DV7-4053, MB manual states 8 gig max, can it run the 2x8 (16g 1333) modules now available?

Had no problem with upgrade from shipped 4gig to 8gig (2x4), now that 8gig modules are available, I am hoping to put a 2x8gig 1.5v kit in and have a seamless upgrade once again to full 16gig of 10666/1333...
I know in the past as technology advances, the manuals can become a bit outdated and obviously are printed based on available modules at time of print.....
Hoping for a seamless upgrade 8 to 16, is it possible or has somepone already taken the dive and tried 8gig modules already?
Upgrades so far
mems from 4 gig to 8gig
added secondary HD, 500gig 7200rpm, matches boot drive, will convert one to external, see below....
planned upgrades
SSD boot drive
hoping for 8gig to 16gig on mems (only two slots)

SSD as a boot drive is a good choice but the memory upgrade won't work. The chipset on the laptop doesn't support more than 8GB of RAM and the BIOS won't let the laptop even boot up with 16GB (2x8) of RAM, I guess. 8GB of RAM is enough even for playing games..
Dv6-7000 /Full HD/Core i5-3360M/GF 650M/Corsair 8GB/Intel 7260AC/Samsung Pro 256GB
Testing - HP 15-p000
HP Touchpad provided by HP
Currently on Debian Wheeze
*Please, help other users with the same issue by marking your solved topics as "Accept as Solution"*

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  • Can't run the webcam with MAX and LV12

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    MAX: V5.3.3f2
    Vision Acquisition Software: 2011
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    Any ideas about this issue?
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    And when I run Labview and try to go in propreties of Vision Acquisition Express: Labview displayed : Unable to view properties.So I can't use my webcam with Labview for the moment. Furthermore, I downloaded ni_imaq_usb_installer_86 to get the  good library for the usb. 
    Thanks for helping me,
    Best regards,
    Error_webcam_Labview.7z ‏235 KB

    I found this topic http://digital.ni.com/public.nsf/allkb/244E6DDF9A92A6CD8625730100629047
    Interface (API)
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    SELECT last_day(add_months(sysdate,12)) as lastday from dual
    What could be the Query to get the first day of the month one year from now..
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    Result - 1-DEC-2010
    thank you

    You can use TRUNC with 2 arguments to get the first DATE in a month, year, quarter, week, hour, minute, ISO year, ...
                               , 12
                  , 'MONTH'
                  )     AS first_of_month
    FROM    dual
    ;The DATE returned will be in the same month, year, quearter, ... as the first argument.
    \We convered the last day of the month in [your previous question|http://forums.oracle.com/forums/message.jspa?messageID=3942939#3942939].
    At that time, I warded about using LAST_DAY as a cutoff point; TRUNC is a much better way.
    For example, to find all appointment_dates in the current month next year:
    SELECT  *
    FROM    appointments
    WHERE   appointment_date >= TRUNC (ADD_MONTHS (SYSDATE, 12), 'MONTH')
    AND     appointment_date <  TRUNC (ADD_MONTHS (SYSDATE, 13), 'MONTH')Note that
    the first part of the WHERE clause calls for dates on or equal to the beginning of the 12th month in the future, but
    the second part of the WHERE clause calls for dates before, not equal to , the beginning of the 13th month in the future.

