DVD application terminates unexpectedly

Hi all,
I have just recently bought myself  a new 27" iMac with i7 3.4GHz CPU, 2TB HDD and 16GB RAM (2x8GB). I am running Mountain Lion with all of the latest updates.
My problem is that whenever I try to play a DVD with the apple DVD player software, it terminates unexpectedly with a lot of trace information. No matter whether I try another DVD, choose to restart the DVD player or even restart the whole computer, no DVDs will play with the default DVD software. (I have tried with both region 2 and region 4 DVDs....my Mac was bought in Germany, so should be configured for region 2.)
DVDs play with the MplayerX software, but I still want to work out why the proper Apple software terminates. This problem does not occur on my MacBookPro, also with the latest Mountain Lion.
Has anyone else experienced this?
Thanks in advance,

I get the same sort of message each time relating to a bus error (Bus error: 10). After that, a long dump file.
The interesting thing is that I can play DVDs without any problems with both MplayerX and VLC...but it is just worrying that the apple DVD player cores on me.

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    The other applications..
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  • The application has unexpectedly quit???

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    I don't know what to do now? I have read that many people have had trouble with iDVD chapters being placed at transitions. I thought this must be a problem with the new iDVD5, because I have always placed chapters at transitions (and at the very beginning of a project) and I have never had a problem before.
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    Any thoughts or suggestions would be greatly appreciated,

    Thank you David,
    I appreciate your advise. As you suggested, I went back and moved all the chapters from each of the iMovies. I have never NOT placed a chapter at the very beginning of a project, and it seems strange for the "2nd" chapter to be listed as chapter #1 (since the first chapter "Beginning" is implied), but--- it worked!
    It is hard to say exactly what worked, because I also created an entirely new project. It was an exact duplicate of the original project in every way (except for the new chapter locations), but I simply couldn't figure out how to "update" the original project after I made the changes, and I thought that making a new project would be the easiest thing.
    So it is probably the chapter changes that fixed it, but perhaps there was some wierd problem with the first project. The other thing I was wondering about was that this project was less than 2 hours long, but not by much. When I looked at the "Status" section, I had used 3.8 of the available 4.0GB for video.
    But the bottom-line is that I am very happy that the project is complete, and I continue to be amazed at the high quality movies and DVD's I am able to create with the iLIFE programs.
    Now that this crisis is over, what is your opinion of iLIFE '05? Should I take the plunge and load it up, or keep working with programs that I am happy with? I must admit that I would love to have access to the new "THEMES" in iDVD, but as you can plainly see, I am simply not computer saavy enough to handle any of the new problems that I have read so much about in the iMovieHD, and iDVD5 discussion groups.
    Thanks again,

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    I have a problem with my Adobe Cs3 Design Premium package. I don't know if i have the correct forum section.
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    A crash report has been generated. To provide us with the best chance of fixing this problem, please select Continue to add a detailed description that includes the steps required to reproduce the crash."
    Adobe will use this crash report to help find a future solution to this problem.
    I had 512mb but upgraded it later to 2gb. Mac OSX is installed on a pc machine.
    Does anyone know this issue? and what can i do about it?
    I really appreciate any help,
    Jasper Bakkker

    Hi Hugo
    1. Do You have upgraded QuickTime to v.7 if not don't, else downgrade to
    2. Do You have enough free space on Your hard disk eg 20Gb recommended
    3. Do You start Your projects from within iMovie with the function
      Share/Export to iDVD. I don't. I use the ref. movie in the project
      folder/icon and close iMovie so that only iDVD is running
    4. Do You do other thing during DVD-processing. Don't.
    Yours Bengt W

