Duplicate attribute error

I'm invoking a component method to do an update when a form
is posted (CFMX 7.0.2, Windows Server 2003).
However, when I try to invoke the method I get the error:
A duplicate attribute "METHOD" has been encountered.
Attributes with the same
name cannot be provided more than once.
The problem is that I'm -not- declaring the attribute more
than once. The
offending code is listed below.
The error line number marks the last <cfinvokeargument>
tag as the location
of the error. The "method" attribute is only listed once, so
I'm not sure why it
would say that I've used it multiple times. Any ideas as to
what I'm doing wrong?
Thanks in advance.

Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. I tried changing the
name of the method and all its arguments to see if it worked, but
didn't have any success. I'm having this problem on three methods
in particular that work in a similar manner to the original code.
However, I'm not having any trouble with other methods in the same
cfc that I wrote a few months ago that do roughly the same type of
work. I'm at a loss, because the error is being generated in the
cfm page that calls the cfc, rather than the actual method

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    No, my expectations are not unmet. Being new to JSF 1.2 RI, I thought it best to ask about possible user error before reporting a bug.
    Not surprised that the same error appears in app server 9 as it looks like it contains a JSF snapshot from a few days before the one I'm using.
    I just tested the nightly from 6-2-2006 and the duplicate attribute problem appears fixed, so no need to open an issue. tromanow, you might want to grab these jars from the jsf java.net site:
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    Hi khoana,
    Here is a similar thread about this topic for your reference, please see:
    A duplicate attribute key has been found when processing:
    Elvis Long
    TechNet Community Support

  • Errors in the OLAP storage engine: A duplicate attribute key has been found when processing

    Hi dear MSDN Community,
    I am facing a problem while processing a cube with a customer hierarchy as follows:
    Global Account --> Main Customer --> Master Customer --> Customer
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    Any help will be appreciated.
    Kind Regards.

    When are you having this error? While processing the dimension or during cube processing?
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    --Currently using Reporting Service 2000; Visual Studio .NET 2003; Visual Source Safe SSIS 2008 SSAS 2008, SVN --

    Hi Cat_ca,
    Thank you for your question. 
    I am trying to involve someone more familiar with this topic for a further look at this issue. Sometime delay might be expected from the job transferring. Your patience is greatly appreciated. 
    Thank you for your understanding and support.
    Charlie Liao
    TechNet Community Support

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    --Currently using Reporting Service 2000; Visual Studio .NET 2003; Visual Source Safe SSIS 2008 SSAS 2008, SVN --

    yes, try use nvarchar instead of varchar.
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    order by zone,block,street
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    1 0 Chesapeake
    1 0 East Market
    1 0 East Maryland
    1 0 East Washington
    1 0 North Capital
    1 0 North Delaware
    1 0 North Illinois
    1 0 North Meridian
    1 0 North Penn
    1 0 South Delaware
    1 0 South Illinois
    1 0 South Meridian
    1 0 South Penn
    1 0 Virginia
    1 0 West Georgia
    1 0 West Jackson
    1 0 West Market
    1 0 West Maryland
    1 0 West New York
    1 0 West Washington
    1 100 East Washington
    1 100 East Market
    1 100 East Maryland
    1 100 East New York
    1 100 East Ohio
    1 100 East Washington
    1 100 North Alabama
    1 100 North Capitol

    Thanks Richard and SS. This is what i did.
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    2) Set Primary Key on Street.
    3) Created a dimension STG_ZBS_DIM and while creating the heirarchy , i draged and dropped the fileds in the following order (zone>block>street).
    4) Tired to process , but getting the same error, except this time at the street level.
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  • A duplicate attribute key has been found when processing

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    Errors in the OLAP storage engine: A duplicate attribute key has been found when processing: Table: 'Customers', Column: 'DisplayName', Value: 'Stephen Grant'. The attribute is 'Display Name'.
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    Can anyone help me figure out what's going on?
    P.S. I am using SSAS 2008 on Windows Server 2008

    Hello there,
    Does anybody has the complete resolution for duplicate entries data. I am showing the data below .
    NEWARK (Chicago)
    GRAND HAVEN (West Michigan)
    LAWTON (Amarillo)
     Here i have the Hierachies in order LoanOfficerFullName-->BranchName-->RegionName. Loan Officer is the lowest level. I had created another column and make that unique entries so that I could make the unique column as the Key and the hierachies i have linked with the key column value. The issue
    is that i am getting the expected result in OLAP  from data side. But the data is not getting aggregated like Team Barton is coming twice though for the Dimension I make IsAggregatable property to True. If anybody can help me I will aprecciate. If any other clarification need I can provide.

  • Duplicate records error?

    hello all
    while extracting master data am getting duplicate records error?
    how do i rectify this?
    in infopackage screen in processing tab,will i get the  option " ignore double data records",?
    when will this option will be enable?