  • Oracle states go to OTN for this:If the criteria isn't met I don't want for

    Can you easily recover from, bypass or work around the problem? = YES
    Does your system or application continue normally after the problem occurs? =
    Are the standard features of the system or application still available; is the
    loss of service minor? = YES
    ### Did it work before? If yes, what have you changed? ###
    No, We were told this was fixed with 10G so we upgraded to 10G. We have a
    report and we want it to execute if it's less than 10 records if not we want a
    message to come up that the report needs to be scheduled.
    Well we run the report and it displays exceeded record count but the format
    still runs so no time saved on the web.
    If the record count was exceeded we want to HALT the system and not go any
    Now if we could modify the system message 1825 we would be o.k. But we don't
    know if that is going to work. If we could change the message we would be
    o.k. with that. that would mean changing the system codes though.
    ### How is the Report being called (Command line, URL or via Oracle Forms): ###
    If false comes back in the beginning then we don't want any report formatting
    to be done. Right now the format is done it seems but no data is displayed
    because criteria isn't met.
    So we dont wnat the formatting to be run when criteria isn't met. But for
    reason it still runs and takes time.
    See we have some reports on the web that can only be ran by date range right
    now the clients can only run the reports for a 6 months range.. Well some
    clients have a lot smaller record count. So we want to change the way the
    reports are ran to a records count. If the count is large than said amount
    then a message comes up that states the report has to be scheduled. If the
    amount is under said amount then the report runs.
    So at this time in the report we do a count then we move onto will the report
    run or not if over the amount we want to abort the process but we don't want
    the client to see the abort. We definately don't want the client to sit and
    wait for the format to run when NO Data is to be returned.
    ### Error messages and error scenario: ###
    So what we want is too see a message "Schedule the report count exceeded" and
    NO formatting done. If under amount we want the report to run.
    ### Provide a detailed step-by-step description of your problem or question: ###
    Or is there a way to customize the messages the client / users will see. And
    no formatting time for no records returned.
    Contact me via : E-mail -> [email protected]
    Text continued in next action...
    20-SEP-04 18:39:53 GMT
    Text continued from previous action...
    20-SEP-04 19:18:51 GMT
    New info : Is there a way if the error messages have to come up that we can
    hide the message or have another screen cover that error message something to
    cover the message so that the user doesn't see the error message.
    20-SEP-04 19:30:23 GMT
    Hi Darlene,
    Thank you for using MetaLink. Iam currently working on a very critical issue.I shall review/research your issue at the earliest opportunity and w
    ill update the SR / call you as soon as we have relevant information. Thank you
    for your patience.
    Best Regards,
    Oracle Support Services
    @WIP -- Work In Progress
    20-SEP-04 19:30:30 GMT
    Email Update button has been pressed: Sending email to [email protected]
    21-SEP-04 00:32:18 GMT
    Hi Darlene!
    If you are calling the report from a form, try using the EXIT_FORM line in your code.
    Thanks and Regards,
    21-SEP-04 00:33:01 GMT
    Email Update button has been pressed: Sending email to [email protected]
    21-SEP-04 14:09:20 GMT
    New info : We will try it and let you know.
    21-SEP-04 14:19:04 GMT
    New info : We are not calling the report from a form so this won't work. Any
    other way. We are needing to do this badly.
    21-SEP-04 14:39:06 GMT
    New info : Can I get detailed steps about how to customize the system message
    or hide the message when we abort the report?
    21-SEP-04 15:38:39 GMT
    Hi Darlene!!
    As talked to you on phone, here are the steps for you to try.
    The below has been run as a test case using emp table in scott schema of a database