  • All applications quit unexpectedly after update

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    these are the code:
    Process: iTunes [904]
    Path: /Applications/iTunes.app/Contents/MacOS/iTunes
    Identifier: com.apple.iTunes
    Version: ??? (???)
    Build Info: iTunes-9022501~2
    Code Type: X86 (Native)
    Parent Process: launchd [76]
    Date/Time: 2010-01-03 00:28:40.671 +0000
    OS Version: Mac OS X 10.6.2 (10C540)
    Report Version: 6
    Interval Since Last Report: 152362 sec
    Crashes Since Last Report: 160
    Per-App Crashes Since Last Report: 15
    Anonymous UUID: 3D1CDC10-F00D-4E4C-9FC1-7958BD9A83C9
    Exception Type: EXC_BREAKPOINT (SIGTRAP)
    Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000002, 0x0000000000000000
    Crashed Thread: 0
    Dyld Error Message:
    Symbol not found: __ZNK3JSC6JSCell17getTruncatedInt32ERi
    Referenced from: /System/Library/Frameworks/WebKit.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/WebCore.frame work/Versions/A/WebCore
    Expected in: /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaScriptCore.framework/Versions/A/JavaScriptCore
    in /System/Library/Frameworks/WebKit.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/WebCore.frame work/Versions/A/WebCore
    Model: MacBookPro5,5, BootROM MBP55.00AC.B03, 2 processors, Intel Core 2 Duo, 2.26 GHz, 2 GB, SMC 1.47f2
    Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce 9400M, NVIDIA GeForce 9400M, PCI, 256 MB
    Memory Module: global_name
    AirPort: spairportwireless_card_type_airportextreme (0x14E4, 0x8D), Broadcom BCM43xx 1.0 (
    Bluetooth: Version 2.2.4f3, 2 service, 0 devices, 1 incoming serial ports
    Network Service: AirPort, AirPort, en1
    Serial ATA Device: Hitachi HTS545016B9SA02, 149.05 GB
    Serial ATA Device: OPTIARC DVD RW AD-5960S
    USB Device: Built-in iSight, 0x05ac (Apple Inc.), 0x8507, 0x24400000
    USB Device: iPhone, 0x05ac (Apple Inc.), 0x1294, 0x26200000
    USB Device: Internal Memory Card Reader, 0x05ac (Apple Inc.), 0x8403, 0x26500000
    USB Device: Apple Internal Keyboard / Trackpad, 0x05ac (Apple Inc.), 0x0237, 0x04600000
    USB Device: IR Receiver, 0x05ac (Apple Inc.), 0x8242, 0x04500000
    USB Device: BRCM2046 Hub, 0x0a5c (Broadcom Corp.), 0x4500, 0x06100000
    USB Device: Bluetooth USB Host Controller, 0x05ac (Apple Inc.), 0x8213, 0x06110000

    Hi kenneth, it sounds as if you have an issue with a problematic Apple "Framework" file.
    Try downloading the "Combo" update of OSX 10.6.2 from http://support.apple.com/kb/DL959 (it is a big download, I'm afraid) and installing it over the top of your current installation.

  • Why does dvd on my new iMac keep giving me the notice, DVD player closed unexpectedly whenever I try to open it or load a dvd?

    I have had my imac a couple of days and when i went to play a dvd for my OU course I could hear the disc spinning then it stopped and told me "DVD player stopped unexpectedly"
    Its my first Apple product other than my iPad 3 so I'm a little bit lost at how to fix it -.-

    You coud try this reset
    Shut down the computer.
    Unplug the computer's power cord and ALL peripherals.
    Wait 15 seconds.
    Attach the computers power cable.
    Wait another 5 seconds and press the power button to turn on the computer.
    It is the 5 second timing that initiates the reset.
    Sometimes it helps, also make sure the DVD is impeccably clean.

  • Bug fix for JRC application throws "Unexpected database connector" ?

    I'd appreciate if anyone has information on this particular bug and the expected date for releasing the fix.  I face this issue with Crystal Reports for Eclipse SP4 also.
    Here is the link:
    Here are the details of the bug in case you'd rather not click the link:
    JRC application throws "Unexpected database connector" error when certain parameter value is selected
    The same workflow with same report works fine in Crystal Reports Designer and Infoview
    Crystal Reports for Eclipse 2.0 SP3
    Reproducing the Issue
       1. Create a report with parameter field with several default values
       2. Refresh the report in Crystal Reports Designer and select different parameter value, the report displays well
       3. Develop a JRC application using Crystal Report for Eclipse 2.0 SP3 JAR files to display the above report
       4. JRC application throws "Unexpected database connector" error when certain parameter value is selected
    The issue has been identified and logged under Problem Report ID ADAPT01311448
    This issue is scheduled to be addressed in a future Service Pack.

    Thank you very much for your response.  I downloaded Crystal for Eclipse very recently (about two weeks ago) using the URL
    My understanding is that I already have the latest service pack that should have the fix for this bug.  Can you help as to why I still see this issue?
    Thank you.