    This option will be available only for Master Data and not for Transactional Data. You could control the Duplicate Records for Transactional Data in ODS, there is an option in the ODS Settings.
    ***F1 Help
    Flag: Handling of duplicate data records
    From BW 3.0 you can determine for DataSources for master data attributes and texts whether the extractor transfers more than one data record in a request for a value belonging to time-independent master data.
    Independently of the extractor settings (the extractor potentially delivers duplicate data records) you can use this indicator to tell the BW whether or not you want it to handle any duplicate records.
    This is useful if the setting telling the extractor how to handle duplicate records is not active, but the system is told from another party that duplicate records are being transferred (for example, when data is loaded from flat files).

  • Duplicate attribute key

    Hi mates,
        I have a postcode dimension. PostCodeKey is primary key. There are altogether 50 columns in this dimension. One column(Domestic) has NULLs which is not PK. When I process the cube, I am getting error Duplicate attribute key found.
    As it is not PK, why is it reporting duplicate key?
    I can add PostCodeKey in the Domestic column's key columns property. If so I need to add to all columns where I expect NULLs.
    If I remove Domestic column in the dimension, cube processing is succeeded.
    But, in a dimension, any column can be NULL other than the PK column.
    How to fix this error?

    the are a few reasons why you may see the duplicate keys error.
    For example if you have a zero and Nulls in the same column then this would be seen by SSAS as a duplicate.
    It is best to treat NULLs in columns as part of your ETL.
    here is a good article on duplicate keys

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    I have created one fact table which contains the following dates
    I have created a relationship with date dimension created by using above code. Relationship of above attributes have been created with DimDate.Date attribute. I have not created Calendar Hierarchy yet. 
    When I am processing the cube I am getting the following error
    Errors in the OLAP storage engine: A duplicate attribute key has been found when processing: Table: 'dim_Date', Column: 'Month', Value: '10'. The attribute is 'Month'.
    In date dimension have data from 1990 to 2050. so Month is being repeated for each year. I am not sure Why am I getting this error.
    Any Help much appreciated.

    Hi Mustafah,
    For the error "Errors in the OLAP storage engine: A duplicate attribute key has been found when rocessing: Table: <tablename>, Column: <columnname>. Value: <value>. The attribute is <attributename>", it  can occur in multiple
    situations. In many cases, the recommended solution is to change the KeyColumn by setting it to a unique attribute, or by creating a composite key that results in a unique value when multiple attributes are evaluated as a unit. Here are some document which
    describe this error and the solution of it.
    Analysis Services: Errors in the OLAP storage engine:
    A duplicate attribute key has been found when processing
    You get “A duplicate attribute key has been found when processing ..” error message when processing a dimension
    A duplicate attribute key has been found when processing
    Charlie Liao
    If you have any feedback on our support, please click
    Charlie Liao
    TechNet Community Support

  • Duplicate attributes in InDesign

    I was working on a file with a blacklining plugin. I cleaned and removed all blacklining marks and exported it to .INX file. I removed the blacklining plugin in InDesign and closed it. Open inDesign and open the .INX file I created. When I opened it, InDesign tells me that it cannot open the file due to duplicate attributes. What does this mean?

    I was able to fix the error. The document I was trying to export to .INX has an old version of the blacklining plugin. I was opening it on a newer version of the plugin. I removed the new plugin and inserted the old one. Opened the file, cleaned all the blacklining marks, Exported it to .INX then I closed the file and InDesign. I then removed the plugin again from the plugin folder of InDesign. Open InDesign and open the .INX file and finally, it opened.
    There were times when I was trying to open it when it InDesign crashed. the culprit was our Font Manager. So I turned it off first. The linked graphics also affected the exporting process so I removed all the links first before exporting the file to .inx and now my file is working properly. I just relinked the linked files back again after I opened the InDesign file.

  • Classic duplicate key error when processing dimensions

     I have a dimension attribute that has a list of values below
    it has caused the duplicate key errors. I've checked the colloation property of AS server and it's set to Latin1_general with case-sensitive UNCHECKED.... I wonder why I still get this type of errors? 
    --Currently using Reporting Service 2000; Visual Studio .NET 2003; Visual Source Safe SSIS 2008 SSAS 2008, SVN --

    You would need to use a case-sensitive collation for these not to be considered duplicates and even then, on closer inspection, I still see duplicates in your data.  There are only three distinct case-sensitive values out of the six examples you've
    provided: atlanta, Atlanta, and ATLANTA.

  • Duplicate invoice error

    What are the possibilities for duplicate invoice error.
    When the user is entering the reference no, PO no, in the MR01, he is getting duplicate invoice or credit memo exist with reference number - Posting can't be made.

    When checking duplicate invoices, the system compares the following attributes in the standard system:
    Currency Company code
    Gross invoice amount
    Reference document number
    Invoice date
    and throws an error  messgae it this is activated for a company code in transaction SM30 view V_169P_DC

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