    1) create a summary coloumn say cs_1 in the data model.
    2) point the function to count.
    3) Point the source to what ever's count you want it to be pointed to(say empno of emp table of
    scott schema)
    4) create a user parameter say NO_ROWS
    5) in its property palette make its data type number and initial value as 1
    6) I had teh following query for my report:
    select empno, ename from emp
    where rownum <= :no_rows
    This means that the report that will be generated will consist of a total no of NO_ROWS(that we
    shall be specifying at run time). The before report trigger(mentioned in 7 below) shall assure
    that whenever we specify NO_ROWS greater than 5 then the report will display a customized pop up
    7) create a before report trigger as:
    function BeforeReport return boolean is
    user_excp EXCEPTION;
    if :cs_1 >5 then
    raise user_excp;
    return (false);
    return true;
    end if;
    WHEN user_excp then
    SRW.MESSAGE(30, 'Data is more please schedule this report:');
    return (false);
    This way when u run a report, an argument is asked whether how many rows do you want to be
    displayed as in the parameter NO_ROWS. then you specify the number. If that number is greater
    than 5(in this case, due to if :cs_1 > 5 then....) then it will pop up a message saying "Data is
    more please schedule this report:"
    In case you do not want to specify NO_ROWS..then you need not put that and modify the report
    query as "select empno, empname from emp;" i.e. without where clause.
    21-SEP-04 16:49:30 GMT
    New info : we will try this then update the TAR.
    21-SEP-04 16:58:09 GMT
    ok you update the tar when you try the above steps.
    23-SEP-04 02:16:00 GMT
    New info : Information from the person that did this suggestion step by step.
    I tried this step by step, but unfortunately, it doesn't work the way we want.
    First with this suggestion, the user needs to choose how many records they
    to get, or we default a number of records, in order to run the report. The most
    important thing is, whenever you specify the statement return false or raise
    SRW.PROGRAM_ABORT in the before report trigger, the system message will pop up.
    I really hope that people from Oracle would let us know how to customize the
    system message or hide it.
    23-SEP-04 14:23:04 GMT
    New info : I just thought that we have some sort of message, which I guess is
    from the database, when we do claim search on client inquiry. I am just
    wondering if we could try the same thing to the report.
    The some sort of message looks like this on dev box:
    Your search exceeded 5000 records and will surpass the capabilities of this
    connection. Please narrow the search criteria and resubmit.
    It's just a thought, not sure if it's going to work.
    When could we have the DBA Make this change. The servlet.properties???
    23-SEP-04 17:30:55 GMT
    Hi Darlene,
    Thank you for providing the requested information. I am currently reviewing/resea
    rching the situation and will update the TAR / call you as soon as I have additi
    onal information. Thank you for your patience.
    Best regards,
    @WIP -- Work In Progress
    23-SEP-04 18:04:31 GMT
    Hi Darlene,
    We cannot modify the system messages nor do I think there is a method to hide the system message. The message that was coming is
    due to the raise srw.program_abort command, which is the element through which
    we can abort the program.
    Best Regards
    23-SEP-04 18:29:26 GMT
    New info : Can you please look into a way that we can get something to work?
    23-SEP-04 18:49:28 GMT
    Hi Darlene,
    I am sorry to say that but I don't think there is any any workaround to this because the system message is what is generated by the oracle reports i
    nternally. Still if you wish you may refer to the otn discussion forum which is
    maintained by teh product management group and post a new thread on it. the link
    to the forum is Reports
    Also since nothing can be done on our side I don't see any reason to keep this TAR open an
    d if you wish we can soft close this.
    23-SEP-04 13:13:10 : CHANGES MADE VIA MetaLink
    New info : Shouldn't there always be a way to do something? I don't understand
    why we were told in 10G that this could be done and now we are told it can't.