  • Application quits unexpectedly

    Hey everyone,
    I have a really annoying problem that I think is connected to Snow Leopard, but I'm sure a large part of it is my own stupidity.
    Back in May, I downloaded a copy of Dinertown Tycoon (I know-shutup) and I played it until I only had 2 minutes left of free time, and then forgot about it. Recently I installed Snow Leopard.
    The other day I found it again, and finished playing the last two minutes. Then I went to BigFishGames to buy the game. I bought it, they emailed me a license key, but it didn't work. So, with my keen powers of deduction, I realized that I had probably downloaded the game from Macgamestore.com and not BigFishGames. So I removed the existing game, and downloaded it new from BigFishGames. Then, I tried to open it, and it didn't work.
    The icon will bounce a few times in the dock, then an error message comes up, saying the application quit unexpectedly. I've uninstalled and reinstalled, redownloaded etc several times. The BigFishGames people were completely unhelpful in their response. Here's the "details" part of the error message--it's long, but I have no clue which part of it might be helpful.
    Process: BigMacWrapper [1499]
    Path: /Applications/DinerTown Tycoon.app/Contents/MacOS/BigMacWrapper
    Identifier: com.apple.myCarbonApp
    Version: ??? (???)
    Code Type: X86 (Native)
    Parent Process: launchd [78]
    Date/Time: 2009-10-12 21:21:51.456 -0400
    OS Version: Mac OS X 10.6 (10A432)
    Report Version: 6
    Interval Since Last Report: 63141 sec
    Crashes Since Last Report: 2
    Per-App Crashes Since Last Report: 2
    Anonymous UUID: 79A50E22-3AFE-4EFC-8E5C-2087CE2EC725
    Exception Type: EXCBADACCESS (SIGSEGV)
    Exception Codes: KERNINVALIDADDRESS at 0x0000000000300000
    Crashed Thread: 0 Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread
    Thread 0 Crashed: Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread
    0 com.apple.myCarbonApp 0x00006701 KIniReader::getString(char*, char*, char*, long) + 209
    1 com.apple.myCarbonApp 0x00005603 main + 1267
    2 com.apple.myCarbonApp 0x000027e2 _start + 216
    3 com.apple.myCarbonApp 0x00002709 start + 41
    Thread 0 crashed with X86 Thread State (32-bit):
    eax: 0x00000001 ebx: 0x00107236 ecx: 0x001f8dc0 edx: 0xbfffe001
    edi: 0x000000ff esi: 0x00107240 ebp: 0xbfffe228 esp: 0xbfffe000
    ss: 0x0000001f efl: 0x00010216 eip: 0x00006701 cs: 0x00000017
    ds: 0x0000001f es: 0x0000001f fs: 0x00000000 gs: 0x00000037
    cr2: 0x00300000
    Binary Images:
    0x1000 - 0x6ff3 com.apple.myCarbonApp ??? (1.0) /Applications/DinerTown Tycoon.app/Contents/MacOS/BigMacWrapper
    0x8fe00000 - 0x8fe4162b dyld 132.1 (???) <211AF0DD-42D9-79C8-BB6A-1F4BEEF4B4AB> /usr/lib/dyld
    0x90003000 - 0x90018fff com.apple.ImageCapture 6.0 (6.0) <3F31833A-38A9-444E-02B7-17619CA6F2A0> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ImageCapture. framework/Versions/A/ImageCapture
    0x90055000 - 0x90067ff7 com.apple.MultitouchSupport.framework 200.20 (200.20) <1D7EE15B-ADDD-1F57-F1FB-FB5252910D5A> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MultitouchSupport.framework/Versions/A/Multit ouchSupport
    0x90068000 - 0x9006ffff com.apple.print.framework.Print 6.0 (237) <7A06B15C-B835-096E-7D96-C2FE8F0D21E1> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/Print.framewo rk/Versions/A/Print
    0x90070000 - 0x9014dff7 com.apple.vImage 4.0 (4.0) <64597E4B-F144-DBB3-F428-0EC3D9A1219E> /System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/vImage.fr amework/Versions/A/vImage
    0x9014e000 - 0x9046dfe7 com.apple.CoreServices.CarbonCore 859.1 (859.1) <2E72AF56-4BE6-294A-7372-19C360688B8B> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/CarbonC ore.framework/Versions/A/CarbonCore
    0x9051c000 - 0x9056cfe7 libGLU.dylib ??? (???) <55A69DCE-1237-341E-F239-CDFE1F5B19BB> /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/Libraries/libGLU.dylib
    0x9057b000 - 0x90991ff7 libBLAS.dylib ??? (???) <C4FB303A-DB4D-F9E8-181C-129585E59603> /System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/vecLib.fr amework/Versions/A/libBLAS.dylib
