Dvcpro hd export

I running a sequence with the DVCPRO HD 720p24 preset.
What is the best way to export this for optimal DVD encoding?
for single layer dvds? double-layer dvds?
what about HD dvds, i'm not sure I totally get this.
any help, you be helpful! thanks

Ok, so I've tried that but I have run into a few problems. Namely, sometimes the aspect ratio won't remain what it is suppossed to. Also, I've had trouble using Double Layer DVDs and it will often freeze about an hour in. I want to make the best quality DVD I can, which I would assume would involve using a DL DVD, because the film is about an hour and a half.
So really, I'm still a little confused.
But by the way, thanks for you help. It makes me feel better thinking that I'm not crazy!

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    How are you exporting? File>Export>Quicktime MOVIE? And is the sequence fully rendered before you exported? If not, FCP needs to render, THEN export. And that can take a long time.
    Also...1920x1080 DVCPRO HD? DVCPRO HD at 1080 is 1280x1080...anamorphic.

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    Well, I rendered both out to compare file size. The QT conversion file came out to be 28.49 GB and the Quicktime Movie file weighed in at 29.34 GB.
    I think the slight difference was the audio settings I adjusted the QT Conversion.
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    Hey Nick,
    I did exactly as you suggested but the thick black rectangles/bands still appear down the left and right sides and one smack in the middle. I'd send you a screen shot if I knew how. It seems to happen only with the DVCPro HD export but this is what the footage is in and anything else may screw with the image.
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    I know what you mean, but the trouble is that DVDSP will work with a lot of the QT formats...
    However, if you are looking to get the best workflow and quality, then export as MPEG2 and bring that into DVDSP. If MPEG2 isn't an option in your settings then you'll need to use Compressor to do this bit. You can export your footage from FCP directly into Compressor, or you can export as a QT format and use Compressor later.
    If you choose to go with the QT format for now, look for full sized, full quality DV (if you started with a DV camera) - i.e. NTSC 48Khz DV (or PAL if it is PAL you are using).
    If you started with DVCPRO then export as that - the fewer times you change the footage the better.
    If you then enter the world of Compressor, you need to think about the length of time the footage plays for, the available space on your disc and the other components that will eat into that space (audio, menu graphics, subtitles, ROM content, etc). Only once you have an idea about all of that can you really get the best compression to MPEG2.
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    As you can probably tell, there really is no simple 'one size fits all' formula and there are a lot of different variables. For what it's worth, my general workflow is this:
    Capture and edit footage in FCP
    Export as DV PAL 48khz, self-contained file
    Use MPEG2 encoder (BitVice, MegaPEG.X, Canopus Procoder, etc)
    Encode audio to AC3 (need to use Compressor for this bit)
    Bring encoded video and audio into DVDSP
    Add other elements (menus, subtitles, etc)
    Author and build the disc - or write to DLT for replication.
    Each stage of the process demands different skills and understandings about DVD in general... no two discs ever seem to be the same and as you can see I use a wide range of different software to accomplish the task.
    You certainly don't need anything more than DVDSP to build a disc, but the quality you can achieve may not be as high as if you use different tools for the different parts of the process. Exporting from FCP via Compressor is a Very Good Option™ if you want to have more control over how the compressed file will look - but you need to think about learning how Compressor works...
    Lots to think about... sorry!

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    Ouch indeed. I wish 'that fellow' the best! We don't have that problem though (we've got all the MXF's and a full backup of all the MXF's too, and everything was imported in 5.1). Our problem is a client who doesn't have 5.1, so he can't see the media we're exporting from 5.1 on his G4 with FCP 4.5. But he only needs to view the media, and it doesn't need to be in FCP - Quicktime Player would be fine. So we want to give him the material in a format that is compatible with his system So my question is - does DV exported from 5.1 suffer the same crossgrade format issues? And is it very timeconsuming to trasnscode out to DV from HD DVCPRO?
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    Thanks all,
    Best wishes