    You can tell Thunderbird to remember your password.
    ''... they took me off their list because they kept receiving error messages when they sent me a message.''
    What is the exact error message?

  • MAX can't find USB6210

    Hi, I met a strange problem with my MAX,  I pluged the USB 6210 to my laptop, device manager found it. But MAX can't find the device, restart and refresh several times, even restart the windows several times, and reinstall the MAX, the problem still exists.
    It is so weird, don't know why MAX can't identify the device.

    NI DAQMX Version is 9.5.1, MAX is 5.1, Labview is 2011.
    I asked my coworker to uninstall Labview environment entirely, and I made an installer with DAQMX, MAX, but he installed the installer, his laptop still cant find the device, while Windows works well.

  • Currency valuation when posting manual statements:

    Does anybody know why SAP System (R/3 Enterprise 4.7) is doing currency valuation during a manual statement posting?
    The account does not have valuation accounts at OBA1.
    The error occurs during the clearing process.
    I don't have exchange rate differences (as I am entering the same amount, both foreign and local currency, as the original document).
    Accounts master data: "only balances in local crcy" field is not selected...
    I don't have a clue...
    Thank you.

    Can you be more specific ?
    I have entered
    doc.date, posting date, CC, currency and then I go to line item
    posting key 09, customer number xxx but system give me error message :
    Posting key "09" (account type "D") has been programmed for special G/L transactions. However, either no attributes have been defined for special G/L transaction "", or the classification is incomplete (down payment, bill of exchange, other).
    System Response
    Incorrect definition in FI customizing tables.
    Maintain the entry for account type "D" and special G/L transaction "" using the FI customizing functions.

  • Delete messages with "Cancelled Manually" state (MSGSTATE is 21)?

    I want to delete messages from master table SXMSPMAST which are in "Cancelled Manually" state i.e. the value of field MSGSTATE is 21.
    I have tried running reports "RSXMB_ARCHIVE_MESSAGES" and "RSXMB_DELETE_ARCHIVED_MESSAGES" but with no success. the vlaue of the field ITFACTION is ARCH.
    Can anyone guide me how do i delete these messages?

    Hi Yash,
    in productive sysems the messages with status 21 can not be deleted by the regular deletion report, it has to be archived first and then will be deleted by the archive job itself. so you have to configure archiving.
    for non productive systems you can set the parameter ARCHIVE->PERSIST_ARCH_MANUAL_CHANGES to delete the manually changed messages, afterwards it will be deleted by the regular deletion job.
    please check the SAP note 872388.
    manually cancelled or manually changed messages (status 019 and 021) have to be archived. Therefore you always have to configure archiving to handle manually edited messages. Should you decide (for non-productive systems only) that you would like to delete these manually cancelled messages, please refer to Note 820149

  • I've just downloaded the ipad manual which states that it is for OS 10.4.3 but the manual states that I need 10.5.8 does this mean that I need an intel machine!

    I've just downloaded the ipad manual which states that it is for OS 10.4.3 but the manual states that I need 10.5.8 does this mean that I need an intel machine!

    No, 10.5 still supports PPC.  10.6 supports Intel only.

  • I downloaded Adobe Reader and now I cn't open online forms such as statements and manuals. I could open these documents before the installation-any ideas? I have a Mac.

    Please help me with this issue if you can.

    I don't know what application I could see them in before, they just opened when I clicked on them. The online docs ar, for instance, my bank statements which used to view perfectly until I installed the reader. My default browser is Safari, I think. The PDF docs I have saved to my computer load fine as do some PDF email attachments from contacts.
    When I try and open a pdf from my bank, I get a new window with a white rectangle in the center of it that has the red Adobe icon and some Asian script in it. I've also gotten the message " Adobe reader not supported for this document" which usually asks if I want to trust it and when I say "yes" the window with the box init that I just described pops up and I still can't see the doc.

  • I use Cisco DHCP I can not get the IP from manual binding.