    0x909db000 - 0x90a35ff7 com.apple.framework.IOKit 2.0 (???) <7618DDEC-2E3B-9C6E-FDC9-15169E24B4FB> /System/Library/Frameworks/IOKit.framework/Versions/A/IOKit
    0x90a36000 - 0x90a36ff7 com.apple.ApplicationServices 38 (38) <8012B504-3D83-BFBB-DA65-065E061CFE03> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Application Services
    0x90c8d000 - 0x90ca1fe7 libbsm.0.dylib ??? (???) <14CB053A-7C47-96DA-E415-0906BA1B78C9> /usr/lib/libbsm.0.dylib
    0x90ca2000 - 0x90ca2ff7 com.apple.Accelerate.vecLib 3.5 (vecLib 3.5) <3E039E14-2A15-56CC-0074-EE59F9FBB913> /System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/vecLib.fr amework/Versions/A/vecLib
    0x90ca3000 - 0x90ca6ffb com.apple.help 1.3.1 (41) <67F1F424-3983-7A2A-EC21-867BE838E90B> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/Help.framewor k/Versions/A/Help
    0x90ca7000 - 0x90cc5ff7 com.apple.CoreVideo 1.6.0 (43.0) <3A853574-DD9E-08D8-FD2C-6221B55C3E08> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreVideo.framework/Versions/A/CoreVideo
    0x916bd000 - 0x916f1ff7 libcups.2.dylib ??? (???) <9078BA07-DEE1-6597-D15D-7BE3A20CB5A0> /usr/lib/libcups.2.dylib
    0x916f2000 - 0x91742ff7 com.apple.framework.familycontrols 2.0 (2.0) <50617342-E578-4C1C-938A-19A37ECA91CA> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/FamilyControls.framework/Versions/A/FamilyCon trols
    0x91743000 - 0x91844fe7 libxml2.2.dylib ??? (???) <C242A74D-280A-90C3-3F79-891624AA45D2> /usr/lib/libxml2.2.dylib
    0x91845000 - 0x918beff3 com.apple.audio.CoreAudio 3.2.0 (3.2) <91AE891E-6015-AABE-3512-2D5EBCA0937B> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreAudio.framework/Versions/A/CoreAudio
    0x918ca000 - 0x91907ff7 com.apple.SystemConfiguration 1.10 (1.10) <897AEEAF-CF5D-2843-C33B-31A0A7C98A6A> /System/Library/Frameworks/SystemConfiguration.framework/Versions/A/SystemConfi guration
    0x9199d000 - 0x919e0ff7 com.apple.NavigationServices 3.5.3 (181) <28CDD978-030E-7D4A-5334-874A8EBE6C29> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/NavigationSer vices.framework/Versions/A/NavigationServices
    0x91b0a000 - 0x91b0cff7 com.apple.securityhi 4.0 (36638) <962C66FB-5BE9-634E-0810-036CB340C059> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/SecurityHI.fr amework/Versions/A/SecurityHI
    0x91b0d000 - 0x91b0dff7 com.apple.CoreServices 44 (44) <AC35D112-5FB9-9C8C-6189-5F5945072375> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/CoreServices
    0x91b0e000 - 0x91e72ff7 com.apple.QuartzCore 1.6.0 (226.0) <7E29DD09-BE04-AA06-5C81-5C093F16901B> /System/Library/Frameworks/QuartzCore.framework/Versions/A/QuartzCore
    0x91e73000 - 0x91f0ffe7 com.apple.ApplicationServices.ATS 4.0 (???) <81700C90-2614-F7E2-CC6A-B01C24A2BD75> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ ATS.framework/Versions/A/ATS
    0x921ae000 - 0x921b1ff7 libCoreVMClient.dylib ??? (???) <16BB2178-B32D-E57E-F1E4-D177F7754232> /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/Libraries/libCoreVMClien t.dylib
    0x92226000 - 0x92318ff7 libcrypto.0.9.8.dylib ??? (???) <792B8722-3091-5E9F-E25F-67499CFE0599> /usr/lib/libcrypto.0.9.8.dylib
    0x923c4000 - 0x923c8ff7 IOSurface ??? (???) <C11D3FF3-EB51-A07D-EF24-9C2004115724> /System/Library/Frameworks/IOSurface.framework/Versions/A/IOSurface
    0x923c9000 - 0x923e1ff7 com.apple.CFOpenDirectory 10.6 (10.6) <1537FB4F-C112-5D12-1E5D-3B1002A4038F> /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenDirectory.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/CFOpen Directory.framework/Versions/A/CFOpenDirectory
    0x9249f000 - 0x924fffe7 com.apple.CoreText 3.0.0 (???) <8F4FCAE2-8E6F-F0DE-A6AA-15D0228B7F13> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ CoreText.framework/Versions/A/CoreText
    0x925cc000 - 0x9267bff3 com.apple.ink.framework 1.3 (104) <8526D880-D367-3EF9-DBFD-9A6AB240F57A> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/Ink.framework /Versions/A/Ink
    0x9267c000 - 0x926a2fff com.apple.DictionaryServices 1.1 (1.1) <07694B30-56A9-5C98-B8BC-DA0628715FA8> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/Diction aryServices.framework/Versions/A/DictionaryServices
    0x927e2000 - 0x927e8fff com.apple.CommonPanels 1.2.4 (91) <2438AF5D-067B-B9FD-1248-2C9987F360BA> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/CommonPanels. framework/Versions/A/CommonPanels
