the work will be terrible
    Please give me someone some tips... and tricks

    You can't delete the All On My Mac as it is an automatic group to display all of the contacts that are stored "On My Mac." You can delete all of the contacts that are in the ON MY MAC section by selecting All ON My Mac and then selecting all contacts. Press delete and approve the deletion. Then, select each group under ON My Mac and delete those individually.
    Then, Make sure iCloud is set as the default account in the General Address Book Preferences.

  • Moving to a frame in Movieclip timeline from the main timeline

    I am in the learning process. Working with FlashCS5 and AS3.
    Please bear with me if the issue appears to be too simple for you. Placed a movieclip(mcassessJohn) on the main timeline and moved to the frame labelled "johnFeedback" in the movieclip timeline using the following actionscript code.
    mcassessJohn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onJohnClick);
    function onJohnClick(evt:MouseEvent):void {
    This works fine. However problem starts when I place a button "questionJohn" in the movieclip(mcassessJohn) time line at frame "johnFeedback" and try to move to another frame by clicking the button and using the following actionscript code;
    function onClick(evt:MouseEvent):void {
      gotoAnd Play("johnFeedback");
    Placed the above code in actions layer in the movieclip timeline at frame "johnFeedback". I had placed the button also in the movieclip timeline at Frame "johnFeedback in layer buttons. No compiler error.No runtime error. Just nothing happens when I click on the button "questionJohn".
    Would appreciate if you can let me know where I am going wrong.

    Thats because if u assign the listeners to a parent movieclip it will not pickup listener assigned to its child.
    A work around is put a invisible btn inside mcassessJohn movieclip on frame 1 and assign onJohnClick function to that.
    And one more thing, i think u r trying to perform same operation on both the btns

Maybe you are looking for

  • Error 0xc6fd0313

    HP Officejet pro X451dw connected to LAN with persistant error code 0xc6fd0313. Display tells me that there is a problem with the printer or ink system - please turn off and back on again. This does not resolve the issue. Help!

  • Function to extract descr from given code

    Kindlhy help some one to get the following function. The prototype of the function is FUNCTION extract_descr(given_val VARCHAR2 , table_name VARCHAR2, field_name varchar2) RETURN BOOLEAN. This function get the above parameters and returning the descr

  • Bad Record MAC. exception while using urlConnection.getInputStream()

    All, In my SAP J2EE instance, from filter I am trying to do get data from an url (protocol is https). For this I am using urlInstance.openConnection() after that urlConnection.getInputStream() and then reading from this input stream. When I use http

  • Reading a series of number

    is there a method in the library that reads a series of number separated by spaces and put them into an array?

  • Converting .avi files to iDVD

    First time using anything like this and I'm pretty lost in the dark. I downloaded some .avi files off of limewire. I'm planning to burn them to a dvd, or have them in at least something that quicktime can play. Is there anyway to do this? Basically I