    Good day,
    I am using a Router Cisco 1841 as DHCP Server and I trying to configure a manual binding but is not working, here is the configuration:
    Router#sh run
    Building configuration...
    Current configuration : 1026 bytes
    version 12.3
    service timestamps debug datetime msec
    service timestamps log datetime msec
    no service password-encryption
    hostname Router
    boot system flash c1841-adventerprisek9-mz.123-11.T10.bin
    mmi polling-interval 60
    no mmi auto-configure
    no mmi pvc
    mmi snmp-timeout 180
    no aaa new-model
    ip subnet-zero
    ip cef
    ip dhcp excluded-address
    ip dhcp pool Test
    hardware-address 0100.016c.cbaf.31
    client-name Test01
    ip ips po max-events 100
    no ftp-server write-enable
    no crypto isakmp ccm
    interface FastEthernet0/0
    ip address
    speed 100
    interface FastEthernet0/1
    no ip address
    duplex auto
    speed auto
    interface ATM0/0/0
    no ip address
    no atm ilmi-keepalive
    dsl operating-mode auto
    interface Serial0/1/0
    no ip address
    no fair-queue
    clockrate 2000000
    ip classless
    ip http server
    no ip http secure-server
    line con 0
    line aux 0
    line vty 0 4
    Router#sh ver
    Cisco IOS Software, 1841 Software (C1841-ADVENTERPRISEK9-M), Version 12.3(11)T10, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc4)
    Technical Support: http://www.cisco.com/techsupport
    Copyright (c) 1986-2006 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
    Compiled Fri 03-Mar-06 17:40 by dchih
    ROM: System Bootstrap, Version 12.3(8r)T9, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
    ROM: Cisco IOS Software, 1841 Software (C1841-ADVSECURITYK9-M), Version 12.4(3c), RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
    Router uptime is 4 minutes
    System returned to ROM by power-on
    System image file is "flash:c1841-adventerprisek9-mz.123-11.T10.bin"
    This product contains cryptographic features and is subject to United
    States and local country laws governing import, export, transfer and
    use. Delivery of Cisco cryptographic products does not imply
    third-party authority to import, export, distribute or use encryption.
    Importers, exporters, distributors and users are responsible for
    compliance with U.S. and local country laws. By using this product you
    agree to comply with applicable laws and regulations. If you are unable
    to comply with U.S. and local laws, return this product immediately.
    A summary of U.S. laws governing Cisco cryptographic products may be found at:
    If you require further assistance please contact us by sending email to
    [email protected].
    Cisco 1841 (revision 6.0) with 236544K/25600K bytes of memory.
    Processor board ID FTX1013W27Q
    2 FastEthernet interfaces
    1 Serial(sync/async) interface
    1 ATM interface
    1 Virtual Private Network (VPN) Module
    DRAM configuration is 64 bits wide with parity disabled.
    191K bytes of NVRAM.
    62720K bytes of ATA CompactFlash (Read/Write)
    Configuration register is 0x2102
    Thank You Very Much

    Hello Hernan,
    The provided MAC address contains an ethernet media type. Try changing the ethernet media type to .66 as per documentation.
    hardware-address 0100.016c.cbaf.31
    Alternatively you can remove the last three characters ".31" from the configuration.
    Use "debug ip dhcp server" to see what happens during DHCP negotiation with client/server.
    * Please rate posts.

  • My iPhone 5c won't connect to home internet. I have an Actiontec router and my phone shows that I'm connected but no IP address comes up on my phone and Safari and other Apps state that I'm not connected to the internet.

    I recently purchased an iPhone 5c and for some unknown reason I can't connect to my wireless router's network at home. I've tried establishing a seperate IP address, manually adding the iPhone device, and even spent an hour with Centurylink's IT support and they couldn't figure it out. They said it was an iPhone error. I had an iPhone 3 about 1 1/2 years ago that had the same problem. I ended up getting rid of the phone because I couldn't solve this problem before. I thought a newer phone would not have the same problem.
    My phone shows that I'm connected to my home internet, but when I open up network information for my home internet there is no IP Address listed. Safari and my other apps also state that I'm not connected to the internet. I'm ready to sell my phone back and go to an Android since I didn't have trouble connecting with it before. We also have a Macbook and iPad that both connect to the internet just fine. Please....oh please help.

    I was having the same problem; I tried all the recommended fixes in the "more like this" and nothing worked, but finally found the answer.  Try this: http://themiddleofthestreet.blogspot.com/2013/11/if-your-iphone-5s-wont-connect- to-wifi.html

  • Manually Installed Agent is not showing up in the Operations Manager Console Under Pending Management.