    0x92862000 - 0x9286cfe7 com.apple.audio.SoundManager 3.9.3 (3.9.3) <5F494955-7290-2D91-DA94-44B590191771> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/CarbonSound.f ramework/Versions/A/CarbonSound
    0x9286d000 - 0x928b3ff7 libauto.dylib ??? (???) <FAB17F30-A28B-E33D-6E21-C7119C9C83ED> /usr/lib/libauto.dylib
    0x929bc000 - 0x92a97fef com.apple.DesktopServices 1.5.0 (1.5.0) <5295C246-805B-DBCD-BA61-1AE9A458CF73> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DesktopServicesPriv.framework/Versions/A/Desk topServicesPriv
    0x92a98000 - 0x92adcff3 com.apple.coreui 0.2 (112) <A810DFFD-6314-5E2B-93A4-D5626634B1EE> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CoreUI.framework/Versions/A/CoreUI
    0x92b34000 - 0x92b81feb com.apple.DirectoryService.PasswordServerFramework 6.0 (6.0) <BF66BA5D-BBC8-78A5-DBE2-F9DE3DD1D775> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/PasswordServer.framework/Versions/A/PasswordS erver
    0x9345f000 - 0x936cfffb com.apple.Foundation 6.6 (751) <A61B645E-1A15-5BCA-3043-C8AB85C6AD30> /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation
    0x936d0000 - 0x936daff7 libGL.dylib ??? (???) <B375A3B6-2983-A4E4-50FB-9087FD606FD6> /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/Libraries/libGL.dylib
    0x936db000 - 0x93778ff3 com.apple.LaunchServices 360.3 (360.3) <C8590D53-E46A-F58A-7CF2-03A8159D8569> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/LaunchS ervices.framework/Versions/A/LaunchServices
    0x93c28000 - 0x93dccfeb libSystem.B.dylib ??? (???) <068CC3F2-F867-A231-A16C-CC01C29A9816> /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib
    0x93dd3000 - 0x93e04ff7 libGLImage.dylib ??? (???) <0FB347C7-A579-4E51-4733-39AB28064554> /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/Libraries/libGLImage.dyl ib
    0x93e05000 - 0x93fc1fef com.apple.ImageIO.framework 3.0.0 (3.0.0) <A37E541F-3D6A-2BE9-AB32-F60CCDE13608> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ ImageIO.framework/Versions/A/ImageIO
    0x940d9000 - 0x948ba497 com.apple.CoreGraphics 1.535.5 (???) <0B93D29C-D957-AD00-10F3-94112D75D6D9> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ CoreGraphics.framework/Versions/A/CoreGraphics
    0x948bb000 - 0x948eeff7 com.apple.AE 496 (496) <B638FDD4-7322-F0E4-ACEB-777D8A1399E1> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/AE.fram ework/Versions/A/AE
    0x94910000 - 0x94911ff7 com.apple.audio.units.AudioUnit 1.6 (1.6) <68180B96-381C-A09D-5576-606A134FD953> /System/Library/Frameworks/AudioUnit.framework/Versions/A/AudioUnit
    0x94912000 - 0x94913ff7 com.apple.TrustEvaluationAgent 1.0 (1) <71E2DA16-83EC-6056-FFEE-862A04B5599F> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/TrustEvaluationAgent.framework/Versions/A/Tru stEvaluationAgent
    0x94914000 - 0x9495dfe7 libTIFF.dylib ??? (???) <6EF87001-6FB4-1405-C588-F6D8042D3534> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ ImageIO.framework/Versions/A/Resources/libTIFF.dylib
    0x94b76000 - 0x94b82ff7 libkxld.dylib ??? (???) <152C8DBB-0149-5827-3240-E57CA85CFE5F> /usr/lib/system/libkxld.dylib
    0x95d4f000 - 0x95dfcfe7 libobjc.A.dylib ??? (???) <410DD065-A18F-F054-0457-65525F4D1039> /usr/lib/libobjc.A.dylib
    0x96066000 - 0x9606aff7 libGFXShared.dylib ??? (???) <ED62E870-E219-C873-88AA-9CE08108F811> /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/Libraries/libGFXShared.d ylib
    0x9606b000 - 0x962cdff3 com.apple.security 6.0 (36910) <F045B57C-054F-F06F-EF7E-EABEC2700274> /System/Library/Frameworks/Security.framework/Versions/A/Security
    0x962ce000 - 0x962ceff7 com.apple.vecLib 3.5 (vecLib 3.5) <17BEEF92-DF30-CD52-FD65-0B7B43B93617> /System/Library/Frameworks/vecLib.framework/Versions/A/vecLib
    0x962cf000 - 0x962eefe7 com.apple.opencl 11 (11) <372A42E7-FB10-B74D-E1A0-980E94D07021> /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenCL.framework/Versions/A/OpenCL
    0x962ef000 - 0x96397ff7 com.apple.QD 3.31 (???) <40FCAC85-4E4F-2290-90D4-F66D550ADFDC> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ QD.framework/Versions/A/QD
    0x96398000 - 0x96430fe7 edu.mit.Kerberos 6.5.8 (6.5.8) <BA9BD282-FF56-3BFD-E78C-7DBE73B48480> /System/Library/Frameworks/Kerberos.framework/Versions/A/Kerberos