    Hi Thomas, that's it!
    Thanks for this - it clearly shows the TV standard and the resolution plus 4:3 etc., so everything I needed for confirmation.
    Glad I cheked because it was in Pal - thought the conversion in DVDxDVPro looked a bit ropey.
    This realy baffled me - seemed so simple but couldn't find a way to tell the standard. Learn something everyday...
    I am using DVCPro for export from DVDxDVPro - anyone thoughts on a better option?
    Thanks again for the answer - and so quick on a Sunday too!
    Kind regards

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    a. < Hard Drive with an available space of 12GB > If this is the Main hard disk
    the free space is way to low ! ! should be minimum 25Gb for iDVD to work as intended
    b. In iDVD 1-6 You can't set burn speed - it read from DVD discs and x16 is way
    to high to get an usable result. (In iDVD08 this can be set to x1)
    Way around:
    • In iDVD save as DiskImage (File menu and down)
    TEST this with Apple DVD-player.
    • If it doesn't play OK try to use another encoder
    • I use Best Performance - avoids the Best Quality though I don't think it is
    (In iDVD08 there is Pro Quality - I love it.)
    • Burn this to a DVD WITH Apple Disk Util tool where You can set burn speed
    or use Roxio Toast™ My favourite way - so easy.
    I use Verbatim
    I use only DVD-R (No +R or +/-RW)
    Yours Bengt W

  • Cannot burn a video edited in FCP with DVD Studio Pro

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    Sequence-720 x480 anamorphic DV/DVCPRO –NTSC
    exported video to compressors - looks right
    Used compressor’s DVD Best quality settings
    After encoding assets
    Put them in DVDSP. Below are the log notes-Any Ideas on what I need to do to burn a DVD?
    Im using three short edited videos in the sequence.
    Below is DVDSP log results
    Note: The file ‘Corona tourney-lip RipperZ fred hall DVD 03/12.ac3’ found in the ‘Lipp ripperZ  Fred hall DVD’ folder is not a DVD-Video file and will not be included in the final disc or DLT.
    Note: The file ‘Corona tourney-lip RipperZ fred hall DVD 03/12.m2v’ found in the ‘Lipp ripperZ  Fred hall DVD’ folder is not a DVD-Video file and will not be included in the final disc or DLT.
    Note: The file ‘lip RipperZ fred hall DVD 03/12.fcp’ found in the ‘Lipp ripperZ  Fred hall DVD’ folder is not a DVD-Video file and will not be included in the final disc or DLT.

    A few quick things to check -
    You are burning an SD Dvd and not an HD Dvd right?  (You can check to be sure in the Disc window/General/DVD Standard)  An HD Dvd will not play in a regular dvd player.
    If you right click on the dvd on the desk top and select Get Info, How much space does it say is used?

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    Thanks for the input on output! I'll try the QT method first since dropping into a DVCPro sequence didn't seem to work just now. I'm outputting to H.264 QT right now (for DVDs) so it'll be about half an hour before I can test again. I guess I'm wondering if I output to DVCPro QT, do I just crash record to DVDPro deck from Quicktime (which I've never done, but assume is pretty straightforward) or do I import back into FCP and output from there?

  • Question on exporting out to DV/DVCPRO - NTSC

    I am trying to conform footage to my Easy Setup in Final Cut Pro and for some reason, it won't. My Easy Setup is based on the DV/DVCPRO - NTSC setup with the aspect ratio being 720x480. When I export the footage out, it gives me 720x480 (640x480). That's fine.
    So I switch it to NTSC 720x480 4:3 and it still exports out as 640x480.
    I try the custom option and type in 720x480 and it still exports out as 720x480.
    What am I doing wrong? Is it trying to conform the aspect ratio to what the original video size is? Thanks.