    Hi Community,
    I submitted this question because I'm a bit stuck with SCOM 2012 R2, I'll try to explain briefly what is happening right now in my environment,  we have a DEV SCOM Deployment in which all the roles are installed in a single server, this servers is a
    VMware machine running Windows Server 2008R2.
    The Initial installation of the SCOM Operations Manager and all the other components was not performed by me but by a co-worker, unfortunately he doesn't remember much about the initial configuration. So i had to pickup where he left things about a year
    ago, neither of us are SCOM experts, and we have almost no previous experience with previous versions of this application.
    Now the problem that I'm facing is the following, all the DEV Servers are Domain Controllers and one of the indication within the "Guide for System Center Management Pack for Active Directory for Operations Manager 2012" states the following
    Agent-less monitoring
    After my first review I notice that our servers were being monitor by agent-less mode and given the above statement from the Operations Guide the only way that we could ever get those domain controllers monitor by SCOM would be by installing the agent on
    each server, so I read somewhere (Can't remember where) that in order to install the agents in all the servers I should first remove them from the Agent-less node, which I did. Then I tried to use the discovery wizard to get the agent install in all of them
    but it didn't matter how many times I try the servers never show up.
    I read in a Tech Net Article that you had to modify the security settings so SCOM would let me decide if I wanted to approve it or not.
    --> http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh212853.aspx
    I performed the suggested steps from the article but still the servers were not showing up, not even if I run the Discovery wizard, so I decided to go and perform the installation manually in a couple of servers I was able to install the agent in one of
    the Domain Controllers, I configured the agent to use a service account that has Domain Admin rights. An hour after I installed the agent I went back to the Operations Console Manager and I check under Pending Action but the Server was not showing up. So i
    went back to the Internet to try to find out if someone else had experience the same problem, and in one website some mentioned that if the servers were not showing up it was probably because they were still register in the SCOM Database, now I have no idea
    of how i can check that or How can i remove them from there to have them available again, but what troubles me the most is that even after i installed the agent manually the server were not being recognize.
    I went to the Event Viewer and I found one particular event that caught my attention, see below :
    Log Name:      Operations Manager
    Source:        Health Service Modules
    Date:          6/12/2014 12:48:19 PM
    Event ID:      11551
    Task Category: None
    Level:         Error
    Keywords:      Classic
    User:          N/A
    Computer:      MyManagementServer
    Computer verification failure for Machine Name: MyManagementServe is 0x800706BA. The RPC server is unavailable.
    Event Xml:
    <Event xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/win/2004/08/events/event">
        <Provider Name="Health Service Modules" />
        <EventID Qualifiers="49152">11551</EventID>
        <TimeCreated SystemTime="2014-06-12T16:48:19.000000000Z" />
        <Channel>Operations Manager</Channel>
        <Security />
        <Data>The RPC server is unavailable.</Data>
    Not sure if this is related to the problem that I'm facing right now, but , I make sure that the RPC Services were running and also the related dependencies too. There's no Firewall enable in any of the servers and DNS seems to be working properly.
    Ports 135 / 5723 are open and listening so since I ran out of ideas, I would like to know if some of the experts in this field could perhaps give me some guidelines.
    There's one caveat that I haven't mention yet and that is related to SQL, I checked and my user just has read access to SQL i'm not sure if that could affect this but i think is worth mentioning.
    My main goal is to have all the servers showing up in the Operations Manager Console.
    So thanks all in advance !
    Oscar Loria