    0x96431000 - 0x96459ff7 libxslt.1.dylib ??? (???) <769EF4B2-C1AD-73D5-AAAD-1564DAEA77AF> /usr/lib/libxslt.1.dylib
    0x9645a000 - 0x96463ff7 com.apple.DiskArbitration 2.3 (2.3) <E9C40767-DA6A-6CCB-8B00-2D5706753000> /System/Library/Frameworks/DiskArbitration.framework/Versions/A/DiskArbitration
    0x96464000 - 0x96484fe7 libresolv.9.dylib ??? (???) <A48921CB-3FA7-3071-AF9C-2D86FB493A3A> /usr/lib/libresolv.9.dylib
    0x9677f000 - 0x96781ff7 libRadiance.dylib ??? (???) <0E03CF64-0931-7B9A-F617-4387B809D6D8> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ ImageIO.framework/Versions/A/Resources/libRadiance.dylib
    0x96782000 - 0x96813fe3 com.apple.print.framework.PrintCore 6.0 (312) <C588530A-0F2C-DD72-E308-3B8735125189> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ PrintCore.framework/Versions/A/PrintCore
    0x96814000 - 0x96894feb com.apple.SearchKit 1.3.0 (1.3.0) <9E18AEA5-F4B4-8BE5-EEA9-818FC4F46FD9> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/SearchK it.framework/Versions/A/SearchKit
    0x968e6000 - 0x9692afe7 com.apple.Metadata 10.6.0 (507.1) <CBD1B22B-5F10-C784-03A2-35106B97DF3F> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/Metadat a.framework/Versions/A/Metadata
    0x9692e000 - 0x96932ff7 libGIF.dylib ??? (???) <51848EBF-27D4-0F85-C22A-D1AE10D328F3> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ ImageIO.framework/Versions/A/Resources/libGIF.dylib
    0x96933000 - 0x9694ffe3 com.apple.openscripting 1.3 (???) <D2FF4419-FD71-5D4A-F397-B03E82085232> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/OpenScripting .framework/Versions/A/OpenScripting
    0x96b70000 - 0x96b84ffb com.apple.speech.synthesis.framework 3.10.35 (3.10.35) <57DD5458-4F24-DA7D-0927-C3321A65D743> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ SpeechSynthesis.framework/Versions/A/SpeechSynthesis
    0x96bd2000 - 0x96bd2ff7 com.apple.Carbon 150 (152) <608A04AB-F35D-D2EB-6629-16B88FB32074> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Carbon
    0x96bd3000 - 0x96bd6fe7 libmathCommon.A.dylib ??? (???) <1622A54F-1A98-2CBE-B6A4-2122981A500E> /usr/lib/system/libmathCommon.A.dylib
    0x96c4b000 - 0x96cb5fe7 libstdc++.6.dylib ??? (???) <411D87F4-B7E1-44EB-F201-F8B4F9227213> /usr/lib/libstdc++.6.dylib
    0x96cb6000 - 0x96cbbff7 com.apple.OpenDirectory 10.6 (10.6) <92582807-E8F3-3DD9-EB42-4195CFB754A1> /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenDirectory.framework/Versions/A/OpenDirectory
    0x96e18000 - 0x96ee2fef com.apple.CoreServices.OSServices 352 (352) <D9F21CA4-EED0-705F-8F3C-F1322D114B52> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/OSServi ces.framework/Versions/A/OSServices
    0x9706b000 - 0x9708dff3 com.apple.DirectoryService.Framework 3.6 (621) <61569C79-6567-BE8F-4F76-BAC04E5FBF79> /System/Library/Frameworks/DirectoryService.framework/Versions/A/DirectoryServi ce
    0x9708e000 - 0x970fdff7 libvMisc.dylib ??? (???) <59243A8C-2B98-3E71-8032-884D4853E79F> /System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/vecLib.fr amework/Versions/A/libvMisc.dylib
    0x97173000 - 0x97225ffb libFontParser.dylib ??? (???) <EB089832-660F-0B34-3AC8-CCDA937987D9> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ ATS.framework/Versions/A/Resources/libFontParser.dylib
    0x9751a000 - 0x9751aff7 com.apple.Accelerate 1.5 (Accelerate 1.5) <F642E7A0-3720-FA19-0190-E6DBD9EF2D9B> /System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework/Versions/A/Accelerate
    0x9751b000 - 0x9759dffb SecurityFoundation ??? (???) <29C27E0E-B2B3-BF6B-B1F8-5783B8B01535> /System/Library/Frameworks/SecurityFoundation.framework/Versions/A/SecurityFoun dation
    0x9759e000 - 0x97657fe7 libsqlite3.dylib ??? (???) <16CEF8E8-8C9A-94CD-EF5D-05477844C005> /usr/lib/libsqlite3.dylib
    0x97660000 - 0x977e2fe7 libicucore.A.dylib ??? (???) <FBB66376-CBA9-8149-A1AA-10AB8578C3B3> /usr/lib/libicucore.A.dylib
    0x97825000 - 0x97c5aff7 libLAPACK.dylib ??? (???) <5E2D2283-57DE-9A49-1DB0-CD027FEFA6C2> /System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/vecLib.fr amework/Versions/A/libLAPACK.dylib
