Duplicate company

I have to duplicate a company in SAP B1.
I have tried to use Copy Express to do this, but this utility doesn't copy all the data.
Now I tried to backup the database of the source company and then I will make a restore of it in another company, create in SAP B1. Is this the right way to duplicate a company?

do you want to duplicate the hole company including the data ? Then you could do it like this :
SQL Studio > Backup Database > Restore Database under another name
If you just need the setting etc. of company A in company B, you should use copy express. Do it like this :
Create a new clear db / company in business one > Use copy express to copy the needed data from the existing to the new company.
Regards Steffen

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    Best Regards,
    Samir Gandhi

    Hi Martin,
    Let us assume someone wish to execture year end / Period End process and prior to execute it in Production/Live data he/she wish to execute it in test environment.
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    2.To reproduce some behaviour
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    If you give deep thaught you will realise that this can even save lots of support time whether it is by SAP or the partner and reduce the total time taken in closing support calls, and improves user experience with product and support process.
    Best Regards,
    Samir Gandhi

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    Try the below:
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    This is largely an E9 thing - the functionality for notification has been made way easier with Profiler (yes, there is a separate license fee)
    to do it without Prospect Profiler: (I think I have the actual documentation at my office - will check once I am back from #mme15
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    3. Go to Setup, Notifications
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    for your second question - common use of DNS name and IP on account fields, I do not think there is a 'common use'  Since the visitor record is going to show the exact IP address and most organizations will have a range of IPs, any sort of comparison of the visitor to the account is difficult. 
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    Hope this helps.

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    In order to transfer communication data maitained at the Contact Person relationship level, you have to maintain the required node in transaction BUSWU02: BUP115     Contact's Work Address and BUP120 Contact's Communication Data
    If data is still not transferred, SAP has released notes: 1243559, 1491950, and 1493240.  to resolve.  Check the relevance before implementing.

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    Hi Tammi,
    Don't expect to get many answers from this forum, which is Business Process Expert General.
    Your question sounds more like an ABAP problem.  Actually, it seems to have nothing to do with SAP; it really sounds more like a general programming problem.
    You will probably have better luck in one of the ABAP forums, maybe
    ABAP Development
    Good Luck,

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    Do you want the duplicate company code to overwrite the first one?  If you want to do that then just do a read on the table for the company code.  If it exists (sy-subrc) then you can overwrite the data.  If not then you could always use a timestamp and the company code as the key.  That would allow for multiple records of the same company code.

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    Dustin -

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    Hi all ,
    I am using jdk1.3 , jbuilder4.0 , Apache Tomcat 1.3.14 and Window 98 and Access Database.
    I have comparator code below which give me some problem
    public int compare(Object x, Object y) {
    CompanyJB a = (CompanyJB)x , b = (CompanyJB)y;
    double aMinratio = a.getMinratio();
    double bMinratio = b.getMinratio();
    int aCompid = a.getCompanyid();
    int bCompid = b.getCompanyid();
    String aRankstr = a.getRank();
    String bRankstr = b.getRank();
    int tmp;
    tmp = new Integer(aCompid).compareTo(new Integer(bCompid));
    if (tmp == 0) {
    return tmp;
    tmp = a.getRank().compareTo(b.getRank());
    if (tmp !=0) {
    return tmp;
    tmp = new Double(a.getMinratio()).compareTo(new Double(b.getMinratio()));
    if (tmp !=0) {
    return tmp;
    return new Double(a.getMinratio()).compareTo(new Double(b.getMinratio()));
    Client source code below :
    TreeSet list2 = new TreeSet(new test());
    //list2.add(new test(2,1.9,4.2,"NA")); // 1
    list2.add(new test(11,8.5,8.5,"2")); // 3
    list2.add(new test(1,0.6,0.6,"NA")); // 2
    list2.add(new test(11,2.5,2.3,"NA")); // 4
    list2.add(new test(12,0.3,0.3,"1")); // 5
    list2.add(new test(2,1.9,1.2,"NA"));
    list2.add(new test(12,0.9,0.9,"NA"));
    Iterator iterator2 = list2.iterator();
    My problem is that the print out display duplicate company id "12" in the set.
    It should not display the duplicate company id in the set.
    What is the problem here ?? Anybody have ideas ??