    So you can ping and nslookup from your ms to these agents and vice versa right?  I wouldn't do a manual install, I would push the agent from the management server.  You can uninstall the agent manually, or use cleanmom to get rid of them.  Then
    do an install from the console.  When you initiate the install from the console (management server), should it run into any issues it will dump out an error which will give you an idea of where the problem may be.
    From Holmans post on this:
    e MOM Server could not execute WMI Query "Select * from Win32_OperatingSystem" on 
    computer “servername.domain.com” 
    Operation: Agent Install 
    Install account: DOMAIN\account 
    Error Code: 800706BA 
    Error Description: The RPC server is unavailable.
    The MOM Server could not execute WMI Query "(null)” on 
    computer “servername.domain.com” 
    Operation: Agent Install 
    Install account: DOMAIN\account 
    Error Code: 800706BA 
    Error Description: The RPC server is unavailable.
    1.  Ensure agent push account has local admin rights 
    2.  Firewall is blocking NetBIOS access.  If Windows 2008 firewall is enabled, ensure “Remote Administration (RPC)” rule is enabled/allowed.  We need port 135 (RPC) and the DCOM port range opened for console push through a firewall.  
    3.  Inspect WMI service, health, and rebuild repository if necessary 
    4.  Firewall is blocking ICMP  (Live OneCare) 
    5.  DNS incorrect 
    Regards, Blake Email: mengotto<at>hotmail.com Blog: http://discussitnow.wordpress.com/ If my response was helpful, please mark it as so, if it answered your question, then please also mark it accordingly. Thank you.

  • How can I run two DML in one FORALL statement?

    How can I run 1) select 2) update in one FORALL for each item as below?
            FETCH FXCUR BULK COLLECT INTO v_ims_trde_oids LIMIT 1000;
            EXIT  WHEN v_ims_trde_oids.COUNT() = 0;
         FORALL i IN v_ims_trde_oids.FIRST .. v_ims_trde_oids.LAST     
              SELECT EXTRACTVALUE(XMLTYPE(CNTNT),'/InboundGTMXML/ProcessingIndicators/ClientCLSEligibleIndicator')        INTO v_cls_ind
              FROM IMS_TOMS_MSGE  WHERE ims_trde_oid = v_ims_trde_oids(i);
             IF v_cls_ind      IS NOT NULL THEN
                      v_cls_ind       := '~2136|S|'||v_cls_ind||'|';
             UPDATE ims_alctn_hstry  SET CHNGE_DATA_1   =concat(CHNGE_DATA_1,v_cls_ind)
             WHERE ims_trde_hstry_id = (select max(ims_trde_hstry_id) from ims_alctn_hstry where ims_trde_oid=v_ims_trde_oids(i));
             DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Trade oid: '||v_ims_trde_oids(i)||'   CLS Eligible Indicator: '||v_cls_ind);
          END IF;
      END LOOP;
      CLOSE FXCUR;Your help will be appreciated.
    Edited by: PhoenixBai on Aug 6, 2010 6:05 PM

    I came through this forum while googling on the issue of 'using two DML's in one FORALL statement.
    Thanks for all the useful information guys.
    I need to extend this functionality a bit.
    My present scenario is as follows:
    FOR I in 1..collection1.count Loop
              insert into tab1(col1)
              values collection1(I) ;
              WHEN OTHERS THEN
              RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR('ERROR AT'||collection1(I));
              UPDATE tab2
              SET col1 = collection1(I);
              WHEN OTHERS THEN
              RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR('ERROR AT'||collection1(I));
    I need to use the FORALL functionality in this scenario, but without using the SAVE EXCEPTIONS clause keeping in mind that I also need to get value in the
    collection that led to the error.Also, the each INSERT statement has to be followed by an UPDATE and then the cycle goes on(Hence I cannot use 2 FORALL statements for INSERT and UPDATE coz then all the INSERT will be performed at once and similarly the UPDATEs). So I created something like this:
    l_stmt varchar2(1000);
    l_stmt := 'BEGIN '||
              'insert into tab1(col1) '||
              'values collection1(I) ; '||
         'EXCEPTION '||
              'WHEN OTHERS THEN '||
              'RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(''ERROR AT''|| :1); '||
         'END; '||
         'BEGIN '||
              'UPDATE tab2 '||
              'SET col1 = :1; '||
         'EXCEPTION '||
              'WHEN OTHERS THEN '||
              'RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(''ERROR AT''|| :1); '||
    FORALL I in 1..collection1.count
    Will this approach work? Or is there any better aproach to this? I am trying to avoid the traditional FOR ..LOOP to achieve better performance of query

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