    0x97c5b000 - 0x97c76ff7 libPng.dylib ??? (???) <38DD4AA1-0643-85A0-F2F5-EE9269729975> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ ImageIO.framework/Versions/A/Resources/libPng.dylib
    0x97cce000 - 0x97e45fef com.apple.CoreFoundation 6.6 (550) <193E33D6-2E92-3452-773B-60A1A9CCC573> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
    0x98054000 - 0x98103fef com.apple.ColorSync 4.6.0 (4.6.0) <66ABAE86-B0EC-D641-913D-08ACA965F9FA> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ ColorSync.framework/Versions/A/ColorSync
    0x98370000 - 0x9837dff7 com.apple.NetFS 3.2 (3.2) <E6FD80B0-0238-0C42-A3EC-EBDEC107A1C3> /System/Library/Frameworks/NetFS.framework/Versions/A/NetFS
    0x9837e000 - 0x983cfff7 com.apple.HIServices 1.8.0 (???) <B8EC13DB-A81A-91BF-8C82-66E840C64C91> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ HIServices.framework/Versions/A/HIServices
    0x983d0000 - 0x984f9fe7 com.apple.audio.toolbox.AudioToolbox 1.6 (1.6) <62BEEBE6-68FC-4A48-91CF-39DA2BD793F1> /System/Library/Frameworks/AudioToolbox.framework/Versions/A/AudioToolbox
    0x985f8000 - 0x9869ffe7 com.apple.CFNetwork 454.4 (454.4) <7C563385-9893-3B48-8607-5BC81DA2C4CF> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/CFNetwo rk.framework/Versions/A/CFNetwork
    0x986df000 - 0x986ecff7 com.apple.opengl 1.6.3 (1.6.3) <59D86286-B46F-B0E4-68F8-E5CDCADE393E> /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/OpenGL
    0x98931000 - 0x98c54fef com.apple.HIToolbox 1.6.0 (???) <6F95AF67-678A-D8BC-FFC2-029C9AA2F44A> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/HIToolbox.fra mework/Versions/A/HIToolbox
    0x98c55000 - 0x98c97fe7 libvDSP.dylib ??? (???) <8F8FFFB3-81E3-2969-5688-D5B0979182E6> /System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/vecLib.fr amework/Versions/A/libvDSP.dylib
    0x98df5000 - 0x98e05ff7 libsasl2.2.dylib ??? (???) <C8744EA3-0AB7-CD03-E639-C4F2B910BE5D> /usr/lib/libsasl2.2.dylib
    0x98f10000 - 0x99006ff7 libGLProgrammability.dylib ??? (???) <B8E40851-3A01-7D01-2F96-537BF7FA63B5> /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/Libraries/libGLProgramma bility.dylib
    0x99047000 - 0x990abffb com.apple.htmlrendering 72 (1.1.4) <4D451A35-FAB6-1288-71F6-F24A4B6E2371> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/HTMLRendering .framework/Versions/A/HTMLRendering
    0x990ea000 - 0x990f8fe7 libz.1.dylib ??? (???) <7B7A02AB-DA99-6180-880E-D28E4F9AA8EB> /usr/lib/libz.1.dylib
    0x990ff000 - 0x99109ffb com.apple.speech.recognition.framework 3.10.10 (3.10.10) <E106CC3A-7633-5587-0B29-64E19FCBC613> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/SpeechRecogni tion.framework/Versions/A/SpeechRecognition
    0x9910a000 - 0x9911bff7 com.apple.LangAnalysis 1.6.5 (1.6.5) <E77440D0-76EE-EB4C-3D00-9EDE417F13CF> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ LangAnalysis.framework/Versions/A/LangAnalysis
    0x9940b000 - 0x9942fff7 libJPEG.dylib ??? (???) <265DBF67-994E-E320-4CB1-9C3DE792C3B2> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ ImageIO.framework/Versions/A/Resources/libJPEG.dylib
    0xffff0000 - 0xffff1fff libSystem.B.dylib ??? (???) <068CC3F2-F867-A231-A16C-CC01C29A9816> /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib
    Model: MacBookPro3,1, BootROM MBP31.0070.B07, 2 processors, Intel Core 2 Duo, 2.4 GHz, 2 GB, SMC 1.16f11
    Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce 8600M GT, GeForce 8600M GT, PCIe, 256 MB
    Memory Module: global_name
    AirPort: spairportwireless_card_type_airportextreme (0x168C, 0x87), Atheros 5416:
    Bluetooth: Version 2.2.0f18, 2 service, 0 devices, 1 incoming serial ports
    Network Service: AirPort, AirPort, en1
    PCI Card: pci168c,24, sppci_othernetwork, PCI Slot 5
    Serial ATA Device: Hitachi HTS542525K9SA00, 232.89 GB
    Parallel ATA Device: MATSHITADVD-R UJ-857E
    USB Device: Built-in iSight, 0x05ac (Apple Inc.), 0x8502, 0xfd400000
    USB Device: Apple Internal Keyboard / Trackpad, 0x05ac (Apple Inc.), 0x021a, 0x5d200000
    USB Device: IR Receiver, 0x05ac (Apple Inc.), 0x8242, 0x5d100000
    USB Device: Bluetooth USB Host Controller, 0x05ac (Apple Inc.), 0x8205, 0x1a100000
    Thanks very much for all your help in advance. I'm not exactly a Mac noob, but I'm certainly no genius and I'm very thankful to all of you.