    Actually, a Set, as defined in java.util.Set, should not contain duplicate members. With SortedSets, however, there must also be consistency between equals() and the compareTo() (or Comparator.compare()). In other words, equal objects must sort to the same or an adjacent place in order for the Set semantics to work.
    In your example, "equal" objects can appear in completely different positions in the sort order, throwing off this consistency. When adding, it's traversing the tree in Rank,MinRatio order. If by chance it runs across a node that has the same company id, it stops and leaves the trees alone (as it does with id=11). If you try graphing the tree out by hand using your compare() as left/right criteria (negative left, positive right, 0 don't change), it'll become immediately clear what's happening.
    Also of interest: you'll find that you can't add test(34,1.9,1.2,"NA") to the list: because it's Rank and MinOrder is the same as the id=2 entry, it'll never get added.

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    Hello SAP experts.
    I have sorted my UDF's, but, as I am using trial and error I always have to use the Test System first (which is a duplicate company used for practising), the info needs to be transferred over to the main company.
    I noticed that if I want to just manually add these again to the main company i need other users to log out. What's the best way of doing this?

    Hello again Groovy,
    There is an addon tool that comes free of charge with SAP Business One called Copy Express, I work for a SAP Partner in the UK and I use this to copy anything from print layouts, to master data, or even just user defined fields and the formatted searches.  You can also use this to copy user settings.  If you still have your SAP Addon CD then you should find it on there, however there will probably be a newer version on the SAP Portal and your SAP Partner should be able to provide you installation files.
    What you can do is setup what you want to copy from your test to your live and then save this so that you can run it again and again as you add more fields etc..  You will need to get people out of the database whilst you do this as it does modify tables, but it will make it much quicker and easier for you.
    I hope this helps!
    Hi Groovy.  Is this still an issue for you?
    Edited by: Adrian Johnson on Jan 22, 2008 4:54 PM

  • HT2486 When you want to add another person from same company, how can you duplicate and then modify the card already entered?

    When usinf Mac Address Book and you have entered the information for one contact from a company, how can you duplicate the card so you can add another person from same company?

    I'm afraid the LU suffix is a new one on me.
    As long as you have all of the content in your library then that remove and sync warning shouldn't cause any loss of data, but it shouldn't be happening every time. It may pay to take the following steps to reset the connection between the two,
    Backup device.
    Restore as a new device.
    Restore the backup made earlier.
    Again, this assumes all content on the device is in your library. If that isn't the case see Recover your iTunes library from your iPod or iOS device first.

  • Duplicate contact from same company?

    Is it possible to duplicate a contact from the same company for a new contact so that all I have to do is change the name and perhaps a phone number?  I don't want to have to type from scratch all the info on several people when the only field different is the name.  Outlook has had "New Contact from Same Company" for years.  How come Apple doesn't have this feature for Address Book/Contacts??? 

    Well, we'll, well, all operations are referring to the left part of the window and with a contact marked there, yes? So, highlight a contact in the left half, then Command-C and Command-V.
    It works!

  • MOV 68A and 68E (intra company) duplicate freight cost

    We are currently in version 702 with EP5.0. We activate BF LOG_MM_SIT and we are using scenario N6 for intra company process and N3 for inter.
    Process: We add a freight cost in the Intra PO header to be charged to a third party (intra company process). When we process the GI for VL02N the system post the movement type 68A. In this moment the system considers already the freight costs (incorrectly).
    Then when I perform VLPOD without any difference, the system post the movement 68E and again consider the freight cost. So we have twice the additional price condition.
    Do you have any idea on how we can solve this issue?
    Didn't find any OSS Note.
    Thanks in advance.
    Best regards.
    Tania Trindade

    Hi Atif,
    as of SAP TM 9.0 there is a means to enter the inbound freight costs from TM into ERP material valuation via the agency billing document.
    The process is documented here:
    and here
    Cost Distribution for Shippers - Settlement - SAP Library
    I hope that helps,  best regards,  Udo

  • Vendor duplicate check

    I working on a report that checks for vendor duplicates.
    Looking forward to your good ideas and/or code samples and take appropriate action on good/interesting answers.
    For example
    1) how would you check on duplicate names?
    2) how to check the postcode field if there are no checks on the input format (e.g. ignore upper/lower case and spaces)?
    3) which vendor master fields would indicate duplicate vendors (e.g. company registration number, VAT registration number)?
    All ideas and examples are welcome.

    Personally I would use the VAT number as this is unique key for vendors.

Maybe you are looking for

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