    What am I doing wrong? Is it trying to conform the aspect ratio to what the original video size is?
    You are confusing the rectangular pixel encoding matrix (720x480) with the square pixel display dimensions (640x480). You must remember that DV was historically developed as a broadcast compression format to more closely reflect the rectangular pixel presentation of older CRT televisions having 720x480 rectangular pixels to display the equivalent of a 640x480 square pixel image.
    So I switch it to NTSC 720x480 4:3 and it still exports out as 640x480.
    I'm not quite sure what you saying you want to do here. If you were to display 720x480 rectangular pixels on a square pixel device (e.g., a computer monitor, HDTV, etc.), then at 720x480 square pixels the image would look somewhat squat with people and objects looking shorter and fatter than they should be because you have changed the aspect ratio from 4:3 (640x480) to 720x480 which would then have an actual square pixel aspect ratio of 1.5:1 (or 3:2) rather than 4:3.
    As an aside, a 16:9 anamorphic DV file would also encode to the same 720x480 data matrix but (as long as the flag is not lost) actually play back at either 640x360 or approximately 853.3x480 depending on the application in use and you would see an entry of 720x480 (853x480) or 720x480 (640x360) on the player Inspector or Info window.
    So, unless you are saying that your file has lost its anamorphic value (which can happen in some workflows), it sounds as if everything is working correctly.

  • Final Cut Export DVCPRO HD720p uncompressed/hi-res for tape and projection

    Well I've been through the many suggestions found throughout the forum and have tried many combinations of exporting options, timeline options and codecs and still for the life of me can't find the one that works. Please offer any advice you can.
    Export a 30 minute film with a DVCPro HD 720p60 timeline shot in 720p 23.98fps as uncompressed and as high resolution as possible for transfer to a Beta-SP for big screen projection.
    In trying the Uncompressed 8 and 10 bit exports the film's video became jumpy and some color's over saturated to the point of pixelation (is that a word?). I've created new Uncompressed timelines and exported from there as well to the same over saturated/pixel effect.
    Is just an export of a Quicktime movie with current settings and then use compressor with "DVDPRO HD 720p60" my best options? I've tried that too but not happy with the softness of some of it and as we're projecting BIG, I want to have the best resolution possible.
    Oh - and this time - size does NOT matter.
    Thanks for any pointers.

    What I mean is - how to create then a Quicktime someone without Final Cut can play. Exporting as a self-contained Quicktime movie does not seem to creat the stand alone file I may need. Any tips?

  • Exporting DVCPRO HD 720p60 Quality Problems with P2 footage.

    I have ingested several clips from P2 cards some shot at 24 and some at 60 using fcp 5.1.4. When I go to export out a QT file I choose file>export>using quick time conversion. Under format options I select DVCPRO HD 720p60 for compression type, but I get no quality settings under the compressor heading to modify. Just Motion, preview and data rate. All of wich are locked... When I hit okay the movie settings dialog box reads Compression:DVCPRO HD 720p60 Quality: Medium Dimensions: 960x720 (1248x702) (Compressor Native). How do I change the quality to best? A friend told me he had the option to change in fcp v 5.0.1. Also, in the Sequence Setting Dialog Box under QuickTime Video Settings I select Advanced and it shows me the compression type DVCPRO HD 720p60 and Motion with Frames per second, but the box under Compressor is blank as well. Is my software faulty or am I going about exporting exporting a high quality QT HD 720p60 file the wrong way?
    Secondly, when I ingest footage from a P2 card does it maintain the frame rate data that it was captured at digitally regardless of the projects audio video settings? I ask this because one project I did the easy setup after I already created a sequence by mistake with dv settings and the footage show a vid rate in the bin at 23.98 fps regardless if it is footage shot at 23.98 or 59.94. When I made a new project using the easy setup from the start and ingested a clip shot at 60 it show in the as vid rate of 59.94 not 239.8 like the first project I made. A tad confused as I feel I am not getting the best quality out of my footage. Does this have to do with setting the camera to 24pn for variable frame rates? Or does the vid rate pull from the project setting?
    As a side note, some of the footage I export appears to be slightly grainy, not sure if this is a result of the setting problems I am having.
    Thank You in Advance!!!

    If you are trying to export and maintain the same quality you have in the timeline then you don't need to use conversion. Just export to Quick Time Movie and check the box for Use Current Settings and Make Self Contained.

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