    felineaids wrote:
    Back in May, I downloaded a copy of Dinertown Tycoon (I know-shutup) and I played it until I only had 2 minutes left of free time, and then forgot about it. Recently I installed Snow Leopard.
    The other day I found it again, and finished playing the last two minutes. Then I went to BigFishGames to buy the game. I bought it, they emailed me a license key, but it didn't work. So, with my keen powers of deduction, I realized that I had probably downloaded the game from Macgamestore.com and not BigFishGames. So I removed the existing game, and downloaded it new from BigFishGames. Then, I tried to open it, and it didn't work.
    The icon will bounce a few times in the dock, then an error message comes up, saying the application quit unexpectedly. I've uninstalled and reinstalled, redownloaded etc several times. The BigFishGames people were completely unhelpful in their response. Here's the "details" part of the error message--it's long, but I have no clue which part of it might be helpful.
    I didn't see any obvious "smoking gun" in that dump. Have the BigFishGames assured you they've tested that game throughly with 10.6 and that it's compatible?

  • My iPhoto is not working, it quit unexpecly and it shows this message- The application "iPhoto" unexpectedly quit while trying to restore its windows.  Do you want to try to restore its windows again?

    i can't open my iPhoto, it was working very slow and now its not working at all, when i try to open it it shows this message: The application “iPhoto” unexpectedly quit while trying to restore its windows.  Do you want to try to restore its windows again?
    how can i fix this problem?

    There are 9 different versions of iPhoto and they run on 10 different versions of the Operating System. The tricks and tips for dealing with issues vary depending on the version of iPhoto and the version of the OS. So to get help you need to give as much information as you can. Include things like:
    - What version of iPhoto.
    - What version of the Operating System.
    - Details. As full a description of the problem as you can. For example, if you have a problem with exporting, then explain by describing how you are trying to export, and so on.
    - History: Is this going on long? Has anything been installed or deleted? - Are there error messages?
    - What steps have you tried already to solve the issue.
    - Anything unusual about your set up? Or how you use iPhoto?
    Anything else you can think of that might help someone understand the problem you have.

  • Applications quit unexpectedly immediatly

    About half of my applications are unexpectedly quitting immediatly after opening, such as safari, dashboard, dictionary, help, software update. As soon as I open the icon the programs try to launch and quit. Is there any program I can run to try and solve, or find out what the problem may be?

    Hi gilbert5,
    This article might help: Apple applications unexpectedly quit
    If this answered your question please consider granting some stars: Why reward points?

  • Using OSX 10.5.8, just downloaded latest version of Firefox which now refuses to load with the message "Application quit unexpectedly".

    I am unable to load Firefox on my iMac using OSX 10.5.8. Having just downloaded the latest version of Firefox, every time I try to load it, I just get the message "Application quite unexpectedly." When I go to the Firefox website to re-load the software, nothing happens when I click on download.

    Hopefully this support article is what you need:
    In any case, it's possible that you are having a problem with some Firefox add-on that is hindering your Firefox's normal behavior. Have you tried disabling all add-ons (just to check), to see if Firefox goes back to normal?
    Whenever you have a problem with Firefox, whatever it is, you should make sure it's not caused by one (or more than one) of your installed add-ons, be it an extension, a theme or a plugin. To do that easily and cleanly, run Firefox in [http://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/Safe+Mode safe mode] (don't forget to select ''Disable all add-ons'' when you start safe mode). If the problem disappears, you know it's from an add-on. Disable them all in normal mode, and enable them one at a time until you find the source of the problem. See [http://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/Troubleshooting+extensions+and+themes this article] for information about troubleshooting extensions and themes and [https://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/Troubleshooting+plugins this one] for plugins.
    If you need support for one of your add-ons, you'll have to contact its author.
    If the problem does not disappear when all add-ons are disabled, please tell me, so we can work from there. Please have no fear of following my instructions to the line, as all can be easily undone.

  • Why do my applications keep unexpectedly closing?

    Everytime I open an application on my mac book pro it automatically sends me to an error message saying "insert name of application" quit unexpectedly click reopen to open the application again. This report will be sent to Apple automatically.
    Once i press reopen however the same message continues to apear, and i am unable to open any of my applications.
    What should I do?

    Have you rebooted since this started? If not, try that first.

  • DVD player quit unexpectedly message?

    I have a brand new MacBook Pro. When I load in any DVD I get a window saying "DVD Player quit unexpectedly". Is this something I didn't set up or do correctly? Or is there a problem that I need to go back to the store for repair?

    There is a supplemental 10.8.2 update that came out yesterday. Check Software Update.

  • Restore windows is the headline.the application "finder" unexpectedly quit while trying to restore its windows.do you want to restore its windows again? i clicked restore windows option which is showed on the monitor and jumping repeatedly .pleas solve it

    restore windows is the headline.the application "finder" unexpectedly quit while trying to restore its windows.do you want to restore its windows again?this message showing on monitor. i clicked restore windows option which is showed on the monitor and jumping repeatedly .please tell me how can i solve it?

    Selecting the "No" button will tell Finder not to try and reopen the windows.

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